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玉米秸秆酸解副产物对重组酿酒酵母6508-127发酵的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
将木质纤维素类生物质如玉米秸秆等用稀酸水解预处理,在半纤维素水解为单糖的同时,水解液中还会产生一些可能对后续发酵有影响的副产物。本实验分别考查了在玉米秸秆稀酸水解液中检测出的乙酸、甲酸、香草醛、糠醛和羟甲基糠醛对重组木糖发酵菌株S. cerevisiae 6508-127生长和发酵的影响。结果表明,甲酸和乙酸对菌体生长的抑制强于乙醇生成,且甲酸的抑制程度远大于乙酸;2g/L香草醛可使菌体生长延滞期明显延长,而在较低浓度(≤1.2g/L)此现象不明显。糠醛在0.5-1.5g/L范围内对菌体生长有抑制作用,但使乙醇得率提高;羟甲基糠醛在0.2g/L浓度存在就使乙醇得率有明显降低,但使生物量得率提高;研究中还发现,糠醛、羟甲基糠醛和香草醛可被S. cerevisiae 6508-127代谢。  相似文献   

Valorization of all major lignocellulose components, including lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose is critical for an economically viable bioeconomy. In most biochemical conversion approaches, the standard process separately upgrades sugar hydrolysates and lignin. Here, we present a new process concept based on an engineered microbe that could enable simultaneous upgrading of all lignocellulose streams, which has the ultimate potential to reduce capital cost and enable new metabolic engineering strategies. Pseudomonas putida is a robust microorganism capable of natively catabolizing aromatics, organic acids, and D-glucose. We engineered this strain to utilize D-xylose by tuning expression of a heterologous D-xylose transporter, catabolic genes xylAB, and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) genes tal-tkt. We further engineered L-arabinose utilization via the PPP or an oxidative pathway. This resulted in a growth rate on xylose and arabinose of 0.32 h−1 and 0.38 h−1, respectively. Using the oxidative L-arabinose pathway with the PPP xylose pathway enabled D-glucose, D-xylose, and L-arabinose co-utilization in minimal medium using model compounds as well as real corn stover hydrolysate, with a maximum hydrolysate sugar consumption rate of 3.3 g/L/h. After modifying catabolite repression, our engineered P. putida simultaneously co-utilized five representative compounds from cellulose (D-glucose), hemicellulose (D-xylose, L-arabinose, and acetic acid), and lignin-related compounds (p-coumarate), demonstrating the feasibility of simultaneously upgrading total lignocellulosic biomass to value-added chemicals.  相似文献   

Three lignocellulosic substrate mixtures [liquid fraction of acid-catalyzed steam-exploded softwood, softwood spent sulfite liquor (SSL) and hardwood SSL] were separately fermented by the industrially employed SSL-adapted strain Tembec T1 and a natural galactose-assimilating isolate (Y-1528) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to compare fermentative efficacy. Both strains were confirmed as S. cerevisiae via molecular genotyping. The performance of strain Y-1528 exceeded that of Tembec T1 on all three substrate mixtures, with complete hexose sugar consumption ranging from 10 to 18 h for Y-1528, vs 24 to 28 h for T1. Furthermore, Y-1528 consumed galactose prior to glucose and mannose, in contrast to Tembec T1, which exhibited catabolite repression of galactose metabolism. Ethanol yields were comparable regardless of the substrate utilized. Strains T1 and Y-1528 were also combined in mixed culture to determine the effects of integrating their distinct metabolic capabilities during defined hexose sugar and SSL fermentations. Sugar consumption in the defined mixture was accelerated, with complete exhaustion of hexose sugars occurring in just over 6 h. Galactose was consumed first, followed by glucose and mannose. Ethanol yields were slightly reduced relative to pure cultures of Y-1528, but normal growth kinetics was not impeded. Sugar consumption in the SSLs was also accelerated, with complete utilization of softwood- and hardwood-derived hexose sugars occurring in 6 and 8 h, respectively. Catabolite repression was absent in both SSL fermentations.  相似文献   

