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We report a functional type I toxin-antitoxin (TA) module expressed by a human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus. TA systems consist of stable toxins and labile antitoxins encoded within small genetic modules widespread in eubacteria and archaea. TA genes provide stress adaptation and protection against DNA loss or invasion. The genes encoding the SprA1 toxic peptide (PepA1) and the SprA1AS RNA antitoxin are within a pathogenicity island on opposite strands and possess a 3′ overlap. To prevent peptide toxicity during S. aureus growth, PepA1 expression from stable (half-life > 3 h) SprA1 is repressed by elevated amounts of unstable (half-life = ∼10 mn) SprA1AS. In vivo, PepA1 localizes at the bacterial membrane and triggers S. aureus death. Based on NMR and CD data, its solution structure was solved and is a long bent, interrupted helix. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that PepA1 compaction and helical content fluctuate in accordance with its cytoplasm or membrane location. When inserted into the S. aureus membrane, the PepA1 conformation switches to a ∼7-nm-long continuous helix, presumably forming pores to alter membrane integrity. PepA1 expression is induced upon acidic and oxidative stresses by reducing SprA1AS levels. As an altruistic behavior during infection, some cells may induce the expression of that toxin that would facilitate departure from the host immune cells for spreading.  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent Clp protease (ClpP) plays an essential role not only in the control of protein quality but also in the regulation of bacterial pathogen virulence, making it an attractive target for antibacterial treatment. We have previously determined the crystal structures of Staphylococcus aureus ClpP (SaClpP) in two different states, extended and compressed. To investigate the dynamic switching of ClpP between these states, we performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations. During the structural transition, the long and straight helix E in the extended SaClpP monomer underwent an unfolding/refolding process, resulting in a kinked helix very similar to that in the compressed monomer. As a stable intermediate in the molecular dynamics simulation, the compact state was suggested and subsequently identified in x-ray crystallographic experiment. Our combined studies also determined that Ala140 acted as a “hinge” during the transition between the extended and compressed states, and Glu137 was essential for stabilizing the compressed state. Overall, this study provides molecular insights into the dynamics and mechanism of the functional conformation changes of SaClpP. Given the highly conserved sequences of ClpP proteins among different species, these findings potentially reflect a switching mechanism for the dynamic process shared in the whole ClpP family in general and thus aid in better understand the principles of Clp protease assembly and function.  相似文献   

The bifunctional major autolysin AtlA of Staphylococcus aureus cleaves the bacterium''s peptidoglycan network (PGN) at two distinct sites during cell division. Deletion of the enzyme results in large cell clusters with disordered division patterns, indicating that AtlA could be a promising target for the development of new antibiotics. One of the two functions of AtlA is performed by the N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidase AmiA, which cleaves the bond between the carbohydrate and the peptide moieties of PGN. To establish the structural requirements of PGN recognition and the enzymatic mechanism of cleavage, we solved the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of AmiA (AmiA-cat) in complex with a peptidoglycan-derived ligand at 1.55 Å resolution. The peptide stem is clearly visible in the structure, forming extensive contacts with protein residues by docking into an elongated groove. Less well defined electron density and the analysis of surface features indicate likely positions of the carbohydrate backbone and the pentaglycine bridge. Substrate specificity analysis supports the importance of the pentaglycine bridge for fitting into the binding cleft of AmiA-cat. PGN of S. aureus with l-lysine tethered with d-alanine via a pentaglycine bridge is completely hydrolyzed, whereas PGN of Bacillus subtilis with meso-diaminopimelic acid directly tethered with d-alanine is not hydrolyzed. An active site mutant, H370A, of AmiA-cat was completely inactive, providing further support for the proposed catalytic mechanism of AmiA. The structure reported here is not only the first of any bacterial amidase in which both the PGN component and the water molecule that carries out the nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of the scissile bond are present; it is also the first peptidoglycan amidase complex structure of an important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Signaling nucleotides are integral parts of signal transduction systems allowing bacteria to cope with and rapidly respond to changes in the environment. The Staphylococcus aureus PII-like signal transduction protein PstA was recently identified as a cyclic diadenylate monophosphate (c-di-AMP)-binding protein. Here, we present the crystal structures of the apo- and c-di-AMP-bound PstA protein, which is trimeric in solution as well as in the crystals. The structures combined with detailed bioinformatics analysis revealed that the protein belongs to a new family of proteins with a similar core fold but with distinct features to classical PII proteins, which usually function in nitrogen metabolism pathways in bacteria. The complex structure revealed three identical c-di-AMP-binding sites per trimer with each binding site at a monomer-monomer interface. Although distinctly different from other cyclic-di-nucleotide-binding sites, as the half-binding sites are not symmetrical, the complex structure also highlighted common features for c-di-AMP-binding sites. A comparison between the apo and complex structures revealed a series of conformational changes that result in the ordering of two anti-parallel β-strands that protrude from each monomer and allowed us to propose a mechanism on how the PstA protein functions as a signaling transduction protein.  相似文献   

