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Summary The Antarctic oribatid mite Alaskozetes antarcticus was collected from several field habitats near Great Wall Station (62°13S, 58°58W) on King George Island during January and February 1990. The tritonymphs and adults were examined for their supercooling ability and survival at subzero temperatures in relation to inoculative freezing. The active tritonymphs and adults showed a wide range of supercooling points probably due to their polyphagous feeding activity and humid habitat conditions, with means ranging from -3.8° to -22.4°C. Detrivores were inferior to algivores in their supercooling ability. The former seemed to be transiently exposed to the hazard of freezing during the cool Antarctic summer. The resting (premoulting) tritonymphs exhibited the lowest mean supercooling point of -28.3°C. Inoculative freezing reduced the survival of A. antarcticus. Its effect became conspicuous at temperatures below -20°C and was serious in the deeply supercooled individuals, such as resting tritonymphs and algivorous adults. During the active season, spontaneous freezing probably started from the gut contents seemed to be more fatal than inoculative freezing for this freeze intolerant species.  相似文献   

The cold-hardening capacity of field-collected larvae from southeast Missouri and laboratory-reared larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, was examined. Supercooling points of non-diapause and diapause larvae collected from maize plants grown in Missouri (36°30 N lat.) were ca.-7.0°C. The hemolymph melting points of diapause field larvae (-0.8°C) were significantly lower than those of non-diapause larvae collected in July (-0.5°C). The supercooling points of hemolymph from non-diapause and diapause field larvae ranged randomly from-10° to-18°C. Supercooling points of non-diapause laboratory larvae increased from-13° to-10°C prior to pupation, whereas those of diapause larvae increased similarly before the onset of diapause, but then decreased during diapause to ca.-17°C. No change in supercooling points or capacity to survive in the presence of ice was observed in diapause laboratory larvae acclimated at 4°C for 63 days. Laboratory and field larvae began to freeze at ca.-1.5°C in the presence of ice, but survived to several degrees below their melting points. The high supercooling points of field larvae appeared to be due to the presence of an environmental ice-nucleator. Although data for laboratory larvae indicate sufficiently low supercooling points to permit winter survival in southeastern Missouri, considerable larval mortality occurs in the field due to inoculative freezing and the presence of an ice-nucleator.  相似文献   

Freezing tolerance and freezing avoidance were studied, during the growing season, in plant species from two different elevations (3200 m and 3700 m) in a desert region of the high Andes (29° 45S, 69° 59W) in order to determine whether there was a relationship between plant height and cold resistance mechanisms. Freezing injury and supercooling capacity were determined in plants of different height, from ground-level (<20 cm tall) to tall shrubs (27–90 cm). All ground-level plants showed freezing tolerance as the main mechanism for resistance to freezing temperatures. Tall shrubs avoided freezing temperatures, mainly through supercooling. Supercooling was only present in plants occupying the lower elevation (i.e., 3200 m). Both avoidance and tolerance mechanisms are present in a single genus (i.e., Adesmia).  相似文献   

