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Carbon monoxide derived from heme oxygenase (HO) may participate in cerebrovascular regulation under specific circumstances. Previous work has shown that HO contributes to feline pial arteriolar dilation to acetylcholine after transfusion of a cell-free polymeric hemoglobin oxygen carrier. The role of constitutive HO2 in the pial arteriolar dilatory response to acetylcholine was determined by using 1) HO2-null mice (HO2-/-), 2) the HO inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX (SnPPIX), and 3) 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBB), an inhibitor of casein kinase-2 (CK2)-dependent phosphorylation of HO2. In anesthetized mice, superfusion of a cranial window with SnPPIX decreased arteriolar dilation produced by 10 microM acetylcholine by 51%. After partial polymeric hemoglobin exchange transfusion, the acetylcholine response was normal but was reduced 72% by SnPPIX and 95% by TBB. In HO2-/- mice, the acetylcholine response was modestly reduced by 14% compared with control mice and was unaffected by SnPPIX. After hemoglobin transfusion in HO2-/- mice, acetylcholine responses were also unaffected by SnPPIX and TBB. In contrast, nitric oxide synthase inhibition completely blocked the acetylcholine responses in hemoglobin-transfused HO2-/- mice. We conclude 1) that HO2 activity partially contributes to acetylcholine-induced pial arteriolar dilation in mice, 2) that this contribution is augmented in the presence of a plasma-based hemoglobin polymer and appears to depend on a CK2 kinase mechanism, 3) that nitric oxide synthase activity rather than HO1 activity contributes to the acetylcholine reactivity in HO2-/- mice, and 4) that plasma-based polymeric hemoglobin does not scavenge all of the nitric oxide generated by cerebrovascular acetylcholine stimulation.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in mediation of cerebral vasodilation during neuronal activation and, specifically, in pharmacological activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and kainate receptors. Possible mediators of cerebral vasodilation to alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) have not been well studied in mature brain, although heme oxygenase (HO) activity has been implicated in newborn pigs. In anesthetized rats, 5 min of topical superfusion of 30 and 100 microM AMPA on the cortical surface through a closed cranial window resulted in increases in pial arteriolar diameter. The dilatory response to AMPA was not inhibited by superfusion of an NO synthase inhibitor, a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, or a cytochrome P-450 epoxygenase inhibitor, all of which have been shown to inhibit the cortical blood flow response to sensory activation. However, the 48 +/- 13% dilation to 100 microM AMPA was attenuated 56-71% by superfusion of the adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist ZM-241385, the A(2B) receptor antagonist alloxazine, and the HO inhibitor chromium mesoporphyrin. Combination of the latter three inhibitors did not attenuate the dilator response more than the individual inhibitors, whereas an AMPA receptor antagonist fully blocked the vasodilation to AMPA. These results indicate that cortical pial arteriolar dilation to AMPA does not require activation of NO synthase, cyclooxygenase-2, or cytochrome P-450 epoxygenase but does depend on activation of adenosine A(2A) and A(2B) receptors. In addition, CO derived from HO appears to play a role in the vascular response to AMPA receptor activation in mature brain by a mechanism that is not additive with that of adenosine receptor activation.  相似文献   

