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This review highlights the modern perception of anomalous folding of the prion protein and the role of chaperones therein. Special attention is paid to prion proteins from mammalian species, which are prone to amyloid-like prion diseases due to a unique aggregation pathway. Despite being a significantly popular current subject of investigations, the etiology, structure, and function of both normal and anomalous prion proteins still hold many mysteries. The most interesting of those are connected to the interaction with chaperone system, which is responsible for stabilizing protein structure and disrupting aggregates. In the case of prion proteins the following question is of the most importance — can chaperones influence different stages of the formation of pathological aggregates (these vary from intermediate oligomers to mature amyloid-like fibrils) and the whole transition from native prion protein to its amyloid-like fibril-enriched form? The existing inconsistencies and ambiguities in the observations made so far can be attributed to the fact that most of the investigations did not take into account the type and functional state of the chaperones. This review discusses in detail our previous works that have demonstrated fundamental differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic chaperones in the action exerted on the amyloid-like transformation of the prion protein along with the dependence of the observed effects on the functional state of the chaperone.  相似文献   

Chemical and physiological functions of molecular oxygen and reactive oxygen species (ROS)and existing equilibrium between pools of pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants providing steady state ROS level vital for normal mitochondrial and cell functioning are reviewed. The presence of intracellular oxygen and ROS sensors is postulated and few candidates for this role are suggested. Possible involvement of ROS in the process of fragmentation of mitochondrial reticulum made of long mitochondrial filaments serving in the cell as electric cables, as well as the role of ROS in apoptosis and programmed mitochondrial destruction (mitoptosis) are reviewed. The critical role of ROS in destructive processes under ischemia/reoxygenation and ischemic preconditioning is discussed. Mitochondrial permeability transition gets special consideration as a possible component of the apoptotic cascade, resulting in excessive ROS induced ROS release.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 265–272.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Zorov, Bannikova, Belousov, Vyssokikh, Zorova, Isaev, Krasnikov, Plotnikov.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Problems of learning and memory: one or multiple memory systems?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Learning, and hence memory, is ubiquitous not only throughout the animal kingdom, but apparently throughout many regions of the brain. Is all learning reducible to a single common form? Neuropsychological dissociations suggest that the mammalian brain possesses a number of different and potentially independent memory systems, with different mechanisms and anatomical dispositions, some of which are neurally widely dispersed and others of which are narrowly organized. Among the types considered are: (i) short-term memory; (ii) knowledge and skills; (iii) stable associative memory; (iv) event memory; and (v) priming. As double or multiple dissociations do not lead to logically inevitable conclusions, it has been argued that an alternative to multiple memory systems is variable modes of processing. But these, too, would be dissociable on the same lines of evidence. Dissociations, if strong and absolute, have strong pragmatic power when they are combined with evolutionary and neuroscientific evidence. Multiple memory systems may possibly share some common cellular mechanisms, but such mechanisms do not define the separate properties at the systems level.  