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We previously provided evidence from isotope-exchange measurements under non-equilibrium conditions that hexokinase B from rat muscle follows a compulsory-order mechanism with glucose binding before MgATP, and with both glucose 6-phosphate and MgATP capable of binding allosterically [Gregoriou, M., Trayer, I. P. & Cornish-Bowden, A. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 134, 283-288]. We have now re-examined this work in the light of recent criticisms [Ganson, N. J. & Fromm, H. J. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12099-12105]. There is no difficulty in obtaining valid estimates of initial rates of isotope exchange when the equilibrium constant is unfavourable, if one uses highly radioactive reactants and low enzyme concentrations, as we did in the experiments we reported previously. However, our earlier suggestion that MgADP can be released within the inhibitory pathway, which was made for the sake of consistency with the catalytic pathway rather than because of any compelling experimental evidence, must be revised to avoid predicting that the rate must be zero in the absence of MgADP. Although our mechanism admits the possibility of substrate inhibition by MgATP, calculations show that there is no need for this to be observable under ordinary conditions. Indeed, with plausible values assumed for the kinetic constants one can calculate theoretical behaviour according to our model that closely resembles the experimental inhibition experiments that have been claimed as evidence against it.  相似文献   

A study of the reverse reaction of rat brain hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC has been performed using a photometric method based on a mutarotase-glucose oxidase-peroxidase-chromogen system to trap and visualize glucose, plus a glycerol kinase-glycerol system to trap ATP. Glucose 6-phosphate or 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate were used as phosphoryl donors at different concentrations of ADP. Variation of glucose 6-phosphate concentrations resulted in a biphasic curve from which apparent Km and Ki values of ca. 0.2 mM were calculated. In contrast, variation of 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate concentrations resulted in Michaelian kinetics with an apparent Km of 2 mM. The Km value for MgADP was 16 mM irrespective of the nature and concentration of the hexose 6-phosphate substrate. These results are fully consistent with an allosteric site for glucose 6-phosphate as an explanation for the inhibition of animal hexokinases by glucose 6-P and further indicate that the maximal rate is the parameter affected. From these observations and previous knowledge, the possible occurrence in animal hexokinases of a regulatory site for ATP to account for the competition between glucose 6-phosphate and ATP in the forward reaction is postulated.  相似文献   

Brain hexokinase (HKI) is inhibited potently by its product glucose 6-phosphate (G6P); however, the mechanism of inhibition is unsettled. Two hypotheses have been proposed to account for product inhibition of HKI. In one, G6P binds to the active site (the C-terminal half of HKI) and competes directly with ATP, whereas in the alternative suggestion the inhibitor binds to an allosteric site (the N-terminal half of HKI), which indirectly displaces ATP from the active site. Single mutations within G6P binding pockets, as defined by crystal structures, at either the N- or C-terminal half of HKI have no significant effect on G6P inhibition. On the other hand, the corresponding mutations eliminate product inhibition in a truncated form of HKI, consisting only of the C-terminal half of the enzyme. Only through combined mutations at the active and allosteric sites, using residues for which single mutations had little effect, was product inhibition eliminated in HKI. Evidently, potent inhibition of HKI by G6P can occur from both active and allosteric binding sites. Furthermore, kinetic data reported here, in conjunction with published equilibrium binding data, are consistent with inhibitory sites of comparable affinity linked by a mechanism of negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of glucose 6-phosphate in rat cerebral-cortex slices in vitro was compared with that of glucose. It was found that a glucose 6-phosphate concentration of 25mm was required to achieve maximal oxygen uptake rates and ATP concentrations, whereas only 2mm-glucose was required. 2. When 25mm-[U-(14)C]glucose 6-phosphate was used as substrate, the pattern of labelling of metabolites was found to be quantitatively and qualitatively similar to the pattern found with 10mm-[U-(14)C]glucose, except that incorporation into [(14)C]lactate was decreased, and significant amounts of [(14)C]glucose and [(14)C]mannose phosphate and [(14)C]fructose phosphate were formed. 3. Unlabelled glucose (10mm) caused a tenfold decrease in the incorporation of 25mm-[U-(14)C]glucose 6-phosphate into all metabolites except [(14)C]glucose and [(14)C]mannose phosphate and [(14)C]fructose phosphate. In contrast, unlabelled glucose 6-phosphate (25mm) had no effect on the metabolism of 10mm-[U-(14)C]glucose other than to increase markedly the incorporation into, and amount of, [(14)C]lactate, the specific radioactivity of this compound remaining approximately the same. 4. The effect of glucose 6-phosphate in increasing lactate formation from glucose was found to occur also with a number of other phosphate esters and with inorganic phosphate. Further investigation indicated that the effect was probably due to binding of medium calcium by the phosphate moiety, thereby de-inhibiting glucose uptake. 5. Incubations carried out in a high-phosphate high-potassium medium gave a pattern of metabolism similar to that found when slices were subjected to depolarizing conditions. Tris-buffered medium gave similar results to bicarbonate-buffered saline, except that it allowed much less lactate formation from glucose. 6. Part of the glucose formed from glucose 6-phosphate was extracellular and was produced at a rate of 12mumol/h per g of tissue in Krebs tris medium when glycolysis was blocked. The amount formed was much less when 25mm-P(i) or 26mm-HCO(3) (-) was present, the latter being in the absence of tris. 7. Glucose 6-phosphate also gave rise to an intracellular glucose pool, whereas no intracellular glucose was detectable when glucose was the substrate.  相似文献   

