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L Lake, a reactor cooling reservoir in South Carolina, USA was managed after filling to promote the development of healthy ecological communities similar to those in mature regional cooling reservoirs. Two types of biomanipulation were undertaken to achieve this goal, the introduction of typical southeastern US reservoir fishes (bluegill and largemouth bass) and artificial planting of native aquatic macrophytes. Fish assemblages were monitored by electrofishing from reservoir filling in 1986 until 1998. Multivariate analysis divided the fish samples into five sequential periods resulting from species replacements and additions. Small species that colonized L Lake from a feeder stream predominated in the first period but were mostly eliminated, as bluegill, largemouth bass, and other lentic species increased in the second period. A rapid increase in threadfin shad abundance characterized the third period, and small littoral zone and phytophilous fishes increased during the fourth and fifth periods coincident with the proliferation of aquatic macrophytes. Analysis of Bray-Curtis similarities and the species accumulation rate indicated that the rate of fish community change decreased with time and that fish community structure changed little during the last several years of the study. By the end of the study, community structure was similar to that in a nearby cooling reservoir that supported diverse and resilient biota. Biomanipulation contributed to the rapid establishment of lentic species and later increases in small littoral and phytophilous species suggesting that biomanipulation may be useful in accelerating fish community development in new cooling reservoirs.  相似文献   

亚热带大型水库—新丰江水库的浮游生物群落特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于2000年丰水期和枯水期,调查了新丰江水库的浮游生物群落结构。新丰江水库处于贫营养状态,浮游生物密度和生物量均较低。浮游植物34种,丰水期以蓝、绿藻为主,分别占总数量的31.7%和26.8%,蓝藻、绿藻细胞微小,chl-a量未占优势;枯水期硅藻为优势种群,占63.9%。浮游动物22种,丰水期轮虫为主,占65.3%,枯水期桡足类占81%,丰水期动物密度较高,但丰水期以轮虫如螺形龟甲轮虫为主,枯水期以无节幼体、桡足幼体及广布中剑水蚤居多,因此枯水期生物量高于丰水期。  相似文献   

Diel distribution patterns of fishes in a temperate large lowland river   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
During the day, juveniles and typical inshore species in the lower Oder River, Germany, inhabited the littoral (0·05–1·50 m deep) while potamal species inhabited the mid‐channel (40–100 m from the banks). During the night, two behavioural groups were distinguished: 1) potamal species and large individuals of other species, moved from offshore to the littoral, and 2) nocturnal foraging species, became active and increased in inshore and offshore habitats. Inshore, the most significant differences at night was the increasing density of silver bream Blicca bjoerkna increasing both total biomass and total length of fishes caught. Offshore, the increasing density of whitefin gudgeon Gobio albipinnatus at night was most significant. Additional night electrofishing improved the assessment of the abundance, age and size structure of typical potamal fish species. It should be incorporated in large river fish monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Distribution of fishes on the Cretan shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Information on the abundance of demersal fishes on the shelf of Crete has been collected through a 3-year bottom trawl survey carried out at fixed sampling stations. Cluster analysis identified three major station-groups delimited by the nature of the substrate. Two of the identified substrate zones were situated on the continental shelf while the beginning of the third zone coincided with the start of the continental slope. Discriminant analysis applied to the abiotic variables defined that depth was the most important variable in discriminating between the identified groups. Discriminant analysis also identified that the most important species in discriminating among station-groups were Capros aper (Linnaeus, 1758), Gadicuh argenieus argenteus Guichenot, 1850, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758), Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 and Spicara flexuosa Rafinesque, 18 10. Association analysis revealed few species pairs having significant associations which in most cases seem to be related to the reproductive migration of these species. The results demonstrate that there is a pronounced change with the substrate and by extension with depth in the ichthyofaunal composition of the shelf of Crete. It has also been suggested that there may be a particular relationship between the fish communities of the two zones of the continental shelf.  相似文献   

