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The classical receptive field in the primary visual cortex have been successfully explained by sparse activation of relatively independent units, whose tuning properties reflect the statistical dependencies in the natural environment. Robust surround modulation, emerging from stimulation beyond the classical receptive field, has been associated with increase of lifetime sparseness in the V1, but the system-wide modulation of response strength have currently no theoretical explanation. We measured fMRI responses from human visual cortex and quantified the contextual modulation with a decorrelation coefficient (d), derived from a subtractive normalization model. All active cortical areas demonstrated local non-linear summation of responses, which were in line with hypothesis of global decorrelation of voxels responses. In addition, we found sensitivity to surrounding stimulus structure across the ventral stream, and large-scale sensitivity to the number of simultaneous objects. Response sparseness across voxel population increased consistently with larger stimuli. These data suggest that contextual modulation for a stimulus event reflect optimization of the code and perhaps increase in energy efficiency throughout the ventral stream hierarchy. Our model provides a novel prediction that average suppression of response amplitude for simultaneous stimuli across the cortical network is a monotonic function of similarity of response strengths in the network when the stimuli are presented alone.  相似文献   

Drifting gratings can modulate the activity of visual neurons at the temporal frequency of the stimulus. In order to characterize the temporal frequency modulation in the cat’s ascending tectofugal visual system, we recorded the activity of single neurons in the superior colliculus, the suprageniculate nucleus, and the anterior ectosylvian cortex during visual stimulation with drifting sine-wave gratings. In response to such stimuli, neurons in each structure showed an increase in firing rate and/or oscillatory modulated firing at the temporal frequency of the stimulus (phase sensitivity). To obtain a more complete characterization of the neural responses in spatiotemporal frequency domain, we analyzed the mean firing rate and the strength of the oscillatory modulations measured by the standardized Fourier component of the response at the temporal frequency of the stimulus. We show that the spatiotemporal stimulus parameters that elicit maximal oscillations often differ from those that elicit a maximal discharge rate. Furthermore, the temporal modulation and discharge-rate spectral receptive fields often do not overlap, suggesting that the detection range for visual stimuli provided jointly by modulated and unmodulated response components is larger than the range provided by a one response component.  相似文献   

The sparse coding hypothesis has enjoyed much success in predicting response properties of simple cells in primary visual cortex (V1) based solely on the statistics of natural scenes. In typical sparse coding models, model neuron activities and receptive fields are optimized to accurately represent input stimuli using the least amount of neural activity. As these networks develop to represent a given class of stimulus, the receptive fields are refined so that they capture the most important stimulus features. Intuitively, this is expected to result in sparser network activity over time. Recent experiments, however, show that stimulus-evoked activity in ferret V1 becomes less sparse during development, presenting an apparent challenge to the sparse coding hypothesis. Here we demonstrate that some sparse coding models, such as those employing homeostatic mechanisms on neural firing rates, can exhibit decreasing sparseness during learning, while still achieving good agreement with mature V1 receptive field shapes and a reasonably sparse mature network state. We conclude that observed developmental trends do not rule out sparseness as a principle of neural coding per se: a mature network can perform sparse coding even if sparseness decreases somewhat during development. To make comparisons between model and physiological receptive fields, we introduce a new nonparametric method for comparing receptive field shapes using image registration techniques.  相似文献   

Huang X  Albright TD  Stoner GR 《Neuron》2007,53(5):761-770
Visual motion perception relies on two opposing operations: integration and segmentation. Integration overcomes motion ambiguity in the visual image by spatial pooling of motion signals, whereas segmentation identifies differences between adjacent moving objects. For visual motion area MT, previous investigations have reported that stimuli in the receptive field surround, which do not elicit a response when presented alone, can nevertheless modulate responses to stimuli in the receptive field center. The directional tuning of this "surround modulation" has been found to be mainly antagonistic and hence consistent with segmentation. Here, we report that surround modulation in area MT can be either antagonistic or integrative depending upon the visual stimulus. Both types of modulation were delayed relative to response onset. Our results suggest that the dominance of antagonistic modulation in previous MT studies was due to stimulus choice and that segmentation and integration are achieved, in part, via adaptive surround modulation.  相似文献   

