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The last three steps of the alginate production process were studied:conversion of alginic acid to sodium alginate, drying, and milling. Threemethods were used to follow the conversion reaction: measuring the pH (a) intheethanol-water liquid of the reaction mixture, (b) after dissolving a sample ofthe fiber taken from the reaction mixture, (c) after dissolving the driedsodiumalginate obtained from the reaction. To obtain a neutral dried sodium alginate,in the first method the pH should be adjusted to 9, and in the second the pHshould be adjusted to 8. The best method to control the reaction was todissolvea sample of the fiber and adjust the pH to 8. The best proportion to reach thecritical point, where pH just begins to rise, was 0.25 parts of sodiumcarbonateto 1 part of alginate in the initial dry algae. A pH above 7 may produce abreakdown of the molecule, reducing significantly the viscosity of the finalalginate. Four different temperatures were used to dry the alginate: 50, 60,70,and 80 °C. Drying time to reach 12% moisture ranged from 1.5h at 80 °C to 3 h at 50°C. The best drying temperature was 60 °C for2.5 h. The effect of drying temperature on alginate viscosity wasdependent on the alginate type. Low and medium viscosity alginates were notsignificantly affected, but alginate with high viscosity was reduced by 40 to54% using the temperature range of 60 to 80 °C. A fixed hammermill was used to reduce the particle size of the dried sodium alginate.Particlesize measurements showed that after a first milling the product contained 76%large particles (20–60 mesh) and 24% fine particles (80–120 mesh).After a third milling the product still contained 42.9% large particles. Nosignificant effect was found on alginate viscosity because of the millingsteps.  相似文献   

Three steps of the alginate production process were studied at pilot plantlevel. The effect of the amount of calcium chloride used during theprecipitation was measured in terms of filtration time of the precipitatedcalcium alginate. Three different proportions of calcium chloride per gramof alginate were tested. The best proportion used was 2.2 parts ofcalcium chloride per one part of alginate, yielding a filtration rate of 97.9L min-1 on a screen area of 1.32 m2. The method ofadding the solutions and the degree of mixing are discussed as other factorsaffecting the precipitation step. The effect of bleaching the calciumalginate with sodium hypochlorite (5%) was studied. Seven proportions,ranging from 0 to 0.77 mL of sodium hypochlorite per gram of sodiumalginate were tested. The effect of hypochlorite was compared foralginates with three different viscosities. Using alginates with mediumviscosity (300–500 mPa s), the best proportion was 0.4 mL hypochloriteper gram of alginate, yielding an alginate of light cream color with 20%less viscosity than the control. Alginates with lower viscosity showed asmaller loss of viscosity. The effect of pH during conversion of calciumalginate to alginic acid was determined using four combinations of pH,ranging from 2.2 to 1.6, in three acid washings. The extent of conversionwas determined by measuring the percent reduction of the alginate viscosity(RV) in 1% solution before and after adding a sequestrant of calcium. When a pH 1.8 or 1.6 was used for each washing, only two washings werenecessary to produce a RV lower than 40% (maximum recommended). The use of pH 2 required three acid washings to produce the same effect. The pH 2.2 did not remove enough calcium, even with three washings,the RV of the resulting sodium alginate being greater that 40%. Theresults of these experiments provide the information that producers needwhen deciding the best parameters to obtain a product with the desiredcharacteristics.  相似文献   