Acetic acid is introduced into cellulose conversion processes as a consequence of composition of lignocellulose feedstocks, causing significant inhibition of adapted, genetically modified and wild‐type S. cerevisiae in bioethanol fermentation. While adaptation or modification of yeast may reduce inhibition, the most effective approach is to remove the acetic acid prior to fermentation. This work addresses liquid–liquid extraction of acetic acid from biomass hydrolysate through a pathway that mitigates acetic acid inhibition while avoiding the negative effects of the extractant, which itself may exhibit inhibition. Candidate solvents were selected using simulation results from Aspen Plus?, based on their ability to extract acetic acid which was confirmed by experimentation. All solvents showed varying degrees of toxicity toward yeast, but the relative volatility of ethyl acetate enabled its use as simple vacuum evaporation could reduce small concentrations of aqueous ethyl acetate to minimally inhibitory levels. The toxicity threshold of ethyl acetate, in the presence of acetic acid, was found to be 10 g L?1. The fermentation was enhanced by extracting 90% of the acetic acid using ethyl acetate, followed by vacuum evaporation to remove 88% removal of residual ethyl acetate along with 10% of the broth. NRRL Y‐1546 yeast was used to demonstrate a 13% increase in concentration, 14% in ethanol specific production rate, and 11% ethanol yield. This study demonstrated that extraction of acetic acid with ethyl acetate followed by evaporative removal of ethyl acetate from the raffinate phase has potential to significantly enhance ethanol fermentation in a corn stover bioethanol facility. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:929–937, 2016  相似文献   

Huang X  Wang Y  Liu W  Bao J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9705-9709
Corn stover (CS) hydrolysate was used as the fermentation feedstock of Trichosporon cutaneum CX1 for production of microbial lipid as the potential raw material of biodiesel. Two major technical barriers of the lipid fermentation were investigated: one was the strong inhibition of lignocellulose degradation compounds generated in the CS pretreatment; the other was the low carbon-to-nitrogen molar ratio (C/N ratio) of the CS hydrolysate. The newly established biodetoxification method was applied to remove the inhibitors in the pretreated CS. The enhancement of the pretreatment severity and the biodetoxification intensity on the lipid fermentation was investigated. The results show that the biodetoxification not only efficiently removed the inhibitor substances, but also led to the reduction of nitrogen content and the increase of C/N ratio. The cell lipid content of T. cutaneum CX1 using the biodetoxified CS hydrolysate reached 23.5%, which was doubled than that using the non-detoxified value.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study identified the major lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains from different fermented total mixed rations (FTMRs) via metataxonomic analysis and evaluated the ability of their standard strain as ensiling inoculants for corn stover silage.MethodsThe bacterial composition of eight FTMRs were analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing. Corn stover was ensiled without LAB inoculation (control) or with 1×106 cfu/g LAB standard strain (Lactobacillus vaginalis, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus helveticus, or Lactobacillus paralimentarius) selected from the FTMRs or 10 g/t commercial silage inoculant (CSI) around 25°C for 56 days. For each inoculation, a portion of the silage was sampled to analyze ensiling characteristics at time intervals of 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 56 days, gas production (GP), microbial crude protein and volatile fatty acids as the measurements of rumen fermentation characteristics were evaluated in vitro with the silages of 56 days after 72 h incubation.ResultsLactobacillus covered >85% relative abundance of all FTMRs, in which L. pontis, L. vaginalis, L. reuteri, L. helveticus, and L. paralimentarius showed >4% in specific FTMRs. CSI, L. helveticus, and L. paralimentarius accelerated the decline of silage pH. Silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius and CSI produced more lactic acid the early 14 days. Silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius produced less acetic acid and butyric acid. For the in vitro rumen fermentation, silage inoculated with CSI produced more potential GP, isobutyric acid, and isovaleric acid; silage inoculated with L. helveticus produced more potential GP and isovaleric acid, silage inoculated with L. paralimentarius or L. reuteri produced more potential GP only.ConclusionThe standard strain L. paralimentarius (DSM 13238) is a promising ensiling inoculant for corn stover silage. The findings provide clues on strategies to select LAB to improve the quality of silage.  相似文献   

