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A series of physical and chemical analyses were made on theexpanding zone of maize seedling roots grown in hydroponics.Comparison of longitudinal profiles of local relative elementalgrowth rate and turgor pressure indicated that cell walls becomelooser in the apical 5 mm and then tighten 5–10 mm fromthe root tip. Immersion of roots in 200 mol m–3 mannitol(an osmotic stress of 0·48 MPa) rapidly and evenly reducedturgor pressure along the whole growing region. Growth was reducedto a greater extent in the region 5–10 mm from the roottip than in the apical region. This indicated rapid wall-looseningin the root tip, but not in the more basal regions. Following 24 h immersion in 400 mol m–3 mannitol (an osmoticstress of 0·96 MPa) turgor had recovered to pre-stressedvalues. Under this stress treatment, growth was reduced in theregion 4–10 mm from the root tip, despite the recoveryof turgor, indicating a tightening of the wall. In the rootapex, local relative elemental growth rate was unchanged incomparison to control tissue, showing that wall properties herewere similar to the control values. Cellulose microfibrils on the inner face of cortical cell wallsbecame increasingly more parallel to the root axis along thegrowth profile of both unstressed and stressed roots. Orientationdid not correlate with the wall loosening in the apical regionof unstressed roots, or with the tightening in the region 5–10mm from the root tip following 24 h of osmotic stress. Longitudinal profiles of the possible wall-loosening enzymexyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) had good correspondencewith an increase in wall loosening during development. In thezone of wall tightening following osmotic stress, XET activitywas decreased per unit dry weight (compared with the unstressedcontrol), but not per unit fresh weight. Key words: Osmotic stress, turgor, growth, cell wall properties, microfibrils, XET  相似文献   

The pattern of lateral root initiation in seminal roots of wheat(Triticum aestivumL. cv. Alexandria) and the location, scaleand time-course for adjustments in initiation were studied afterchanges in C and N supply. Macroscopically visible primordiaappeared in a non-acropetal sequence with the frequency (numberper unit length) increasing with distance behind the main rootapex to a maximum at 40–50 mm behind the root tip. Pruningthe root system to a single seminal axis increased the primordiafrequency by 23% within 15 h. After longer periods, the effectof root-pruning was greater. The enhanced primordia frequencywas first observed in tissue located 0–10 mm behind theapex at the start of treatment. Feeding glucose (50 mM) alsoincreased primordia frequency within 15 h, but to a greaterextent, and here additional primordia were initiated in tissuelocated 0–10and10–20 mm behind the apex at the startof treatment. Withdrawing NO3-from one part of a split-rootsystem, whilst maintaining the supply to the other, reducedprimordia frequency in the non-fed roots and, in some cases,a compensatory increase in the NO3--fed roots was observed.The location and scale of the adjustments were similar to thosefound with root-pruning and glucose-feeding, but were slightlyslower to appear. In spite of some differences in detail, therewas a broad similarity in site, scale and time-course for adjustmentsin lateral root initiation with these treatments, which is consistentwith the operation of a common mechanism. Whenever an increasein primordia frequency was observed, it was associated withan increase in the ethanol-soluble sugar content of the tissue.However, the reduction in frequency in NO3--deprived roots wasalso accompanied by an increase in sugar content. There wasno consistent relationship between total N content of the tissueand primordia frequency, but there was between primordia frequencyand the rate of net NO3-uptake. The possible mechanisms controllinglateral root initiation are discussed. Compensatory growth; correlative growth; glucose; initiation; lateral root; nitrate; primordium; split-root; Triticum aestivum; wheat  相似文献   

Root Growth and Carbohydrate Metabolism at Low Temperatures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study of carbohydrate metabolism in the roots of pea and maizeshows that the differing ability of these two species to growat low temperatures is associated with the maintenance of adequatesugar supplies to the root tip. In the maize root reducing theambient temperature to 2 °C causes a sharp and continuingfall in the soluble sugar content of the growing tip. A similartreatment with pea roots causes only a temporary reduction insugar content lasting no more than 24 h. The fall in root sugarsin maize is accompanied by a reduction in respiration rate andthe cessation of growth. During the periods of sugar shortagecaused by low temperatures both respiration and growth can bestimulated in root tips by a supply of exogenous glucose. Pearoots also show an additional ability to adapt to low temperaturesby lowering the Km value for invertase after pretreatment ata low temperature. This effect is not seen in maize.  相似文献   

