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How tightly packed is the hydrophobic core of a folding transition state structure? We have addressed this question by characterizing the effects on folding kinetics of > 40 substitutions of both large and small amino acids in the hydrophobic core of the Fyn SH3 domain. Our results show that residues at three positions, which we designate as the 'core folding nucleus', are tightly packed in the transition state, and substitutions at these positions cause the largest changes in the folding rate. The other six positions examined appear to be loosely packed; thus, substitutions at these positions with larger hydrophobic residues generally accelerate folding, presumably by increasing the rate of nonspecific hydrophobic collapse. Surprisingly, the folding rate can be greatly accelerated by residues that also significantly destabilize the native state structure. Furthermore, mutants with identical thermodynamic stability can differ by up to 55-fold in their folding rates. These results highlight the importance of hydrophobic core composition, as opposed to only topology, in determining the folding rate of a protein. They also provide a new explanation for the 'abnormal' phi-values observed in many protein folding kinetics studies.  相似文献   

Native state topology has been implicated as a major determinant of protein-folding mechanisms. Here, we test experimentally the robustness of the src SH3-domain folding transition state to changes in topology by covalently constraining regions of the protein with disulfide crosslinks and then performing kinetic analysis on point mutations in the context of these modified proteins. Circularization (crosslinking the N and C termini) of the src SH3 domain makes the protein topologically symmetric and causes delocalization of structure in the transition state ensemble suggesting a change in the folding mechanism. In contrast, crosslinking a single structural element (the distal beta-hairpin) which is an essential part of the transition state, results in a protein that folds 30 times faster, but does not change the distribution of structure in the transition state. As the transition states of distantly related SH3 domains were previously found to be very similar, we conclude that the free energy landscape of this protein family contains deep features which are relatively insensitive to sequence variations but can be altered by changes in topology.  相似文献   

Yadav SS  Miller WT 《Biochemistry》2008,47(41):10871-10880
The SH3-SH2-kinase domain arrangement in nonreceptor tyrosine kinases has been conserved throughout evolution. For Src family kinases, the relative positions of the domains are important for enzyme regulation; they permit the assembly of Src kinases into autoinhibited conformations. The SH3 and SH2 domains of Src family kinases have an additional role in determining the substrate specificity of the kinase. We addressed the question of whether the domain arrangement of Src family kinases has a role in substrate specificity by producing mutants with alternative arrangements. Our results suggest that changes in the positions of domains can lead to specific changes in the phosphorylation of Sam68 and Cas by Src. Phosphorylation of Cas by several mutants triggers downstream signaling leading to cell migration. The placement of the SH2 domain with respect to the catalytic domain of Src appears to be especially important for proper substrate recognition, while the placement of the SH3 domain is more flexible. The results suggest that the involvement of the SH3 and SH2 domains in substrate recognition is one reason for the strict conservation of the SH3-SH2-kinase architecture.  相似文献   

The hepcidin-binding site on ferroportin is evolutionarily conserved   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammalian iron homeostasis is regulated by the interaction of the liver-produced peptide hepcidin and its receptor, the iron transporter ferroportin. Hepcidin binds to ferroportin resulting in degradation of ferroportin and decreased cellular iron export. We identify the hepcidin-binding domain (HBD) on ferroportin and show that a synthetic 19 amino acid peptide corresponding to the HBD recapitulates the characteristics and specificity of hepcidin binding to cell-surface ferroportin. The binding of mammalian hepcidin to ferroportin or the HBD shows an unusual temperature dependency with an increased rate of dissociation at temperatures below 15°C. The increased rate of dissociation is due to temperature- dependent changes in hepcidin structure. In contrast, hepcidin from poikilothermic vertebrates, such as fish or frogs, binds the HBD in a temperature-independent fashion. The affinity of hepcidin for the HBD permits a rapid, sensitive assay of hepcidin from all species and yields insights into the evolution of hepcidin.  相似文献   

Φ-Value analysis was used to characterise the structure of the transition state (TS) for folding of POB L146A Y166W, a peripheral subunit-binding domain that folds in microseconds. Helix 2 was structured in the TS with consolidating interactions from the structured loop that connects the two α-helices. This distribution of Φ-values was very similar to that determined for E3BD F166W, a homologue with high sequence and structural similarity. The extrapolated folding rate constants in water at 298 K were 210,000 s− 1 for POB and 27,500 s− 1 for E3BD. A contribution to the faster folding of POB came from its having significantly greater helical propensity in helix 2, the folding nucleus. The folding rate also appeared to be influenced by differences in the sequence and structural properties of the loop connecting the two helices. Unimodal downhill folding has been proposed as a conserved, biologically important property of peripheral subunit-binding domains. POB folds five times faster and E3BD folds slower than a proposed limit of 40,000 s− 1 for barrier-limited folding. However, experimental evidence strongly suggests that both POB L146A Y166W and E3BD F166W fold in a barrier-limited process through a very similar TS ensemble.  相似文献   

