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SYNOPSIS. Terrestrial and semi-terrestrial crustaceans are exposedto fluctuations in ambient temperature and conditions that favorevaporative water loss. These environmental stresses alter performancelimits in the laboratory and behavior in the field. The maximalrate of oxygen consumption, maximum aerobic speed, and endurancecapacity are greater at a body temperature (Tb) of 24°Cthan at 15°C or 30°C in the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata.The total metabolic cost to move at the same relative speedis greater at a Tb of 24°C than at 15°C. Slower aerobickinetics at 15°C result in a smaller relative contributionof oxidative metabolism to total metabolic cost. However, therelative contributions from accelerated glycolysis are similarat both temperatures. When locomotion is intermittent, the totaldistance traveled before fatigue can be similar at Tbs of 15and 24°C but result from different movement and pause durationsat these temperatures. Performance limits of the ghost crabare negatively affected by dehydration and are sensitive torates of water loss. In the laboratory, endurance capacity ofthe fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, is greater at a Tb of 30°Cthan at 25°C. In the field, freely moving fiddler crabswith a Tb of 30°C travel at faster mean preferred speeds,as determined by motion analysis, than crabs at 25°C. Datafor land crabs support and advance general ectothermic modelsfor the effects of temperature and dehydration on locomotorperformance.  相似文献   

马蹄切片呼吸代谢特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新鲜马蹄切片总呼吸和抗氰呼吸均比较低,但在25℃下贮放期间迅速上升;切片交替途径容量、运行活性也不断上升,但运行系数却在下降。细胞色素途径运行活性随总呼吸的增加而显著加强,但所占比值不断下降。利用呼吸代谢抑制剂Na3PO4、丙二酸和解偶联剂DNP改变电子流量的结果表明,降低呼吸电子流时,抗氰呼吸与细胞色素途径呼吸均下降,且抗氰呼吸占总呼吸的比例下降;增加呼吸电子流时,这两条传递途径均加强,且抗氰呼吸占总呼吸的比例增加。研究结果还表明,尽管三羧酸循环是机械伤诱导的主要呼吸途径,但同时伤诱导的残余呼吸和磷酸戊糖途径运行量均有明显的增加,推测可能与马蹄褐变和异味的产生有一定的联系。  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species that presently only spawns in the Yangtze River. Using laboratory experiments, we examined the behavioral preference of young Chinese sturgeon to physical habitat (water depth, illumination intensity, substrate color, and cover) and monitored their downstream migration. Hatchling free embryos were photopositive, preferred open habitat, and immediately upon hatching, swam far above the bottom using swim-up and drift. Downstream migration peaked on days 0–1, decreased about 50% or more during days 2–7, and ceased by day 8. Days 0–1 migrants were active both day and night, but days 2–7 migrants were most active during the day. After ceasing migration, days 8–11 embryos were photonegative, preferred dark substrate and sought cover. Free embryos developed into larvae and began feeding on day 12, when another shift in behavior occurred–larvae returned to photopositive behavior and preferred white substrate. The selective factor favoring migration of free embryos upon hatching and swimming far above the bottom may be avoidance of benthic predatory fishes. Free embryos, which must rely on yolk energy for activity and growth, only used 19 cumulative temperature degree-days for peak migration compared to 234 degree-days for growth to first feeding larvae, a 1:12 ratio of cumulative temperature units. This ratio suggests that sturgeon species with large migratory embryos, like Chinese sturgeon, which require a high level of energy to swim during migration, may migrate only a short time to conserve most yolk energy for growth.  相似文献   

In addition to light cycles, temperature cycles are among the most important synchronizers in nature. Indeed, both clock gene expression and circadian activity rhythms entrain to thermocycles. This study aimed to extend our knowledge of the relative strength of light and temperature as zeitgebers for zebrafish locomotor activity rhythms. When the capacity of a 24∶20°C (thermophase∶cryophase, referred to as TC) thermocycle to synchronize activity rhythms under LL was evaluated, it was found that most groups (78%) synchronized to these conditions. Under LD, when zebrafish were allowed to select the water temperature (24°C vs. 20°C), most fish selected the higher temperature and showed diurnal activity, while a small (25%) percentage of fish that preferred the lower temperature displayed nocturnal activity. Under conflicting LD and TC cycles, fish showed diurnal activity when the zeitgebers were in phase or in antiphase, with a high percentage of activity displayed around dawn and dusk (22% and 34% of the total activity for LD/TC and LD/CT, respectively). Finally, to test the relative strength of each zeitgeber, fish were subjected to ahemeral cycles of light (T=25 h) and temperature (T=23 h). Zebrafish synchronized mostly to the light cycle, although they displayed relative coordination, as their locomotor activity increased when light and thermophase coincided. These findings show that although light is a stronger synchronizer than temperature, TC cycles alone can entrain circadian rhythms and interfere in their light synchronization, suggesting the existence of both light‐ and temperature‐entrainable oscillators that are weakly coupled.  相似文献   