The effect of development on leaf elongation rate (LER) andthe distribution of relative elemental growth rate (REGR), epidermalcell length, and xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) activitythrough the growing zone of the third leaf of maize was investigated.As the leaf aged and leaf elongation slowed, the length of thegrowing zone (initially 35 mm) and the maximal REGR (initially0.09 mm mm–1 h–1) declined. The decline in REGRwas not uniform through the growth profile. Leaf ageing sawa maintenance of REGR towards the base of the leaf. Epidermalcell size was not constant at a given position in the growingzone, but was seen to increase as the leaf aged. There was apeak of XET activity close to the base of the growing zone.The peak of XET activity preceded the zone of maximum REGR.XET activity declined as leaves aged and their elongation rateslowed. When leaf elongation was complete a distinct peak ofXET activity remained close to the base of the leaf. Key words: Leaf elongation rate (LER), relative elemental growth rate (REGR), xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET)  相似文献   

The ‘Hydraulic Tree Model’ of the root system simulateswater uptake through root systems by coupling a root architecturemodel with laws for water flow into and along roots (Doussan,Pagès and Vercambre,Annals of Botany81: 213–223,1998). A detailed picture of water absorption in all roots comprisingthe root system is thus provided. Moreover, the influence ofdifferent distributions of radial and axial hydraulic conductancesin the root system on the patterns of water uptake can be analysed.Use of the model with Varney and Canny's data (1993) for flowalong maize roots demonstrated that a constant conductance inthe root system cannot reproduce the observed water flux profiles.Taking into account the existing data on hydraulic conductancesin maize roots, we fitted the distribution of conductances inthe root system to the observed flux data. The result is that,during root tissue maturation, the radial conductivity decreasesby one order of magnitude while the axial conductance increasesby about three orders of magnitude. Both types of conductanceexhibit abrupt changes in their evolution. Due to the conductancedistribution in the root system, appreciable water potentialgradients may develop in the roots, in both the branch rootsand main axes. An important point is that the conductance distributionin the branch roots described by the model should be relatedto the age of the tissue (and not the distance from the branchroot tip) and is therefore closely related to the developmentprocess. Thus for branch roots, which represent about 90% ofthe calculated total water uptake in 43-d-old maize, water absorptionwill depend on the opening of the metaxylem in the axes, andon the time dependent variation of the conductances in the branchroots.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Water; absorption; root system; architecture; model; hydraulic conductance;Zea maysL.  相似文献   

The effects of cell size and number on the distance from theroot tip to phloem inception in groundnuts have been investigated.The roots were treated with a number of plant growth regulatorshaving a wide range of effects on the growth rate. Increasing the growth rate of roots increased the distance ofphloem initiation and lignification from the apex. In all treatments,the average distance to phloem inception varied from about 590to 885 µm behind the root apex. The average lengths of the cortical and epidermal cells, whichwere 16 and 20 µm respectively, remained constant regardlessof the distance from the root tip.  相似文献   

MOORE  R. 《Annals of botany》1985,56(2):173-187
Roots of Allium cepa L. cv. Yellow are differentially responsiveto gravity. Long (e.g. 40 mm) roots are strongly graviresponsive,while short (e.g. 4 mm) roots are minimally responsive to gravity.Although columella cells of graviresponsive roots are largerthan those of nongraviresponsive roots, they partition theirvolumes to cellular organelles similarly. The movement of amyloplastsand nuclei in columella cells of horizontally-oriented rootscorrelates positively with the onset of gravicurvature. Furthermore,there is no significant difference in the rates of organellarredistribution when graviresponsive and nongraviresponsive rootsare oriented horizontally. The more pronounced graviresponsivenessof longer roots correlates positively with (1) their caps being9.6 times more voluminous, (2) their columella tissues being42 times more voluminous, (3) their caps having 15 times morecolumella cells, and (4) their columella tissues having relativevolumes 4·4 times larger than those of shorter, nongraviresponsiveroots. Graviresponsive roots that are oriented horizontallyare characterized by a strongly polar movement of 45Ca2+ acrossthe root tip from the upper to the lower side, while similarlyoriented nongraviresponsive roots exhibit only a minimal polartransport of 45Ca2+. These results indicate that the differentialgraviresponsiveness of roots of A. cepa is probably not dueto either (1) ultrastructural differences in their columellacells, or (2) differences in the rates of organellar redistributionwhen roots are oriented horizontally. Rather, these resultsindicate that graviresponsiveness may require an extensive columellatissue, which, in turn, may be necessary for polar movementof 45Ca2+ across the root tip. Allium cepa, onion, root, columella tissue, columella cell, gravitropism, calcium, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Sacks MM  Silk WK  Burman P 《Plant physiology》1997,114(2):519-527
We characterized the effect of water stress on cell division rates within the meristem of the primary root of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. As usual in growth kinematics, cell number density is found by counting the number of cells per small unit length of the root; growth velocity is the rate of displacement of a cellular particle found at a given distance from the apex; and the cell flux, representing the rate at which cells are moving past a spatial point, is defined as the product of velocity and cell number density. The local cell division rate is estimated by summing the derivative of cell density with respect to time, and the derivative of the cell flux with respect to distance. Relatively long (2-h) intervals were required for time-lapse photography to resolve growth velocity within the meristem. Water stress caused meristematic cells to be longer and reduced the rates of cell division, per unit length of tissue and per cell, throughout most of the meristem. Peak cell division rate was 8.2 cells mm-1 h-1 (0.10 cells cell-1 h-1) at 0.8 mm from the apex for cells under water stress, compared with 13 cells mm-1 h-1 (0.14 cells cell-1 h-1) at 1.0 mm for controls.  相似文献   

