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The demographic data of children with Cooley's anemia seen at the thalassemia center in Ferrara were analyzed. Survival was studied as a function of several variables, the most interesting being the distance between birthplaces of the parents of affected children. This distance was considered an indicator of genetic distance, and therefore an indicator of residual hybridity of the children. The significant regression of survival on interparental distance might be interpreted as an indicator of increased survival due to residual hybridity. The significant correlation of survival with expected hybridity supports this interpretation.  相似文献   

Genetic microdifferentiation has been studied among four endogamous villages of the Bystrica Valley in the Kysuce region of northwest Slovakia, which arose from a single ancestral population about 15 generations ago. Genetic distances and sample kinship between the villages were estimated from the gene frequencies of seven serum-group and isozyme genetic markers. The genetic distance was found to correlate positively (though insignificantly) with the geographic distance, and negatively with the intensity of migration between villages; the sample kinship correlates negatively with geography as well as with the genetic distance. This pattern of genetic structure within the area indicates that the genetic variation among the villages is attributable to the genetic drift. Thus, drift has brought about a detectable differentiation in the area within a limited period of approximately 300 years, in spite of the fact that the villages were not completely genetically isolated from each other. The finding of a negative correlation between the sample kinship and geographic distance indicates that the recent breakdown of genetic isolates in Slovakia is likely to be accompanied with an overall increase of heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Abstract Theoretical models of species' geographic range limits have identified both demographic and evolutionary mechanisms that prevent range expansion. Stable range limits have been paradoxical for evolutionary biologists because they represent locations where populations chronically fail to respond to selection. Distinguishing among the proposed causes of species' range limits requires insight into both current and historical population dynamics. The tools of molecular population genetics provide a window into the stability of range limits, historical demography, and rates of gene flow. Here we evaluate alternative range limit models using a multilocus data set based on DNA sequences and microsatellites along with field demographic data from the annual plant Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana. Our data suggest that central and peripheral populations have very large historical and current effective population sizes and that there is little evidence for population size changes or bottlenecks associated with colonization in peripheral populations. Whereas range limit populations appear to have been stable, central populations exhibit a signature of population expansion and have contributed asymmetrically to the genetic diversity of peripheral populations via migration. Overall, our results discount strictly demographic models of range limits and more strongly support evolutionary genetic models of range limits, where adaptation is prevented by a lack of genetic variation or maladaptive gene flow.  相似文献   

We used joint-scaling analyses in conjunction with rearing temperature variation to investigate the contributions of additive, non-additive, and environmental effects to genetic divergence and incipient speciation among 12 populations of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, with small levels of pairwise nuclear genetic divergence (0.033 < Nei's D < 0.125). For 15 population pairs we created a full spectrum of line crosses (two parental, two reciprocal F1's, four F2's, and eight backcrosses), reared them at multiple temperatures, and analyzed the numbers and developmental defects of offspring. We assayed a total of 219,388 offspring from 5147 families. Failed crosses occurred predominately in F2's, giving evidence of F2 breakdown within this species. In all cases where a significant model could be fit to the data on offspring number, we observed at least one type of digenic epistasis. We also found maternal and cytoplasmic effects to be common components of divergence among T. castaneum populations. In some cases, the most complex model tested (additive, dominance, epistatic, maternal, and cytoplasmic effects) did not provide a significant fit to the data, suggesting that linkage or higher order epistasis is involved in differentiation between some populations. For the limb deformity data, we observed significant genotype-by-environment interaction in most crosses and pure parent crosses tended to have fewer deformities than hybrid crosses. Complexity of genetic architecture was not correlated with either geographic distance or genetic distance. Our results support the view that genetic incompatibilities responsible for postzygotic isolation, an important component of speciation, may be a natural but serendipitous consequence of nonadditive genetic effects and structured populations.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of six populations of Iran (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) was examined using data on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes. Our results show conclusively that there are genetic differences among the six populations and the analysis of superimposed R and S matrices defined Harpending & Jenkins (1973) show by that the dispersion of some of the alleles correspond to the dispersion of the populations. The FST estimates are not large enough to favour selection on any of the loci studied. The FIT and FIS estimates are positive and moderately high suggesting that the genetic differentiation to some extent is influenced by inbreeding.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of six blood groups and seven biochemical genetic markers were investigated in six Iranian populations (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians). Eight of the genetic systems (ABO, MNSs, Kidd, C3, AP, AK, PGM1 and EsD) showed conclusive heterogeneity among these populations. Comparison of gene frequencies with the few available samples of Iranian populations demonstrated an intra-ethnic and extensive overall genetic diversity in the Iranian plateau. A gradient of C3*F gene was also discernible within the geographical region of Iran which may reflect the relics of the historical movements of different racial groups in this region. The present genetic variation may reflect the differences in the structure of these populations, the analysis of which is further attempted in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Significant correlation of genetic distances (estimated for 17 polymorphic loci) between populations of Asia and Alaska Eskimos, coast and reindeer chuckchies, Kamchatka koryaks and Chuckotka even with geographic distances (r = 0.650; P less than 0.01) is shown. Also, significant correlation of genetic and geographic distances between 5 coast chuckchies subpopulations have been revealed (r = 0.871; P less than 0.001). The findings can indicate some ecological conditionality of population and subpopulation genetic structure's features.  相似文献   