The cerebrovascular response to decreases in hematocrit and viscosity depends on accompanying changes in arterial O2 content. This study examines whether 1) the arteriolar dilation seen after exchange transfusion with a 5% albumin solution can be reduced by the K(ATP) channel antagonist glibenclamide (known to inhibit hypoxic dilation), and 2) the arteriolar constriction seen after exchange transfusion with a cell-free hemoglobin polymer to improve O2-carrying capacity can be blocked by inhibitors of the synthesis or vasoconstrictor actions of 20-HETE. In anesthetized rats, decreasing hematocrit by one-third with albumin exchange transfusion dilated pial arterioles (14 +/- 2%; SD), whereas superfusion of the surface of the brain with 10 muM glibenclamide blocked this response (-10 +/- 7%). Exchange transfusion with polymeric hemoglobin decreased the diameter of pial arterioles by 20 +/- 3% without altering arterial pressure. This constrictor response was attenuated by superfusing the surface of the brain with a 20-HETE antagonist, WIT-002 (10 microM; -5 +/- 1%), and was blocked by two chemically dissimilar selective inhibitors of the synthesis of 20-HETE, DDMS (50 microM; 0 +/- 4%) and HET-0016 (1 microM; +6 +/- 4%). The constrictor response to hemoglobin transfusion was not blocked by an inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, and the inhibition of the constrictor response by DDMS was not altered by coadministration of the NO synthase inhibitor. We conclude 1) that activation of K(ATP) channels contributes to pial arteriolar dilation during anemia, whereas 2) constriction to polymeric hemoglobin transfusion at reduced hematocrit represents a regulatory response that limits increased O2 transport and that is mediated by increased formation of 20-HETE, rather than by NO scavenging.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that glutamate dilates pial arterioles of newborn pigs through the production of carbon monoxide (CO) was addressed. Anesthesized newborn pigs were equipped with cranial windows to measure pial arteriolar responses to stimuli. Heme oxygenase (HO) inhibitors added topically inhibited dilation to glutamate and to specific glutamate receptor agonists. The initial dilation to glutamate (10(-5) M) was 22% from baseline without an inhibitor and decreased to 9% with the HO inhibitor chromium mesoporphyrin (CrMP). Inhibition of dilation upon HO inhibition was similar when specific glutamate receptor agonists were employed. RS-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid caused 24% dilation from the baseline without an inhibitor, and the dilation was decreased to 1% with tin protoporphyrin (SnPP). (RS)-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-t-butylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (kainate receptors) caused dilation of 18% from baseline without an inhibitor, but only 2% when tin mesoporphyrin was applied. 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors) dilated pial arterioles 33% from baseline in control, but only to 2% in the presence of SnPP. Neither copper mesoporphyrin, which does not inhibit HO, nor light-inactivated CrMP affected the dilations. Furthermore, cerebral microvessels removed from the brain produced CO (stable isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry), and this production was dose dependently increased by glutamate and inhibited by metal porphyrin HO inhibitors. These data suggest that dilation of newborn pig pial arterioles to glutamate and specific glutamate receptor agonists involves vascular production of CO. Additional cerebral sources of CO also could be stimulated by glutamate and contribute to the dilation.  相似文献   

Glutamine has been shown to influence endothelial-dependent relaxation and nitric oxide production in vitro, possibly by limiting arginine availability, but its effects in vivo have not been well studied. Hyperammonemia is a pathophysiological condition in which glutamine is elevated and contributes to depressed CO(2) reactivity of cerebral arterioles. We tested the hypothesis that acute hyperammonemia decreases pial arteriolar dilation to acetylcholine in vivo and that this decrease could be prevented by inhibiting glutamine synthetase with L-methionine-S-sulfoximine (MSO) or by intravenous infusion of L-arginine. Pial arteriolar diameter responses to topical superfusion of acetylcholine were measured in anesthetized rats before and at 6 h of infusion of either sodium or ammonium acetate. Ammonium acetate infusion increased plasma ammonia concentration from approximately 30 to approximately 600 microM and increased cerebral glutamine concentration fourfold. Arteriolar dilation to acetylcholine was intact after infusion of sodium acetate in groups pretreated with vehicle or with MSO plus methionine, which was coadministered to prevent MSO-induced seizures. In contrast, dilation in response to acetylcholine was completely blocked in hyperammonemic groups pretreated with vehicle or methionine alone. However, MSO plus methionine administration before hyperammonemia, which maintained cerebral glutamine concentration at control values, preserved acetylcholine dilation. Intravenous infusion of L-arginine during the last 2 h of the ammonium acetate infusion partially restored dilation to acetylcholine without reducing cerebral glutamine accumulation. Superfusion of 1 or 2 mM L-glutamine through the cranial window for 1 h in the absence of hyperammonemia attenuated acetylcholine dilation but had no effect on endothelial-independent dilation to nitroprusside. We conclude that 1) hyperammonemia reduces acetylcholine-evoked dilation in cerebral arterioles, 2) this reduction depends on increased glutamine rather than ammonium ions, and 3) increasing arginine partially overcomes the inhibitory effect of glutamine.  相似文献   