In many common legumes, when host-specific nodule bacteria meettheir legume root they attach to it and enter through root hairs.The bacteria can intrude these cells because they instigatein the hairs the formation of an inward growing tube, the infectionthread, which consists of wall material. Prior to infectionthread formation, the bacteria exploit the cell machinery forwall deposition by inducing the hairs to form a curl, in whichthe dividing bacteria become entrapped. In most species, Nodfactor alone (a lipochito-oligosaccharide excreted by bacteria)induces root hair deformation, though without curling, thusmost aspects of the initial effects of Nod factor can be elucidatedby studying root hair deformation. In this review we discussthe cellular events that host-specific Nod factors induce intheir host legume root hairs. The first event, detectable onlya few seconds after Nod factor application, is a Ca2+influxat the root hair tip, followed by a transient depolarizationof the plasma membrane potential, causing an increase in cytosolic[Ca2+] at the root hair tip. Also within minutes, Nod factorschange the cell organization by acting on the actin cytoskeleton,enhancing tip cell wall deposition so that root hairs becomelonger than normal for their species. Since the remodellingof the actin cytoskeleton precedes the second calcium event,Ca2+spiking, which is observed in the perinuclear area, we proposethat the initial cytoskeleton events taking place at the hairtip are related to Ca2+influx in the hair tip and that Ca2+spikingserves later events involving gene expression. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Review, Nod factor, tip growth, root hair, Rhizobium, legume, cytoskeleton, calcium, symbiosis  相似文献   

Seedlings of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-2) weregrown in modified Hoagland nutrient solution with various combinationsof NaCl and CaCl2. Marking experiments and numerical analysiswere conducted to characterize the spatial and temporal patternsof cotton root growth at varied Na/Ca ratios. At 1 mol m–3Ca, 150 mol m–3 NaCl reduced overall root elongation rateto 60% of the control, while increasing Ca to 10 mol m–3at the same NaCl concentration restored the elongation rateto 80% of the control. Analysis of the spatial distributionof elongation revealed that the presence of 150 mol m–3NaCl in the medium shortened the growth zone by about 2 mm fromthe approximate 10 mm in the control and also reduced the relativeelemental elongation rate (i.e. the longitudinal strain rate,defined as the derivatives of displacement velocity of a cellularparticle with respect to position on root axis). Supply of 10mol m–3 Ca at the high salt condition restored partiallythe relative elemental elongation rate, but not the length ofthe growth zone. Compared to the control, the growth trajectoriesshowed that at 1 mol m–3 CaCl2 it took more time for acellular particle to move through the growth zone at 150 molm–3 NaCl, while at 10 mol m–3 CaCl it took lesstime and there was no difference between the NaCl treatments Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, salinity stress, root growth kinematics  相似文献   