Summary Overwintering Delia radicum (L.) in a field of swedes (Brassica napus L.) near Ascot, Berks., England, were exposed to soil temperatures below 10°C on 176 days from 21 October 1983 to 22 April 1984, but no temperatures below 0°C were recorded. Collections of D. radicum taken at monthly intervals from 1 November 1983 to 30 April 1984 showed that parasitism by the cynipid Trybliographa rapae (Westw.) and by the staphylinid Aleochara bilineata Gyll. was the main source of mortality. A substantial increase in parasitism by A. bilineata occurred during November, but much of the increase was by superparasitism of pupae previously parasitized by T. rapae. Mortality from causes other than parasitism was greater in the November and December collections (c. 22%) and in the spring (c. 12%) than during the winter (c. 3%) and could not be attributed to low temperatures.In all collections, most of the adult D. radicum (c. 90%) emerged within 230°D5.6. The mean number of °D5.6 to eclosion did not change from 1 November to 5 March but decreased significantly by 2 April. Late-emerging adults remired 259 to 992°D5.6 to eclosion and no changes in the nean number of °D occurred among collections.Among unparasitized D. radicum, individual supercooling points showed a strong peak at c.-23°C. A significant proportion of pupae with supercooling points above-20°C were found only in the 1 November 1983 and the 30 April 1984 collections. The high supercooling points in the November collection may have comprised apparently healthy but moribund individuals, whereas in the April collection they may have included individuals that had initiated postdiapause development. The mean supercooling point of individuals in the low category (supercooling points 20°C) did not vary among monthly samples. Parasitism by T. rapae increased the variability in supercooling points, resulting in a few individuals with lower, and many more with higher supercooling points than among unparasitized individuals. The mean supercooling point increasing from the collections of November and December to those of January to April.Puparia containing unparasitized D. radicum pupae were heavier and contained more water than those with parasitized pupae, but neither group showed significant ranges over winter. Supercooling points were positively correlated with puparial live weight among unparasitized but not among parasitized pupae. Supercooling points were not correlated with water content for either group.Parasitism did not affect the occurrence or concentration of sugars and polyhydric alcohols (all<1% of fresh weight), and trehalose, glucose and mannitol were the most abundant. D. radicum can be considered to be over-protected from lethal freezing in the pupal stage and its high supercooling capacity in England may persist because it is conferred by the structural properties of the dipteran puparium and pupa within it and therefore is not subject to selection pressures.  相似文献   

A colony of Amblyomma neumanni was started with engorged females collected from cattle in the province of Salta (24° 51S, 65° 33W), Argentina. The larvae and nymphs were fed on rabbits and the adults on calves. The non-parasitic stages were maintained in darkness at 27 ± 1°C and 83–86% RH. The life cycle (pre-feeding period not tested) had a mean duration of 205.7 days. The mean time (days) for the different phases of the cycle were as follows: feeding of females 8.8, pre-oviposition 23.8, oviposition 41.4, minimum egg incubation 76.1, feeding of larvae 8.5, pre-moult to nymphs 16.4, feeding of nymphs 7.9 and pre-moult to adults 22.8. The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 83.8, 85.6 and 89.3%, respectively. The nymphs moulting to females were heavier (8.1 ± 2.34 mg) than those moulting to males (6.0 ± 2.34 mg; p < 0.01), but their range of engorgement weight showed overlap (2.3–16.2 versus 2.2–12.8 mg, respectively). Two gynandromorphs were detected between the nymphs. A comparison of biological parameters of A. neumanni with other American Amblyomma species from mammals is presented. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Summary The ability of adults and larvae of two species of perimylopid beetles (Hydromedion sparsutum, Perimylops antarcticus) to survive sub-zero temperatures was studied at Husvik, South Georgia in summer during October–December 1990. Experiments determined their survival at constant sub-zero temperatures, their lower lethal temperatures and individual supercooling points. The effects of cooling rates (0.015°, 0.5° and 2.0°C min–1) and starvation on survival were also assessed. Mean supercooling points of field-collected individuals of both species were in the range -3.0° to -5.4°C with Perimylops having a deeper capacity (ca. 1.5°C) for supercooling relative to Hydromedion. The former species also survived freezing temperatures significantly better than the latter and its mean lower lethal temperature was 2.5°C lower. At a constant temperature of -8.5°C, the median survival times for Perimylops adults and larvae were 19 and 26 h respectively, whilst both stages of Hydromedion died within 3 h. The three cooling rates resulted in significantly different median survival temperatures for adult Hydromedion with 0.5°C min–1 producing maximum survival. Prior starvation did not have a significant influence on the survival of either species at sub-zero temperatures although both adults survived less well. The results support field observations on the habitats and distribution of these insects, and suggest differing degrees of freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

A colony ofAmblyomma parvum was started with engorged females collected from cattle in the Province of Salta (25°01 S, 63°56 W), Argentina. The progeny of those ticks were fed on rabbits and the non-parasitic stages maintained at 27±1°C, 83–86% RH in darkness. The life cycle (prefeeding period not evaluated) had a mean duration of 99.6 days. The mean time (days) for the different phases of the cycle were as follows: feeding period of females, 8.0; pre-oviposition period, 5.7; oviposition period, 17.5; minimum incubation period of the eggs, 31.8; feeding period of larvae, 3.2; premoult period to nymphs, 10.9; feeding period of nymphs, 4.7; premoult period to adults, 17.8. The oviposition pattern was typical of an ixodid tick, including a linear relationship between weights of engorged females and the number of eggs laid (r=0.8659). The males increased 18% in weight after feeding on hosts (P<0.01). The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 28.2%, 95.3% and 90.7%, respectively. The nymphs moulting to females were heavier (6.8±0.69 mg) than those moulting to males (3.2±0.29 mg) (P<0.01). A comparison of biological values ofA. parvum with American and non-AmericanAmblyomma species is presented.  相似文献   

桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的耐寒性测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
桉树枝瘿姬小蜂Leptocybe invasa Fisher&LaSalle是一种新入侵的检疫性有害生物,为了明确其对极端低温的耐受性,以了解其适生范围,测定了桉树枝瘿姬小蜂幼虫、蛹、成虫及不同地区、不同寄主条件下雌雄成虫以及广东、广西、海南3省6地越冬幼虫12—3月的过冷却点和冰点。结果表明,不同虫态的过冷却点和冰点由低到高顺序为:蛹<幼虫<成虫。蛹的过冷却点和冰点分别为(-24.93±0.10)℃、(-22.81±0.14)℃,成虫的过冷却点和冰点为(-20.93±0.24)℃和(-17.33±0.27)℃。随着纬度的升高,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的过冷却点和冰点都呈现降低的趋势。海南地区不同寄主桉树枝瘿姬小蜂过冷却点从低到高的顺序排列为:湛-201<小叶桉<广林9号。在12—3月,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的越冬幼虫过冷却点和冰点随着环境温度的升高而升高,以广东广州地区1月份的越冬幼虫过冷却点和冰点为最低,其数值分别为(-25.44±0.17)℃和(-24.04±0.21)℃,个体过冷却点的最低值为-26.9℃。由实验结果可知,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂蛹和幼虫的耐寒力最强,以幼虫和蛹越冬。地区、寄主、温度对其耐寒力均有显著的影响,而且其有向现疫区以北的区域扩散的潜能。  相似文献   

1. Freezing was lethal in the eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of the blowflies Calliphora vicina R-D. and Calliphora vomitoria (L.), but varying degrees of supercooling were found. 2. Cold resistance (as determined by their supercooling capacity) was greatest in eggs (to c. -25 degrees C), and moderate in other life stages (range -7 to -13 degrees C), which was evident from the distributions of their supercooling points. 3. Water contents of all life stages varied from 63% to 77% of fresh weight; pupae of C. vomitoria contain the smallest proportion of water. No relationship between the amount of body water and supercooling ability was detected. 4. Glucose was the major compound in all life stages of C. vicina, with a maximum concentration of 8.22 micrograms mg-1 fresh weight in the adults. In addition, five other potential cryoprotectants occurred in concentrations greater than 0.1% of fresh weight. No correlation between solute concentration and supercooling was observed. 5. Both C. vicina and C. vomitoria have sufficient cold hardiness to avoid lethal freezing in sheltered habitats in southern Britain, which may render diapause unnecessary in both species.  相似文献   

Brassica napus and B. campestris are grown in Western Canada in areas subject to unseasonable frosts. At the seedling stage, cultivars of Brassica are very sensitive to frosts of -2° to-5°C, which are either lethal or delay the development of the plant. Seedlings of B. napus and B. campestris, germinated and grown at 10°C (16-h photoperiod), were treated with a foliar spray of either 100 M racemic abscisic acid (ABA), 100 M of various ABA analogs, 0.1% acetone, or were untreated. Freeze tests indicated 2°C of frost tolerance could be gained in B. napus following an application of three ABA analogs. In B. campestris, three analogs also increased freezing tolerance approximately 1.5°C. The analogs 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl methyl-ABA were effective in both species. Plant fresh weight and dry weight increased in treated plants relative to control or acetone-treated plants after 3 weeks at 10°C. The effect of frost and/or analog treatment on flowering was determined in both species. In B. campestris and B. napus, a mild frost advanced flowering by approximately 2 days compared with nonfrozen control plants. The promotive effect of frost on flowering decreased with increasing severity of the frost. Several of the analog treatments, particularly 2,3 dihydro ABA and acetylenic divinyl ABA, advanced flowering by 2–3 days in both species. The benefit of these ABA analog treatments on flowering was enhanced additionally by a mild frost. Plants treated with either ABA, 2,3 dihydro ABA, 2,3 acetylenic dihydro ABA, or acetylenic divinyl ABA flowered up to 5 days earlier than control plants.  相似文献   

