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The interactions of the assembly factor P17 of bacteriophage PRD1 with liposomes were investigated by static light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. Our data show that P17 binds to positively charged large unilamellar vesicles composed of the zwitterionic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine and sphingosine, whereas only a weak interaction is evident for 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine vesicles. P17 does not bind to negatively charged membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine. Our differential scanning calorimetry results reveal that P17 slightly perturbs the phase behaviour of neutral phosphatidylcholine and negatively charged multilamellar vesicles. In contrast, the phase transition temperature of positively charged dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/sphingosine multilamellar vesicles (molar ratio 9 : 1, respectively) is increased by approximately 2.4 degrees C and the half width of the enthalpy peak broadened from 1.9 to 5.6 degrees C in the presence of P17 (protein : lipid molar ratio 1 : 47). Moreover, the enthalpy peak is asymmetrical, suggesting that lipid phase separation is induced by P17. Based on the far-UV CD spectra, the alpha-helicity of P17 increases upon binding to positively charged micelles composed of Triton X-100 and sphingosine. We propose that P17 can interact with positively charged lipid membranes and that this binding induces a structural change on P17 to a more tightly packed and ordered structure.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PRD1 is a double-stranded DNA virus infecting Gram-negative hosts. It has a membrane component located in the interior of the isometric capsid. In addition to the major capsid protein P3, the capsid contains a 9 kDa protein P30. Protein P30 is proposed to be located between the adjacent facets of the icosahedral capsid and is required for stable capsid assembly. In its absence, an empty phage-specific membrane vesicle is formed. The major protein component of this vesicle is a phage-encoded assembly factor, protein P10, that is not present in the final structure.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid of bacteriophage phi 6 is enveloped within a lipid-containing membrane. The membrane is composed of proteins P3, P6, P9, P10, and P13 and phospholipids. The relationship between membrane protein P9 and morphogenetic protein P12 was studied in the absence of phage infection. cDNA copies of genes 9 and 12 were expressed on plasmids in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Immunoblotting demonstrated the presence of protein P9 in strains carrying both gene 9 and gene 12 but not in strains with gene 9 alone. In the absence of P12, P9 was found to be unstable. Simultaneous synthesis of proteins P9 and P12 led to the formation of a low-density P9 particle having a buoyant density similar to that of precursor structures composed of phospholipid and proteins isolated from phi 6-infected cells. These results are consistent with results of previous genetic experiments suggesting that P9 and P12 are necessary and sufficient for the formation of the phi 6 envelope. Extensions of P9 at the C terminus do not impair particle formation; however, N-terminal extensions or C-terminal deletions that extend into the hydrophobic region of P9 do impair particle formation.  相似文献   

The lipid-containing bacteriophage PRD1 was disrupted, and the subviral particles were studied. Guanidine treatment released two phage proteins (P3 and P5). These proteins form the polyhedral capsid. The remaining phage proteins were associated with the phage membrane vesicle. The vesicle was capable of forming a tubular structure. The isolated phage membrane vesicles aggregated readily. We found that aggregation and tube formation were associated with specific phage proteins (P11 and P18, respectively) by using protease treatment and an analysis of nonsense mutant phage particles. In addition, the possibility that free vesicles might be precursors to empty virions was studied.  相似文献   

