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Interactions between inhibitory killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (iKIR) and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules regulate natural killer (NK) cell responses to eliminate infected and transformed cells while maintaining tolerance to healthy cells. Unlinked polymorphic gene families encode KIR receptors and HLA class I ligands and their independent segregation results in a variable number and type of iKIR + HLA pairs inherited in individuals. The diversity in the co-inheritance of iKIR + HLA pairs and activating KIR (aKIR) genes in 759 unrelated individuals from four ethnic populations was analyzed. Every individual studied inherited a minimum of one iKIR + HLA pair; suggesting that major histocompatibility complex class I-dependent inhibitory KIR signaling is essential for human NK cell function. In contrast, 13.4% of the study group lacked all aKIR genes. Twenty percent of the study group carried only one of the four iKIR + HLA pairs. Interestingly, 3% of the study group carrying only KIR2DL3 + HLA-C1 as an iKIR + HLA pair lacked aKIR genes. These data suggest that a single iKIR can constitute the minimal KIR repertoire for human NK cells. Genotypes carrying an equal number of iKIR + HLA pairs and aKIR genes represented 20% of the study group. The remaining individuals had either a dominant inhibitory KIR genotype (iKIR + HLA > aKIR) or a dominant activating KIR genotype (iKIR + HLA < aKIR). Genotypes encoding these imbalanced inhibitory and activating interactions may contribute to susceptibility or resistance to human diseases.  相似文献   

Palacios C  Cuervo LC  Cadavid LF 《Gene》2011,474(1-2):39-51
Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) modulate the cytotoxic effects of Natural Killer cells. KIR genes are encoded in the Leucocyte Receptor Complex and are characterized by their high haplotypic diversity and polymorphism. The KIR system has been studied in only three species of Old World monkeys, the rhesus macaque, the cynomolgus macaque, and the sabaeus monkey, displaying a complexity rivaling that of hominids (human and apes). Here we analyzed bacterial artificial chromosome draft sequences spanning the KIR haplotype of three other Old World monkeys, the vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops), the olive baboon (Papio anubis) and the colobus monkey (Colobus guereza). A total of 25 KIR gene models were identified in these species, predicted to encode receptors with 1, 2, and 3 extracellular Ig domains, all of them with long cytoplasmic domains having two putative ITIMs, although three had a positively charged residue in the transmembrane domain. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses showed that most Old World monkeys shared five classes of KIR loci: i) KIR2DL5/3DL20 in the most centromeric region, followed by ii) the single Ig domain-encoding locus KIR1D, iii) the pseudogene KIR2DP, iv) the conserved KIR2DL4, and v) the highly diversified KIR3DL/H loci in the telomeric half of the cluster. An exception to this pattern was the KIR haplotype of the colobus monkey that lacked the KIR1D, KIR2DP, and KIR2DL4 loci of the central region of the cluster. Thus, Old World monkeys display a broad spectrum of KIR haplotype variation that has been generated upon an ancestral haplotype architecture by gene duplication, gene deletion, and non-homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) MHC-C appears less evolved than human HLA-C: Popy-C is not fixed and its alleles encode only one (C1) of the two motifs for killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) ligands. To assess the structure and complexity of the orangutan KIR locus, the complete nucleotide sequence of an orangutan KIR haplotype was determined. The PopyKIR locus is flanked by LILR and FCAR and consists of seven genes and pseudogenes, two novel and five corresponding to known cDNA. Distinguishing all KIRs in this rapidly evolving KIR locus from the KIR3DX1 gene is an LTR33A/MLT1D element in intron 3. These two forms of KIR represent lineages that originated by duplication of a common ancestor. The conserved, framework regions of primate KIR loci comprise the 5' part of a lineage V KIR, the 3' part of a pseudogene, the complete 2DL4 gene, and the 3' part of a lineage II KIR. Although previously defined PopyKIR2DL4 alleles contain premature termination codons, the sequenced haplotype's PopyKIR2DL4 allele encodes a full-length protein. A model for KIR evolution is proposed. Distinguishing the orangutan KIR haplotype from the proposed common ancestor of primate KIR haplotypes is an increased number to give three lineage III KIR genes in the centromeric part of the locus, the site for most human lineage III genes encoding HLA-C specific KIR. Thus, expansion of lineage III KIR is associated with emergence of MHC-C.  相似文献   

