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The present study reports the distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-binding sites in the brain of the adult carp Cyprinus carpio L. Radioiodinated NPY was used as tracer in the autoradiographic procedure. The NPY-binding sites (NPY-bs) were widely distributed in the carp brain. Generally, a good match was observed between the distribution of NPY-bs and the distribution of NPY-immunoreactive (NPY-ir) elements previously reported in the forebrain of the carp. Low to moderate concentration of NPY-bs were found in the telencephalon, this finding indicates that NPY may play a role in the processing of olfactory inputs and in more complex behaviours like spatial learning acquisition and retention, whose importance could correlated with similar results obtained in mammals. Moreover, in the rhombencephalon, the presence of NPY-bs at level of lobus vagus and the lobus facialis suggests that NPY may be implicated in food-seeking behaviour and swallowing reflex.  相似文献   

The localization of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive elements was investigated in the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon of carp, Cyprinus carpio, by using antisera raised against porcine NPY and the immunoperoxidase technique. Concurrently, to identify the distribution of NPY-immunoreactivity, we developed an atlas of the studied areas based on Nissl-stained sections. The NPY-immunoreactive (NPY-ir) elements were located in many zones of the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon. In the mesencephalon, positive fibers were the most abundant elements while neurons were scarce. The rhombencephalon rostral part was characterized by a low to moderate fiber density, distributed in the ventro-medial and ventro-lateral region. Differently the caudal part of the rhombencephalon exhibited several NPY-ir elements. In particular, a high density of immunoreactivity was located in the gustatory area at the level of the nucleus (n.) originis nervi glossopharyngei, in the n. nervi vagi, and in the vagal lobe. The latter can be considered a valid neuroanatomical model for the study of gustatory signal processing in vertebrates. Our results regarding the primary gustatory centers give neuroanatomical support to the view that NPY may act as a neurotransmitter and/or a neuromodulator in a wide neural network for feeding behavior control.  相似文献   

The secretion of gonadotropins (GtH) in goldfish and carp, is stimulated by GtH-releasing hormone (GnRH) and is inhibited by dopamine. Studies with antidopaminergics have demonstrated to be effective in order to stimulate the spermiation and the ovulation in different species of teleosts. The reserpine, a drug that deplets the dopamine, has shown to stimulate the spermiation in the common carp. We report here, the effects of reserpine on the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of the common carp. Eight injections of reserpine alone, at doses of 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 mg/ml/kg of body weight and at intervals of 48 hours, caused an increase in the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells. The dose 0.5 mg/ml/kg, presented an increase in the number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of 382% and 123%, respectively, above the control group. The dose 1.0 mg/ml/kg, showed an enhanced number and volume of gonadotrophic cells of 704% and 152%, respectively. With the dose 1.5 mg/ml/kg increase in number (171%) and volume (106%) of gonadotrophic cells was lower. The gonads of the experimental groups had an abundance of advanced states of spermatogenesis. Our results show that eight intraperitoneal injections of reserpine were responsible for an increase in gonadodrophic cell, number and volume.  相似文献   

The full length cDNA sequence of the Tpt1/TCTP (Tumor protein, Translationally-controlled1) gene was identified from Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio, Cyprinidae), and was designated as CcTpt1 gene. The CDS is 510 bp and encodes a 170-amino acid peptide with a typical Tpt1 signature 2 domain, and is a typical Tpt1 protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of Tpt1 shared significant identity with the Tpt1 from other animals. A phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the Common Carp Tpt1 protein has the closest genetic relationship and evolutional distance with Tpt1 from Medaka (Oryzias Latipes). Analysis by RT-PCR showed that the Tpt1 mRNA was detected in heart, liver, gill, kidney, muscle and skin. In embryogenesis, the Tpt1 mRNA was expressed gradually stronger from two-cell stage until prim-5 stage by whole-mount in situ. In larval stage, the Tpt1 was specifically expressed at eyes and brain, later at the ear stone, intestines, gills and internal organs. In addition, the Tpt1 was also found to be expressed in skin matrix being developed into scales and gradually disappeared when the scales were fully formed. These data suggested that the CcTpt1 may play important roles in early embryogenesis and scale initiation in fish.  相似文献   

A new single-step purification procedure was developed to purify carp (Cyprinus carpio) vitellogenin (VTG), from estradiol-treated carp plasma. This method was performed by high performance liquid weak anion-exchange chromatography, using a discontinuous elution gradient of NaCl (0-0.5 M, steps of 12.5 mM/4 min). SDS and native-PAGE analysis, of treated-fish plasma and purified solution, showed the appearance of a 370 kDa phospholipoprotein, composed of two 130 kDa monomers, with all VTG characteristics. The sequencing of a 130 kDa monomer confirmed that it was carp VTG. Consequently, this procedure is a rapid method, permitting high quantities of non-denatured carp VTG to be obtained.  相似文献   