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance in cycling cells relies on both DNA replication and capping by the protein complex shelterin. Two single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding proteins, replication protein A (RPA) and protection of telomere 1 (POT1) play critical roles in DNA replication and telomere capping, respectively. While RPA binds to ssDNA in a non-sequence-specific manner, POT1 specifically recognizes singlestranded TTAGGG telomeric repeats. Loss of POT1 leads to aberrant accumulation of RPA at telomeres and activation of the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinase (ATR)-mediated checkpoint response, suggesting that POT1 antagonizes RPA binding to telomeric ssDNA. The requirement for both POT1 and RPA in telomere maintenance and the antagonism between the two proteins raises the important question of how they function in concert on telomeric ssDNA. Two interesting models were proposed by recent studies to explain the regulation of POT1 and RPA at telomeres. Here, we discuss how these models help unravel the coordination, and also the antagonism, between POT1 and RPA during the cell cycle.Key words: RPA, POT1, telomere, ATR, checkpointTelomeres, the natural ends of chromosomes, are composed of repetitive DNA sequences and “capped” by both specific proteins and non-coding RNAs.13 One of the critical functions of telomeres is to prevent chromosomal ends from recognition by the DNA damage response machinery. Critically short or improperly capped telomeres lead to telomere dysfunction and are a major source of genomic instability.4 While telomeres need to be properly capped to remain stable, they also need to be duplicated during each cell division by the DNA replication machinery. The requirement of these two seemingly competing processes for telomere maintenance suggests that the cell must coordinate DNA replication and capping of telomeres to ensure faithful telomere duplication yet avoid an inappropriate DNA damage response.Telomeric DNA is unique in several ways. The bulk of each human telomere is comprised of double-stranded TTA GGG repeats. At the very end of each telomere, a stretch of single-stranded TTAGGG repeats exists as a 3′ overhang. The TTA GGG repeats in the telomeric single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) allow it to loop back and invade telomeric double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), forming a structure called the t-loop.5 At the base of the t-loop, the TTAGGG strand of the telomeric dsDNA is displaced by the invading single-stranded 3′ overhang to form a single-stranded D-loop. Thus, the unique DNA sequence and structures of telomeres confer the ability to bind proteins in both sequence- and structure-specific manners, providing the basis for additional regulations.In human cells, telomere capping is orchestrated by the protein complex shelterin, which contains TRF1, TRF2, RAP1, TIN2, TPP1 and POT1.3 Among these shelterin components, TRF1 and TRF2 interact with telomeric dsDNA in a sequence-specific manner, whereas POT1, in a complex with TPP1, binds to telomeric ssDNA in a sequence-specific manner.68 While the human genome contains only one POT1 gene, the mouse genome contains two POT1-related genes, POT1a and POT1b.911 TIN2 functions to stabilize TRF1 and TRF2 DNA binding and also tethers the POT1-TPP1 heterodimer to the rest of the shelterin complex on telomeric dsDNA.12,13Unlike the properly capped telomeres, double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) with ssDNA overhangs are known to activate the ATR checkpoint kinase.14,15 In a complex with its functional partner ATRIP, ATR is recruited to ssDNA by RPA, a non-sequence-specific ssDNA-binding protein complex.16 In addition to the ATR-ATRIP kinase complex, several other checkpoint proteins involved in ATR activation are also recruited in the presence of RPA-ssDNA.15 The structural resemblance between DSBs and telomeres and the presence of ssDNA at telomeres raise the important question as to how ATR activation is repressed at telomeres.  相似文献   

