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草地螟是我国东北地区重要的暴发性害虫,某些年份春季越冬代成虫的来源无法应用传统理论来解释.分析了1997~2007年草地螟历次迁入峰的虫源地,结果表明:华北地区草地螟"发生基地"的种群虽可迁入东北构成当地大发生虫源之一,但并非主要虫源.多数年份天气系统不利于华北地区的草地螟向东北进行远距离迁飞.最近一次暴发周期中(1996~2007年),东北地区草地螟种群主要来自当地及境外越冬区.全球变暖使二代幼虫发生频率明显增加是越冬虫茧在这一地区大量出现的原因.  相似文献   

草地螟Loxostege stictialis L.是我国北方农牧业生产上一种重要迁飞性、暴发性害虫,一旦暴发会给当地农牧生产造成严重危害.根据康保县1977-2008年1代草地螟幼虫发生程度的时间序列资料,应用马尔科夫链的转移概率预测法,构建了1~3阶转移概率矩阵,组建模型对该县2009-2011年1代草地螟发生程度进行了预测,结果与大田实际发生情况完全一致,准确率100%.对1980-2011年的历史资料进行回检,历史符合率89.9%,该方法可对草地螟进行长期预报,为草地螟长期预报提供了一种准确有效的方法,对草地螟发生程度的长期预报具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

为了证实草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.(鳞翅目: 螟蛾科)由我国华北越冬区向东北迁飞危害的假说并提供直接的证据, 采用网捕成虫喷雾染料标记释放回收的方法,于2009年越冬代草地螟成虫盛发期间(6月1-4日)分别在内蒙古武川县(41.07°N, 111.42°E)和察右中旗(41.13°N, 112.58°E)的6个标放点共标记当地越冬代草地螟成虫约181万头并自然释放。标记释放后, 在东北、 西北和华北11个草地螟常发省(市、 区)组织各级监测预警部门利用虫情测报灯、 捕虫网和性诱剂诱捕器等多种器械进行回收, 先后于2009年6月7-29日在内蒙古科右中旗、 乌兰浩特、 扎兰屯分别回收到由察右中旗标记释放的成虫9头, 在辽宁省北票市回收到由武川县标记释放的成虫1头。标记释放点至回收点直线距离为725~1 117 km。这是迄今为止世界上确认的草地螟最远迁飞距离。这些证据不仅证实了我国越冬代草地螟成虫能从华北迁往东北危害, 而且为进一步了解草地螟的种群动态规律, 改善草地螟的预测预报技术提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

草地螟的有效积温及其世代区的划分   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
罗礼智  李光博 《昆虫学报》1993,36(3):332-339
经实验测定,草地螟(Loxostege sticticalis L.)各虫态的发育起点温度:卵为14.3℃、幼虫为12.7℃、蛹为11,6℃、成虫为11.0℃;有效积温:卵为30.5日度、幼虫为190.7日度、蛹为158.3日度、成虫为96.7日度。全世代的发育起点温度为10.5℃,有效积温为531.2日度。虽然草地螟各虫态的理论发育起点温度和实测值尚有一定差异,但根据上述结果推算的发生世代数目和实际发生世代数目基本一致。根据对草地螟发生地区的有效积温计算和实际观祭记载,草地螟在我国的发生世代数目表现为由南到北递减的趋势。在年等温线0℃以北地区每年发生1代,年等温线0-8℃地区年生2-3代,年等温线8-12℃地区年生3-4代。草地螟在我国的主要为害区是2-3代区,主要为害世代是第一代。  相似文献   

我国草地螟的迁飞规律及途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalisL.是一种重要的迁飞害虫,曾给我国三北地区的农牧业生产造成巨大的经济损失。文章在列举大量草地螟迁飞证据的同时,总结分析了成虫的迁飞过程及行为生理特征、迁飞途径以及在我国主要发生危害区的虫源关系。有资料显示,成虫通常在黄昏前后自主起飞,起飞的适宜温度为20℃左右。当成虫进入边界层后,便在距地面400 m左右的高空成层,并随气流运载至远处。黎明前后,成虫降落。脂类是成虫飞行的主要能源物质。在我国,越冬代和1代之间可能可以“互为虫源地”。越冬代成虫随西南气流迁飞至我国东北地区,在当地繁殖1代后,成虫可能回迁至华北地区,尽管目前还缺乏直接的证据。最后,还讨论了草地螟迁飞规律研究中尚待解决的主要科学问题。  相似文献   