We use a combination of experiments, computer simulations and simple model calculations to characterize, first, the folding transition state ensemble of the src SH3 domain, and second, the features of the protein that determine its folding mechanism. Kinetic analysis of mutations at 52 of the 57 residues in the src SH3 domain revealed that the transition state ensemble is even more polarized than suspected earlier: no single alanine substitution in the N-terminal 15 residues or the C-terminal 9 residues has more than a two-fold effect on the folding rate, while such substitutions at 15 sites in the central three-stranded beta-sheet cause significant decreases in the folding rate. Molecular dynamics (MD) unfolding simulations and ab initio folding simulations on the src SH3 domain exhibit a hierarchy of folding similar to that observed in the experiments. The similarity in folding mechanism of different SH3 domains and the similar hierarchy of structure formation observed in the experiments and the simulations can be largely accounted for by a simple native state topology-based model of protein folding energy landscapes.  相似文献   

We present a verified computational model of the SH3 domain transition state (TS) ensemble. This model was built for three separate SH3 domains using experimental phi-values as structural constraints in all-atom protein folding simulations. While averaging over all conformations incorrectly considers non-TS conformations as transition states, quantifying structures as pre-TS, TS, and post-TS by measurement of their transmission coefficient ("probability to fold", or p(fold)) allows for rigorous conclusions regarding the structure of the folding nucleus and a full mechanistic analysis of the folding process. Through analysis of the TS, we observe a highly polarized nucleus in which many residues are solvent-exposed. Mechanistic analysis suggests the hydrophobic core forms largely after an early nucleation step. SH3 presents an ideal system for studying the nucleation-condensation mechanism and highlights the synergistic relationship between experiment and simulation in the study of protein folding.  相似文献   

Vav is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the Rho/Rac family that is expressed exclusively in hematopoietic cells. Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) has been proposed to play important roles in the membrane localization and activation of Vav through dimerization of its C-terminal Src-homology 3 (SH3) domain (GrbS) and the N-terminal SH3 domain of Vav (VavS). The crystal structure of VavS complexed with GrbS has been solved. VavS is distinct from other SH3 domain proteins in that its binding site for proline-rich peptides is blocked by its own RT loop. One of the ends of the VavS beta-barrel forms a concave hydrophobic surface. The GrbS components make a contiguous complementary interface with the VavS surface. The binding site of GrbS for VavS partially overlaps with the canonical binding site for proline-rich peptides, but is definitely different. Mutations at the interface caused a decrease in the binding affinity of VavS for GrbS by 4- to 40-fold. The structure reveals how GrbS discriminates VavS specifically from other signaling molecules without binding to the proline-rich motif.  相似文献   

The volumetric properties associated with protein folding transitions reflect changes in protein packing and hydration of the states that participate in the folding reaction. Here, NMR spin relaxation techniques are employed to probe the folding-unfolding kinetics of two SH3 domains as a function of pressure so that the changes in partial molar volumes along the folding pathway can be measured. The two domains fold with rates that differ by approximately 3 orders of magnitude, so their folding dynamics must be probed using different NMR relaxation experiments. In the case of the drkN SH3 domain that folds via a two-state mechanism on a time scale of seconds, nitrogen magnetization exchange spectroscopy is employed, while for the G48M mutant of the Fyn SH3 domain where the folding occurs on the millisecond time scale (three-step reaction), relaxation dispersion experiments are utilized. The NMR methodology is extremely sensitive to even small changes in equilibrium and rate constants, so reliable estimates of partial molar volumes can be obtained using low pressures (1-120 bar), thus minimizing perturbations to any of the states along the folding reaction coordinate. The volumetric data that were obtained are consistent with a similar folding mechanism for both SH3 domains, involving early chain compaction to states that are at least partially hydrated. This work emphasizes the role of NMR spin relaxation in studying dynamic processes over a wide range of time scales.  相似文献   