Powell JR  Amato GD 《Genetics》1984,106(4):625-629
Frequency changes in amylase allozymes and patterns of tissue-specific expression of amylase have been monitored in laboratory populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura maintained on media in which the only carbohydrate source was maltose or starch. Nonrandom changes occurred in patterns of expression, whereas no patterns in allozyme frequency changes were discernible. The nature of the pattern changes was similar to an identical study done on populations derived from a natural population several hundred miles from the population used in the present experiments. However, in the previous study nonrandom changes in allozyme frequencies were also noted. Evidently, selection on the Drosophila amylase system differs depending upon the genetic background of the population. Furthermore, the evolutionary dynamics of structural gene variants and those regions controlling its expression may be independent, a result consistent with DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Phenylthiourea (PTC) taste sensitivity thresholds have been measured for 2,013 Nigerians using a modified sorting technique. The frequency of non-tasters was observed to be 12.5% and the t gene frequency was 0.354. There was a significant difference between the sexes at the 0.01 level for the overall population. However, when the data are analyzed according to the geographical origin of the subject, the sex difference is found only in one of three geographical regions. Also, there may be geographical influences on PTC taste sensitivity, although this was not statistically significant. The estimates reported in this population differ considerably from some of the previously published estimates for black populations.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the genetically effective troop size of Japanese monkeys, we have to know the pattern of distribution of the numbers of gametes contributed by the individual members of the parental population to the next generation. The author inspected the observation records of macaque troops made by a number of socio-ecologists and found that the relationship between sexual rank and sexual activity of adult males could be approximately expressed by the law of geometrical series. Assuming that the genetic contribution of male parents to the next generation was proportional to their sexual activity and that the numbers of gametes contributed by the female parents formed thePoisson distribution, the author derived a formula for estimating effective troop size (N), namely, whereN c was the census number andN m andN f the numbers of male and female parents, respectively, of the troop. Moreover, assumingN m =0.2N c andN f =0.3N c as an average, the effective size could be estimated as 36% or less of the census number.  相似文献   

The level of DNA polymorphism in the ancestral species at the time of speciation can be estimated using DNA sequences from many loci sampled from 2 or more extant species. The comparison between ancestral and extant polymorphism can be informative about the population genetics of speciation. In this study, we collected and analyzed DNA sequences of approximately 60 genes from 4 species of Sonneratia, a common genus of mangroves on the Indo-Pacific coasts. We found that the 3 ancestral species were comparable to each other in terms of level of polymorphism. However, the ancestral species at the time of speciation were substantially more polymorphic than the extant geographical populations. This ancestral polymorphism is in fact larger than, or at least equal to, the level of polymorphism of the entire species across extant geographical populations. The observations are not fully compatible with speciation by strict allopatry. We suggest that, at the time of speciation, the ancestral species consisted of interconnected but strongly divided geographical populations. This population structure would give rise to high level of polymorphism across species range. This approach of studying the speciation history by genomic means should be applicable to nonmodel organisms.  相似文献   

