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OBJECTIVE: Tuberculosis (TB) is a growing global public health problem. Several studies suggest a role for host genetics in disease susceptibility, but studies to date have been inconsistent and a comprehensive genetic model has not emerged. A limitation of previous genetic studies is that they only analyzed the binary trait TB, which does not reflect disease heterogeneity. Furthermore, these studies have not accounted for the influence of shared environment within households on TB risk, which may spuriously inflate estimates of heritability. METHODS: We conducted a household contact study in a TB-endemic community in Uganda. Antigen-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) expression, a key component of the underlying immune response to TB, was used as an endophenotype for TB. RESULTS: Path analysis, conducted to assess the effect of shared environment, suggested that TNFalpha is heritable (narrow sense heritability = 34-66%); the effect of shared environment is minimal (1-14%), but gene-environment interaction may be involved. Segregation analysis of TNFalpha suggested a major gene model that explained one-third of the phenotypic variance, and provided putative evidence of natural selection acting on this phenotype. CONCLUSION: Our data further support TNFalpha as an endophenotype for TB, as it may increase power to detect disease-predisposing loci.  相似文献   

Evidence for a major gene for rapid postweaning growth in mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Evidence for a new major gene influencing meat quality in pigs   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The present investigation primarily deals with the inheritance of a pigmeat quality trait, the Napole technological yield (RTN), a measure of cooked weight to fresh weight. This trait as well as lean percentage at 100 kg liveweight and fattening length from 20 to 100 kg liveweight were recorded on 3459 offspring from 67 sires and 433 dams, and 3052 offspring from 64 sires and 405 dams in Penshire (P66) and Pen Ar Lan (P77) composite lines respectively. The hypothesis of a major 2-allele locus contributing to RTN was tested by use of a segregation analysis method. Highly significant likelihood ratios (mixed vs. polygenic transmission models) lead us to conclude that a major gene RN- exerting an unfavourable effect on RTN is segregating in both lines. Maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters under the hypothesis of mixed (monogenic + polygenic) inheritance show that the difference between the means of the 2 homozygotes amounts to about 3 phenotypic standard deviations of the trait, whereas the complete dominance of RN- cannot be rejected. The frequency of RN- is about 0.6 in both lines. These results are discussed in connection with the previously reported 'Hampshire effect' on pigmeat quality, as the Hampshire breed is a common component of the foundation stock of the 2 composite lines under study.  相似文献   

Information on the numbers and functions of naturally occurring antisense RNAs (asRNAs) in eubacteria has thus far remained incomplete. Here, we screened the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 for asRNAs using four different methods. In the final data set, the number of known noncoding RNAs rose from 6 earlier identified to 60 and of asRNAs from 1 to 73 (28 were verified using at least three methods). Among these, there are many asRNAs to housekeeping, regulatory or metabolic genes, as well as to genes encoding electron transport proteins. Transferring cultures to high light, carbon‐limited conditions or darkness influenced the expression levels of several asRNAs, suggesting their functional relevance. Examples include the asRNA to rpl1, which accumulates in a light‐dependent manner and may be required for processing the L11 r‐operon and the SyR7 noncoding RNA, which is antisense to the murF 5′ UTR, possibly modulating murein biosynthesis. Extrapolated to the whole genome, ~10% of all genes in Synechocystis are influenced by asRNAs. Thus, chromosomally encoded asRNAs may have an important function in eubacterial regulatory networks.  相似文献   

In a flock of highly prolific Romney ewes obtained from industry flocks, one ewe (A281), with a production record of 33 lambs born in 11 lambings, produced a number of female descendants with high ovulation rates. The mode of inheritance of this trait was determined in a series of four progeny tests of male descendants of this ewe. The first progeny test produced strong evidence for a new major gene affecting ovulation rate in this family line; this finding was supported by two subsequent progeny tests. The fourth progeny test was designed to test the hypothesis that this gene is carried on the X chromosome. The results showed that six sons of a carrier ram did not inherit the gene, but it was passed on to three of his five maternal grandsons. This finding, together with evidence of genetic segregation in the progeny of carrier females, demonstrates for the first time the presence of a major gene for prolificacy specifically located on the X chromosome. The effect of the gene is to increase ovulation rate by about one additional egg per ewe.  相似文献   