Killer Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are implicated in protection from multiple pathogens including HIV, human papillomavirus, and malaria. Nonhuman primates such as rhesus and cynomolgus macaques are important models for the study of human pathogens; however, KIR genetics in nonhuman primates are poorly defined. Understanding KIR allelic diversity and genomic organization are essential prerequisites to evaluate NK cell responses in macaques. In this study, we present a complete characterization of KIRs in Mauritian cynomolgus macaques, a geographically isolated population. In this study we demonstrate that only eight KIR haplotypes are present in the entire population and characterize the gene content of each. Using the simplified genetics of this population, we construct a model for macaque KIR genomic organization, defining four putative KIR3DL loci, one KIR3DH, two KIR2DL, and one KIR1D. We further demonstrate that loci defined in Mauritian cynomolgus macaques can be applied to rhesus macaques. The findings from this study fundamentally advance our understanding of KIR genetics in nonhuman primates and establish a foundation from which to study KIR signaling in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are a family of polymorphic receptors which interact with specific motifs on HLA class I molecules and modulate NK cytolytic activity. In this study, we analyzed a recently sequenced subgenomic region on chromosome 19q13.4 containing eight members of the KIR receptor repertoire. Six members are clustered within a 100-kb continuous sequence. These genes include a previously unpublished member of the KIR gene family 2DS6, as well as 2DL1, 2DL4, 3DL1, 2DS4, 3DL2, from centromere to telomere. Two additional KIR genes, KIRCI and 2DL3, which may be located centromeric of this cluster were also analyzed. We show that the KIR genes have undergone repeated gene duplications. Diversification between the genes has occurred postduplication primarily as a result of retroelement indels and gene truncation. Using pre- and postduplication Alu sequences identified within these genes as evolutionary molecular clocks, the evolution and duplication of this gene cluster is estimated to have occurred 30–45 million years ago, during primate evolution. A proposed model of the duplication history of the KIR gene family leading to their present organization is presented. Received: 25 November 1999 / Revised: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) modulate the cytotoxic effects of natural killer cells. In primates, the KIRs are highly diverse as a consequence of variation in gene content, alternative domain composition, and loci polymorphism. We analyzed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone draft sequence spanning the owl monkey KIR cluster. The draft sequence had seven ordered yet unconnected contigs containing six full-length and two partial gene models, flanked by the LILRB and FcAR framework genes. Gene models were predicted to encode KIRs with inhibitory, activating, or dual functionality. Four gene models encoded three Ig domain receptors, while three others encoded molecules with four Ig domains. The additional domain resulted from an insertion in tandem of a 2,101 bp fragment containing the last 289 bp of intron 2, exon 3, and intron 3, resulting in molecules with two D0 domains. Re-screening of the owl monkey BAC library and sequencing of partial cDNAs from an owl monkey yielded five additional KIRs, four of which encoded receptors with short cytoplasmic domains with premature stop codons due to either a single nucleotide substitution or deletion or the absence of exon 8. Phylogenetic analysis by domains showed that owl monkey KIRs were monophyletic, clustering independently from other primate KIR lineages. Retroelements found in introns, however, were shared by KIRs from different primate lineages. This suggests that the owl monkey inherited a KIR cluster with a rich history of exon shuffling upon which positive selection for ligand binding operated to diversify the receptors in a lineage-specific fashion. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under accession numbers FJ154791–5.  相似文献   

Activated NK cells lyse tumor cells and virus-infected cells and produce IFN-gamma upon contact with sensitive target cells. The regulation of these effector responses in resting NK cells is not well understood. We now describe a receptor, KIR2DL4, that has the unique property of inducing IFN-gamma production, but not cytotoxicity, by resting NK cells in the absence of cytokines. In contrast, the NK cell-activation receptors CD16 and 2B4 induced cytotoxicity but not IFN-gamma production. The induction by KIR2DL4 of IFN-gamma production by resting NK cells was blocked by an inhibitor of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, in contrast to the IL-2-induced IFN-gamma secretion that was sensitive to inhibition of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. These results reveal a functional dichotomy (cytokine production vs cytotoxicity) in the response of resting NK cells, as dictated by the signals of individual receptors.  相似文献   

