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简述早寒武世关山动物群的研究现状及重要意义。重点描述该动物群中一三叶形虫新属PanlongiaLiuetLuogen.nov.及其两个新种:即个体小、拥有等大的头甲和尾甲、边缘没有明显突出刺状物的PanlongiatetranodusaLiuetLuogen.etsp.nov.及头甲后侧和尾缘具刺的PanlongiaspinosaLiuetLuogen.etsp.nov.。三叶形虫在关山动物群中的首次发现为寒武纪生命大爆发以及古地理、古板块恢复的研究提供了有益的证据。  相似文献   

报道苏铁植物大孢子叶化石一新属———中间苏铁属(Mediocycasgen.nov.)。标本采集于辽宁省西部,喀左县杨树沟煤矿后山的早三叠世红砬组。这些标本以前曾被处理为疑问化石(Problematicum)。因当时资料不足,所以没有确定属种名称。但鉴于这些化石在苏铁类早期起源与演化研究中具有重要意义,故对它们作了重新研究。文中除了以喀左中间苏铁(Mediocycaskazuoensisgen.etsp.nov.)为典型种进行描述以外,还对新属、种在苏铁类起源与演化方面的意义作了较为详细的讨论。  相似文献   

报道的叶肢介新属(Kenyaestheriagen.nov.)采自肯尼亚MajiyaChumvi地区的一钻孔,属下三叠统上马几牙楚姆维组(UpperMajiyaChumviFormation),其特征为壳瓣后背缘最后几条生长线靠近背缘处形成一个凹缘构造,但生长线在背缘并不反转弯曲,同时具有放射线纹饰,据此将其归于凹缘叶肢介科(Ulugkemiidae)。该科是一个灭绝的类群,分布于中泥盆统至上三叠统,古生代的类型都发现于欧亚大陆,晚三叠世的Triasulugkemia见于阿根廷,新属首见于早三叠世,也是在南大陆出现的第二例凹缘叶肢介类。孢粉Lunatisporitespellucidus和叶肢介AquilonoglyptaCorniaPalaeolimnadiaFalsisca组合指示含化石的地层时代为早三叠世早期。  相似文献   

李泉  彭善池 《古生物学报》2006,45(4):540-548
安徽淮南八公山地区寒武纪毛庄-徐庄期地层出露良好,化石丰富。在老鹰山剖面徐庄组底部的紫色页岩内所采集大量三叶虫标本中发现的一种新的三叶虫,命名为Huaiaspishuainanensisgen.etsp.nov.,它代表了一个尚未描记的且科级分类位置待定的新属新种。该三叶虫特点突出,是头部特征极度消隐且不具眼、眼叶、眼脊的“盲三叶虫”。该三叶虫为小尾型后颊类,主要特征为:壳面光滑,背壳呈次椭圆形,头盖半圆形;头鞍呈钟形向前收缩;背沟浅,仅在侧光下可见;活动颊平滑宽大,具有宽阔的活动颊刺;胸部由14节组成;尾部中轴粗壮,无边缘沟。  相似文献   

榆-302孔位于松辽盆地东部边缘,钻深899.30m,顶部3.15m为第四系,上部683,65m以砂岩为主,夹少量泥岩,下部212.50m以灰色泥岩为主,夹砂岩及少量凝灰岩。以盆地内岩石地层比较,其上部应属登楼库组3段,下部为登楼库组2段,剖面缺失登楼库组4段,未钻及登楼库组1段。整个剖面上的孢粉组合面貌基本一致,共有苔藓、蕨类植物孢子40属70余种、裸子植物花粉19属28种、被子植物花粉2属3种、藻类及疑源类6属8种。组合中的绝大部分属种都是我国北方早白垩世孢粉植物群的常见分子,如Cicatricosisporites(约占组合的7%-35%),Appendicisporites,Impardecispora,Pilosisporites,Aequitriradites,Kuylisporites,Triporoletes等。特别有意义的是自登楼库组2段开始即已出现大孢子Balmeisporites holodictyus,被子植物花粉Polyporites debilis,Retitricolpites sp.和沟鞭藻Vesperopsis zhaodongensis。登楼库组3段出现曾见于阿尔布期的Scopusporis lautus及晚白垩世的Scopusporis verrucosus,Trochicola scollardiana,Verrucosisporites fuyuensis等,证明其时代属早-中阿尔布期。榆-302孔的孢粉证据表明登楼库组至少自登楼库组2段起已进入阿尔布期,至于登楼库组1段因无更多新的资料佐证。阿普特期的时代定位可暂予保留。文中描述一新种Verrucosisporites fuyuensis sp.nov.和一新联合种Scopusporis uerrucosus(Chlonova)comb.nov.。  相似文献   

