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We have cloned lines of IL 2-dependent human T cells derived from alloantigen, soluble antigen (tetanus toxoid), mitogen, or IL 2-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes and characterized their surface marker expression and cytolytic activity. The surface phenotype and cytolytic function was compared with the ability of these T cell clones to release cytotoxic lymphokines in response to mitogenic lectins. The cytotoxins released by these CTL clones were detected on the murine L929 target cells in a 16-hr assay. All of the T cell clones, whether stimulated by HLA alloantigens, tetanus toxoid, or mitogens, exhibited killer cell activity and the capacity to secrete a soluble cytotoxin(s). Specific polyclonal antisera to recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rTNF) and human alpha-lymphotoxin (alpha LT) were unable to neutralize the cytotoxic activity released by most of these CTL clones. These results indicate that human CTL produce a novel antigenic form(s) of cytotoxin that we have termed CTL-toxin. Supernatants from several CTL clones yielded a cytotoxic activity that was partially neutralized (10 to 40%) by saturating levels of anti-TNF (but not anti-alpha LT) indicating that human CTL may be capable of producing a TNF-like molecule. Only two out of 60 CTL clones studied thus far produced a cytotoxic activity that was partially neutralized by anti-alpha LT (20 to 40%). Collectively, these results suggest that although both the CD4 and the CD8 subpopulations of human cytotoxic T cells may be capable of releasing several types of cytotoxins in response to mitogenic signals, the predominant cytotoxin is distinct from alpha LT and TNF.  相似文献   

Studies with human myeloma-derived IgD have demonstrated the existence of IgD-R on peripheral blood T cells. These receptors, which are detected by rosetting with IgD-coated ox E (IgD-rosette-forming cells), are competitively inhibited by IgD, but not by IgM or IgG. Similar results were obtained with human T cell clones and T hybridomas derived from such clones either by rosetting assays or by staining with biotinylated-IgD. In agreement with studies of murine IgD-R+ cells, human IgD-R can be up-regulated by exposure of peripheral blood T cells, T cell clones, and hybridomas derived from such clones, to oligomeric IgD, but not monomeric IgD. Human IgD-R can also be induced by IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. In contrast with studies of murine IgD-R, which are expressed primarily by CD4+ cells, phenotyping studies show that both the CD4+ and CD8+ human T cell subsets are capable of expressing IgD-R.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was maintained and augmented by transferring cells from a 5-day mixed lymphocyte culture MLC into a host culture (HC) containing indomethacin, freshly explanted normal spleen cells, and peritoneal cells which were syngeneic to the MLC cells. The MLC cells used in the transfer experiments were generated by culturing untreated H-2b splenic responders with irradiated H-2d stimulators, or were generated by culturing Lyt-2-depleted H-2b splenic responders with irradiated H-2d stimulators. The allo-CTL were found to be derived from the donor MLC (first culture) when unfractionated MLC cells were transferred into a host (second) culture and incubated for 5 days. In contrast, the allo-CTL were derived from host culture cells when Lyt-2-depleted MLC cells were transferred and the combined cultures incubated for 5 days. In the former case, the augmentation of MLC-derived cytotoxicity did not result from nonspecific expansion of all donor T cells; instead it was mediated by lymphokine(s), distinct from IL-2, produced by helper T cells generated in host culture, which appeared to selectively expand the antigen-specific CTL or to increase the cytotoxic activity of these CTL. The helper T cells were Thy-1+, L3T4+, and Lyt-2-. These findings indicate that antigen-nonspecific help was provided by helper cells or helper factors (lymphokines) generated in the host culture, which maintained and augmented the cytotoxic activity of the fully generated allo-CTL. This helper effect was also seen in the induction of primary allo-CTL responses which could be generated with fewer stimulating cells and with a stronger cytotoxic response at different R/S ratios tested. The generation of allo-CTL in second culture following transfer of Lyt-2-depleted MLC cells to host cultures appears to have involved antigen carryover from the MLC; however, antigen carryover alone was not sufficient. It appears that in the absence of Lyt-2+ suppressor T cells, antigen-specific help might be generated in donor cultures (Lyt-2-depleted MLC) which promoted or recruited the generation of antigen-specific CTL in host culture.  相似文献   

Cloned T cell lines from mixed lymphocyte cultures stimulated with autologous Epstein Barr virus- (EBV) transformed lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) cells were established using a limiting dilution technique in the presence of T cell growth factor (TCGF). The T cell lines included two distinct clones of cytotoxic T cells (Tc) in addition to EBV-specific Tc. A cytotoxic profile of one cloned line was similar to that of endogenous NK cells in peripheral blood. The other cloned Tc line showed an anti-human cytotoxicity. The susceptible targets for this latter Tc line were various human cells, including autologous LCL and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), stimulated with pokeweed mitogen, along with NK-sensitive and NK-resistant cell lines. Weak cytotoxic activity was detected against various xenogeneic cell lines. Furthermore, autologous and allogeneic cloned T cell lines were resistant to killing by the anti-human effector clone. These t wo distinct cloned Tc lines expressed the Leu-1 and Leu-2a antigens, which are markers of suppressor/cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