We investigated the mode of inheritance of nutritionally induced diabetes in the desert gerbil Psammomys obesus (sand rat), following transfer from low-energy (LE) to high-energy (HE) diet which induces hyperglycaemia. Psammomys selected for high or low blood glucose level were used as two parental lines. A first backcross generation (BC(1)) was formed by crossing F(1) males with females of the diabetes-prone line. The resulting 232 BC(1) progeny were assessed for blood glucose. All progeny were weaned at 3 weeks of age (week 0), and their weekly assessment of blood glucose levels proceeded until week 9 after weaning, with all progeny maintained on HE diet. At weeks 1 to 9 post weaning, a clear bimodal distribution statistically different from unimodal distribution of blood glucose was observed, normoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic at a 1:1 ratio. This ratio is expected at the first backcross generation for traits controlled by a single dominant gene. From week 0 (prior to the transfer to HE diet) till week 8, the hyperglycaemic individuals were significantly heavier (4--17%) than the normoglycaemic ones. The bimodal blood glucose distribution in BC(1) generation, with about equal frequencies in each mode, strongly suggests that a single major gene affects the transition from normo- to hyperglycaemia. The wide range of blood glucose values among the hyperglycaemic individuals (180 to 500 mg/dl) indicates that several genes and environmental factors influence the extent of hyperglycaemia. The diabetes-resistant allele appears to be dominant; the estimate for dominance ratio is 0.97.  相似文献   

Tegumentary leishmaniasis due to Leishmania braziliensis is a parasitic disease that occurs in two stages after the infected sandfly bite: (1) a primary cutaneous lesion followed by (2) a secondary mucosal involvement generally resulting in severe facial deformities. In order to investigate the genetic and environmental factors involved in the development of the cutaneous lesion, a familial study was performed in a region of Bolivia in which the disease is endemic. Complete selection of 118 nuclear families (703 subjects, with 241 patients), each with at least one cutaneous affected subject, was achieved; 41 families were of native origin, and 77 (herein designated "migrant") recently had settled in the area. For the analysis, the trait under study was the time to onset of the primary cutaneous lesion. The start of the follow-up was birth, for native population, or date of arrival in the endemic area, for migrant population. Segregation analysis was performed by use of a model based on survival analysis methods that allows joint estimation of genetic and environmental effects and accounts for gene x covariate interactions. A significant effect of gender, home-forest distance, and forest-related activity was found. In the 77 migrant families there was evidence for a recessive major gene controlling the onset of the primary cutaneous lesion, with residual familial dependences and age x genotype interaction. Penetrance estimations show that young subjects are genetically more susceptible than older subjects, suggesting that this genetic component could concern mechanisms involved in the development of individual protection during childhood. There was also a significant genetic heterogeneity of the sample according to the native/migrant origin of the families, and no major-gene effect was found in the native subsample.  相似文献   