Both the current corn starch to ethanol industry and the emerging lignocellulosic biofuels industry view recycling of spent fermentation broth or stillage as a method to reduce fresh water use. The objective of this study was to understand the impact of recycling stillage on conversion of corn stover to ethanol. Sugars in a dilute‐acid pretreated corn stover hydrolysate were fermented to ethanol by the glucose–xylose fermenting bacteria Zymomonas mobilis 8b. Three serial fermentations were performed at two different initial sugar concentrations using either 10% or 25% of the stillage as makeup water for the next fermentation in the series. Serial fermentations were performed to achieve near steady state concentration of inhibitors and other compounds in the corn stover hydrolysate. Little impact on ethanol yields was seen at sugar concentrations equivalent to pretreated corn stover slurry at 15% (w/w) with 10% recycle of the stillage. However, ethanol yields became progressively poorer as the sugar concentration increased and fraction of the stillage recycled increased. At an equivalent corn stover slurry concentration of 20% with 25% recycled stillage the ethanol yield was only 5%. For this microorganism with dilute‐acid pretreated corn stover, recycling a large fraction of the stillage had a significant negative impact on fermentation performance. Although this finding is of concern for biochemical‐based lignocellulose conversion processes, other microorganism/pretreatment technology combinations will likely perform differently. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 992–996. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Adsorptive purification of concentrated acid hydrolyzate of lignocellulose was investigated. Cation exchange resin (CS16GC), neutral polymer adsorbent (XAD-16), and granulated activated carbon (GAC) were studied to remove furfural, HMF, and acetic acid from a synthetic hydrolyzate containing 20 wt.% H2SO4. Adsorption isotherms were determined experimentally. Loading and regeneration were investigated in a laboratory scale column.GAC has the highest adsorption capacity, but regeneration with water was not feasible. XAD-16 and CS16GC had lower adsorption capacities but also shorter cycle times due to easier regeneration. Productivity increased when regenerating with 50 wt.% EtOH(aq) solution.To compare adsorbents, process performance was quantified by productivity and fraction of inhibitors removed. GAC yields highest performance when high purity is required and ethanol can be used in regeneration. For lower purities, XAD-16 and GAC yield approximately equal performance. When using ethanol must be avoided, CS16GC offers highest productivity.  相似文献   

In process integration studies of the biomass-to-ethanol conversion process, it is necessary to understand how cellulose conversion yields vary as a function of solids and enzyme loading and other key operating variables. The impact of solids loading on enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis of dilute acid pretreated corn stover slurry was determined using an experimental response surface design methodology. From the experimental work, an empirical correlation was obtained that expresses monomeric glucose yield from enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis as a function of solids loading, enzyme loading, and temperature. This correlation was used in a technoeconomic model to study the impact of solids loading on ethanol production economics. The empirical correlation was used to provide a more realistic assessment of process cost by accounting for changes in cellulose conversion yields at different solids and enzyme loadings as well as enzyme cost. As long as enzymatic cellulose conversion drops off at higher total solids loading (due to end-product inhibition or other factors), there is an optimum value for the total solids loading that minimizes the ethanol production cost. The optimum total solids loading shifts to higher values as enzyme cost decreases.  相似文献   

Hemicellulose liquid hydrolyzate from dilute acid pretreated corn stover was fermented to ethanol using Pichia stipitis CBS 6054. The fermentation rate increased with aeration but the pH also increased due to consumption of acetic acid by Pichia stipitis. Hemicellulose hydrolyzate containing 34 g/L xylose, 8 g/L glucose, 8 g/L Acetic acid, 0.73 g/L furfural, and 1 g/L hydroxymethyl furfural was fermented to 15 g/L ethanol in 72 h. The yield in all the hemicellulose hydrolyzates was 0.37–0.44 g ethanol/g (glucose + xylose). Nondetoxified hemicellulose hydrolyzate from dilute acid pretreated corn stover was fermented to ethanol with high yields, and this has the potential to improve the economics of the biomass to ethanol process.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of leucine enkephalin by the proteolytic enzymes present in human and rabbit plasma has been studied by kinetic and chromatographic techniques. Data obtained indicate the existence of noticeable intraspecific differences in the kinetics of leu-enkephalin degradation, and of formation of its hydrolysis by-products. The separation of the enzymes active on the substrate and of the inhibitors active on these enzymes evidences the existence of a species specific distribution of both groups of substances. Yet, the dissimilar kinetics of the substrate hydrolysis and of formation of its hydrolysis by-products appear to arise more from diversities in the competition between the enzymes present in plasma and in the role of inhibitors than from the differences in the enkephalin-degrading enzymes. It is suggested that differences observed may be related to the existence of species specific populations of the information-carrying plasma peptides.  相似文献   

