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不同水分条件下玉米株高和穗位高的QTL分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
干旱是影响玉米产量的重要因素.在干旱条件下,玉米株高和穗位高往往受到影响,因此是研究耐旱性的重要指标.本研究利用A188×91黄15的F2∶3家系,进行株高和穗位高的数量性状位点(QTL)分析.结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,分别各有10个QTL与株高和穗位高有关;在水分充足条件下,则检测到各有6个QTL与株高和穗位高有关.各QTL解释的表型变异在7.3%~53.9%之间.位于第8染色体上的QTL个数占总QTL近50%,LOD值均大于4.6,推测该染色体存在控制玉米株高和穗位高QTL的重要区域.本研究在bnlg1812标记附近检测到在水分胁迫下同时控制株高和穗位高的QTL,解释的表型变异在20%以上,该QTL是值得进一步研究和利用的位点.  相似文献   

玉米抗南方锈病基因的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为发掘新的抗南方锈病基因资源,本研究以感病自交系黄早四为母本、抗病自交系W456为父本,构建F2群体并开展抗病基因定位研究。采用人工接种鉴定的方法对两个亲本、F1、F2群体及对照材料进行表型鉴定和遗传分析。利用均匀覆盖10条染色体的200个SSR标记,分析240个F2单株的基因型并构建含有200个SSR位点的遗传连锁图,连锁图总长度3331 cM,标记间平均距离16.6 cM。使用QTL IciMapping V4.1软件中的完备区间作图法对抗病QTL进行分析,共检测到6个控制南方锈病的QTL:qSCR3、qSCR7、qSCR8-1、qSCR8-2、qSCR9和qSCR10,邻近标记分别为umc2105和umc1729、umc1066和bnlg2271、umc1904和umc1984、umc1984和bnlg1651、umc1957和bnlg1401、umc2034和umc1291,分别位于3、7、8、9和10号染色体上,其中8号染色体上有两个位点,标记区间长度在5~19 cM之间。单个QTL的表型贡献率在2.61%~24.19%之间,可以解释表型总变异的62.3%,其中3个QTL贡献率大于10%,位于10号染色体上的qSCR10贡献率最大,可解释表型变异的24.19%。通过对目标区间标记加密,将该位点的定位区间进一步缩小到2.51 cM内,与两侧标记的距离分别是2.15 cM和0.36 cM。初步定位得到10号染色体上存在抗南方锈病的主效QTL,可为抗病品种的培育提供参考。  相似文献   

玉米株高和穗位高遗传基础的QTL剖析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
兰进好  褚栋 《遗传》2005,27(6):925-934
利用玉米强优势组合(Mo17×黄早四)自交衍生的191个F2单株构建了由SSR和AFLP标记组成的分子连锁图谱.F2进一步自交产生的184个F2:3家系用于调查株高和穗位高的表型值.采用基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法和相应的作图软件QTLmapper/V2.0,分别定位了7个株高和6个穗位高QTL;检测到18对控制株高和13对控制穗位高的上位性效应位点;同时发现了与环境存在显著互作的6个株高和8个穗位高单位点标记区域以及4对株高和4对穗位高上位性效应区域.分析了各种遗传因素在株高和穗位高遗传基础中的相对作用大小,指出了加性、显性和上位性是玉米株高和穗位高的重要遗传基础.并对所定位的QTL的真实性、株高和穗位高的关系以及研究结果对分子育种的启示予以讨论.  相似文献   

