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Tephrosia socotrana sp. nov., a woody species growing on limestone cliffs in north-central Socotra (Yemen), is described and illustrated. strigosa is recorded from Socotra and Yemen for the first time.  相似文献   

The African members of the remarkably disjunct Afro-American genus Thamnosma are revised. Six species are recognized, T africana, T. rhodesica and T. crenata in southern Africa, and T. somalensis, T. socotrana and T. hirschii in the Horn of Africa region, including the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra. T. somalensis , sp. nov., is described from north-eastern Somalia. T. crenata , comb, nov., is based on T. africana var. crenata . A key to the species is given and two lectotypes and one neotype are selected.  相似文献   

Heliotropium subspinosum sp. nov., from the coastal and subcoastal zones of Yemen, Oman and Somalia, is described and illustrated. This is a woody species with small leaves, and particularly the only 1–4–flowered inflorescences, the axes of which become subspinescent, are remarkable in the genus. H. laxum sp. nov., a slender shrublet from central Somalia, is described, and H. personatum sp. nov., a shrublet that is widespread and scattered, particularly on gypseous ground, in eastern Ethiopia, most parts of Somalia and in southern Yemen, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Thulin, M. 1995. Iphigenia socotrana sp. nov. (Colchicaceae), with a note on I. oliveri. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 403–405. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
The new species Iphigenia socotrana , from limestone rocks along the northern escarpment of Socotra, is described and illustrated. I. somaliensis is lectotypified and reduced to a synonym of I. oliveri .  相似文献   

Erythroxylon socotranum , sp. nov., is described from limestone rocks on southwestern Socotra (Yemen). The species is the first representative of Erythroxylaceae to be known from Socotra and from South-West Asia in general.  相似文献   

本文报道鞘蛾属宽棘鞘蛾组(Coleophorasalicorniaegroup)分布于中国的29个种,其中包括12个新种和15个中国新纪录种:小瓣连棘鞘蛾ColeophoraarmeniaebaldizzoneetPatzak新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐、精河、察布查尔、塔城、北屯),国外分布于乌克兰、亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦;直连棘鞘蛾C.artaFalkovitsh新纪录于青海(循化),国外分布蒙古;驼绒基连棘鞘蛾C.ceratoidis(Falkovitsh)新纪录于新疆(塔城),同外分布于蒙古和俄罗斯;小蓬连棘鞘蛾C.diogenesFalkovitsh新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐),国外分布乌兹别克斯坦;骨茎连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.ossaedeagasp.nov.分布青海(湟源);垂瓣连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.pendulivalvulasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐);毛角连棘鞘蛾C.pilicornisRebel新纪录于陕两(杨陵)、内蒙古(赤峰、锡林浩特)、黑龙江(黑河),国外分布匈牙利、罗马利亚、南斯拉夫、俄罗斯(乌苏里)和蒙古;韦氏连棘鞘蛾C.weymarniToll分布于内蒙古(扎兰屯、锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(黑河、五大连池);宽瓣束棘鞘蛾(新种)C.lativalvasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐)、内蒙古(锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(五大连池);新散棘鞘蛾(新种)C.novisqualorell  相似文献   

报道了中国隐织蛾属CryptolechiaZeller三十三种昆虫 ,包括十五新种 :湾隐织蛾C .deflectasp .nov .,康县隐织蛾C .kangxianensissp .nov .,小袋隐织蛾C .microbyrsasp .nov .,伪黄昏隐织蛾C .falsivespertinasp .nov .,郑氏隐织蛾C .zhengisp .nov .,新白芯隐织蛾C .neargometrasp .nov .,拟花茎隐织蛾C .paranthaedeagasp .nov .,角瓣隐织蛾C .cornutivalvatasp .nov .,断带隐织蛾C .fasciruptasp .nov .,点带隐织蛾C .stictifasciasp .nov .,鸡公山隐织蛾C .jigongshanicasp .nov .,奇异隐织蛾C .mirabilissp .nov .,花茎隐织蛾C .anthaedeagasp .nov .,葛氏隐织蛾C .geisp .nov .以及伪断带隐织蛾C .varifasciruptasp .nov .。文中提供了新种的外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

Thulin, M. & Hjertson, M. 1995. Echidnopsis globosa sp. nov. (Asclepiadaceae-Stapelieae) from Yemen. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 261–262. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
The new species Echidnopsis globosa from rocky hillsides on limestone in the Hadramaut Region in Yemen is described and illustrated. It belongs to a group of species including E. squamulata from Yemen and E. ericiflora from Kenya, but is unique in the genus by its almost perfectly globose flowers.  相似文献   

依据从2000年到2002年采自贵州赤水、习水以及梵净山等地的隐织蛾属Cryptolechia Zeller昆虫标本,研究报道了中国贵州的隐织蛾昆虫14种,包括11新种:拟弯带隐织蛾C.proximideflecta sp.nov.,苔隐织蛾C.muscosa sp.nov.,独带隐织蛾C.solifasciaria sp.nov.,棒隐织蛾C.spinifera sp.nov.,齿隐织蛾C.denticulata sp.nov.,叉隐织蛾C.furcellata sp.nov.,阔隐织蛾C.latifascia sp.nov.,尖隐织蛾C.acutiuscula sp.nov.,束隐织蛾C.fasciculifera sp.nov.,钩隐织蛾C.hamatilis sp.nov.和凹隐织蛾C.concaviuscula sp.nov.。首次报道了葛氏隐织蛾C.gei Wang的雌性个体。文中提供了新种的外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

