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The objective was to determine the effects of sodium zeolite A (SZA) on mineral metabolism and tissue mineral composition in calves. Twenty calves were placed on study at 3 days of age and were placed into one of two groups: SS, which received 0.05% BW SZA added to their milk replacer, and CO, which received only milk replacer. Blood samples were taken on days 0, 30, and 60 for mineral analysis. Urine and feces were collected on day 30 for mineral metabolism, and on day 60, the calves were euthanized, and samples were taken from numerous organs for mineral analyses. Aluminum retention was increased in the SS calves (p = 0.001). Silicon concentrations were increased in the aorta, spleen, lung, muscle, and kidney of the SS calves, and aluminum was increased in all SS tissues (p < 0.05). Calcium concentrations were increased in aorta, liver, muscle, and tendon; phosphorus concentrations were increased in aorta, but decreased in plasma; magnesium concentrations were increased in aorta, heart, kidney, liver, and pancreas, but decreased in plasma; and iron concentrations were decreased in kidney and liver (p < 0.05). The accumulation of tissue aluminum and therefore potential adverse consequences may preclude any benefits of using SZA as a dietary supplement.  相似文献   

秃鹫骨骼的解剖学特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对秃鹫(aegypius monachus)骨骼进行了详细的观察、描述和功能分析.结果表明,其头骨较宽;上喙粗长、前端近垂直下弯;前额骨游离,眶突发达;龙骨突不发达;叉骨呈"U"形,叉骨头膨大、具发达的叉骨,乌喙骨关节面;前肢骨明显长于后肢骨;第一掌骨伸肌突发达;跗跖骨前后宽扁,跗后跟嵴短;足部近端趾节略长于远端趾节.这些特征与秃鹫的取食方法与偏好及飞行与栖息特点密切相关.  相似文献   

In recent years, the use of both natural and synthetic zeolites in animal nutrition has increased mainly to improve their performance, health, and to protect against mycotoxin intoxication. Thirty calves were used in the present study for the determination of some physiologic effects of clinoptilolite supplementation. The animals were divided equally into three groups (control, test 1, and test 2). The three groups of calves were homogeneous for parity of dams, sex, and month of birth. For group test 1, clinoptilolite in the concentration of 2% of each colostrum meal was added for 48 h, and for group test 2, clinoptilolite in the concentration of 2% was added to each colostrum and milk meal for 14 days. Blood samples were taken from all calves 12 h after birth and at the end of the first, second, third, forth, fifth, and sixth weeks of life. Calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), and potassium (K) were determined in the serum. For statistical analysis of data, a repeated measures approach using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with mixed linear models was used. Clinoptilolite supplementation had significant effect on the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. The concentrations of Fe significantly higher in test group 2 than other trial groups (p < 0.05). Calcium concentrations were significantly higher in serum of clinoptilolite-treated than control calves (p < 0.05). The concentrations of phosphorus were significantly lower in test groups than control group (p < 0.05). Sodium concentrations were significantly higher in clinoptilolite-supplemented groups than control calves (p < 0.05). Potassium and magnesium concentrations were not affected by clinoptilolite supplementation. Clinoptilolite supplementation could promote iron levels in serum and better hemopoiesis and prevent pathologic or physiologic drop of red blood cell (RBC) parameters in supplemented calves during a first few weeks of life. According to higher need and utilization of Ca in growing animals, clinoptilolite supplementation could increase available Ca. Based on the results of the present study and the importance of dietary phosphorus in many physiologic processes, the level of phosphorus in diet of neonatal dairy calves must be considered and adapted when clinoptilolite was supplemented. With an adequate supply of good quality drinking water, cattle can tolerate large quantities of dietary sodium chloride. Thus, it seems that significant increase in serum Na concentration during short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in neonatal calves could be well tolerated without any adverse effects.  相似文献   