Cancer cells display an altered energy metabolism, which was proposed to be the root of cancer. This early discovery was done by O. Warburg who conducted one of the first studies of tumor cell energy metabolism. Taking advantage of cancer cells that exhibited various growth rates, he showed that cancer cells display a decreased respiration and an increased glycolysis proportional to the increase in their growth rate, suggesting that they mainly depend on fermentative metabolism for ATP generation.Warburg's results and hypothesis generated controversies that are persistent to this day. It is thus of great importance to understand the mechanisms by which cancer cells can reversibly regulate the two pathways of their energy metabolism as well as the functioning of this metabolism in cell proliferation. In this review, we discuss of the origin of the decrease in cell respiratory rate, whether the Warburg effect is mandatory for an increased cell proliferation rate, the consequences of this effect on two major players of cell energy metabolism that are ATP and NADH, and the role of the microenvironment in the regulation of cellular respiration and metabolism both in cancer cell and in yeast.  相似文献   

The lung tissue expresses the cholinergic system including nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) which included in many physiologic and pathologic processes. Mounting evidence revealed that these receptors have important roles in lung carcinogenesis via modulating either stimulatory or inhibitory signaling pathways. Among different members of nicotinic receptors family, alpha7-subtype of nAChR (α7nAChR) is a critical mediator involved in both inflammatory responses and cancers. Several studies have shown that this receptor is the most powerful regulator of responses that stimulate lung cancer processes such as proliferation, angiogenesis, metastasis, and inhibition of apoptosis. Moreover, aside from its roles in the regulation of cancer pathways, there is growing evidence indicating that α7nAChR has profound impacts on lung inflammation through the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. Regarding such diverse effects as well as the critical roles of nicotine as an activator of α7nAChR on lung cancer pathogenesis, its modulation has emerged as a promising target for drug developments. In this review, we aim to highlight the detrimental as well as the possible beneficial influences of α7nAChR downstream signaling cascades in the control of lung inflammation and cancer-associated properties. Consequently, by considering the significant global burden of lung cancer, delineating the complex influences of α7 receptors would be of great interest in designing novel anticancer and anti-inflammatory strategies for the patients suffering from lung cancer.  相似文献   

The search for functional foods containing probiotics has been growing due to numerous benefits they provide to health, such as modulation of the immune system and of the anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α. However, the mechanisms of actions of the probiotics responsible for this inhibition have not been completely explained so far. A better understanding of the interaction between probiotics and cell signaling pathways related to inflammatory processes shall help to prevent inflammatory bowel diseases. Therefore, the aim of this revision is to help understand the mechanisms of action of probiotics in cell signaling pathways that regulate TNF-α expression. Probiotics might act at different points of the MAPK pathway, on NF-kB, on proteasome activity, on Toll-like receptors, and on their regulators and stimuli. The present revision reaches the conclusion that probiotics act through multiple mechanisms, especially by inhibiting IkB phosphorylation and degradation, thus preventing the translocation of NF-kB. Effects are also shown to be strain-specific, and probiotics of the genus Lactobacillus are proved to play and essential role in anti-inflammatory activity.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class I protein HLA-C plays a crucial role as a molecule capable of sending inhibitory signals to both natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) via binding to killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIR). Recently HLA-C has been recognized as a key molecule in the immune control of HIV-1. Expression of HLA-C is modulated by a microRNA binding site. HLA-C alleles that bear substitutions in the microRNA binding site are more expressed at the cell surface and associated with the control of HIV-1 viral load, suggesting a role of HLA-C in the presentation of antigenic peptides to CTLs. This review highlights the role of HLA-C in association with HIV-1 viral load, but also addresses the contradiction of the association between high cell surface expression of an inhibitory molecule and strong cell-mediated immunity. To explore additional mechanisms of control of HIV-1 replication by HLA-C, we address specific features of the molecule, like its tendency to be expressed as open conformer upon cell activation, which endows it with a unique capacity to associate with other cell surface molecules as well as with HIV-1 proteins.  相似文献   

Although many theoretical models of male sexual trait evolution assume that sexual selection is countered by natural selection, direct empirical tests of this assumption are relatively uncommon. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are known to play an important role not only in restricting evaporative water loss but also in sexual signalling in most terrestrial arthropods. Insects adjusting their CHC layer for optimal desiccation resistance is often thought to come at the expense of successful sexual attraction, suggesting that natural and sexual selection are in opposition for this trait. In this study, we sampled the CHCs of male black field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus) using solid-phase microextraction and then either measured their evaporative water loss or mating success. We then used multivariate selection analysis to quantify the strength and form of natural and sexual selection targeting male CHCs. Both natural and sexual selection imposed significant linear and stabilizing selection on male CHCs, although for very different combinations. Natural selection largely favoured an increase in the total abundance of CHCs, especially those with a longer chain length. In contrast, mating success peaked at a lower total abundance of CHCs and declined as CHC abundance increased. However, mating success did improve with an increase in a number of specific CHC components that also increased evaporative water loss. Importantly, this resulted in the combination of male CHCs favoured by natural selection and sexual selection being strongly opposing. Our findings suggest that the balance between natural and sexual selection is likely to play an important role in the evolution of male CHCs in T. commodus and may help explain why CHCs are so divergent across populations and species.  相似文献   