Yu X  Zheng Y  Dorgan KM  Chen S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(10):6134-6140
This paper explores the use of the hydrolysate from the dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of wheat straw for microbial oil production. The resulting hydrolysate was composed of pentoses (24.3 g/L) and hexoses (4.9 g/L), along with some other degradation products, such as acetic acid, furfural, and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). Five oleaginous yeast strains, Cryptococcus curvatus, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodosporidium toruloides, Lipomyces starkeyi, and Yarrowia lipolytica, were evaluated by using this hydrolysate as substrates. The results showed that all of these strains could use the detoxified hydrolysate to produce lipids while except R. toruloides non-detoxified hydrolysate could also be used for the growth of all of the selective yeast strains. C. curvatus showed the highest lipid concentrations in medium on both the detoxified (4.2 g/L) and non-detoxified (5.8 g/L) hydrolysates. And the inhibitory effect studies on C. curvatus indicated HMF had insignificant impacts at a concentration of up to 3 g/L while furfural inhibited cell growth and lipid content by 72.0% and 62.0% at 1 g/L, respectively. Our work demonstrates that lipid production is a promising alternative to utilize hemicellulosic sugars obtained during pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials.  相似文献   

Aims: To examine the potential use of hemicellulose hydrolysate (HH) for the production of chitosan by Rhizopus oryzae and investigate the influence of contents in HH on mycelia growth and chitosan synthesis. Methods and Results: Compared to xylose medium, HH enhanced mycelia growth, chitosan content and production of R. oryzae by 10·2, 64·5 and 82·1%, respectively. During sulfuric acid hydrolysis of corn straw, sugars (glucose, galactose, etc) and inhibitors (formic acid, acetic acid and furfural) were generated. Acetic acid (2·14 g l?1) and formic acid (0·83 g l?1) were stimulative, while furfural (0·55 g l?1) was inhibitory. Inhibitors, at different concentrations, increased the mycelia growth and chitosan production by 24·5–37·8 and 60·1–207·1%. Conclusions: HH of corn straw is a good source for chitosan production. Inhibitors in HH, at proper concentrations, can enhance chitosan production greatly. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work for the first time reported chitosan production from HH. Chitosan production can be greatly enhanced by cheap chemicals such as inhibitors in HH.  相似文献   

Heating of batch tubular reactors with fluidized sand baths and with microwaves resulted in distinctive sugar yield profiles from pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover at the same time, temperature, and dilute sulfuric acid concentration combinations and hydrothermal pretreatment conditions. Microwave heated pretreatment led to faster xylan, lignin, and acetyl removal as well as earlier xylan degradation than sand baths, but maximum sugar recoveries were similar. Solid state CP/MAS NMR revealed that microwave heating was more effective in altering cellulose structural features especially in breakdown of amorphous regions of corn stover than sand bath heating. Enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated corn stover was improved by microwave heating compared to sand bath heating. Mechanisms were proposed to explain the differences in results for the two systems and provide new insights into pretreatment that can help advance this technology.  相似文献   

The effect of corn stover pretreatment on glucose quantitation in hydrolysate using Raman spectroscopy is evaluated. Dilute sulfuric-acid pretreatment results in a 20 mg mL−1 glucose limit of detection in hydrolysate. Soaking in aqueous ammonia pretreatment produces a 4 mg mL−1 limit of detection. Water, ethanol or hexane extraction of corn stover reduces the spectral background that limits glucose detection in dilute acid hydrolysate. Additionally, a Raman spectroscopy multi-peak fitting method is presented to simultaneously measure glucose and xylose concentration in hydrolysate. This method yields a 6.1% average relative standard error at total saccharide concentrations above 45 mg mL−1. When only cellulase is present, glucose and xylose yield were measured by Raman spectroscopy to be 32 ± 4 and 7.0 ± 0.8 mg mL−1, respectively. When both cellulase and hemicellulase were present, xylose yield increased to 18.0 ± 0.5 mg mL−1. Enzymatic or colorimetric assays confirmed the validity of the Raman spectroscopy results.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of corn stover in 0.5% sulfuric acid at 160 °C for 40 min realized a maximum monomeric plus oligomeric xylose yield of 93.1% compared to a maximum of only 71.5% for hydrothermal (no added mineral acid) pretreatment at 180 °C for 30 min. To explain differences in dilute acid and hydrothermal yields, a fast reacting xylan fraction (0.0889) was assumed to be able to directly form monomeric xylose while a slow reacting portion (0.9111) must first form oligomers during hydrothermal pretreatment. Two reactions to oligomers were proposed: reversible from fast reacting xylan and irreversible from slow reacting xylan. A kinetic model and its analytical solution simulated xylan removal data well for dilute acid and hydrothermal pretreatment of corn stover. These results suggested that autocatalytic reactions from xylan to furfural in hydrothermal pretreatment were controlled by oligomeric xylose decomposition, while acid-catalytic reactions in dilute acid pretreatment were controlled by monomeric xylose decomposition.  相似文献   

