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Bennu DA 《Lab animal》2004,33(5):42-48
The author provides a general overview of the molecular data used to reconstruct the avian tree of life, summarizes some highlights of the ensuing controversies, and reveals those taxonomic relationships that remain largely unchanged by molecular data.  相似文献   

Opportunistic bird pollination has become more evident in studies that confirm distinct differences in floral adaptations that attract opportunistic, rather than specialist, bird pollinators. Pollination syndrome studies investigating the effectiveness of different pollinator guilds on reproduction seldom do so by measuring seed viability. We studied pollination in Aloe peglerae, a high altitude endemic succulent of the Magaliesberg mountain range, previously thought to be largely sunbird (specialist) pollinated. Using field observation and pollinator exclusion treatments, i.e. (i) open to all visitors, (ii) bird excluded, and (iii) all visitors excluded, we established that birds contributed significantly more to fruit (2.3–5.6 times) and seed (1.3–1.4 times) set than insect or self-pollination, respectively. Overall, pollination by opportunistic avian nectarivores amplified seed production per aloe ~7 and 10 times compared to insects and self-pollination, respectively. One of three opportunistic nectarivores, the Cape Rock-Thrush (Monticola rupestris), played a significant role in pollination, contributing ~60 % of all probes at inflorescences. The difference in reproductive output between insect visited and visitor excluded flowers was not significant and suggests possible self-pollination in A. peglerae which is particularly unusual in Aloe species. Breeding system experiments would help clarify this. In assessing the effectiveness of pollinator guild on seed viability, we found no differences in percentage seed viability, seed germination or seedling emergence between exclusion treatments. Seed viability and germination were low and variable; however, ~19 % seedling emergence was observed across the treatments. Practically, the net effect of bird pollination may result in 8–12 times more potential seedlings compared to insect and self-pollination respectively. These findings highlight the importance of pollination by opportunistic avian nectarivores in Aloe.  相似文献   

Evolution of life history traits can be studied at two different levels: (1) current selection processes, including trade-offs in life history traits in natural populations as revealed by observations or, preferably, exieriments; and (2) patterns of variation in life history traits with each other and with ecology among extant species. Selection is not evolution, but selection pressures must have caused evolutionary change and led to current patterns of life history traits. These problems are exemplified by recent research on clutch size in birds.  相似文献   

野生鸟类对禽流感爆发与传播的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
雷富民  赵德龙 《生物学通报》2006,41(1):1-3,F0003
2003—2005年高致病性禽流感在亚洲、欧洲多个国家大范围爆发,引起了全世界的关注,并将视线集中在候鸟身上。结合最近疫情,文章对野生鸟类在禽流感爆发和传播中的作用予以简要分析。  相似文献   

Markow TA  Beall S  Castrezana S 《Fly》2012,6(2):98-101
Drosophila species vary in the rates at which females remate and the number of sperm they receive in the laboratory. In species such as D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, in which females receive thousands of sperm and remate infrequently compared with species such as D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula, where females receive only a few hundred sperm and remate many times in a day, wild caught females should produce far more progeny. We tested this prediction by collecting, directly from nature, females of six species whose remating rates and number of sperm received vary from high to low and assessing the proportion of females with sperm and the number of progeny females produce. Over 95% of D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster females were inseminated while far fewer of the other species contained any sperm. In addition, D, pseudoobscura females produced progeny for over two weeks, D. melanogaster for over a week, while D. hydei and D. nigrospiracula females ran out of sperm after 1-2 d. These observations suggest extreme sperm limitation in these latter species.  相似文献   

Organisms living in periodically varying environments adjust their life history events to the changes in food availability. When these changes are not entirely predictable animals face a trade-off between maintaining physiological preparedness (which can be costly) and being unprepared (which decreases the chances of successful reproduction). To investigate this problem, we developed an optimal annual routine model of gonad regulation in birds. Most birds regress their reproductive organs during non-breeding periods, but to start breeding again they need to have functional gonads. Maintaining the gonads in this state is costly, but because it takes time to achieve this state, if gonads are not functional the bird may miss a possible breeding opportunity. We explore the resolution of this trade-off in environments where favorable periods can occur at any time of the year and variability in the length of good and bad periods can be altered. Consistent with empirical studies of reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments, we find that birds maintain the gonads partially activated during unfavorable conditions in many cases. However, gonad regulation may differ strikingly depending on the consistency of the good and bad periods. Furthermore, seasonal changes in food availability lead to the entrainment of reproduction and the segregation of the breeding and non-breeding season, even if the magnitude of seasonality is small compared to the degree of environmental fluctuations. These results indicate that several aspects of the environment need to be taken into account to understand reproductive behavior in unpredictable environments. Given that the trade-off between the costs and benefits of maintaining physiological preparedness is not limited to birds, our results have implications for understanding behavioral flexibility in other organisms as well.  相似文献   

