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The interplay between chemical and mechanical signals plays an important role in cell biology, and integrin receptors are the primary molecules involved in sensing and transducing external mechanical cues. We used integrin-specific probes in molecular tension fluorescence microscopy to investigate the pN forces exerted by integrin receptors in living cells. The molecular tension fluorescence microscopy probe consisted of a cyclic Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Lys(Cys) (cRGDfK(C)) peptide tethered to the terminus of a polyethylene glycol polymer that was attached to a surface through streptavidin-biotin linkage. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer mechanism was used to visualize tension-driven extension of the polymer. Surprisingly, we found that integrin receptors dissociate streptavidin-biotin tethered ligands in focal adhesions within 60 min of cell seeding. Although streptavidin-biotin binding affinity is described as the strongest noncovalent bond in nature, and is ∼106 - 108 times larger than that of integrin-RGD affinity, our results suggest that individual integrin-ligand complexes undergo a marked enhancement in stability when the receptor assembles in the cell membrane. Based on the observation of streptavidin-biotin unbinding, we also conclude that the magnitude of integrin-ligand tension in focal adhesions can reach values that are at least 10 fold larger than was previously estimated using traction force microscopy-based methods.  相似文献   

Force probe techniques such as atomic force microscopy can directly measure the force required to rupture single biological ligand receptor bonds. Such forces are related to the energy landscape of these weak, noncovalent biological interactions. We report unbinding force measurements between complementary strands of DNA as a function of temperature. Our measurements emphasize the entropic contributions to the energy landscape of the bond.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA) is ubiquitous in all vertebrate tissues, where its various functions are encoded in the supramolecular complexes and matrices that it forms with HA-binding proteins (hyaladherins). In tissues, these supramolecular architectures are frequently subjected to mechanical stress, yet how this affects the intermolecular bonding is largely unknown. Here, we used a recently developed single-molecule force spectroscopy platform to analyze and compare the mechanical strength of bonds between HA and a panel of hyaladherins from the Link module superfamily, namely the complex of the proteoglycan aggrecan and cartilage link protein, the proteoglycan versican, the inflammation-associated protein TSG-6, the HA receptor for endocytosis (stabilin-2/HARE), and the HA receptor CD44. We find that the resistance to tensile stress for these hyaladherins correlates with the size of the HA-binding domain. The lowest mean rupture forces are observed for members of the type A subgroup (i.e., with the shortest HA-binding domains; TSG-6 and HARE). In contrast, the mechanical stability of the bond formed by aggrecan in complex with cartilage link protein (two members of the type C subgroup, i.e., with the longest HA-binding domains) and HA is equal or even superior to the high affinity streptavidin?biotin bond. Implications for the molecular mechanism of unbinding of HA?hyaladherin bonds under force are discussed, which underpin the mechanical properties of HA?hyaladherin complexes and HA-rich extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

It is known that the cells from a mixed population in a culture medium will finally segregate. This “social behavior” of the cells is a direct consequence of both physical and chemical interactions between cells. The physical forces involved in cell-cell interactions are considered to be the electrostatic, van der Waals, and very-short-range hydration forces.

It has been believed until now that the electrostatic forces acting between identical cells were always repulsive and nonspecific. In the present work, we try to suggest that even the electrostatic forces could manifest a slightly specific character, so that a completely random Brownian motion of the cells could be influenced, corrected, and transformed into a “docking maneuver,” which could favor the specific interactions between cells suspended in a culture medium. The main point of our approach is that the peculiar patterns of electric charge distribution on the cell surfaces act like specific electrostatic fingerprints that could be responsible for the preferential interactions which precede cellular segregation (1).  相似文献   

