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Acetylcholine applied ionophoretically to chick skeletal muscle cells grown in tissue culture produces membrane current fluctuations. Cells treated with vinblastine are transformed to a roughly spherical shape. Such transformed cells can be voltage-clamped with microelectrodes. The frequency spectrum of the current fluctuations at fixed voltage obeys a relation of the Lorentz form. From analysis of the current noise, the conductance of a single ionic channel is estimated to be 39 pmho at a temperature of 28 degrees C, and increases with increasing temperature, exhibiting a Q10 of 1.7. The relaxation time for the channel conductance is more sharply temperature dependent, showing a Q10 of approximately 5. These results are in agreement with the picture of acetylcholine-activated ionic channels determined from experiments on frog end plate (Anderson and Stevens, 1973). The relaxation time for carbachol activation is shorter than for acetylcholine, and appears to be more temperature sensitive.  相似文献   

C S Hui 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(4):2123-2136
Calcium release was measured in highly stretched frog cut twitch fibers mounted in a double Vaseline-gap voltage clamp chamber, with the internal solution containing 20 mM EGTA plus 0.4 or 1.8 mM added calcium. Rise in myoplasmic [Ca(2+)] was monitored with antipyrylazo III as the indicator at a temperature of 13 to 14 degrees C. The waveform of calcium release rate (Rel) computed from the absorbance change showed an early peak (Rel(p)) followed by a maintained phase (Rel(m)). Each Rel(p)-versus-V plot was fitted with a Boltzmann distribution function. The maximum value of Rel(p) (Rel(p,max)) was compared in various calcium-containing external solutions. The average value in a Cl(-) solution was about one-third larger than those in a CH(3)SO(3)(-) or gluconate solution, whereas the values in the CH(3)SO(3)(-) and gluconate solutions had no statistically significant difference. In external solutions containing CH(3)SO(3)(-) or gluconate, a replacement of the Ca(2+) with Mg(2+) reduced Rel(p,max) by 30 to 50%, on average. The values of Rel(p, max) also had no statistically significant difference among calcium-free external solutions containing different impermeant anions. An increase of the nominal free [Ca(2+)] in the end-pool solution from a reduced to the normal physiological level increased the value of Rel(p,max), and also slowed the decay of the maintained phase of the Rel waveform. The Rel waveforms in the Cl(-) and CH(3)SO(3)(-) solutions were compared in the same fiber at a fixed potential. CH(3)SO(3)(-) increased the time to peak, reduced Rel(p), and increased Rel(m), and the effects were partially reversible. Under the hypothesis that the decay of the peak was due to calcium inactivation of calcium release, the inactivation was larger in Cl(-) than in CH(3)SO(3)(-), in qualitative agreement with the ratio of Rel(p) in the two solutions. Under the alternative hypothesis that the peak and the maintained phase were separately gated by calcium and depolarization, respectively, then CH(3)SO(3)(-) appeared to decrease the calcium-gated component and increase the voltage-gated component.  相似文献   

An improved vaseline gap voltage clamp for skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:19,自引:20,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
A Vaseline gap potentiometric recording and voltage clamp method is developed for frog skeletal muscle fibers. The method is based on the Frankenhaeuser-Dodge voltage clamp for myelinated nerve with modifications to improve the frequency response, to compensate for external series resistance, and to compensate for the complex impedance of the current-passing pathway. Fragments of single muscle fibers are plucked from the semitendinosus muscle and mounted while depolarized by a solution like CsF. After Vaseline seals are formed between fluid pools, the fiber ends are cut once again, the central region is rinsed with Ringer solution, and the feedback amplifiers are turned on. Errors in the potential and current records are assessed by direct measurements with microelectrodes. The passive properties of the preparation are simulated by the "disk" equivalent circuit for the transverse tubular system and the derived parameters are similar to previous measurements with microelectrodes. Action potentials at 5 degrees C are long because of the absence of delayed rectification. Their shape is approximately simulated by solving the disk model with sodium permeability in the surface and tubular membranes. Voltage clamp currents consist primarily of capacity currents and sodium currents. The peak inward sodium current density at 5 degrees C is 3.7 mA/cm2. At 5 degrees C the sodium currents are smoothly graded with increasing depolarization and free of notches suggesting good control of the surface membrane. At higher temperatures a small, late extra inward current appears for small depolarizations that has the properties expected for excitation in the transverse tubular system. Comparison of recorded currents with simulations shows that while the transverse tubular system has regenerative sodium currents, they are too small to make important errors in the total current recorded at the surface under voltage clamp at low temperature. The tubules are definitely not under voltage clamp control.  相似文献   

