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Biosynthesis of Erythrina alkaloids in Erythrina crista-galli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A precursor application system was developed to allow the study of Erythrina alkaloid formation in Erythrina crista-galli. Fruit wall tissue of this species was recognized as the major site of alkaloid biosynthesis. The application of radioactively and 13C-labelled potential precursors showed that the hitherto assumed precursor (S)-norprotosinomenine was not incorporated into the Erythrina alkaloids. In contrast, (S)-coclaurine as well as (S)-norreticuline were metabolized to erythraline and erythrinine, respectively, suggesting that a coclaurine-norreticuline pathway is operative in Erythrina alkaloid formation. Feeding of [1-13C]-labelled (S)-norreticuline with subsequent NMR spectroscopy demonstrated that the resulting erythraline was exclusively labelled at position C-10. Therefore, the participation of a symmetrical intermediate of the diphenoquinone type in Erythrina alkaloid biosynthesis can be excluded.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyse the alterations in the growth and chlorophyll content of Erythrina crista-galli plants in response to flooding and to evaluate possible photosystem II (PSII) damage through chlorophyll a fluorescence transient analysis using the JIP test. Plants cultured from seeds were grown in 0.5-L pots in a greenhouse and transferred to 5-L pots. Two treatments were employed: plants were either flooded at the root and maintained with a sheet of water above the soil or not flooded (control). Evaluations were performed at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after the treatment was initiated. The experiment was set up in a randomised block design, and the results were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). The means were compared by Tukey’s test at a 5 % significance level. The flooding of the plants induced the formation of lenticels, adventitious roots and larger intercellular spaces in the root cortex and inhibited the growth of shoots at early time points compared to control plants. However, growth resumed by the end of the experimental period. The Erythrina crista-galli plants manifested a reduction in chlorophyll content as a function of the duration of exposure to flooding. However, there were changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, indicating impairment of the structure and function of PSII, and the performance indices were the most representative parameters to describe the effects of flooding. The results showed that the Erythrina crista-galli tolerated flooding by initially investing energy into the formation of morpho-anatomical structures to maintain oxygen diffusion and ATP production. The effect of flooding on the leaves was reflected in increased energy dissipation through chlorophyll a fluorescence, likely as a mechanism to protect the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

A β-anomer preference among galactosides has been attributed to the S-type 14 kDa galactose binding lectin. Here the anomeric preference of this lectin from bovine brain (BBL) is reexamined using inhibition of lectin-mediated haemagglutination, binding of the lectin to dot-blotted glycoproteins and affinity electrophoresis of the lectin through polysaccharide-containing gels. 1.0-methyl α-D-galactoside was 8 times better inhibitor of BBL than the corresponding ß-anomer. The terminal galactose in bovine thyroglobulin (exclusively. α-linked) were also nearly 8 times more inhibitory than those in asialofetuin (exclusively ß-linked). The terminal α-galactose-containing endogenous glycoproteins of bovine brain were nearly 4 times better inhibitors of BBL than laminin. Removal of terminal α-galactose units by α-galactosidase fully abolished the BBL binding of thyroglobulin and endogenous glycoproteins. BBL was also sugar-specifically retarded by polyacrylamide gel containing guar galactommannan which bears only α-linked galactose. Data indicated that α-galactosides were sometimes better than their β-anomers in binding to BBL. The significance of this observation to the physiological role of galactose-binding lectins is discussed.  相似文献   

An SL2 lectin was isolated from human serum and characterized previously; cellular localization of the lectin was studied using polyclonal rabbit antibodies. According to cytofluorimetry, anti-SL2 antibodies bound only to lymphocytes and monocytes but not to other blood cells. Antibodies bound to Jurkat T cell lymphoma but did not interact with IM-9 cells of B cell origin. Moreover, the Jurkat cells bound oligosaccharides having the highest affinity to SL2 (GalNAcalpha_and Fucalpha1-2Gal), and this interaction was inhibited by anti-SL2 antibodies. Lysis of the Jurkat cells with subsequent electrophoresis and Western blotting indicates that anti-SL2 antibodies recognized a 14-kD protein.  相似文献   