The sense of touch is ubiquitous in vertebrates and relies upon the detection of mechanical forces in the skin by the tactile end-organs of low-threshold mechanoreceptors. Significant progress has been made in understanding the mechanism of tactile end-organ function using mammalian models, but the detailed mechanics of touch sensation in Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles, the principal detectors of transient touch and vibration, remain obscure. The avian homologs of these corpuscles present an opportunity for functional study of mechanosensation in these structures, due to their relative accessibility and high abundance in the bill skin of tactile-foraging waterfowl. Here, we review the current knowledge of mechanosensory end-organs in birds and highlight the utility of the avian model to understand general principles of touch detection in the glabrous skin of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The evolution of soldier reproduction in social thrips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We estimated the degree of reproductive differentiation betweenfoundresses and soldiers in multiple populations of five speciesof haplodiploid Australian gall-forming thrips using microsatellitedata, ovarian dissections, and census data. Microsatellite-basedspecies estimates of average per capita reproductive outputof soldiers relative to the foundresses ranged from 0.005 to0.64, and dissection and census-based estimates ranged from0.17 to 1.1. Mapping of these estimates onto a phylogeny showedthat levels of soldier reproduction were apparently higherin three basal lineages than in two more derived lineages.We infer from this phylogenetic pattern that soldier morphologyand behavior of thrips evolved in the presence of substantial levels of soldier reproduction. This pattern of evolutionarychange is similar to that proposed for the origin of soldiersin aphids and termites, but it differs from the scenario proposedfor the origin of workers in Hymenoptera, within which helpingand strong reproductive division of labor apparently evolvedbefore morphological differentiation. We suggest that this difference in evolutionary routes to eusociality between taxa with soldiersand taxa with foraging workers was driven by a weaker trade-offbetween helping and reproducing, and a greater ability of thehelpers to withstand reproductive domination, in taxa withsoldiers. This is the first study to analyze the social-evolutionarytrajectories of reproductive, behavioral, and morphologicaldifferentiation in the context of a species-level phylogeny.  相似文献   

Newborn babies are able, like the young of many animal species, to recognize their mothers' body odors and to orient towards them. The question arises whether infants can also use artificial odors applied to their mothers' bodies in the same way as animals can. In experiments, breast-feeding mothers perfumed their breasts for two weeks and their infants were tested in a choice test situation. At the age of one week the infants oriented their heads significantly more often to that side where they smelled their mothers' perfumes than to the side where they smelled a control odor. At the age of four weeks (mothers had stopped perfuming at two weeks) the infants did not prefer their mothers' perfumes any more.All the infants showed the “tonic neck reflex,” i.e., they significantly preferred one side, mostly the right, for their head turning. Consequently, these two preferences sometimes caused a conflict of response for the infants in our experiments. The interplay of the preference for turning to the side of mother's perfume and turning to a special side, as well as the biological meaning of both, is discussed and compared with the findings of other authors.  相似文献   

The most studied comparison of aging and maximum lifespan potential (MLSP) among endotherms involves the 7-fold longevity difference between rats (MLSP 5y) and pigeons (MLSP 35y). A widely accepted theory explaining MLSP differences between species is the oxidative stress theory, which purports that reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during mitochondrial respiration damage bio-molecules and eventually lead to the breakdown of regulatory systems and consequent death. Previous rat-pigeon studies compared only aspects of the oxidative stress theory and most concluded that the lower mitochondrial superoxide production of pigeons compared to rats was responsible for their much greater longevity. This conclusion is based mainly on data from one tissue (the heart) using one mitochondrial substrate (succinate). Studies on heart mitochondria using pyruvate as a mitochondrial substrate gave contradictory results. We believe the conclusion that birds produce less mitochondrial superoxide than mammals is unwarranted. We have revisited the rat-pigeon comparison in the most comprehensive manner to date. We have measured superoxide production (by heart, skeletal muscle and liver mitochondria), five different antioxidants in plasma, three tissues and mitochondria, membrane fatty acid composition (in seven tissues and three mitochondria), and biomarkers of oxidative damage. The only substantial and consistent difference that we have observed between rats and pigeons is their membrane fatty acid composition, with rats having membranes that are more susceptible to damage. This suggests that, although there was no difference in superoxide production, there is likely a much greater production of lipid-based ROS in the rat. We conclude that the differences in superoxide production reported previously were due to the arbitrary selection of heart muscle to source mitochondria and the provision of succinate. Had mitochondria been harvested from other tissues or other relevant mitochondrial metabolic substrates been used, then very different conclusions regarding differences in oxidative stress would have been reached.  相似文献   