Signalling through SH2 and SH3 domains   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
In 1986, Pawson's group recognized a region of homology between two oncogenic tyrosine kinases that lay outside the catalytic domain. They termed this the Src homology 2, or SH2, domain. In the ensuing years, SH2 domains have been found in an impressive variety of proteins, as has a second region of homology, inevitably termed SH3. These domains appear to mediate controlled protein-protein interactions. Many proteins that contain SH2 and SH3 domains are involved in signal transduction, suggesting a new paradigm for regulation of intracellular signalling pathways.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that an 11-residue peptide fragment of transthyretin, TTR(105-115), can form amyloid fibrils in vitro by adopting an extended beta-strand conformation. We used molecular dynamics simulations on systems of TTR(105-115) peptides, for a total length of about 5 micros, to explore the process of self-assembly and the structures of the resulting aggregates. Our results suggest that an antiparallel association of the beta-strands is more probable than a parallel one and that the central residues (T106-L111) in a beta-strand have a high propensity to form inter-peptide hydrogen bonds. The study of the dynamics of self-association indicated that, for this peptide, trajectories leading to conformations with high alpha-helical content are off-pathway from those leading to aggregates with high beta-structure content. We also show that the diverse oligomeric structures that form spontaneously in the molecular dynamics simulations are, to a large extent, compatible with solid-state NMR experimental measurements, including chemical shifts, on fully formed fibrils. The strategy that we present may therefore be used in the design of new experiments to determine the structure of amyloid fibrils, such as those involving site-specific isotope labelling schemes to measure key inter-atomic distances.  相似文献   

Protein engineering studies suggest that the transition state for the folding of ubiquitin is highly polarised towards the N-terminal part of the sequence and involves a nucleus of residues within the beta-hairpin (residues 1-17) and main alpha-helix (residues 23-34). In contrast, the observation of small phi-values for residues in the C-terminal portion of the sequence (residues 35-76), coupled with a folding topology that results in a much higher contact order, suggests that fast folding of ubiquitin is dependent upon configurational flexibility in the C-terminal part of the polypeptide chain to ensure passage down a relatively smooth folding funnel to the native state. We show that the introduction of a small mini-hairpin motif as an extension of the native 43-50 hairpin stabilises local interactions in the C-terminal part of the sequence, resulting largely in a deceleration of the unfolding kinetics without perturbing the apparent two-state folding mechanism. However, a single-point Leu-->Phe substitution within the engineered hairpin sequence leads to the premature collapse of the denatured ensemble through the stabilisation of non-native interactions and the population of a compact intermediate. Non-linear effects in the kinetic data at low concentrations of denaturant suggest that the collapsed state, which is further stabilised in the presence of cosmotropic salts, may subsequently fold directly to the native state through a "triangular" reaction scheme involving internal rearrangement rather than unfolding and refolding.  相似文献   

Protein engineering experiments and Phi(F)-value analysis of SH3 domains reveal that their transition state ensemble (TSE) is conformationally restricted, i.e. the fluctuations in the transition state (TS) structures are small. In the TS of src SH3 and alpha-spectrin SH3 the distal loop and the associated hairpin are fully structured, while the rest of the protein is relatively disordered. If native structure predominantly determines the folding mechanism, the findings for SH3 folds raise the question: What are the features of the native topology that determine the nature of the TSE? We propose that the presence of stiff loops in the native state that connect local structural elements (such as the distal hairpin in SH3 domains) conformationally restricts TSE. We validate this hypothesis using the simulations of a "control" system (16 residue beta-hairpin forming C-terminal fragment of the GBl protein) and its variants. In these fragments the role of bending rigidity in determining the nature of the TSE can be directly examined without complications arising from interactions with the rest of the protein. The TSE structures in the beta-hairpins are determined computationally using cluster analysis and limited Phi(F)-value analysis. Both techniques prove that the conformational heterogeneity decreases as the bending rigidity of the loop increases. To extend this finding to SH3 domains a measure of bending rigidity based on loop curvature, which utilizes native structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), is introduced. Using this measure we show that, with few exceptions, the ordering of stiffness of the distal, n-src, and RT loops in the 29 PDB structures of SH3 domains is conserved. Combining the simulation results for beta-hairpins and the analysis of PDB structures for SH3 domains, we propose that the stiff distal loop restricts the conformational fluctuations in the TSE. We also predict that constraining the distal loop to be preformed in the denatured ensemble should not alter the nature of TSE. On the other hand, if the amino and carboxy terminals are cross-linked to form a circular polypeptide chain, the pathways and TSs are altered. These contrasting scenarios are illustrated using simulations of cross-linked WT beta-hairpin fragments. Computations of bending rigidities for immunoglobulin-like domain proteins reveal no clear separation in the stiffness of their loops. In the beta-sandwich proteins, which have large fractions of non-local native contacts, the nature of the TSE cannot be apparently determined using purely local structural characteristics. Nevertheless, the measure of loop stiffness still provides qualitative predictions of the ordered regions in the TSE of Ig27 and TenFn3.  相似文献   

SH2 and SH3 domains: from structure to function.   总被引:133,自引:0,他引:133  
T Pawson  G D Gish 《Cell》1992,71(3):359-362

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