Examination of the hemagglutinating activity of extracts from seeds of Erythrina corallodendron at various maturation stages revealed that the level of lectin increases markedly past mid-maturation. Seeds at this stage of maturation served as a source of mRNA for the construction of an expression cDNA library in the vector lambda Zap, which generates fusion proteins with an N-terminal portion of beta-galactosidase. The library was screened with rabbit polyclonal anti-ECorL antiserum. Four immunopositive clones were isolated. Western blot analysis of cell extracts from one of the clones (pIEcL-B) showed a 36 kDa protein that reacted with the antiserum, as well as with a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against the lectin. DNA sequence analysis by the chain termination method revealed that clone pIEcl-C has an insert of 1017 bp with the entire coding sequence of ECorL, beginning with an initiation codon ATG at position 26 and ending with stop codon TAA at position 868. This fragment encodes a polypeptide of 281 amino acids consisting of a signal leader sequence of 25 amino acids and a mature protein of 256 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence from this fragment is identical to the sequence of the first 244 amino acids of ECorL, as determined at the protein level, except at 7 positions.  相似文献   

The Entamoeba histolytica galactose-binding lectin is a surface glycoprotein composed of 170- and 35-kDa subunits. Inhibition of this lectin with galactose or anti-170 kDa subunit polyclonal antibody blocks amebic adherence to target cells and colonic mucin glycoproteins. We describe the properties of 10 mAb with specificity for the 170-kDa subunit. Based on competitive binding studies, six nonoverlapping antigenic determinants on the lectin were identified. The effect of the mAb on adherence of amebic trophozoites to both Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and human colonic mucins was measured. Antilectin antibodies directed against epitopes 1 and 2 enhanced adherence, with the number of amebae having at least three adherent CHO cells increasing with the addition of epitope 1 mAb from 26 +/- 9 to 88 +/- 2% and the binding of colonic mucins increasing from 34 +/- 1 to 164 +/- 3 pg/10(5) amebae. Antibody-enhanced adherence remained 90 to 100% galactose inhibitable, occurred at 4 degrees C and was not Fc mediated. Univalent Fab fragments of epitope 1 mAb augmented mucin binding by 238% and CHO cell adherence by 338%. The binding of purified lectin to CHO cells was increased from 1.1 +/- 0.1 to 2.4 +/- 0.3 ng/10(3) CHO cells by mAb directed to epitope 1, demonstrating that enhanced adherence was due to direct activation of the lectin. mAb to epitope 3 bound to the lectin only upon its solubilization from the membrane and had no effect on adherence. Adherence to CHO cells and mucins was inhibited from 50 to 75% by mAb to epitopes 4 and 5; epitope 6 mAb inhibited amebic adherence to CHO cells but not mucins. The pooled sera from 10 patients with amebic liver abscess blocked the binding to the 170-kDa subunit of mAb directed to all six epitopes. Striking individual variations in the effects of immune sera on adherence were observed. Although the sera of all 44 South African patients with amebic liver abscess had high titer anti-lectin antibodies, 16 patients' sera significantly (more than 3 SEM) enhanced adherence whereas 25 patients' sera significantly inhibited adherence. Antilectin antibodies exert profound functional effects on the interaction of E. histolytica with target cells and human colonic mucins. Exploration of the clinical consequences of adherence-enhancing and inhibitory antibody responses may give insight into the role of antilectin antibodies in immunity to invasive amebiasis.  相似文献   

The galactose-specific lectin from Erythrina rubrinervia crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P6, (or P6(5)) with unit cell dimensions a = b = d = 135.1 A, c = 83.0 A. These parameters are compatible with the presence of a dimer with Mr = 60,000 in the asymmetric unit. The crystals are suitable for high-resolution X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

