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The CCR5 chemokine receptor is exploited by HIV-1 to gain entry into CD4+ T cells. A deletion mutation (Delta32) confers resistance against HIV by obliterating the expression of the receptor on the cell surface. Intriguingly, this allele is young in evolutionary time, yet it has reached relatively high frequencies in Europe. These properties indicate that the mutation has been under intense positive selection. HIV-1 has not exerted selection for long enough on the human population to drive the CCR5-Delta32 allele to current frequencies, fueling debate regarding the selective pressure responsible for rise of the allele. The allele exists at appreciable frequencies only in Europe, and within Europe, the frequency is higher in the north. Here we review the population genetics of the CCR5 locus, the debate over the historical selective pressure acting on CCR5-Delta32, the inferences that can potentially be drawn from the geographic distribution of CCR5-Delta32 and the role that other genetic polymorphisms play in conferring resistance against HIV. We also discuss parallel evolution that has occurred at the CCR5 locus of other primate species. Finally, we highlight the promise that therapies based on interfering with the CCR5 receptor could have in the treatment of HIV.  相似文献   

We studied the possible effects of climatic-geographic factors on the world distribution of the mutant allele for the chemokine receptor gene CCR5, which has a 32-bp deletion (CCR5Delta32) preventing cell invasion by the primary transmitting strain of HIV-1. New data on CCR5 polymorphisms in Russian, Ukrainian, and Moldavian populations are presented. All available data on CCR5Delta32 frequencies in the Old World (number of populations n = 77) were used for construction of a geographical gene map to analyze possible correlations between allele frequencies and eight climatic-geographic parameters. A strong positive correlation was found between the allele frequency and latitude (r = 0.72), a strong negative correlation with annual radiation balance (r = -0.66), and a weaker negative correlation with longitude (r = -0.34). Partial correlations were calculated excluding the influence of latitude. The negative correlation between the allele frequency and annual radiation balance decreased (r = -0.42), but remained large and significant. We propose that the existence of correlations between the cline of CCR5Delta32 frequencies and climatic-geographic parameters provides evidence for a possible effect of either natural environmental factors or large-scale population movements on the distribution of this allele.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the 32-bp deletion allele frequencies in the CCR5 gene (CCR5-Delta32) in various populations of Jews of eastern European origin (Ashkenazi Jews). The total population sample (n = 351) represented Ashkenazi Jews originating from seven geographic groups in Europe. The overall frequency of the CCR5-Delta32 allele was elevated (13.7%), although some important differences in frequencies occurred among the seven countries included in the survey; the frequency was highest (25.9%) in those of Lithuanian origin. There is an apparent trend (r = 0.74) involving a lowering of the Delta32 allele frequencies moving from north to south in the seven populations tested. The Delta32 frequencies obtained were compared to those already published for non-Jewish populations inhabiting the same countries and the differences in frequencies were not significant, with the exception of Lithuania (chi(2) = 2.20, p < 0.03). Founder effect and genetic drift are proposed to explain the elevated values observed in Ashkenazi Jews and those originating from Lithuania.  相似文献   

Salem AH  Batzer MA 《Mutation research》2007,616(1-2):175-180
A mutant allele of the beta-chemokine receptor gene CCR5 bearing a 32-basepair (bp) deletion that prevents cell invasion by the primary transmitting strain of HIV-1 has recently been characterized. Individuals homozygous for the mutation are resistant to infection, even after repeated high-risk exposure, but this resistance appears not absolute, as isolated cases of HIV-positive deletion homozygotes are emerging. The consequence of the heterozygous state is not clear, but it may delay the progression to AIDS in infected individuals. In order to evaluate the frequency distribution of CCR5-Delta32 polymorphism among Egyptians, a total of 200 individuals (154 from Ismailia and 46 from Sinai) were tested. Only two heterozygous individuals from Ismailia carried the CCR5-Delta32 allele (0.6%), and no homozygous (Delta32/Delta32) individuals were detected among the tested samples. The presence of the CCR5-Delta32 allele among Egyptians may be attributed to the admixture with people of European descent. Thus we conclude that the protective deletion CCR5-Delta32 is largely absent in the Egyptian population.  相似文献   