ON-center and OFF-center receptive fields of cat retinal ganglion cells can be divided into two categories: sensitive (type N) and insensitive (type L) to three statistical temporal visual stimuli with different second order statistics but identical first order statistics (Tsukada et al. 1982). The temporal pattern sensitivity of type N response is closely related to the nonlinear stage of Y cells depending on the interaction between center and surround mechanism. The temporal pattern sensitivity of type N responses has a spatial profile within the receptive field; it is highly sensitive in the center region of the receptive field and less sensitive toward the field periphery. The temporal pattern sensitivity in the center region of the receptive field to statistical properties (irregular or regular) of a surrounding flash annulus shows modulation like a switching element: when the surrounding area is stimulated by a more regular flash stimulus with normal distribution of inter-stimulus intervals the system is sensitive (switching on) to the temporal pattern, while a change to an irregular one with an exponential distribution makes it insensitive (switching off) to the temporal pattern.  相似文献   

Neural responses to visual stimuli are strongest in the classical receptive field, but they are also modulated by stimuli in a much wider region. In the primary visual cortex, physiological data and models suggest that such contextual modulation is mediated by recurrent interactions between cortical areas. Outside the primary visual cortex, imaging data has shown qualitatively similar interactions. However, whether the mechanisms underlying these effects are similar in different areas has remained unclear. Here, we found that the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal spreads over considerable cortical distances in the primary visual cortex, further than the classical receptive field. This indicates that the synaptic activity induced by a given stimulus occurs in a surprisingly extensive network. Correspondingly, we found suppressive and facilitative interactions far from the maximum retinotopic response. Next, we characterized the relationship between contextual modulation and correlation between two spatial activation patterns. Regardless of the functional area or retinotopic eccentricity, higher correlation between the center and surround response patterns was associated with stronger suppressive interaction. In individual voxels, suppressive interaction was predominant when the center and surround stimuli produced BOLD signals with the same sign. Facilitative interaction dominated in the voxels with opposite BOLD signal signs. Our data was in unison with recently published cortical decorrelation model, and was validated against alternative models, separately in different eccentricities and functional areas. Our study provides evidence that spatial interactions among neural populations involve decorrelation of macroscopic neural activation patterns, and suggests that the basic design of the cerebral cortex houses a robust decorrelation mechanism for afferent synaptic input.  相似文献   

Simple cells in primary visual cortex were famously found to respond to low-level image components such as edges. Sparse coding and independent component analysis (ICA) emerged as the standard computational models for simple cell coding because they linked their receptive fields to the statistics of visual stimuli. However, a salient feature of image statistics, occlusions of image components, is not considered by these models. Here we ask if occlusions have an effect on the predicted shapes of simple cell receptive fields. We use a comparative approach to answer this question and investigate two models for simple cells: a standard linear model and an occlusive model. For both models we simultaneously estimate optimal receptive fields, sparsity and stimulus noise. The two models are identical except for their component superposition assumption. We find the image encoding and receptive fields predicted by the models to differ significantly. While both models predict many Gabor-like fields, the occlusive model predicts a much sparser encoding and high percentages of ‘globular’ receptive fields. This relatively new center-surround type of simple cell response is observed since reverse correlation is used in experimental studies. While high percentages of ‘globular’ fields can be obtained using specific choices of sparsity and overcompleteness in linear sparse coding, no or only low proportions are reported in the vast majority of studies on linear models (including all ICA models). Likewise, for the here investigated linear model and optimal sparsity, only low proportions of ‘globular’ fields are observed. In comparison, the occlusive model robustly infers high proportions and can match the experimentally observed high proportions of ‘globular’ fields well. Our computational study, therefore, suggests that ‘globular’ fields may be evidence for an optimal encoding of visual occlusions in primary visual cortex.  相似文献   

