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We consider some of the problems involved in current discussions on stem cells in adult mammalian tissues. The present concepts involve a number of pitfalls, weaknesses and logical, semantic and classification problems. This indicates the necessity for new and well-defined concepts that are amenable to experimental analysis. One of the major difficulties in considering stem cells is that they are defined in terms of their functional capabilities which can only be assessed by testing the abilities of the cells, which itself may alter their characteristics during the assay procedure: a situation similar to the uncertainty principle in physics. The terms that describe stem cell functions are often not well defined and are used loosely, which can lead to confusion. If such context-dependent interactions exist between the manipulation and measurement process and the challenged stem cells, the question of, for example, the number of stem cells, in a tissue has to be posed in a new way. Rather than obtaining a single number one might end up with various different numbers under different circumstances, all being complementary. This might suggest that stemness is not a property but a spectrum of capabilities from which to choose. This concept might facilitate a reconciliation between the different and sometimes opposing experimental results. Given certain experimental evidence, we have attempted to provide a novel concept to describe structured cell populations in tissues involving stem cells, transit cells and mature cells. It is based on the primary assumption that the proliferation and differentiation/maturation processes are in principle independent entities in the sense that each may proceed without necessarily affecting the other. Stem cells may divide without maturation while cells approaching functional competence may mature but do not divide. In contrast, transit cells divide and mature showing intermediate properties between stem cells and mature functional cells. The need to describe this transition process and the variable coupling between proliferation and maturation leads us to formulate a spiral model of cell and tissue organisation. This concept is illustrated for the intestinal epithelium. It is concluded that the small intestinal crypts contain 4-16 actual stem cells in steady state but up to 30-40 potential stem cells (clonogenic cells) which may take over stem cell properties following perturbations. This implies that transit cells can under certain circumstances behave like actual stem cells while they undergo maturation under other conditions. There is also evidence that the proliferation and differentiation/maturation processes are subject to controls that ultimately lead to a change in the spiral trajectories.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the mechanism(s) underlying the proliferation of heterogeneous cell populations within a solid tumour, the NBT-II rat bladder carcinoma system was used. It has been first investigated whether the different cell populations are coupled through gap junctions (GJIC). Cells overexpressing the Cx43 were generated to test for any tumour suppressive activity in vivo. To determine whether GJIC is essential for tumour proliferation and the establishment of a cooperative community effect, NBT-II cells that are incompetent for cell coupling were generated. The data report that (i) carcinoma cells expressing or not FGF-1 are coupled through GJIC in vitro and in coculture and express the gap junction protein Cx43, (ii) overexpression of Cx43 in these cells does not affect their in vitro coupling capacities and in vivo tumourigenic growth properties, (iii) inhibition of GJIC through antisense strategy has no in vivo obvious consequence on the tumour growth properties of the carcinoma, and (iv) the community effect between two carcinoma cell populations does not critically involve cell coupling through gap junctions.  相似文献   

Reduced conduction velocity (CV) in the myocardium is well known to increase the probability of arrhythmia and can be caused by structural changes, reduced excitability of individual myocytes, or decreased electrical coupling in the tissue. Recently, investigators have developed antiarrhythmic drugs that target the connections between individual myocytes with the goal of restoring tissue CV, specifically through increasing gap-junction coupling. In a simple but qualitatively relevant mathematical model, we show here that the introduction of a drug that improves intercellular conductance will indeed increase the CV. However, conditions that would require such a drug, such as fibrotic remodeling, may also increase the load of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts may couple to myocytes in much the same way as myocytes couple to each other, and therefore the use of such an agent may also improve coupling between myocytes and fibroblasts. We present numerical examples illustrating that when the load of coupled fibroblasts on myocytes is low or nonexistent, the drug works as expected, i.e., the drug increases CV. On the other hand, when the fibroblast load is high, changes in CV are nonmonotonic, i.e., the CV first increases and then decreases with an increase in dosage. The existence of coupled fibroblasts may therefore impair the effect of the drug, and under unfortunate conditions may be proarrhythmic.  相似文献   

