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白念珠菌是引起浅部、深部真菌感染常见的病原菌.先天免疫反应在宿主抗系统性白念珠菌感染中起主导作用.介导宿主抗念珠菌感染的先天性免疫包括一系列真菌识别受体及免疫效应细胞.宿主对系统性白念珠菌感染的免疫反应是决定患者预后的关键.本文就宿主抗系统性白念珠菌感染的先天性免疫机制进行综述.  相似文献   

Studies of invertebrate immune defence often measure genetic variation either for the fitness cost of infection or for the ability of the host to clear the parasite. These studies assume that variation in measures of resistance is related to variation in fitness costs of infection. To test this assumption, we infected strains of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, with a pathogenic bacterium. We then measured the correlation between host bacterial load and the ability to survive infection. Despite the presence of genotypic variation for both traits, bacterial load and survival post-infection were not correlated. Our results support previous arguments that individual measures of immune function and the host's ability to survive infection may be decoupled. In light of these results, we suggest that the difference between tolerance and resistance to infection, a distinction commonly found in the plant literature, may also be of value in studies of invertebrate immunity.  相似文献   

Although macrophages are an important first line of cellular defense, they are unable to effectively kill phagocytosed C. albicans. To determine the physiological basis of this inability, we investigated the alterations of macrophage proteins caused by C. albicans infection. Since the formation of C. albicans hyphae caused cell death, proteins were prepared 3 h after infection and examined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). The most prominent changes were in glycolytic enzymes, which could have caused energy depletion of the infected cells. Also changed were proteins involved in maintenance of cellular integrity and NO production. Treatment of the macrophages with either cytochalasin D or taxol did not alter their inability to kill C. albicans. Our results indicate that multiple factors contribute to cell death as the pathogenic form of C. albicans becomes fully active inside macrophage cells.  相似文献   

Insects are able to recognize invading microorganisms and to mount an immune response to bacterial and fungal infections. Recently, the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as a promising invertebrate model to investigate innate immunity because of its well-characterized genetics. Insects are also vectors of numerous parasites which can trigger an immune response. We have investigated the interaction of Drosophila melanogaster with the flagellate protozoan Crithidia spp. We show that a per os parasitic infection triggers the synthesis of several antimicrobial peptides. By reverse phase HPLC and mass spectrometry, peptides were shown to be present in the hemolymph and not in the gut tissue, suggesting the presence of immune messengers between the site of the infection, namely the gut, and the fat body, the main site of synthesis for antimicrobial peptides. Interestingly, we have identified one molecule which is specifically induced in the hemolymph after infection with Crithidia, but not with bacteria, suggesting that Drosophila can discriminate between pathogens. When flagellates were injected into the hemolymph, a low synthesis of antimicrobial peptides was observed together with phagocytosis of parasites by circulating hemocytes. The data presented here suggest that Drosophila-Crithidia spp. represents an interesting model to study host defense against protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

Antibody response to Candida albicans cell wall antigens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cell wall of Candida albicans is not only the structure where many essential biological functions reside but is also a significant source of candidal antigens. The major cell wall components that elicit a response from the host immune system are proteins and glycoproteins, the latter being predominantly mannoproteins. Both carbohydrate and protein moieties are able to trigger immune responses. Proteins and glycoproteins exposed at the most external layers of the wall structure are involved in several types of interactions of fungal cells with the exocellular environment. Thus, coating of fungal cells with host antibodies has the potential to profoundly influence the host-parasite interaction by affecting antibody-mediated functions such as opsonin-enhanced phagocytosis and blocking the binding activity of fungal adhesins to host ligands. In this review we examine various members of the protein and glycoprotein fraction of the C. albicans cell wall that elicit an antibody response in vivo. Some of the studies demonstrate that certain cell wall antigens and anti-cell wall antibodies may be the basis for developing specific and sensitive serologic tests for the diagnosis of candidiasis, particularly the disseminated form. In addition, recent studies have focused on the potential of antibodies against the cell wall protein determinants in protecting the host against infection. Hence, a better understanding of the humoral response triggered by the cell wall antigens of C. albicans may provide the basis for the development of (i) effective procedures for the serodiagnosis of disseminated candidiasis, and (ii) novel prophylactic (vaccination) and therapeutic strategies to control this type of infections.  相似文献   