Alginate extracted from the macroalgae Sargassum sinicola was used as the raw material for co-immobilization of the microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana and growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense for wastewater treatment and as an inoculant carrier of A. brasilense for plant growth promotion. The composition, structure, viscosity, color, and phenolic compound content of the alginate were analyzed and compared with commercially available alginate produced from the macroalgae Macrocystis pyrifera. From 1H NMR analysis of alginate, S. sinicola was found to have more guluronic acid (F G=0.64) than it had mannuronic acid (F M=0.38) and had a viscosity of 13.5 m Pa s compared to 50 m Pa s for M. pyrifera. The S. sinicola alginate had dark brown color, reducing light penetration, with more phenolic compounds than M. pyrifera alginate. Nonetheless, growth of C. sorokiniana and A. brasilense in S. sinicola alginate was not significantly different than the growth in M. pyrifera alginate beads. Nutrient removal from wastewater by the co-immobilized microorganisms was similar for both types of alginate beads, and so was the growth enhancement of tomato plants inoculated with microbeads containing A. brasilense. This study shows the potential use of S. sinicola alginate as a raw material for cell immobilization for wastewater treatment and plant growth promotion.  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) Ag.frond elongation rates were measured during autumn-winter, spring and summer in a shallow water (7.5 m depth) kelp bed in Bahía Papalote, northern Baja California. Frond elongation was maximum during spring and minimum during winter. Frond growth was significantly correlated with solar radiation, and was highest in the smallest size fronds (0–2 m). Average frond elongation rate varied between 0.3–11% d–1 during the study period. The relationship between average frond length and elongation rate followed an exponential curve with a negative slope during autumn-winter and summer, but was best described by a straight line during spring. Standard growth rates were obtained by a graphic method. Standard growth rates had intermediate values between those reported for southern California and southern Baja California.M. pyrifera growth cycle shows a different trend from what has been previously reported.  相似文献   

Tissue samples ofMacrocystis pyrifera from 2 sites in southern New Zealand and harvested over a period of 12 months were analysed for alginate content and composition (M:G ratio). Plants were divided into three frond classes of different length and each frond was further separated into age categories of blades and stipes (viz young, mature and old blades; mature and old stipes). Within each size class, younger blades had higher alginate content than older blades. Stipes did not show such variation with age. Alginate from younger blades and stipes had higher proportions of mannuronic acid residues than those from old blades and stipes. The range of M:G ratios for age categories of either blades or stipes from longer fronds was greater than those for smaller fronds. Alginate content and M:G ratios of stipes were always higher than for blades. The difference between M:G ratios of blades and stipes was greater for smaller fronds than for longer ones. Differences between collection sites and seasonal trends are also discussed.author for correspondence  相似文献   

Two seaweed concentrates were made from the kelps Ecklonia maxima and Macrocystis pyrifera using a cell burst method. Cytokinin- and auxin-like activities were measured using the soybean callus and mungbean bioassays, respectively. Cytokinin-like activity was detected in both seaweed concentrates, being equivalent to approximately 50 μg L−1 kinetin. Auxin-like activity was also detected in both concentrates with the E. maxima derived concentrate having higher biological activity, equivalent to 10−5–10−4 M indole-butyric acid. Two replicates of each concentrate were stored at 54 °C for 14 days to accelerate the effects of storage. Both fresh and stored samples of the two seaweed concentrates were analysed for their endogenous cytokinin and auxin content. The samples were purified using a combined DEAE-Sephadex octadecylsilica column and immunoaffinity chromatography based on wide-range cytokinin and IAA specific monoclonal antibodies. These extracts were analysed by HPLC linked to a Micromass single quadrupole mass spectrophotometer. Eighteen and nineteen different cytokinins were detected, respectively, in the two concentrates, with trans-zeatin-O-glucoside being the main cytokinin present. Accelerated storage of the concentrates caused an increase in the total cytokinin concentration with a large increase in the aromatic meta-topolin. Indole-3-acetic acid was the main auxin in both seaweed concentrates. Indole conjugates, including amino acid conjugates, were also quantified. The total auxin concentration decreased with accelerated storage for both concentrates. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A 23 full factorial design was used to study the influence of different experimental variables, namely wort gravity, fermentation temperature and nutrient supplementation, on ethanol productivity from high gravity wort fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (lager strain), under pilot plant conditions. The highest ethanol productivity (0.69 g l–1 h–1) was obtained at 20°P [°P is the weight of extract (sugar) equivalent to the weight of sucrose in a 100 g solution at 20°C], 15°C, with the addition of 0.8% (w/v) yeast extract, 24 mg l–1 ergosterol and 0.24% (v/v) Tween 80.  相似文献   