While an understanding of evolutionary processes in shifting environments is vital in the context of rapid ecological change, one of the most potent selective forces, sexual selection, remains curiously unexplored. Variation in sexual selection across a species range, especially across a gradient of temperature regimes, has the potential to provide a window into the possible impacts of climate change on the evolution of mating patterns. Here, we investigated some of the links between temperature and indicators of sexual selection, using a cold‐water pipefish as model. We found that populations differed with respect to body size, length of the breeding season, fecundity, and sexual dimorphism across a wide latitudinal gradient. We encountered two types of latitudinal patterns, either linear, when related to body size, or parabolic in shape when considering variables related to sexual selection intensity, such as sexual dimorphism and reproductive investment. Our results suggest that sexual selection intensity increases toward both edges of the distribution and that the large differences in temperature likely play a significant role. Shorter breeding seasons in the north and reduced periods for gamete production in the south certainly have the potential to alter mating systems, breeding synchrony, and mate monopolization rates. As latitude and water temperature are tightly coupled across the European coasts, the observed patterns in traits related to sexual selection can lead to predictions regarding how sexual selection should change in response to climate change. Based on data from extant populations, we can predict that as the worm pipefish moves northward, a wave of decreasing selection intensity will likely replace the strong sexual selection at the northern range margin. In contrast, the southern populations will be followed by heightened sexual selection, which may exacerbate the problem of local extinction at this retreating boundary.  相似文献   

The dynamics of coupled populations have mostly been studied in the context of metapopulation viability with application to, for example, species at risk. However, when considering pests and pathogens, eradication, not persistence, is often the end goal. Humans may intervene to control nuisance populations, resulting in reciprocal interactions between the human and natural systems that can lead to unexpected dynamics. The incidence of these human-natural couplings has been increasing, hastening the need to better understand the emergent properties of such systems in order to predict and manage outbreaks of pests and pathogens. For example, the success of the growing aquaculture industry depends on our ability to manage pathogens and maintain a healthy environment for farmed and wild fish. We developed a model for the dynamics of connected populations subject to control, motivated by sea louse parasites that can disperse among salmon farms. The model includes exponential population growth with a forced decline when populations reach a threshold, representing control interventions. Coupling two populations with equal growth rates resulted in phase locking or synchrony in their dynamics. Populations with different growth rates had different periods of oscillation, leading to quasiperiodic dynamics when coupled. Adding small amounts of stochasticity destabilized quasiperiodic cycles to chaos, while stochasticity was damped for periodic or stable dynamics. Our analysis suggests that strict treatment thresholds, although well intended, can complicate parasite dynamics and hinder control efforts. Synchronizing populations via coordinated management among farms leads to more effective control that is required less frequently. Our model is simple and generally applicable to other systems where dispersal affects the management of pests and pathogens.  相似文献   

The spontaneous emergence of contraction-inducing electrical activity in the uterus at the beginning of labor remains poorly understood, partly due to the seemingly contradictory observation that isolated uterine cells are not spontaneously active. It is known, however, that the expression of gap junctions increases dramatically in the approach to parturition, by more than one order of magnitude, which results in a significant increase in inter-cellular electrical coupling. In this paper, we build upon previous studies of the activity of electrically excitable smooth muscle cells (myocytes) and investigate the mechanism through which the coupling of these cells to electrically passive cells results in the generation of spontaneous activity in the uterus. Using a recently developed, realistic model of uterine muscle cell dynamics, we investigate a system consisting of a myocyte coupled to passive cells. We then extend our analysis to a simple two-dimensional lattice model of the tissue, with each myocyte being coupled to its neighbors, as well as to a random number of passive cells. We observe that different dynamical regimes can be observed over a range of gap junction conductances: at low coupling strength, corresponding to values measured long before delivery, the activity is confined to cell clusters, while the activity for high coupling, compatible with values measured shortly before delivery, may spread across the entire tissue. Additionally, we find that the system supports the spontaneous generation of spiral wave activity. Our results are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with observations from in vitro experiments. In particular, we demonstrate that the increase in inter-cellular electrical coupling observed experimentally strongly facilitates the appearance of spontaneous action potentials that may eventually lead to parturition.  相似文献   