玉米叶绿素含量的QTL定位   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
王爱玉  张春庆 《遗传》2008,30(8):1083-1091
为了探讨玉米叶绿素含量的遗传规律, 以A150-3-2×Mo17杂交组配的189个F2单株作为作图群体, 构建了具有112个标记位点的玉米分子遗传图谱, 于喇叭口期和开花期分别进行了玉米叶绿素a含量(chla), 叶绿素b含量(chlb), 其他叶绿素含量(chlc)和叶绿素总含量(chlz)4个性状的测定, 并进行QTL分析。在喇叭口期和开花期共检测到32个QTL, 分布在除第6和10染色体以外的其他染色体上。在喇叭口期检测到24个QTL, 分布于第1、2、3、5、7、8和9染色体上, 叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量各检测到6个QTL, 在同一区间内检测到的4个性状的QTL之间的距离在0~2 cM之间。喇叭口期检测到控制叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量的4个主效QTL位于第5染色体上的umc1098~bnlg557区间, 分别可解释表型变异的11.63%、10.3%、10.77%和11.51%。开花期检测到8个QTL, 分布于第4和5染色体上。其中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量各2个QTL。标记umc1098和bnlg557之间同时存在控制喇叭口期4个叶绿素含量性状的QTL和开花期控制叶绿素a和叶绿素b的QTL。标记umc2308和bnlg386之间只存在控制开花期4个叶绿素含量性状的QTL。  相似文献   

株高和穗位高是玉米重要育种性状,直接影响植株的养分利用效率及抗倒伏性,进而影响玉米产量。玉米株高和穗位高属于典型数量性状,目前通过数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci mapping,QTL)定位和全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS)等方法已挖掘到较多相关遗传位点,通过QTL精细定位及利用突变体克隆了一些调控株高和穗位高关键基因。但是由于各研究组所利用的群体类型和大小、标记类型和密度以及统计方法不同,所鉴定QTL差异较大,单个研究难以揭示玉米株高和穗位高遗传结构。早期QTL定位的结果多以遗传距离来展示,不同时期GWAS研究所使用参考基因组版本不同,这进一步增加了借鉴和利用前人研究结果的难度。首次将目前已鉴定株高和穗位高遗传定位信息统一锚定至玉米自交系B73参考基因组V4版本,构建了株高和穗位高性状定位的一致性图谱,并鉴定出可被多个独立研究定位的热点区间。进一步对已克隆玉米株高和穗位高调控基因进行总结与分类,揭示株高和穗位高性状调控机制,对深度解析株高和穗位高遗传结构、指导基因克隆和利用分子标记辅助选择优化玉米株高和穗位高性状均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用测序水稻品种"Nipponbare(粳)/广陆矮4号(籼)"杂交F2群体90个单株为作图群体,构建含148个SSR标记的水稻遗传连锁图谱,覆盖基因组全长1737.81cM,标记间平均距11.90cM。利用该图谱及Excel2000和Mapmaker/QTL1.1b软件对分蘖数、穗数、穗长、主穗长、株高、剑叶长等六个农艺性状间的相互关系和基因位点进行分析,结果在LOD>2.2和P<0.005的条件下共检测到28个QTLs,它们分布在水稻所有染色体上,单个QTL对性状的分子贡献率11.1%-42.9%,其中大于20%有10个,并对选用已测序材料为亲本构建图谱来探讨水稻农艺性状的分子基础及其育种意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

玉米SSR连锁图谱构建及叶面积的QTL定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘建超  褚群  蔡红光  米国华  陈范骏 《遗传》2010,32(6):625-631
叶片是玉米进行光合作用的主要器官,叶面积的大小(尤其是穗三叶面积)对于玉米干物质的积累及产量形成起着至关重要的作用。研究玉米叶面积的遗传基础对于指导玉米高产育种具有理论意义。文章以两个叶面积差异显著的亲本478×武312为基础材料所构建的218个F8代的重组自交系为作图群体,构建了一张包含184个SSR标记的遗传连锁图谱,图谱总长度为2084.1cM,平均图距为11.3cM。通过两年的田间试验对玉米叶面积(穗三叶)进行了QTL定位分析。两年共定位到7个和叶面积相关的QTL位点,2006年定位到4个QTL位点;2007年定位到3个QTL位点。在第2染色体umc1542-umc1518标记区间发现一个主效QTL位点,该位点可以在两年同时检测到,两年分别解释12.5%和17.3%的表型变异。该位点能稳定地检测到且具有较大的贡献率,可能会在玉米叶面积分子标记辅助选择上有所应用。  相似文献   

