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Skeletochronology is a method commonly used for estimating the age of amphibians and reptiles in the wild. However, the number of lines of arrested growth (LAGs) does not necessarily reflect age in some species. We validated the applicability of this method to an endangered eublepharid gecko, Goniurosaurus kuroiwae, then inferred its longevity and age structures in wild populations. We classified young geckos into three groups using previously published data for early growth: Group 1 contained hatchlings before the first winter, Group 2 contained hatchlings after the first win- ter, and Group 3 included yearlings after the second winter. LAG numbers in these groups were then compared. All individuals in Group 1 possessed a single LAG, which was considered as a hatching line. Most individuals in Groups 2 and 3 possessed one and two additional LAGs, respectively (LAG1 and LAG2), corroborating the notion that LAGs are formed annually. A few geckos exhibited fewer LAGs than expected. Analysis of variations in LAG and marrow cavity diameter demonstrated that in animals with fewer LAGs, endosteal resorption or fusion of hatching line and LAG1 had occurred. LAG2 was never lost by endosteal resorption and was identifiable by its diameter. Thus, the age of adult geckos could be determined by counting LAGs outward from LAG2. Application of this method to wild populations re- vealed that the longevity of this species is not less than 83 months, but that almost all individuals in fragmented habitats die before 50 months, suggesting lower population sustainability in such habitats.  相似文献   

  • 1.Two eublepharid gecko species were tested for their thermal preferences in a thigmothermal gradient.
  • 2.Goniurosaurus kuroiwae kuroiwae from a humid subtropical Oriental forest selected a lower body temperature (Tp; average 16.6 °C) than Eublepharis macularius from an arid Palaearctic area (25.8 °C).
  • 3.Both the locations of animals along the gradient and the Tp were significantly more variable among G. k. kuroiwae than among E. macularius.
  • 4.There were no significant differences in Tp and in its variance between photophase and scotophase in either species.

The role of allometry in producing the variation in autopodial morphology observed among the lizards is not well understood. Allometry of metapodial and digit lengths in the manus and pes of the primitively padless gekkotan (Eublepharis macularius) is explored using maximum‐likelihood repeated‐measures ANCOVAs with body length as the covariate. Estimated variance–covariance matrices differed significantly within and between autopodia, and integration was stronger among the metapodials than the digits. The first metapodial and the first digit of each autopodium exhibit the strongest covariances with each of the remaining components in each variance–covariance matrix, suggesting that the lengths of the first rays are important for allometric integration of both manus and pes. Metapodials scale isometrically and digits negatively allometrically; both display allometric heterogeneity among themselves in both autopodia. Both autopodia exhibit changes in proportion over the ontogenetic size range, attributable to variation in scaling among the components of the rays. Allometric coefficients do not vary among pedal digits, despite differences in phalanx number, although phalanx number is associated with differences in slope in the manual digits. This is suggestive of heterogeneity in allometry among the manual phalanges, which thus may be associated with variation in phalanx length within gekkotan digits.  相似文献   

In the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, Goniurosaurus geckos are currently divided into six allopatric taxa among nearby islands. Recent studies suggested the occurrence of large genetic divergence within a single island and the possible non‐monophyly of a few taxa, but their species delimitation is not well resolved. We investigated the taxonomic relationships between the possibly geographically overlapped, highly diverged entities as well as other island populations via dense sampling. Our mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analyses showed that the two genetic groups were distributed in parapatry within Okinawajima Island and that they were hybridizing in narrow area around the contact zone. Geohistorical evidence suggests that the restricted gene flow has been caused by some intrinsic isolation mechanisms. Thus, we conclude that the two lineages represent full species. Mitochondrial analysis also showed that the genetic differences among other island populations were comparable to those between these species, thereby suggesting the presence of seven full species, including one unnamed taxon. We also discuss the possible cause of this divergence and why it has occurred at such a fine geographic scale.  相似文献   