The pteromalid genus Coelopisthia from China is studied with eight species including four new species and two newly recorded species: C. dasycladus sp. nov., C. gracilentus sp. nov., C. pseudaletia sp. nov., C. condensus sp. nov., C. areolata Askew and C. caledonica Askew. A key to Chinese species is provided. All the specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Abstract  The present paper reports fourteen species of the genus Cryptolechia from Guizhou Province, China. Eleven species are described as new: C. proximideflecta sp. nov., C. muscosa sp. nov., C. solifasciaria sp. nov., C. spinifera sp. nov., C. denticulata sp. nov., C. furcellata sp. nov., C. latifascia sp. nov., C. acutiuscula sp. nov., C. fasciculifera sp. nov., C. hamatilis sp. nov. and C. concaviuscula sp. nov. The female of C. gei Wang is reported for the first time, and the genital structures of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Helianthemum speciosum , sp. nov., from gypsum outcrops in north-eastern Somalia, is described and illustrated. H. stipulatum is recorded for the first time from Somalia and Yemen.  相似文献   

Phytochemical investigation of leaves and twigs of Gnidia socotrana (Balf. f.) Gilg (Thymelaeaceae), a plant occurring endemically on Socotra Island (Yemen), afforded six novel natural products: two compounds consisting of a flavone and a coumarin moiety connected by a C-C linkage, 7,7'-dihydroxy-3,8'-biscoumarin and three substances with the rare spiro-bis-gamma-lactone structure. The structures were elucidated on the basis of their spectroscopic data.  相似文献   

中国多刺蚁属驼背亚属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐正会 《昆虫学报》2002,45(4):522-530
记述了在云南省南部西双版纳自然保护区热带雨林区域采集到的多刺蚁属Polyrhachis Smith驼背亚属Cyrtomyrma Forel 5新种:方肩多刺蚁P. (C.) cornihumera sp. Nov.,齿肩多刺蚁P. (C.) dentihumera sp. Nov.,圆肩多刺蚁P. (C.) orbihumera sp. Nov.,圆顶多刺蚁P. (C.) rotoccipita sp. Nov.,短胸多刺蚁P. (C.) brevicorpa sp. Nov.。目前为止在中国和中南半岛记载该亚属13种,其中中国已知9种。提供了中国和中南半岛已知13种的检索表。  相似文献   

The present paper reports thirty‐three species of the genus Cryptolechia in China. Fifteen species are described as new to science: C. deflecta sp. nov., C. kangxianensis sp. nov., C. microbyrsa sp. nov., C. falsivespertina sp. nov., C. zhengi sp. nov., C. neargometra sp. nov., C. paranthaedeaga sp. nov., C. cornutivalvata sp. nov., C. fascirupta sp. nov., C. stictifascia sp. nov., C. jigongshanica sp. nov., C. mirabilis sp. nov., C. anthaedeaga sp. nov., C. gei sp. nov. and C. varifascirupta sp. nov. The genital structures of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

吐鲁番-哈密盆地晚二叠世早期植物群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
记述了吐鲁番-哈密盆地晚二叠世早期植物化石19属29种(包括6新种,2相似种和10未定种),这是一个以种子蕨类为主的安加拉型植物群。文中对这一植物群的性质和地质时代作了比较详细的讨论和对比。  相似文献   

Twenty-four new spider species of the family Dictynidae from caves of Guangxi and Guizhou in southern China are described,accompanied by line drawings and photomicroscopy images.Fifteen of them belong to Brommella Tullgren,1948:B.baiseensis Li,sp.nov.,B.casseabri Li,sp.nov.,B.chongzuoensis Li,sp.nov.,B.dolabrata Li,sp.nov.,B.funaria Li,sp.nov.,B.josephkohi Li,sp.nov.,B.linyuchengi Li,sp.nov.,B.renguodongi Li,sp.nov.,B.resima Li,sp.nov.,B.sejuncta Li,sp.nov.,B.spirula Li,sp.nov.,B.tongyanfengi Li,sp.nov.,B.wangfengcheni Li,sp.nov.,B.xinganensis Li,sp.nov.and B.yizhouensis Li,sp.nov.;eight to Cicurina Menge,1871:C.avicularia Li,sp.nov.,C.damaoensis Li,sp.nov.,C.dong Li,sp.nov.,C.kailiensis Li,sp.nov.,C.majiangensis Li,sp.nov.,C.parallela Li,sp.nov.,C.wusanani Li,sp.nov.,and C.zhazuweii Li,sp.nov.;one to Lathys Simon,1884:L.inaffecta Li,sp.nov.Types of all new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing (IZCAS).  相似文献   

吴琦琦  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1065-1076
记述中国隐毒甲属Cryphaeus Klug, 1833的4新种: 短角隐毒甲C. brevicornus sp. nov.,长角隐毒甲C. longicornus sp. nov.,短毛隐毒甲C. barbellatus sp. nov.和歪角隐毒甲C. obliquicornus sp .nov.。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。给出中国及部分周边地区已知种雄性和雌性检索表。  相似文献   

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