Evolution of the human killer cell inhibitory receptor family   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phylogenetic analysis of different domains of human natural killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) implicated both intragenic duplication and deletion of exons and interlocus recombination in the evolution of these receptors. In phylogenies of the extracellular immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily C2-set domains and of the pre-membrane (PM) domain, KIR receptors having two C2-set domains and those having three such domains tended to form separate clusters. However, the phylogenies of the transmembrane (TM) and cytoplasmic (CYT) domains showed quite different topologies, suggesting that major sites of interlocus recombination have been between exon 6 (encoding PM) and exon 7 (encoding TM) and between exon 7 and exons 8-9 (encoding CYT). Examination of the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the exons encoding Ig C2-set domains supported the hypothesis that positive Darwinian selection has acted to diversify the residues within these domains that are involved in contact with class I MHC molecules.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning of a KIR3DL1 receptor in the mouse and the rat, between 37.4 and 45.4% identical with primate killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs/CD158). Both mouse and rat molecules contain a pair of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in their cytoplasmic regions, suggesting an inhibitory function. Southern blot analysis indicated a single KIR gene in the rat, whereas the mouse genome contains more than one KIR-related element. The rat Kir3dl1 locus was mapped to the leukocyte receptor gene complex on chromosome 1, whereas mouse Kir3dl1 was localized to the X chromosome. RT-PCR demonstrated that KIR3DL1 was selectively expressed by NK cells in both rat and mouse. An epitope-tagged expression construct of mouse KIR3DL1 transfected into 293T cells induced expression of a approximately 55-kDa protein. Our data indicate that KIR receptors may contribute to the NK cell receptor repertoire in rodents, alongside the Ly-49 family.  相似文献   

The fast evolving human KIR gene family encodes variable lymphocyte receptors specific for polymorphic HLA class I determinants. Nucleotide sequences for 24 representative human KIR haplotypes were determined. With three previously defined haplotypes, this gave a set of 12 group A and 15 group B haplotypes for assessment of KIR variation. The seven gene-content haplotypes are all combinations of four centromeric and two telomeric motifs. 2DL5, 2DS5 and 2DS3 can be present in centromeric and telomeric locations. With one exception, haplotypes having identical gene content differed in their combinations of KIR alleles. Sequence diversity varied between haplotype groups and between centromeric and telomeric halves of the KIR locus. The most variable A haplotype genes are in the telomeric half, whereas the most variable genes characterizing B haplotypes are in the centromeric half. Of the highly polymorphic genes, only the 3DL3 framework gene exhibits a similar diversity when carried by A and B haplotypes. Phylogenetic analysis and divergence time estimates, point to the centromeric gene-content motifs that distinguish A and B haplotypes having emerged ~6 million years ago, contemporaneously with the separation of human and chimpanzee ancestors. In contrast, the telomeric motifs that distinguish A and B haplotypes emerged more recently, ~1.7 million years ago, before the emergence of Homo sapiens. Thus the centromeric and telomeric motifs that typify A and B haplotypes have likely been present throughout human evolution. The results suggest the common ancestor of A and B haplotypes combined a B-like centromeric region with an A-like telomeric region.  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) and CD94:NKG2A molecules were first defined as human NK cell receptors (NKR), but now are known to be expressed and to function on subpopulations of T cells. Here the repertoires of KIR and CD94:NKG2A expression by T cells from two donors were examined and compared with their previously defined NK cell repertoires. T cell clones generated from peripheral blood of both donors expressed multiple NKR in different combinations and used the range of receptors expressed by NK cells. In both donors alpha beta T cells less frequently expressed the inhibitory receptors CD94:NKG2A and KIR2DL1 than either gamma delta T cells or NK cells. In contrast to NK cells, not all NKR(+) T cells expressed an inhibitory receptor for autologous HLA class I. This lack of specific inhibitory NKR was especially apparent on alpha beta T cells of one donor. Overall, alpha beta T cells exhibited a distinct pattern of NKR expression different from that of gamma delta T and NK cells, which expressed highly similar NKR repertoires. In one donor, analysis of TCR rearrangement revealed a dominant subset of NKR(+) T cells sharing identical TCR alpha- and beta-chains. Remarkably, among 55 T cell clones sharing the same TCR alpha beta rearrangement 18 different KIR phenotypes were seen, suggesting that KIR expression was initiated subsequently to TCR rearrangement.  相似文献   

