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FhuD is the periplasmic binding protein of the ferric hydroxamate transport system of Escherichia coli. FhuD was isolated and purified as a His-tag-labeled derivative on a Ni-chelate resin. The dissociation constants for ferric hydroxamates were estimated from the concentration-dependent decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence intensity of His-tag-FhuD and were found to be 0.4 microM for ferric aerobactin, 1.0 microM for ferrichrome, 0.3 microM for ferric coprogen, and 5.4 microM for the antibiotic albomycin. Ferrichrome A, ferrioxamine B, and ferrioxamine E, which are poorly taken up via the Fhu system, displayed dissociation constants of 79, 36, and 42 microM, respectively. These are the first estimated dissociation constants reported for a binding protein of a microbial iron transport system. Mutants impaired in the interaction of ferric hydroxamates with FhuD were isolated. One mutated FhuD, with a W-to-L mutation at position 68 [FhuD(W68L)], differed from wild-type FhuD in transport activity in that ferric coprogen supported promotion of growth of the mutant on iron-limited medium, while ferrichrome was nearly inactive. The dissociation constants of ferric hydroxamates were higher for FhuD(W68L) than for wild-type FhuD and lower for ferric coprogen (2.2 microM) than for ferrichrome (156 microM). Another mutated FhuD, FhuD(A150S, P175L), showed a weak response to ferrichrome and albomycin and exhibited dissociation constants two- to threefold higher than that of wild-type FhuD. Interaction of FhuD with the cytoplasmic membrane transport protein FhuB was studied by determining protection of FhuB degradation by trypsin and proteinase K and by cross-linking experiments. His-tag-FhuD and His-tag-FhuD loaded with aerobactin specifically prevented degradation of FhuB and were cross-linked to FhuB. FhuD loaded with substrate and also FhuD free of substrate were able to interact with FhuB.  相似文献   

Due to its extreme insolubility, Fe3+ is not transported as a monoatomic ion. In microbes, iron is bound to low molecular weight carriers, designated siderophores. For uptake into cells of Escherichia coli Fe3+ siderophores have to be translocated across two membranes. Transport across the outer membrane is receptor-dependent and energy-coupled; transport across the cytoplasmic membrane seems to follow a periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport mechanism. In support of this notion we demonstrate specific binding of the Fe3+ hydroxamate compounds ferrichrome, aerobactin, and coprogen, which are transported via the Fhu system, to the periplasmic FhuD protein, and no binding of the transport inactive ferrichrome A, ferric citrate, and iron sulfate. About 10(4) ferrichrome molecules were bound to the FhuD protein of cells which overproduced plasmid-encoded FhuD. Binding depended on transport across the outer membrane mediated by the FhuA receptor and the TonB protein. Binding to FhuD was supported by the exclusive resistance of FhuD to proteinase K in the presence of the transport active hydroxamates. The overproduced precursor form of the FhuD protein was not protected by the Fe3+ hydroxamates indicating a conformation different to the mature form. The FhuD protein apparently serves as a periplasmic carrier for Fe3+ hydroxamates with widely different structures.  相似文献   

Summary ThefhuB, fhuC andfhuD genes encode proteins which catalyze transport of iron(III)-hydroxamate compounds from the periplasm into the cytoplasm ofEscherichia coli. ThefhuB, C, D genes were cloned downstream of a strong phage T7 promoter and transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase. The overexpressed FhuD protein appeared in two forms of 31 and 28 kDa and was released upon conversion of vegetative cells into spheroplasts, suggesting synthesis of FhuD as a precursor and export into the periplasm. The very hydrophobic FhuB protein was found in the cytoplasmic membrane. These properties, together with the previously found homologies in the FhuC protein to ATP-binding proteins, display the characteristics of a periplasmic binding protein dependent transport system across the cytoplasmic membrane. The molecular weight of FhuB and the sequence offhuC, as previously published by us, was confirmed. FhuB exhibited double the size of most hydrophobic proteins of such systems and showed homology between the amino- and carboxy-terminal halves of the protein, indicating duplication of an original gene and subsequent fusion of the two DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Citrate-mediated iron transport across the cytoplasmic membrane is catalyzed by an ABC transporter that consists of the periplasmic binding protein FecB, the transmembrane proteins FecC and FecD, and the ATPase FecE. Salt bridges between glutamate residues of the binding protein and arginine residues of the transmembrane proteins are predicted to mediate the positioning of the substrate-loaded binding protein on the transmembrane protein, based on the crystal structures of the ABC transporter for vitamin B(12), consisting of the BtuF binding protein and the BtuCD transmembrane proteins (E. L. Borths et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99:16642-16647, 2002). Here, we examined the role of the residues predicted to be involved in salt-bridge formation between FecB and FecCD by substituting these residues with alanine, cysteine, arginine, and glutamate and by analyzing the citrate-mediated iron transport of the mutants. Replacement of E93 in FecB with alanine [FecB(E93A)], cysteine, or arginine nearly abolished citrate-mediated iron transport. Mutation FecB(E222R) nearly eliminated transport, and FecB(E222A) and FecB(E222C) strongly reduced transport. FecD(R54C) and FecD(R51E) abolished transport, whereas other R-to-C mutations in putative interaction sites between FecCD and FecB substantially reduced transport. The introduced cysteine residues in FecB and FecCD also served to examine the formation of disulfide bridges in place of salt bridges between the binding protein and the transmembrane proteins. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis results suggest cross-linking of FecB(E93C) to FecD(R54C) and FecB(E222C) to FecC(R60C). The data are consistent with the proposal that FecB(E93) is contained in the region that binds to FecD and FecB(E222) in the region that binds to FecC.  相似文献   

