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Phytophthora plant pathogens contain many hundreds of effectors potentially involved in infection of host plants. Comparative genomic analyses have shown that these effectors evolve rapidly and have been subject to recent expansions. We examined the recent sequence evolution of RXLR-class effector gene families in the sudden oak death pathogen, P. ramorum. We found that P. ramorum RXLR effectors have taken multiple evolutionary paths, including loss or gain of repeated domains, recombination or gene conversion among paralogs, and selection on point mutations. Sequencing of homologs from two subfamilies in P. ramorum’s closest known relatives revealed repeated gene duplication and divergence since speciation with P. lateralis. One family showed strong signatures of recombination while the other family has evolved primarily by point mutation. Comparison of a small number of the hundreds of RXLR-class effectors across three clonal lineages of P. ramorum shows striking divergence in alleles among lineages, suggesting the potential for functional differences between lineages. Our results suggest future avenues for examination of rapidly evolving effectors in P. ramorum, including investigation of the functional and coevolutionary significance of the patterns of sequence evolution that we observed.  相似文献   

植物Myb转录因子的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过转录因子在转录水平上调控目的基因表达是植物对其生长发育及生理代谢调控的一种重要方式.Myb(v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog)转录因子是最大的植物转录因子家族成员之一,参与了细胞分化、细胞周期的调节,激素和环境因子应答,并对植物次生代谢以及叶片等器官形态建成具有重要的调节作用.最近的研究表明,Myb类转录因子参与了植物花色素形成过程的调控,对果皮、果肉,甚至叶片的着色都起到了重要作用.本文对Myb类转录因子的发现及其结构特征进行了详细综述,重点介绍了Myb转录因子在植物花色素苷合成代谢调节研究中的新发现,以期为Myb转录因子的研究和利用提供参考.  相似文献   

Peronospora belbahrii is a biotrophic oomycete attacking sweet basil. It propagates asexually by producing spores on dichotomously branched sporophores emerging from leaf stomata. Sporulation occurs when infected plants are incubated for at least 7.5h in the dark in moisture-saturated atmosphere at 10-27°C. Exposure to light suppresses spore formation but allows sporophores to emerge from stomata. Incandescent or CW fluorescent light of 3.5 or 6 µmoles.m2.s-1 respectively, caused 100% inhibition of spore formation on lower leaf surface even when only the upper leaf surface was exposed to light. The inhibitory effect of light failed to translocate from an illuminated part of a leaf to a shaded part of the same leaf. Inhibition of sporulation by light was temperature-dependent. Light was fully inhibitory at 15-27°C but not at 10°C, suggesting that enzyme(s) activity and/or photoreceptor protein re-arrangement induced by light occur at ≥15°C. DCMU or paraquat could not abolish light inhibition, indicating that photosystem I and photosystem II are not involved. Narrow band led illumination showed that red light (λmax 625 nm) was most inhibitory and blue light (λmax 440 nm) was least inhibitory, suggesting that inhibition in P. belbahrii, unlike other oomycetes, operates via a red light photoreceptor. Nocturnal illumination of basil in the field (4-10 µmoles.m2.s-1 from 7pm to 7am) suppressed sporulation of P. belbahrii and reduced epidemics of downy mildew, thus reducing the need for fungicide applications. This is the first report on red light inhibition of sporulation in oomycetes and on the practical application of light for disease control in the field.  相似文献   

When grown in a medium containing heat-stable potato tuber proteins, the oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary produces a set of exoproteinases active at neutral and mildly basic pH values. These extracellular proteinases have been shown (by SDS-PAGE in the presence of gelatin) to include at least six components differing in molecular weight. Inhibitory analysis and studies of the effects of the enzymes on various synthetic substrates show that the culture liquid of P. infestans contains mainly serine proteinases (specific for trypsin and subtilisin) and metalloproteinases. Their activity is suppressed by proteinase-inhibiting proteins from potato tubers. It is suggested that exoproteinases of P. infestans may be the metabolic target for natural proteinase inhibitors from potato.  相似文献   

The wild tomato species Solanum chilense is divided into geographically and genetically distinct populations that show signs of defense gene selection and differential phenotypes when challenged with several phytopathogens, including the oomycete causal agent of late blight Phytophthora infestans. To better understand the phenotypic diversity of this disease resistance in S. chilense and to assess the effect of plant genotype versus pathogen isolate, respectively, we evaluated infection frequency in a systematic approach and with large sample sizes. We studied 85 genetically distinct individuals representing nine geographically separated populations of S. chilense. This showed that differences in quantitative resistance can be observed between but also within populations at the level of individual plants. Our data also did not reveal complete immunity in any of the genotypes. We further evaluated the resistance of a subset of the plants against P. infestans isolates with diverse virulence properties. This confirmed that the relative differences in resistance phenotypes between individuals were mainly determined by the plant genotype under consideration with modest effects of pathogen isolate used in the study. Thus, our report suggests that the observed quantitative resistance against P. infestans in natural populations of a wild tomato species S. chilense is the result of basal defense responses that depend on the host genotype and are pathogen isolate‐unspecific.  相似文献   