Root tip extension was used as a measure of wheat root responseto exposure to the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorsulfuron. Plantspre-grown in low-zinc (0.2 µMZnHEDTA) solutions were placedin a perspex chamber with nutrient solution on both sides ofa partition separating the root tip from the rest of the plant.The root tip was exposed to different concentrations of chlorsulfuronand observations were made during 22 h. Increasing the concentrationof zinc in the solution around the root tip to 4 µMZnHEDTAdid not alter root tip extension in the absence of chlorsulfuron.Significant decreases in root growth after 22 h were obtainedwith concentrations of 120 µg chlorsulfuron l-1and greater.Increasing the Zn concentration from 0.2 to 20 µMZnHEDTAin the nutrient solution around the root tip decreased controlroot growth but stimulated chlorsulfuron-treated roots to extendat the same rate as chlorsulfuron-free control plants. AddingZn and chlorsulfuron to the more mature root parts above theroot tip partition did not significantly influence root tipextension. It is concluded that chlorsulfuron inhibits wheatroot growth and that increased Zn concentrations can alleviateor prevent the deleterious effects of chlorsulfuron.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Wheat,Triticum aestivumL., chlorsulfuron, root growth, zinc.  相似文献   

Removal of the root cap from a root apex initiates regenerationof a new cap. The process has been followed using scanning electronmicroscopy. Quantitative data have been obtained for the growthin area of the exposed acroscopic surface of the quiescent centre(QC) and the increase in volume of the regenerating cap tissue.In Zea the surface of the QC shows an initial rapid increasein area followed by a slower increase. In Pisum the surfacearea increases uniformly, a rapid initial phase being absent.Together with observations on the behaviour of an incision atthe exposed surface, the results indicate that in Zea the capnormally imposes a constraint upon radial growth at the acroscopicsurface of the QC; in Pisum the QC appears not to be so constrained.The different responses may be related to the different arrangementsof cells at the apex of the meristem of these two species. Zea mays, Pisum sativum, maize, peao, scanning electron microscopy, root apex, regeneration  相似文献   

The topography of tip growth in a plant cell   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Tips of young Phycomyces sporangiophores were dusted with starch grains, and growth photographically recorded. Rates of longitudinal displacement from the cell tip of individual markers were determined, also corresponding rates of change of cell diameter. From these the magnitude and spatial distribution of "relative elemental growth rates" along both longitudinal and circumferential axes of the cell were obtained. Growth rates in these two directions are functions of distance from the cell apex, and have different spatial distributions. In particular, rates of growth in cell circumference are complexly patterned. Relative elemental growth rates in length and in girth are approximately equal and maximal at the cell's apex, with a value of 2.4 mm. mm.–1 hr.–1. The characteristic shape of the tip is maintained constant in the face of its changing substance and position. This shape reflects a steady state of the cell's constituent growth patterns. At every point the growing membrane simultaneously expands in the two dimensions of its surface. The degree of polarization or directional preference of growth is measured by the ratio of longitudinal to circumferential relative elemental growth rate at any point. The ratio is not constant, but changes with position along the tip. This fact does not support the idea that membrane growth is based upon a quantal "growth event." Possible causal factors in oriented membrane growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Methanol Accumulation in Maturing Seeds   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
During in vitro growth and maturation of soybean seeds, cessationof embryo growth and dry weight accumulation occurred in thepresence of abundant C and N nutrients. Axis followed by cotyledontissues changed from green to yellow, and post-harvest germinationpotential declined if cultured after yellowing of axis tissues.A tissue specific accumulat;on of methanol occurred during thein vitro culture of immature seeds (i.e. initially 50 to 70mg fresh weight) to maturity in liquid medium. Methanol accumulatedto 3.0 g m–3 or 50 µg seed–1 in the medium,while methanol decreased from 37 to about 3.0 µg g–1fresh weight in cotyledons. By contrast, axis tissues increased20-fold in methanol concentration to 90 µg g–1 during20 d in culture. Ethanol was present only in trace amounts inaxis tissues and medium. Addition of exogenous methanol vapourto in situ grown seeds during precocious maturation decreasedsubsequent seedling vigour and germination with increasing levelsof exposure. Methanol accumulation in axis tissues during thegermination phase was not correlated with high temperature andtissue water content treatments which simulated pre-harvestdeterioration of seeds. However, the accumulation of methanolduring in vitro seed development and maturation in liquid culturemay contribute to reduced post-harvest germination performance. Key words: Soybean, Glycine max, seed maturation, in vitro, methanol  相似文献   

