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云南省小兽体表革螨名录初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1994年至2004年在云南省境内共调查了25个县(市),共捕获53种啮齿目、食虫目、攀口目、兔形目和翼手目小兽10803只,从其体表分检出革螨68572只,隶属10科26属80种,其中云南新记录种12种;结合相关文献记载,到目前为止,整个云南省小兽体表革螨共有10科33属112种。  相似文献   

中国云南洱海周边小兽体表革螨多样性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文鸽  郭宪国  门兴元  钱体军  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1177-1186
云南大理洱海周边是我国流行性出血热的流行地区之一。本文目的是运用Shannon-Wiener、系统聚类分析方法(SPSS 13.0软件)和Levins'niche等对该区3 303只小兽体表寄生革螨的物种多样性、群落结构、相似性、分布和生态位进行研究。选择的洱海周边三个不同方位恰好处于东部无量山、南部哀老山和西部苍山,由于洱海的天然隔离使这三个方位形成了同地域异生境的地理景观。在调查点共捕获小兽宿主3 303只属4目(啮齿目、食虫目、攀鼩目和食肉目)7科15属21种,收集到的小兽体表寄生虫革螨23 196只被鉴定为6科16属43种。研究结果表明革螨群落结构复杂,物种多样性高。在不同方位革螨和它们相对应宿主的分布是不均匀的,但是洱海周边不同方位同样优势小兽上寄生的优势革螨种是一致的。结果暗示:生境影响着革螨和它们相对应小兽的物种构成和分布,如果小兽宿主的分类地位和生境相似,那么相对应的小兽宿主上的革螨群落就相似; 不同方位小兽体表寄生虫革螨的丰富度和物种多样性主要由宿主本身和宿主所栖息的生境决定;这可能是小兽和革螨之间协同进化在生态学上的一个佐证。但通过使用革螨的生态位宽度分析,革螨的宿主特异性很低,这又可能暗示着小兽和革螨之间有协同进化,但协同进化程度不高。  相似文献   

云南西部不同生境区域革螨群落的模糊聚类分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郭宪国  叶炳辉 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):352-355
云南西部10个不同生境区域小兽体表革螨群落经用模糊聚类分析,归并为4种群落类型:华南区室内生境型、华南区室外农耕地生境型、西南区室内生境型及西南区室外农耕地生境型。研究表明,生境的不同或在动物地理上位置的不同导致了革螨群落的差异。  相似文献   

黄丽琴  郭宪国  吴滇  王乔花 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1328-1337
寄生在小兽体表的革螨可能是传播肾综合征出血热和立克次体痘等人兽共患病的媒介。本文报道了云南省28个县(市)小兽体表革螨的野外调查结果, 运用物种数、平均丰富度和Shannon多样性指数对小兽寄生革螨的群落特征和沿环境梯度的空间分布进行了研究, 并用系统聚类分析法 (SPSS 16.0软件)对18种主要小兽的革螨群落相似性进行了比较。在云南省28个县(市)共捕获到小兽14 544头, 隶属于5目(啮齿目、食虫目、攀鼩目、兔形目、食肉目)10科35属67种, 在捕获的小兽体表采集到革螨80 791头, 经鉴定属于10科33属112种。结果分析表明: 主要的宿主动物为黄胸鼠 Rattus tanezumi、齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri和大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus;纳氏厉螨Laelaps nuttalli、毒厉螨L. echidninus和贵州厉螨L. guizhouensis为革螨的优势种。齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri、社鼠N. confucianus和黄胸鼠R. tanezumi体表寄生的革螨种类最多;臭鼩鼱Suncus murinus、齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri和灰麝鼩Crocidura attenuata的革螨群落多样性最高。聚类分析结果表明, 大部分革螨群落的相似程度与相应小兽的亲缘关系及所处生态环境的相似性是基本一致的, 分类地位和生境选择相似的小兽, 它们的革螨群落也被聚为一类。革螨物种数沿纬度梯度的水平分布呈现两个峰值, 最大峰值出现在25°~26°N之间;沿海拔梯度的垂直分布呈单峰分布格局, 峰值在海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。革螨和小兽的多样性沿纬度梯度和海拔梯度的空间分布趋势也均表现出随着纬度和海拔的升高而先升高后降低的单峰型分布格局, 峰值分别出现在北纬25°~27°N和海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。结果提示云南革螨群落种类丰富, 多样性高。云南革螨物种数和多样性的分布格局可能直接受到古北和东洋两区系边缘效应的影响。  相似文献   