Rates of oxygen consumption were measured in oocytes of the starfish Patiria miniata prior to and after the initiation of meiotic maturation in response to 1-methyladenine. No significant change in the rate of respiration was noted until after the completion of meiosis, at which point a two-fold increase in the rate of respiration was observed. The rate of oxygen consumption was also measured in response to fertilization and artificial activation with pronase. A transitory “burst” of oxygen consumption was noted in response to both stimuli. This “burst” is larger and of briefer duration in pronase-treated eggs. Possible interpretations of these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

3种藓类植物水分含量与光合作用、呼吸作用和水势的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对湿地匍灯藓〔Plagiomniumacutum(Lindb.)T.Kop.〕、大羽藓〔Thuidiumcymbifolium(Dozy&Molk.)Dozy&Molk.〕和垂藓〔Chrysocladiunretrorsum(Mitt.)Fleisch.〕的水分含量与光合作用、呼吸作用和水势的关系进行了初步研究(1999年5月20日到6月10日)。在这3种藓类植物中,其水分含量与光合作用速率(Pn)的关系可以分为2种类型一种类型如大羽藓和垂藓,在藓体水分含量20%~70%时,Pn随着水分含量增加而增加,但是在80%~95%时,Pn随水分含量增加而下降,光合最适水分含量约70%~80%;另一种出现在湿地匍灯藓,水分含量20%~80%时,Pn随着水分含量增加而增加,在80%~95%时,Pn维持一个较高的水平,光合最适水分含量为80%~90%。在一个大的水分含量范围内(60%~95%),暗呼吸(Rd)保持相对稳定,但是在水分含量较低时(20%~70%),Rd随着水分含量的下降而下降。在藓体水分含量与水势之间的关系方面,3种藓类植物相似,水分含量与水势对数之间的回归曲线为S形曲线。  相似文献   

The course of water uptake and respiration rate rise in cotyledonsof Phaseolus vulgaris is divided into three phases. In the first phase lasting 10–16 hrs. respiration rateis controlled by water content; desiccation and reimbibitioninfluence cotyledon water content and respiration rate alikeand the changes are reversible; low temperature prevents watercontent rising above 50 per cent. and also limits respirationrate; both processes have Q10 near unity. The second phase lasting 3–8 hrs. is characterized bya pause in both water uptake and respiration rate rise. In the third phase respiration rate continues to rise untilthe fifth day, after which it falls steadily until eventuallythe cotyledons absciss. The period of rising respiration isone of metabolic activity, the rise having a high Q10 and beingprevented by low temperature. Desiccation at this stage is irreversible.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms that determined the maintenance of human physical performance in the absence of gravity are poorly understood. The article presents the results of analysis of locomotor training characteristics of 18 cosmonauts who participated in long-term spaceflights at the International Space Station (ISS) with the duration from 175 to 201 days. The level of cosmonauts' physical performance during spaceflight was determined by the results of a locomotor test with a stepwise increasing load. The vertical components of ground reaction forces were recorded for different types of locomotion using load cells in the BD-2 treadmill. The results of determination of changes in the level of cosmonauts' physical performance during long-term spaceflight have provided the data on a higher prophylactic efficacy of locomotor training performed with an axial load of over 64% of the body weight compared to those performed with an axial load of less than 61% of the body weight. The higher countermeasure efficacy of locomotor training in the first case may be due to an increase in the intensity of stimulation of the reference input and the strengthening of the response of systems providing autonomic muscle activity.  相似文献   

Integrating adhesion, protrusion, and contraction during cell migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Schwartz MA  Horwitz AR 《Cell》2006,125(7):1223-1225
Cell migration is fastest when the strength of the adhesion between the cell and the substrate is neither too strong nor too weak. In this issue of Cell, reveal how adhesion and cytoskeletal dynamics are integrated to optimize migration speed.  相似文献   