The relationship between vertical migration, estuarine retention and species-specific patterns of longitudinal distribution of the pelagic larvae of rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax , and tomcod, Microgadus tomcod , was investigated in the upper section of the St Lawrence Middle Estuary. We hypothesized that the species-specific use of the vertical pattern of current exhibited by the two species results in the partitioning of the estuarine habitat in the longitudinal plane while assuring retention. Important differences in the longitudinal distribution of tomcod and smelt larvae were related to the ontogeny of their vertical distribution in the water column. In June, small tomcod and smelt larvae are generally associated with waters of salinities less than 5%o. As the larvae grow, their vertical distribution patterns change, leading to a horizontal separation of the two species. Tomcod juveniles migrate downstream into colder, more saline waters, whereas larger smelt larvae migrate upstream into warmer, tidal fresh waters. Ontogenetic changes in vertical distribution serve to concentrate larvae in specific conditions that may optimize physiological conditions and also permit population persistence.  相似文献   

We examined the impacts of three facultative planktivorous fishes, Congo tilapia (Tilapia rendalli), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), and an obligate planktivorous fish, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on plankton community and water quality of a tropical eutrophic reservoir, Paranoá Reservoir, Brasília, Brazil, conducting both laboratory selective grazing experiments and an enclosure experiment. The first two species inhabit this reservoir and the remaining two are recommended for introduction. The field experiment was performed in ten limnocorrals (2 m3 each) and lasted five weeks. During the enclosure experiment, silver carp suppressed copepod nauplii, cladocerans and rotifers while the presence of tilapia and bluegill were associated with increased rotifers density. The dominant blue-green algae,Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (98% of phytoplankton biomass) was enhanced in the presence of bluegill, tilapia and tambaqui, but reduced in the presence of silver carp. This impact on plankton is in agreement with the results of the laboratory feeding trials. The observed alterations in water quality parameters in fish limnocorrals are discussed in relation to plankton community and eutrophication of this ecosystem. It is suggested that the control of the undesirable algaeC. raciborskii directly by silver carp grazing is a promising management tool.  相似文献   

南海东沙岛及太平岛鱼类种类组成和动物地理学特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就笔者等在南海之东沙岛及太平岛两处海域所调查记录到的珊瑚礁鱼类,连同自1975年以来之文献与数据库的记录作综合整理.结果表明,东沙岛有73科652种,太平岛有56科466种,两岛合计共有76科759种.太平岛所记录的总鱼种数较东沙岛为少,主要原因纯系因太平岛之礁域面积较小,且调查次数甚少之故.根据各鱼种地理分布范围之分析,发现在此二岛所记录到的鱼种几乎全部都是印度-太平洋、印度-西太平洋及西太平洋等广泛分布的鱼种,目前只有黄头刻齿雀鲷(Chrysiptera chrysocephala)1种是只在南海发现之鱼种.由此可推测南海的鱼类相应与周边海域或珊瑚三角的鱼类相充分交流,并未有明显隔离或种化的现象.东沙岛及太平岛鱼类相之Sφrensen相似性系数值虽已达85.69%,但其中仍有240种是只分布在东沙岛及台湾(165种),或太平岛及台湾(75种),而未在另一岛屿发现之鱼种,且其中只在太平岛及东沙岛发现的21种及20种鱼中,大多为稀有种,非常不容易被调查到.故推测目前在此二岛所作的调查频度相当不足,如果调查能更密集更长期,则两岛的鱼相会更相似.  相似文献   