The generative cell at anthesis in the mature pollen grain of Erythrina crista-galli (Fabaceae) was examined by 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI)-fluorescence microscopy using the squash method. An unequal, polarized distribution of DNA-containing organelles (plastids and/or mitochondria) within the generative cell was observed in every mature pollen grain examined. Polarization of DNA-containing organelles is obvious when generative cells are freed and assume a spherical shape soon after microspore mitosis, as revealed by fluorescence-microscopic observations of specimens embedded in Technovit 7100 resin and thin-sectioned at different developmental stages. Early establishment of polarized localization of organelles in young generative cells of E. crista-galli and maintenance of this unequal distribution until pollen maturation strongly suggests that the organelles may still be clustered at pollen mitosis. Production of a dimorphic pair of sperm cells, as has been reported in Plumbago zeylanica, was observed in some pollen tubes germinated in vitro. The differentiation of the two sperm cells is discussed in relation to possible preferential double fertilization in angiosperms. Received: 28 July 1999 / Revision accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the recombinant form of Erythrina corallodendron lectin, complexed with lactose, has been elucidated by X-ray crystallography at 2.55 A resolution. Comparison of this non-glycosylated structure with that of the native glycosylated lectin reveals that the tertiary and quaternary structures are identical in the two forms, with local changes observed at one of the glycosylation sites (Asn17). These changes take place in such a way that hydrogen bonds with the neighboring protein molecules in rECorL compensate those made by the glycan with the protein in ECorL. Contrary to an earlier report, this study demonstrates that the glycan attached to the lectin does not influence the oligomeric state of the lectin. Identical interactions between the lectin and the non-covalently bound lactose in the two forms indicate, in line with earlier reports, that glycosylation does not affect the carbohydrate specificity of the lectin. The present study, the first of its kind involving a glycosylated protein with a well-defined glycan and the corresponding deglycosylated form, provides insights into the structural aspects of protein glycosylation.  相似文献   

A lectin was isolated from the seeds of Erythrina vespertilio by affinity chromatography on lactose-Sepharose 6B. The lectin has an M, of 59 000 and consists of two non-covalently associated subunits (M, ∼ 30 000). The lectin is devoid of cysteine but has six methionine residues/mol and a neutral sugar content of 9.7% The carbohydrate composition was mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, fucose, xylose and galactose in amounts of 15.0, 4.0, 1.0, 5.0 and 25 mol/59 000 g, respectively. Alkaline gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing showed that the affinity purified lectin consists of a family ofisolectins. Valine was the only N-terminal amino acid found and the N-terminal sequence was homologous with that found for other legume lectins. The lectin was inhibited by galactosyl containing carbohydrates; p-nitrophenyl-β-galactoside was the best inhibitor and the lectin showed a slight preference for β-galactosides. Comparison of its properties with those of other Erythrina lectins shows that most of the lectins of this genus are closely related.  相似文献   

Mitra N  Sharon N  Surolia A 《Biochemistry》2003,42(42):12208-12216
Erythrina corallodendron lectin (ECorL) exhibits an exquisitely structured oligosaccharide chain. Interestingly, the bacterially expressed, nonglycosylated counterpart, rECorL, possesses an essentially identical carbohydrate specificity and agglutinating activity as the glycosylated lectin, thus suggesting that the overall structure of the two are identical. This paper reports the unfolding behavior of E. corallodendron lectin in its glycosylated (EcorL) and nonglycosylated (rECorL) forms. ECorL shows a two-state unfolding pattern during isothermal melts and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The T(g) of ECorL as obtained from isothermal melts is 74 degrees C at pH 7.4. The T(p) obtained from DSC studies is between 74.8 to 68.1 degrees C in the pH range of 5.26-7.77. The recombinant lectin (rECorL), which is devoid of carbohydrate, shows, in contrast to the glycosylated protein, a non-two-state unfolding profile as measured by both probes mentioned, but the number of intermediates during unfolding could not be ascertained. Simulated annealing on ECorL, with the sugars removed, reveals that the protein Calpha backbones overlap, indicating that the overall structure, including the mode of dimerization, of rECorL is insignificantly altered as compared to ECorL. The alterations in the folding behavior of rECorL as compared to that observed in ECorL may be due to the fact that, unlike most other glycoproteins, one of the glycans in ECorL is unusually structured and forms many hydrogen bonds with the protein. It therefore appears that while the covalently linked sugar does not contribute appreciably to the final folded structure of ECorL, it does alter its folding process in a significant manner.  相似文献   