Contact guidance—the widely known phenomenon of cell alignment induced by anisotropic environmental features—is an essential step in the organization of adherent cells, but the mechanisms by which cells achieve this orientational ordering remain unclear. Here, we seeded myofibroblasts on substrates micropatterned with stripes of fibronectin and observed that contact guidance emerges at stripe widths much greater than the cell size. To understand the origins of this surprising observation, we combined morphometric analysis of cells and their subcellular components with a, to our knowledge, novel statistical framework for modeling nonthermal fluctuations of living cells. This modeling framework is shown to predict not only the trends but also the statistical variability of a wide range of biological observables, including cell (and nucleus) shapes, sizes, and orientations, as well as stress-fiber arrangements within the cells with remarkable fidelity with a single set of cell parameters. By comparing observations and theory, we identified two regimes of contact guidance: 1) guidance on stripe widths smaller than the cell size (w ≤ 160 μm), which is accompanied by biochemical changes within the cells, including increasing stress-fiber polarization and cell elongation; and 2) entropic guidance on larger stripe widths, which is governed by fluctuations in the cell morphology. Overall, our findings suggest an entropy-mediated mechanism for contact guidance associated with the tendency of cells to maximize their morphological entropy through shape fluctuations.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the complex cellular environment leads to anomalous motion of intracellular particles. At a gross level, this is characterized by mean-squared displacements that deviate from the standard linear profile. Statistical analysis of particle trajectories has helped further elucidate how different characteristics of the cellular environment can introduce different types of anomalousness. A significant majority of this literature has, however, focused on characterizing the properties of trajectories that do not interact with cell borders (e.g., cell membrane or nucleus). Numerous biological processes ranging from protein activation to exocytosis, however, require particles to be near a membrane. This study investigates the consequences of a canonical type of subdiffusive motion, fractional Brownian motion, and its physical analog, generalized Langevin equation dynamics, on the spatial localization of particles near reflecting boundaries. Results show that this type of subdiffusive motion leads to the formation of significant zones of depleted particle density near boundaries and that this effect is independent of the specific model details encoding those dynamics. Rather, these depletion layers are a natural and robust consequence of the anticorrelated nature of motion increments that is at the core of fractional Brownian motion (or alternatively generalized Langevin equation) dynamics. If such depletion zones are present, it would be of profound importance given the wide array of signaling and transport processes that occur near membranes. If not, that would suggest our understanding of this type of anomalous motion may be flawed. Either way, this result points to the need to further investigate the consequences of anomalous particle motions near cell borders from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.  相似文献   

Contractile cells can reorganize fibrous extracellular matrices and form dense tracts of fibers between neighboring cells. These tracts guide the development of tubular tissue structures and provide paths for the invasion of cancer cells. Here, we studied the mechanisms of the mechanical plasticity of collagen tracts formed by contractile premalignant acinar cells and fibroblasts. Using fluorescence microscopy and second harmonic generation, we quantified the collagen densification, fiber alignment, and strains that remain within the tracts after cellular forces are abolished. We explained these observations using a theoretical fiber network model that accounts for the stretch-dependent formation of weak cross-links between nearby fibers. We tested the predictions of our model using shear rheology experiments. Both our model and rheological experiments demonstrated that increasing collagen concentration leads to substantial increases in plasticity. We also considered the effect of permanent elongation of fibers on network plasticity and derived a phase diagram that classifies the dominant mechanisms of plasticity based on the rate and magnitude of deformation and the mechanical properties of individual fibers. Plasticity is caused by the formation of new cross-links if moderate strains are applied at small rates or due to permanent fiber elongation if large strains are applied over short periods. Finally, we developed a coarse-grained model for plastic deformation of collagen networks that can be employed to simulate multicellular interactions in processes such as morphogenesis, cancer invasion, and fibrosis.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is a mammalian hormone that exerts anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and cardioprotective effects through interaction with its major ubiquitously expressed plasma membrane localized receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2. Here, we report a Saccharomyces cerevisiae based method for investigating agonist-AdipoR interactions that is amenable for high-throughput scale-up and can be used to study both AdipoRs separately. Agonist-AdipoR1 interactions are detected using a split firefly luciferase assay based on reconstitution of firefly luciferase (Luc) activity due to juxtaposition of its N- and C-terminal fragments, NLuc and CLuc, by ligand induced interaction of the chimeric proteins CLuc-AdipoR1 and APPL1-NLuc (adaptor protein containing pleckstrin homology domain, phosphotyrosine binding domain and leucine zipper motif 1-NLuc) in a S. cerevisiae strain lacking the yeast homolog of AdipoRs (Izh2p). The assay monitors the earliest known step in the adiponectin-AdipoR anti-diabetic signaling cascade. We demonstrate that reconstituted Luc activity can be detected in colonies or cells using a CCD camera and quantified in cell suspensions using a microplate reader. AdipoR1-APPL1 interaction occurs in absence of ligand but can be stimulated specifically by agonists such as adiponectin and the tobacco protein osmotin that was shown to have AdipoR-dependent adiponectin-like biological activity in mammalian cells. To further validate this assay, we have modeled the three dimensional structures of receptor-ligand complexes of membrane-embedded AdipoR1 with cyclic peptides derived from osmotin or osmotin-like plant proteins. We demonstrate that the calculated AdipoR1-peptide binding energies correlate with the peptides’ ability to behave as AdipoR1 agonists in the split luciferase assay. Further, we demonstrate agonist-AdipoR dependent activation of protein kinase A (PKA) signaling and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation in S. cerevisiae, which are homologous to important mammalian adiponectin-AdipoR1 signaling pathways. This system should facilitate the development of therapeutic inventions targeting adiponectin and/or AdipoR physiology.  相似文献   