Auto?i sledovali sou?asně intensitu dýchání a intensitu fotosynthesy u list? cukrovky, neoddělených od rostliny. Několik hodin p?ed pokusem asimilovaly listy radioaktivní14CO2, na?e? byly umístěny do normální listové komory k pr? tokovému gazometrickému stanovení intensity fotosynthesy podle změny koncentrace CO2 v procházejícím vzduchu. Sou?asně s gazometrickým stanovením fotosynthesy mě?ili auto?i specifickou aktivitu kysli?níku uhli?itého ve vzduchu, který pro?el asimila?ní komorou. Podle hodnot specifické aktivity CO2, kterou vylu?uje list v temnotě, je mo?no vypo?ítat intensitu dýchání v mg CO2. Bylo zji?těno, ?e listy cukrovky vylu?ují na světle radioaktivní CO2, a to jak první tak i druhý den po asimilaci zna?eného CO2. P?i silném p?eh?ivání list? v komo?e, kdy gazometrickou metodou bylo zji?těno ji? jen dýchání, radiometricky byl stanoven výdej14CO2, odpovídající vy??í intensitě dýchaní. Auto?i vysvětlují tuto skute?nost tím, ?e i p?i p?eh?ívaní list? probíha sou?asně s dýchaním fotosyntheticka asimilace kysli?níku uhli?itého, av?ak pasivní bilance CO2 ve výměně plyn? vede ke zji?těnédýchaní, které je v podstatě rozdílem mezi intensitou piné fotosynthesy a plného dýchaní. Produkce kysli?níku uhli?itého celými listy cukrovky na světle není za normalních podmínek vý?ivy výjime?ným zjevem.  相似文献   



The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is widely used to assess locomotion in patients with stroke and is considered to predict the risk of falls. The analysis of locomotor trajectories during the TUG appears pertinent in stroke patients. The aims of this study were i) to analyze locomotor trajectories in patients with stroke during the walking and turning sub-tasks of the TUG, and to compare them with healthy subjects, ii) to determine whether trajectory parameters provide additional information to that provided by the conventional measure (performance time), iii) to compare the trajectory parameters of fallers and non-fallers with stroke and of patients with right and left hemisphere stroke, and iv) to evaluate correlations between trajectory parameters and Berg Balance Scale scores.


29 patients with stroke (mean age 54.2±12.2 years, 18 men, 8 fallers) and 25 healthy subjects (mean age 51.6±8.7 years, 11 men) underwent three-dimensional analysis of the TUG. The trajectory of the center of mass was analyzed by calculation of the global trajectory length, Hausdorff distance and Dynamic Time Warping. The parameters were compared with a reference trajectory during the total task and each sub-task (Go, Turn, Return) of the TUG.


Values of trajectory parameters were significantly higher for the stroke group during the total TUG and the Go and Turn sub-tasks (p<0.05). Moreover, logistic regression indicated that these parameters better discriminated stroke patients and healthy subjects than the conventional timed performance during the Go sub-task. In addition, fallers were distinguished by higher Dynamic Time Warping during the Go (p<0.05). There were no differences between patients with right and left hemisphere stroke.

Discussion and Conclusion

The trajectories of the stroke patients were longer and more deviated during the turn and the preceding phase. Trajectory parameters provided additional information to timed performance of this locomotor task. Focusing rehabilitation programs on lead-up to turn and turning could be relevant for stroke patients since the Turn was related to the balance and the phase preceding the turn seemed to distinguish fallers.  相似文献   

Thoracic and abdominal components of the respiratory system during the reproduction without external feedback of fixed respiration volumes 1V T, 0.5V T, and 2V T were studied in 13 young males. It was found that, during the reproduction of such respiration volumes without visual control, the thoracic and abdominal components of errors do not differ significantly. When the chemoreceptor stimulation increases (during the progressing hypoxia and hypercapnia), the accuracy of the reproduction decreases, mostly because of involuntary overestimation of the abdominal components of the respiration volume.  相似文献   

