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In Pyrosequencing, the addition of nucleotides to a primer-template hybrid is monitored by enzymatic conversion of chemical energy into detectable light. The technique yields both qualitative and quantitative sequence information because the chemical energy is released by a stoichiometric split off of pyrophosphates from incorporated deoxynucleotide triphosphates and a defined nucleotide dispensation order is given. Because Pyrosequencing works best if single-stranded DNA templates are used, template generation usually requires PCR with a target-specific biotinylated primer and a subsequent purification involving interaction of the biotin label with immobilized streptavidin. To circumvent the need for numerous and expensive template-specific biotinylated primers, we developed a method that uses the ligation of amplified DNA fragments into a plasmid vector, thereby facilitating subsequent PCR using a universal vector-specific biotinylated primer. This approach allows easy and straightforward isolation of single-stranded templates of any PCR product. As a proof of principle, we used the method for genotyping two single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genes CARD15 and A2M and for characterization of four multisite variations in the human DEFB104 gene.  相似文献   

Since the ends of DNA chains are thought to be important in homologous recombination, the way in which RecA protein and similar recombination enzymes process ends is important. We analyzed the effects of ends both on the formation of joints, and the progression of strand exchange. When the only homologous end was provided by a single strand, there was no significant difference between the formation of joints at a 5' end or a 3' end; but in agreement with the report of Konforti & Davis, Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) selectively inhibited the activity of 5' ends. Complete strand exchange, assessed by study of linear single-stranded and double-stranded substrates, took place only in the 5' to 3' direction relative to DNA in the nucleoprotein filament. These observations pose a paradox: in the presence of SSB, of which there are about 800 tetramers per cell, the formation of homologous joints by RecA protein is favored at a 3' end, from which, however, authentic strand exchange appears not to occur. Since observations reported here and elsewhere show that joints have different properties when formed at a 5' versus a 3' end, we suggest that they may be processed differently in vivo.  相似文献   

During conjugation, a single strand of DNA is cleaved at the origin of transfer (oriT) by the plasmid-encoded relaxase. This strand is then unwound from its complement and transferred in the 5'-to-3' direction, with the 3' end likely extended by rolling-circle replication. The resulting, newly synthesized oriT must then be cleaved as well, prior to recircularization of the strand in the recipient. Evidence is presented here that the R1162 relaxase contains only a single nucleophile capable of cleaving at oriT, with another molecule therefore required to cleave at a second site. An assay functionally isolating this second cleavage shows that this reaction can take place in the donor cell. As a result, there is a flux of strands with free 3' ends into the recipient. These ends are susceptible to degradation by exonuclease I. The degree of susceptibility is affected by the presence of an uncleaved oriT within the strand. A model is presented where these internal oriTs bind and trap the relaxase molecule covalently bound to the 5' end of the incoming strand. Such a mechanism would result in the preferential degradation of transferred DNA that had not been properly cleaved in the donor.  相似文献   

J M Bork  M M Cox  R B Inman 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(24):7313-7322
The Escherichia coli RecF, RecO and RecR pro teins have previously been implicated in bacterial recombinational DNA repair at DNA gaps. The RecOR-facilitated binding of RecA protein to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is bound by single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is much faster if the ssDNA is linear, suggesting that a DNA end (rather than a gap) facilitates binding. In addition, the RecOR complex facilitates RecA protein-mediated D-loop formation at the 5' ends of linear ssDNAs. RecR protein remains associated with the RecA filament and its continued presence is required to prevent filament disassembly. RecF protein competes with RecO protein for RecR protein association and its addition destabilizes RecAOR filaments. An enhanced function of the RecO and RecR proteins can thus be seen in vitro at the 5' ends of linear ssDNA that is not as evident in DNA gaps. This function is countered by the RecF/RecO competition for association with the RecR protein.  相似文献   

Akin to a 'Trojan horse,' APOBEC3G DNA deaminase is encapsulated by the HIV virion. APOBEC3G facilitates restriction of HIV-1 infection in T cells by deaminating cytosines in nascent minus-strand complementary DNA. Here, we investigate the biochemical basis for C --> U targeting. We observe that APOBEC3G binds randomly to single-stranded DNA, then jumps and slides processively to deaminate target motifs. When confronting partially double-stranded DNA, to which APOBEC3G cannot bind, sliding is lost but jumping is retained. APOBEC3G shows catalytic orientational specificity such that deamination occurs predominantly 3' --> 5' without requiring hydrolysis of a nucleotide cofactor. Our data suggest that the G --> A mutational gradient generated in viral genomic DNA in vivo could result from an intrinsic processive directional attack by APOBEC3G on single-stranded cDNA.  相似文献   