【目的】明确草地螟Loxostege sticticalis成虫在新疆阿勒泰地区发生消长规律以及卵巢发育与种群动态和迁飞之间的关系。【方法】采用高空探照灯诱集草地螟成虫并解剖卵巢,观察卵巢发育进度。【结果】研究区域存在草地螟成虫数量突增突减现象; 2015年发生量比2016年多,2015年草地螟8月30日消失,2016年草地螟8月22日消失。2015和2016年草地螟成虫夜间在第2时段(00:10-01:50)、第3时段(01:50-03:30)出现次数多。2015年第一代草地螟成虫数量突然增加时,65. 5%的雌蛾卵巢发育处于Ⅲ级;自7月下旬第一代草地螟成虫数量呈现下降趋势,此时69. 1%的雌蛾卵巢发育处于Ⅱ级。2016年第一代草地螟成虫数量突然增加时,71. 25%的雌蛾卵巢发育处于Ⅳ级。2015和2016年第一代草地螟雌蛾中各级别卵巢均能解剖到,但是Ⅲ和Ⅳ级卵巢的比例仍然最高。【结论】2015和2016年新疆阿勒泰地区草地螟属于外地虫源迁入和本地虫源形成的混合种群。  相似文献   

草地螟2007年越冬代成虫迁飞行为研究与虫源分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
草地螟 Loxostege sticticalis L.是危害我国北方农牧业的一种重要迁飞性害虫,明确草地螟的虫源地及迁飞路线对其早期预警具有重要意义。本文利用垂直监测昆虫雷达的长期观测,迁飞高峰期雌虫卵巢解剖、大区环流分析、各地虫情信息收集和利用Hysplit_4模型进行轨迹分析,研究了2007年越冬代草地螟的空中迁飞行为和东北地区严重暴发的草地螟虫源。结果表明:6月7–9日,雷达观测点诱虫灯内草地螟具有典型迁飞昆虫生理特征;草地螟主要在夜间迁飞,飞行高度集中在300~500 m,400 m是主要飞行高度,迁飞高峰期夜间迁移可持续9 h。东北地区严重发生的草地螟虫源,一部分来自内蒙古乌盟地区,一部分来自蒙古共和国中东部及中俄边境地区。据此推测我国与国外草地螟存在虫源交流。  相似文献   

陈晓  翟保平  郝丽萍  薛玉  陈阔  于成玲 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5104-5112
利用PSU/NCAR的中尺度非静力数值预报模式MM5,对2004年5月24—25日河北坝上地区出现的一次草地螟迁飞过程进行了数值模拟,并利用模式输出的较高时空分辨率的结果,就有关物理量及其对迁飞过程的作用进行了诊断分析。结果表明:(1)5月24日傍晚草地螟越冬区种群的大规模外迁与冷锋过境有密切的关系;(2)迁出种群大部分向东北迁飞,迁飞途中发生迫降,主降区位于丰宁等地。此次草地螟迁飞种群的中途迫降是强下沉气流造成的,与温度、降水无关。在草地螟飞行高度上,下沉气流区域中心的垂直速度在30cm/s以上,发生范围与草地螟主降区相吻合;(3)下沉气流的出现与高原地形有着密切的关系。阴山山脉和坝上高原使冷锋发生变形、近地面水平流场发生不规则扰动,进而出现了异常的对流运动。  相似文献   

黑龙江省草地螟第三个暴发周期特点及成因分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalisL.是我国北方农牧区重要突发性害虫,黑龙江省是主要迁入危害区,自1996年进入第3个暴发周期后,每年均有不同程度发生危害,该周期比上一周期发生时间提前5~7d,周期持续时间也延长了5年。此周期内该省草地螟累计发生面积近1 333万hm2次,比上个周期增加了近800万hm2,草地螟1代幼虫密度最高达每m210 000头以上,尤其2004年在该省大范围内达到特大发生,有13个县(市)田间百步惊蛾达到万头以上,个别高达50 000头以上。作者根据这一周期草地螟发生实况,分析了草地螟种群暴发与气候条件变暖的关系,包括天气、湿度、种植结构、天敌等因素的影响,为草地螟综合治理提供依据。  相似文献   