The Raman spectrum of a virus contains the structural signature of each of its molecular components (Thomas, 1987). We report the first Raman spectrum obtained from an intact, lipid-containing virus--the icosahedral bacteriophage PRD1--and show that this spectrum contains characteristic structure markers for the major capsid protein, the packaged double-stranded DNA genome, and the viral membrane which resides between the capsid and DNA. We find that the packaged genome of PRD1 exhibits Raman markers typical of the B-DNA secondary structure. Comparison of the Raman spectrum of the packaged DNA with that of protein-free DNA extracted from the virion shows further that the B-form secondary structure is not significantly perturbed by packaging in the virion. The Raman signature of the PRD1 membrane, monitored within the virion at 4 degrees C, is that of a phospholipid liquid-crystalline phase. The PRD1 capsid, which comprises several hundred copies of the major coat protein P3 (product of viral gene III) and a few copies of minor proteins, incorporates P3 capsomers predominantly in the beta-sheet conformation. The beta-sheet structure of P3 is maintained in the fully assembled PRD1 virion, as well as in the empty capsid. The present results demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining structural information from the three different classes of biomolecules--nucleic acid, protein, and lipid--which constitute a membrane-lined virus particle. Our results also demonstrate that the coat protein and double-stranded DNA components of a lipid-containing bacteriophage share many structural features in common with bacteriophage lacking a lipid membrane.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage PM2 requires extracellular Ca2+ at concentrations greater than 3 · 10−4 M for the production of viable virus, whereas the host cell Pseudomonas BAL-31 grows normally in medium containing 3 · 10−5 M Ca2+ (low calcium). Virus attachment occurs normally in low calcium, the infected cultures partially lyse, but no infectious virus particles are released. Sucrose gradient analysis shows that lysates made in low calcium contain no PM2-like particles. The addition of calcium very late in the infectious cycle completely restores virus production to cultures infected in low calcium, whereas removal of calcium after infection prevents virus production. Our experiments indicate that Ca2+ is essential for some process late in the lytic cycle, such as the final assembly of stable, infectious PM2 particles.  相似文献   

Functional organization of the bacteriophage PRD1 genome.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

The bacteriophage PRD1 is a lipid-bearing phage that infects a wide variety of gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium when they contain the appropriate plasmid. It contains a linear duplex DNA molecule that is covalently bound by its 5' ends to a terminal protein. We report here that the PRD1 genome contains a 111-base-pair terminal inverted repeat which does not bear homology to that of any known linear duplex DNAs with terminal proteins. We further report that its 3' termini are susceptible to enzymatic digestion by exonuclease III.  相似文献   

Holin proteins are phage-induced integral membrane proteins which regulate the access of lytic enzymes to host cell peptidoglycan at the time of release of progeny viruses by host cell lysis. We describe the identification of the membrane-containing phage PRD1 holin gene (gene XXXV). The PRD1 holin protein (P35, 12.8 kDa) acts similarly to its functional counterpart from phage lambda (gene S), and the defect in PRD1 gene XXXV can be corrected by the presence of gene S of lambda. Several nonsense, missense, and insertion mutations in PRD1 gene XXXV were analyzed. These studies support the overall conclusion that the charged amino acids at the protein C terminus are involved in the timing of host cell lysis.  相似文献   

The temperate bacteriophages λ and P22 share similarities in their site-specific recombination reactions. Both require phage-encoded integrase (Int) proteins for integrative recombination and excisionase (Xis) proteins for excision. These proteins bind to core-type, arm-type, and Xis binding sites to facilitate the reaction. λ and P22 Xis proteins are both small proteins (λ Xis, 72 amino acids; P22 Xis, 116 amino acids) and have basic isoelectric points (for P22 Xis, 9.42; for λ Xis, 11.16). However, the P22 Xis and λ Xis primary sequences lack significant similarity at the amino acid level, and the linear organizations of the P22 phage attachment site DNA-binding sites have differences that could be important in quaternary intasome structure. We purified P22 Xis and studied the protein in vitro by means of electrophoretic mobility shift assays and footprinting, cross-linking, gel filtration stoichiometry, and DNA bending assays. We identified one protected site that is bent approximately 137 degrees when bound by P22 Xis. The protein binds cooperatively and at high protein concentrations protects secondary sites that may be important for function. Finally, we aligned the attP arms containing the major Xis binding sites from bacteriophages λ, P22, L5, HP1, and P2 and the conjugative transposon Tn916. The similarity in alignments among the sites suggests that Xis-containing bacteriophage arms may form similar structures.  相似文献   

DNA packaging orders the membrane of bacteriophage PRD1.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
S J Butcher  D H Bamford    S D Fuller 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(24):6078-6086
Bacteriophage PRD1 contains a linear dsDNA genome enclosed by a lipid membrane lying within a protein coat. Determination of the structure of the detergent-treated particle to 2 nm by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction has defined the position of the major coat protein P3. The coat contains 240 copies of trimeric P3 packed into positions of local 6-fold symmetry on a T = 25 lattice. The three-dimensional structures of the PRD1 virion and a DNA packaging mutant to a resolution of 2.8 nm have revealed specific interactions between the coat and the underlying membrane. The membrane is clearly visible as two leaflets separated by 2 nm and spanned by transmembrane density. The size of the coat does not change upon DNA packaging. Instead, the number of interactions seen between the protein shell and the membrane and the order of the membrane components increase. Thus the membrane of PRD1 plays a role in assembly which is akin to that played by the nucleocapsid in other membrane viruses.  相似文献   