Summary Transport of iron(III) hydroxamates across the inner membrane into the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli cells is mediated by the FhuC, FhuD and FhuB proteins. We studied the extremely hydrophobic FhuB protein (70 kDa) which is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. The N- and C-terminal halves of the protein [FhuB(N) and FhuB(C)] show homology to each other and to the equivalent polypeptides involved in uptake of ferric dicitrate and of vitamin B2. Various plasmids carrying only one-half of the fhuB gene were expressed in fhuB mutants. Only combinations of FhuB(N) and FhuB(C) polypeptides restored sensitivity to albomycin and growth on iron hydroxamates as sole iron source; no activity was obtained with either half of FhuB alone. These results indicate that both halves of FhuB are essential for substrate translocation and that they combine to form an active permease when expressed separately. In addition, a FhuB derivative with a large internal duplication of 271 amino acids was found to be partially active in transport, indicating that the extra portion did not perurb proper insertion of the active FhuB segments into the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

During export of the outer membrane lipoprotein across the cytoplasmic membrane, the signal peptide of the lipoprotein undergoes two successive proteolytic attacks, cleavage of the signal peptide by signal peptidase and digestion of the cleaved signal peptide by an enzyme called signal peptide peptidase(s) (Hussain, M., Ichihara, S., and Mizushima, S. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 5177-5182; Hussain, M., Ozawa, Y., Ichihara, S., and Mizushima, S. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem. 129, 233-239). Here we report that protease IV, a cytoplasmic membrane protease, exhibits the signal peptide peptidase activity. The signal peptide peptidase activity was cofractionated with protease IV throughout the entire process of purification of the latter enzyme. Only the signal peptide was digested by the peptidase among membrane proteins. Both the signal peptide peptidase activity and the protease IV activity were inhibited to similar degrees by antipain, leupeptin, chymostatin, and elastatinal that are known to inhibit the signal peptide peptidase activity in the cell envelope. From these results we conclude that protease IV is the signal peptide peptidase that is responsible for signal peptide digestion in the cytoplasmic membrane. The peptidase attacked the signal peptide only after its release from the precursor protein.  相似文献   

We report the detection in vivo of precursors to the A and the B subunits of the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) in Escherichia coli. Both pre-LT A (Mr = 29,500) and pre-LT B (Mr = 13,500) are present in the spheroplast fraction of the bacteria after separation of the cells in spheroplasts and periplasm. Two smaller LT A related polypeptides (17 and 23 kDa) were also detected in the spheroplast fraction. Both were degraded with a half-time of about 40 s. Mature subunits (Mr = 27,500 for LT A, and 11,500 for LT B) are released from the spheroplasts soon after processing and occur freely in the periplasm not associated with the cytoplasmic or the outer membranes. Processing occurs mainly post-translationally for both the A and the B subunits. However, they show different kinetics of processing and subsequent segregation into the periplasm. Whereas pre-LT B is processed and released within seconds after chain termination, pre-LT A is processed and released more slowly, and a subfraction of mature LT A may reside in the cytoplasmic membrane for several minutes.  相似文献   

A signal peptide, a processing product of the precursor of the lipoprotein in the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli, has been purified through extractions with butanol and ethyl ether and chromatographies with a Sephadex LH-60 column and Sep-pak C18. Analysis of the amino acid composition and sequencing of the N- and C-termini indicate that the signal peptide was intact, suggesting that the first step of the signal peptide catabolism in the cytoplasmic membrane is the cleavage of the intact signal peptide. During the purification, the signal peptide exhibited unique features, including strong interaction with phospholipids. The possible importance of such features in the process of protein translocation across membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