EBERHARD GWINNER 《Ibis》1996,138(4):47-63
Many behavioural and physiological functions of organisms are adjusted to the periodic changes in their environment, particularly to those related to the natural day and year. This adjustment is often achieved through the action of endogenous daily (circadian) and annual (circannual) clocks. Studies of the control of avian moult, migration and reproduction have played a major role in understanding how biological clocks function and interact with rhythms in the environment. Investigations on tropical birds such as the East African subspecies of the Stonechat ( Saxicola torquata axillaris ). and long-distance migrants like the Garden Warbler ( Sylvia borin ). have provided the longest records of circannual rhythms, some of them running for more than 12 years, with periods ranging from about 9 to 13 months. Avian circannual rhythms are organized in a characteristic way for a particular species or population, and cross-breeding experiments have shown that some of the differences found among them are genetically determined. In African Stonechats circannual rhythms guarantee that seasonal events occur at the appropriate times of the year and in the characteristic sequence. They also control a "reproductive window" that provides the temporal framework for breeding. The width of this window is rather inflexible but the performance of a bird within this framework (e.g. whether it breeds once or twice per season) is subject to modification by environmental conditions. In migratory birds circannual programs are involved in determining the time course, distance and direction of migration. Circannual rhythms are synchronized with and modified by environmental factors in a complex way, but the endogenous mechanisms usually respond to environmental cues such that an optimal adjustment to season and latitude is guaranteed.  相似文献   

Circannual clocks in avian reproduction and migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
EBERHARD GWINNER 《Ibis》1996,138(1):47-63
Many behavioural and physiological functions of organisms are adjusted to the periodic changes in their environment, particularly to those related to the natural day and year. This adjustment is often achieved through the action of endogenous daily (circadian) and annual (circannual) clocks. Studies of the control of avian moult, migration and reproduction have played a major role in understanding how biological clocks function and interact with rhythms in the environment. Investigations on tropical birds such as the East African subspecies of the Stonechat ( Saxicola torquata axillaris ) and long-distance migrants like the Garden Warbler ( Sylvia boriri ) have provided the longest records of circannual rhythms, some of them running for more than 12 years, with periods ranging from about 9 to 13 months. Avian circannual rhythms are organized in a characteristic way for a particular species or population, and cross-breeding experiments have shown that some of the differences found among them are genetically determined. In African Stonechats circannual rhythms guarantee that seasonal events occur at the appropriate times of the year and in the characteristic sequence. They also control a "reproductive window" that provides the temporal framework for breeding. The width of this window is rather inflexible but the performance of a bird within this framework (e.g. whether it breeds once or twice per season) is subject to modification by environmental conditions. In migratory birds circannual programs are involved in determining the time course, distance and direction of migration. Circannual rhythms are synchronized with and modified by environmental factors in a complex way, but the endogenous mechanisms usually respond to environmental cues such that an optimal adjustment to season and latitude is guaranteed.  相似文献   

We surveyed the genetic diversity among avian influenza virus (AIV) in wild birds, comprising 167 complete viral genomes from 14 bird species sampled in four locations across the United States. These isolates represented 29 type A influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtype combinations, with up to 26% of isolates showing evidence of mixed subtype infection. Through a phylogenetic analysis of the largest data set of AIV genomes compiled to date, we were able to document a remarkably high rate of genome reassortment, with no clear pattern of gene segment association and occasional inter-hemisphere gene segment migration and reassortment. From this, we propose that AIV in wild birds forms transient "genome constellations," continually reshuffled by reassortment, in contrast to the spread of a limited number of stable genome constellations that characterizes the evolution of mammalian-adapted influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Avian timing of reproduction is strongly affected by ambient temperature. Here we show that there is an additional effect of sunspots on laying date, from five long-term population studies of great and blue tits (Parus major and Cyanistes caeruleus), demonstrating for the first time that solar activity not only has an effect on population numbers but that it also affects the timing of animal behaviour. This effect is statistically independent of ambient temperature. In years with few sunspots, birds initiate laying late while they are often early in years with many sunspots. The sunspot effect may be owing to a crucial difference between the method of temperature measurements by meteorological stations (in the shade) and the temperatures experienced by the birds. A better understanding of the impact of all the thermal components of weather on the phenology of ecosystems is essential when predicting their responses to climate change.  相似文献   

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