The methods currently available to deliver functional labels and drugs to the cell cytosol are inefficient and this constitutes a major obstacle to cell biology (delivery of sensors and imaging probes) and therapy (drug access to the cell internal machinery). As cell membranes are impermeable to most molecular cargos, viral peptides have been used to bolster their internalisation through endocytosis and help their release to the cytosol by bursting the endosomal vesicles. However, conflicting results have been reported on the extent of the cytosolic delivery achieved. To evaluate their potential, we used gold nanoparticles as model cargos and systematically assessed how the functionalisation of their surface by either or both of the viral peptides TAT and HA2 influenced their intracellular delivery. We evaluated the number of gold nanoparticles present in cells after internalisation using photothermal microscopy and their subcellular localisation by electron microscopy. While their uptake increased when the TAT and/or HA2 viral peptides were present on their surface, we did not observe a significant cytosolic delivery of the gold nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Mechanical cues can influence the manner in which cells generate traction forces and form focal adhesions. The stiffness of a cell's substrate and the available area on which it can spread can influence its generation of traction forces, but to what extent these factors are intertwined is unclear. In this study, we used microcontact printing and micropost arrays to control cell spreading, substrate stiffness, and post density to assess their effect on traction forces and focal adhesions. We find that both the spread area and the substrate stiffness influence traction forces in an independent manner, but these factors have opposite effects: cells on stiffer substrates produce higher average forces, whereas cells with larger spread areas generate lower average forces. We show that post density influences the generation of traction forces in a manner that is more dominant than the effect of spread area. Additionally, we observe that focal adhesions respond to spread area, substrate stiffness, and post density in a manner that closely matches the trends seen for traction forces. This work supports the notion that traction forces and focal adhesions have a close relationship in their response to mechanical cues.  相似文献   

The production of a reagent kit has been recently organized by DAKO, Immunotekh and other companies, for phenotyping of lymphocytes by the streptavidin–biotin method. The method needs no sophisticated equipment, is highly sensitive, and allows rapid staining of different lymphocyte subpopulations in capillary blood smears and subsequent observation of them under a light microscope. We have modified this method for staining leukocytes in the monolayer prepared with a plate cytorotor. Not decreasing the above-mentioned advantages of the method, this modification significantly cheapens and simplifies the staining procedure; the blood cells of 16 subjects can be stained concurrently, and the staining can be performed by a technician. The streptavidin–biotin method of lymphocyte phenotyping can be mastered in every immunological laboratory, thus improving its technical level.  相似文献   