拔节期与抽穗期玉米抗纹枯病相关QTL的初步定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以玉米自交系R15(抗)×478(感)的F_2分离群体为作图群体,构建了包含146个SSR标记位点的遗传连锁图谱,覆盖玉米基因组1666 cM,平均图距11.4 cM。通过麦粒嵌入法对229个F_(2:4)家系进行人工接种纹枯病菌,于玉米拔节期和抽穗期进行纹枯病的抗性鉴定。应用复合区间作图法分析两个时期的抗病QTL及遗传效应。结果共检测到17个抗性QTL,其中以拔节期病情指数为指标共检测到9个QTL,分别位于第1、2、3、4、5、6、和10染色体上,可解释的表型变异为3.72%-9.26%;以抽穗期的病情指数为指标共在7条染色体上检测到10个抗玉米纹枯病的QTL,分布于第2、3、4、5、6、8和9染色体上。单个QTL可解释的表型变异为4.27%-9.27%。两个时期共检测出2个共同QTL,它们分别位于第2染色体的bnlgl662-bnlg1940区间和第6染色体的umc1006-umc1723区间。定位结果表明两个时期检测出的抗性QTL的差异表达与玉米不同发育时期基因的时空表达有密切关系,从而反映在纹枯病的抗性位点差异性上.这为玉米抗病选育提供新的信息。  相似文献   

玉米雄穗颜色QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雄穗是玉米的重要生殖器官,不同品种间玉米的雄穗外观差异明显。对玉米雄穗的颜色进行遗传分析和QTL定位,筛选与雄穗颜色紧密连锁的分子标记,可以作为玉米的品种保护和品种鉴别的有用工具。同时,紫色雄穗中花色苷类色素含量较高,与玉米雄穗的抗虫性密切相关。本研究利用一个黑玉米自交系SDM为共同父本,分别与白玉米自交系木6和黄玉米自交系Mo17杂交,构建2个相关F2∶3群体,分别命名为MuS(木6×SDM)和MoS(Mo17×SDM),在云南和重庆两个不同的环境中种植,对玉米花药颜色(COAn)和花药护颖颜色(COCa)2个性状进行QTL定位。结果表明:玉米花药和花药护颖的颜色均为数量性状,受主效基因和微效基因共同控制。2个群体在2个环境中共检测到7个与花药颜色相关的QTL,位于第2、3、6和10染色体上,其中位于第10染色体标记区间umc1196a-IDP8526内的QTL在重庆和云南同时表达,对表型的贡献率分别为23.17%和19.98%;2个群体在2个环境中共检测到9个与花药护颖颜色相关的QTL,位于第3、6、9和10染色体上,其中3个QTL为环境钝感QTL(在2个环境中均表达,且至少在1个环境中贡献率大于10%),分别位于第6染色体标记区间umc1979-umc1796、mmc0523-umc2006内和第10染色体标记区间umc1196a-umc2043内,对表型的贡献率为10.69%~59.30%。2个群体检测到的主效QTL的位置和效应高度一致,且控制花药颜色和花药护颖颜色2个性状的主效QTL有连锁分布的现象,主要表现在bins 6.04处的标记mmc0523和bins 10.04处的标记IDP8526附近。位于第6和第10染色体上的在不同环境和遗传背景下稳定的QTL可以作为进一步精细定位的靶位点,也可以为玉米雄穗颜色的分子标记辅助选择提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

用微卫星标记定位太空诱变玉米核不育基因   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用姊妹交多代的太空诱变玉米雄性不育材料RP3195(A)×S37(自交系)的两个不同果穗的F2代群体作为育性调查和基因定位群体,这两个果穗的F2代群体分别为138株和247株。用326对微卫星引物进行差异筛选,其中有56对引物出现多态性,然后用56对引物对F2代群体进行分析,结果表明引物bnlg197和umc1012与不育基因连锁,其中在F2代群体的不同果穗中引物bnlg197与不育基因之间的遗传距离分别为7cM和14.5cM,标记umc1012在F2代群体(138株)中与不育基因之间的遗传距离为28.5cM,据此将该核不育基因定位在3L染色体上。  相似文献   