1. Protein synthesis occurs at a high rate in the ovaries of maturing Octopus vulgaris and can be measured from the incorporation of [14C]leucine in vivo and in isolated groups of eggs in vitro. 2. Removal of the optic glands in vivo 1--3 days prior to testing markedly reduces amino acid incorporation in vivo or in vitro. After 5 days in vivo incorporation stops. 3. The rate of incorporation in vitro is increased by the addition of optic gland extract. 4. Analysis of the kinetics of leucine uptake and incorporation in vitro indicates that the hormone has an effect on the inward transport of leucine which is independent of its action on protein synthesis. 5. Electron-microscope studies of the follicle cells and ova show that the former are the site of protein synthesis. 6. Changes in either uptake or incorporation into protein by the follicle cells can be used as a qualitative biolobical assay for the optic gland hormone. Uptake is very easy to measure but incorporation is the more sensitive parameter. Either is potentially suitable as a quantitative assay for this and perhaps also for other molluscan gonadotropins.  相似文献   

An enzyme catalysing the O-methylation of isobutyraldoxime by S-adenosyl-L-methionine was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. N.C.I.B. 11652. The enzyme was purified 220-fold by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and chromatography on calcium phosphate gel. Homogeneity of the enzyme preparation was confirmed by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The enzyme showed a narrow pH optimum at 10.25, required thiol-protecting agents for activity and was rapidly denatured at temperatures above 35 degrees C. The Km values for isobutyraldoxime and S-adenosyl-L-methionine were respectively 0.24 mM and 0.15 mM. Studies on substrate specificity indicated that attack was mainly restricted to oximes of C4-C6 aldehydes, with preference being shown for those with branching in the 2- or 3-position. Ketoximes were not substrates for the enzyme. Gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 gave an Mr of 84 000 for the intact enzyme, and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated an Mr of 37 500, suggesting the presence of two subunits in the intact enzyme. S-Adenosylhomocysteine was a powerful competitive inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine, with a Ki of 0.027 mM. The enzyme was also susceptible to inhibition by thiol-blocking reagents and heavy-metal ions. Mg2+ was not required for maximum activity.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone obtained from developing peanut (Arachis hypogaea) seedling roots, when expressed in Escherichia coli and insect cells (Sf9) gave a 29 kDa subunit protein. The native recombinant protein agglutinates neuraminidase treated human erythrocytes and the agglutination is inhibited by galactose. Nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence analyses indicate that it is different from peanut seed (PNA and SGL) and nodule (NGLa and NGLb) galactose-binding lectins.  相似文献   

The role of Trp 135 and Tyr 108 in the combining site of Erythrina corallodendron lectin (ECorL) was investigated by physicochemical characterization of mutants obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, hemagglutination-inhibition studies, and molecular modeling, including dynamics simulations. The findings demonstrate that Trp 135 in ECorL: (1) is required for the tight binding of Ca2+ and Mn2+ to the lectin because mutation of this residue into alanine results in loss of these ions upon dialysis and concomitant reversible inactivation of the mutant; (2) contributes to the high affinity of methyl alpha-N-dansylgalactosaminide (MealphaGalNDns) to the lectin; and (3) is solely responsible for the fluorescence energy transfer between the aromatic residues of the lectin and the dansyl group in the ECorL-MealphaGalNDns complex. Docking of MealphaGalNDns into the combining site of the lectin reveals that the dansyl moiety is parallel with the indole of Trp 135, as required for efficient fluorescence energy transfer, in one of the two possible conformations that this ligand assumes in the bound state. In the W135A mutant, which still binds MealphaGalNDns strongly, the dansyl group may partially insert itself into the place formerly occupied by Trp 135, a process that from dynamics simulations does not appear to be energetically favored unless the loop containing this residue assumes an open conformation. However, a small fraction of the W135A molecules must be able to bind MealphaGalNDns in order to explain the relatively high affinity, as compared to galactose, still remaining for this ligand. A model for the molecular events leading to inactivation of the W135A mutant upon demetallization is also presented in which the cis-trans isomerization of the Ala 88-Asp 89 peptide bond, observed in high-temperature dynamics simulations, appears not to be a required step.  相似文献   