Short muscle fibers (1.5 mm) were dissected from hindlimb muscles of frogs and voltage clamped with two microelectrodes to study phenomena related to depolarization-contraction coupling. Isometric myograms obtained in response to depolarizing pulses of durations between 10 and 500 ms and amplitudes up to 140 mV had the following properties. For suprathreshold pulses of fixed duration (in the range of 20-100 ms), the peak tension achieved, the time to peak tension, and contraction duration increased as the internal potential was made progressively more positive. Peak tension eventually saturates with increasing internal potentials. For pulse durations of greater than or equal to 50 ms, the rate of tension development becomes constant for increasing internal potentials when peak tensions become greater than one-third of the maximum tension possible. Both threshold and maximum steepness of the relation between internal potential and peak tension depend on pulse duration. The relation between the tension-time integral and the stimulus amplitude-duration product was examined. The utility of this relation for excitation-contraction studies is based on the observation that once a depolarizing pulse configuration has elicited maximum tension, further increases in either stimulus duration or amplitude only prolong the contractile response, while the major portion of the relaxation phase after the end of a pulse is exponential, with a time constant that is not significantly affected by either the amplitude or the duration of the pulse. Hence, the area under the tension-response curve provides a measure of the availability to troponin of the calcium released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in response to membrane depolarization. The results from this work complement those obtained in experiments in which intramembrane charge movements related to contractile activation were studied and those in which intracellular Ca++ transients were measured.  相似文献   

Using freshly isolated single smooth muscle cells prepared by collagenase treatment, membrane currents were recorded by whole-cell voltage clamp. Intracellular constituents were modified by using an intracellular perfusion technique, i.e., pipette solutions were continuously exchanged from control to test solutions during current recording. In smooth muscle cells, intracellular application of ATP, but not cyclic AMP, enhanced the amplitude of Ca2+ currents and prevented current run-down. In addition, with this stabilization of Ca2+ current recording by ATP, introduction of various chemicals into the cell using the intracellular perfusion technique is useful for investigations of regulation of ion channels in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Using freshly isolated single smooth muscle cells prepared by collegenase treatment, membrane currents were recorded by whole-cell voltage clamp. Intracellular constituents were modified by using an intracellular perfusion technique, i.e., pipette solutions were continuously exchanged from control to test solutions during current recording. In smooth muscle cells, intracellular application of ATP, but not cyclic AMP, enchanced the amplitude of Ca2+ currents and prevented current run-down. In addition, with this stabilization of Ca2+ current recording by ATP, introduction of various chemicals into the cell using the intracellular perfusion technique is useful for investigations of regulation of ion channels in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The Ca indicator tetramethylmurexide was introduced into cut fibers, mounted in a double-Vaseline-gap chamber, by diffusion from the end-pool solutions. The indicator diffused rapidly to the central region of a fiber where optical recording was done and, if removed, diffused away equally fast. The time course of concentration suggests that, on average, a fraction 0.27 of indicator was reversibly bound to myoplasmic constituents and the free diffusion constant was 1.75 x 10(-6) cm2/s at 18 degrees C. The shape of the resting absorbance spectrum suggests that a fraction 0.11-0.15 of tetramethylmurexide inside a fiber was complexed with Ca. After action potential stimulation, there was a rapid transient change in indicator absorbance followed by a maintained change of opposite sign. The wavelength dependence of both changes matched a cuvette Ca-difference spectrum. The amplitude of the early peak varied linearly with indicator concentration and corresponded to an average rise in free [Ca] of 17 microM. These rather diverse findings can be explained if the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes are permeable to Ca-free indicator. Both Ca-free and Ca-complexed indicator inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum would appear to be bound by diffusion analysis and the Ca-complexed form would be detected by the resting absorbance spectrum. The transient change in indicator absorbance would be produced by myoplasmic Ca reacting with indicator molecules that freely diffuse in myoplasmic solution. The maintained signal, which reports Ca dissociating from indicator complexed at rest, would come from changes within the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A method, based on these ideas, is described for separating the two components of the tetramethylmurexide signal. The estimated myoplasmic free [Ca] transient has an average peak value of 26 microM at 18 degrees C. Its time course is similar to, but possibly faster than, that recorded with antipyrylazo III (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:83-143).  相似文献   

