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Our study monitored the acceptability, shoot phenology and chemical content of karoid woody species over the seasonal cycle. Species favoured by eland as long as they retained leaves, were classified as palatable, while those neglected for part of the seasonal cycle, even though they retained leaves, were classified as unpalatable. Changes in the acceptability of unpalatable species over the seasonal cycle appeared to be related to changes in the proportion of young shoots on plants, as influenced by rainfall and temperature. These species were typically only favoured when they offered relatively high proportions of young shoots. Our study identified total fibre as the most important chemical factor influencing the acceptability of woody species to eland. The shoots of palatable species contained low fibre concentrations, while the shoots of unpalatable species were more variable in fibre content. When favoured, the shoots of unpalatable species typically had similar levels of fibre to palatable species, but when neglected, the shoots of unpalatable species generally had increased fibre levels. Eland have thrived since being introduced into our study area, which is dominated by microphyllous and leptophyllous woody species. We suggest that this is because eland are able to select a diet sufficiently low in fibre content.  相似文献   

Large‐scale environmental changes create challenges for conservation of wildlife, particularly in fenced, insular protected areas where many wildlife populations persist. Moreover, large mammalian herbivores inhabiting spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments face the challenge of securing highly variable forage resources. Mixed feeders like the eland (Taurotragus oryx) can switch between browse and grass, but the cues that elicit that switch are not well understood. We investigated the seasonal diet shift of eland confined to a small fenced reserve and the role of greenness to elicit that shift. Eland changed from a diet in the wet season, consisting of grasses and browse found in woodland and grassland vegetation types, to a diet in the dry season dominated by the greenest browse species still available in woodland vegetation types, as greenness of dry season forage decreased. Our results suggest that eland switch from browsing to grazing in response to phenophase of the grass sward, which could explain the varying selection of grasses versus browse observed across the species range.  相似文献   

The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is a large-bodied, generalist herbivore that eats both browse and grass. The proportions of browse and grass consumed are largely expected to reflect the relative availability of these resources. We investigated variations in browse (C(3) biomass) and grass (C(4)) intake of the African elephant across seasons and habitats by stable carbon isotope analysis of elephant feces collected from Kruger National Park, South Africa. The results reflect a shift in diet from higher C(4) grass intake during wet season months to more C(3) browse-dominated diets in the dry season. Seasonal trends were correlated with changes in rainfall and with nitrogen (%N) content of available grasses, supporting predictions that grass is favored when its availability and nutritional value increase. However, switches to dry season browsing were significantly smaller in woodland and grassland habitats where tree communities are dominated by mopane (Colophospermum mopane), suggesting that grasses were favored here even in the dry season. Regional differences in diet did not reflect differences in grass biomass, tree density, or canopy cover. There was a consistent relationship between %C(4) intake and tree species diversity, implying that extensive browsing is avoided in habitats characterized by low tree species diversity and strong dominance patterns, i.e., mopane-dominated habitats. Although mopane is known to be a preferred species, maintaining dietary diversity appears to be a constraint to elephants, which they can overcome by supplementing their diets with less abundant resources (dry season grass). Such variations in feeding behavior likely influence the degree of impact on plant communities and can therefore provide key information for managing elephants over large, spatially diverse, areas.  相似文献   

(1) Food habits of elephant and giraffe were recorded in short sample periods over several years using the feeding minutes technique. (2) Twelve species of common plants were collected on these occasions, separated into their main parts and analysed chemically. (3) Damage to trees was also recorded at intervals. (4) Fifty-nine species of plant were eaten by elephant. During wet months their diet was predominantly grass but during dry months woody vegetation became more important. Giraffe were observed eating from thirty-nine species of plant which were almost entirely browse throughout the year. At least eighteen of these species were also eaten by elephant. (5) Three of the browse species most important to giraffe were also important to elephant in dry seasons. In the driest month the species eaten by giraffe formed more than two-thirds of the observed diet of elephants. (6) Chemical analyses of plants show that browse leaves had a higher level of protein, fat and minerals than most other plants. (7) The trunk of an elephant and the tongue of a giraffe are highly sensitive organs which permit food selection. Elephant in particular appeared to alter their food habits seasonally and it is suggested that this may be an attempt to obtain a balanced intake of nutrients. (8) Due to the effect of elephant and other agencies there is an accelerating decline in Acacia gerrardii woodlands. Browsing and fire are independently preventing their regeneration. (9) The extensive overlap of food requirements on preferred but diminishing browse resources implies potential if not already existing competition between elephant and giraffe. (See Part III.)  相似文献   