A deletion mutation (lpp delta 9 delta 13 delta 14) in the signal peptide of the major outer membrane lipoprotein of Escherichia coli (Lpp) was found to cause severe effects on cell physiology, resulting in cessation of growth within 10 min of induction of lpp delta 9 delta 13 delta 14 expression and rapid cell death. Further investigation revealed that lpp delta 9 delta 13 delta 14 expression caused slow processing of several other exported proteins. The origin of this effect was traced to depolarization of the electrochemical potential across the cytoplasmic membrane, which is known to be required for efficient protein export. Analysis of the processing rate of the mutant, either prior to complete depolarization or in a suppressor strain in which depolarization does not occur, indicates that the mutant protein was capable of secretion at a rate which, while less than that of the wild type, was reasonably rapid compared with the rates of other E. coli secreted proteins. The existence of this type of signal peptide mutation suggests that the cell may have a mechanism to avoid membrane damage from secretory proteins carrying membrane-active signal peptides which is bypassed by the lpp delta 9 delta 13 delta 14 mutant.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli ammonia channel protein, AmtB, is a homotrimeric polytopic inner membrane protein in which each subunit has 11 transmembrane helices. We have shown that the structural gene amtB encodes a preprotein with a signal peptide that is cleaved off to produce a topology with the N-terminus in the periplasm and the C-terminus in the cytoplasm. Deletion of the signal peptide coding region results in significantly lower levels of AmtB accumulation in the membrane but modification of the signal peptidase cleavage site, leading to aberrant cleavage, does not prevent trimer formation and does not inactivate the protein. The presence of a signal peptide is apparently not a conserved feature of all prokaryotic Amt proteins. Comparison of predicted AmtB sequences suggests that while Amt proteins in Gram-negative organisms utilize a signal peptide, the homologous proteins in Gram-positive organisms do not.  相似文献   

We describe a novel Escherichia coli protein, DjlA, containing a highly conserved J-region motif, which is present in the DnaJ protein chaperone family and required for interaction with DnaK. Remarkably, DjlA is shown to be a membrane protein, localized to the inner membrane with the unusual Type III topology (N-out, C-in). Thus, DjlA appears to present an extremely short N-terminus to the periplasm and has a single transmembrane domain (TMD) and a large cytoplasmic domain containing the C-terminal J-region. Analysis of the TMD of DjIA and recently identified homologues in Coxiella burnetti and Haemophilus influenzae revealed a striking pattern of conserved glycines (or rarely alanine), with a four-residue spacing. This motif, predicted to form a spiral groove in the TMD, is more marked than a repeating glycine motif, implicated in the dimerization of TMDs of some eukaryotic proteins. This feature of DjlA could represent a promiscuous docking mechanism for interaction with a variety of membrane proteins. DjlA null mutants can be isolated but these appear rapidly to accumulate suppressors to correct envelope and growth defects. Moderate (10-fold) overproduction of DjlA suppresses a mutation in FtsZ but markedly perturbs cell division and cell-envelope growth in minimal medium. We propose that DjlA plays a role in the correct assembly, activity and/or maintenance of a number of membrane proteins, including two-component signal-transduction systems.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the synthesis of an export-defective protein can interfere with the normal export process in Escherichia coli by limiting the availability of SecB protein, a component of the export apparatus (Collier, D.N., Bankaitis, V.A., Weiss, J.B., and Bassford, P.J. (1988) Cell 53, 273-283). Consistent with this observation, we find that the interference elicited by an export-defective LamB protein is a titratable response resulting from the limitation of a single ligand. We have mapped the interfering region in LamB to between amino acids 320 and 380 of the mature protein. Expression of this sequence in the form of a LacZ-LamB-LacZ fusion protein elicits the export interference phenotype. Deletion of the sequence from an export-defective LamB protein eliminates the ability of this protein to interfere with the export of other secreted proteins. Together, these findings show that this sequence is both necessary and sufficient to cause export interference. Surprisingly, deletion of this sequence from an otherwise wild-type LamB protein does not cause the mutant LamB product to exhibit any obvious export defect. Based on our results, we propose that SecB interacts with both amino acids 320-380 of mature LamB and the LamB signal sequence during initiation of the export process.  相似文献   

The phoS periplasmic protein, implicated in alkaline phosphatase regulation, is shown to be involved in inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport in E. coli. Although phoS? cells dependent upon the PST system for Pi transport can grow in minimal medium with 1 mM Pi as source of phosphorus, the affinity of these cells for Pi is greatly reduced; Km = 18 μM compared with Km = 0.4 μM for phoS+ cells. phoS? cells dependent upon the PST Pi transport system acquire the ability to accumulate Asi from the medium in contrast to phoS+ cells which exclude this toxic anion. It would appear that the periplasmic phoS protein is not essential for Pi accumulation but is involved in maintaining the specificity of the PST Pi transport system.  相似文献   