The urea-induced denaturation of dimeric Erythrina indica lectin (EIL) has been studied at pH 7.2 under equilibrium and kinetic conditions in the temperature range of 40-55 degrees C. The structure of EIL is largely unaffected in this temperature range in absence of denaturant, and also in 8 M urea after incubation for 24 h at ambient temperature. The equilibrium denaturation of EIL exhibits a monophasic unfolding transition from the native dimer to the unfolded monomer as monitored by fluorescence, far-UV CD, and size-exclusion FPLC. The thermodynamic parameters determined for the two-state unfolding equilibrium show that the free energy of unfolding (DeltaGu, aq) remains practically same between 40 and 55 degrees C, with a value of 11.8 +/- 0.6 kcal mol(-1) (monomer units). The unfolding kinetics of EIL describes a single exponential decay pattern, and the apparent rate constants determined at different temperatures indicate that the rate of the unfolding reaction increases several fold with increase in temperature. The presence of probe like external metal ions (Mn2+, Ca2+) does not influence the unfolding reaction thermodynamically or kinetically; however, the presence of EDTA affects only kinetics. The present results suggest that the ability of EIL to preserve the structural integrity against the highly denaturing conditions is linked primarily to its kinetic stability, and the synergic action of heat and denaturant is involved in the unfolding of the protein.  相似文献   

Untreated human serum is known to be toxic to in vitro assays for erythropoietin, including the mouse spleen cell assay system (MSCA). This phenomenon had previously been shown to be mediated by complement-dependent IgM heteroantibodies and can be overcome by heating the serum at 56 degrees C for 30 minutes. Using the MSCA, we have found that the toxic effect of serum could also be removed by treatment with a precipitating antibody against the C3c component of complement. The effects of the two methods of complement inactivation on the measurement of stimulatory activity in serum have been compared. For normal serum, the results after heat inactivation and antibody treatment were similar. In contrast, serum from a patient with aplastic anemia gave a result equivalent to 327 mU erythropoietin/ml after heat treatment, but after antibody treatment equivalent to 1,520 mU erythropoietin/ml. Gel permeation chromatography of unheated, heated, and antibody-treated sera showed that heating markedly reduced the activity of the erythropoietin peak. Seventy percent of the activity of partially purified urinary erythropoietin was lost during heating in the presence of normal serum. In addition, heating caused the appearance of high molecular weight compounds that are stimulatory in the MSCA. The level of this activity appeared to be directly related to the stimulatory activity of the unheated serum.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed human B-cell lines, L-KT9and DH3 cells express CD23 antigen, and grow in a mixture ofsingle and aggregated cells. The CD23 molecule has high aminoacid sequence homology with C-type lectin and recently we haveshown that the solubilized CD23 molecule can really interactwith galactose residues on glycoproteins. In this study, therefore,we tested whether CD23 antigen on the cell surface really actsas a galactose-binding lectin in the aggregation of these cells.The EBV-transformed cells (L-KT9) were separated into an aggregated-cell-richfraction and a single-cell-rich fraction. Aggregated cells disaggregatedafter removal of galactose by ß-galactosidase treatment,whereas single cells made large aggregation on sialidase treatment,and this aggregation was inhibited in the presence of asialo-fetuin.On the other hand, naturally aggregated cells become singlecells with anti-CD23 monoclonal antibody (mAB) as well as thesoluble form of CD23, but not with anti-CD21 mAB. In addition,L-KT9 and DH3 cells bound to asialo-fetuin-coupled Sepharose(ASF-Sepharose) and this binding was significantly inhibitedby pre-treatment of cells with anti-CD23, but not with anti-CD21or other antiadhesion molecules. From these results, we concludethat the naturally aggregated state of EBV-transformed cellsoccurs mainly through the interaction of CD23 as a lectin moleculeand galactose residues as its ligand. CD23 molecule cell aggregation EBV-transformed B cells glycosidase treatment low-affinity IgE receptor  相似文献   

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