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An excellently preserved single nodal with cirri from the upper part of the lower Toarcian from Ohmden represents a short stemmed crinoidPentacrinites quenstedti (Oppel), characterized by long cirri, whose cross-section changes from flattened near the base to oval near the tip. This suggests a combined swim- and hook-function of the cirri.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous vertebrate bearing sediments of Galve (province of Teruel, SE Spain) have yielded some hundred fossil eggshell fragments, all slightly diagenetically altered. Concerning their microstructure, an assignment of the material to different taxa of reptiles was possible. The eggshell assemblage of Galve consists of a-c) three types of chelonian eggshells, one of them probably representing the subfamily Batagurinae, which would extend this taxon back into the Lower Cretaceous, d) the oldest known crocodilian eggshells, with lacunae systems on the outer surface, comparable to Recent taxa, and e-f) two different types of dinosaurian eggshells. In correspondence to the suggested fluviatile paleoenvironment of Galve, the fossil eggshells described herein are fragmented and represent mostly turtles and crocodiles.  相似文献   

The Tremp basin, North-Spain, is a classical area of paleontological research. From the Upper Cretaceous of this region we know up to now two Sauropods (Hypselosaurus, Titanosaurus) and aniguanodontid Dinosaur (Rhabdodon). Both ischia described in this paper are derived from a Hadrosaur skeleton. This is the first record of the group south of the Pyrenees. It remains uncertain, whether the ischia belong to the only hadrosaurian known from Europe,Orthomerus transsylvanicus, or if they give evidence of an hitherto unknown taxon.  相似文献   

In this paper Some Bennettitean leaves from the Lias of Karmozd-Zirab, Northern Iran, the author describes some Ptilophyllum species from a rich assemblage of Jurassic plants, collected by him in 1960 and 1961. The species axe Ptilophyllum bengalense (Oldh.) Schimper, P. harrisianum sp.nov., P. zirabense sp. nov., andP. minor sp. nov.  相似文献   

Frasnian tentaculites from western part of Central-Afghanistan are described. Six of the 11 studied species are new:Dicricoconus dupliannulatus n. sp.,Dicricoconus ghukensis n. sp.,Dicricoconus gracilis n. sp.,Dicricoconus harundata n. sp.,Volynites kaminjensis n. sp. andAlternatus spatiosus n. sp. The fauna is appearing in two stratigraphic levels. The occurrence ofTentaculites donensis respectively ofDicricoconus tichomirovi, Dicricoconus tragula andUniconus livnensis confirmes the middle-upperfrasnian respectively the upperfrasnian age of both levels. The Devonian basin of Ghuk area was connected with the epicontinental sea of the Russian Plateform throughout the Frasnian and with the Libyan basin at least during upperfrasnian time.  相似文献   

Short preliminary report on excellently preserved vegetable microfossils, besides an insect excrement consisting of fern-spores, from the Lower Cretaceous Iguanodontidae locality of Nehden (Sauerland, Westphalia, FRG).  相似文献   

A detailed stratigraphic section of the Lower Toarcian Posidonienschiefer of Schandelah near Braunschweig (Niedersachsen, West Germany) is presented, and a pterosaur pelvis from that locality referred to asCampylognathoides sp. is described. It is the first record of this genus in North West Germany. A restoration of the pelvis indicates a laterally, slightly upwardly directed orientation of the acetabula which does not support a bird-like bipedal locomotion of this pterosaur as has been suggested elsewhere.  相似文献   

A new species of the Permithonidae (Planipennia, Neuroptera; Insecta) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda is described:Okolpania favorabilis n. sp.  相似文献   

The first calcitic thecas of edrioasteroids from the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge are described:Timeischytes leunisseni n. sp.,Timeischytes prescheri n. sp. andRhenopyrgus sp. are from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel Hills. The morphological features ofTimeischytes lead to the assumption that in this genus paedomorphosis has been a long-lasting process.  相似文献   

From rocks of Westphalian D age of Ibbenbueren in Westphalia/W-Germany a new taxon of the Omaliidae Handlirsch, 1906 -Kelleropteron kaelberbergense n. g., n. sp. — is described. It is represented by only one wing. The new genus is characterized by the following features: the subcosta ends on the costa; the radius is very prominent and runs far distantly from the anterior border of the wing proximally; the branches of the sector radii and the medialis are directed distally, not posteriorly; a connective vein between medialis and sector radii is present; the cross-veins are relatively dense and irregularly branched. The Omaliidae are redefined, the relationships of their genera are discussed. The genera are arranged in 3 groups (Fig. 1). In theHeterologies-group - as in the Paoliidae — the subcosta ends on the radius; in theCacurgus — group the subcosta ends on the costa, a connective vein between medialis and sector radii is not present; in theOmalia- group the subcosta also ends on the costa, but a connective vein between medialis and sector radii has evolved.Kelleropteron is a member of the last group, differing fromOmalia above all by its denser, more irregularly arranged cross-veins. The Omaliidae are confined stratigraphically to the Westphalian and geographically to the EuropeanNorthamerican region. They apparently are descendants of the Paoliidae Handlirsch, 1906. In both families a connective vein between medialis and cubitus is present, and the anterior branch of the medialis is lost. The most important difference between them is seen in the cross-veins: within the Paoliidae they are very dense, similar to the archedictyon of the Palaeodictyoptera, but within the Omaliidae they are more widemeshed and more prominent.  相似文献   

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