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Screening and breeding of high taxol producing fungi by genome shuffling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To apply the fundamental principles of genome shuffling in breeding of taxol-producing fungi, Nodulisporium sylviform was used as starting strain in this work. The procedures of protoplast fusion and genome shuffling were studied. Three hereditarily stable strains with high taxol production were obtained by four cycles of genome shuffling. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of taxol produced was confirmed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and LC-MS. A high taxol producing fungus, Nodulisporium sylviform F4-26, was obtained, which produced 516.37 μg/L taxol. This value is 64.41% higher than that of the starting strain NCEU-1 and 31.52%―44.72% higher than that of the parent strains.  相似文献   

[目的]本文以肺炎克雷伯氏杆菌为研究对象,利用基因组重排技术,提高其对发酵体系中主要产物的耐受性,获得1,3-丙二醇高产菌.[方法]以含预处理后的出发菌株的补料发酵终点液的96孔板为筛选方法,利用基因组重排技术育种.[结果]筛选到的5株高产菌株(LSG1,LSG2,LSG4,LSG5,LSG6),在3升罐批次发酵中的1...  相似文献   

用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
赵凯  段巍  孙立新  周东坡 《微生物学报》2009,49(8):1075-1080
摘要:【目的】以北京棒杆菌(Corynebacterium pekinense)1为研究对象,选育赖氨酸高产菌株,并探索赖氨酸产生菌基因组重排育种的基本规律。【方法】利用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株。【结果】通过四轮基因组重排成功选育出了5株遗传稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,其中1株重排菌株赖氨酸产量达到16.95 g/dL,比原始菌株Corynebacterium pekinense 1赖氨酸产量提高了37.14%,比亲本菌株赖氨酸产量提高了17.46%~31.19%。【结论】首次采用基因组重排技术改良赖氨酸产生菌,成功选育出了5株产量较稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

以短乳杆菌为研究对象,通过基因组重排技术选育胸苷磷酸化酶高产菌株。首先采用紫外复合诱变筛选出EA42、EB27作为基因组重排育种的亲本并制备成原生质体,分别采用紫外照射50min和60℃水浴加热60min双亲灭活原生质体,然后用质量分数40%PEG6000,30℃恒温诱导融合10min进行基因组重排。经过3轮基因组重排育种,成功选育出3株胸苷磷酸化酶高产菌株,其中菌株F3-36在菌体发酵量提高的前提下,进行5次传代测试其胸苷磷酸化酶活均在2.500U/mg湿菌体,比原始菌株酶活提高了260%。  相似文献   

[目的]选育高产紫杉醇菌株,并构建选育到的高产紫杉醇菌株与出发菌株HD1-3差异表达的cDNA消减文库.[方法]分别采用硫酸二乙酯和紫外线与硫酸二乙酯复合诱变处理菌株HD1-3孢子;以选育到的高产紫杉醇菌株为tester,菌株HD1-3为driver,应用抑制性消减杂交技术构建选育到的高产紫杉醇菌株与菌株HD1-3差异表达的cDNA消减文库.[结果]试验确定的Nodulisporium sylviforme紫杉醇产生菌HD1-3孢子复合诱变的适宜条件为:将106cfu/mL孢子悬液经过8%硫酸二乙酯处理15 min后,在电磁搅拌下,用紫外灯(30 w,距离30 cm)照射处理45 s,获得了1株遗传性状稳定、高产紫杉醇的突变株--UD14-11,其紫杉醇产量从出发菌株HD1-3的232.73±4.61μg/L提高至312.81±7.51μg/L;构建的文库滴度为1.2×107cfu/mL,阳性克隆率75.3%,片段大小主要集中在300 bp-1.0kb.[结论]选育到了1株遗传性状稳定、高产紫杉醇突变株;成功地构建了高产紫杉醇菌株UD14-11与菌株HD1-3差异表达的cDNA消减文库,为寻找、分离微生物生物合成紫杉醇相关基因和利用基因工程或代谢工程手段定向设计改造菌株奠定基础.  相似文献   

基因组重排(genome shuffling)技术是在传统诱变育种的基础上与细胞原生质体融合技术相结合一种新兴微生物菌种改良手段,由于该技术高效的正向突变效率和频率,近年来被广泛应用于酵母菌种的选育和改良。本文主要对基因组重排技术在酵母菌育种中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

内生真菌产紫杉醇研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
紫杉醇是一种高效、低毒、广谱的天然抗癌药物,是人类未来20年间最有效的抗癌药物之一。近年来的研究发现,从植物内生真菌中发酵生产紫杉醇被证明是解决药源问题的有效途径。本文概述了微生物发酵生产紫杉醇的研究进展,包括产紫杉醇内生真菌的分离、多样性和真菌产紫杉醇的优势,紫杉醇的提取和检测技术,同时对如何提高内生真菌紫杉醇产量进行了比较全面的综述。随着现代分子生物学技术和微生物发酵工程的发展,工业上大规模发酵生产紫杉醇将有望实现。  相似文献   