The movements of nine breeding adult emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri from two colonies, Auster (67° 23S 64° 04E) and Taylor Glacier (67° 28S 60° 54E), were determined by satellite telemetry on their pre-moult foraging trips. While preparing for their annual moult the penguins travelled for 22–38 days and reached distances of up to 618 km from the colony. Six of the nine tracked penguins were followed to three different moult locations all to the west of their breeding colonies and near other known emperor penguins colonies, such as Kloa Point (66°38S, 59°23E) and Fold Island (67°17S, 59°23E). Sea-ice conditions changed throughout the tracking period; as the birds travelled north the sea-ice contracted south.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of midazolam on the angiokinesis of segments of rabbits' thoracic aorta stripped of endothelium and stimulated by adrenaline.Two groups of aortic rings removed from albinic rabbits anesthetized with thiopental were used (Group I – 6 animals; Group II – 12 animals), stripped of endothelium, studied in an organ chamber, perfused by Krebs-Henseleit solution. The groups were stimulated by adrenaline, recording the maximum contraction and dT/dt at 12, 36, 60 and 120. When the plateau phase was reached, the vessel was washed with perfusion solution, recording relaxation at 2, 4 and 6. When the base values were reached, Group I underwent a new adrenergic stimulus; and Group II was stimulated with midazolam and then with adrenaline, and the same values were recorded. T test was applied as a statistical analysis when two variables were studied. When studying more than two variables the Anova test was used, supplemented by the Tuckey test.Group I did not show any significant difference between the two stimuli. Group II – the midazolam significantly reduced the maximum contraction induced by adrenaline (83.01 ± 4.11%) (p < 0.01). The dT/dt was reduced at 12 (57.06 ± 8.47%), and also at 36 (70.59 ± 5.26%). There was no significance at 60 and 120 (p < 0.01).The relaxation increased significantly at all measurements – at 2-adrenaline 39.31 ± 9.60%; adrenaline/midazolam: 44.06 ± 9.62% (p < 0.05). At 4-adrenaline: 53.08 ± 8.3%; adrenaline/midazolam: 61.68 ± 8.50% (p < 0.01). At 6-adrenaline: 76.26 ± 5.45%; adrenaline/midazolam: 84.20 ± 7.96% (p < 0.01).Midazolam significantly reduced the maximum contraction obtained by the adrenergic stimulus as well as the dT/dt in the initial phases of contraction. The relaxation speed also increased.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of the neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in overwintering sites in northern Paraná state, Brazil (latitude 23°11 S, longitude 51°11 W) was monitored from September 1994 to August 1995. The breaking of dormancy (oligopause) was studied in the laboratory by comparing the feeding activity and reproduction of adults collected in the field under different physiological conditions (i.e., dormant and non-dormant). No bugs were found in overwintering sites during the summer (December to February) and during early autumn (March). From mid-autumn to winter (April – August), the number of E. heros captured in these sites gradually increased, decreasing thereafter with the start of spring in September. Dormant and non-dormant E. heros taken to the laboratory and maintained at 25 ± 1 °C , 65± 5% r.h., and L14: D10 photoperiod, and given suitable food (soybean pods or seeds), began feeding immediately. The number of stylet sheaths deposited/day on the food was greater for non-dormant than for dormant adults. Feeding activity was greater on immature pods than on mature seeds of soybean. Dormant females placed under suitable biotic and abiotic conditions took ca. 2 weeks to start reproduction, in contrast to non-dormant females, which reproduced immediately.  相似文献   

De Smet  W. H.  Van Rompu  E. A.  Beyens  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):463-466
Six water bodies in the region of Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland (67° 30 N, 50° 46 W), and four near Ammassalik, East Greenland (65° 36 N, 37° 38 W) were sampled. Sixty-nine taxa (2 Bdelloidea, 67 Monogononta) are reported, forty-six of which represent new records for Greenland. Proales pejleri n. sp. is described.  相似文献   