Visual neurons have spatial receptive fields that encode the positions of objects relative to the fovea. Because foveate animals execute frequent saccadic eye movements, this position information is constantly changing, even though the visual world is generally stationary. Interestingly, visual receptive fields in many brain regions have been found to exhibit changes in strength, size, or position around the time of each saccade, and these changes have often been suggested to be involved in the maintenance of perceptual stability. Crucial to the circuitry underlying perisaccadic changes in visual receptive fields is the superior colliculus (SC), a brainstem structure responsible for integrating visual and oculomotor signals. In this work we have studied the time-course of receptive field changes in the SC. We find that the distribution of the latencies of SC responses to stimuli placed outside the fixation receptive field is bimodal: The first mode is comprised of early responses that are temporally locked to the onset of the visual probe stimulus and stronger for probes placed closer to the classical receptive field. We suggest that such responses are therefore consistent with a perisaccadic rescaling, or enhancement, of weak visual responses within a fixed spatial receptive field. The second mode is more similar to the remapping that has been reported in the cortex, as responses are time-locked to saccade onset and stronger for stimuli placed in the postsaccadic receptive field location. We suggest that these two temporal phases of spatial updating may represent different sources of input to the SC.  相似文献   

Alonso JM 《Neuron》2005,46(6):842-844
Scientists usually study the receptive fields of visual cortical neurons by measuring responses to "optimal stimuli." In this issue of Neuron, Rust and colleagues have taken a promising alternative approach: build a receptive field model based on the cell responses to a stimulus subset and then use the model to predict responses to other stimuli.  相似文献   

The Local Field Potential (LFP) is the analog signal recorded from a microelectrode inserted into cortex, typically in the frequency band of approximately 1 to 200 Hz. Here visual stimuli were flashed on in the receptive fields of primary visual cortical neurons in awake behaving macaques, and both isolated single units (neurons) and the LFP signal were recorded from the same unipolar microelectrode. The fall-off of single unit activity as a visual stimulus was moved from near the center to near the edge of the receptive field paralleled the fall-off of the stimulus-locked (evoked) LFP response. This suggests that the evoked LFP strongly reflects local neuronal activity. However, the evoked LFP could be significant even when the visual stimulus was completely outside the receptive field and the single unit response had fallen to zero, although this phenomenon was variable. Some of the non-local components of the LFP may be related to the slow distributed, or non-retinotopic, LFP signal previously observed in anesthetized animals. The induced (not time-locked to stimulus onset) component of the LFP showed significant increases only for stimuli within the receptive field of the single units. While the LFP primarily reflects local neuronal activity, it can also reflect neuronal activity at more distant sites, although these non-local components are typically more variable, slower, and weaker than the local components.  相似文献   

A central goal in sensory neuroscience is to understand the neuronal signal processing involved in the encoding of natural stimuli. A critical step towards this goal is the development of successful computational encoding models. For ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina, the development of satisfactory models for responses to natural visual scenes is an ongoing challenge. Standard models typically apply linear integration of visual stimuli over space, yet many ganglion cells are known to show nonlinear spatial integration, in particular when stimulated with contrast-reversing gratings. We here study the influence of spatial nonlinearities in the encoding of natural images by ganglion cells, using multielectrode-array recordings from isolated salamander and mouse retinas. We assess how responses to natural images depend on first- and second-order statistics of spatial patterns inside the receptive field. This leads us to a simple extension of current standard ganglion cell models. We show that taking not only the weighted average of light intensity inside the receptive field into account but also its variance over space can partly account for nonlinear integration and substantially improve response predictions of responses to novel images. For salamander ganglion cells, we find that response predictions for cell classes with large receptive fields profit most from including spatial contrast information. Finally, we demonstrate how this model framework can be used to assess the spatial scale of nonlinear integration. Our results underscore that nonlinear spatial stimulus integration translates to stimulation with natural images. Furthermore, the introduced model framework provides a simple, yet powerful extension of standard models and may serve as a benchmark for the development of more detailed models of the nonlinear structure of receptive fields.  相似文献   