Micropatterned substrates are often used to standardize cell experiments and to quantitatively study the relation between cell shape and function. Moreover, they are increasingly used in combination with traction force microscopy on soft elastic substrates. To predict the dynamics and steady states of cell shape and forces without any a priori knowledge of how the cell will spread on a given micropattern, here we extend earlier formulations of the two-dimensional cellular Potts model. The third dimension is treated as an area reservoir for spreading. To account for local contour reinforcement by peripheral bundles, we augment the cellular Potts model by elements of the tension-elasticity model. We first parameterize our model and show that it accounts for momentum conservation. We then demonstrate that it is in good agreement with experimental data for shape, spreading dynamics, and traction force patterns of cells on micropatterned substrates. We finally predict shapes and forces for micropatterns that have not yet been experimentally studied.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell develops organelles to sense and respond to the mechanical properties of its surroundings. These mechanosensing organelles aggregate into symmetry-breaking patterns to mediate cell motion and differentiation on substrate. The spreading of a cell plated onto a substrate is one of the simplest paradigms in which angular symmetry-breaking assemblies of mechanical sensors are seen to develop. We review evidence for the importance of the edge of the cell-extracellular matrix adhesion area in the aggregation of mechanosensors and develop a theoretical model for the clustering of mechanosensors into nascent focal adhesions on this contact ring. To study the spatial patterns arising on this topological feature, we use a one-dimensional lattice model with a nearest-neighbor interaction between individual integrin-mediated mechanosensors. We find the effective Ginzburg-Landau free energy for this model and determine the spectrum of spatial modes as the cell spreads and increases its contact area with the substrate. To test our model, we compare its predictions with measured distributions of paxillin in spreading fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions are sites for integrin-mediated attachment of cultured cells to the extracellular matrix. Localization studies have shown that focal adhesions can be stained by antiphosphotyrosine antibodies, but the role of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in focal adhesions is not known. By using ventral plasma membranes prepared from chicken embryo fibroblasts spread on the substrate, we present evidence for the preferential localization of a minor pool of tyrosine-phosphorylated paxillin in focal adhesions. Ventral plasma membranes showed an enrichment in β1-integrins, and in several tyrosine-phosphorylated polypeptides, while focal adhesion proteins like vinculin and paxillin, although localized to focal adhesions in ventral plasma membranes, were not particularly enriched in these preparations compared to whole cell lysates. Biochemical and morphological analysis of ventral plasma membranes showed a dramatic increase in the level of tyrosine-phosphorylation of the pool of paxillin localized to the adhesive sites, when compared to the paxillin present in whole cell lysates. The observed preferential localization of tyrosine-phosphorylated paxillin to focal adhesions may represent a general mechanism to compartmentalize focal adhesion components from large non-phosphorylated, cytosolic pools.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions are sites for integrin-mediated attachment of cultured cells to the extracellular matrix. Localization studies have shown that focal adhesions can be stained by antiphosphotyrosine antibodies, but the role of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins in focal adhesions is not known. By using ventral plasma membranes prepared from chicken embryo fibroblasts spread on the substrate, we present evidence for the preferential localization of a minor pool of tyrosine-phosphorylated paxillin in focal adhesions. Ventral plasma membranes showed an enrichment in β1-integrins, and in several tyrosine-phosphorylated polypeptides, while focal adhesion proteins like vinculin and paxillin, although localized to focal adhesions in ventral plasma membranes, were not particularly enriched in these preparations compared to whole cell lysates. Biochemical and morphological analysis of ventral plasma membranes showed a dramatic increase in the level of tyrosine-phosphorylation of the pool of paxillin localized to the adhesive sites, when compared to the paxillin present in whole cell lysates. The observed preferential localization of tyrosine-phosphorylated paxillin to focal adhesions may represent a general mechanism to compartmentalize focal adhesion components from large non-phosphorylated, cytosolic pools.  相似文献   

目的:空间失重条件下机体会出现心血管功能失调,血管内皮细胞的改变情况可能是导致此种异常的直接原因,本研究对模拟微重力(MMG)干预下人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)的黏着斑(FAs)多种参数进行半定量观测,并对FAs主要受体整合素(integrins)的表达进行评价,以期探索心血管功能失调的内在机制。方法:激光共聚焦结合高通量激光半定量计算方法,对FAs的各项参数进行评价,其参数包括FAs平均数量(VN);FAs平均面积(VA);FAs平均交叠面积(OSP);FAs平均到细胞边缘距离(DS)。Western blot以及RT-PCR检测integrinβ1和B4的表达。结果:FAs在MMG干预下,形成的数量(V-N)与面积(VA)明显减少,VN较NG对照组减少-50.6%(P〈0.05),VA较NG对照组减少-60.2%(P〈0.05),FAs定位指标DS也不同于NG对照组。28.3%(P〈0.05);MMG可导致integriN31和B4在mRNA与蛋白水平表达下调。结论:MMG可能通过影响HUVECs的FAs的生成与定位,以及下调integrins表达水平抑制内皮细胞增殖与迁移的;而FAs与integrins正是细胞进行胞内外增殖、迁移等信号交流的窗口,这也是导致产生心血管功能失调的直接原因之一。  相似文献   

Cells cultured in vitro can be adapted to grow in the presence of high concentrations of fluoride by stepwise increasing the fluoride concentration in the culture medium. Such cells seem to have the ability to exclude fluoride from intracellular compartments.  相似文献   

Cellular adhesion to collagen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BALB/3T3 cells were released from tissue culture plates with EGTA, and their rates of attachment to collagen gels polymerized on Millipore filters; were measured. Cell attachment in serum-free medium was 20–50% of that which occurred in medium containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cell attachment to gels pretreated with FCS and assayed in serum-free medium was identical with that of gels in FCS-containing medium. Thus, it seems there are two separate mechanisms of attachment to collagen; one involving direct attachment and a second mediated by a serum component(s) which binds to collagen.  相似文献   

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