Four ionic current components were identified in the total membrane current recorded under voltage clamp conditions from the muscle membrane of the crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis). The early inward current component is dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions, disappears in Ca2+ free solutions and is insensitive to variaton of external Na+ ions and to tetrodotoxin. The outward current consists of at least three components, an early, a late and a slow outward current. The outward currents are sensitive to TEA and their reversal potentials differ. The early potassium current may be separated in a proportion of fibres by a hump from the later potassium current. An insufficient space clamp as a cause of the hump was excluded by comparing the size of the clamped membrane area with the distribution of large membrane clefts in the fibre. The early outward current is critically dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions and is relatively more sensitive to TEA ions and to conditioning depolarisation than the late outward current.  相似文献   

The equations describing the time-course of potential spread into a terminated segment of muscle fiber are given for the condition that a step of voltage is applied at x - 2l. Measurements of V(2l) - V(l) were made at 16.7-19.5 degrees C, using a three-microelectrode voltage clamp, to compare with the theory. Best least squares fits of calculated curves to data obtained in Ringer's solution (5 mM K) gave GL = 10 mumho/cm and Cm' = 1.6 muF/cm2. Similar measurements in 100 mM K solution, with the inward rectifier shut off by a positive prepulse, gave GL = 20 mumho/cm and Cm' = 2.0 muF/cm2. The time-course of V(2l) - V(l), measured when the inward rectifier was fully activated by a negative prepulse, was in good agreement with the curve calculated assuming no change in GL and Cm' and that the only effect of the negative prepulse was to increase the conductance of surface and tubular membranes.  相似文献   

The Ca indicator antipyrylazo III was introduced into cut frog twitch fibers by diffusion (Maylie, J., M. Irving, N. L. Sizto, and W. K. Chandler. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 89:41-81). Like arsenazo III, antipyrylazo III was largely bound to or sequestered by intracellular constituents; on average, a fraction 0.68 was so immobilized. After action potential stimulation, there was an early change in absorbance, with a wavelength dependence that nearly matched a cuvette Ca-difference spectrum. As with arsenazo III, this signal became prolonged as experiments progressed. In a freshly prepared cut fiber containing 0.3 mM indicator, the absorbance change had an average half-width of 10 ms at 18 degrees C. The peak amplitude of this Ca signal depended on the indicator concentration in a roughly parabolic manner, which is consistent with a 1:2 stoichiometry for Ca:indicator complexation and, for indicator concentrations less than or equal to 0.4 mM, constant peak free [Ca]. If all the antipyrylazo III inside a fiber can react normally with Ca, peak free [Ca] is 3 microM at 18 degrees C. If only freely diffusible indicator can react, the estimate is 42 microM. The true amplitude probably lies somewhere in between. The time course of Ca binding to intracellular buffers and of Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is estimated from the 3- and 42-microM myoplasmic [Ca] transients. After action potential stimulation, the release waveform is rapid and brief; its latency after the surface action potential is 2-3 ms and its half-width is 2-4 ms. This requires rapid coupling between the action potential in the transverse tubular system and Ca release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The peak fractional occupancy calculated for Ca-regulatory sites on troponin is 0.46 for the 3-microM transient and 0.93 for the 42-microM transient. During a 100-ms tetanus at 100 Hz, the corresponding fractional occupancies are 0.56 and 0.94. The low value of occupancy associated with the low-amplitude [Ca] calibration seems inconsistent with a brief tetanus being able to produce near-maximal activation (Blinks, J. R., R. Rudel, and S. R. Taylor. 1978. Journal of Physiology. 277:291-323; Lopez J. R., L. A. Wanck, and S. R. Taylor. 1981. Science. 214:47-82).  相似文献   

Depolarizations applied to voltage-clamped cells bathed in the normal solution disclose an initial inward current followed by a delayed outward current. The maximum slope conductance for the peak initial current is about 30 times the leak conductance, but the maximum slope conductance for the delayed current is only about 10 times the leak conductance. During depolarizations for as long as 30 sec, the outward current does not maintain a steady level, but declines first exponentially with a time constant of about 6 msec; it then tends to increase for the next few seconds; finally, it declines slowly with a half-time of about 5 sec. Concomitant with the changes of the outward current, the membrane conductance changes, although virtually no change in electromotive force occurs. Thus, the changes in the membrane conductance represent two phases of K inactivation, one rapidly developing, the other slowly occurring, and a phase of K reactivation, which is interposed between the two inactivations. In isosmotic KCl solution after a conditioning hyperpolarization there occurs an increase in K permeability upon depolarization. When the depolarizations are maintained, the increase of K permeability undergoes changes similar to those observed in the normal medium. The significance of the K inactivation is discussed in relation to the after-potential of the nerve cells.  相似文献   

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