This article describes the structure and assembly of bacteriophage PRD1, a lipid-containing virus able to infect Escherichia coli. This phage, with an approximate diameter of 65 nm, is composed of an outer protein shell surrounding a lipid-protein membrane which, in turn, encloses the nucleic acid. The phage genome consists of a single linear dsDNA molecule of about 15 kb that has a protein covalently linked to each of its 5' ends. This protein is used as a primer in DNA replication. During assembly membrane proteins are inserted into the host cytoplasmic membrane while major capsid protein multimers are found in the cytoplasm. Capsid multimers, assisted by two nonstructural assembly factors, are capable of translocating the virus-specific membrane resulting in the formation of cytoplasmic empty particles. Subsequent DNA packaging leads to the formation of infections virus.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies have shown that bacteriophages PR3 and PR4, originally isolated on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, resemble the lipid-containing phage PM2 in appearance. Their host range extends intergenerically to species carrying drug-resistance plasmids of the P and N compatibility groups. In this paper, the serological identity of the two isolates is established and it is concluded that they are the same virus, but with some differences in growth characteristics. They contain double-stranded DNA and are probably icosahedra (65 nm) with short (47 nm) noncontractile tails. Their sensitivity to chloroform and low buoyant density in CsCl(1.265 g/ml) indicate that they contain lipid which is probably located in the thickened inner layer of the capsid. A study is made of their adsorption efficiencies to sensitive and resistant bacteria, and it is found that, unlike most sex-specific phages, they adsorb directly to the cell surface and not to sex pili. Their host range is shown to include strains harboring a drug-resistance plasmid of the W compatibility group.  相似文献   

The assembly of bacteriophage PRD1 proceeds via formation of empty procapsids containing an internal lipid membrane, into which the linear double-stranded DNA genome is subsequently packaged. The packaging ATPase P9 and other putative packaging proteins have been shown to be located at a unique vertex of the PRD1 capsid. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of a suppressor-sensitive PRD1 mutant deficient in the unique vertex protein P6. Protein P6 was found to be an essential part of the PRD1 packaging machinery; its absence leads to greatly reduced packaging efficiency. Lack of P6 was not found to affect particle assembly, because in the P6-deficient mutant infection, wild-type (wt) amounts of particles were produced, although most were empty. P6 was determined not to be a specificity factor, as the few filled particles seen in the P6-deficient infection contained only PRD1-specific DNA. The presence of P6 was not necessary for retention of DNA in the capsid once packaging had occurred, and P6-deficient DNA-containing particles were found to be stable and infectious, albeit not as infectious as wt PRD1 virions. A packaging model for bacteriophage PRD1, based on previous results and those obtained in this study, is presented.  相似文献   