We constructed a framework map using SSR markers in the F2 population derived from a cross between a waxy corn inbred line and a sweet corn inbred line. We constructed a genetic linkage map of the F2:3 population employing 295 SSR markers on 158 F2 individuals produced from the cross. The map comprised a total genomic length of 2,626.5 cM in 10 linkage groups and an average distance between markers of 8.9 cM. The number of loci per linkage group ranged from 27 (chr. 5) to 34 (chr. 7). The genetic distance per linkage group ranged from 213.6 cM (chr. 10) to 360.6 cM (chr. 2). Χ 2 tests revealed that 254 markers (86.1 %) distributed over all 10 chromosomes exhibited a Mendelian segregation ratio of 1:2:1. A total of 14 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for days to silking (DTS), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), ear height ratio (ER), ear length (L-ear), and setted ear length (L-sear) were found in the 158 F2 progeny. They were mapped to chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10. Among them, one QTL was associated with DTS, three with PH, six with EH, one with ER, two with L-ear, and one QTL was related to L-sear. In our study, we found that four QTLs: qDTS1, qEH1a, qEH1b, and qPH1, were clustered between umc2390 and umc1603 on chromosome 1. These new QTLs identified by the present study could serve as useful molecular markers in selecting for yield and agronomic traits in maize. The results of this study may improve the identification and characterization of genes responsible for yield and agronomic traits in waxy corn and sweet corn.  相似文献   

QTL mapping analysis of plant height and ear height of maize (Zea mays L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang ZM  Zhao MJ  Ding HP  Rong TZ  Pan GT 《Genetika》2006,42(3):391-396
Genetic map containing 103 microsatellite loci obtained on 200 F2 plants derived from the cross R15 x 478 was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in maize. QTL were characterized in a population of 200 F2:4 lines, derived from selfing the F2 plants, and were evaluated with two replications in two environments. QTL determinations were made from the mean of these two environments. Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) were measured. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) method, a total of 14 distinct QTLs were identified: nine for PH and five for EH. Additive, partial dominance, dominance, and overdominance actions existed among all detected QTL affecting plant height and ear height. The QTL explained 78.27% of the phenotypic variance of PH and 41.50% of EH. The 14 QTLs displayed mostly dominance or partial dominance gene action and mapped to chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9.  相似文献   

Fusarium ear rot is a prevalent disease in maize, reducing grain yields and quality. Resistance breeding is an efficient way to minimize losses caused by the disease. In this study, 187 lines from a RIL population along with the resistant (87-1) and susceptible (Zong 3) parents were planted in Zhengzhou and Beijing with three replications in years 2004 and 2006. Each line was artificially inoculated using the nail-punch method. Significant genotypic variation in response to Fusarium ear rot was detected in both years. Based on a genetic map containing 246 polymorphic SSR markers with average genetic distances of 9.1 cM, the ear-rot resistance QTL were firstly analyzed by composite interval mapping (CIM). Three QTL were detected in both Zhengzhou and Beijing in 2004; and three and four QTL, respectively, were identified in 2006. The resistant parent contributed all resistance QTL. By using composite interval mapping and a mixed model (MCIM), significant epistatic effects on Fusarium ear rot as well as interactions between mapped loci and environments were observed across environments. Two QTL on chromosome 3 (3.04 bin) were consistently identified across all environments by the two methods. The major resistant QTL with the largest effect was flanked by markers umc1025 and umc1742 on chromosome 3 (3.04 bin), explaining 13–22% of the phenotypic variation. The SSR markers closely flanking the major resistance QTL will facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS) of resistance to Fusarium ear rot in maize breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic map containing 103 microsatellite loci obtained on 200 F2 plants derived from the cross R15 × 478 was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in maize. QTLs were characterized in a population of 200 F2:4 lines, derived from selfing the F2 plants, and were evaluated with two replications in two environments. QTL determinations were made from the mean of these two environments. Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) were measured. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) method, a total of 14 distinct QTLs were identified: nine for PH and five for EH. Additive, partial dominance, dominance, and overdominance actions existed among all detected QTLs affecting plant height and ear height. The QTLs explained 78.27% of the phenotypic variance of PH and 41.50% of EH. The 14 QTLs displayed mostly dominance or partial dominance gene action and mapped to chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