An upsurge in the bioeconomy drives the need for engineering microorganisms with increasingly complex phenotypes. Gains in productivity of industrial microbes depend on the development of improved strains. Classical strain improvement programmes for the generation, screening and isolation of such mutant strains have existed for several decades. An alternative to traditional strain improvement methods, genome shuffling, allows the directed evolution of whole organisms via recursive recombination at the genome level. This review deals chiefly with the technical aspects of genome shuffling. It first presents the diversity of organisms and phenotypes typically evolved using this technology and then reviews available sources of genetic diversity and recombination methodologies. Analysis of the literature reveals that genome shuffling has so far been restricted to microorganisms, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with an overepresentation of antibiotics- and biofuel-producing microbes. Mutagenesis is the main source of genetic diversity, with few studies adopting alternative strategies. Recombination is usually done by protoplast fusion or sexual recombination, again with few exceptions. For both diversity and recombination, prospective methods that have not yet been used are also presented. Finally, the potential of genome shuffling for gaining insight into the genetic basis of complex phenotypes is also discussed.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering by genome shuffling   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

琥珀酸发酵高产菌株的选育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以富马酸钠为唯一碳源的选择性平板,从牛的瘤胃中筛选出一株产琥珀酸的菌株Actinobacillus succinogenes CGMCC1593。以该菌株为出发菌株进行NTG诱变,挑选在含有50~100 mmol/L氟乙酸平板生长较快的菌落,经过初筛和复筛,发现SF-9菌株产琥珀酸能力强且积累的乙酸较少。以50 g/L的葡萄糖为碳源,在培养瓶厌氧发酵条件下其琥珀酸产量(35.09 g/L)比出发菌株(28.91 g/L)提高了21.4%,琥珀酸/乙酸比率(w/w)从3.3∶1提高到7.5∶1。用SF-9菌株在5 L发酵罐上进行分批发酵,发酵36 h时琥珀酸积累量达到40.51 g/L,对葡萄糖的转化率为0.81(w/w),琥珀酸/乙酸比率为9∶1,副产物乙酸量比出发菌株降低了约50%。  相似文献   

柔红霉素产生菌S.Coeruleorubidus经N^ 、Co^60理化诱变剂选育后,获得的高产菌株经发酵罐应用后,其发酵产率分别提高25.8%、17.6%,累计净增利润超亿元,经分离收集的活性生物精品制成表柔比星,纯度提高4%,杂质比例下降2倍以上,收率提高50%,符合最新国际权威药典标准,产品畅销世界。  相似文献   

内生真菌紫杉醇生物合成的研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫杉醇是重要的抗癌药物之一,已经证明其对多种癌症具有显著疗效。目前,人们主要是从红豆杉的树皮中提取、分离和纯化紫杉醇,但由于红豆杉为生长缓慢、散生、濒危的珍稀植物,且随着紫杉醇临床用途的不断拓宽,市场需求的稳定增长,单纯依靠从红豆杉树皮中提取紫杉醇已经无法满足日益增长的市场需求。为了解决紫杉醇的药源不足,科学家已把目光从红豆杉树分离提取紫杉醇转向了其他替代方法,如化学全合成、半合成、组织培养与细胞培养、微生物发酵法生产紫杉醇等。因此,了解内生真菌紫杉醇生物合成的分子基础和遗传调控机制,对解析内生真菌紫杉醇生物合成机制、构建高产紫杉醇基因工程菌株和早日实现内生真菌紫杉醇工业化生产具有重要的科学意义和现实意义。结合本课题组多年来的科研工作,概述了红豆杉细胞紫杉醇生物合成途径、内生真菌发酵生产紫杉醇的优势、产紫杉醇内生菌的分离研究现状和生物多样性及紫杉醇生物合成相关基因的研究现状。内生真菌生物发酵合成紫杉醇是可以无限生产、大量获取紫杉醇、解决紫杉醇药源短缺问题的很有前景的方法之一。  相似文献   

The comparison of entire genomes in evolutionary studies gives rise to alignments characterized by many intersections, or inversions in the order of two fragments in different genomes. To model this, we suggest a random migration process for fragments, and discuss its equilibrium distribution in the case of linear and circular genomes. Simulations are carried out to explore “cut-off” behavior as the process approaches equilibrium. We define a new process to take into account the indistinguishability of two fragments which are adjacent in both genomes being compared. Questions of applicability of these models are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing methods for optimization of sequences by random mutagenesis generate libraries with a small number of mostly deleterious mutations, resulting in libraries containing a large fraction of non-functional clones that explore only a small part of squence space. Large numbers of clones need to be screened to find the rare mutants with improvements. Library display formats are useful to screen very large libraries but impose screening limitations that limit the value of this approach for most commercial applications. By contrast, in both classical breeding and in DNA shuffling, natural diversity is permutated by homologous recombination, generating libraries of very high quality, from which improved clones can be identified with a small number of complex screens. Given that this small number of screens can be performed under the conditions of actual use of the product, commercially relevant improvements can be reliably obtained.  相似文献   