对北祁连山东段和鄂尔多斯西缘新材料的研究表明,甘肃景泰红水堡晚石炭世早期的杂羊齿属(Palaeoweichselia)与西欧的模式标本存在明显差异,遂另建-新属——Reticalethopteris gen.nov..新属与Neuralethopteris是脉延羊齿类植物中分别代表网状叶脉和羽状叶脉的一对姐妹属.  相似文献   

根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的蜡蝉,建立了1新属1新种——三瓣残缺蜡蝉(Ayaimatum trilobatum gen. et sp. nov.),该新属新种属于白垩纪的拟蛛蜡蝉科(Mimarachnidae)。本文对拟蛛蜡蝉科的属种记录进行了综述,同时探讨了这一灭绝科属种的多样性和形态分异。  相似文献   

文章报道可能属于单子叶被子植物化石的两个新属Shangyuania gen.nov.和Zhouia gen.nov.,标本采自辽宁省北票市上园乡黄半吉沟下白垩统义县组尖山沟层。前者属于水生草本植物,具有一个非常细弱的茎,茎保存不全,未见分枝。茎上生有对生和互生的沉水型叶;叶线形,全缘。基部无柄,顶端为钝圆形;具有一条中脉,中脉的两侧各有3—4条细而平行的侧脉和在叶的远轴面上各有一行可能的通气组织;穗状花序生于叶腋中,具有一个细弱的花序梗,由4~5轮小花组成。后者是一个单独保存的种子,卵圆形,被压扁,表面具有多角形的细胞或泡沫状纹饰。通过对两新属形态特征研究和对比,推测它们可能与现生眼子菜科(Potamogetonaceae),特别是该科中的眼子菜属(Potamogeton),以及茨藻科(Najadaceae)的茨藻属(Najas)有某种亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Pseudokoninckinagen.nov.归于康尼克贝类。模式种Pseudokoninckina xinpuensisgen.etsp.nov.的模式标本采自贵州关岭县城西南约35km新铺乡喇嘛村上三叠统下部(Carnian)竹杆坡组中部黑灰或黄灰色石灰岩。其贝体强烈膝曲,拖曳部长;背壳极为深凹,侧坡高又陡峭,两侧区和拖曳部呈薄壳状;两耳翼端强烈向背方膝曲;背三角孔覆有背三角双板,但腹三角孔洞开。腹内两侧隔板极高又长;腹中隔脊低宽,前部二分叉,后部三分叉。背内第三壳层厚,在背壳底两侧区隆起呈两条隆脊;主突起高强。壳表饰有微弱同心线和毛发状放射纹。这些特征在康尼克贝类中是很独特的。  相似文献   

描述了发现于广西靖西果乐寒武系芙蓉统果乐组的始海百合化石,确定其为始海百合纲Ridersiidae科一新属:Jingxieocrinus gen.nov.。新属特征如下:个体较小,锥形萼。萼板15块,排列规则,其中五边形底板5块,六边形侧板5块,五边形辐板5块,无萼孔及缝孔。茎长,始端粗,向末端迅速变尖。始端茎板矮,大小茎板交互重叠,向末端茎板变高,大小茎板趋于一致。腕羽5枝,细长不分叉,双列小板,生于口缘辐板相间处。偶见盖板,横椭圆形,上覆放射状纹饰。模式种Jingxieocrinus guoleensis gen.et.sp.nov.的茎细且长,末端变尖,没有固着器,可能以茎末端附着于其它物体上营假浮游或寄生漂游生活。  相似文献   

On the basis of LM, we isolated strains of two species of fusiform green flagellates that could be assigned to former Chlorogonium (Cg.) Ehrenb. One species, “Cg.”heimii Bourr., lacked a pyrenoid in its vegetative cells and required organic compounds for growth. The other was similar to Cg. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) Francé and “Cg.”acus Nayal, but with slightly smaller vegetative cells. Their molecular phylogeny was also studied based on combined 18S rRNA, RUBISCO LSU (rbcL), and P700 chl a‐apoprotein A2 (psaB) gene sequences. Both species were separated from Chlorogonium emend., Gungnir Nakada and Rusalka Nakada, which were formerly assigned to Chlorogonium. They were accordingly assigned to new genera, Tabris Nakada gen. nov. and Hamakko (Hk.) Nakada gen. nov. as T. heimii (Bourr.) Nakada comb. nov. and Hk. caudatus Nakada sp. nov., respectively. Tabris is differentiated from other genera of fusiform green flagellates by its vegetative cells, which only have two apical contractile vacuoles and lack a pyrenoid in the chloroplast. Hamakko, on the other hand, is distinguishable by the fact that its pyrenoids in vegetative cells are penetrated by flattened thylakoid lamellae.  相似文献   