C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a receptor for chemokines and a co-receptor for HIV-1 entry into the target CD4+ cells. CCR5 delta 32 deletion is a loss-of-function mutation, resistant to HIV-1 infection. We tried to induce the CCR5 delta 32 mutation harnessing the genome editing technique, CRISPR-Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, CRISPR and CRISPR associated protein 9, Cas9) in the commonly used cell line human embryonic kidney HEK 293T cells. Surprisingly, we found that HEK293T cells are heterozygous for CCR5 delta 32 mutation, in contrast to the wild type CCR5 cells, human acute T cell leukemia cell line Jurkat and human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 cells. This finding indicates that at least one human cell line is heterozygous for the CCR5 delta 32 mutation. We also found that in PCR amplification, wild type CCR5 DNA and mutant delta 32 DNA can form mismatched heteroduplex and move slowly in gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The CCR5-Delta32 deletion obliterates the CCR5 chemokine and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 coreceptor on lymphoid cells, leading to strong resistance against HIV-1 infection and AIDS. A genotype survey of 4,166 individuals revealed a cline of CCR5-Delta32 allele frequencies of 0%-14% across Eurasia, whereas the variant is absent among native African, American Indian, and East Asian ethnic groups. Haplotype analysis of 192 Caucasian chromosomes revealed strong linkage disequilibrium between CCR5 and two microsatellite loci. By use of coalescence theory to interpret modern haplotype genealogy, we estimate the origin of the CCR5-Delta32-containing ancestral haplotype to be approximately 700 years ago, with an estimated range of 275-1,875 years. The geographic cline of CCR5-Delta32 frequencies and its recent emergence are consistent with a historic strong selective event (e.g. , an epidemic of a pathogen that, like HIV-1, utilizes CCR5), driving its frequency upward in ancestral Caucasian populations.  相似文献   

A 32-bp deletion in CCR5 (CCR5 Delta 32) confers to PBMC resistance to HIV-1 isolates that use CCR5 as a coreceptor. To study this mutation in T cell development, we have screened 571 human thymus tissues for the mutation. We identified 72 thymuses (12.6%) that were heterozygous and 2 (0.35%) that were homozygous for the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation. We found that thymocyte development was normal in both CCR5 Delta 32 heterozygous and homozygous thymuses. In 3% of thymuses we identified a functional polymorphism of CD45RA, in which cortical and medullary thymocytes failed to down-regulate the 200- and 220-kDa CD45RA isoforms during T cell development. Moreover, we found an association of this CD45 functional polymorphism in thymuses with the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation (p = 0.00258). In vitro HIV-1 infection assays with CCR5-using primary isolates demonstrated that thymocytes with the heterozygous CCR5 Delta 32 mutation produced less p24 than did CCR5 wild-type thymocytes. However, the functional CD45RA polymorphism did not alter the susceptibility of thymocytes to HIV-1 infection. Taken together, these data demonstrate association of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation with a polymorphism in an as yet unknown gene that is responsible for the ability to down-regulate the expression of high m.w. CD45RA isoforms. Although the presence of the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation down-regulates HIV-1 infection of thymocytes, the functional CD45RA polymorphism does not alter the susceptibility of thymocytes to HIV-1 infection in vitro.  相似文献   

Recovery from acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection requires a broad, vigorous T-cell response, which is enhanced in mice when chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is missing. To test the hypothesis that production of a nonfunctional CCR5 (CCR5Delta32 [a functionally null allele containing a 32-bp deletion]) increases the likelihood of recovery from hepatitis B in humans, we studied 526 persons from three cohorts in which one person with HBV persistence was matched to two persons who recovered from an HBV infection. Recovery or persistence was determined prior to availability of lamivudine. We determined genotypes for CCR5Delta32 and for polymorphisms in the CCR5 promoter and in coding regions of the neighboring genes, chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) and chemokine receptor-like 2 (CCRL2). Allele and haplotype frequencies were compared among the 190 persons with viral recovery and the 336 with persistence by use of conditional logistic regression. CCR5Delta32 reduced the risk of developing a persistent HBV infection by nearly half (odds ratio [OR], 0.53; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.33 to 0.83; P = 0.006). This association was virtually identical in persons with and without a concomitant human immunodeficiency virus infection. Of the nine individuals who were homozygous for the deletion, eight recovered from infection (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.03 to 1.99; P = 0.19). None of the other neighboring polymorphisms examined were associated with HBV outcome. These data demonstrate a protective effect of CCR5Delta32 in recovery from an HBV infection, provide genetic epidemiological evidence for a role of CCR5 in the immune response to HBV, and suggest a potential therapeutic treatment for patients persistently infected with HBV.  相似文献   