Olive stones are an agro-industrial by-product abundant in the Mediterranean area that is regarded as a potential lignocellulosic feedstock for sugar production. Statistical modeling of dilute-sulphuric acid hydrolysis of olive stones has been performed using a response surface methodology, with treatment temperature and process time as factors, to optimize the hydrolysis conditions aiming to attain maximum d-xylose extraction from hemicelluloses. Thus, solid yield and composition of solid and liquid phases were assessed by empirical modeling. The highest yield of d-xylose was found at a temperature of 195 °C for 5 min. Under these conditions, 89.7% of the total d-xylose was recovered from raw material. The resulting solids from optimal conditions were assayed as substrate for enzymatic hydrolysis, while fermentability of hemicellulosic hydrolysates was tested using the d-xylose-fermenting yeast Pachysolen tannophilus. Both bioprocesses were considerably influenced by enzyme loading and inoculum size. In the enzymatic hydrolysis step, about 56% of cellulose was converted into d-glucose by using an enzyme/solid ratio of 40 FPU g−1, while in the fermentation carried out with a cell concentration of 2 g L−1 a yield of 0.44 g xylitol/g d-xylose and a global volumetric productivity of 0.11 g L−1 h−1 were achieved.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the metabolism of arachidonic acid by the epoxygenase (cytochrome P-450) pathway with the inhibitor ketoconazole results in excessive cell swelling upon exposure to hyposmolality instead of the rapid and complete regulatory volume decrease (RVD) normally observed. NaCl entry from bathing solutions to cell interior was shown to cause this swelling, with Na influx occurring across the basolateral membrane and electrically silent Cl influx across the apical membrane. Ion substitution experiments show that the KCl efflux mediating RVD was unimpaired by ketoconazole, but was overwhelmed by the NaCl influx. Measurements of transepithelial fluid flux, Cl concentration, osmolality and pH showed that gallbladders treated with ketoconazole transiently secreted fluid rather than the normal absorption. We conclude that inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism does not directly affect RVD by Necturus gallbladder, but that blockade of the epoxygenase pathway can have a profound influence on NaCl entry into gallbladder epithelial cells.The authors wish to thank Mr. Goeffrey Habermacher for his able assistance in the early phases of this work.  相似文献   

Several compounds that are formed or released during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass inhibit the fermentation of the hydrolysate. The use of a liquid extractive agent is suggested as a method for removal of these fermentation inhibitors. The method can be applied before or during the fermentation. For a series of alkanes and alcohols, partition coefficients were measured at low concentrations of the inhibiting compounds furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural, vanillin, syringaldehyde, coniferyl aldehyde, acetic acid, as well as for ethanol as the fermentation product. Carbon dioxide production was measured during fermentation in the presence of each organic solvent to indicate its biocompatibility. The feasibility of extractive fermentation of hydrolysate was investigated by ethanolic glucose fermentation in synthetic medium containing several concentrations of furfural and vanillin and in the presence of decanol, oleyl alcohol and oleic acid. Volumetric ethanol productivity with 6 g/L vanillin in the medium increased twofold with 30% volume oleyl alcohol. Decanol showed interesting extractive properties for most fermentation inhibiting compounds, but it is not suitable for in situ application due to its poor biocompatibility. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1354–1360. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Xie R  Tu M  Wu Y  Adhikari S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4938-4942
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and furfural could be separated by the Aminex HPX-87H column chromatography, however, the separation and quantification of acetic acid and levulinic acid in biomass hydrolysate have been difficult with this method. In present study, the HPLC separation of acetic acid and levulinic acid on Aminex HPX-87H column has been investigated by varying column temperature, flow rate, and sulfuric acid content in the mobile phase.The column temperature was found critical in resolving acetic acid and levulinic acid. The resolution for two acids increased dramatically from 0.42 to 1.86 when the column temperature was lowered from 60 to 30 °C. So did the capacity factors for levulinic acid that was increased from 1.20 to 1.44 as the column temperature dropped. The optimum column temperature for the separation was found at 45 °C. Variation in flow rate and sulfuric acid concentration improved not as much as the column temperature did.  相似文献   

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