利用2套具有共同亲本黄早四且分别含有230个及235个家系的F2:3群体,结合2年多点的表型鉴定,运用完备复合区间作图方法对不同生态环境下(2007-北京、2008-北京、2007-河南、2008-河南、2007-新疆以及2008-新疆)的玉米雄穗分枝数和雄穗重进行QTL定位。同时,利用基于混合线性模型的QTLNetwork-2.0软件进行基因×环境互作及上位性分析。6个环境下2个群体共检测到51个与雄穗分枝数和雄穗重相关的QTL(Q/H群体32个,Y/H群体19个),其中包括7个主效QTL,并在Q/H群体中确定了2个重要的QTL,即位于7.01bin的Qqtpbn7-1和位于7.02bin的Qqtw7-2。对比2个群体的定位结果,共挖掘到3个在不同遗传背景下的"一致性"QTL,这些在不同环境及不同遗传背景下能够稳定存在的QTL可为玉米雄穗相关性状的生产应用以及精细定位提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

A previous genetic map containing 117 microsatellite loci and 400 F(2) plants was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in tropical maize. QTL were characterized in a population of 400 F(2:3) lines, derived from selfing the F(2) plants, and were evaluated with two replications in five environments. QTL determinations were made from the mean of these five environments. Grain yield (GY), plant height (PH), ear height (EH) and grain moisture (GM) were measured. Variance components for genotypes (G), environments (E) and GxE interaction were highly significant for all traits. Heritability was 0.69 for GY, 0.66 for PH, 0.67 for EH and 0.23 for GM. Using composite interval mapping (CIM), a total of 13 distinct QTLs were identified: four for GY, four for PH and five for EH. No QTL was detected for GM. The QTL explained 32.73 % of the phenotypic variance of GY, 24.76 % of PH and 20.91 % of EH. The 13 QTLs displayed mostly partial dominance or overdominance gene action and mapped to chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9. Most QTL alleles conferring high values for the traits came from line L-14-4B. Mapping analysis identified genomic regions associated with two or more traits in a manner that was consistent with correlation among traits, supporting either pleiotropy or tight linkage among QTL. The low number of QTLs found, can be due to the great variation that exists among tropical environments.  相似文献   

控制玉米雄穗分枝数目和雄穗重的主效QTL的定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2套具有共同亲本黄早四且分别含有230个及235个家系的F2:3群体, 结合2年多点的表型鉴定, 运用完备复合区间作图方法对不同生态环境下(2007-北京、2008-北京、2007-河南、2008-河南、2007-新疆以及2008-新疆)的玉米雄穗分枝数和雄穗重进行QTL定位。同时, 利用基于混合线性模型的QTLNetwork-2.0软件进行基因×环境互作及上位性分析。6个环境下2个群体共检测到51个与雄穗分枝数和雄穗重相关的QTL(Q/H群体32个, Y/H群体19个), 其中包括7个主效QTL, 并在Q/H群体中确定了2个重要的QTL, 即位于7.01bin的Qqtpbn7-1和位于7.02bin的Qqtw7-2。对比2个群体的定位结果, 共挖掘到3个在不同遗传背景下的“一致性”QTL, 这些在不同环境及不同遗传背景下能够稳定存在的QTL可为玉米雄穗相关性状的生产应用以及精细定位提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) are important traits in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding. Previous research has indicated that these traits are influenced by quantitative trait loci (QTL). However, previous studies attempting to identify the genetic bases of PH and EH have ignored the possibility that cytoplasmic effects and cytonuclear interactions may influence these traits. The objectives of this study were to identify the cytonuclear epistatic QTL and to evaluate the contributions of cytoplasm and QTL × cytoplasm interactions to phenotypic variation of PH and EH. A reciprocal mating design was conducted to generate F2 mapping populations comprising 120 F2 plants from the direct cross (JB × Y53) and 120 F2 plants from the reciprocal cross (Y53 × JB). F2:3 mapping populations were further generated with 91 direct F2:3 families and 120 reciprocal F2:3 families (ten plants per family). The PH and EH of the above F2 and F2:3 mapping populations were evaluated in the same field at the same experimental station in 2007 and 2008. A genetic linkage map with 154 microsatellite markers was constructed, which covered 1,735.0 cM of the maize genome with an average marker spacing of 11.3 cM. A joint-analysis method incorporating the cytonuclear interaction mapping approach was proposed and performed to detect cytonuclear interacting QTL affecting PH and EH. We identified six cytonuclear epistatic QTL affecting PH and five affecting EH. The average phenotypic variance explained by the genetic components of the QTL × cytoplasm interaction for each QTL was 18 % for PH and 9 % for EH. In addition, we observed cytoplasmic effects contributing substantially to phenotypic variance, reaching 9 and 40 % of the phenotypic contributions to PH and EH, respectively.  相似文献   