1. Sampling of lake fish assemblages is a challenging task in fish science, and the information obtained strongly depends on the choice of sampling gear. The use of more than one sampling technique is generally preferred in order to achieve a comprehensive view on fish assemblage structure. Therefore, the knowledge of whether catches between fishing gears are comparable is crucial. 2. We compared catches in benthic multi‐mesh gillnets with fish biomass estimates obtained by vertical hydroacoustics in 18 European lakes strongly varying in morphometry and trophic status. Separate analyses were conducted for different depth strata and for several fish length thresholds to account for depth‐ and size‐selective gillnet catches. 3. Gillnet catches and hydroacoustically obtained fish biomass estimates were significantly correlated. The strength of correlations was independent of the fish length thresholds applied, but varied across different depth strata of the lakes, with the strongest correlations occurring in the shallow strata. 4. The results support the applicability of vertical hydroacoustics for the quantification of fish biomass in stratified lakes. Survey designs combining hydroacoustics with limited gillnetting at sampling dates shortly one after the other, the latter for the purpose of inventory sampling only, are a cost‐effective strategy for sampling fish assemblages in lakes. However, gillnet sampling does not provide reliable fish density estimates in very deep lakes with separate, pelagic‐dwelling fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract Coral-reef fishes exhibit a wide range of habitat preferences at settlement. However, the consequences of these preferences to fitness and population dynamics are poorly known. We critically evaluate evidence for these consequences from recent studies of settlement preferences, and note that most studies have concentrated on only a few common taxa. We recommend that this taxonomic base be broadened, and that settlement preferences be incorporated into future studies of the link between larval supply and population dynamics of reef fishes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Distribution patterns and relative abundances were determined for rocky intertidal fishes in central California. Distributions were described relative to a categorization scheme of tidepools based on certain biotic and physical criteria. The fishes displayed a variety of distributions over tidepool categories and showed some segregation within categories.Cottids were the predominant tidepool fishes encountered, withOligocottus snyderi andClinocottus analis comprising 62% of all captures. The cebidichthyidCebidichthys violaceus and the stichaeidAnoplarchus purpurescens were also relatively common and dominated the out-of-water microhabitat.Oligocottus snyderi showed a minor shift in distribution over tidepool categories between seasons, and C. analis showed none, but both species varied substantially in abundance. Temporal changes in abundance of the more common species indicated seasonal trends, but the duration of the census period was insufficient to verify this.It is concluded that while species interactions may have influenced the observed patterns of habitat partitioning, the roles of predation and competition cannot be unambiguously defined. Presently, neither these nor historical factors can be discounted from having significantly influenced the evolution of the intertidal fish community.  相似文献   

Horizontal transport induced by upwelling in a canyon-shaped reservoir   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several processes associated with spatial variations in buoyancy flux and mixing set up local and lake-wide horizontal temperature gradients, that in turn drive slow gravitational currents. These motions can dominate the horizontal transport and re-distribution of biological and chemical material. Here intrusions, indicative of horizontal transport, are identified in field data from a small drinking water reservoir, and the origin and character of the flows investigated using a 3-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic model. It is shown that a horizontal temperature gradient is set up along the surface layer, due to upwelling shifting the metalimnion closer to the surface towards the upwind region, leading to a spatial variation in entrainment. The flows driven by these gradients form significant mass flux paths, enhancing exchange with the boundaries and controlling the fate of upwelled fluid. Further, the interaction of these currents with other hydrodynamic conditions is explored; namely the interaction with surface wind-driven currents, and the influence of different internal seiches generated by alternative lake bathymetries. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   

The rotifers of the recently-commissioned Azibo reservoir were studied during two years. The community was similar to that of other portuguese reservoirs with Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra spp., Asplanchna priodonta and Collotheca pelagica dominant, although densities varied strongly. Maximum rotifer density was 640 ind l–1 in 1987 and 315 ind l–1 in 1988. During the first year two density peaks were observed, while in the second year fluctuations were irregular. Phytoplankton availability was considered the main reason for the fluctuation of rotifer density, although temperature, dissolved oxygen and cladoceran interference may also have played a role. A high density of Anabaena flos-aquae might have facilitated the dominance of K. cochlearis in 1988.  相似文献   