Few human pathogens possess the ability exhibited by Candida albicans to colonize and cause symptomatic infections at different body sites. The host immune system is the major factor determining whether this opportunistic yeast behaves as a commensal or as a pathogen, since C. albicans strains appear capable of expressing similar virulence factors in response to specific body-district cues. This report provides evidence showing that C. albicans isolates with diverse genomic backgrounds (b and c karyotypes) differently modulate their pathogenic potential when assayed in cocultures with human monocytic derived macrophages (THP-1 cells). Striking differences were observed in the ability to undergo bud-hypha transition, a relevant C. albicans virulence factor, between b and c karyotypes (P<0.0001) upon their internalization by macrophages. All c types were able to develop hyphal forms, resist intracellular killing, replicate, and escape from macrophages. The b type isolates, which were shown to be more efficiently ingested by THP-1 cells than the c type strains (P=0.013), were susceptible to intracellular killing and predominantly found as blastoconidia inside macrophages. Despite their different intracellular disposition, both b and c type isolates were equally able to undergo morphogenesis and to express NRG1 and HWP1 genes, markers of the bud-hypha transition program, during in vitro propagation. Since macrophages play a critical role in the host resistance to C. albicans, the different response of b and c isolates to macrophage infection suggests that the c type strains are better suited to behave as a more virulent strain cluster.  相似文献   

Larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) that had been subjected to physical stress by shaking in cupped hands for 2 min showed reduced susceptibility to infection by Candida albicans when infected 24 h after the stress event. Physically stressed larvae demonstrated an increase in haemocyte density and elevated mRNA levels of galiomicin and an inducible metalloproteinase inhibitor (IMPI) but not transferrin or gallerimycin. In contrast, previous work has demonstrated that microbial priming of larvae resulted in the induction of all four genes. Examination of the expression of proteins in the insect haemolymph using 2D electrophoresis and MALDI TOF analysis revealed an increase in the intensity of a number of peptides showing some similarities with proteins associated with the insect immune response to infection. This study demonstrates that non-lethal physical stress primes the immune response of G. mellonella and this is mediated by elevated haemocyte numbers, increased mRNA levels of genes coding for two antimicrobial peptides and the appearance of novel peptides in the haemolymph. This work demonstrates that physical priming increases the insect immune response but the mechanism of this priming is different to that induced by low level exposure to microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

Hybrid dysgenesis-induced response to selection in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Drosophila melanogaster, the P-M and I-R systems of hybrid dysgenesis are associated with high rates of transposition of P and I elements, respectively, in the germlines of dysgenic hybrids formed by crossing females of strains without active elements to males of strains containing them. Transposition rates are not markedly accelerated in the reciprocal, nondysgenic hybrids. Previous attempts to evaluate the extent to which hybrid dysgenesis-mediated P transposition contributes to mutational variance for quantitative characters by comparing the responses to selection of P-M dysgenic and nondysgenic hybrids have given variable results. This experimental design has been extended to include an additional quantitative trait and the I-R hybrid dysgenesis system. The selection responses of lines founded from both dysgenic and nondysgenic crosses showed features that would be expected from the increase in frequency of initially rare genes with major effects on the selected traits. These results differ from those of previous experiments which showed additional selection response only in lines started from dysgenic crosses, and can be explained by the occasional occurrence of large effect transposable element-induced polygenic mutations in both dysgenic and nondysgenic selection lines. High rates of transposition in populations founded from nondysgenic crosses may account for the apparently contradictory results of the earlier selection experiments, and an explanation is proposed for its occurrence.  相似文献   



Alcoholism presents widespread social and human health problems. Alcohol sensitivity, the development of tolerance to alcohol and susceptibility to addiction vary in the population. Genetic factors that predispose to alcoholism remain largely unknown due to extensive genetic and environmental variation in human populations. Drosophila, however, allows studies on genetically identical individuals in controlled environments. Although addiction to alcohol has not been demonstrated in Drosophila, flies show responses to alcohol exposure that resemble human intoxication, including hyperactivity, loss of postural control, sedation, and exposure-dependent development of tolerance.  相似文献   

This paper aims at demonstrating the non-specific immunosuppression as regards thyme-dependent antigens sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) during the course of Candida albicans systemic infection.Three lots of syngeneic /BALB/c mice, 8–12 weeks of age, were used. The first normal lot was inoculated via the intraperitoneal route with a (SRBC) suspension (4×108 cells ml) in a Hank's balanced saline solution. The primary response of antibodies formed by splenic cells was measured from 4 to 8 days after inoculation using the direct plaque forming cells technique. The second lot was infected by the same route with a suspension of Candida albicans (1×107 cells). Positive retrocultures from the blood and kidneys of these infected mice were obtained. These yeasts cultivated in a Sabouraud medium were harvested after 20 h at 37 °C. Following the same methodology the immune response to SRBC was determined. The serum obtained from infected mice was transferred to a third lot of mice at different intervals during the course of the infection. The immune response to SRBC was done by the direct plaque-forming cells technique. Controls were carried out using normal donors and recipients.A suppression of the immune response was obtained as from the 2nd day of inoculation up to the 28th day. It was not possible to transfer such suppression passively by means of the serum.These results suggest that the systemic infection by Candida albicans induce a non-specific immunosuppression in the organism, already demonstrated in viral infections, bacteria, protozoaria and metazoaria in mammals.In some way, this will contribute to explain the mechanisms of immune response to Candida albicans.  相似文献   