Oomycetes are microorganisms that are distantly related to true fungi and many members of this phylum are major plant pathogens. Oomycetes express proteins that are able to interact with plant cell wall polysaccharides, such as cellulose. This interaction is thought to be mediated by carbohydrate-binding modules that are classified into CBM family 1 in the CAZy database. In this study, the two CBMs (1–1 and 1–2) that form part of the cell wall glycoprotein, CBEL, from Phytophthora parasitica have been submitted to detailed characterization, first to better quantify their interaction with cellulose and second to determine whether these CBMs can be useful for biotechnological applications, such as biomass hydrolysis. A variety of biophysical techniques were used to study the interaction of the CBMs with various substrates and the data obtained indicate that CBEL’s CBM1-1 exhibits much greater cellulose binding ability than CBM1-2. Engineering of the family 11 xylanase from Talaromyces versatilis (TvXynB), an enzyme that naturally bears a fungal family 1 CBM, has produced two variants. The first one lacks its native CBM, whereas the second contains the CBEL CBM1-1. The study of these enzymes has revealed that wild type TvXynB binds to cellulose, via its CBM1, and that the substitution of its CBM by oomycetal CBM1-1 does not affect its activity on wheat straw. However, intriguingly the addition of CBEL during the hydrolysis of wheat straw actually potentiates the action of TvXynB variant lacking a CBM1. This suggests that the potentiating effect of CBM1-1 might not require the formation of a covalent linkage to TvXynB.  相似文献   

Both blue light (BL) and auxin are essential for phototropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the mechanisms by which light is molecularly linked to auxin during phototropism remain elusive. Here, we report that PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 (PIF4) and PIF5 act downstream of the BL sensor PHOTOTROPIN1 (PHOT1) to negatively modulate phototropism in Arabidopsis. We also reveal that PIF4 and PIF5 negatively regulate auxin signaling. Furthermore, we demonstrate that PIF4 directly activates the expression of the AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (IAA) genes IAA19 and IAA29 by binding to the G-box (CACGTG) motifs in their promoters. Our genetic assays demonstrate that IAA19 and IAA29, which physically interact with AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 (ARF7), are sufficient for PIF4 to negatively regulate auxin signaling and phototropism. This study identifies a key step of phototropic signaling in Arabidopsis by showing that PIF4 and PIF5 link light and auxin.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Sporulation of Phytophthora infestans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sporulation ability of two isolates of Phytophthora infestans maintained on potato tuber slices of a susceptible cv. ‘Bintje’ and on-rye agar medium was studied for four years (1981–1984). This feature of the fungus was shown to vary in particular seasons during the year. Significantly higher sporulation density per cm2 of aerial mycelium on potato tuber slices was observed in winter and late autumn while significantly lower sporulation was found in spring. Similar tendencies were observed when one of the isolates was cultivated on rye agar medium under controlled conditions. Positive correlation was found between sporulation patterns of isolates of the fungus maintained on rye agar and on tuber slices. Hypothesis has been proposed that these changes are due, to a biorhythm in the fungus.  相似文献   

Phytophthora alni subsp. alni, P. alni subsp. multiformis, and P. alni subsp. uniformis are responsible for alder disease in Europe. Class I and II elicitin gene patterns of P. alni subsp. alni, P. alni subsp. multiformis, P. alni subsp. uniformis, and the phylogenetically close species P. cambivora and P. fragariae were studied through mRNA sequencing and 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR)-specific PCRs and sequencing. The occurrence of multiple 3′UTR sequences in association with identical elicitin-encoding sequences in P. alni subsp. alni indicated duplication/recombination events. The mRNA pattern displayed by P. alni subsp. alni demonstrated that elicitin genes from all the parental genomes are actually expressed in this allopolyploid taxon. The complementary elicitin patterns resolved confirmed the possible involvement of P. alni subsp. multiformis and P. alni subsp. uniformis in the genesis of the hybrid species P. alni subsp. alni. The occurrence of multiple and common elicitin gene sequences throughout P. cambivora, P. fragariae, and P. alni sensu lato, not observed in other Phytophthora species, suggests that duplication of these genes occurred before the radiation of these species.  相似文献   

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