Diversity of the killer cell Ig-like receptors of rhesus monkeys   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Because the killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) have only been characterized in humans and chimpanzees, we do not have a full understanding of their evolutionary history. Therefore, cDNAs encoding the KIR molecules of five rhesus monkeys were characterized, and were found to differ from the KIR molecules identified in humans and chimpanzees. Whereas only one KIR2DL4 molecule is detected in humans and chimpanzees, two distinct KIR2DL4 homologues were identified in the monkeys. Although the two human KIR3DL molecules are limited in their polymorphism, the KIR3DL homologues in the monkeys were highly polymorphic. Up to five KIR3DL homologues were identified in each monkey that was studied, and eleven distinct KIR3DL molecules were detected in the five rhesus monkeys. Two novel families of KIR molecules were identified in the rhesus monkeys, KIR3DH and KIR1D. The KIR3DH molecules have three Ig domains, transmembrane domains homologous to KIR2DL4 molecules that contain an arginine, and short cytoplasmic domains. With these features, the KIR3DH molecules resemble the activating forms of the human KIR molecules. The KIR1D molecule encodes only one complete Ig domain before a frame-shift in the second Ig domain occurs, leading to early termination of the molecule. Multiple splice variants of KIR1D exist that encode at least one Ig domain, as well as transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. The extensive diversity of the rhesus monkey KIR3DL homologues and the novel KIR3DH and KIR1D molecules suggests that the KIR family of molecules has evolved rapidly during the evolution of primates.  相似文献   

Hayley M  Bourbigot S  Booth V 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23052
As a major component of the innate immune system, natural killer cells are responsible for activating the cytolytic killing of certain pathogen-infected or tumor cells. The self-recognition of natural killer cells is achieved in part by the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) protein family. In the current study, using a suite of biophysical methods, we investigate the self-association of an activating KIR, KIR2DS1. This KIR is of particular interest because when in the presence of the HLA-Cw6 protein, KIR2DS1 becomes a major risk factor for psoriasis, an autoimmune chronic skin disease. Using circular dichroism spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and atomic force microscopy, we reveal that KIR2DS1 self-associates in a well-defined fashion. Our novel results on an activating KIR allow us to suggest a working model for the KIR2DS1- HLA class I molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

NK cells are cytotoxic to virus-infected and tumor cells that have lost surface expression of class I MHC proteins. Target cell expression of class I MHC proteins inhibits NK cytotoxicity through binding to inhibitory NK receptors. In contrast, a similar family of activating NK receptors, characterized by the presence of a charged residue in their transmembrane portion and a truncated cytoplasmic tail, augment lysis by NK cells when ligated by an appropriate class I MHC protein. However, the class I MHC specificity of many of these activating NK receptors is still unknown. Here, we show enhanced lysis of HLA-Cw4 but not HLA-Cw6-expressing cells, by a subset of NK clones. This subset may express killer cell Ig-like receptor two-domain short tail number 4 (KIR2DS4), as suggested by staining with various mAb. It is still possible, however, that these clones may express receptors other than KIR2DS4 that might recognize HLA-Cw4. Binding of KIR2DS4-Ig fusion protein to cells expressing HLA-Cw4 but not to those expressing HLA-Cw6 was also observed. The binding of KIR2DS4-Ig to HLA-Cw4 is weaker than that of killer cell Ig-like receptor two-domain long tail number 1 (KIR2DL1)-Ig fusion protein; however, such weak recognition is capable of inhibiting lysis by an NK transfectant expressing a chimeric molecule of KIR2DS4 fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic portion of KIR2DL1. Residue alpha14 is shown to be important in the KIR2DS4 binding to HLA-Cw4. Implications of the role of the activating NK receptors in immunosurveillance are discussed.  相似文献   

Human killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed on natural killer (NK) cells and are involved in their immunoreactivity. While KIR with a long cytoplasmic tail deliver an inhibitory signal when bound to their respective major histocompatibility complex class I ligands, KIR with a short cytoplasmic tail can activate NK responses. The expansion of the KIR gene family originally appeared to be a phenomenon restricted to primates (human, apes, and monkeys) in comparison to rodents, which via convergent evolution have numerous C-type lectin-like Ly49 molecules that function analogously. Further studies have shown that multiple KIR are also present in cow and horse. In this study, we have identified by comparative genomics the first and possibly only KIR gene, named KIR2DL1, in the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa) allowing further evolutionary comparisons to be made. It encodes a protein with two extracellular immunoglobulin domains (D0 + D2), and a long cytoplasmic tail containing two inhibitory motifs. We have mapped the pig KIR2DL1 gene to chromosome 6q. Flanked by LILRa, LILRb, and LILRc, members of the leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor (LILR) family, on the centromeric end, and FCAR, NCR1, NALP7, NALP2, and GP6 on the telomeric end, pig demonstrates conservation of synteny with the human leukocyte receptor complex (LRC). Both the porcine KIR and LILR genes have diverged sufficiently to no longer be clearly orthologous with known human LRC family members.  相似文献   

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