We used life-history theory to predict reaction norms for age and size at maturation. We assumed that fecundity increases with size and that juvenile mortality rates of offspring decrease as ages-at-maturity of parents increase, then calculated the reaction norm by varying growth rate and calculating an optimal age at maturity for each growth rate. The reaction norm for maturation should take one of at least four shapes that depend on specific relations between changes in growth rates and changes in adult mortality rates, juvenile mortality rates, or both. Most organisms should mature neither at a fixed size nor at a fixed age, but along an age-size trajectory. The model makes possible a clear distinction between the genetic and phenotypic components of variation. The evolved response to selection is reflected in the shape and position of the reaction norm. The phenotypic response of a single organism to rapid or slow growth is defined by the location of its maturation event as a point on the reaction norm. A quantitative test with data from 19 populations and species of fish showed that predictions were in good agreement with observations (r = 0.93, P < 0.0001). The predictions of the model also agreed qualitatively with observed phenotypic variation in age and size at maturity in humans, platyfish, fruit flies, and red deer. This preliminary success suggests that experiments designed to test the predictions directly will be worthwhile.  相似文献   

Tropical trees may show positive density dependence in fruit set and maturation due to pollen limitation in low-density populations. However, pollen from closely related individuals in the local neighbourhood might reduce fruit set or increase fruit abortion in self-incompatible tree species. We investigated the role of neighbourhood density and genetic relatedness on individual fruit set and abortion in the neotropical tree Jacaranda copaia in a large forest plot in central Panama. Using nested neighbourhood models, we found a strong positive effect of increased conspecific density on fruit set and maturation. However, high neighbourhood genetic relatedness interacted with density to reduce total fruit set and increase the proportion of aborted fruit. Our results imply a fitness advantage for individuals growing in high densities as measured by fruit set, but realized fruit set is lowered by increased neighbourhood relatedness. We hypothesize that the mechanism involved is increased visitation by density-dependent invertebrate pollinators in high-density populations, which increases pollen quantity and carry-over and increases fruit set and maturation, coupled with self-incompatibility at early and late stages due to biparental inbreeding that lowers fruit set and increases fruit abortion. Implications for the reproductive ecology and conservation of tropical tree communities in continuous and fragmented habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

在协同进化研究中,传统观点认为物种之间的相互作用是对称性的,在进化过程中将形成一个稳定的均衡状态或进化稳定策略。然而,近来的观测和实验数据表明,物种间的协同进化可能存在非对称性相互作用,而且这种非对称性可能造成集合种群效应(metapopulation effect)或形成非均衡状态(例如混沌,chaos)。本文利用"榕树–榕小蜂"这一经典的协同进化模式系统来介绍协同进化过程中的非对称性相互作用,以及这种非对称性如何产生集合种群效应。在榕–蜂共生系统中,栖身于榕果中的榕小蜂除了传粉小蜂之外,还有一些"投机"的非传粉小蜂。非传粉小蜂比传粉小蜂具有更强的竞争力,而榕树则可惩罚不合作的非传粉蜂,同时奖励合作的传粉小蜂,从而形成了复杂的非对称性种间相互作用。在某个斑块生境中,非传粉小蜂通过竞争作用排斥传粉小蜂,然而随着非传粉小蜂在蜂群中的比例不断升高,榕树惩罚作用(如落果等)常常会导致整个非传粉蜂群的数量急剧下降,甚至局域性灭绝。随后,其他斑块的传粉小蜂则迁移过来填补空白。然而,随着传粉小蜂种群的数量增长,该斑块又会集聚更多的投机性非传粉小蜂,进而诱发榕树再次进行惩罚。这样的非对称性相互作用导致了非传粉小蜂、传粉小蜂以及榕树种群的集合效应,其种群大小呈现周期性的"此消彼长"式的循环。  相似文献   