We identified a gene from Staphylococcus aureus, flp (fmtA-like protein), encoding a protein of 489 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 56.4 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows similarity to previously characterized penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) and FmtA of S. aureus (one of the factors which affect methicillin resistance). FLP protein has three motifs, which are conserved in PBPs and beta-lactamases, suggesting that it might be associated with cell wall synthesis. Recombinant FLP protein, however, lacks penicillin binding activity, and the inactivation of flp in two methicillin-resistant S. aureus strains did not cause a reduction in the methicillin resistance.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs), a class of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, catalyze the acetylation of aromatic amine compounds through a strictly conserved Cys-His-Asp catalytic triad. Each residue is essential for catalysis in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic NATs. Indeed, in (HUMAN)NAT2 variants, mutation of the Asp residue to Asn, Gln, or Glu dramatically impairs enzyme activity. However, a putative atypical NAT harboring a catalytic triad Glu residue was recently identified in Bacillus cereus ((BACCR)NAT3) but has not yet been characterized. We report here the crystal structure and functional characterization of this atypical NAT. The overall fold of (BACCR)NAT3 and the geometry of its Cys-His-Glu catalytic triad are similar to those present in functional NATs. Importantly, the enzyme was found to be active and to acetylate prototypic arylamine NAT substrates. In contrast to (HUMAN) NAT2, the presence of a Glu or Asp in the triad of (BACCR)NAT3 did not significantly affect enzyme structure or function. Computational analysis identified differences in residue packing and steric constraints in the active site of (BACCR)NAT3 that allow it to accommodate a Cys-His-Glu triad. These findings overturn the conventional view, demonstrating that the catalytic triad of this family of acetyltransferases is plastic. Moreover, they highlight the need for further study of the evolutionary history of NATs and the functional significance of the predominant Cys-His-Asp triad in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic forms.  相似文献   

Clumping factor B (ClfB) from Staphylococcus aureus is a bifunctional protein that binds to human cytokeratin 10 (K10) and fibrinogen (Fg). ClfB has been implicated in S. aureus colonization of nasal epithelium and is therefore a key virulence factor. People colonized with S. aureus are at an increased risk for invasive staphylococcal disease. In this study, we have determined the crystal structures of the ligand-binding region of ClfB in an apo-form and in complex with human K10 and Fg α-chain-derived peptides, respectively. We have determined the structures of MSCRAMM binding to two ligands with different sequences in the same site showing the versatile nature of the ligand recognition mode of microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules. Both ligands bind ClfB by parallel β-sheet complementation as observed for the clumping factor A·γ-chain peptide complex. The β-sheet complementation is shorter in the ClfB·Fg α-chain peptide complex. The structures show that several residues in ClfB are important for binding to both ligands, whereas others only make contact with one of the ligands. A common motif GSSGXG found in both ligands is part of the ClfB-binding site. This motif is found in many human proteins thus raising the possibility that ClfB recognizes additional ligands.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Clp protease (ClpP) is an attractive new target for the development of anti-infective agents. The ClpP protease consists of two heptameric rings that enclose a large chamber containing 14 proteolytic active sites. Recent studies indicate that ClpP likely undergoes conformational switching between an extended and degraded active state required for substrate proteolysis and a compacted and catalytically inactive state allowing product release. Here, we present the wild-type ClpP structures in two distinct states from Staphylococcus aureus. One structure is very similar to those solved ClpP structures in the extended states. The other is strikingly different from both the extended and the compacted state as observed in ClpP from other species; the handle domain of this structure kinks to take on a compressed conformation. Structural analysis and molecular dynamic simulations show that the handle domain predominantly controls the way in which degradation products exit the chamber through dynamic conformational switching from the extended state to the compressed state. Given the highly conserved sequences among ClpP from different species, this compressed conformation is unexpected and novel, which is potentially valuable for understanding the enzymatic dynamics and the acting mechanisms of ClpP.  相似文献   