Abstract An unusually high diversity of macropods inhabit the rocky areas in the monsoon tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia, yet the mechanisms that allow their niche separation are not clear. Previous studies suggest that the nabarlek, Petrogale concinna, may have a more grazing diet than the short‐eared rock‐wallaby, Petrogale brachyotis, with whom it coexists. Thus, diet may be an important mechanism of niche separation between these species. We examined the diet of the four sympatric species (the black wallaroo Macropus bernardus, common wallaroo Macropus robustus, P. brachyotis and P. concinna) to determine whether there are differences in the dominant plant groups eaten by the species across the landscape and with season. Diets were determined with a macroscopic analysis of the seed and fruit content of scats and an analysis of the 12C to 13C isotope ratios of scats using mass spectrometry. In the dry season the rock‐wallaby species predominantly consumed browse and/or forbs, and the larger wallaroos predominantly consumed grass. However, there was large variation across the landscape in the dry season diets of P. brachyotis, M. bernardus and M. robustus; including high proportions of grass eaten at some sites and high proportions of browse at other sites. In the wet season, greater proportions of grass were eaten by P. brachyotis and M. bernardus than in the dry season. Generally, there was little evidence to support the previous suggestion that P. concinna is more of a grazer than P. brachyotis, but there was some evidence than M. bernardus consumes greater amounts of browse and/or forbs than M. robustus.  相似文献   

The activities and food selection of four hand-reared kudus were recorded in a large fenced enclosure containing natural savanna vegetation in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, South Africa. Leaves of selected species were analysed chemically for crude protein, fibre constituents, phosphorus, condensed tannin and total polyphenols. Available protein and metabolizable energy were estimated allowing for potential antinutritional effects of tannins.
Leaves of palatable deciduous woody plants and herbaceous forbs formed the main dietary constituents during the late wet season. Foliage from palatable evergreens and robust forbs were added to the diet during the dry season. Towards the end of the dry season unpalatable species of evergreens were eaten. At the start of the growing season new leaves of otherwise unpalatable woody species formed the staple food source, together with fruits of Strychnos spp. Correspondingly, protein and digestible dry matter concentrations in the diet declined to reach a low at the end of the dry season.
Total daily food intake increased to compensate for reduced dietary quality during the dry season, until little edible foliage remained. While the estimated daily intake of protein remained well above maintenance requirements, the estimated metabolizable energy intake fell below requirements during the late dry season. Phosphorus intake may have been submaintenance in the dry season. Nutritional balance was dependent on the availability of particular vegetation components to serve as nutritional stepping stones during crucial times of the year. These included forbs during the late wet season, palatable evergreens in the dry season, and Strychnos fruits plus early-flushing woody plants during the dry season-wet season transition.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in the plant morphological part composition of the dict of Impala in the Sengwa Wildlife Research Area, Rhodesia, was determined by the analysis of rumen content samples from shot animals. The grass species composition of the diet was examined by microscopic identification of grass fragments found in the rumens. The seasonal variation in the dicotyledonous species composition of the diet was studied by direct observation of feeding animals. The protein contents of the rumen contents and faeces were used as measures of diet quality. In the wet season, grass was selected in preference to dicotyledonous plants, and grass leaf was the preferred plant part. In the late wet and early dry seasons, forbs were the principal food. The proportion of woody dicotyledons in the diet was at a maximum in the mid-dry season, when diet quality was at a minimum. Diet quality was directly related to the proportion of grass in the diet. Female Impala had a significantly higher quality diet than males, probably as a result of differential habitat selection.  相似文献   