下辽河西部坳陷锦128井藻类生物标志物(分子化石)的研究*   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
本文描述了松辽盆地早白垩世沙河子组一登娄库组(别里亚士期—阿普第早期)淡水角藻类沟鞭藻囊孢4属、5新种和2个未定种,并对拟蝙蝠藻属(Vesperopsis Bint, 1986)进行了修订。  相似文献   

Two new propagule-farming red algae from southern Australia, Deucalion levringii (Lindauer) gen. et comb. nov. and Anisoschizus propaguli gen. et sp. nov., are described and defined largely on their development in laboratory culture. Deucalion is included in the tribe Compsothamnieae on the basis of its subapical procarp and alternate distichous branching. It differs from the other genera included in that tribe in that it produces 3-celled propagules, polysporangia, a subapical cell of the fertile axis which bears 3 pericentral cells, and an apparently post-fertilization involucre which develops from the hypogenous and sub-hypogenous cells of the fertile axis. Its gametophyte morphology has been elucidated in culture, as only sporophytes are known from the field. Gametophytes do not appear to produce propagules. Anisoschizus is provisionally included in the tribe Spermothamnieae on the basis of its subdichotomous branching, possession of a prostrate system and the production of polysporangia. It differs from the other genera of the tribe in the production of 2-celled propagules. Observations on the germination of the “monosporangia” of Mazoyerella arachnoidea and Monosporus spp. indicate that they are analagous to the propagules of Deucalion and Anisoschizus. The nature of these propagules and their role in recycling the parent plant are discussed and contrasted with true monosporangia. It is recommended that Monosporus be maintained as a form genus containing representatives from more than one tribe, as exemplified by plants from Lord Howe I. provisionally identified as M. indicus Boergesen which have both prostrate and erect, as opposed to only erect, axes.  相似文献   

记述龙蝎蛉新科Drakonochoristidae fam. nov.和1新亚科及其2新属、种和1个老亚科。2新属种的化石标本采自中国陕西铜川中三叠统铜川组下段上部的灰绿色泥岩和页岩。新科性质及其分类位置在文中进行讨论。新科的建立填补这个类群在中国的空白,同时对于小蝎蛉科Nannochoristidae和二叠蝎蛉科Permochoristidae的演化关系的研究有一定的意义。这些新属、种系陕西昆虫群(陕西生物群的一个类别)铜川昆虫组合的新成员。铜川组的时代相当于欧洲拉丁尼期(Ladinian Stage)。  相似文献   

The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte-like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.  相似文献   

石光荣 《古生物学报》2002,41(1):105-118
描述了产于四川邻水地区早二叠世梁山组的一新属新种,Linshuichonetes elfinis gen.et sp.nov.。新属以个体特别微小,背内无任何隔板,壳表饰有细瘤和细刺为特征。新种代表了华南地区阳新期海侵开始阶段生活于局限的潮坪或xi湖环境下的一种机会种。  相似文献   

记述了京西盆地早白垩世中生黏蚊一新属新种———京西华夏中生黏蚊Huaxiasciophilitesjingxiensisgen .etsp .nov.。新属区别于其它属的特征为 :Sc具分支 ;r m长于Rs基部之长 ;Rs明显呈波纹状 ;径室较小。化石采自卢尚坟村卢尚坟组昆虫的典型剖面 ,时代属早白垩世巴列姆期 (BarremianStage) ,归卢尚坟昆虫群。对其系统发育及在地史上的分布进行了初步探讨。模式标本保存于北京林业大学。  相似文献   

We examined the molecular phylogeny and ultrastructure of Chlorogonium and related species to establish the natural taxonomy at the generic level. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene sequences revealed two separate clades of Chlorogonium from which Chlorogonium (Cg.) fusiforme Matv. was robustly separated. One clade comprised Cg. neglectum Pascher and Cg. kasakii Nozaki, whereas the other clade included the type species Cg. euchlorum (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb., Cg. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) Francé, and Cg. capillatum Nozaki, M. Watanabe et Aizawa. On the basis of unique ultrastructural characteristics, we described Gungnir Nakada gen. nov. comprising three species: G. neglectum (Pascher) Nakada comb. nov., G. mantoniae (H. Ettl) Nakada comb. nov., and G. kasakii (Nozaki) Nakada comb. nov. We also emended Chlorogonium as a monophyletic genus composed of Cg. euchlorum, Cg. elongatum, and Cg. capillatum. Because Cg. fusiforme was distinguished from the redefined Chlorogonium and Gungnir by the structure of its starch plate, which is associated with pyrenoids, we reclassified this species as Rusalka fusiformis (Matv.) Nakada gen. et comb. nov.  相似文献   

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