In the auditory system, the stimulus-response properties of single neurons are often described in terms of the spectrotemporal receptive field (STRF), a linear kernel relating the spectrogram of the sound stimulus to the instantaneous firing rate of the neuron. Several algorithms have been used to estimate STRFs from responses to natural stimuli; these algorithms differ in their functional models, cost functions, and regularization methods. Here, we characterize the stimulus-response function of auditory neurons using a generalized linear model (GLM). In this model, each cell's input is described by: 1) a stimulus filter (STRF); and 2) a post-spike filter, which captures dependencies on the neuron's spiking history. The output of the model is given by a series of spike trains rather than instantaneous firing rate, allowing the prediction of spike train responses to novel stimuli. We fit the model by maximum penalized likelihood to the spiking activity of zebra finch auditory midbrain neurons in response to conspecific vocalizations (songs) and modulation limited (ml) noise. We compare this model to normalized reverse correlation (NRC), the traditional method for STRF estimation, in terms of predictive power and the basic tuning properties of the estimated STRFs. We find that a GLM with a sparse prior predicts novel responses to both stimulus classes significantly better than NRC. Importantly, we find that STRFs from the two models derived from the same responses can differ substantially and that GLM STRFs are more consistent between stimulus classes than NRC STRFs. These results suggest that a GLM with a sparse prior provides a more accurate characterization of spectrotemporal tuning than does the NRC method when responses to complex sounds are studied in these neurons.  相似文献   

In the tectum opticum of the adult neotenic A. mexicanum, responses of single neuronal units to diffuse illumination and moving visual stimuli have been investigated. Of 111 unites investigated, 27 are presented by tectal neurons, their maximum distribution being observed at a depth of 500-600 mu. In superficial layers 9 ipsi-elements were found; their receptive fields are located in the antero-dorsal part of the visual field, at both sides of the body axis. Among the units identified as the terminals of visual fibers, 70% have receptive fields of 5-10 degrees, being localized in general more close to the surface as compared to the units with the receptive field diameter of 40 and more degrees (11%). Visual neurons and ganglionic retinal cells with axons terminating in the tectum, exhibit poor specificity to the size of a stimulus within 5-30 degrees and do not react to stimuli of 2 degrees.  相似文献   

We review the evidence of long-range contextual modulation in V1. Populations of neurons in V1 are activated by a wide variety of stimuli outside of their classical receptive fields (RF), well beyond their surround region. These effects generally involve extra-RF features with an orientation component. The population mapping of orientation preferences to the upper layers of V1 is well understood, as far as the classical RF properties are concerned, and involves organization into pinwheel-like structures. We introduce a novel hypothesis regarding the organization of V1’s contextual response. We show that RF and extra-RF orientation preferences are mapped in related ways. Orientation pinwheels are the foci of both types of features. The mapping of contextual features onto the orientation pinwheel has a form that recapitulates the organization of the visual field: an iso-orientation patch within the pinwheel also responds to extra-RF stimuli of the same orientation. We hypothesize that the same form of mapping applies to other stimulus properties that are mapped out in V1, such as colour and contrast selectivity. A specific consequence is that fovea-like properties will be mapped in a systematic way to orientation pinwheels. We review the evidence that cytochrome oxidase blobs comprise the foci of this contextual remapping for colour and low contrasts. Neurodynamics and motion in the visual field are argued to play an important role in the shaping and maintenance of this type of mapping in V1.  相似文献   

Lesica NA  Jin J  Weng C  Yeh CI  Butts DA  Stanley GB  Alonso JM 《Neuron》2007,55(3):479-491
In this study, we characterize the adaptation of neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus to changes in stimulus contrast and correlations. By comparing responses to high- and low-contrast natural scene movie and white noise stimuli, we show that an increase in contrast or correlations results in receptive fields with faster temporal dynamics and stronger antagonistic surrounds, as well as decreases in gain and selectivity. We also observe contrast- and correlation-induced changes in the reliability and sparseness of neural responses. We find that reliability is determined primarily by processing in the receptive field (the effective contrast of the stimulus), while sparseness is determined by the interactions between several functional properties. These results reveal a number of adaptive phenomena and suggest that adaptation to stimulus contrast and correlations may play an important role in visual coding in a dynamic natural environment.  相似文献   