As a human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus must cope with oxidative stress generated by the human immune system. Here, we report that CymR utilizes its sole Cys-25 to sense oxidative stress. Oxidation followed by thiolation of this cysteine residue leads to dissociation of CymR from its cognate promoter DNA. In contrast, the DNA binding of the CymRC25S mutant was insensitive to oxidation and thiolation, suggesting that CymR senses oxidative stress through oxidation of its sole cysteine to form a mixed disulfide with low molecular weight thiols. The determined crystal structures of the reduced and oxidized forms of CymR revealed that Cys-25 is oxidized to Cys-25-SOH in the presence of H(2)O(2). Deletion of cymR reduced the resistance of S. aureus to oxidative stresses, and the resistance was restored by expressing a C25S mutant copy of cymR. In a C25S substitution mutant, the expression of two genes, tcyP and mccB, was constitutively repressed and did not respond to hydrogen peroxide stress, whereas the expression of the genes were highly induced under oxidative stress in a wild-type strain, indicating the critical role of Cys-25 in redox signaling in vivo. Thus, CymR is another master regulator that senses oxidative stress and connects stress responses to virulence regulation in S. aureus.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread opportunistic pathogen that can cause a wide variety of life‐threatening diseases. Especially for the colonization of human tissues and the development of invasiveness, surface‐exposed proteins are of major importance. In the present studies, we optimized a proteolytic shaving approach to identify those surface‐exposed protein domains – the surfacome – of S. aureus that are accessible to extracellular bio‐macromolecules, for example in the host milieu. Subsequently, this approach was applied to define the surfacomes of four strains with different genetic backgrounds. This resulted in the identification of 96 different proteins. Surprisingly, the overlap between the surfacomes of the four different strains was below 10% and each strain displayed its own characteristic set of surface‐exposed proteins. The data were also evaluated at the peptide level and here we observed a similar phenomenon. From 190 unique peptides only five were commonly found in the four strains. Besides well known cell wall proteins, we also identified some essential proteins, several yet uncharacterized exported proteins and predicted intracellular proteins. These results show for the first time that the cell surface of different S. aureus strains is not only highly variable, but also that the displayed proteins are very heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of short chain dehydrogenase-like l-threonine dehydrogenase from Cupriavidus necator (CnThrDH) in the apo and holo forms were determined at 2.25 and 2.5 Å, respectively. Structural comparison between the apo and holo forms revealed that four regions of CnThrDH adopted flexible conformations when neither NAD+ nor l-Thr were bound: residues 38–59, residues 77–87, residues 180–186, and the catalytic domain. Molecular dynamics simulations performed at the 50-ns time scale revealed that three of these regions remained flexible when NAD+ was bound to CnThrDH: residues 80–87, residues 180–186, and the catalytic domain. Molecular dynamics simulations also indicated that the structure of CnThrDH changed from a closed form to an open form upon NAD+ binding. The newly formed cleft in the open form may function as a conduit for substrate entry and product exit. These computational results led us to hypothesize that the CnThrDH reaction progresses by switching between the closed and open forms. Enzyme kinetics parameters of the L80G, G184A, and T186N variants also supported this prediction: the kcat/Km, l-Thr value of the variants was >330-fold lower than that of the wild type; this decrease suggested that the variants mostly adopt the open form when l-Thr is bound to the active site. These results are summarized in a schematic model of the stepwise changes in flexibility and structure that occur in CnThrDH upon binding of NAD+ and l-Thr. This demonstrates that the dynamical structural changes of short chain dehydrogenase-like l-threonine dehydrogenase are important for the reactivity and specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The emergence of genomics; ongoing computational advances; and the development of large-scale sequence, structural, and functional databases have created important new interdisciplinary linkages between molecular evolution, molecular biology, and enzymology. The five minireviews in this series survey advances and challenges in this burgeoning field from complementary perspectives. The series has three major themes. The first is the evolution of enzyme superfamilies, in which members exhibit increasing sequence, structural, and functional divergence with increasing time of divergence from a common ancestor. The second is the evolutionary role of promiscuous enzymes, which, in addition to their primary function, have adventitious secondary activities that frequently provide the starting point for the evolution of new enzymes. The third is the importance of in silico approaches to the daunting challenge of assigning and predicting the functions of the many uncharacterized proteins in the large-scale sequence and structural databases that are now available. A recent computational advance, the use of protein similarity networks that map functional data onto proteins clustered by similarity, is presented as an approach that can improve functional insight and inference. The three themes are illustrated with several examples of enzyme superfamilies, including the amidohydrolase, metallo-β-lactamase, and enolase superfamilies.  相似文献   