Ferrous Hb contributes to cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, although the mechanisms involved are uncertain. The hypothesis that cytotoxic effects of ferrous Hb on smooth muscle cells contribute to vasospasm was assessed. Cultured rat basilar artery smooth muscle cells were exposed to pure Hb, dog erythrocyte hemolysate, or Hb breakdown products; and heme oxygenase (HO-1 and HO-2) and ferritin mRNA and protein were measured. Cytotoxicity was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and fluorescence assays. Pure Hb or hemolysate caused dose- and time-dependent increases in HO-1 mRNA and protein. Hemin was the component of Hb that increased HO-1 mRNA. Cycloheximide inhibited the increase in HO-1 mRNA in response to hemin. Ferritin protein heavy chain but not mRNA increased upon exposure of cells to Hb. Hemin and ferric but not ferrous Hb were toxic to smooth muscle cells. Toxicity was increased by exposure to Hb plus tin protoporphyrin IX. In conclusion, exposure of smooth muscle cells to Hb induces HO-1 mRNA and protein through pathways that involve new protein synthesis. Hemin is the component of Hb that induces HO-1. Hemin and ferric but not ferrous Hb are toxic.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), and neurokinin A (NKA) on pial arterioles in newborn pigs. Pial arteriolar diameter was determined using a closed cranial window and intravital microscopy. Initial diameters were approximately 100 microns. Calcitonin-gene related peptide dilated pial arterioles by 22 +/- 8% at 10(-9)M and by 34 +/- 6% at 10(-8)M (n = 8), and this response was not significantly altered by prior administration of indomethacin (5mg/kg, iv) (n = 6) or administration of NG-methyl-L-arginine (5mg/kg, iv, and 10(-3)M in CSF) (n = 10). Substance P dilated arterioles at 10(-10)M through 10(-5)M (maximal response = 23 +/- 3%) (n = 6), and this response was unaffected by indomethacin administration (n = 6). In contrast, NG-methyl-L-arginine blocked much of the pial arteriolar dilation to SP. Unlike the other two peptides, NKA did not change pial arteriolar diameter. Radioimmunoassay determinations indicated that cerebrospinal fluid levels of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 and prostaglandin E2 did not change appreciably during application of CGRP or SP. We conclude that CGRP and SP but not NKA are dilator stimuli in the piglet pial circulation. Dilation by CGRP probably involves direct activation of receptors on vascular smooth muscle, while SP probably partially dilates pial arterioles via release of an endothelium-dependent relaxing factor.  相似文献   

Modified Hb solutions have been developed as O(2) carrier transfusion fluids, but of concern is the possibility that increased scavenging of nitric oxide (NO) within the plasma will alter vascular reactivity even if the Hb does not readily extravasate. The effect of decreasing hematocrit from approximately 30% to 18% by an exchange transfusion of a 6% sebacyl cross-linked tetrameric Hb solution on the diameter of pial arterioles possessing tight endothelial junctions was examined through a cranial window in anesthetized cats with and without a NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor. Superfusion of a NOS inhibitor decreased diameter, and subsequent Hb transfusion produced additional constriction that was not different from Hb transfusion alone but was different from the dilation observed by exchange transfusion of an albumin solution after NOS inhibition. In contrast, abluminal application of the cross-linked Hb produced constriction that was attenuated by the NOS inhibitor. Neither abluminal nor intraluminal cross-linked Hb interfered with pial arteriolar dilation to cromakalim, an activator of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Pial vascular reactivity to hypocapnia and hypercapnia was unaffected by Hb transfusion. Microsphere-determined regional blood flow indicated selective decreases in perfusion after Hb transfusion in the kidney, small intestine, and neurohypophysis, which does not have tight endothelial junctions. Administration of a NOS inhibitor to reduce the basal level of NO available for scavenging before Hb transfusion prevented further decreases in blood flow to these regions compared with NOS inhibition alone. In contrast, blood flow to skeletal and left ventricular muscle increased, and cerebral blood flow was unchanged after Hb transfusion. This cross-linked Hb tetramer is known to appear in renal lymph but not in urine. We conclude that cell-free tetrameric Hb does not scavenge sufficient NO in the plasma space to significantly affect baseline tone in vascular beds with tight endothelial junctions but does produce substantial constriction in beds with porous endothelium. The data support increasing the molecular size of Hb by polymerization or conjugation to limit extravasation in all vascular beds to preserve normal vascular reactivity.  相似文献   