通过SRY 基因扩增,对76 份野生东北马鹿粪便DNA 进行了性别鉴定,其中雄性49 份,雌性27 份。观察发现粪球形态可分两类:子弹状、枣核状。子弹状呈短粗型,长宽比较小;枣核状呈细长型,长宽比较大。对76 份样品进行分类:子弹状51 份、枣核状25 份。并以样品长、宽平均值的比值(R)为指标快速聚类,并建立了判别方程。统计指出判别结果与实际性别吻合率79.71% ;形态分类与实际性别吻合率90.56% ,即子弹状为雄性,枣核状为雌性。结果提示今后的野外研究可直接利用粪球形态判定粪样性别,长宽比判别方程可作为辅助。  相似文献   

It has been proposed, on the basis of widespread phylogenetic conservation, that H-Y antigen is the inducer of primary sex, causing the undifferentiated XY gonad to become a testis in male heterogametic species such as the human and bovine. That proposition has withstood extensive testing in vivo and in vitro. Freemartin gonads are H-Y+, for example, and masculinization of the freemartin gonad has been attributed to soluble H-Y, borne and transmitted in the serum of the bull twin, and bound in ovarian receptors of the female. We have applied monoclonal H-Y antibodies to the identification of gender in embryos of the bovine. Our preliminary results imply presence of H-Y in bovine embryos of the morula and blastocyst stages recovered at about 6–12 days of gestation. Assignment of H-Y phenotype -- positive in males and negative in females -- allows selective implantation of male and female during embryo transfer. Thus in an early study, we correctly identified gender in 6 of 7 calves born healthy at term, after transfer of 8 blastocysts.  相似文献   

Subhash Rajpurohit 《Fly》2016,10(4):149-161
Measuring thermal behavior in smaller insects is particularly challenging. In this study, we describe a new horizontal thermal gradient apparatus designed to study adult thermal behavior in small insects and apply it using D. melanogaster as a model and case study. Specifically, we used this apparatus and associated methodology to examine the effects of sex, geographic origin, and developmental rearing temperature on temperature preferences exhibited by adults in a controlled laboratory environment. The thermal gradient established by the apparatus was stable over diurnal and calendar time. Furthermore, the distribution of adult flies across thermal habitats within the apparatus remained stable following the period of acclimation, as evidenced by the high degree of repeatability across both biological and technical replicates. Our data demonstrate significant and predictable variation in temperature preference for all 3 assayed variables. Behaviorally, females were more sensitive than males to higher temperatures. Flies originating from high latitude, temperate populations exhibited a greater preference for cooler temperatures; conversely, flies originating from low latitude, tropical habitats demonstrated a relative preference for higher temperatures. Similarly, larval rearing temperature was positively associated with adult thermal behavior: low culture temperatures increased the relative adult preference for cooler temperatures, and this response was distinct between the sexes and for flies from the temperate and subtropical geographic regions. Together, these results demonstrate that the temperature chamber apparatus elicits robust, predictable, and quantifiable thermal preference behavior that could readily be applied to other taxa to examine the role of temperature-mediated behavior in a variety of contexts.  相似文献   

A Kuosa  R Lahtonen  J L?hdetie  R Santti 《In vitro》1982,18(7):585-592
Testosterone stimulated, at the concentration of 10-7 M and independently of other hormones, the accumulation of polysomal poly(A)-containing RNA (mRNA) in cultured explants of rat ventral prostate and concomitantly also protein synthesis. The hormone-induced accumulation of polysomal mRNA, which reached its maximum at 24 h after testosterone addition, paralleled the preferential labeling of high molecular weight RNA demonstrable with the electrophoretic analysis of the double-isotope labeled RNA after a short pulse (30 min). These findings are consistent with the idea that testosterone activated the synthesis of precursor mRNA leading to an increased amount of polysomal mRNA and eventually an activated protein synthesis. The synthesis and maturation of rRNA appeared to proceed even in the absence of testosterone, which is in contrast to the vivo findings on castrated rats. This partial uncoupling of RNA synthesis from androgenic control may account for the slow and less marked hormonal responses found in protein synthesis and glucose metabolism in cultured explants from normal animals. Because of the lack of uniformity in the suture, routine light microscopic control to assess the viability of cultured explants was found to be a prerequisite for successful biochemical work on prostate culture.  相似文献   