为了更好地利用铬酸钾溶液去除UV-B光源中的UV-A和UV-C,对不同浓度和pH值的铬酸钾溶液的紫外吸收特征及其稳定性进行了相关研究.并在相同剂量UV-B作用下,对地木耳(Nostoc commune UETX-584)光合生理活性和生化组分在UV-B光源直接照射和经过铬酸钾过滤后照射的变化进行了对比研究.结果表明,铬酸钾溶液在pH值为8、0.4 mmol/L时可以有效滤除UV-B光源中的UV-C和大于340 nm的UV-A.相对于经过铬酸钾溶液过滤的UV-B光源,未过滤的UV-B光源显著抑制了地木耳的生长、叶绿素合成、Fv/Fm、最大光合作用速率和集光效率,显著促进了MAAs(三苯基咪唑类氨基酸)等吸收紫外辐射色素的合成.相对于无紫外辐射的地木耳来说,经过铬酸钾溶液过滤的UV-B对地木耳的生长影响不明显,但是其促进了紫外吸收色素的合成,抑制了Fv/Fm、最大光合作用速率和集光效率.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究鱼肝油酸钠联合普萘洛尔对肝硬化消化道出血的疗效及对应激反应的影响。方法:选取2016年9月至2017年8月我院收治的83例肝硬化消化道出血患者,根据患者入院顺序先后分为观察组(n=43例)和对照组(n=40例)。对照组使用鱼肝油酸钠注射液,观察组联合普萘洛尔片。比较两组患者临床疗效,丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血清胆碱酯酶水平,临床症状改善情况,止血和半年内再出血情况,不良反应。结果:治疗后,观察组临床有效率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗前,两组患者MDA、SOD、胆碱酯酶水平比较著差异(P>0.05),治疗后,观察组的MDA水平低于对照组(P<0.05),SOD、胆碱酯酶水平高于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗前,两组患者心率、静脉压比较无差异(P>0.05),治疗后,观察组的心率低于对照组(P<0.05),静脉压高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组的止血时间和再出血率少于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组的不良反应率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:鱼肝油酸钠联合普萘洛尔能有效改善肝硬化消化道出血患者的应激反应和临床症状,临床疗效良好,安全性高。  相似文献   

抗p185erbB-2基因工程抗体是一种有潜力的抗肿瘤药物。以稳定表达抗p185嵌合抗体的重组工程CHO细胞株为对象,分别用不同浓度丁酸钠(0~2mmol/L)和丙酸钠(0~10mmol/L)对处在对数生长期的细胞进行处理,在连续5d的培养过程中,每隔24h取样测活细胞数量,并用ELISA检测上清中抗体含量,5d后结束培养用FACS检测细胞周期。同时还用丁酸钠和丙酸钠处理长至90%满度的细胞,然后每隔12h取样一次检测葡萄糖和乳酸的含量。结果表明丁酸钠和丙酸钠可以有效地提高嵌合抗体在工程CHO细胞中的表达,表达量最高时可达58.3~59.6mg/L,是对照组的1.5倍。同时抑制细胞生长和阻断细胞周期在G1期,并且可减少培养过程中葡萄糖的消耗和乳酸的生成。和丁酸钠相比,丙酸钠具有较小的细胞毒性,是一种有潜力的替代品。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of silicon (Si) supplementation on bone mineral density (BMD) and bone metabolism parameters relative to calcium (Ca) intake levels in ovariectomized rats. A total of 72 female Wistar rats (6 weeks) were ovariectomized (OVX) and divided into six groups, and Si (500 mg of Si per kilogram of feed) was or was not administered with diets containing various levels of Ca (0.1%, 0.5%, and 1.5%) for 10 weeks. The groups were as follows: (1) Ca-deficient group (0.1% Ca), (2) Ca-deficient with Si supplementation group, (3) adequate Ca group (0.5% Ca), (4) adequate Ca with Si supplementation group, (5) high Ca group (1.5% Ca), and (6) high Ca with Si supplementation group. Si supplementation significantly increased the BMD of the femur and tibia in Ca-deficient OVX rats, while no change was observed with Si supplementation in the BMD of the spine, femur, and tibia in the adequate and high Ca groups. Serum alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin levels were not affected by Si supplementation or Ca intake levels. C-telopeptide type I collagen levels were significantly decreased as a result of Si supplementation in Ca-deficient OVX rats. In summary, Si supplementation produced positive effects on bone mineral density in Ca-deficient OVX rats by reducing bone resorption. Therefore, Si supplementation may also prove to be helpful in preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women whose calcium intake is insufficient.  相似文献   

目的:检测脊神经切断大鼠背根节(DRG)神经元重复放电能力和钠电流的变化,并研究介导其电流变化的钠通道亚型的表达情况。方法:脊神经切断术后2~8d慢性痛大鼠模型背根节急性分离,对中等直径DRG神经元运用全细胞膜片钳技术记录神经元放电和钠电流的变化。对背根节神经元进行RT-PCR检测,分析其钠通道亚型的表达情况。结果:电流钳下,实验组DRG神经元在电流刺激下产生重复放电,而对照组神经元多诱发单个动作电位,电压钳记录发现实验组背根节神经元快钠电流和持续性钠电流幅值均明显大于对照组,PCR结果显示,Nav1.3、Nav1.7和Nav1.8通道亚型mRNA表达显著增高。结论:钠通道介导了脊神经受损模型的DRG神经元兴奋性增高,持续性钠电流可能通过调节阈下膜电位振荡的产生调节神经元兴奋性。  相似文献   