The succulent thicket of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, is characterized by densely wooded vegetation that is dominated by succulents with little understory of ephemeral and weakly perennial grasses and forbs. Studies have developed around the question: how do bulk grazers such as the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) survive in the succulent thicket? In this study, the diet of the African buffalo at the Great Fish River Reserve (GFRR) was studied in two seasons (wet and dry). The diet profile was assessed from faecal matter, using the micro‐histological analysis method. During the wet season, grass species contributed 72% to the diet while 28% was contributed by browse species. In the dry season there was a significant increase in the intake of browse by 5% (χ2 = 19.94, df = 11, P < 0.05). There were species that were neglected in the wet season but became principal dietary items in the dry season, these included Setaria neglecta, Cymbopogon plurinodis, Capparis sepiaria and Portulacaria afra. Diet quality, as estimated from faecal samples, suggested that the buffalo were nutritionally stable; however, the presence of sarcoptic mange in the buffalo suggests nutritional stress.  相似文献   

1. Aerial and ground counts in the Queen Elizabeth National Park from 1963 to 1969 indicate that the number of elephants has more than doubled. The increase appears to be the result of immigration rather than reproduction. 2. Elephant food habits were studied for 10 months in two areas of the Park. In the short-grass/thicket area, browse intake rose markedly whenever the rainfall fell below 50 mm/month. In the tall-grass area without thicket, herbs were eaten frequently during the rains and Cymbopogon grass bases in the dry season. 3. Food availability had an important influence on the diet of elephants. Sometimes, however, elephant were very selective, e.g. for Panicum maximum, Azima tetracantha, Securinega virosa, and Tribulus terrestris. Certain grass inflorescences were selected during the rains, and bases in the dry season. 4. Most browse was consumed in the thicket area during the dry season and most grass was eaten in the tall-grass area of the Park. 5. Stomach and faecal samples gave a similar result and indicated that the diet in the tall-grass area was comparable to that of elephant in Murchison Falls National Park. 6. Analyses of important plant species showed that, in general, tall-grass had a lower crude protein content than short-grass, herbs and browse. Browse leaves had a relatively high crude-protein content in the dry season. Differences were less marked in the rains. 7. Ether extract, or fat content, was high in browse leaves and in Cymbopogon, in particular its bases. These may have been selected in the dry season for this reason. 8. Grass and browse stems were very fibrous and this may have contributed to their being avoided. 9. High carbohydrate levels probably enhanced the palatability of grass bases and browse leaves. 10. Grasses were very siliceous, in particular their bases when contaminated with soil. Elephant took considerable trouble to remove soil. Browse leaves had little silica but were rich in other minerals, and this may have contributed to their greater palatability. 11. Studies of woodland dynamics show a decline in large trees which corresponds to the increase in elephants. In some cases trees have been almost eliminated. Damage to trees indicates that a most important factor in their decline is the elephant. There is some evidence that the trees are eliminated selectively. 12. In the tall-grass area there has been an increase of 46.3% in elephant numbers, but a decline of 80.3 % in buffalo, over the past 15 years. An overall decline in combined biomass of 36.9 % is calculated. Estimates of energy utilization of the annual vegetation production by elephant and buffalo indicates a decline from 6.1 % to 3.9% over this period.  相似文献   

The distribution and diet of the elephants of the Maputo Elephant Reserve were studied using dung counts, satellite tracking and faecal analysis. The results were compared with earlier data from before the civil war in Mozambique. The elephant population decreased during the civil war, but 180 animals still remain. Earlier studies described the elephants as preferring the grass plains. Currently, the elephants prefer the dense forest patches over the high quality forage found in the grass plains. Water salinity affected distribution; elephant dung piles were found closer to fresh water in the dry season. A total of 95 different plant species were identified in the faeces. The percentage of grass was relatively low compared with other studies, increasing at the beginning of the rainy season. At the end of the dry season, elephants concentrated on the few available browse species with young leaves, but generally preferred grass species to browse species. Diet composition was mainly affected by season and less by habitat. The elephants have changed their habitat preference in reaction to poaching, and probably increased the contribution of browse species in the diet. The presence of forest patches has been vital for the survival of the elephants.  相似文献   