Low temperature is the primary factor to affect maize sowing in early spring. It is, therefore, vital for maize breeding programs to improve tolerance to low temperatures at seed germination stage. However, little is known about maize QTL involved in low-temperature germination ability. 243 lines of the intermated B73×Mo17 (IBM) Syn4 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was used for QTL analysis of low-temperature germination ability. There were significant differences in germination-related traits under both conditions of low temperature (12°C/16h, 18°C/8h) and optimum temperature (28°C/24h) between the parental lines. Only three QTL were identified for controlling optimum-temperature germination rate. Six QTL controlling low-temperature germination rate were detected on chromosome 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, and contribution rate of single QTL explained between 3.39%~11.29%. In addition, six QTL controlling low-temperature primary root length were detected in chromosome 4, 5, 6, and 9, and the contribution rate of single QTL explained between 3.96%~8.41%. Four pairs of QTL were located at the same chromosome position and together controlled germination rate and primary root length under low temperature condition. The nearest markers apart from the corresponding QTL (only 0.01 cM) were umc1303 (265.1 cM) on chromosome 4, umc1 (246.4 cM) on chromosome 5, umc62 (459.1 cM) on chromosome 6, bnl14.28a (477.4 cM) on chromosome 9, respectively. A total of 3155 candidate genes were extracted from nine separate intervals based on the Maize Genetics and Genomics Database (http://www.maizegdb.org). Five candidate genes were selected for analysis as candidates putatively affecting seed germination and seedling growth at low temperature. The results provided a basis for further fine mapping, molecular marker assisted breeding and functional study of cold-tolerance at the stage of seed germination in maize.  相似文献   

A major limiting factor for high productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) in dense planting is light penetration through the canopy. Plant architecture with a narrower leaf angle (LA) and an optimum leaf orientation value (LOV) is desirable to increase light capture for photosynthesis and production per unit area. However, the genetic control of the plant architecture traits remains poorly understood in maize. In this study, QTL for LA, LOV, and related traits were mapped using a set of 229 F2:3 families derived from the cross between compact and expanded inbred lines, evaluated in three environments. Twenty-five QTL were detected in total. Three of the QTL explained 37.4% and five of the QTL explained 53.9% of the phenotypic variance for LA and LOV, respectively. Two key genome regions controlling leaf angle and leaf orientation were identified. qLA1 and qLOV1 at nearest marker umc2226 on chromosome 1.02 accounted for 20.4 and 23.2% of the phenotypic variance, respectively; qLA5 and qLOV5 at nearest bnlg1287 on chromosome 5 accounted for 9.7 and 9.8% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. These QTL could provide useful information for marker-assisted selection in improving performance of plant architecture with regard to leaf angle and orientation.  相似文献   

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