H-Y-specific and H-2Db-restricted, Lyt-1-2+ T-cell clones ( CTLL ) with graded specific cytotoxic activities on male C57BL/6 (B6) target cells ( 1E3 , ; 2C5 , ++; 2A5 , +, 3E6 , +/-) were tested for their capacity to inhibit the generation of H-Y-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro. Addition of irradiated lymphocytes of CTLL 1E3 and CTLL 3E6 but not those of CTLL 2A5 or CTLL 2C5 abolished the generation of CTL from in vivo primed H-Y-specific precursor cells (CTLP) when added to fresh mixed-lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Exogenous sources of T-cell growth factors (TCGF) did not overcome suppression. Rather the presence of TCGF resulted in a further enhancement of suppressive activities in CTLL 1E3 and 3E6 and the induction of similar activities in cells from CTLL 2A5 and 2C5 , which by themselves were not inhibitory. Moreover when added to similar MLC on Day 1 instead of Day 0, only irradiated cells of CTLL 3E6 but not those of the other three CTLL were suppressive. Induction of suppressive activities in H-Y-specific CTLL was independent of the appropriate male stimulator cells since it was also observed in MLC induced by irrelevant antigens (H-2, trinitrophenol). Furthermore at low cell numbers, irradiated lymphocytes from any of the CTLL consistently enhanced CTL activities generated from H-Y-specific CTLP. This augmenting activity, which was not TCGF, could be transferred by soluble mediators present in antigen-sensitized CTLL cultures. Thus, these data indicate (i) that cytotoxic effector cells can function as suppressor cells in the generation of CTL, (ii) that the cytotoxic activity of cloned CTL does not correlate with their capacity to suppress CTL responses, (iii) that the inhibition of CTL responses by CTLL is not due to simple consumption of T-cell growth factors produced in MLC, and (iv) that different CTL clones may interfere with the generation of CTL at different stages of their maturation. Moreover, the experiments suggest an antigen-independent enhancement of suppression by the interaction of CTL with lymphokines. Together with the augmenting activity evoked by cloned CTL the data provide strong evidence for the expression of multiple immunological functions by one particular subset of T cells and suggest that cytotoxic effector cells can differentially regulate the maturation and/or clonal expression of their precursor cells.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus hemagglutinin (HA) is an integral membrane glycoprotein expressed in large quantities on infected cell surfaces and is known to serve as a target antigen for influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Despite the fact that HAs derived from different influenza A virus subtypes are serologically non-cross-reactive, the HA has been implicated by previous experiments to be a target antigen for the subset of T cells capable of lysing cells infected with any human influenza A subtype (cross-reactive CTL). To directly determine whether the HA is recognized by cross-reactive CTL, we used vaccinia virus recombinants containing DNA copies of the PR8 (A/Puerto Rico/8/34) (H1N1) or JAP (A/JAP/305) (H2N2) HA genes. When these viruses were used to stimulate HA-specific CTL and to sensitize target cells for lysis by HA-specific CTL, we found no evidence for HA recognition by cross-reactive CTL aside from a relatively small degree of cross-reactivity between H1 and H2 HAs. Results of unlabeled target inhibition studies were consistent with the conclusion that the HA is, at most, only a minor target antigen for cross-reactive CTL.  相似文献   

Mice infected with herpes simplex virus develop little or no cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. However, in lymph nodes (LN's) draining a local site infected with HSV, antigen-specific CTL precursors are sensitized, which upon transfer to in vitro culture conditions develop within 72 hr into effective CTL. The in vivo blockade of CTL differentiation can be overcome by cyclophosphamide, suggesting that a cyclophosphamide-sensitive mechanism blocks the in vivo generation of HSV-immune CTL. The cytolytic activity of HSV-immune CTL is H-2 restricted and antigen specific. Thus CTL sensitized toward HSV type 1 discriminate between syngeneic targets infected with either the immunologic HSV variant type 1 or type 2 (and vice versa). H-2-matched target cells exposed for 30 min to infectious HSV are lysed within 60 min of contact with CTL. Since HSV replication is believed to require more than 4 to 5 hr, the data suggest that either the expression of HSV-dependent "early proteins" takes place within 30 to 90 min or cell membrane-integrated HSV virion represents the target antigen of CTL.  相似文献   