人CCR5Delta32突变个体能有效抵制HIV-1感染,主要是由于该个体淋巴细胞内表达的CCR5Delta32突变蛋白能通过反式显性失活效应(TDN)抑制细胞表面HIV-1辅受体CCR5和CXCR4的产生.通过构建CCR5Delta32慢病毒载体,体外转染人外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs),研究细胞内表达CCR5Delta32蛋白对HIV-1感染的抑制作用.结果表明,表达CCR5Delta32蛋白的人PBMCs对HIV-1 R5、X4及R5X4毒株感染均具有显著的抑制作用.这些工作为后续的AIDS基因治疗研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:包装含人CCR5Delta32基因的重组慢病毒并测定其滴度,用于获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)的基因治疗研究。方法:从CCR5Deha32突变个体外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中提取人基因组DNA,利用PCR技术扩增CCR5Deha32全长基因,经EcoRI单酶切后与pUCm—T载体连接,随后转化EcoliDH5ct,提取质粒进行酶切鉴定及DNA测序;将鉴定正确的CCR5Delta32基因亚克隆至慢病毒载体pLenti6/V5-D-TOPO并进行酶切鉴定及DNA序列分析;用pLP1、pLP2、pLP/VSVG及pLenti-CCR5Delta32等4种质粒共转染293T细胞,产生重组慢病毒并测定其滴度。结果:克隆出人CCR5Deha32基因,并构建了含该基因的重组慢病毒载体,经293T细胞包装后产生5×10^5TU/mL的重组慢病毒。结论:高滴度含人CCR5Deha32基因重组慢病毒的包装,为进一步的AIDS基因治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Studies of mice with a targeted disruption of the CCR5 gene suggest that the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a determinant of the cytokine response to endotoxin. In humans, a naturally occurring mutation of the CCR5 gene is a 32-basepair (bp) deletion which precludes the translation of the gene into a functional transmembrane protein. To evaluate the cytokine phenotype of heterozygosity for the 32 deletion, we studied the endotoxin-stimulated release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, Interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12 in whole blood ex-vivo of healthy volunteers and patients undergoing elective cardiac bypass surgery. This operation represents a major surgical trauma associated with ischemia-reperfusion-injury and triggers a profound inflammatory response. In these patients, cytokine plasma concentrations were measured during and after cardiac surgery. No difference was found between the frequencies of the observed and expected CCR5 genotypes in the groups of individuals studied. Furthermore, no significant difference in ex-vivo or peri- and postoperative cytokine plasma concentrations was detected between CCR5 wild-type homozygotes and individuals carrying one defective CCR5 allele. Our results indicate that heterozygosity for the 32bp deletion of CCR5 is not associated with an altered cytokine response to endotoxin or to a major surgical trauma when compared with individuals homozygous for the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

The C-C chemokine receptor 5, 32 base-pair deletion (CCR5-Delta32) allele confers strong resistance to infection by the AIDS virus HIV. Previous studies have suggested that CCR5-Delta32 arose within the past 1,000 y and rose to its present high frequency (5%-14%) in Europe as a result of strong positive selection, perhaps by such selective agents as the bubonic plague or smallpox during the Middle Ages. This hypothesis was based on several lines of evidence, including the absence of the allele outside of Europe and long-range linkage disequilibrium at the locus. We reevaluated this evidence with the benefit of much denser genetic maps and extensive control data. We find that the pattern of genetic variation at CCR5-Delta32 does not stand out as exceptional relative to other loci across the genome. Moreover using newer genetic maps, we estimated that the CCR5-Delta32 allele is likely to have arisen more than 5,000 y ago. While such results can not rule out the possibility that some selection may have occurred at C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), they imply that the pattern of genetic variation seen at CCR5-Delta32 is consistent with neutral evolution. More broadly, the results have general implications for the design of future studies to detect the signs of positive selection in the human genome.  相似文献   

Macrophage tropic (M-tropic) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of primary human T cells and macrophages requires optimal cell surface expression of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in addition to CD4. Natural mutations of CCR5 that impair surface expression bestow in the homozygous state complete resistance to M-tropic HIV infection. ccr5Delta32 is the major prototype of such mutants. ccr5Delta32 heterozygosity is associated with delayed onset of AIDS and reduced risk of initial transmission, and this correlates with reduced levels of CCR5 and reduced infectability of CD4+ cells. In addition to gene dosage, sequestration of wild type (WT) CCR5 by mutant protein has been proposed as a mechanism to explain reduced surface expression of CCR5 in cells from ccr5Delta32 and CCR5-893(-) heterozygotes. However, here we demonstrate that a molar excess of ccr5Delta32 or related deletion mutants does not significantly impair the cell surface density of co-expressed WT receptor either in human epithelial cells or Jurkat T cells. Further, ligand-dependent signaling and M-tropic HIV usage of WT receptor are also unaffected. Nascent WT receptor does associate with ccr5Delta32 and related mutant proteins and with other unrelated CC and CXC chemokine receptors under transient labeling conditions. However, using confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that in the steady state, WT and truncated CCR5 proteins segregate into nonoverlapping subcellular compartments. These findings together with the observed and known variability in the cell surface density of CCR5 on quiescent PBLs lead us to conclude that reduced CCR5 gene dosage rather than receptor sequestration is the major determinant of reduced CCR5 expression in cells from ccr5Delta32 heterozygotes.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of the CCR5Delta32 mutation in various regional ethnic groups in Brazil and tested the resistance of mutant peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to infection by HIV-1 in vitro. The heterozygous prevalence was 5.3% in uninfected African descendents and 8.8% in HIV-1-positive individuals (neither population had Delta32/Delta32). German descendents were 11% heterozygous and l% Delta32/Delta32. Amerindians were exclusively CCR5/CCR5. Heterozygous uninfected PBMCs showed partial resistance to R5-HIV-1 strains in vitro, but no resistance to X4 virus. HIV-1-positive CCR5/CCR5 had higher viral loads than did heterozygous cells.  相似文献   