Six serial segments, each 3·0 mm. in length, have beenexcised from the tip backwards along the maize root and groupsof each fragment have been aerated in water and in solutionsof sugars for varying times. The amounts of the complex of Orobancheand Striga germination stimulants which accumulate in the culturefluids have been assessed and compared with the amounts initiallypresent in the tissue at the time of excision from the root. It is shown that with each fragment more of the complex appearsexternally when sugar is supplied. 10–2 M. solutions ofglucose, fructose, or sucrose promote an optimal effect. Theamounts in the external solutions are inversely proportionalto the initial contents of the segments. The first segment (0–3mm.) contains the highest proportion of the complex initially,but when immersed in water or the sugar solution very littleof it appears externally. The second segment (3–6 mm.)contains the least initial quantity of the complex but in wateror sugar produces considerably more than any other segment andmore than is originally present. As the series is traversedfrom segments 2 to 6, the segments have progressively largerinitial contents than has segment 2, but after aeration in thesugar solutions the amounts accumulating externally are lessthan with segment 2 and decrease with their increasing distancefrom the root tip. The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of NO-3 and NH+4 nutrition on hydroponically grownwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) were assessedfrom measurements of growth, gas exchange and xylem sap nitrogencontents. Biomass accumulation and shoot moisture contents ofwheat and maize were lower with NH+4 than with NO-3 nutrition.The shoot:root ratios of wheat plants were increased with NH+4compared to NO-3 nutrition, while those of maize were unaffectedby the nitrogen source. Differences between NO-3 and NH+4-fedplant biomasses were apparent soon after introduction of thenitrogen into the root medium of both wheat and maize, and thesedifferences were compounded during growth. Photosynthetic rates of 4 mM N-fed wheat were unaffected bythe form of nitrogen supplied whereas those of 12 mM NH+4-fedwheat plants were reduced to 85% of those 12 mM NO-3-fed wheatplants. In maize supplied with 4 and 12 mM NH+4 the photosyntheticrates were 87 and 82% respectively of those of NO-3-fed plants.Reduced photosynthetic rates of NH+4 compared to NO-3-fed wheatand maize plants may thus partially explain reduced biomassaccumulation in plants supplied with NH+4 compared to NO-3 nutrition.Differences in the partitioning of biomass between the shootsand roots of NO-3-and NH+4-fed plants may also, however, arisefrom xylem translocation of carbon from the root to the shootin the form of amino compounds. The organic nitrogen contentof xylem sap was found to be considerably higher in NH+4- thanin NO-3-fed plants. This may result in depletion of root carbohydrateresources through translocation of amino compounds to the shootin NH+4-fed wheat plants. The concentration of carbon associatedwith organic nitrogen in the xylem sap of maize was considerablyhigher than that in wheat. This may indicate that the shootand root components of maize share a common carbon pool andthus differences induced by different forms of inorganic nitrogenare manifested as altered overall growth rather than changesin the shoot:root ratios.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize, nitrogen, growth, photosynthesis, amino acids, xylem  相似文献   

The effects of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) andsoil temperature on root system elongation rate have been analysedby using an architectural framework. Root elongation rate wasanalysed by considering three terms, (i) the branch appearancerate, (ii) the individual elongation rates of the taproot andbranches and (iii) the proportion of branches which stop elongating.Large ranges ofPPFD and soil temperature were obtained in aseries of field and growth chamber experiments. In the field,the growth of root systems experiencing day-to-day natural fluctuationof PPFD and temperature was followed, and some of the plantsunder study were shaded. In the growth chamber, plants experiencedcontrasting and constant PPFDs and root temperatures. The directeffect of apex temperature on individual root elongation ratewas surprisingly low in the range 13–25C, except forthe first days after germination. Root elongation rate was essentiallyrelated to intercepted PPFD and to distance to the source, bothin the field and in the growth chamber. Branch appearance ratesubstantially varied among days and environmental conditions.It was essentially linked to taproot elongation rate, as theprofile of branch density along the taproot was quite stable.The length of the taproot segment carrying newly appeared brancheson a given day was equal to taproot elongation on this day,plus a 'buffering term' which transiently increased if taprootelongation rate slowed down. The proportion of branches whichstopped elongating a short distance from the taproot rangedfrom 50–80% and was, therefore, a major architecturalvariable, although it is not taken into account in current architecturalmodels. A set of equations accounting for the variabilitiesin elongation rate, branch appearance rate and proportion ofbranches which stop elongating, as a function of interceptedPPFD and apex temperature is proposed. These equations applyfor both field and growth chamber experiments. Key words: Sunflower, root system, model, temperature, radiation  相似文献   