Thermotolerance and the heat-shock response in Candida albicans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
At elevated temperatures, yeast cells of Candida albicans synthesized nine heat-shock proteins (HSPs) with apparent molecular masses of 98, 85, 81, 76, 72, 54, 34, 26 and 18 kDa. The optimum temperature for the heat-shock response was 45 degrees C although HSPs were detected throughout the range 41-46 degrees C. Protein synthesis was not observed in cells kept at 48 degrees C. Yeast cells survived exposure to an otherwise lethal temperature of 55 degrees C when they had previously been exposed to 45 degrees C. The thermotolerance induced during incubation at 45 degrees C required protein synthesis, since protection was markedly reduced by trichodermin. Mercury ions induced a set of three stress proteins, one of which corresponded in size to an HSP, and cadmium ions evoked one stress protein seemingly unrelated to the HSPs observed after temperature shift.  相似文献   

Abstract Inflammatory responses that developed in the footpad during the first 48 h after inoculation of Candida albicans were compared in six genetically defined inbred strains of mice. Tissue responses consisted predominantly of accumulations of polymorphonuclear leucocytes, the magnitude of which was significantly less in mice lacking the fifth component of complement (C5). Despite this, there was no difference between C5-sufficient and C5-deficient mice in the total infectious burden, nor did depletion of complement by treatment with cobra venom factor cause any detectable reduction in the numbers of inflammatory cells in the area of the lesion. Ablation of granulocytes had no significant effect on the fungal burden over the period of the experiment. Immunisation provided some protection against tissue damage, but did not reduce the number of yeasts at the site of infection.  相似文献   

A critical task in evolutionary genetics is to explain the persistence of heritable variation in fitness-related traits such as immunity. Ecological factors can maintain genetic variation in immunity, but less is known about the role of other factors, such as antagonistic pleiotropy, on immunity. Sexually dimorphic immunity—with females often being more immune-competent—may maintain variation in immunity in dioecious populations. Most eco-immunological studies assess host resistance to parasites rather than the host''s ability to maintain fitness during infection (tolerance). Distinguishing between resistance and tolerance is important as they are thought to have markedly different evolutionary and epidemiological outcomes. Few studies have investigated tolerance in animals, and the extent of sexual dimorphism in tolerance is unknown. Using males and females from 50 Drosophila melanogaster genotypes, we investigated possible sources of genetic variation for immunity by assessing both resistance and tolerance to the common bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We found evidence of sexual dimorphism and sexual antagonism for resistance and tolerance, and a trade-off between the two traits. Our findings suggest that antagonistic pleiotropy may be a major contributor to variation in immunity, with implications for host–parasite coevolution.  相似文献   

The integration of innate andadaptive immune responses is required for efficient control ofCandida albicans. The present work aimed to assess, at thelocal site of the infection, the immunocompetence of macrophages inrats infected intraperitoneally with C. albicans and exposedsimultaneously to stress during 3 days (CaS group). We studied the1) ability to remove and kill C. albicans,2) tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) release,3) balance of the inducible enzymes NO synthase (iNOS) andarginase, and 4) expression of interleukin (IL)-1 andIL-1 receptor antagonist (ra) mRNA. Compared with only infected animals(Ca group), the number of colony-forming units was significantly higherin CaS rats (P < 0.01), and the macrophagecandidicidal activity was ~2.5-fold lower (P < 0.01). Release of TNF- was diminished in both unstimulated andheat-killed C. albicans restimulated macrophages of the CaSgroup (Ca vs. CaS, P < 0.03 and P < 0.05, respectively). In Ca- and CaS-group rats, the rates for both thearginase activity and the NO synthesis were significantly enhanced.However, the stress exposure downregulated the activity of both enzymes(CaS vs. Ca, P < 0.05). After in vitro restimulation,the IL-1ra/IL-1 ratio was significantly diminished in CaS-group rats(P < 0.05). Our results indicate that a correlationexists between early impairment of macrophage function and stress exposure.


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