The volatile organic compound composition (VOCs) of printing press air wasfound to contain mostly ethanol, but also ethyl acetate, 1-propanol, 2-propanol,1-methoxy-2-propanol and 3-ethoxy-1-propanol. A pilot plant bioscrubber inoculatedwith a mixed microbial population was constructed on-site. The bioscrubber wasable to treat the polluted gas efficiently. It, however, suffered from strong wall growthand blockages in the column. The efficiencies of the pilot plant and a bioreactor iscompared. The yeasts Candida guilliermondii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae known to tolerate ethanol were selected instead of mixed population to avoid the wall growth and blockages in the bioreactor. The removal of the VOCs both individually and as a complex mixture was tested in a microcultivation system and in continuous chemostat cultures with and without cell recycling. The Candida yeast could use all the compounds as a carbon source while growth of S. cerevisiae was markedly slower on the methoxylated and ethoxylated propanols. Best total removal of the VOCs was 99% and achieved by C. guilliermondii. The only compound that was not totally removable in the chemostat experiment with C. guilliermondii was 1-methoxy-2-propanol. In laboratory scale the total and volumetric removal of VOCs by C. guilliermondii was more efficient compared to the pilot plant encouraging to scale up and applying the yeast bioreactor to real field conditions.  相似文献   

Three species of Gracilaria viz G. cervicornis, G. domingensis, G. verrucosa and Solieria tenera (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) have been studied for their monthly variation in dry wt yields, ash, soluble carbohydrate, protein, lipid and insoluble carbohydrate contents for one year. The dry wt yields were higher in G. domingensis. Soluble carbohydrate and ash contents showed an inverse relationship in all the species. Protein content was lower, below 5% of the dry wt for all the species. A comparison of protein:carbohydrate ratios showed a similarity between morphologically similar G. domingensis and G. cervicornis in that there was less variation in the ratio. From this, it is assumed that flattened morphology probably is more efficient in maintaining nutrient balance to keep up the growth rates.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos was achieved for saw palmetto (Serenoa repens (Bartr.) Small). Embryos, isolated from immature fruit of native-grown plants, were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium plus 0.15% (w/v) activated charcoal and supplemented with 452 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 14.7 M N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine (2iP). Clusters of somatic embryos developed from all immature zygotic embryos 5 weeks after culture initiation. After 12 weeks, explants were transferred to the same medium with the amount of 2,4-D reduced to 90.4 M which resulted in somatic embryo proliferation. Somatic embryos were then transferred to the basal medium containing 0.9, 9 M thidiazuron (TDZ), or no growth regulator for conversion into plantlets. The 9 M TDZ treatment was ineffective for plant regeneration. However, 12% of the embryos subcultured on 0.9 M TDZ were able to produce complete plantlets. Shoot production was obtained from 35% of the embryos subcultured in the absence of growth regulators. Rooting (100%) was achieved when these shoots were transferred onto medium containing 22.2 M -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA).  相似文献   

Trends in wrack composition and biomass, and its relationship with the anthropogenic impact were studied along a coastal area in Nuevo Gulf (south Patagonia) in front of Puerto Madryn city. Beach-cast macroalgae composition was sampled from 1992 to 1999 in the Puerto Madryn beaches and in several other nearby beaches in 1993, 1996 and 1998. Historical information was based on local knowledge and observations reported by marine biologists who worked in the area. The botanical composition of the beach-cast macroalgae in Puerto Madryn indicates a succession in the dominance from Codium spp. to Ulva spp. during the 1990s and from Ulva to Undaria pinnatifida since 1998, accompanied by a significant decrease in biomass of Gracilaria gracilis and Macrocystis pyrifera. The increase of the opportunist species such as Ulva may be supported by the continuous delivery of waste waters into the Nuevo Gulf while the dominance of U. pinnatifida may be associated with port activities. During the sampling period the highest wrack biomass values were recorded in spring and summer. The beach-cast seaweed biomass harvested by the municipality of Puerto Madryn during beach cleaning operation, ranged between 2500 and 12000 t year–1 ( 200 and 960 t dry weight). Wrack harvesting produces an environmental impact by removing sand from the beach and affecting coastal communities. Composting of wrack is proposed as one of the environmental alternatives to land disposal.  相似文献   