Photosynthetically active membranes have been prepared from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Mastigogladus laminosus by treatment with lysozyme. The membranes were active in electron transport through photosystem I and II as well as in photophosphorylation and proton uptake. Cells were grown at 40°, 45° and 55°C respectively. The temperature optimum of oxygen evolution of whole cells was about 10°C higher than the growth temperature. In isolated membranes the temperature optimum for cyclic photophosphorylation was identical to the growth temperature of the cells whereas the optimum for photosystem II electron transport never exceeded 40°C. Photophosphorylation was inhibited by N, N-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD), carbonyl-cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and NH4Cl, whereas proton uptake was enhanced by DCCD. Electron transport was slightly inhibited by these treatments. The membranes could be stored for several weeks at-20°C in 50% glycerol without any loss in the activities.Abbreviations DPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - CCCP Carbonyl-cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide - PMS N-methylphenazonium methosulfate - DCMU 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - TMP 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.8, 10 mM MgCl2, 5 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.8  相似文献   

Relationships of vegetation, climate and soils in Shanxi plateau wereanalyzed by use of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Shanxi province,located at 34°35–40°43 N, 110°15–114°33 E, was divided into a series of rectangular districts of30 latitude by 20 longitude. Areas of vegetation formations and soil types ineach district were measured carefully using fine grain on the vegetation andsoil maps of Shanxi. Climatic data were mean values of 25 years records in eachdistrict. Three data matrices of climate, vegetation and soil were combined byCCA. The results showed that the distribution of vegetation is closely relatedto the variety of climates and to soils distribution.  相似文献   

Summary The self-condensation of 2(3)-O-glycyl esters of adenosine, adenosine-5-(O-methylphosphate) and P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate in 6.2 mM solutions at pH 8.0 and -5°C in the presence of 12.5 mM poly(U) yields approximately 3 times as much diketopiperazine as reactions without poly(U). As the concentration of 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate is decreased from 6.2 mM to 1.5 mM the yield of diketopiperazine in the presence of poly(U) decreases slightly from 6.6% to 5.2%, whereas, in the absence of poly(U) the yield of diketopiperazine decreases substantially from 2.4% to 0.75%. The enhanced yield of diketopiperazine that is attributed to the template action of poly(U) is temperature dependent and is observed only at temperatures below 10°C (5°C to -5°C) for 6.2 mM 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine-5-(O-methylphosphate) and below 23°C (15°C to -5°C) for 6.2 mM 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate. The absence of a template effect at high temperatures is attributed to the melting of the organized helices. The hydrolysis half-lives at pH 8.0 and -5°C of 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine, 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine-5-(O-methylphosphate), 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate, and 5-O-(glycyl)-adenosine in the presence of poly(U) are substantially larger than their half-lives in the absence of poly(U). The condensation of 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine yields 5% of 5-O-(glycyl)-adenosine in the presence of poly(U) compared to 0.7% in the absence of poly(U).Abbreviations DKP diketopiperazine - (gly)2 glycylglycine - (gly)3 glycylglycylglycine - AppA-gly 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate - MepA-gly 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine-5-(O-methylphosphate) - Ado-2(3)-gly 2(3)-O-(glycyl)-adenosine - Ado-5-gly 5-O-(glycyl)-adenosine - Boc-gly N-tert-butyloxycarbonylglycine - AppA P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate - MepA adenosine-5-(O-methylphosphate) - AppA-Boc-gly 2(3)-O-(Boc-glycyl)-P1, P2-diadenosine-5-pyrophosphate - Ado-5-Boc-gly 5-O-(Boc-glycyl)-adenosine - Ado-2(3)-Boc-gly 2(3)-O-(Boc-glycyl)-adenosine  相似文献   