The importance of ontogeny and the degree of abiotic stress in determining the interplay between facilitation and competition is well known. However, their joint effect on the outcome of plant interactions remains poorly understood, especially when a continuous gradient of abiotic stress is considered. Our objective was to evaluate the frequency of association of individuals of Clusia criuva with typical coastal dune species across a gradient of water stress and how this association affects the growth of juveniles and sub-adults. The study was performed in a coastal dune region in South Brazil, where the sandy soil promotes severe water stress. One-year growth of 293 individuals and their distance to the closest humid slacks were measured. This distance is a good surrogate for water stress, since slacks represent proximity to groundwater. The proportion of associated individuals increased with abiotic stress in both ontogenetic stages, but was always greater for juveniles. This suggests that association is progressively more important to guarantee survival as abiotic stress increases. Nonetheless, the benefit of neighbors to growth decreased with abiotic stress, and associated plants grew less than isolated ones in harsher environments. This was mainly true for juveniles, since the height growth of sub-adults was not affected by association or abiotic stress. In our study, facilitation became more intense with environmental severity, increasing survival, although competition also became more influent, reducing growth particularly for younger plants. This demonstrates that ontogenetic stage and abiotic stress must be considered simultaneously in order to better understand interactions among plants.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the key players involved in the differential regulation of T-cell responses during inflammation, infection and auto-immunity is fundamental for designing efficient therapeutic strategies against immune diseases. With respect to this, the inhibitory role of the lipid mediator prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) in T-cell immunity has been documented since the 1970s. Studies that ensued investigating the underlying mechanisms substantiated the suppressive function of micromolar concentrations of PGE(2) in T-cell activation, proliferation, differentiation and migration. However, the past decade has seen a revolution in this perspective, since nanomolar concentrations of PGE(2) have been shown to potentiate Th1 and Th17 responses and aid in T-cell proliferation. The understanding of concentration-specific effects of PGE(2) in other cell types, the development of mice deficient in each subtype of the PGE(2) receptors (EP receptors) and the delineation of signalling pathways mediated by the EP receptors have enhanced our understanding of PGE(2) as an immune-stimulator. PGE(2) regulates a multitude of functions in T-cell activation and differentiation and these effects vary depending on the micro-environment of the cell, maturation and activation state of the cell, type of EP receptor involved, local concentration of PGE(2) and whether it is a homeostatic or inflammatory scenario. In this review, we compartmentalize the various aspects of this complex relationship of PGE(2) with T lymphocytes. Given the importance of this molecule in T-cell activation, we also address the possibility of using EP receptor antagonism as a potential therapeutic approach for some immune disorders.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are plant growth promoting hormones involved in the specification of embryonic cells, maintenance of meristematic cells, shoot formation and development of vasculature. Cytokinins have also emerged as a major factor in plant-microbe interactions during nodule organogenesis and pathogenesis. Microbe-originated cytokinins confer abnormal hypersensitivity of cytokinins to plants, augmenting the sink activity of infected regions. However, recent findings have shed light on a distinct role of cytokinins in plant immune responses. Plant-borne cytokinins systemically induce resistance against pathogen infection. This resistance is orchestrated by endogenous cytokinin and salicylic acid signaling. Here, we discuss how plant- and pathogen-derived cytokinins inversely affect the plant defense response. In addition, we consider the molecular mechanisms underlying plant-derived cytokinin action in plant immunity.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites need phlebotomine sand flies to complete their life cycle and to propagate. This review looks at Leishmania-sand fly interactions as the parasites develop from amastigotes to infectious metacyclics, highlighting recent findings concerning the evolutionary adaptations that ensure survival of the parasites. Such adaptations include secretion of phosphoglycans, which protect the parasite from digestive enzymes; production of chitinases that degrade the stomodeal valve of the sand fly; secretion of a neuropeptide that arrests midgut and hindgut peristalsis; and attaching to the midgut to avoid expulsion.  相似文献   

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