大镜山水库位于广东省珠海市,是一座富营养抽水型中型水库,为了解富营养过程中抽水型水库后生浮游动物群落的种类组成与结构特征,于2006年3~12月在水库敞水区进行每月1次或2次调查.共检到轮虫32种、枝角类4种和桡足类9种.其中,臂尾轮属为轮虫优势属,角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)和剪形臂尾轮虫(B. forficula)为最主要的优势种.长额象鼻溞 (Bosmina longirostris)为枝角类的优势种,中华窄腹剑水蚤(Limnoithona sisnensis)为桡足类第1优势种,温中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops thermcyclopoides)为次优势种.中华窄腹剑水蚤个体较小(成体体长为0.3~0.5mm),对咸水有较强的适应能力,该种是通过河流调水引入大镜山水库.后生浮游动物的个体体重分布范围为0.01~81.92 μg,种类主要分布的个体体重区间为0.08~0.32 μg,在该区间的浮游动物主要为轮虫.浮游动物的丰度与生物量以桡足类占优势,丰度峰值出现在个体体重为0.08~0.16 μg的区间上,并以无节幼体为主;生物量的峰值出现在2.56~5.12 μg的等级上,峰值为46.43 μg/L,主要由桡足类构成.水库中后生浮游动物的丰度和生物量范围分别为21.9~876 ind./L和17.47~1089.73 μg/L,丰水期丰度较高,丰度和生物量的峰值分别出现在5月和9月份.与同地区的其它水体相比,大镜山水库浮游动物种类数低,与水体咸度高和鱼类养殖导致的高强度捕食压力有关.抽水入库量、降雨量是影响后生浮游动物丰度的主要因子,它们明显地削弱了温度的作用;在水温下降的枯水期,鱼类捕食压力下降导致了枝角类丰度的增加.  相似文献   

Local, regional and global influences on the patterns of parasite species richness of 39 freshwater fish species from Central Europe were investigated. Host local abundance and host occurrence were considered respectively as local and regional factors, while host geographical range in longitude and latitude was considered as a global factor. Influences of size, ecology and behavior of hosts were also included in a comparative analysis using the independent contrasts method. We considered host habitat, host diet, host shoaling behavior and mobility. We found a positive relationship between local occurrence of fish and global range of their distribution. We confirmed previous findings showing the importance of host behavior and ecology on the variability of parasite species richness. Second, we showed how a global pattern, such as host geographical range, may affect the variability in parasite species richness through its effects on local abundance and distribution of hosts. A negative relationship between endoparasite species richness and host longitudinal range was found. This suggests that fish with eastern distribution live in the boundary of their distribution in Central Europe far from their center of distribution, which should also be characterized by a higher diversity of parasites.  相似文献   

Variations in the structure and dynamics of a phytoplankton community were determined during two periods in 2001, along five cascading reservoirs of the Iguaçu River, Paraná State (Brazil). The vertical dynamics of the phytoplankton was related to underwater light availability and the water column-mixing regime. Correlations between physical and chemical variables and phytoplankton abundance were evaluated by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). No significant cascading effect throughout the serial reservoirs was obtained. Thus, the main factor affecting the structure of the phytoplankton assemblages of each reservoir was the hydrodynamic pattern. The instability of the water column during the winter favored the development of R-strategist species such as Aulacoseira granulata, Urosolenia longiseta and U. eriensis in most reservoirs. In the period of the highest hydraulic stability and temperature, the greatest contribution to biomass came from Cyanophyceae S-strategists such as Aphanocapsa sp.1, Anabaena planctonica and A. crassa. The phytoplanktonic associations recorded were important indicators of the environmental conditions of these reservoirs.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial patterns of water mites in Lake Maarsseveen I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses the distribution and seasonal changes in numbers of the water mite fauna of Lake Maarsseveen I. Water mites were collected from 1977 until 1986 by dipnet, underwater light trap, hydraulic lift sampler and by frame net. Fifty-two species belonging to the Hydrachnellae and one to the Halacaridae were sampled. The faunal picture obtained is characteristic of mesotrophic to eutrophic lakes.Arrenurus nobilis. Piona paucipora andP. imminuta can be characterised as lake species. The dominant species in the littoral sand flat areHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus, at a depth of 0.5–1 m, andMideopsis orbicularis at depths of 2–7 m.Limnesia maculata is also very common on depths between 2 and 7 m. In early summer, however, they prefer shallow water up to 1 m depth. Some species likeHygrobates nigromaculatus andH. trigonicus were not captured by the underwater light trap. The hydraulic lift sampler gave underestimations of the densisty of certain speciese.g. Hygrobates spp. andLimnesia maculata. Unionicola spp. even can avoid this sampler. Sampling by frame net gave the most realistic data. The highest number of water mites was observed in the littoral sand flat, generally up to 1000 ind. m−2. The genusHygrobates was represented with an average of 800 adult ind. m−2 throughout the year, and appeared to be the main invertebrate predator in this habitat.  相似文献   