The application of abscisic acid (ABA), either as a racemic mixture or as optically resolved isomers, increases freezing tolerance in a bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) cell culture and induces the accumulation of several heat-stable proteins. Two stereoisomers of an ABA analog, 23 dihydroacetylenic abscisyl alcohol (DHA), were used to study the role of ABA-induced processes in the acquisition of freezing tolerance in these cells. Freezing tolerance was unchanged in the presence of (–) DHA (LT50 -9°C), and no increase in heat-stable protein accumulation was detected; however, the (+) enantiomer increased the freezing tolerance (LT50 -13°C) and induced the accumulation of these polypeptides. All three forms of ABA increased freezing tolerance in the bromegrass cells, although (–) ABA was less effective than either (+) or (±) ABA when added at equal concentrations. Cells pretreated with 20 or 50 M (–) DHA displayed lower levels of freezing tolerance following the addition of 2.5, 7.5 or 25 M (±) ABA. Full freezing tolerance could be restored by increasing the concentration of (±) ABA to > 25 M. Pretreatment of cells with (–) DHA (20 or 50 M) had no effect on freezing tolerance when 25 M (+) ABA was added. The induction of freezing tolerance by 25 M (–) ABA was completely inhibited by the presence of 20 M (–) DHA. The accumulation of ABA-responsive heat-stable proteins was inhibited by pretreatment with 20 M (–) DHA in cells treated with 2.5 or 7.5M (+) ABA, and in cells treated with 25 M (–) ABA. The accumulation of these polypeptides was restored when (±) or (+) ABA was added at a concentration of 25 M. The analysis of proteins which cross-reacted with a dehydrin antibody revealed a similar inhibitory pattern as seen with the other ABA-responsive proteins. The effects of the various isomers of ABA and DHA on cell osmolarity and sucrose uptake was also investigated. In both cases, (±) and (+) ABA had pronounced effects on the parameters measured, whereas (–) ABA treated cells gave substantially different results. In both sucrose uptake and cell osmolarity, DHA had no significant effect on the results obtained following (±) or (+) ABA treatment. Maximum freezing tolerance was only observed in cells when both heat-stable protein accumulation and sucrose uptake were observed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DHA 2,3 dihydroacetylenicabscisyl alcohols - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - LT50 temperature at which 50% of cells are killed The authors would like to acknowledge the technical assistance of Angela Bollman, Bruce Ewan and Angela Shaw. This work was supported by grants from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada to L.V.G. and N.H.L., and a grant from the University of Saskatchewan to R.W.W.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Laminaria abyssalis (Laminariales,Phaeophyta) in culture   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Laminaria abyssalis occurs in deep water in tropical latitudes of the Brazilian coast (19° 23 S, 38° 28 W to 22° 54 S, 42° 13 09 W). Its life cycle has been completed in the laboratory in seven months using different conditions of light and temperature. The gametophytic stage required for growth the low photon flux density of 1.2 ± 0.3 µmol m–2 s–1 and 18 °C, while the juvenile and adult sporophytes needed 15 µmol m–2 s–1 and 18 °C. The sporophytes became fertile at 23 °C. Our results showed that light and temperature are the main factors regulating the growth and life history of this species under the culture conditions tested.  相似文献   

Forty-four stream segments were sampled from May to October in 1992 and 1993 in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (19°45–21°25S, 49°05–51°30S). Thirty-six macroalgal subgeneric taxa were found and Chlorophyta was the dominant algal group (47% species), followed by Cyanophyta (33.5%), Rhodophyta (14%) and Chrysophyta (5.5%). The most widespread species wereStigeoclonium helveticum (25% sites),Batrachospermum delicatulum andCompsopogon coeruleus (20.5%). Distribution was patchy, with species number per sampling site ranging from 0 to six (3.1 ± 1.7) and correlated positively with species abundance. Species cover ranged from 0 to 61% of the stream bottom (19.1 ± 19.7%). Most sites (57%) were dominated by one or two macroalgae species. No significant difference was found between the frequency distribution of variables measured for streams and for total macroalgae, but the most widespread species differed for most parameters and occurred over wider ranges of environmental conditions. Mean species number and abundance were close to values found in distinct regions or biomes of North America. Higher conductance and lower oxygen values, as well as rocky substrata, generally constituted the most favourable combination of conditions for the development of macroalgae in the region. The pattern of strong dominance of few species was considered to be typical for stream macroalgal communities in general.  相似文献   

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