The gravimetric density of humeri, radii, femora and tibiae from a series of 274 male and female skeletons of rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, was determined for fetal, young and adult periods. The ages of 171 of the animals were known: they ranged from 57 days of gestation to 13.6 years; the ages of an additional 103 skeletons were estimated. The mean density of the fetal bones was found to increase linearly with age and was higher for males than females, and higher for the superior than for the inferior limb bones. During the young period the pattern of increase in density can be represented by a power-type curve, and the density is significantly higher in females than in males and in superior than in inferior limb bones. The densities of the long limb bones of the adult skeletons show a slight, but not significant, negative trend with increasing age. In this age group the mean densities are higher for males than females and higher for the superior than for the inferior limb bones. The percentage ash weight was determined for the total skeleton and for 21 subdivisions of 23 postnatal skeletons with estimated ages. The skull and long limb bones were found to have higher mean percentage ash weights than the vertebral segments and the sternum. Both the density and the percentage ash weight of the Macaca mulatta skeletons examined exceed those found in our earlier studies of the human skeleton.  相似文献   

目的:检测脊神经切断大鼠背根节(DRG)神经元重复放电能力和钠电流的变化,并研究介导其电流变化的钠通道亚型的表达情况。方法:脊神经切断术后2~8d慢性痛大鼠模型背根节急性分离,对中等直径DRG神经元运用全细胞膜片钳技术记录神经元放电和钠电流的变化。对背根节神经元进行RT-PCR检测,分析其钠通道亚型的表达情况。结果:电流钳下,实验组DRG神经元在电流刺激下产生重复放电,而对照组神经元多诱发单个动作电位,电压钳记录发现实验组背根节神经元快钠电流和持续性钠电流幅值均明显大于对照组,PCR结果显示,Nav1.3、Nav1.7和Nav1.8通道亚型mRNA表达显著增高。结论:钠通道介导了脊神经受损模型的DRG神经元兴奋性增高,持续性钠电流可能通过调节阈下膜电位振荡的产生调节神经元兴奋性。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:评价唑来膦酸和伊班膦酸钠治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移患者的经济性。方法:回顾性分析2020年1月-2022年1月于×医院就诊的86例恶性肿瘤骨转移病例,其中46例使用唑来膦酸治疗(A组),40例使用伊班膦酸钠治疗(B组),对比两组疼痛控制效果、不良反应发生情况及简明健康状况测量量表(SF-36)评分,同时汇总两种治疗方案的成本,运用药物经济学原理进行成本-效用分析。结果:A组疼痛控制率为82.61%,与B组的85.00%比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);治疗后,两组SF-36评分中的生理功能(PF)、生理职能(RP)、躯体疼痛(BP)、总体健康(GH)、社会功能(SF)、精神健康(MH)、情感职能(RE)、活力(VT)均较治疗前明显升高(P<0.05),但组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组、B组不良反应发生率相似,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组药品成本(C1)和总成本(C)分别为(4052.50±80.50)元、(4453.87±123.56)元,高于B组的(2025.50±70.15)元和(2395.44±109.17)元,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组成本-效用比(CUR)采用SF-36量表评分评判为4189.94,B组为2829.17。结论:考虑药物的有效性及经济性,采用伊班膦酸钠治疗恶性肿瘤骨转移具有明显的成本-效用优势,值得临床推广应。  相似文献   

Several studies have shown the antidiabetic properties of sodium tungstate. In this study, we evaluated some biochemical parameters of the parotid salivary gland of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with sodium tungstate solution (2 mg/ml). The studied groups were: untreated control (UC), treated control (TC), untreated diabetic (UD), and treated diabetic (TD). After 2 and 6 weeks of treatment, parotid gland was removed and total protein and sialic acid (free and total) concentration and amylase and peroxidase activities were determined. Data were compared by variance analysis and Tukey test (p < 0.05). The sodium tungstate treatment modestly decreased the glycemia of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. At week 2 of the study, parotid gland of diabetic rats presented a reduction of total protein concentration (55%) and an increase of amylase (120%) and peroxidase (160%) activities, free (150%) and total (170%) sialic acid concentration. No alteration in the evaluated parameters at week 6 of the study was observed. Sodium tungstate presented no significant effect in parotid gland. Our results suggest that diabetes causes initial modification in biochemical composition of parotid. However, this gland showed a recovery capacity after 6 week of the experimental time. Sodium tungstate has no effect in peripheral tissues, such as salivary glands.  相似文献   