我国北方农牧区草地螟暴发周期特点及原因剖析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过对1979~1985年草地螟暴发的历史资料和近年来发生情况的研究分析,明确了草地螟暴发周期的特点、越冬区的变迁以及造成种群数量暴发的原因。  相似文献   

陈建民 《遗传》2018,40(6):508-514
遗传学是研究生物遗传与变异的科学,是探索基因的结构、功能及其变异、传递规律的生物学学科之一。植物遗传学中世代概念和划分尽管是一个简单的问题,但至今世代符号的使用仍然存在随意性,经常会出现利用不同的符号表示相同类型杂交后代的情况,如传统杂交后代以F1或F0表示,组织培养当代植株以R,R0,R1表示,从而导致遗传学基本概念的模糊。根据创建新世代的方法和遗传组成进行定义,本文提出了不同方法产生的新世代应用符号的建议,以便对植物遗传学领域的学习和研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   


This article reviews the ways in which Britain and the USA classify and analyse the integration of immigrants and their descendants. While both societies recognize racial differences in their official statistics and in the academic analyses of change over time, the USA tends to classify immigrants and their descendants by immigrant generation much more than Britain does. The importance of the concept of generation in American immigration research is highlighted and it is suggested that studies built on the importance of generation can illuminate social processes of integration in Britain. The complexities of defining and measuring immigrant generation are reviewed, including new developments in the measurement of generation that take into account age at migration, and historical period and cohort effects. Racial and ethnic minority groups formed through immigration may have very different characteristics depending on the average distance of their members from immigration – including the possibility of ‘ethnic leakage’, as more assimilated, later-generation individuals no longer identify with the group.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are potent antigen presenting cells capable of inducing immune responses. DC are widely used as vaccine adjuvant in experimental clinical settings. DC-based vaccines are normally generated using a standard 8 day DC protocol (SDDC). In attempts to shorten the vaccine production we have developed fast DC protocol by comparing two different fast DC protocols with SDDC. DC were evaluated by FACS analysis, and the optimal profile was considered: CD14low, CD80high, CD83high, CD86high, CCR7high, HLA class I and IIhigh. FACS profiles were used as the selection criteria together with yield and morphology. Two fast DC protocols fulfilled these criteria and were selected for functional analysis. Our results demonstrate that DC generated within 5 days or 48 h are comparable with SDDC both phenotypically and functionally. However, we found that 48 h DC were more susceptible than SDDC to the IL-10 inducing stimulus of TLR ligands (R848 and LPS). Thus to determine the clinical relevance of fast DC protocols in cancer settings, small phase I trials should be conducted monitoring regulatory T cells carefully.  相似文献   