We analyze a stage-structured biomass model for size-structured consumer-resource interactions. Maturation of juvenile consumers is modeled with a food-dependent function that consistently translates individual-level assumptions about growth in body size to the population level. Furthermore, the model accounts for stage-specific differences in resource use and mortality between juvenile and adult consumers. Without such differences, the model reduces to the Yodzis and Innes (1992) bioenergetics model, for which we show that model equilibria are characterized by a symmetry property that reproduction and maturation are equally limited by food density. As a consequence, biomass production rate exactly equals loss rate through maintenance and mortality in each consumer stage. Stage-specific differences break up this symmetry and turn specific stages into net producers and others into net losers of biomass. As a consequence, the population in equilibrium can be regulated in two distinct ways: either through total population reproduction or through total population maturation as limiting process. In the case of reproduction regulation, increases in mortality may lead to an increase of juvenile biomass. In the case of maturation regulation, increases in mortality may increase adult biomass. This overcompensation in biomass occurs with increases in both stage-independent and stage-specific mortality, even when the latter targets the stage exhibiting overcompensation.  相似文献   

Organisms are projected to shift their distribution ranges under climate change. The typical way to assess range shifts is by species distribution models (SDMs), which predict species’ responses to climate based solely on projected climatic suitability. However, life history traits can impact species’ responses to shifting habitat suitability. Additionally, it remains unclear if differences in vital rates across populations within a species can offset or exacerbate the effects of predicted changes in climatic suitability on population viability. In order to obtain a fuller understanding of the response of one species to projected climatic changes, we coupled demographic processes with predicted changes in suitable habitat for the monocarpic thistle Carlina vulgaris across northern Europe. We first developed a life history model with species‐specific average fecundity and survival rates and linked it to a SDM that predicted changes in habitat suitability through time with changes in climatic variables. We then varied the demographic parameters based upon observed vital rates of local populations from a translocation experiment. Despite the fact that the SDM alone predicted C. vulgaris to be a climate ‘winner’ overall, coupling the model with changes in demography and small‐scale habitat suitability resulted in a matrix of stable, declining, and increasing patches. For populations predicted to experience declines or increases in abundance due to changes in habitat suitability, altered fecundity and survival rates can reverse projected population trends.  相似文献   

Controlling synchronization in a neuron-level population model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have studied coupled neural populations in an effort to understand basic mechanisms that maintain their normal synchronization level despite changes in the inter-population coupling levels. Towards this goal, we have incorporated coupling and internal feedback structures in a neuron-level population model from the literature. We study two forms of internal feedback--regulation of excitation, and compensation of excessive excitation with inhibition. We show that normal feedback actions quickly regulate/compensate an abnormally high coupling between the neural populations, whereas a pathology in these feedback actions can lead to abnormal synchronization and "seizure"-like high amplitude oscillations. We then develop an external control paradigm, termed feedback decoupling, as a robust synchronization control strategy. The external feedback decoupling controller acts to achieve the operational objective of maintaining normal-level synchronous behavior irrespective of the pathology in the internal feedback mechanisms. Results from such an analysis have an interesting physical interpretation and specific implications for the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy. The proposed remedy is consistent with a variety of recent observations in the human and animal epileptic brain, and with theories from nonlinear systems, adaptive systems, optimization, and neurophysiology.  相似文献   

In adolescence (12-16 years), the prevalence of sexual intercourse increases each year. To explain the increasing yearly prevalences, we propose a recursive equation model of onset of adolescent sexual intercourse. The model allows for an "epidemic" process (the transmission of sexuality from a nonvirgin to a virgin) and a nonepidemic process (two virgins progressing to sexual intercourse). The model also requires that virgin females be pubertally mature before they will progress to sexual intercourse. Adequate fits were obtained to the intercourse prevalences for both black and white respondents. Comparisons of alternative models established that the full model was superior to models that omitted either the nonepidemic process or the requirement of females' pubertal maturation. The model was able to fit both white and blacks simultaneously, assuming equal transition probabilities in both races. Hence, we propose the hypothesis that race differences in sexual intercourse prevalence may be strongly influenced by the age of initiation of the "epidemic" process and by race difference in females' rates of pubertal maturation. The results suggested that most new cases of sexual intercourse arose from the epidemic process and that males were more prone to progress to intercourse, given an opportunity.  相似文献   