The in vitro antioxidant activities of the following six sulfated polysaccharides were investigated: iota, kappa and lambda carrageenans, which are widely used in the food industry, fucoidan (homofucan) from the edible seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and fucans (heterofucans) F0.5 and F1.1 from the seaweed Padina gymnospora. With respect to the inhibition of superoxide radical formation, fucoidan had an IC50 (the half maximal inhibitory concentration) of 0.058 mg·mL−1, while the IC50 for the kappa, iota and lambda carrageenans were 0.112, 0.332 and 0.046 mg·mL−1, respectively. All of the samples had an inhibitory effect on the formation of hydroxyl radicals. The results of peroxidation tests showed that fucoidan had an IC50 of 1.250 mg·mL−1 and that the kappa, iota and lambda carrageenans had an IC50 of 2.753 and 2.338 and 0.323 mg·mL−1, respectively. Fucan fractions showed low antioxidant activity relative to fucoidan. These results clearly indicate the beneficial effect of algal polysaccharides as antioxidants.  相似文献   

Cartaxana  P.  Catarino  F. 《Plant Ecology》2002,159(1):95-102
Seasonalvariation in leaf nitrogen of mature green and senescent leaves and nitrogenresorption efficiency in three plants (Spartina maritima, Halimioneportulacoides and Arthrocnemum perenne) of aTagus estuary salt marsh are reported. Total nitrogen concentrations in greenand senescent leaves were higher during winter (December and March). Soilinorganic nitrogen availability showed an opposite pattern with higherconcentrations during summer (June and September) when total leaf biomass washigher. Nitrogen resorption efficiency ranged between 31 and 76% andH. portulacoides was the plant that better minimizednitrogen loss by this process. Nitrogen resorption occurred mainly from thesoluble protein pool, although other fractions must have been broken down duringthe resorption process. No significant seasonal variation in nitrogen resorptionefficiency and no relation to leaf total nitrogen or soil nitrogen availabilitywere found. This suggests that the efficiency of the resorption process is notdetermined by the plant nitrogen status nor by the availability of the nutrientin the soil. Nevertheless, resorption from senescing leaves may play animportant role in the nitrogen dynamics of salt marsh plants and reduce thenitrogen requirements for plant growth.  相似文献   

The brown seaweeds Durvillaea antarctica andD. willana are dominant components of the lowerlittoral and upper sublittoral of exposed rocky shoresin southern New Zealand. Tissue samples of bothspecies, harvested from a site on the south-east coastof South Island over a period of 2 years, wereanalysed for alginate content and composition.Individuals of both species were further separatedinto different blade (lamina and palm) and stipe(cortex and medulla) fractions to assess variationwithin the thallus. On average the alginate contentand frequency of mannuronic acid (Fm) was higherin D. antarctica than in D. willana. Blades contained more alginate than stipes, laminaeand stipes were rich in mannuronic acid whereasholdfasts were rich in guluronic acid. Variations incomposition are considered to reflect the functionaldifferences of the tissue, giving flexibility to bladeand stipe and rigidity to the holdfast. Despitefluctuations in content and composition betweencollection times no seasonal trends in eithercomponent were apparent.  相似文献   

Studying the diet of echolocating, insectivorous bats can provide important insights into their foraging behaviors and ecological constraints they are facing. By examining an extensive data set covering a period of 2 years, the present study identifies the dietary composition of three sympatric insectivorous bat species in rural areas of Beijing municipality. Each species clearly has different preferences for particular food items. Greater horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, preferred to catch nocturnal, actively flying insects, mostly moths (Lepidoptera), and to a lesser percentage flies (Diptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and flying ants and termites (Hymenoptera). Other nocturnal insects which do not exhibit any perceptible wing movements, such as true bugs (Homoptera), or strictly diurnal insects that hardly ever fly in the dark, such as grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and dragon- and damselflies (Odonata), were never found in droppings of horseshoe bats. Large mouse-eared bats, Myotis chinensis, preferentially glean relatively large terrestrial prey of the order Coleoptera (mostly carabid beetles) and Orthoptera, whereas greater tube-nosed bats, Murina leucogaster, consume predominantly smaller, diurnal Coleoptera (mostly soldier beetles, Cantharidae, and ladybugs, Coccinellidae). Our findings also indicate previously not described, significant spectro-temporal differences in the echolocation signals of M. chinensis and M. leucogaster. The results suggest that in our study area the dramatic differences in the dietary composition of these three bat species are mainly based upon differences in their foraging behaviors, including differences in their echolocation signal structure. The dietary data provide important background information for conservational efforts, such as habitat protection.  相似文献   