The bi-component leukocidins of Staphylococcus aureus are important virulence factors that lyse human phagocytic cells and contribute to immune evasion. The γ-hemolysins (HlgAB and HlgCB) and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL or LukSF) were shown to assemble from soluble subunits into membrane-bound oligomers on the surface of target cells, creating barrel-like pore structures that lead to cell lysis. LukGH is the most distantly related member of this toxin family, sharing only 30–40% amino acid sequence identity with the others. We observed that, unlike other leukocidin subunits, recombinant LukH and LukG had low solubility and were unable to bind to target cells, unless both components were present. Using biolayer interferometry and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence we detected binding of LukH to LukG in solution with an affinity in the low nanomolar range and dynamic light scattering measurements confirmed formation of a heterodimer. We elucidated the structure of LukGH by x-ray crystallography at 2.8-Å resolution. This revealed an octameric structure that strongly resembles that reported for HlgAB, but with important structural differences. Structure guided mutagenesis studies demonstrated that three salt bridges, not found in other bi-component leukocidins, are essential for dimer formation in solution and receptor binding. We detected weak binding of LukH, but not LukG, to the cellular receptor CD11b by biolayer interferometry, suggesting that in common with other members of this toxin family, the S-component has the primary contact role with the receptor. These new insights provide the basis for novel strategies to counteract this powerful toxin and Staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The pathogen Bacillus anthracis uses the Sortase A (SrtA) enzyme to anchor proteins to its cell wall envelope during vegetative growth. To gain insight into the mechanism of protein attachment to the cell wall in B. anthracis we investigated the structure, backbone dynamics, and function of SrtA. The NMR structure of SrtA has been determined with a backbone coordinate precision of 0.40 ± 0.07 Å. SrtA possesses several novel features not previously observed in sortase enzymes including the presence of a structurally ordered amino terminus positioned within the active site and in contact with catalytically essential histidine residue (His126). We propose that this appendage, in combination with a unique flexible active site loop, mediates the recognition of lipid II, the second substrate to which proteins are attached during the anchoring reaction. pKa measurements indicate that His126 is uncharged at physiological pH compatible with the enzyme operating through a “reverse protonation” mechanism. Interestingly, NMR relaxation measurements and the results of a model building study suggest that SrtA recognizes the LPXTG sorting signal through a lock-in-key mechanism in contrast to the prototypical SrtA enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an antibiotic-resistant strain of S. aureus afflicting hospitals and communities worldwide. Of greatest concern is its development of resistance to current last-line-of-defense antibiotics; new therapeutics are urgently needed to combat this pathogen. Ceftobiprole is a recently developed, latest generation cephalosporin and has been the first to show activity against MRSA by inhibiting essential peptidoglycan transpeptidases, including the β-lactam resistance determinant PBP2a, from MRSA. Here we present the structure of the complex of ceftobiprole bound to PBP2a. This structure provides the first look at the molecular details of an effective β-lactam-resistant PBP interaction, leading to new insights into the mechanism of ceftobiprole efficacy against MRSA.  相似文献   

The capsular turnover product of Staphylococcus aureus strain Smith   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The capsular polysaccharide released from the bacterial surface by cell wall turnover during growth exhibited less size heterogeneity and a higher average molecular mass than the polysaccharide extracted from the cell by treatment with lysostaphin or low pH. Treatment of turnover polysaccharide, radiolabelled by growth of the bacteria in the presence of N-acetyl-[3H]-glucosamine, with muramidase B from Chalaropsis released a low molecular weight product chromatographically identical to the peptidoglycan degradation products released from the peptidoglycan-teichoic acid complex by the same treatment. It is concluded that some or all of the capsular polysaccharide released into the culture fluid during growth is derived from peptidoglycan-linked capsular material, solubilised by cell wall turnover.  相似文献   

In the search for structural models of integral-membrane metallopeptidases (MPs), we discovered three related proteins from thermophilic prokaryotes, which we grouped into a novel family called “minigluzincins.” We determined the crystal structures of the zymogens of two of these (Pyrococcus abyssi proabylysin and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii projannalysin), which are soluble and, with ∼100 residues, constitute the shortest structurally characterized MPs to date. Despite relevant sequence and structural similarity, the structures revealed two unique mechanisms of latency maintenance through the C-terminal segments previously unseen in MPs as follows: intramolecular, through an extended tail, in proabylysin, and crosswise intermolecular, through a helix swap, in projannalysin. In addition, structural and sequence comparisons revealed large similarity with MPs of the gluzincin tribe such as thermolysin, leukotriene A4 hydrolase relatives, and cowrins. Noteworthy, gluzincins mostly contain a glutamate as third characteristic zinc ligand, whereas minigluzincins have a histidine. Sequence and structural similarity further allowed us to ascertain that minigluzincins are very similar to the catalytic domains of integral membrane MPs of the MEROPS database families M48 and M56, such as FACE1, HtpX, Oma1, and BlaR1/MecR1, which are provided with trans-membrane helices flanking or inserted into a minigluzincin-like catalytic domain. In a time where structural biochemistry of integral-membrane proteins in general still faces formidable challenges, the minigluzincin soluble minimal scaffold may contribute to our understanding of the working mechanisms of these membrane MPs and to the design of novel inhibitors through structure-aided rational drug design approaches.  相似文献   