The icosahedral membrane-containing double-stranded DNA bacteriophage PRD1 has a labile receptor binding spike complex at the vertices. This complex, which is analogous to that of adenovirus, is formed of the penton protein P31, the spike protein P5, and the receptor binding protein P2. Upon infection, the internal phage membrane transforms into a tubular structure that protrudes through a vertex and penetrates the cell envelope for DNA injection. We describe here a new class of PRD1 mutants lacking virion-associated integral membrane protein P16. P16 links the spike complex to the viral membrane and is necessary for spike stability. We also show that the unique vertex used for DNA packaging is intact in the P16-deficient particle, indicating that the 11 adsorption vertices and the 1 portal vertex are functionally and structurally distinct.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PRD1 has remarkable structural similarities to adenovirus, but is unusual in containing a membrane beneath its icosahedral capsid. Its monomeric receptor-binding protein, P2, is part of a complex at each capsid vertex and so is the functional equivalent of adenovirus fiber. P2 has been crystallized by the "hanging-drop" method of vapor diffusion and two different crystal forms were obtained. Macroseeding, used to increase the size of the initial small needles, gave rod-shaped crystals. These grew to a size of 0.08 x 0.08 x 0.50 mm(3) and diffracted to 2.6 A resolution. They have the orthorhombic space group P222(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 137.8 A, b = 46.5 A, c = 136.4 A. A few single crystals of a second form were grown without seeding under slightly different conditions. A parallelepiped crystal (0.10 x 0.10 x 0.35 mm(3)), with space group C222(1) and unit cell dimensions a = 182.3 A, b = 204.8 A, c = 133.3 A, diffracted to 3.5 A resolution. A rotation function for the second form revealed that four monomers of P2 are related by a noncrystallographic twofold axis. The structure of P2 will reveal how this arrangement relates to the trimeric adenovirus fiber.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage PRD1 DNA polymerase gene (gene I) has been cloned into the expression vector pPLH101 under the control of the lambda pL promoter. Tailoring of an efficient ribosome binding site in front of the gene by polymerase chain reaction led to a high level heat-inducible expression of the corresponding gene product (P1) in Escherichia coli cells. Expression was confirmed in vivo by complementation of phage PRD1 DNA polymerase gene mutants and in vitro by formation of the genome terminal protein P8-dGMP replication initiation complex. Expressed PRD1 DNA polymerase was purified to apparent homogeneity in an active form. DNA polymerase, 3'-5'-exonuclease, and P8-dGMP replication initiation complex formation activities cosedimented in glycerol gradient with a protein of 65 kDa, the size expected for PRD1 DNA polymerase. The DNA polymerase was active on DNase I-activated calf thymus DNA, poly(dA).oligo(dT) and poly(dA-dT) primer/templates as well as on native phage PRD1 genome. The 3'-5'-exonuclease activity was specific for single-stranded DNA and released mononucleotides. No 5'-3'-exonuclease activity was detected. The inhibitor/activator spectrum of the PRD1 DNA polymerase was also studied. An in vitro replication system with purified components for bacteriophage PRD1 was established. Formation of the P8-dGMP replication initiation complex was a prerequisite for phage DNA replication, which proceeded from the initiation complex and yielded genome length replication products.  相似文献   

Caldentey J  Tuma R  Bamford DH 《Biochemistry》2000,39(34):10566-10573
The spike structure of bacteriophage PRD1 is comprised of proteins P2, P5, and P31. It resembles the corresponding receptor-binding structure of adenoviruses. We show that purified recombinant protein P5 is an elongated (30 x 2.7 nm; R(h) = 5.5 nm), multidomain trimer which can slowly associate into nonamers. Cleavage of the 340 amino acid long P5 with collagenase yields 2 fragments. The larger, 205 amino acid long C-terminal fragment appears to contain the residues responsible for the trimerization of the protein, whereas the smaller N-terminal part mediates the interaction of P5 with the pentameric vertex protein P31 (24 x 2.5 nm, R(h) = 4.2 nm). In addition, the presence of the N-terminal sequence is required for the formation of the P5 nonamer. The results presented here suggest that P5 and P31 form an elongated adaptor complex at the 5-fold vertexes of the virion which anchors the adsorption protein P2 (21 x 2.5 nm; R(h) = 4.1 nm). Our results also suggest that the P5 trimer forms a substantial part of the viral spike shaft that was previously thought to be composed exclusively of protein P2.  相似文献   

The genome of a lipid-containing phage, PRD1, is replicated by a protein-priming mechanism. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the PRD1 gene 8 which specifies the terminal protein, the protein primer for DNA synthesis. The coding region is 780 base pairs long and encodes for 259 amino acids (29,326 daltons). The predicted amino acid sequence of the PRD1 terminal protein reveals no substantial homology with that of any known terminal protein. However, hydropathy profiles of the PRD1, phi 29, and Nf terminal proteins are remarkably similar, suggesting a common evolutionary origin. A particular tyrosine residue is predicted to be covalently linked to the 5' end of the PRD1 DNA. The initiation codon ATG of gene 8 is preceded by the identifiable ribosome binding site, and putative promoter sequences. There are unique palindromic sequences between the ribosome binding site and "-10" region.  相似文献   

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