Heme is known to activate the HO (heme oxygenase) gene in cultured cells, but little is known about the effect of heme on the HO gene in intact organisms. The expressions of HO and its RNA in mouse liver were measured using mouse HO cDNA and HO antibody after injection of heme or splenectomy. The antibody was prepared against a beta-galactosidase-HO hybrid protein made in Escherichia coli. The HO mRNA level increased to a maximum 15 h after heme injection. In contrast, expression of HO was maximal about 45 h after heme injection. Essentially the same results were obtained in mice after splenectomy. These results suggest that the HO gene in mouse liver was activated by the injection of heme and splenectomy.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase is an Mr 32,000 microsomal enzyme which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the oxidative catabolism of heme to yield equimolar quantities of biliverdin IX alpha, carbon monoxide, and iron. In the present investigation, evidence is presented suggesting that immunochemical and structural differences exist between bovine spleen heme oxygenase and heme oxygenase enzymes from other mammalian species. Using an antibody directed against bovine spleen heme oxygenase, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, Western blotting experiments, and cell-free translation immunoprecipitation studies showed that bovine spleen heme oxygenase is only weakly immunochemically related to heme oxygenase from rat spleen. This observation was supported by the fact that a rat spleen heme oxygenase cDNA probe did not hybridize significantly to bovine spleen heme oxygenase mRNA in Northern analyses nor to restriction fragments containing the bovine heme oxygenase gene in Southern analyses. Tryptic peptides were prepared from bovine spleen heme oxygenase and the amino acid sequences of nine peptides comprising 94 amino acid residues were determined, providing the first information on the primary structure of bovine spleen heme oxygenase. Comparison of the sequences of these tryptic peptides with regions of the deduced amino acid sequences of rat spleen and human macrophage heme oxygenase revealed sequence similarities ranging from 55 to 100%. Several peptides displaying the highest degree of sequence similarity were found to occur in regions of the heme oxygenase molecule postulated to contain the heme binding site, indicating that despite the immunochemical and apparent structural differences between bovine spleen heme oxygenase and the rat and human enzymes, functionally important amino acid residues have been conserved in the evolution of mammalian heme oxygenase genes.  相似文献   

With the help of contact optic system leukocytes interaction to endothelium of both pial arterioles and venules was investigated during cerebral ischaemia caused by bilateral occlusion of carotids, in vivo. The data received on 40 arterioles and 30 venules (diameter under 40 microns) of pia matter of Wistar rats (n = 7) under ischemic conditions following 5 hours up to respiratory arrest were analyzed. In this experiment, significant differences in adhesiveness of leukocytes to endothelium of arterial and venous microvessels during hypoxia development were shown.  相似文献   

The degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme in the liver has been studied by a new approach. In rats, hepatic heme was labeled by administration of a tracer pulse of [5-14C]δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), and its degradation was analyzed in terms of labeled carbon monoxide (14CO) excretion, which is a specific degradation product of the labeled heme. Within minutes after administration of [5-14C]ALA, 14CO was detectable and increased after 2 h to an “early peak,” reflecting the elimination of labeled heme from a rapidly turning over pool in the liver. Beyond the early peak, the rate of 14CO production decreased in a log-linear manner, consistent with the degradation of heme in stable hepatic hemoproteins. From the rate at which 14CO production declined during this phase, from the predominant labeling of cytochrome P-450 heme by the administered [5-14C]ALA and from the known turnover characteristics of this hemoprotein in the liver, it could be inferred that production of 14CO—between 16 and 30 h after administration of labeled ALA—largely reflected degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme. This approach, which permits serial measurements in a single animal, was used to study the effect on cytochrome P-450 heme of administered heme or endotoxin, both of which are potent stimulators of hepatic heme oxygenase activity. Both of these substances caused marked acceleration of the degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme, the effect occurring over the same dose range as that for stimulation of hepatic heme oxygenase. The findings suggest that stimulation of this enzyme activity in the liver is closely related to the rate of degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme.  相似文献   

Function and induction of the microsomal heme oxygenase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - The microsomal heme oxygenase system consists of heme oxygenase and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, and is considered to play a key role in the physiological...  相似文献   

In the WKY rats, a large number of vessels were dilated in response to alveolar hypercapnia, the rest of the vessels remaining unchanged, whereas both vasodilation and vasoconstriction occurred under the same conditions in the SHR rats. The difference seems to be due to biophysical and/or biochemical specifics of the SHR vascular walls and to partially depend on specific features of haemodynamics in pial vascular micromodules in both strains of rats.  相似文献   

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