Difference spectroscopic investigations on the interaction of brain hexokinase with glucose and glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) show that the binary complexes E-glucose and E-Glc-6-P give very similar UV difference spectra. However, the spectrum of the ternary E-glucose-Glc-6-P complex differs markedly from the spectra of the binary complexes, but resembles that produced by the E-glucose-Pi complex. Direct binding studies of the interaction of Glc-6-P with brain hexokinase detect only a single high-affinity binding site for Glc-6-P (KD = 2.8 microM). In the ternary E-glucose-Glc-6-P complex, Glc-6-P has a much higher affinity for the enzyme (KD = 0.9 microM) and a single binding site. Ribose 5-phosphate displaces Glc-6-P from E-glucose-Glc-6-P only, but not from E-Glc-6-P complex. It also fails to displace glucose from E-glucose and E-glucose-Glc-6-P complexes. Scatchard plots of the binding of glucose to brain hexokinase reveal only a single binding site but show distinct evidence of positive cooperativity, which is abolished by Glc-6-P and Pi. These ligands, as well as ribose 5-phosphate, substantially increase the binding affinity of glucose for the enzyme. The spectral evidence, as well as the interactive nature of the sites binding glucose and phosphate-bearing ligands, lead us to conclude that an allosteric site for Glc-6-P of physiological relevance occurs on the enzyme only in the presence of glucose, as a common locus where Glc-6-P, Pi, and ribose 5-phosphate bind. In the absence of glucose, Glc-6-P binds to the enzyme at its active site with high affinity. We also discuss the possibility that, in the absence of glucose, Glc-6-P may still bind to the allosteric site, but with very low affinity, as has been observed in studies on the reverse hexokinase reaction.  相似文献   

To examine endogenous factors affecting the development of the massive bronchoconstriction in the postmortem guinea pig lung, 58 anesthetized open-chest animals were divided into three groups: 1) exsanguination only (n = 13), 2) pulmonary perfusion with 5% dextran and 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in Tyrode's solution (Ca2+ perfusate) (n = 21), and 3) pulmonary perfusion with 5% dextran and 1% BSA in saline (Ca2+-free perfusate) (n = 24). These groups were further divided into several subgroups according to treatments: 1) substance P depletion by chronic administration of capsaicin, 2) acute capsaicin treatment to release substance P, 3) dazoxiben treatment to block endogenous synthesis of thromboxane A2, 4) diethylcarbamazine treatment to eliminate leukotriene (LT) synthesis, and 5) FPL 55712 treatment to antagonize actions of LT. Vital capacity from the deflation pressure-volume (PV) curve of the lung was used as the indicator of bronchoconstriction. Most PV curves were performed for 30 min following exsanguination or artificial perfusion. Ca2+-free perfusate enhanced the airway spasm at 5-10 min, but the spasm disappeared gradually after 10 min. Substance P depletion significantly decreased (P less than 0.01) the bronchial constriction at 20-30 min, whereas substance P release induced severe airway spasm (P less than 0.01) during the entire study. In addition, FPL 55712 reduced the bronchospasm (P less than 0.05) in Ca2+ perfusate at 30 min. Thus Ca2+ and several endogenous mediators may be involved with the airway spasm of the postmortem guinea pig lung.  相似文献   

The production of H2O2 by brain mitochondria was monitored employing a new technique based on the horseradish peroxidase dependent oxidation of acetylated ferrocytochrome c. It was shown that brain mitochondria release H2O2 by an intermediate autooxidation at the QH2-cytochrome c oxidoreductase level (induced by antimycin A and inhibited by myxothiazol). With both succinate and pyruvate plus malate this H2O2 release is inhibited at high substrate concentrations. With pyruvate plus malate a second source of H2O2 could be detected, apparently from autoxidation at the NADH dehydrogenase level. With alpha-glycerophosphate some H2O2 derives from autooxidation at the alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. The NADH dehydrogenase dependent, but not the QH2-cytochrome c oxidoreductase dependent H2O2 was significantly stimulated upon depletion of the mitochondrial glutathione.  相似文献   