This study examined the fish communities of Peri Lagoon in southern Brazil to aid in the development of an effective management plan because the area is under threat from human activities. Sampling of fish fauna, ichthyoplankton and limnological data were compared between sites, differing by habitat type and characteristics such as depth, substratum composition and vegetation type. Results were significantly related to site, with the highest diversity and abundance recorded at shallow vegetated sites. A total of 14 fish species were recorded throughout the lagoon, with the most abundant being Hyphessobrycon luetkenii. Of the 14 species, half were sampled at their larval stage, suggesting a healthy and protected system. Significantly more larvae and eggs were collected during colder months (autumn to winter) and at sites closer to stream flow, possibly owing to increased food sources and habitat protection. This study highlights the importance of Peri Lagoon as a nursery ground for a wide range of fish species, providing essential information for incorporation into the future protection of fish stocks throughout Brazil.  相似文献   

Two short-term (4–5 week) sets of enclosure experiments were conducted during winter periods (1982, 1983) in Americana Reservoir near Sao Paulo to test effects of fish predation reducing grazing pressure by large cladoceran zooplankton (mainlyDaphnia gessneri) on phytoplankton density, cell size distribution, biomass, species composition and richness. Two enclosures were stocked with the zooplanktivorous characin fishAstyanax whereas two others remained fishless during each set of experiments. Within two weeks or less, phytoplankton cell density and biomass were significantly reduced in the fishless enclosures, particularly in the small cell size (< 15 µm) fraction. Changes also occurred in species composition and richness. These shifts generally were maintained or intensified during the course of the experiments.  相似文献   

A standard method comprising multi-mesh monofilament nylon gillnets and depth stratification, the Drottningholm method, was employed in test fishing of a small Zambian reservoir (32 ha) on eight occasions over 1 year. The catch per unit effort (cpue) from the 0–3 and 3–6 m zone was timated with benthic and pelagic nets, while in the 6–12 m zone only benthic nets were used. Results include species caught and cpue with coefficients of variation and confidence intervals, for net types and depth zones. A total of 11 species were caught, of which Burbus paludinosus , B. marequensis , Laheo cylindricus , and Oreochromis sp. dominated. Coefficients of variation did not indicate a preferable season for test fishing. During the cold season some species were not caught. The applicability of the method in estimation of species composition and cpue is discussed.  相似文献   

与水驱技术相比,向油藏中注入碱、表面活性剂和聚合物(简称三元复合驱,ASP)能大幅提高石油采收率,但这些驱油剂对油藏中微生物多样性与群落结构的影响尚亟待阐明,这对油田水质管理与腐蚀控制均具有的重要意义. 本研究采用高通量测序技术解析了大庆油田ASP油藏4口油井采出水中的微生物多样性与群落结构. 结果表明: ASP油藏采出水的pH高达9.65. 采出水中微生物Shannon多样性指数为2.00~3.56,采出井间菌群多样性存在差异. 在门、纲、属分类水平上,变形菌门(85.5%~98.3%)、γ-变形菌纲(83.7%~97.8%)、栖碱菌属(51.8%~82.5%)是绝对优势菌群. 共检测到12个属的潜在硫化氢产生菌,以硫磺单胞菌属丰度最高(0.4%~7.4%). 与已发表的水驱油藏研究结果相比,三元复合驱油藏采出水微生物群落组成独特,呈嗜/耐碱趋势,其多样性偏低,群落结构更单一.  相似文献   

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