Butyrate regulates multiple host cellular events including the cell cycle; however, little is known about the molecular mechanism by which butyrate induces a global down-regulation of the expression of genes associated with the cell cycle. Here, we demonstrate that treating HEK293T cells and the non-small-cell lung cancer cell line A549 with a high concentration of sodium butyrate reduces cyclin B1 expression. The underlying mechanism is related to the destabilization of its mRNA by tristetraprolin, which is up-regulated in response to sodium butyrate. Specifically, the sodium butyrate stimulation reduces the mRNA and protein expression of cyclin B1 and, conversely, upregulates tristetraprolin expression. Importantly, the overexpression of tristetraprolin in HEK293T decreases the mRNA and protein expression of cyclin B1; in contrast, knockdown of tristetraprolin mediated by small interfering RNA increases its expression in response to sodium butyrate treatment for both HEK293T and A549 cells. Furthermore, results from luciferase reporter assays and RNA immunoprecipitation indicate that sodium butyrate accelerates 3′ UTR-dependent cyclin B1 decay by enhancing the binding of tristetraprolin to the 3′ untranslated region of cyclin B1. Surprisingly, the overexpression of tristetraprolin prevents the formation of processing bodies, and the siRNA-mediated silencing of EDC4 does not restore the sodium butyrate-induced reduction of cyclin B1 expression. Thus, we confirm that NaBu regulates ZFP36-mediated cyclin B1 expression in a manner that is independent of the formation of P-bodies. The above findings disclose a novel mechanism of sodium butyrate-mediated gene expression regulation and might benefit its application in tumor treatment.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) functions as a pathway for Na+ absorption in the kidney and lung, where it is crucial for Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. ENaC is regulated in part through signaling pathways that control the ubiquitination state of ENaC lysines. A defect in ubiquitination causes Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. Here we determined that α-, β-, and γENaC are also substrates for lysine acetylation. Trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhanced ENaC acetylation and increased ENaC abundance in the total cell lysate and at the cell surface. Moreover, TSA increased ENaC current in Fischer rat thyroid and kidney collecting duct epithelia. We found that HDAC7 is expressed in the kidney collecting duct, supporting a potential role for this histone deacetylase in ENaC regulation. HDAC7 overexpression reduced ENaC abundance and ENaC current, whereas ENaC abundance and current were increased by silencing of HDAC7. ENaC and HDAC7 form a complex, as detected by coimmunoprecipitation. We observed a reciprocal relationship between acetylation and ubiquitination; TSA reduced ENaC ubiquitination, whereas HDAC7 increased ubiquitination. By reducing ENaC ubiquitination, TSA decreased the rate of ENaC degradation. Thus, acetylation increases epithelial Na+ absorption by antagonizing ENaC ubiquitination. This stabilizes ENaC, and hence, increases its abundance at the cell surface.  相似文献   

目的:探讨骨康胶囊联合玻璃酸钠注射液治疗骨性关节炎的疗效,及其对机体炎性应激反应的影响。方法:将110例骨性关节炎患者依据随机数据表法分为对照组和观察组,每组患者55例,给予对照组患者玻璃酸钠注射液治疗,给予观察组患者骨康胶囊联合玻璃酸钠注射液治疗,比较治疗后的总有效率,临床症状评分、炎症因子及不良反应发生率。结果:观察组治疗总有效率为90.91%,显著高于对照组70.91%,差异有统计学意义(x2=7.308,P0.05);治疗前两组间Lysholm评分、VAS评分、TNF-α及CRP水平对比差异无显著性(P0.05);观察组治疗后Lysholm评分显著高于对照组,VAS评分、TNF-α及CRP水平显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);药物不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.121,P=0.728)。结论:骨康胶囊与玻璃酸钠注射液联合治疗方案,可有效提高骨性关节炎的临床治疗效果,改善患者临床症状,降低炎性应激反应,安全性较高,具有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