There are 1,111 species of pholcid spiders, of which less than 2% have published karyotypes. Our aim in this study was to determine the karyotypes and sex determination mechanisms of two species of pholcids: Physocyclus mexicanus (Banks, 1898) and Holocnemus pluchei (Scopoli, 1763), and to observe sex chromosome behavior during meiosis. We constructed karyotypes for P. mexicanus and H. pluchei using information from both living and fixed cells. We found that P. mexicanus has a chromosome number of 2n = 15 in males and 2n = 16 in females with X0-XX sex determination, like other members of the genus Physocyclus. H. pluchei has a chromosome number of 2n = 28 in males and 2n = 28 in females with XY-XX sex determination, which is substantially different from its closest relatives. These data contribute to our knowledge of the evolution of this large and geographically ubiquitous family, and are the first evidence of XY-XX sex determination in pholcids.  相似文献   

The use of low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) to study external mouthpart morphology in the Tenuipalpidae, in particular the genus Raoiella, has brought some aspects of the mechanics of feeding in this group into question. In addition, an LTSEM study on the specialized feeding behaviour of Raoiella indica Hirst (Tetranychoidea: Tenuipalpidae) revealed host plant use in this species could be affected by stomatal complex morphology.  相似文献   

A previous study on Hemidactylus turcicus based on mtDNA makers indicated that this gecko has a Middle-East origin, and that the current phylogeographic pattern is the result of a very rapid spread from the east to the west of the species’ range. The same study identified two distinct mitochondrial lineages with low differentiation and genetic diversity. Since H. turcicus is known to be closely associated to humanized environments, its present distribution range and phylogeography is frequently interpreted to be the result of recurrent human-mediated introductions. These conclusions used to be the same as those used to interpret the results obtained for the European populations of another gecko, Tarentola mauritanica. However, a recent study has revealed that the phylogeographic pattern of T. mauritanica is not solely the result of a recent colonization, but also of a mitochondrial selective sweep. Could the same be occurring in H. turcicus? To answer this question, two mitochondrial (12S rRNA and cytochrome b) and two nuclear genes (ACM4 and Rag2) were used in this study. From the mtDNA data we confirmed the existence of two distinct phylogeographic lineages; one occurring exclusively in the northern Mediterranean (Clade A), and another one more widespread that is the only lineage present in North Africa (Clade B). In light of these results, we could hypothesize that H. turcicus had its origin in Turkey, and from there Clade A moved to Europe and Clade B to North Africa spreading latter into Europe. However, Clade A presents significantly higher nucleotide diversity for the nuclear DNA compared to the mtDNA, and neutrality tests gave significant results for the mitochondrial data. These results suggest that the lack of mtDNA genetic diversity and structure in the European population of H. turcicus could also be due to a selective sweep, and not only because of a recent colonization. Together with the situation reported in T. mauritanica, the identification of a hitch-hiking process occurring in H. turcicus, represents two unprecedented cases of a selective sweep taking place in the same geographic area shaping the phylogeographic patterns of two unrelated genera of geckos.  相似文献   

Careful investigations of live coloration and other characters in the eublepharid gecko Goniurosaurus kuroiwae orientalis from Tonakijima Island, the type locality of the subspecies in the Central Ryukyus, Japan, revealed its slight but consistent external differences from the consubspecific Tokashikijima population, whose phylogenetically divergent status against the former had been strongly suggested in a previous molecular study. A new subspecies, Goniurosaurus kuroiwae sengokui subsp. nov., is thus described for the Tokashikijima population. In life, Goniurosaurus k. sengokui subsp. nov. can be discriminated from G. k. orientalis in showing tint of reddish or pinkish, instead of yellowish, coloration in dorsal body pattern, and also usually darker and more or less reddish, instead of yellowish or grayish, iris in both adults and juveniles. Recalculation of sequence data at hand with relevant Gen Bank data confirmed substantial sequence divergences of G. k. sengokui from all other congeneric taxa of the Ryukyus described so far.  相似文献   