The extreme ends of eukaryotic chromosomes contain 3' extensions in the form of single-stranded G-rich repeats, referred to as telomeric 3' G-tails or overhangs. Increasing evidence has suggested that telomeric 3' G-tails can adopt a G-quadruplex conformation both in vitro and in vivo. However, the role of G-quadruplexes on the structure and function of telomeric 3' G-tails remains unclear. In the current study, we showed that the human telomeric 3' G-tail sequence protected the duplex DNA ends in cis from being recognized as double strand breaks. This protection is dependent on the G-quadruplex conformation of the 3' G-tail sequence. These results suggest that the ability of telomeric 3' G-tails to adopt the endprotecting G-quadruplex conformation may be one of the reasons for the existence of the evolutionarily conserved G-stretch motifs in telomeric DNA sequences.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the preparation of large single-stranded DNA sequencing templates from primary cloning plasmids or cosmids. The method utilizes the separate action of T7 Gene 6 exonuclease and exonuclease III to generate large quantities of single-stranded template for each strand of a large-cloned fragment. Since the procedure is intended for use on primary clones, it avoids the time-consuming subcloning steps associated with most sequencing programs. The procedure also has the advantage of avoiding clone instability problems associated with subcloning in M13.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is involved in joining DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation or V(D)J recombination. The kinase is activated by DNA ends and composed of a DNA binding subunit, Ku, and a catalytic subunit, DNA-PK(CS). To define the DNA structure required for kinase activation, we synthesized a series of DNA molecules and tested their interactions with purified DNA-PK(CS). The addition of unpaired single strands to blunt DNA ends increased binding and activation of the kinase. When single-stranded loops were added to the DNA ends, binding was preserved, but kinase activation was severely reduced. Obstruction of DNA ends by streptavidin reduced both binding and activation of the kinase. Significantly, short single-stranded oligonucleotides of 3-10 bases were capable of activating DNA-PK(CS). Taken together, these data indicate that kinase activation involves a specific interaction with free single-stranded DNA ends. The structure of DNA-PK(CS) contains an open channel large enough for double-stranded DNA and an adjacent enclosed cavity with the dimensions of single-stranded DNA. The data presented here support a model in which duplex DNA binds to the open channel, and a single-stranded DNA end is inserted into the enclosed cavity to activate the kinase.  相似文献   

Assays have been described in which duplex adeno-associated virus (AAV) DNA can be replicated in HeLa cell extracts with exogenous AAV Rep protein. These assays appear to mimic the AAV DNA replication that occurs in the cell, including the ability of extracts from adenovirus (Ad)-infected cells to replicate duplex AAV DNA templates more efficiently than extracts from uninfected cells can. We showed previously that the Ad-infected extract was able to support a more processive replication than the uninfected extract. When the Ad single-stranded DNA binding protein (Ad-DBP) was added to an uninfected extract, DNA replication became processive. Based on a strand displacement replication model, we hypothesized that the Ad-DBP was stabilizing the displaced single-stranded DNA during strand displacement replication. In this report, we show that in Ad-infected extracts most of the newly replicated duplex DNA is converted into a single-stranded form shortly after synthesis. Using the results of assays for the replication of single-stranded AAV DNA, we show that these single-stranded molecules serve as templates for additional replication. In addition, we identify a class of molecules which are likely to be intermediates of replication on single-stranded templates. We discuss a possible role for replication of single-stranded molecules in the infected cell.  相似文献   

R M Wartell  W S Reznikoff 《Gene》1980,9(3-4):307-319
A new method of in vitro recombination was employed to construct plasmids containing lac promoter fragments 64 bp and 144 bp long. The 64 bp HpaII-HhaI fragment contains the binding site for the catabolite activator protein (CAP). The HpaII-HaeIII 144 bp fragment includes the binding sites for RNA polymerase, the lac repressor and CAP. The method utilizes the ability of T4 DNA polymerase to make flush-ended DNA either by filling in a recessed 3'-end or by exonucleolytic removal of a protruding 3'-end. The treated fragments were then blunt-end ligated to the filled-in EcoRI cloning sites of the plasmids pVH51 and pBR322 using T4 ligase. In this process, the EcoRI sites were regenerated on the fragment ends thus facilitating the subsequent isolation of the fragments from their cloning vectors.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have demonstrated that single-stranded DNA molecules containing the 3' terminal nucleotides of the PRD1 DNA replication origin can support initiation by a protein-primed mechanism. We have determined the minimal requirements for priming by analyzing the template activity of various deletion derivatives. Our results showed that the 3'-terminal 15 nucleotides of the replication origin are sufficient for priming. The finding that the requirements for recognition of replication origin are different from those for priming suggests that there are two distinct steps during initiation of PRD1 DNA replication: first, recognition of the replication origin on double-stranded DNA and second, the priming event on single-stranded DNA. In addition our results showed that additional bases at the 3' end of templates did not affect priming activity, suggesting that the priming site is searched for from inside the template.  相似文献   