Genetic distances (D's) between five species within each of the families Mimidae and Vireonidae were estimated from frequencies of protein electromorphs at 23 loci. For three mimid species in the genus Toxostoma, equals 0.084 (range, 0.069–0.104); and among three mimid genera, equals 0.223 (0.167–0.278). These distances typify values previously reported in other birds at comparable levels of taxonomic recognition. In sharp contrast, the mean genetic distance among five congeneric species of Vireonidae is far higher, =0.360 (0.027–0.578). One possible explanation for these results is that Vireo species are considerably older, on the average, than are species of Toxostoma or than are members of several other avian genera assayed to date. Conventional thought about the origin and relative age of the Vireonidae appears compatible with this explanation. Although genetic distances in the Vireonidae are large by avian standards, they remain modest or even small in comparison with distances between many nonavian vertebrate congeners. Results for the Mimidae and the Vireonidae are directly contrasted with genetic distances in well-known genera of Amphibia and Reptilia.This research was supported by NSF Grant DEB 7814195 and by a grant from the American Philosophical Society.  相似文献   

Twenty-one populations of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha, and ten populations of Euphydryas chalcedona were sampled for genetic variation at eight polymorphic enzyme loci. Both species possessed loci that were highly variable from population to population and loci that were virtually identical across all populations sampled. Our data indicate that the neutrality hypothesis is untenable for the loci studied, and therefore selection is indicated as the major factor responsible for producing these patterns. Thorough ecological work allowed gene flow to be ruled out (in almost all instances) as a factor maintaining similar gene frequencies across populations. The Lewontin-Krakauer test indicated magnitudes of heterogeneity among standardized variances of gene frequencies inconsistent with the neutrality hypothesis. The question of whether or not to correct this statistic for sample size is discussed. Observed equitability of gene frequencies of multiple allelic loci was found to be greater than that predicted under the neutrality hypothesis. Genetic differentiation persisting through two generations was found between the one pair of populations known to exchange significant numbers of individuals per generation. Two matrices of genetic distance between populations, based on the eight loci sampled, were found to be significantly correlated with a matrix of environmental distance, based on measures of fourteen environmental parameters. Correlations between gene frequencies and environmental parameters, results of multiple regression analysis, and results of principle component analysis showed strong patterns of association and of "explained" variation. The correlation analyses suggest which factors might be further investigated as proximate selective agents.  相似文献   

Palmar dermatoglyphics of a sample including 552 males and 701 females from 8 Basque valleys were analyzed. We studied the frequency of palmar pattern types and compared them using correspondence the frequency of palmar pattern types and compared them using correspondence analysis. The results of this comparative study show that there is diversity among valleys and also that this diversity depends on the trait and on sex. Genetic drift could explain this variability found in the Basque population.  相似文献   

During the course of their evolution,Ae. atropalpus andAe. epactius have undergone considerable genetic differentiation. The average genetic distance between the two species was 0.458 ±0.05. The average genetic distance between populations ofAe. atropalpus was 0.019 ± 0.01 while the average distance between populations ofAe. epactius was 0.075 ±0.02. The GREEN population, representing the new “form” ofatropalpus found breeding in discarded tires, exhibited electromorph frequencies characteristic of the “typical”atropalpus populations. Of the enzymatic loci examined, ADK2 was species diagnostic, and PGi was species discriminating. The electrophoretic results from the populations examined have provided additional support for the present taxonomic status of the two species.  相似文献   

Phenotype and gene frequency data are presented on the glyoxalase I (GLO) polymorphism in seven endogamous caste groups: Jat Sikh, Ramdasia Sikh, Ramgarhia Sikh, Khatri, Brahmin and Bania of Patiala district, and Jat Sikh of Faridkot district of Punjab, North-West India. Apparently, there is considerable heterogeneity in the frequency distribution of the GLO1 gene that varies from 0.168 in Bania to 0.287 in Brahmin. However, these differences are not statistically significant, and the overall GLO1 frequency in Punjab is well within the North Indian range.  相似文献   

Variation in human apolipoprotein genes is a major source of phenotypic differences in human lipid metabolism. Data regarding genetic variation at apolipoprotein loci in various populations are only beginning to accumulate, and they suggest that different populations vary widely in distribution of apolipoprotein alleles. Using isoelectric focusing-immunoblotting techniques, we screened 67 serum samples from self-identified Samoan residents of American Samoa to investigate structural variation at six apolipoprotein loci: A-I, A-II, A-IV, C-II, E, and H. The APO A-I, A-II, and C-II loci were found to be monomorphic by isoelectrical focusing. In Samoans, the common three-allele polymorphism was observed for APO E, with no striking differences in frequencies from Caucasian populations. The three common alleles of the APO H locus also were identified; however, frequencies of the less common alleles (APO H*I and APO H*3) were different from those observed elsewhere for Caucasians.  相似文献   

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