董文鸽  郭宪国  门兴元  钱体军  吴滇 《昆虫学报》2008,51(12):1279-1288
本文运用Shannon_Wiener,系统聚类分析方法(SPSS 13.0软件)和Levins'niche等对云南大理洱海周边3 303头小兽体表寄生恙螨的物种多样性、群落结构、相似性、分布和生态位进行研究。调查点位于我国11大鼠疫自然疫源地之一,此地也是我国恙虫病和流行性出血热的流行地区。选择的洱海周边3个不同方位恰好处于东部无量山、南部哀老山和西部苍山,由于洱海的天然隔离使这3个方位形成了同地域(经度、纬度、海拔和动物地理区划相同)异生境的地理景观。从洱海的3个方位共计诱捕小兽3 303头,分类鉴定为4目,7科,15属,21种。从小兽体表共计检获56 895头恙螨,分类鉴定为3亚科,13属,109种。恙螨的丰富度、分布和物种多样性随着宿主和生境的不同而存在着显著的差异。恙螨只有幼虫寄生,强烈受到环境(温度、降雨量和生境)的影响。恙螨的宿主特异性很低,恙螨的群落相似性大小与宿主小兽之间的近缘性高低呈现较低的关联度。结果提示,大部分的宿主小兽和恙螨之间协同进化程度不高; 恙螨的这些特征从流行病学的角度来看,恙螨作为医学媒介生物在宿主之间传播疾病的潜能较大。  相似文献   

在检视大量革螨标本中,发现异形标本4种9例。异形包括骨板变形和刚毛变位两种情况,现分别记述如下,供革螨分类鉴定和形态学研究时参考。1 毒厉螨 Laelaps echidninus Berlese,1887 检视标本1608■■,发现异形4■■。1971年2-10月采于吉林省前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县,寄主为褐家鼠 Rattus noruegicus(Berkenhout)。 标本1:胸板后缘明显凹陷,后凸的骨片消失(图1-2),该处构造与正常标本不同。肛板花纹如图1,后部有一圆锥形构造,向后突出,PA位于其后…  相似文献   

青海省血革螨属一新种:蜱螨亚纲:血革螨科   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对采自喜马拉雅旱獭洞的血革螨属一新种-玉树血革螨Haemogamasusyushuensissp.nov.的形态特征进行了详细描述。并与近似种湟中血革螨HaemogamasushuangztongensisYangetGu进行了比较。  相似文献   

血革螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:血革螨亚科)   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文记述采自云南下关市大绒鼠体上的血革螨属一新种,多齿血革螨Haemogamasus multidentis sp.nov.。模式标本保存在南京大学医学院寄生虫学教研室。  相似文献   