The contribution of genetic factors to blood pressure levels is well established. The contribution of genes to the longitudinal change in blood pressure has been less well studied, because of the lack of longitudinal family data. The present study investigated a possible major-gene effect on the observed increase with age in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) levels. Subjects included 965 unmedicated adults (age > or = 18 years) in 73 pedigrees collected in Utah as part of a longitudinal cardiovascular family study. Segregation analysis of DBP change over 7.2 years of follow-up identified a recessive major-gene effect with a gene frequency of p = .23. There was also a significant age effect on the genotypic means, which decreased expression of the major gene at older ages. For those inferred to have the genotype responsible for large DBP increases, DBP increased 32.3%, compared with a 1.5% increase in the nonsusceptible group (P < .0001). The relative risk of developing hypertension between the susceptible and nonsusceptible groups after 7.2 years was 2.4 (P = .006). Baseline DBP reactivities to mental arithmetic (P < .0001), and isometric handgrip (P < .0001) stress tests were greatest in those assigned to the susceptible genotype. We conclude that age-related changes in DBP are influenced by a major gene. Characteristics of this major-gene effect for greater age-related blood pressure increases include greater reactivity to mental and physical stressors. The present study thus provides evidence for genetic control of changes in blood pressure, in addition to the previously suggested genetic control of absolute blood pressure level.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV), infecting 170 million people worldwide, is a major public health problem. In developing countries, unsafe injections and blood transfusions are thought to be the major routes of transmission. However, our previous work in a population from Egypt, endemic for HCV, revealed highly significant familial correlations, strongly suggesting the existence of both familial transmission of the virus and genetic predisposition to HCV infection. We investigated the hypothesis of genetic predisposition by carrying out a segregation analysis of HCV infection in the same population. We used a logistic regression model simultaneously taking into account a major gene effect, familial correlations and relevant risk factors. We analyzed 312 pedigrees (3,703 subjects). Overall HCV seroprevalence was 11.8% and increased with age. The main associated risk factors were previous parenteral treatment for schistosomiasis and blood transfusions. We found strong evidence for a dominant major gene conferring a predisposition to HCV infection. The frequency of the predisposing allele was 0.013, reflecting a strong predisposition to HCV infection in 2.6% of the subjects, particularly those under the age of 20. This study provides evidence for the involvement of host genetic factors in susceptibility/resistance to HCV infection in endemic conditions.  相似文献   

The discovery of the organizer by H. Spemann and Hilde Mangold, prompted a number of studies of embryonic induction in Japan. C.O. Whitman, N. Yatsu, T. Sato, H. Oka, T. Yamada, and Y.K. Okada were the pioneers in the field of embryonic induction. T. Yamada postulated the double potential theory for embryonic induction. O. Nakamura has modified the fate map of Vogt using newt and Xenopusblastulae. T.S. Okada and G. Eguchi proposed the new concept of "transdifferentiation" based on in vitro experiments in the retina and lens. T.S. Okada is not only an excellent scientist, but he has also nurtured many active developmental biologists. M. Takeichi, from his school, discovered the cell adhesion molecle, cadherin. Nakamura and colleagues tried to determine the origin and formation of the organizer. They performed recombination experiments using the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm, and concluded that the phenomenon in which various mesoderm tissues are formed by the recombination of the presumptive ectoderm with endoderm was "regulation of the vegetal-animal gradient". Some groups have also tried to purify specific inducing factors. T. Yamada and colleagues isolated two different types of ribonucleoproteins. I. Kawakami and colleagues showed that the ribosome fraction has neural inducing capacity, and that the extracellular matrix contains mesodermal inducing factors. Finally Asashima and colleagues isolated and identified activin A as a MIF factor. This finding had a great influence not only in the field of developmental biology, but also in molecular biology. Using activin, Asashima's group has successfully generated various organs, tissues, trunk-tail and head structures in vitro using animal caps (undifferentiated cells). Some other important molecules such as BMP, chordin and bFGF are also being studied by young Japanese scientists.  相似文献   

Using the technique of gynogenetic diploidy, which is uniquely suited to amphibians, populations of frog siblings can be obtained in which the allelic diversity at any given gene locus, including histocompatibility loci, is greatly reduced. Analyses of the survival times of skin allografts exchanged among pairs of gynogenetic diploid larvae indicate that allograft rejection is mediated principally by a major histocompatibility complex that codes for strong H-antigens rather than by the cumulative effects of weak antigens controlled by numerous, independently assorting, loci.  相似文献   

Transcriptional pulsing of a developmental gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Evidence for a prophage excision gene in lambda   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

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