Elephant and impala as intermediate feeders, having a mixed diet of grass and browse, respond to seasonal fluctuations of forage quality by changing their diet composition. We tested the hypotheses that (1) the decrease in forage quality is accompanied by a change in diet from more monocots in the wet season to more dicots in the dry season and that that change is more pronounced and faster in impala than in elephant; (2) mopane (Colophospermum mopane), the most abundant dicot species, is the most important species in the elephant diet in mopane woodland, whereas impala feed relatively less on mopane due to the high condensed tannin concentration; and (3) impala on nutrient-rich soils have a diet consisting of more grass and change later to diet of more browse than impala on nutrient-poor soils. The phosphorus content and in vitro digestibility of monocots decreased and the NDF content increased significantly towards the end of the wet season, whereas in dicots no significant trend could be detected. We argue that this decreasing monocot quality caused elephant and impala to consume more dicots in the dry season. Elephant changed their diet gradually over a 16-week period from 70% to 25% monocots, whereas impala changed diets rapidly (2?C4?weeks) from 95% to 70% monocots. For both elephants and impala, there was a positive correlation between percentage of monocots and dicots in the diet and the in vitro digestibility of these forage items. Mopane was the most important dicot species in the elephant diet and its contribution to the diet increased significantly in the dry season, whereas impala selected other dicot species. On nutrient-rich gabbroic soils, impala ate significantly more monocots than impala from nutrient-poor granitic soils, which was related to the higher in vitro digestibility of the monocots on gabbroic soil. Digestibility of food items appears to be an important determinant of diet change from the wet to the dry season in impala and elephants.  相似文献   

黑斑羚粪便中碳同位素揭示的食性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用稳定碳同位素数据(δ13C)分析了南非克鲁格国家公园混食性黑斑羚(Aepyceros melampus)时间和空间尺度上的食性变化,验证了两个假说,即有蹄类食性变化是由生境中木本植物与草本植物的相对配比导致;降雨控制有蹄类生态。结果表明:黑斑羚的食性涵盖了精食者-粗食者采食谱系,且食性中木本与草本比例在不同月间、季节、年度和区域间存在很大变化。栖息于开放性热带稀树草原和草原中的黑斑羚通常采食比生境中更高比例的草本,但在时间尺度上并不恒定。在克鲁格北部的一个区域(Punda Maria) ,黑斑羚采食的草本比克鲁格国家公园中其它任何区域都多。与其它生境相比,在河边的黑斑羚采食草本数量更少,尤其是在食性空间变化更为明显的旱季。因此,我们的数据不支持有蹄类食性组成变化是由生境中木本与草本比例不同造成的假说,食性与降雨量间也无明显的关系。我们的结果支持草本中蛋白含量增加引起黑斑羚采食比例的增加这一模型。粪便中氮含量在时间和空间上的变化很小,揭示在可利用食物中,无论木本还是草本,黑斑羚进行选择采食以保证最好的食物质量。基于这些结果,我们认为更具体的食物选择和可利用性最适采食理论能够更好地解释这种生态学变化。  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology of 171 plant species belonging to 57 families of angiosperms was studied according to life-forms in four habitat types in a savanna-forest mosaic on the Venezuelan Central Plain. Flowering, unripe fruit, and mature fruit patterns were affected significantly according to life-forms and habitats respectively. Production of flowers, unripe fruits, and mature fruits showed marked seasonality for all habitats except for the forest. Flowering peaked during the rainy season, and fruiting peaked toward the end of the rainy season. The savanna and the disturbed area had similar proportions of species that flowered over the year. The percentage of species with unripe fruits produced throughout the year was more seasonal for the disturbed area than for the other habitats. Mature fruit patterns showed an increase during the late rainy season for the ecotone and savanna. A large number of herbaceous (annual and perennial) and liana species flowered during the wet season, and a smaller fraction flowered during the dry season; and trees, shrubs, and epiphytes increased flowering activity during the dry season. Unripe fruit patterns were similar to those of flowering for all life-forms, however, tree species were less seasonal. Mature fruit production by shrubs peaked in the period of maximum rainfall, while the peak for perennial herbs was in the late rainy season and the peak for annual herbs was during the transition between the rainy season and the dry season. The largest proportion of tree and liana species with ripe fruits occurred during the dry season. Differences among phenological patterns in habitats were caused mainly by life-forms and promote a wider distribution of reproductive events in habitats and overall community in the Venezuelan Central Plain.  相似文献   