Mal+ lacZ operon fusions, inducible by maltose, were isolated in Escherichia coli, strain MC4100. One fusion strain, SF1707, was analyzed in detail. This fusion did not map in any of the known genes of the malA or malB region, but its expression was under control of malT, the positive regulator gene of the maltose regulon. The gene in which the fusion occurred mapped between xyl and mtl at 80 min on the linkage map and was transcribed clockwise. We define this gene as malS. The malS-lacZ fusion was transferred onto a phage lambda vector and the 5' portion of malS was subcloned into pBR322. The resulting plasmid was used as a probe to identify the intact malS gene in a lambda library of E. coli chromosomal HindIII fragments. The phage that hybridized with the probe contained a 12-kilobase insert. The malS containing portion was subcloned into pBR322 as a 4-kilobase ClaI-HindIII fragment. This plasmid directed the malT and maltose-dependent synthesis of a periplasmic protein of 66,000 apparent molecular weight. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed maltodextrins longer than maltose including cyclic dextrins. The primary products of hydrolysis were glucose, maltose, and maltotriose, even when maltotetraose was used as a substrate. These properties differentiate this periplasmic enzyme from the cytoplasmic amylomaltase and define it as an alpha-amylase.  相似文献   

Ferric siderophores, vitamin B12, and group B colicins are taken up through the outer membranes of Escherichia coli cells by an energy-coupled process. Energy from the cytoplasmic membrane is transferred to the outer membrane with the aid of the Ton system, consisting of the proteins TonB, ExbB, and ExbD. In this paper we describe two point mutations which inactivate ExbD. One mutation close to the N-terminal end of ExbD is located in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the other mutation close to the C-terminal end is located in the periplasm. E. coli CHO3, carrying a chromosomal exbD mutation in which leucine at position 132 was replaced by glutamine, was devoid of all Ton-related activities. A plasmid-encoded ExbD derivative, in which aspartate at position 25, the only changed amino acid in the predicted membrane-spanning region of ExbD, was replaced by asparagine, failed to restore the Ton activities of strain CHO3 and negatively complemented ExbD+ strains, indicating an interaction of this mutated ExbD with wild-type ExbD or with another component. This component was shown to be ExbB. ExbB that was labeled with 6 histidine residues at its C-terminal end and that bound to a nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose column retained ExbD and TonB specifically; both were eluted with the ExbB labeled with 6 histidine residues, demonstrating interaction of ExbB with ExbD and TonB. These data further support the concept that TonB, ExbB, and ExbD form a complex in which the energized conformation of TonB opens the channels in the outer membrane receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Potential experimental approaches for developing and applying protein-engineering protocols to transmembrane transport systems are described. We specifically consider procedures designed to alter protein function. These procedures are designed for the specific purposes of (1) changing protein interaction specificities and (2) changing a protein's catalytic function. We use sugar-transporting bacterial phosphotransferase systems as model systems to illustrate the proposed approaches. These and other similar procedures are likely to prove to be of utility for biotechnological manipulation of proteins as well as for elucidating potential evolutionary pathways taken for the appearance of novel functions within a protein family.  相似文献   

Uptake of cobalamins and iron chelates in Escherichia coli K-12 is dependent on specific outer membrane transport proteins and the energy-coupling function provided by the TonB protein. The btuB product is the outer membrane receptor for cobalamins, bacteriophage BF23, and the E colicins. A short sequence near the amino terminus of mature BtuB, previously called the TonB box, is conserved in all tonB-dependent receptors and colicins and is the site of the btuB451 mutation (Leu-8----Pro), which prevents energy-coupled cobalamin uptake. This phenotype is partially suppressed by certain mutations in tonB. To examine the role of individual amino acids in the TonB box of BtuB, more than 30 amino acid substitutions in residues 6 to 13 were generated by doped oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. Many of the mutations affecting each amino acid did not impair transport activity, although some substitutions reduced cobalamin uptake and the Leu-8----Pro and Val-10----Gly alleles were completely inactive. To test whether the btuB451 mutation affects only cobalamin transport, a hybrid gene was constructed which encodes the signal sequence and first 39 residues of BtuB fused to the bulk of the ferrienterobactin receptor FepA (residues 26 to 723). This hybrid protein conferred all FepA functions but no BtuB functions. The presence of the btuB451 mutation in this fusion gene eliminated all of its tonB-coupled reactions, showing that the TonB box of FepA could be replaced by that from BtuB. These results suggest that the TonB-box region of BtuB is involved in active transport in a manner dependent not on the identity of specific side chains but on the local secondary structure.  相似文献   

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