The viviparous cockroach, Diploptera punctata, has been a valuable model organism for studies of the regulation of reproduction by juvenile hormone (JH) in insects. As a result of its truly viviparous mode of reproduction, precise regulation of JH biosynthesis and reproduction is required for production of offspring, providing a model system for the study of the relationship between JH production and oocyte growth and maturation. Most studies to date have focused on individuals isolated from a Hawaiian population of this species. A new population of this cockroach was found in Nakorn Pathom, Thailand, which demonstrated striking differences in cuticle pigmentation and mating behaviours, suggesting possible physiological differences between the two populations. To better characterize these differences, rates of JH release and oocyte growth were measured during the first gonadotrophic cycle. The Thai population was found to show significantly earlier increases in the rate of JH release, and oocyte development as compared with the Hawaiian population. Breeding experiments to determine the degree of interfertility between the two populations demonstrated greatly reduced fertility in crosses between the two populations. Additionally, levels of genetic divergence between the two populations estimated by sequencing a fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were surprisingly high. The significant differences in physiology and mating behaviours, combined with the reduced interfertility and high levels of sequence divergence, suggest that these two populations of D. punctata are quite distinct, and may even be in the process of speciation. Moreover, these studies have important implications for the study of JH function in the reproductive cycle of insects, as differences in timing of rates of JH biosynthesis may suggest a process of heterochrony in reproduction between the two populations.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) reduces the rate of cell proliferation in mitotic tissues. It has been suggested that this reduction in cell proliferation may mediate CR-induced increases in longevity. However, the mechanisms that lead to CR-induced reductions in cell proliferation rates remain unclear. To evaluate the CR-induced physiological adaptations that may mediate reductions in cell proliferation rates, we altered housing temperature and access to voluntary running wheels to determine the effects of food intake, energy expenditure, percent body fat, and body weight on proliferation rates of keratinocytes, liver cells, mammary epithelial cells, and splenic T-cells in C57BL/6 mice. We found that ~20% CR led to a reduction in cell proliferation rates in all cell types. However, lower cell proliferation rates were not observed with reductions in 1) food intake and energy expenditure in female mice housed at 27°C, 2) percent body fat in female mice provided running wheels, or 3) body weight in male mice provided running wheels compared with ad libitum-fed controls. In contrast, reductions in insulin-like growth factor I were associated with decreased cell proliferation rates. Taken together, these data suggest that CR-induced reductions in food intake, energy expenditure, percent body fat, and body weight do not account for the reductions in global cell proliferation rates observed in CR. In addition, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that reduced cell proliferation rates could be useful as a biomarker of interventions that increase longevity.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are often indirectly connected through consumers with complex life cycles (CLC), in which different life stages inhabit different ecosystems. Using a structured consumer resource model that accounts for the independent effects of two resources on consumer growth and reproductive rates, we show that such indirect connections between ecosystems can result in alternative stable states characterized by adult-dominated and juvenile-dominated consumer populations. As a consequence, gradual changes in ecosystem productivity or mortality rates of the consumer can lead to dramatic and abrupt regime shifts across different ecosystems, hysteresis and counterintuitive changes in the consumer abundances. Whether these counter intuitive or abrupt responses occur depend on the relative productivity of both habitats and which consumer life-stage inhabits the manipulated ecosystem. These results demonstrate the strong yet complex interactions between ecosystems coupled through consumers with CLC and the need to think across ecosystems to reliably predict the consequences of natural or anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   