P. Cenini 《Journal of Zoology》1984,204(4):509-520
Leucocytes from anterior kidney, middle kidney, spleen, thymus and peripheral blood of Common carp were examined. Lymphocytes were found to have a similar fine structure to that of mammals. Thrombocytes had a similar appearance to lymphocytes, but the former were sometimes distinguishable by vesicles in series and/or microtubules below the plasma membrane. Blast cells, monocytes and clearly identifiable plasma cells were also seen. Neutrophils had varying proportions of at least two types of granules, which often presented inclusions. Owing to their different granules, eosinophils and basophils were morphologically distinguishable, but differentiated cells with equal proportions of the two types of granules were also seen. In addition, cells of uncertain nature, possessing rod-shaped granules, were observed. The different leucocyte types showed the same morphology in the different lymphoid organs and in peripheral blood, although they were present in different proportions.  相似文献   

Summary The posterior neurohypophysis (PNH)-pars intermedia complex of the wild and pond carp, Cyprinus carpio L., has been studied by light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Gomori-positive neurosecretory fibres are abundant in the main trunk of the neurohypophysis as well as its roots penetrating the pars intermedia. Terminals of these fibres are in contact with capillaries of the general circulation and with glandular cells of the pars intermedia. Monoaminergic fibres with a weak green fluorescence, somewhat increasing after injection of nialamide into the pond carp, have largely the same distribution. Three types of neurosecretory fibres and their terminals have been recognized in the PNH-pars intermedia complex. Types-A1 and -A2 fibres, containing granules of 140–180 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter respectively, are peptidergic Gomori-positive. Type-A2 fibres predominate in the PNH. The least frequent monoaminergic type-B fibres have granules of 60–100 nm in diameter. Numerous peptidergic and few monoaminergic neurosecretory terminals make contact with the capillaries located within the roots of the PNH as well as at the border between them and the pars intermedia. Both peptidergic and monoaminergic terminals make direct synaptoid contacts with the gland cells or end close to connective tissue septa, basal lamina or pituicytes. The PAS-positive gland cells and to a lesser degree the leadhaematoxylin-positive gland cells show these relationships with neurosecretory terminals. The question concerning the mode of interaction between peptidergic and monoaminergic structures in the dual control of the gland cells of the pars intermedia of teleosts is discussed.  相似文献   

中鲤亚属的分支系统学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于外部形态特征和内部骨骼特征对鲤科鲤属中鲤亚属进行了分支系统学分析,内群包括中鲤亚属的全部5种和鲤亚属的2种鱼类,外群采用乌原鲤。在鲤属鱼类和外群间共有48个性状存在变化。系统发育分析采用PAUP^*软件的Parsimony和Bootstrap两种方式的Branch-and-Bound算法,排除不能极化的特征和特有离征之后,还有28个特征可用,由这28个特征可得到唯一的系统树,树长69,一致性系数0.7246,排除无用特征的一致性系数0.6122,保留系数0.6346。由5种中鲤组成的中鲤亚属明显不构成一个单系群。结果表明:中鲤亚属是一个复系群,该类元应该被撤销。  相似文献   

A recombinant phage clone containing a 1584 nucleotides rhodopsin cDNA was screened from a carp retinal cDNA library. The inserted DNA consisting of a single open reading frame of 1062 nucleotides at positions 72 to 1133 encodes a 354 amino acid polypeptide. The deduced amino acid sequence of carp rhodopsin showed 95.7, 85.5 and 74.4% identity with that of goldfish, sand goby and lamprey, respectively. The sites of palmitoylation, glycosylation, disulfide bond formation and Schiff base formation in the putative rhodopsin are all conserved.  相似文献   

Summary Methionine-enkephalin (Met-enk) was detected by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay in the caudal neuro-secretory system of the carp Cyprinus carpio. Some cells showing urotensin I (UI)-immunoreactivity reacted to Met-enk antiserum, but others did not. Neurons with urotensin II (UII)-immunoreactivity did not react to Met-enk antiserum; neurons with both UI and UII immunoreactivities also displayed a negative Met-enk reaction. Met-enk was detected by radioimmunoassay in the urophysis, although the content was relatively small compared with that found in other parts of the central nervous system and in the pituitary.  相似文献   

Mirror carp were infected with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Fouquet) under standardized conditions. The size and number of parasites at selected sites on the body were recorded during the course of the infection. Initial exposure to 40 mature parasites resulted in a mild infection with 100% recovery after 18 days. Recovered fish did not appear to be carriers of the parasite. Exposure to 400 parasites resulted in 100% mortality between 22–25 days. The growth rate of the parasite was linear. Parasites were more numerous in the dorsal surface of the fish than in the lateral or ventral surface. The increase in parasite numbers during the disease was greater in the gills than in the skin.  相似文献   

The pharyngeal bone musculature of the carp, Cyprinus carpio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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