An investigation of gamasid mites on the body surface of small mammals was carried out in Yunnan Province of China from 1990 to 2004. The small mammal hosts were captured from 25 counties which represent five geographical subregions, namely Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Southern Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Eastern Plateau Subregion of Yunnan, Western Plateau Subregion of Yunnan and Southern Moun- tainous Subregion of Yunnan. The captured 10 803 small mammal hosts belong to nine families, 29 genera and 52 species in four orders (Rodentia, Insectivora, Scandentia and Lagomorpha). A total of 68 571 gamasid mites were collected from the body surface of the captured small mammal hosts and all the gamasid mites were identified to 10 families, 33 genera and 112 species. This paper lists all the mite species, together with their taxonomic position (genera and families) and their corresponding hosts. Much more mite species were found in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains than in other geographical subregions. The total individuals of mites and small mammals in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains are also the most plentiful in the five geographical subregions. Three dominant mite species and three dominant small mammal hosts were determined as the dominant species in the investigated areas of Yunnan Province. The dominant hosts are Rattus flavipectus (which accounts for 34.85% of the total individuals), Apodemus chevrieri (13.43%) and Rattus norvegicus (10.40%) while the dominant gamasid mite species are Laelaps nuttalli (Hirst, 1915) (27.84%), Laelaps echidninus (Berlese, 1887) (18.38%) and Laelaps guizhouensis (Gu et Wang, 1981) (14.79%). The results showed the high species diversity of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province and the uneven distribution feature in different subregions.  相似文献   

云南医学革螨数值分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗礼溥  郭宪国 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):172-177
以云南省57种医学革螨作为分类单元,以形态特征为主列出60项分类性状特征来探讨云南省医学革螨不同属和种的亲缘关系。运用SPSS 11.5 统计软件中的系统聚类分析和主成分分析,对57种医学革螨进行了数值分类分析。结果显示:57种医学革螨划分为厉螨科(La elapidae)、寄螨科(Parasitidae)、皮刺螨科(Dermanyssidae)、赫刺螨科(Hirstionyssidae)和裂胸螨科(Aceosejidae)5个类群。赫刺螨属和棘刺螨属从厉螨科中分离出来另立为赫刺螨科,柏氏禽刺螨归入了皮刺螨科而不是巨刺螨科。分类结果与传统形态分类结果基本一致,因而认为数值分类能比较客观地反映医学革螨各分类阶元的分类地位与亲缘关系。  相似文献   

1. This study tested the relationships between the probability of pairwise species co-occurrence and pairwise dissimilarity in their traits in infracommunities (across assemblages harboured by conspecific individual hosts within a locality), component communities (across assemblages harboured by host species within a locality), and compound communities (across assemblages in different localities) of fleas and gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in Western Siberia. 2. A significant, albeit weak, tendency was found for flea communities harboured by conspecific host individuals, host species, and host communities to be composed of similar species. No relationship between the probability of co-occurrence and trait dissimilarity was detected for mite communities at any hierarchical scale. 3. For fleas, this study explained the link between positive co-occurrence and trait dissimilarity by a process resembling environmental filtering realised mainly via host traits for infracommunities and component communities and via off-host environment for compound communities, thus suggesting that the identical shape of the relationships between co-occurrence and trait dissimilarity at different scales was driven by different mechanisms. 4. The explanation of the lack of this relationship in mites included: (i) the paucity of the subset of mite traits used in this study and its potential inadequacy for the question at hand; and (ii) possible masking of the effect induced by one trait on co-occurrence owing to the lack of this effect induced by another trait(s). 5. Caution is recommended regarding the compilation of a dataset involving multiple traits, its analysis, and the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

The paper reports data on host-parasite relationships in gamasid mites of the genus Hirstionyssus Fonseca and small mammals in the south of the West Siberian Plain.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of the mite, Parasitus niveus, are rod-shaped cells possessing a very elongated and zig-zag shaped nucleus. The cytoplasm is filled by so-called “striated bodies” and mitochondria. The plasmalemma forms five complicated structures, called stiff bands. In the peripheral cytoplasm lie flattened canaliculi and flattened cisternae. The morphology of the spermatozoa is compared with that of other mite spermatozoa described in the literature.  相似文献   

云南省锡金小鼠体表革螨感染分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解云南省锡金小鼠(Mus pahari)体表革螨的感染情况及分布规律,本研究基于1990至2015年云南省39个县(市)的调查数据,统计分析锡金小鼠体表革螨的基本感染情况和感染差异.使用聚块指数测定革螨空间分布型,用Jaccard指数计算革螨物种相似性.从捕获的720只锡金小鼠体表共采集到革螨14 098只,鉴定为...  相似文献   

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