Cloned murine Th having properties of either Th1 or Th2 cells as well as CD8+ CTL were tested for the capacity to lyse: 1) nucleated target cells bearing Ag or coated with anti-CD3 mAb, or 2) SRBC target cells coated with anti-CD3 mAb in a short term 51Cr-release assay. The lysis of SRBC occurs by a mechanism that does not involve nuclear degradation but presumably does involve membrane damage. Three patterns were observed: CTL and some Th2 cells lysed efficiently nucleated target cells and SRBC coated with anti-CD3 mAb. Th1 and some Th2 T cells lysed nucleated target cells but did not lyse efficiently the SRBC coated with anti-CD3 mAb. Finally, some Th2 cells failed to lyse efficiently either nucleated or SRBC targets. We also examined these clones for their expression of N-alpha-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysin thiobenzyl esterase activity, and for the expression of perforin or CTLA-1 (granzyme B) mRNA. Total N-alpha-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysin thiobenzyl esterase activity expressed by CTL and Th2 clones tended to be higher than that of Th1 cells. Perforin mRNA and CTLA-1 mRNA were readily detectable in CTL and some Th2 clones. Expression of perforin and CLTA-1 mRNA correlated well with the capacity of these clones to lyse SRBC coated with anti-CD3 mAb. Our results show that some but not all Th2 clones have lytic characteristics similar to those of CD8+ CTL. Two mechanisms appear to contribute to their lytic process, one mechanism of lysis involves membrane damage that correlates with the expression of perforin mRNA; a second mechanism involves the induction of DNA degradation in the target cells. In contrast, some CD4+ effector cells appear to lack the capacity to lyse efficiently via the mechanism involving membrane damage and may only have the lytic activity associated with the capacity to induce DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that cloned, murine CTL cell lines are resistant to the cytotoxic components of the toxic granules they release upon specific interaction with their target cells. Inasmuch as the resistance might be due to selection in culture over many months by repeated exposure to these cytolytic components (which are released repeatedly as a result of the cultured CTL being periodically stimulated by target cells), we asked whether primary CTL are also resistant. The primary CTL were elicited in vivo by i.p. injection of allogeneic tumor cells or in vitro by 5- to 6-day MLC or by 48-h exposure to the lectin Con A. The responding cells were separated into purified CD8+ (i.e., CD4-, CD8+) and purified CD4+ (i.e., CD4+, CD8-) T cell populations that were analyzed for cytolytic activity and for resistance to lysis by toxic secretory granules derived from cloned CTL cell lines. The CD8+ T cells were highly cytolytic and relatively resistant; they retained their cytolytic activity and were lysed to a minimal extent (0 to 10%) by quantities of isolated granules that lysed 80 to 90% of the P815 tumor cell line (tested as a representative standard cell line). The CD4+ T cells, in contrast, had only minimal cytolytic activity and were far more susceptible to granule-mediated lysis. Although the resistance of primary CD8+ T cells is impressive, it is not as pronounced as the resistance of the cloned CTL cell lines, indicating that during long-term culture there is some selection for increased resistance to granule-mediated lysis. In contrast to T cells (especially CD8+ T cells), Ia+ macrophages, isolated from primary immune peritoneal exudates, were highly susceptible to granule-mediated lysis.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of human neuroblastoma cells to direct cellular cytotoxicity has not been previously established. This is of particular interest because of their aggressive growth and low HLA expression. Neuroblastoma lines CHP 100 and CHP 126 were found to be excellent targets in 4-hr CML assays. Natural killer (NK) cells from fresh PBL and from an NK clone, 3.3, have high lytic activity against both cell lines. We also studied mixed lymphocyte culture-generated cytotoxic lines containing allo-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) directed against HLA antigens present on the neuroblastoma target cell lines. These lines did show excellent lytic activity, but cold target competition studies indicated that all of the lysis resulted from NK activity. This was verified by using inhibition studies with the use of monoclonal antibodies. OKT 3 and anti-HLA antibodies that block CTL function caused no reduction in kill. In contrast, anti-lymphocyte function antigen-1 (anti-LFA-1), which blocks both NK and CTL function, significantly inhibited lysis. These results serve as a functional confirmation of earlier findings of a very weak expression of HLA-A,B,C and beta 2-microglobulin on neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