Proteolytic treatment of intact bacterial cells is an ideal means for identifying surface‐exposed peptide epitopes and has potential for the discovery of novel vaccine targets. Cell stability during such treatment, however, may become compromised and result in the release of intracellular proteins that complicate the final analysis. Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen, causing community and hospital‐acquired infections, and is a serious healthcare concern due to the increasing prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistances amongst clinical isolates. We employed a cell surface “shaving” technique with either trypsin or proteinase‐K combined with LC‐MS/MS. Trypsin‐derived data were controlled using a “false‐positive” strategy where cells were incubated without protease, removed by centrifugation and the resulting supernatants digested. Peptides identified in this fraction most likely result from cell lysis and were removed from the trypsin‐shaved data set. We identified 42 predicted S. aureus COL surface proteins from 260 surface‐exposed peptides. Trypsin and proteinase‐K digests were highly complementary with ten proteins identified by both, 16 specific to proteinase‐K treatment, 13 specific to trypsin and three identified in the control. The use of a subtracted false‐positive strategy improved enrichment of surface‐exposed peptides in the trypsin data set to approximately 80% (124/155 peptides). Predominant surface proteins were those associated with methicillin resistance–surface protein SACOL0050 (pls) and penicillin‐binding protein 2′ (mecA), as well as bifunctional autolysin and the extracellular matrix‐binding protein Ebh. The cell shaving strategy is a rapid method for identifying surface‐exposed peptide epitopes that may be useful in the design of novel vaccines against S. aureus.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of life-threatening infections in the United States. It requires iron to grow, which must be actively procured from its host to successfully mount an infection. Heme-iron within hemoglobin (Hb) is the most abundant source of iron in the human body and is captured by S. aureus using two closely related receptors, IsdH and IsdB. Here we demonstrate that each receptor captures heme using two conserved near iron transporter (NEAT) domains that function synergistically. NMR studies of the 39-kDa conserved unit from IsdH (IsdHN2N3, Ala326–Asp660) reveals that it adopts an elongated dumbbell-shaped structure in which its NEAT domains are properly positioned by a helical linker domain, whose three-dimensional structure is determined here in detail. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and heme transfer measurements indicate that IsdHN2N3 extracts heme from Hb via an ordered process in which the receptor promotes heme release by inducing steric strain that dissociates the Hb tetramer. Other clinically significant Gram-positive pathogens capture Hb using receptors that contain multiple NEAT domains, suggesting that they use a conserved mechanism.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes life-threatening disease in humans. The S. aureus surface protein iron-regulated surface determinant H (IsdH) binds to mammalian hemoglobin (Hb) and extracts heme as a source of iron, which is an essential nutrient for the bacteria. However, the process of heme transfer from Hb is poorly understood. We have determined the structure of IsdH bound to human Hb by x-ray crystallography at 4.2 Å resolution, revealing the structural basis for heme transfer. One IsdH molecule is bound to each α and β Hb subunit, suggesting that the receptor acquires iron from both chains by a similar mechanism. Remarkably, two near iron transporter (NEAT) domains in IsdH perform very different functions. An N-terminal NEAT domain binds α/β globin through a site distant from the globin heme pocket and, via an intervening structural domain, positions the C-terminal heme-binding NEAT domain perfectly for heme transfer. These data, together with a 2.3 Å resolution crystal structure of the isolated N-terminal domain bound to Hb and small-angle x-ray scattering of free IsdH, reveal how multiple domains of IsdH cooperate to strip heme from Hb. Many bacterial pathogens obtain iron from human hemoglobin using proteins that contain multiple NEAT domains and other domains whose functions are poorly understood. Our results suggest that, rather than acting as isolated units, NEAT domains may be integrated into higher order architectures that employ multiple interaction interfaces to efficiently extract heme from host proteins.  相似文献   

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