Lizards of the family Eublepharidae exhibit interspecific diversity in body size, sexual size dimorphism (SSD), head size dimorphism (HSD), occurrence of male combat, and presence of male precloacal pores. Hence, they offer an opportunity for testing hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of sexual dimorphism. Historical analysis of male agonistic behaviour indicates that territoriality is ancestral in eublepharid geckos. Within Eublepharidae, male combat disappeared twice. In keeping with predictions from sexual selection theory, both events were associated with parallel loss of male-biased HSD and ventral scent glands. Eublepharids therefore provide new evidence that male-biased dimorphic heads are weapons used in aggressive encounters and that the ventral glands probably function in territory marking rather than in intersexual communication. Male-biased SSD is a plesiomorphic characteristic and was affected by at least three inversions. Shifts in SSD and male combat were not historically correlated. Therefore, other factors than male rivalry appear responsible for SSD inversions. Eublepharids demonstrate the full scope of Rensch's rule (small species tend to be female-larger, larger species male-larger). Most plausibly, SSD pattern hence seems to reflect body size variation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 303–314.  相似文献   

A thorough hydrodynamic approach to the study of swimming in amphipods demands a multipronged attack. A possible first step would be to gather swimming behavior data and determine the biomechanics and kinematics of pleopod beat. This requires careful observation of the swimming modes, swimming speeds, body positions and other aspects of behavior and limb motion that are crucial to swimming. Secondly, it is important to describe the morphology of the body and swimming appendages. Detailed drawings of body shape and design, skeletomusculature, condylic structure, and setal density and distribution on the pleopods and pereopods, are the tools required to ascribe hydrodynamic function to specific limb and body morphology. Finally, the information gathered from behavioral observations bolstered by functional morphology studies is applied to fluid dynamic calculations of drag, lift, and thrust. The theoretical calculations are then compared with empirical determinations of drag, wake generation, vortex shedding frequency, and flow patterns around an amphipod. The fluid dynamic facet of this research is the most challenging and requires an excellent grasp of the fundamental concepts of fluid flow and access to some highly technical equipment. The proposed tripartite approach for the study of amphipod swimming is by no means an exhaustive review of all the techniques that can be employed to quantify amphipod swimming. It will nevertheless permit a rigorous and systematic study of amphipod swimming.  相似文献   

Hygienic behavior in honey bees is a behavioral mechanism of disease resistance. Bees bred for hygienic behavior exhibit an increased olfactory sensitivity to odors of diseased brood, which is most likely differentially enhanced in the hygienic line by the modulatory effects of octopamine (OA), a noradrenaline-like neuromodulator. Here, we addressed whether the hygienic behavioral state is linked to other behavioral activities known to be modulated by OA. We specifically asked if, during learning trials, bees from hygienic colonies discriminate better between odors of diseased and healthy brood because of differences in sucrose (reward) response thresholds. This determination had to be tested because sucrose response thresholds are susceptible to OA modulation and may have influenced the honey bee's association of the conditioned stimulus (odor) with the unconditioned stimulus (i.e., the sucrose reward). Because the onset of first foraging is also modulated by OA, we also examined whether bees from hygienic colonies differentially forage at an earlier age compared to bees from non-hygienic colonies. Our study revealed that 1-day- and 15- to 20-day-old bees from the hygienic line do not have lower sucrose response thresholds compared to bees from the non-hygienic lines. In addition, hygienic bees did not forage at an earlier age or forage preferentially for pollen as compared to non-hygienic bees. These results support the idea that OA does not function in honey bees simply to enhance the detection of all chemical cues non-selectively or control related behaviors regardless of their environmental milieu. Our results indicate that the behavioral profile of the hygienic bee is sculpted by multiple factors including genetic, neural, social and environmental systems.  相似文献   

A primiparous mother and her infant were subjects of a longitudinal behavioral study at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, Illinois. From November 1998 to November 1999, we collected a total of 100 hr of focal nonhuman animal instantaneous point sampling and all occurrence data on the mother and her infant. After 8 months, we introduced the 4-member focal group to an 8-member gorilla group, thus providing an opportunity to study the effect of the introduction on mother-infant behavior. Overall, time the pair spent physically apart was notably high with contact and proximate scores steadily decreasing over time. The infant was largely responsible for maintaining social proximity, rarely leaving the mother and frequently approaching her. In contrast, the mother left the infant frequently and approached the infant minimally. Maternal affiliative and nonaffiliative behaviors fluctuated throughout the study. Over time, both decreased. Despite a precarious maternal relationship, infant developmental trends were typical for captive gorillas. The results of this study suggest that allowing flexibility in judging maternal conduct can be of benefit to successful gorilla husbandry.  相似文献   

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