During the pelagic larval phase, fish dispersal may be influenced passively by surface currents or actively determined by swimming behaviour. In situ observations of larval swimming are few given the constraints of field sampling. Active behaviour is therefore often inferred from spatial patterns in the field, laboratory studies, or hydrodynamic theory, but rarely are these approaches considered in concert. Ichthyoplankton survey data collected during 2004 and 2006 from coastal Newfoundland show that changes in spatial heterogeneity for multiple species do not conform to predictions based on passive transport. We evaluated the interaction of individual larvae with their environment by calculating Reynolds number as a function of ontogeny. Typically, larvae hatch into a viscous environment in which swimming is inefficient, and later grow into more efficient intermediate and inertial swimming environments. Swimming is therefore closely related to length, not only because of swimming capacity but also in how larvae experience viscosity. Six of eight species sampled demonstrated consistent changes in spatial patchiness and concomitant increases in spatial heterogeneity as they transitioned into more favourable hydrodynamic swimming environments, suggesting an active behavioural element to dispersal. We propose the tandem assessment of spatial heterogeneity and hydrodynamic environment as a potential approach to understand and predict the onset of ecologically significant swimming behaviour of larval fishes in the field.  相似文献   

The respiratory losses and the pattern of carbon supply froma leaf of unicuim barley were examined during a complete diurnalperiod using a steady state 14C-labelling technique. After a delay of c. 1 h a portion of the 14C exported from acontinuously assimilating leaf was lost in respiration in thelight. This respiratory loss amounted to c. 20% of the total14C fixed. A further 28% of the total 14C fixed was respiredduring the dark period. In the light, carbon was fixed at a rate of c. 8·9 mgC dm–2 h–1 and exported from the leaf at c. 5·3mg C dm–2 h–1. Dark export averaged c. 31% of theday-time rate. Carbohydrate was stored in the leaf during the day and was almostcompletely remobilized during the dark. Sucrose, the major reservecarbohydrate, was exported first whilst the starch level remainedconstant. After some 9 h of darkness, sucrose declined to alow level and starch remobilization began.  相似文献   

实现全人工繁殖是中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)物种保护的重要途径,建立中华鲟人工养殖亲鱼群体是人工繁殖的基础条件.本文以自然变温条件下人工培育的中华鲟后备亲鱼(年龄15龄,体长183~235 cm,体重71.5~180.5 kg,n = 14)为研究对象,每天对摄食行为进行观察记录,每月对生长指标进行检查...  相似文献   

Fishways have been developed to restore longitudinal connectivity in rivers. Despite their potential for aiding fish passage, fishways may represent a source of significant energetic expenditure for fish as they are highly turbulent environments. Nonetheless, our understanding of the physiological mechanisms underpinning fishway passage of fish is still limited. We examined swimming behaviour and activity of silver redhorse (Moxostoma anisurum) during its upriver spawning migration in a vertical slot fishway. We used an accelerometer-derived instantaneous activity metric (overall dynamic body acceleration) to estimate location-specific swimming activity. Silver redhorse demonstrated progressive increases in activity during upstream fishway passage. Moreover, location-specific passage duration decreased with an increasing number of passage attempts. Turning basins and the most upstream basin were found to delay fish passage. No relationship was found between basin-specific passage duration and activity and the respective values from previous basins. The results demonstrate that successful fishway passage requires periods of high activity. The resultant energetic expenditure may affect fitness, foraging behaviour and increase susceptibility to predation, compromising population sustainability. This study highlights the need to understand the physiological mechanisms underpinning fishway passage to improve future designs and interpretation of biological evaluations.  相似文献   

Fruit of soursop, Annona muricata L., showed increased CO2 production 2 days after harvest, preceding the respiratory increase that coincided with autocatalytic ethylene evolution and other ripening phenomena. Experiments to alter gas exchange patterns of postharvest fruit parts and tissue cylinders had little success.

The respiratory quotient of tissue discs was near unity throughout development. 2,4-Dinitrophenol uncoupled respiration more effectively than carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone; 0.4 millimolar KCN stimulated, 4 millimolar salicylhydroxamic acid slightly inhibited, and their combination strongly inhibited respiration, as did 10 millimolar NaN3. Tricarboxylic acid cycle members and ascorbate were more effective substrates than sugars, but acetate and glutarate strongly inhibited.

Disc respiration showed the same early peak as whole fruit respiration; this peak is thus an inherent characteristic of postharvest development and cannot be ascribed to differences between ovaries of the aggregatetype fruit. The capacity of the respiratory apparatus did not change during this preclimacteric peak, but the contents of rate-limiting malate and citrate increased after harvest.

It is concluded that the preclimacteric rise in CO2 evolution reflects increased mitochondrial respiration because of enhanced supply of carboxylates as a substrate, probably induced by detachment from the tree. The second rise corresponds with the respiration during ripening of other climacteric fruits.


Oxygen uptake and energy charge were monitored during aging of excised maize root tips and related to the soluble sugar content and exogenous sugar supply.  相似文献   

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