Between January and December 2008, we assessed the diet and habitat selection of sitatunga, a highly endangered tropical wetland antelope threatened by habitat loss in Rushebeya‐Kanyabaha wetland. Microhistological faecal analysis and vegetative sampling methods were used to assess plant forms, species and seasonal changes in the sitatunga diet. Habitat use was indirectly determined by assessing feeding patterns, distribution of dung and trails within the wetland. Sitatunga fed mainly on herbs, sedges, grasses and shrubs. A total of 34 plant species were recorded as eaten by sitatunga. The most eaten plant species was Cyperus papyrus L. (22%). Malenthera scandens Schum. & Thonn., Polygonum senegalense Meisu (12%) and Polygonum pulchrum Blume (5%) were the most eaten herbs. Zea mays L. was the most eaten agricultural crop (58% of domestic crops), mainly during the wet season. Sitatunga feeding was mainly concentrated on the wetland edge habitat (46%) where most of its food (53%) was located. The other preferred habitat was the tall closed papyrus. We conclude that the long‐term survival of sitatunga requires a management plan focussing on the conservation of the most preferred plant species and habitats.  相似文献   

Trees that maintain some leaves throughout dry seasons become important ruminant browse depending on nutritive and antinutritive values. Leaves from seven tree species that maintained some leaves during the dry season were collected during dry and wet seasons and analysed for nutritive and antinutritive values. Neutral detergent fibre of leaves was either not different or less (≤ 0.05) during the dry season as compared to the wet season depending on species. Acid detergent fibre was either not different or greater (≤ 0.05) during the dry season as compared to the wet season. Crude protein and condensed tannins (CT) were either not different or less (≤ 0.05) during the dry season than during the wet season for the seven species. The biological activity (protein‐binding ability; PB) of the CT was highly species specific and was either not different between seasons, more bioactive during the wet season, or more bioactive during the dry season depending on the species. Based on combinations of low fibre, high protein and potentially beneficial levels of bioactive CT, Senegalia caffra, Vachellia karoo and Searsia lancea may be the most promising dry‐season browse of the species studied.  相似文献   

The diet and feeding behaviour of the kipunji (Rungwecebus kipunji) was studied over 45 months, the first dietary analysis for this species. During 9498 h of direct observation of 34 kipunji groups, a list of 122 identified foodplants was recorded. The list represents 60 families, including 64 trees, 30 herbs, 9 climbers, 7 shrubs, 6 lianas, 3 grasses and 3 ferns. Kipunji were observed eating bark, young and mature leaves, ripe and unripe fruits, flowers, pith, seed pods, rhizomes, tubers, shoots and stalks. Invertebrates, fungi, moss, lichen, and soil were also eaten. Macaranga capensis var. capensis, an early successional tree, was the most commonly consumed species, with leaves, leaf stalks, pith, flowers and bark all eaten. We demonstrate that the kipunji is an omnivorous dietary generalist, favouring mature and immature leaves, ripe and unripe fruits and bark in similar proportions, with an almost comparable fondness for leaf stalks and flowers. Kipunji appear to be adaptable foragers able to modify their diet seasonally, being more folivorous in the dry season and more frugivorous in the wet. Whereas more ripe fruit is eaten in the wet season, the proportion of unripe fruit remains similar across the year. The proportion of mature leaves and pith increases throughout the dry season at the expense of ripe fruits and bark, and this may compensate nutritionally for the lack of available dry-season ripe fruits. Relatively more pith is eaten in the dry season, more stalks at the end of the dry and beginning of the wet seasons, and bark consumption increases as the rainfall rises.  相似文献   