Low colostrum intake at birth results in the failure of passive transfer (FPT) due to the inadequate ingestion of colostral immunoglobulins (Ig). FPT is associated with an increased risk of mortality and decreased health and longevity. Despite the known management practices associated with low FPT, it remains an important issue in the field. Neither a quantitative analysis of FPT consequences nor an assessment of its total cost are available. To address this point, a meta-analysis on the adjusted associations between FPT and its outcomes was first performed. Then, the total costs of FPT in European systems were calculated using a stochastic method with adjusted values as the input parameters. The adjusted risks (and 95% confidence intervals) for mortality, bovine respiratory disease, diarrhoea and overall morbidity in the case of FPT were 2.12 (1.43–3.13), 1.75 (1.50–2.03), 1.51 (1.05–2.17) and 1.91 (1.63–2.24), respectively. The mean (and 95% prediction interval) total costs per calf with FPT were estimated to be €60 (€10–109) and €80 (€20–139) for dairy and beef, respectively. As a result of the double-step stochastic method, the proposed economic estimation constitutes the first estimate available for FPT. The results are presented in a way that facilitates their use in the field and, with limited effort, combines the cost of each contributor to increase the applicability of the economic assessment to the situations farm-advisors may face. The present economic estimates are also an important tool to evaluate the profitability of measures that aim to improve colostrum intake and FPT prevention.  相似文献   

Faecal samples were collected 3 times a week for 6 weeks from 22 peripartal cows and for up to 15 weeks after birth from 27 calves in 3 herds, to determine the numbers of Eimeria oocysts excreted and the age at which the calves first excreted oocysts. Only low numbers of oocysts were excreted by the cows and no oocysts were detected in 93% of the samples. However, half the cows excreted oocysts at least once. The age at which the calves first excreted oocysts ranged from 2.5 to at least 15 weeks, and there was a significant difference between the herds in their mean age at first excretion. Oocysts of Eimeria alabamensis, E. auburnensis, E. bovis and E. ellipsoidalis were found in numbers ranging from 7 to 8450 oocysts per gram faeces. About 50% of the calves excreted oocysts before they were transferred to group pens. The primary source of infection of the calves was probably their penmates or the previous occupants of the pens, and the cows probably played a subsidiary role.  相似文献   

Decreasing the external sodium concentration ([Na+]e) to 10 mM in the presence of 280 mM sucrose had no significant effect on phosphocreatine (PCr) or on intracellular pH (pHi) as assessed using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Zero [Na+]e in the presence of 300 mM sucrose caused a fall in PCr levels to 50% of control values, and the pHi fell to 6.85 from a control value of 7.30. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that the sucrose had not entered the tissue. The decreases in PCr content and in pHi, known to occur on depolarization using 40 mM external potassium concentration ([K+]e), were further decreased in the presence of 10 mM [Na+]e), to 51.4 +/- 4.0 and 6.80 +/- 0.10% of control values, respectively. The free intracellular magnesium concentration was significantly increased from a control value of 0.37 +/- 0.10 mM to 0.66 +/- 0.13 mM (p less than 0.001), when [Na+]e was decreased to 10 mM, but was not further affected by high [K+]e or zero Na+. Membrane permeabilities of the sodium substitutes N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMG), tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris), tetramethylammonium (TMA), and choline were assessed using 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In the presence of 10 mM [Na+]e, NMG, TMA, and choline (all at 140 mM) were taken up and remained within the tissue for at least 2 h, but no uptake of Tris (140 mM) or sucrose (above) could be detected. Tissue lactate levels (from the lactate/N-acetyl aspartate ratio) increased in the presence of the substitutes that were taken up, although no change in pH was detected.  相似文献   

Convincing evidence that silicon is a bioactive beneficial trace element continues to accumulate. The evidence, which has come from human, animal, and in vitro studies performed by several laboratories, indicate that silicon in nutritional and supra nutritional amounts promotes bone and connective tissue health, may have a modulating effect on the immune or inflammatory response, and has been associated with mental health. A plausible mechanism of action for the beneficial effects of silicon is the binding of hydroxyl groups of polyols such that it influences the formation and/or utilization of glycosaminoglycans, mucopolysaccharides, and collagen in connective tissue and bone. In addition, silicon may affect the absorption, retention or action of other mineral elements (e.g., aluminum, copper, magnesium). Based on findings from both animal and human experiments, an intake of silicon of near 25 mg/d would be a reasonable suggestion for an adequate intake that would assure its nutritional benefits. Increased intakes of silicon through consuming unrefined grains, certain vegetables, and beverages and cereals made from grains should be recognized as a reasonable dietary recommendation.  相似文献   

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