An endogenous filariform fungus has been separated from a tree named Taxus growing in the Aba region, Sichuan, China. The fungus is fermented in fluid medium for 3 weeks at 25℃, then the HPLC and MALDI-TOF analysis of the zymotic fluid show that the zymotic fluid contains taxol. So it is a fungus which can produce taxol. It is named Taxomyces sp. temporarily.  相似文献   

脱落酸产生菌的筛选及其产酸条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张卉  刘俊  贺伟 《工业微生物》2008,38(1):49-52
利用马丁-孟加拉红培养基由20份土壤样品和2份植物病叶样品中分离出57株真菌,分别对其进行液体培养,通过各菌株发酵液抑制莴苣种子发芽的方法筛选得到一株脱落酸产生菌NX-53,通过L9(34)正交实验对其产酸条件进行了优化,该菌株产脱落酸的培养基配方和培养条件如下:葡萄糖25g/L,维生素B11.25mg/L,谷氨酸单钠盐3.0g/L,MgSO4·7H2O 0.2 g/L,KCl 0.5 g/L,CaCO3 5 g/L,KH2PO4 0.8 g/L,FeSO4·7H2O 0.5mg/L, ZnSO4·7H2O 2.5mg/L,CuSO4·5H2O 4mg/L,250mL摇瓶装液量50mL,28℃、150r/min培养7d.优化条件下菌株NX-53的脱落酸产量可达276 mg/L.  相似文献   

An endogenous filariform fungus has been separated from a treenamed Taxus growing in the Aba region, Sichuan, China. The fungus is fermented in fluid medium for 3 weeks at 25℃, then the HPLC and MALDI-TOF analysis of the zymotic fluid show that the zymotic fluid contains taxol. So it is a fungus which can produce taxol. It is named Taxomyces sp. temporarily.  相似文献   

Microfungi were selectively isolated for production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber-degrading enzymes potentially to be used to modify the surface of polyester fabric. A range of fungi were isolated from plant surfaces and soil samples using a polycaprolactone (PCL) plate-clearing assay technique, and screened for cutinolytic esterase (cutinase) activity. Twenty-two of 115 isolates showed clearing indicating the production of cutinase. The ability of the fungi to produce cutinase in mineral medium (MM) using either potato suberin or PET (1 cm of untreated pre-washed PET fiber) fiber as substrates was assessed based on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate (p-NPB). All isolates exhibited activity towards p-NPB, isolate PBURU-B5 giving the highest activity with PET fiber as an inducer. PBURU-B5 was identified as Fusarium solani based on its conidial morphology and also nucleotide sequencing from internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA-ITS). Enzymatic modification of PET cloth material properties using crude enzyme from strain PBURU-B5 showed hydrolysis of ester bonds of the PET fiber. The modification of the PET fabric resulted in increase of water and moisture absorption, and general enhancement of hydrophilicity of the fabric, properties that could facilitate processing of fabric ranging from easier dyeing while also yielding a softer feeling fabric for the user.  相似文献   

从富含油脂土壤中筛选出一株产碱性脂肪酶酶活达6.40U/mL的真菌菌株,经显微形态及ITS序列分析鉴定为产黄青霉Penicillium chrysogenum,该菌株命名为Penicillium chrysogenum J23。该菌的最佳产酶培养条件为:蔗糖1.0%、蛋白胨2.0%、橄榄油1.0%、MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%、接种量1.0%、初始pH 9.0、摇床转速200r/min、30℃培养48h。其所产脂肪酶的最适反应温度与pH分别为33℃和7.5,在pH6.0-10.0酶具有良好的稳定性,在50℃处理2h仍可保持30%以上的酶活力,50mmol/L的Ca2+、Mg2+、K+分别对酶有较强激活作用,而50mmol/L的Fe2+、Mn2+、Cu2+、Pb2+、Li2+对酶则有不同程度的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Polyploidy and the subsequent ploidy reduction and genome shuffling are the major driving forces of genome evolution. Here, we revealed short-term allopolyploid genome evolution by sequencing a synthetic intergeneric hybrid (Raphanobrassica, RRCC). In this allotetraploid, the genome deletion was quick, while rearrangement was slow. The core and high-frequency genes tended to be retained while the specific and low-frequency genes tended to be deleted in the hybrid. The large-fragment deletions were enriched in the heterochromatin region and probably derived from chromosome breaks. The intergeneric translocations were primarily of short fragments dependent on homoeology, indicating a gene conversion origin. To accelerate genome shuffling, we developed an efficient genome editing platform for Raphanobrassica. By editing Fanconi Anemia Complementation Group M (FANCM) genes, homoeologous recombination, chromosome deletion and secondary meiosis with additional ploidy reduction were accelerated. FANCM was shown to be a checkpoint of meiosis and controller of ploidy stability. By simultaneously editing FLIP genes, gene conversion was precisely introduced, and mosaic genes were produced around the target site. This intergeneric hybrid and genome editing platform not only provides models that facilitate experimental evolution research by speeding up genome shuffling and conversion but also accelerates plant breeding by enhancing intergeneric genetic exchange and creating new genes.  相似文献   

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