The distribution of 70 visually sensitive neurons in the cat pulvinar sensitive to motion in the receptive fields was studied. The experimental results showed that components with directional characteristics are present in the structure of these fields of both direction-selective and unselective neurons. In the receptive fields of direction-selective neurons the directional elements of the substructure have identical preferred directions, which coincide with the preferred directions of response to stimulus movement over the entire receptive field. The organization of receptive fields of direction-selective neurons of the visual association structure thus does not differ significantly from that of analogous fields of visual projection neurons. Directional elements of the receptive fields of direction-unselective neurons were found to have different preferred directions, thereby providing a basis for organization of the nondirectional response of the neuron to a stimulus moving across the entire receptive field.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 339–346, July–August, 1982.  相似文献   

A technique is described and tested for mapping the sensitivities and preferred directions of motion at different locations within the receptive fields of direction-selective motion-detecting visual neurons. The procedure is to record the responses to a number of visual stimuli, each stimulus presentation consisting of a set of short, randomly-oriented, moving bars arranged in a square grid. Each bar moves perpendicularly to its long axis. The vector describing the sensitivity and preferred direction of motion at each grid location is obtained as a sum of the unit vectors defining the directions of motion of the bars in each of the stimuli at that location, weighted by the strengths of the corresponding responses. The resulting vector field specifies the optimum flow field for the neuron. The advantage of this technique over the conventional approach of probing the receptive field sequentially at each grid location is that the parallel nature of the stimulus is sensitive to nonlinear interactions (such as shunting inhibition for mutual facilitation) between different regions of the visual field. The technique is used to determine accurately the motion receptive fields of direction-selective motion detecting neurons in the optic lobes of insects. It is potentially applicable to motion-sensitive neurons with highly structured receptive fields, such as those in the optic tectum of the pigeon or in area MST of the monkey.  相似文献   

The responses to visual stimuli of simple cortical cells show linear spatial summation within and between their receptive field subunits. Complex cortical cells do not show this linearity. We analyzed the simulated responses to drifting sinusoidal grating stimuli of simple and of several types of complex cells. The complex cells, whose responses are seen to be half-wave rectified before pooling, have receptive fields consisting of two or more DOG (difference-of-Gaussians) shaped subunits. In both cases of stimulation by contrast-reversal gratings or drifting gratings, the cells' response as a function of spatial frequency is affected by the subunit distances 2 and the stimulation frequency . Furthermore, an increased number of subunits (a larger receptive field) yields a narrower peak tuning curve with decreased modulation depth for many of the spatial frequencies. The average and the peak response tuning curves are compared for the different receptive field types.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that attention to a stimulus can enhance the responses of individual cortical sensory neurons, little is known about how attention accomplishes this change in response. Here, we propose that attention-based changes in neuronal responses depend on the same response normalization mechanism that adjusts sensory responses whenever multiple stimuli are present. We have implemented a model of attention that assumes that attention works only through this normalization mechanism, and show that it can replicate key effects of attention. The model successfully explains how attention changes the gain of responses to individual stimuli and also why modulation by attention is more robust and not a simple gain change when multiple stimuli are present inside a neuron''s receptive field. Additionally, the model accounts well for physiological data that measure separately attentional modulation and sensory normalization of the responses of individual neurons in area MT in visual cortex. The proposal that attention works through a normalization mechanism sheds new light a broad range of observations on how attention alters the representation of sensory information in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Ito M  Gilbert CD 《Neuron》1999,22(3):593-604
The response properties of cells in the primary visual cortex (V1) were measured while the animals directed their attention either to the position of the neuron's receptive field (RF), to a position away from the RF (focal attention), or to four locations in the visual field (distributed attention). Over the population, varying attentional state had no significant effect on the response to an isolated stimulus within the RF but had a large influence on the facilitatory effects of contextual lines. We propose that the attentional modulation of contextual effects represents a gating of long range horizontal connections within area V1 by feedback connections to V1 and that this gating provides a mechanism for shaping responses under attention to stimulus configuration.  相似文献   

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