The Geographic Spread of the CCR5 Δ32 HIV-Resistance Allele   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Δ32 mutation at the CCR5 locus is a well-studied example of natural selection acting in humans. The mutation is found principally in Europe and western Asia, with higher frequencies generally in the north. Homozygous carriers of the Δ32 mutation are resistant to HIV-1 infection because the mutation prevents functional expression of the CCR5 chemokine receptor normally used by HIV-1 to enter CD4+ T cells. HIV has emerged only recently, but population genetic data strongly suggest Δ32 has been under intense selection for much of its evolutionary history. To understand how selection and dispersal have interacted during the history of the Δ32 allele, we implemented a spatially explicit model of the spread of Δ32. The model includes the effects of sampling, which we show can give rise to local peaks in observed allele frequencies. In addition, we show that with modest gradients in selection intensity, the origin of the Δ32 allele may be relatively far from the current areas of highest allele frequency. The geographic distribution of the Δ32 allele is consistent with previous reports of a strong selective advantage (>10%) for Δ32 carriers and of dispersal over relatively long distances (>100 km/generation). When selection is assumed to be uniform across Europe and western Asia, we find support for a northern European origin and long-range dispersal consistent with the Viking-mediated dispersal of Δ32 proposed by G. Lucotte and G. Mercier. However, when we allow for gradients in selection intensity, we estimate the origin to be outside of northern Europe and selection intensities to be strongest in the northwest. Our results describe the evolutionary history of the Δ32 allele and establish a general methodology for studying the geographic distribution of selected alleles.  相似文献   

The Δ32 mutation at the CCR5 locus is a well-studied example of natural selection acting in humans. The mutation is found principally in Europe and western Asia, with higher frequencies generally in the north. Homozygous carriers of the Δ32 mutation are resistant to HIV-1 infection because the mutation prevents functional expression of the CCR5 chemokine receptor normally used by HIV-1 to enter CD4+ T cells. HIV has emerged only recently, but population genetic data strongly suggest Δ32 has been under intense selection for much of its evolutionary history. To understand how selection and dispersal have interacted during the history of the Δ32 allele, we implemented a spatially explicit model of the spread of Δ32. The model includes the effects of sampling, which we show can give rise to local peaks in observed allele frequencies. In addition, we show that with modest gradients in selection intensity, the origin of the Δ32 allele may be relatively far from the current areas of highest allele frequency. The geographic distribution of the Δ32 allele is consistent with previous reports of a strong selective advantage (>10%) for Δ32 carriers and of dispersal over relatively long distances (>100 km/generation). When selection is assumed to be uniform across Europe and western Asia, we find support for a northern European origin and long-range dispersal consistent with the Viking-mediated dispersal of Δ32 proposed by G. Lucotte and G. Mercier. However, when we allow for gradients in selection intensity, we estimate the origin to be outside of northern Europe and selection intensities to be strongest in the northwest. Our results describe the evolutionary history of the Δ32 allele and establish a general methodology for studying the geographic distribution of selected alleles.  相似文献   

The C-C chemokine receptor 5, 32 base-pair deletion (CCR5-Δ32) allele confers strong resistance to infection by the AIDS virus HIV. Previous studies have suggested that CCR5-Δ32 arose within the past 1,000 y and rose to its present high frequency (5%–14%) in Europe as a result of strong positive selection, perhaps by such selective agents as the bubonic plague or smallpox during the Middle Ages. This hypothesis was based on several lines of evidence, including the absence of the allele outside of Europe and long-range linkage disequilibrium at the locus. We reevaluated this evidence with the benefit of much denser genetic maps and extensive control data. We find that the pattern of genetic variation at CCR5-Δ32 does not stand out as exceptional relative to other loci across the genome. Moreover using newer genetic maps, we estimated that the CCR5-Δ32 allele is likely to have arisen more than 5,000 y ago. While such results can not rule out the possibility that some selection may have occurred at C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), they imply that the pattern of genetic variation seen atCCR5-Δ32 is consistent with neutral evolution. More broadly, the results have general implications for the design of future studies to detect the signs of positive selection in the human genome.  相似文献   

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