In the context of a broader ecological investigation, food habits of giraffe were studied in Tsavo National Park (East). The only method employed was direct observation of feeding animals in the field. Each instance in which one animal fed on one individual plant was counted as one food record for this plant species; 4025 records are analysed. A total of sixty-six plant species was found to be eaten, the great majority being trees and shrubs, with a few creepers and vines. There were marked seasonal differences in the diet of giraffe, deciduous trees, shrubs and vines being dominant in the green season, evergreen plants (partly in riverine forest) in the dry season. All the trees and larger shrubs common in the study area were eaten by giraffe, while few records for very small shrubs and none for herbs and grasses were obtained. An analysis of the available vegetation was made in part of the dry-season habitat, and for twenty species the frequency in the habitat was compared with the frequency in the giraffe's diet, revealing selection for or against certain species. Giraffe utilized the upper vegetation layers, where available, but overall c. 50% of all browsing was below 2 m above ground, i.e. within reach of smaller browsers. Results of this study are compared with what is known on food habits of giraffe in other areas. Possible competition of giraffe with other browsers and the relationship between giraffe and their habitat are discussed. Continued survival of giraffe, and other browsers, in Tsavo National Park depends primarily on (1) adequate control of fire, and (2) the impact of future vegetation changes on the amount and variety of available browse plants.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour patterns of European roe deer are well known but not in their southern range, where in contrast to Central and northern Europe the climate is characterised by mild winters, but hot and dry summer months. Spatial and temporal variations of the roe deer diet were investigated by analyses of 597 faecal samples in a coastal area in Italy. The aim was to evaluate the adaptive strategies of dietary intake to seasonal availability of different forage types in areas of fairly natural Mediterranean scrubwood and different areas dominated by agricultural habitats. A wide range of plant taxa (151 species/genera) was used, belonging to eight categories. A gradient was found from a diet dominated by woody plants and fruits in natural habitats to one characterised by cultivated plants in the agricultural areas. Usage of forage categories in areas dominated by woodland was proportional to their availability, whereas diet selection was found in the agricultural habitats, particularly marked in summer, the time at which food quantity and quality decreased due to harvest and drought. As to seasonal variation, the summer and autumn diets included more deciduous browse, whereas the winter diet was characterised by an increasing use of cereals and grass. In most areas, half-woody browse and fruit were preferred; grass and cereals were used less than expected by their availability. Most probably, selective behaviour patterns are linked to the difference of quality between plants together with their variable abundance, which is more evident in agricultural areas than in the woodland.  相似文献   

Harsh habitats dominated by invasive species are difficult to restore. Invasive grasses in arid environments slow succession toward more desired composition, yet grass removal exacerbates high light and temperature, making the use of “nurse plants” an appealing strategy. In this study of degraded subtropical woodlands dominated by alien grasses in Hawai'i, we evaluated whether individuals of two native (Dodonaea viscosa, Leptocophylla tameiameia) and one non‐native (Morella faya) woody species (1) act as natural nodes of recruitment for native woody species and (2) can be used to enhance survivorship of outplanted native woody species. To address these questions, we quantified the presence and persistence of seedlings naturally recruiting beneath adult nurse shrubs and compared survival and growth of experimentally outplanted seedlings of seven native woody species under the nurse species compared to intact and cleared alien‐grass plots. We found that the two native nurse shrubs recruit their own offspring, but do not act as establishment nodes for other species. Morella faya recruited even fewer seedlings than native shrubs. Thus, outplanting will be necessary to increase abundance and diversity of native woody species. Outplant survival was the highest under shrubs compared to away from them with few differences between nurse species. The worst habitat for native seedling survival and growth was within the unmanaged invasive grass matrix. Although the two native nurse species did not differentially affect outplant survival, D. viscosa is the most widespread and easily propagated and is thus more likely to be useful as an initial nurse species. The outplanted species showed variable responses to nurse habitats that we attribute to resource requirements resulting from their typical successional stage and nitrogen fixation capability.  相似文献   

Black rhinoceros diet and browse availability was investigated in Augrabies Falls (AFNP), Karoo (KRNP) and Vaalbos National Parks (VNP) in South Africa. Rhino tracks were followed and 18,804 standard bite volumes recorded. Browse availability of each plant species was recorded by measuring 14,800 plants and calculating reachable browse volume. The diet comprised 51, 53 and 41 plant species in AFNP, KRNP and VNP, respectively, but three species accounted for more than 65% of the diet in each park, making diet less diverse than available browse in AFNP and KRNP. Browse availability explained 14%, 15% and 52% of diet selection in AFNP, KRNP and VNP, with consumption of most plant species significantly different from availability. A few plant species were so highly preferred that browsing intensities were unsustainable, while some common species were totally rejected. Pressure on the eaten browse averaged 4.4%, 14.5% and 1.3% annually of the volume in AFNP, KRNP and VNP. In the dry season, there was a two to sevenfold increase in browsing pressure on species with actively photosynthesizing tissues. A few key species, including Monechma and Zygophyllum species, were identified as potential early warning indicators of black rhino browsing impact.  相似文献   

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