In adolescence (12–16 years), the prevalence of sexual intercourse increases each year. To explain the increasing yearly prevalences, we propose a recursive equation model of onset of adolescent sexual intercourse. The model allows for an “epidemic” process (the transmission of sexuality from a nonvirgin to a virgin) and a nonepidemic process (two virgins progressing to sexual intercourse). The model also requires that virgin females be pubertally mature before they will progress to sexual intercourse. Adequate fits were obtained to the intercourse prevalences for both black and white respondents. Comparisons of alternative models established that the full model was superior to models that omitted either the nonepidemic process or the requirement of females’ pubertal maturation. The model was able to fit both white and blacks simultaneously, assuming equal transition probabilities in both races. Hence, we propose the hypothesis that race differences in sexual intercourse prevalences may be strongly influenced by the age of initiation of the “epidemic” process and by race difference in females’ rates of pubertal maturation. The results suggested that most new cases of sexual intercourse arose from the epidemic process and that males were more prone to progress to intercourse, given an opportunity.  相似文献   

Pseudogamous females reproduce parthenogenetically but require sperm. We analyze a density- and frequency-dependent model for the ecological and evolutionary stability of bisexual populations exposed to invasion by pseudogamous clones. In particular, we examine the effects of partial niche overlap and asymmetric competition between sexual and asexual forms. The model predicts that for a variety of relative fitness values for asexual females, pseudogamous forms can successfully invade bisexual populations. The probability of successful invasion increases as niche overlap decreases. Furthermore, invaded populations are often likely to be stable; for the parameter values analyzed, only combinations of nearly complete niche overlap and high asexual fitness will lead to extinction. Even such combinations will be stable under pronounced asymmetric competition. Asymmetric competition does not, however, affect the invadability of bisexual populations. The model predicts that stable populations cannot have more than three or four females per male; populations with more biased sex ratios are expected to be unstable. We analyze available sex ratio data for pseudogamous insects, fish, and salamanders, and find significant changes in roughly one-half of the asexual-dominated populations, but in only one sexual-dominated population. This analysis includes previously unpublished data on population sex ratios in a pseudogamous bark beetle, Ips acuminatus. Some asexual-dominated populations have far more than four females per male, contrary to predictions of the model.  相似文献   

局域种群的Allee效应和集合种群的同步性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从包含Allee效应的局域种群出发,建立了耦合映像格子模型,即集合种群模型.通过分析和计算机模拟表明:(1)当局域种群受到Allee效应强度较大时,集合种群同步灭绝;(2)而当Allee效应强度相对较弱时,通过稳定局域种群动态(减少混沌)使得集合种群发生同步波动,而这种同步波动能够增加集合种群的灭绝风险;(3)斑块间的连接程度对集合种群同步波动的发生有很大的影响,适当的破碎化有利于集合种群的续存.全局迁移和Allee效应结合起来增加了集合种群同步波动的可能,从而增加集合种群的灭绝风险.这些结果对理解同步性的机理、利用同步机理来制定物种保护策略和害虫防治都有重要的意义.  相似文献   

As a single polypeptide, cytochrome P450 BM3 fuses oxidase and reductase domains and couples each domain's function to perform catalysis with exceptional activity upon binding of substrate for hydroxylation. Mutations introduced into the enzyme to change its substrate specificity often decrease coupling efficiency between the two domains, resulting in unproductive consumption of cofactors and formation of water and/or reactive species. This phenomenon can correlate with leakage, in which P450 BM3 uses electrons from NADPH to reduce oxygen to water and/or reactive species even without bound substrate. The physical basis for leakage is not yet well understood in this particular member of the cytochrome P450 family. To clarify the relationship between leakage and coupling, we used simulations to illustrate how different combinations of kinetic parameters related to substrate‐free consumption of NADPH and substrate hydroxylation can lead to either minimal effects on coupling or a dramatic decrease in coupling as a result of leakage. We explored leakage in P450 BM3 by introducing leakage‐enhancing mutations and combining these mutations to assess whether doing so increases leakage further. The variants in this study provide evidence that while a transition to high spin may be vital for coupled hydroxylation, it is not required for enhanced leakage; substrate binding and the consequent shift in spin state are not necessary as a redox switch for catalytic oxidation of NADPH. Additionally, the variants in this study suggest a tradeoff between leakage and stability and thus evolvability, as the mutations we investigated were far more deleterious than other mutations that have been used to change substrate specificity.  相似文献   

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