Using small-angle X-ray scattering from solutions of yeast hexokinase, we have measured the radii of gyration of the monomeric B isozyme and its complexes with sugar substrates. We find that the radius of gyration decreases by 0.95 +/- 0.24 A upon binding glucose and 1.25 +/- 0.28 A upon binding glucose 6-phosphate. This observed reduction in radius of gyration in the presence of glucose is the same as that calculated from the coordinates of the high-resolution crystal structures of native hexokinase B and a glucose complex with hexokinase A. Thus, these measurements suggest that the dramatic closing of the slit between the two lobes of hexokinase observed in the crystal structures (Bennett, W.S., & Steitz, T.A. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 4848--4852) occurs in solution when either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate is bound.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms have been suggested to account for the regulation of brain hexokinase by glucose 6-phosphate. One mechanism places glucose-6-P at an allosteric site, remote from the active site, while the second describes glucose-6-P as a simple product inhibitor of the enzyme, binding at the γ phosphate subsite within the ATP locus of the active site. To distinguish between these possibilities, we have undertaken a study of the back reaction of hexokinase I. Our data indicate that glucose-6-P displays classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with brain hexokinase. This finding is consistent only with the high-affinity glucose-6-P site on the enzyme being the catalytic site. The dissociation constant, estimated from the initial-rate experiments is approximately 25 μm, a value that agrees well with the inhibition constant for glucose-6-P in the forward direction. These findings are consistent with an earlier model (W. R. Ellison, J. D. Lueck and H. J. Fromm, (1975) J. Biol. Chem.250, 1864–1871), which maintains that glucose-6-P inhibition of brain hexokinase is a manifestation of product inhibition. In a recent paper, Lazo et al. (P. A. Lazo, A. Sols, and J. E. Wilson, (1980) J. Biol. Chem.255, 7548–7551) reported data obtained from binding studies with rat brain hexokinase at an elevated (250 μm) level of glucose-6-P. These authors believe that their results indicate multiple binding of glucose-6-P to the enzyme and interpret the data in terms of a high-affinity allosteric site and a low-affinity catalytic site. Our results are at variance with this interpretation and are consistent only with the high-affinity site for glucose-6-P on brain hexokinase being the active site.  相似文献   

Extracellular lactate concentration rises following ischaemic stroke in both the infarcted area and in the surrounding ischaemic penumbra. We investigated the effect of lactate accumulation on glucose metabolism in cortical slices from guinea pigs initially by varying superfusion medium to tissue volumes. Stable intracellular K+ concentrations indicated that a decrease in media/ tissue volume did not impair viability of the tissue, but 13C NMR demonstrated that lactate accumulation in the superfusion medium reduced glucose oxidation with inhibition of glial metabolism via pyruvate carboxylase. The concentration of lactate which had accumulated when significant inhibition was observed was approximately 0.85 mM. In independent experiments we found that superfusion of brain slices with lactate at this concentration (even using a 'high-volume' of superfusion fluid) decreased oxygen consumption by 40 +/- 3%. K(-)-induced depolarisation partially reversed this effect. These results suggest that even low extracellular lactate concentrations may depress metabolic rates in inactive and poorly perfused brain tissue in vivo through inhibition of glial metabolism of glucose.  相似文献   

Summary Published methods for the isolation of cerebral microvessels primarily yield terminal resistance vessels and capillary networks, not the more proximal, subpial penetrating arterioles desired for certain studies. We report a novel method for isolating microvessels from the cerebral cortex of a single guinea-pig brain that yields large arteriolar complexes that are up to 50% intact. Instead of using homogenization to disperse brain parenchyma, we digested cortical fragments with trypsin, gently dispersed the parenchyma mechanically, and recovered microvascular complexes by sieving. Phase-contrast and electron microscopy showed primary (penetrating) arterioles, secondary arterioles, and capillary networks that frequently were in continuity as intact microvascular units. Culture of microvascular cells was carried out by enzymatic dissociation followed by an overnight incubation in a recovery medium at 4°C before plating onto fibronectin-modified surfaces. Viability of isolated cells was demonstrated by good cell attachment and prompt proliferation that resulted in confluent cultures after 10 days. Confluent secondary cultures demonstrated characteristic features of smooth muscle cells, including a hill-and-valley growth pattern and expression of -actin. Less than 1% of cells were endothelial or astrocytic cells by immunocytochemical and morphologic criteria. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated evidence of a synthetic phenotype of smooth muscle cell and absence of a significant number of fibroblasts. This method demonstrates that viable smooth muscle cells from the cerebral parenchymal microvasculature can be isolated in bulk quantities for study in vitro.  相似文献   

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