A human CD8+ CTL clone with cytolytic potential was shown to express two serine proteases, a 50-kDa homodimer and a 27-kDa monomer, which were purified from cytoplasmic granules. N-terminal sequencing of the purified proteins revealed that the 50-kDa homodimer is the gene product of the human Hanukah factor cDNA clone and that it represents the human homologue to granzyme A. Similarly, the 27-kDa protein was shown to be the serine esterase encoded by the human lymphocyte protease cDNA clone and corresponds to granzyme B. There was no evidence for the presence of other granzymes, in particular for the human homologues to murine granzymes C, D, E, and F. The substrate best cleaved by granzyme A was Gly-Pro-Arg-amido-4-methyl-coumarin after the Arg residue and the pH optimum was 8 to 8.5. Upon triggering of the TCR-CD3 complex with an anti-CD3 mAb, granzyme A was released into the culture medium. Furthermore, a granule-associated hemolytic activity was detected after salt extraction and partial purification of granule proteins. This suggests that hemolytically active human perforin can be obtained from inactive granules.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PMC) can be stimulated in vitro to become cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) by PHA. A significant cytotoxic activity of PMC was detected 48 hr after the culture initiation in the presence of 5 micrograms/ml of PHA and the peak level of the activity was obtained by culturing PMC for 72 hr. The cytotoxic cells require the presence of PHA as a cell agglutinin for the expression of their cytotoxic activity. The effector cells mediating the activity were identified as T lymphocytes by E-rosette fractionation of PMC. In this system, removal of carbonyl iron phagocytosed or attached cells from PMC did not abrogate CTL generation of PMC. In addition, human alpha-interferon did not augment CTL generation or expression of their activity. Although the target cells employed were sensitive to natural killer (NK) cells, the effector cells induced by PHA did not seem to have any relation to the NK cells. The present study may provide a useful tool to analyze for precursors of killer T cells.  相似文献   

This study was designed to further understand the nature of the interaction between natural killer (NK) cells and their susceptible targets. To do this, a panel of sugars and two lectins was tested for the ability to inhibit the lysis of NK-sensitive targets by cloned and uncloned lines of human NK cells. Six of these sugars (beta-gentiobiose, sucrose, alpha-lactose, beta-lactose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylgalactosamine) and one lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), proved to be potent inhibitors of the lytic activity of NK cells as well as of cytotoxic T lymphocytes activated in mixed lymphocyte cultures. Both beta-gentiobiose and WGA were shown to inhibit lysis at the level of the killer cell. Finally, the inhibitory effect of WGA could be reversed by addition of its sugar ligand, N-acetylglucosamine, which is itself an inhibitor of lytic function. From these findings it is concluded that these inhibitors probably do not act at the recognition stage of lysis since all of the NK and CTL lines tested, regardless of specificity, were inhibited by the same panel of sugars and lectins. Instead, it appears more likely that these inhibitors block some postrecognition stage of the lytic mechanism. The common inhibition profile by these sugars on NK and CTL activity further suggests that these two cell types may share, at least partially, a common lytic mechanism.  相似文献   

The effect of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection on human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) lytic function was assessed. All HSV-infected CTL populations tested were significantly inhibited in lysing target cells. The inhibition of CTL lytic function by infection with HSV-1 was independent of T-cell receptor-mediated antigen recognition and did not involve virus-induced shutoff of host protein synthesis, the expression of the HSV-1 transactivation protein, ICP4, or replicating virus. Understanding the functional impairment of CTL following infection with HSV may have important implications for HSV-induced immunosuppression and the mechanism of HSV persistence in immunocompetent hosts.  相似文献   

Research on the mechanisms of nonrejection of the fetoplacental allograft has focused on the tissues composing the fetomaternal interface, of which the placental trophoblast, the tissue directly confronting the maternal environment, is considered a prime candidate responsible for the survival of the fetus. We recently developed a method for isolating murine trophoblast, and found that a proportion of trophoblast cells from mature placentas, cultured for 2 days, express class I antigens on their surface, and this expression can be enhanced in vitro by interferon-alpha/beta (IFN-alpha/beta). In the present study, it was determined that cultured trophoblast cells from day 14 placentas were resistant to allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (allo-CTL), while being susceptible to alloantibody and complement-mediated lysis. The trophoblast cells remained resistant to allo-CTL-mediated lysis despite IFN-mediated enhanced expression of class I H-2 antigens on their surface and the addition of phytohemagglutinin into the assay. Inhibition of protein synthesis also had no effect. In contrast, fetal fibroblasts, isolated from the same conceptuses, were readily susceptible to allo-CTL-mediated lysis. That the trophoblast cells do interact with the effector cells was shown by their ability to specifically inhibit the lysis of tumor target cells in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, trophoblast culture supernatants did not inhibit the lytic activity of allo-CTL, even when concentrated 10- to 25-fold, indicating that a soluble suppressor factor was not inactivating the effector cells. These results suggest that trophoblast cells have a protein synthesis-independent mechanism of resistance to lysis by allo-CTL, which could play an important role in protecting the fetoplacental allograft from maternal immune rejection.  相似文献   

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