At low nitrogen (N) supply, it is well known that rye has ahigher biomass production than wheat. This study investigateswhether these species differences can be explained by differencesin dry matter and nitrogen partitioning, specific leaf area,specific root length and net assimilation rate, which determineboth N acquisition and carbon assimilation during vegetativegrowth. Winter rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) and triticale (X Triticosecale) were grown in solution cultureat relative addition rates (RN) of nitrate-N supply rangingfrom 0.03–0.18 d-1and at non-limiting N supply under controlledconditions. The relative growth rate (RW) was closely equalto RNin the range 0.03–0.15 d-1. The maximalRW at non-limitingnitrate nutrition was approx. 0.18 d-1. The biomass allocationto the roots showed a considerable plasticity but did not differbetween species. There were no interspecific differences ineither net assimilation rate or specific leaf area. Higher accumulationof N in the plant, despite the same relative growth rate atnon-limiting N supplies, suggests that rye has a greater abilityto accumulate reserves of nitrogen. Rye had a higher specificroot length over a wide range of sub-optimal N rates than wheat,especially at extreme N deficiency (RN=0.03–0.06 d-1).Triticale had a similar specific root length as that of wheatbut had the ability to accumulate N to the same amount as ryeunder conditions of free N access. It is concluded that thebetter adaptation of rye to low N availability compared to wheatis related to higher specific root length in rye. Additionally,the greater ability to accumulate nitrogen under conditionsof free N access for rye and triticale compared to wheat maybe useful for subsequent N utilization during plant growth.In general, species differences are explained by growth componentsresponsible for nitrogen acquisition rather than carbon assimilation.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Growth analysis, nitrogen, nitrogen productivity, partitioning, specific root length, Secale cereale L.,Triticum aestivum L., X Triticosecale, winter rye, winter wheat, winter triticale.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Rangpur lime (Citrus reticulata var. austera hybrid?)and Etrog citron (C. medica) were treated in water culture with0, 25, 50 or 100 mol m–3 NaCl, and in sand culture with0 or 100 mol m–3 NaCl. Leaf chloride analyses indicatedthat Etrog citron accumulated the most chloride at all levelsof salinity. The structure, ultrastructure and concentrationsof chloride and reserve assimilates of the primary root up to50 mm back from the tip were compared between genotypes andbetween salt treatments. There were no differences in root anatomy in the absence ofsalt between the two genotypes. The hypodermal cells developedlignified and suberized walls which blocked the plasmodesmataand resulted in degeneration of the cell contents. Frequentthin-walled passage cells in the hypodermis had living contentsand may represent major sites of ion uptake into the symplasm,which was connected with the stele via plasmodesmatal connectionswith and between the cortical cells. The primary endodermalcells had lignified casparian strips and plasmodesmata in othercell wall areas. These connections were blocked by secondarysuberization of all except the endodermal passage cells oppositethe protoxylem arcs. Suberization of the hypodermis and endodermis and the appearanceof granular deposits in the vacuole occurred closer to the roottip of both genotypes after treatment with 100 mol m–3NaCl. Levels of starch and triglyceride in 10 mm serial segmentswere similar between roots of control and salt-treated plantsand increased with distance back from the root tip. Chlorideconcentrations increased with salt treatment but values (ona tissue water basis) were similar between genotypes and betweenthe apical and proximal ends of the root. Reducing sugar concentrationsdecreased with salt treatment to a similar extent in roots ofboth genotypes. Key words: Citrus, Roots, Salinity  相似文献   

BARLOW  PETER W. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(3):445-457
The nuclear DNA content of metaxylem cells in roots of Zea mayscv. Golden Bantam reaches 16C or 32C by successive rounds ofDNA endoreduplication. Each phase of endoreduplication (endo-S)is separated by a non-DNA synthetic phase (endo-G). These phasesseem to occur in zones at fixed distances from the root tip.The duration of the phases in two of the endoreduplication cycles(4C–8C, 8C–16C) has been estimated in two ways.The first makes use of the rate of movement of cells throughthe positions along the root where the different phases of thecycle are occurring, the second uses labelling with methyl-[3H]thymidineand autoradiography. Both methods indicate that the endo-S phaseswhich cause the nuclear DNA content to rise from 4C to 8C andfrom 8C to 16C last 8–10 h, and that the intervening endo-Gphase lasts 8–12 h. DNA endoreduplication keeps pace withthe increase of nuclear volume; cell volume increases at a morerapid rate, however. Comparison of the endoreduplication cyclein the metaxylem with the mitotic cycle in the adjoining filesof parenchyma cells shows that the mitotic cells complete theircycle more slowly. DNA synthesis, endoreduplication cycle, mitotic cycle, root apex, Zea mays  相似文献   

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