The tissue culture of phycocolloid yielding seaweeds included preparation of axenic explants, callus induction, subculture of excised callus and regeneration of plantlets from pigmented callus in the laboratory. Treatment of algal material with 0.1–0.5% detergent for 10 min and 1–2% betadine for 1–5 min and 3–5% antibiotic treatment for 48–72 h successively enabled viable axenic explants to be obtained as high as 60% for Gracilaria corticata, Sargassum tenerrimum and Turbinaria conoides and 10% for Hypnea musciformis. Callus induction was more conspicuous in T. conoides than in the other three species investigated. Of the irradiances investigated, 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1 produced calluses in as many as 40% explants in G. corticata and T. conoides and 10% in H. musciformis and S. tenerrimum. The explants cultured at 5 and 70 μmol photons m−2 s−1 did not produce any callus in all the species studied except for H. musciformis in which 10% explants developed callus at 5 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Most of the species investigated showed uniseriate filamentous Type of growths and buds from cut ends and from all over the surface of explants. Nevertheless, T. conoides had three Types of callus developments, namely (1) uniseriate filamentous Type of outgrowths from the centre of the cut end of explant, (2) bubbly Type of callus and (3) club-shaped callus clumps. The subculture of T. conoides callus embedded in 0.4% agar produced two Types of filamentous growth, namely filiform (with elongated cells) and moniliform filaments (with round cells) in the 2 months period after inoculation. Further, friable callus with loose cells was also found associated with excised callus. The moniliform filaments showed prolific growth of micro-colonies resembling to somatic embryo-like growth which, in liquid cultures, differentiated and developed into propagules with deformed shoots and distinct rhizoids. The shoots of these propagules remained stunted with abnormal leaf stalks without forming triangular shaped leaves as the parental plant and rhizoids had prolific growth in the laboratory cultures. The excised callus of G. corticata continued to grow when transferred to liquid cultures and showed differentiation of new shoots within 10 days. The shoots grew to a maximum length of 5–6 cm in the 2 months period in aerated cultures in the laboratory. Dedicated to the memory of Late Dr. Rangarajan.  相似文献   

Summary Turfgrass, like other major crop species, is recalcitrant to manipulation in vitro. To perform efficient genetic transformation of turfgrass, it is necessary to optimize tissue culture conditions. In most reports, plant tissue culture techniques have been applied to propagate a single cultivar or several cultivars in one species of turfgrass. In this experiment, four turfgrass genera were used, namely common bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers. (California origin); red fescue, Festuca rubra L. var. rubra ‘Shadow’; perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L. ‘Barbal’; and Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L. ‘Merion.’ Mature seeds were surface-sterilized and cultured on basal Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 30–250 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for callus induction. Regeneration media consisted of MS supplemented with 5–10 μM 6-benzyladenine (BA). Among the genera, Poa had the higest callus induction percentage (CIP) regardless of 2,4-D concentration, followed by Cynodon, Lolium, and Festuca, respectively. Cynodon and Lolium had the highest callus regeneration percentage (CRP) and overall regeneration rate (ORR). Festuca had a poor CIP, CRP, and ORR compared to other studied genera. Cynodon produced the highest shoot number per explant. Based on the results of the present study, MS medium supplemented with 60 μM 2,4-D (for callus induction) and 7.5 μM BA (for regeneration) can be used in multi-generic transformation studies with the genera used.  相似文献   

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