RecA protein forms filaments on both single- and double-stranded DNA. Several studies confirm that filament extension occurs in the 5' to 3' direction on single-stranded DNA. These filaments also disassemble in an end-dependent fashion, and several indirect observations suggest that the disassembly occurs on the end opposite to that at which assembly occurs. By labeling the 5' end of single-stranded DNA with a segment of duplex DNA, we demonstrate unambiguously that RecA filaments disassemble uniquely in the 5' to 3' direction.  相似文献   

Three different methods have been used to determine the rate at which an individual bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase molecule moves when synthesizing DNA on a single-stranded DNA template chain. These methods agree in suggesting an in vitro rate for this enzyme of about 250 nucleotides per second at 37 °C. This rate is close to the rate at which bacteriophage T4 replication forks move in vivo (about 500 nucleotides per second). Comparison with the overall amount of DNA synthesis seen in in vitro reactions reveals that only a small fraction of the T4 DNA polymerase molecules present are synthesizing DNA at any one time. This is explicable in terms of the limited processivity of the enzyme in these reactions, along with its capacity for non-productive DNA binding to the DNA template molecules.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase encoded by herpes simplex virus 1 consists of a single polypeptide of Mr 136,000 that has both DNA polymerase and 3'----5' exonuclease activities; it lacks a 5'----3' exonuclease. The herpes polymerase is exceptionally slow in extending a synthetic DNA primer annealed to circular single-stranded DNA (turnover number approximately 0.25 nucleotide). Nevertheless, it is highly processive because of its extremely tight binding to a primer terminus (Kd less than 1 nM). The single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli greatly stimulates the rate (turnover number approximately 4.5 nucleotides) by facilitating the efficient binding to and extension of the DNA primers. Synchronous replication by the polymerase of primed single-stranded DNA circles coated with the single-stranded DNA-binding protein proceeds to the last nucleotide of available 5.4-kilobase template without dissociation, despite the 20-30 min required to replicate the circle. Upon completion of synthesis, the polymerase is slow in cycling to other primed single-stranded DNA circles. ATP (or dATP) is not required to initiate or sustain highly processive synthesis. The 3'----5' exonuclease associated with the herpes DNA polymerase binds a 3' terminus tightly (Km less than 50 nM) and is as sensitive as the polymerase activity to inhibition by phosphonoacetic acid (Ki approximately 4 microM), suggesting close communication between the polymerase and exonuclease sites.  相似文献   

M Russel  S Kidd  M R Kelley 《Gene》1986,45(3):333-338
Gene cloning in plasmid vectors that contain a filamentous phage intergenic region presents several advantages. However, technical difficulties have been a problem, primarily low yields of packaged single stranded (ss) plasmid DNA from the rapid, small scale procedures usually employed, and ambiguities in sequencing reactions attributed to the contamination by helper phage ss DNA. We report here the construction and some properties of a new f1 helper phage. Using this phage, R408, plasmid ss DNA is packaged and exported preferentially over phage ss DNA, and the absolute yield of plasmid ss DNA is usually increased.  相似文献   

《Nature methods》2005,2(8):629-630
This method is used to extend partial cDNA clones by amplifying the 5' sequences of the corresponding mRNAs 1-3. The technique requires knowledge of only a small region of sequence within the partial cDNA clone. During PCR, the thermostable DNA polymerase is directed to the appropriate target RNA by a single primer derived from the region of known sequence; the second primer required for PCR is complementary to a general feature of the target-in the case of 5' RACE, to a homopolymeric tail added (via terminal transferase) to the 3' termini of cDNAs transcribed from a preparation of mRNA. This synthetic tail provides a primer-binding site upstream of the unknown 5' sequence of the target mRNA. The products of the amplification reaction are cloned into a plasmid vector for sequencing and subsequent manipulation.  相似文献   

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