Although the diploid nature has been observed for over 50 years, phasing the diploid is still a laborious task. The speed and throughput of next generation sequencing have largely increased in the past decades. However, the short read-length remains one of the biggest challenges of haplotype analysis. For instance, reads as short as 150 bp span no more than one variant in most cases. Numerous experimental technologies have been developed to overcome this challenge. Distance, complexity and accuracy of the linkages obtained are the main factors to evaluate the efficiency of whole genome haplotyping methods. Here, we review these experimental technologies, evaluating their efficiency in linkages obtaining and system complexity. The technologies are organized into four categories based on its strategy: (i) chromosomes separation, (ii) dilution pools, (iii) crosslinking and proximity ligation, (ix) long-read technologies. Within each category, several subsections are listed to classify each technology. Innovative experimental strategies are expected to have high-quality performance, low cost and be labor-saving, which will be largely desired in the future.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric kinesin-2 motors [1] and [2] transport intraflagellar transport (IFT)-particles from the base to the tip of the axoneme to assemble and maintain cilia [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10]. These motors are distinct in containing two non-identical motor subunits together with an accessory subunit [1], [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15]. We evaluated the significance of this organization by comparing purified wild type kinesin-2 holoenzymes that support IFT in vivo, with mutant trimers containing only one type of motor domain that do not support IFT in vivo. In motility assays, wild type kinesin-2 moved microtubules (MTs) at a rate intermediate between the rates supported by the two mutants. Interestingly, one of the mutants, but not the other mutant or the wild type protein, was observed to drive a persistent counter-clock-wise rotation of the gliding MTs. Thus one of the two motor domains of heterotrimeric kinesin-2 exerts torque as well as axial force as it moves along a MT, which may allow kinesin-2 to control its circumferential position around a MT doublet within the cilium.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer of < 10 nm width that separates intra- and extra-cellular environments and serves as the site of cell-cell communication, as well as communication between cells and the extracellular environment. As such, biophysical phenomena at and around the plasma membrane play key roles in determining cellular physiology and pathophysiology. Thus, the selective visualization and characterization of the plasma membrane are crucial aspects of research in wide areas of biology and medicine. However, the specific characterization of the plasma membrane has been a challenge using conventional imaging techniques, which are unable to effectively distinguish between signals arising from the plasma membrane and those from intracellular lipid structures. In this regard, interface-specific second harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) imaging demonstrate great potential. When combined with exogenous SHG/SFG active dyes, SHG/SFG can specifically highlight the plasma membrane as the most prominent interface associated with cells. Furthermore, SHG/SFG imaging can be readily extended to multimodal multiphoton microscopy with simultaneous occurrence of other multiphoton phenomena, including multiphoton excitation and coherent Raman scattering, which shed light on the biophysical properties of the plasma membrane from different perspectives. Here, we review traditional and current applications, as well as the prospects of long-known but unexplored SHG/SFG imaging techniques in biophysics, with special focus on their use in the biophysical characterization of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Reproductive value (RV) and net reproductive output (R o) are frequently used fitness measures. We argue that they are only appropriate when intervals between reproductive events are fixed, as they are dimensionless generation-to-generation scalings with units offspring per parent. A fitness measure should account for two different effects of a decrease in generation time: (1) increased survival due to shorter exposure to mortality agents and (2) increased frequency of reproduction.R o andRV deal with the first of these two effects, while a measure with a physical dimensionper time [T–1] is needed to account for the second. The Malthusian growth parameter,r, meets this requirement and in situations where time to reproduction is variable, we propose, the instantaneous rate of spread of descendants (from an individual) be used instead ofR o. As an alternative toRV, we suggest using the instantaneous difference = –r, wherer is the population rate of increase. WhileRV andR o are dimensionless ratios, , and areper time rates which are appropriate in accounting for alterations in generation time.  相似文献   

The generation interval is the interval between the time when an individual is infected by an infector and the time when this infector was infected. Its distribution underpins estimates of the reproductive number and hence informs public health strategies. Empirical generation-interval distributions are often derived from contact-tracing data. But linking observed generation intervals to the underlying generation interval required for modelling purposes is surprisingly not straightforward, and misspecifications can lead to incorrect estimates of the reproductive number, with the potential to misguide interventions to stop or slow an epidemic. Here, we clarify the theoretical framework for three conceptually different generation-interval distributions: the ‘intrinsic’ one typically used in mathematical models and the ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ ones typically observed from contact-tracing data, looking, respectively, forward or backward in time. We explain how the relationship between these distributions changes as an epidemic progresses and discuss how empirical generation-interval data can be used to correctly inform mathematical models.  相似文献   


Can the negative aspects of incorporation – discrimination, marginalization, and frustration with life in a country of settlement – help us to understand next generation transnationalism? This question is applied to a small, non-representative sample of next generation individuals involved in Mexican and Salvadoran transnational political and philanthropic organizations operating in California and Washington, DC. The findings suggest that negative incorporation had some explanatory potential for the transnational mobilization of some respondents. However, the study also suggests the multiple trajectories and contexts that give rise to next generation transnationalism. Involvement in cross-border organizations appears not only to be a refuge for those who perceive the country of settlement negatively or a means through which individuals can respond to negative experiences; it can also be pursued by individuals that positively identify with the country of settlement and perceive its values favourably, indicating the need for a more synthetic understanding of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

温州市第三代二化螟大发生原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李仲惺 《昆虫知识》2000,37(5):260-262
第 3代二化螟大发生是由防治第 2代时失去最佳防治适期 ,而使其绝大部分幼虫存活下来 ,成为第 3代有效虫源所致 ;二是发生时间早 ;三是早稻收割期天气差 ,使 2代向 3代的转化率提高。1998温州市第 3代二化螟大发生正是由于上述 3个原因综合的结果 ,发生面积达 13.5万公顷 ,占当年晚稻面积的 95%以上 ,防治面积达 18万公顷 ,为该市近 10年来所少见。  相似文献   

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