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Functional and ecological xylem anatomy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Cohesion-tension transport of water is an energetically efficient way to carry large amounts of water from the roots up to the leaves. However, the cohesion-tension mechanism places the xylem water under negative hydrostatic pressure (Px), rendering it susceptible to cavitation. There are conflicts among the structural requirements for minimizing cavitation on the one hand vs maximizing efficiency of transport and construction on the other. Cavitation by freeze-thaw events is triggered by in situ air bubble formation and is much more likely to occur as conduit diameter increases, creating a direct conflict between conducting efficiency and sensitivity to freezing induced xylem failure. Temperate ring-porous trees and vines with wide diameter conduits tend to have a shorter growing season than conifers and diffuse-porous trees with narrow conduits. Cavitation by water stress occurs by air seeding at interconduit pit membranes. Pit membrane structure is at least partially uncoupled from conduit size, leading to a much less pronounced trade-off between conducting efficiency and cavitation by drought than by freezing. Although wider conduits are generally more susceptible to drought-induced cavitation within an organ, across organs or species this trend is very weak. Different trade-offs become apparent at the level of the pit membranes that interconnect neighbouring conduits. Increasing porosity of pit membranes should enhance conductance but also make conduits more susceptible to air seeding. Increasing the size or number of pit membranes would also enhance conductance, but may weaken the strength of the conduit wall against implosion. The need to avoid conduit collapse under negative pressure creates a significant trade-off between cavitation resistance and xylem construction cost, as revealed by relationships between conduit wall strength, wood density and cavitation pressure. Trade-offs involving cavitation resistance may explain the correlations between wood anatomy, cavitation resistance, and the physiological range of negative pressure experienced by species in their native habitats.  相似文献   

Herein we review the current state-of-the-art of plant hydraulics in the context of plant physiology,ecology, and evolution, focusing on current and future research opportunities. We explain the physics of water transport in plants and the limits of this transport system,highlighting the relationships between xylem structure and function. We describe the great variety of techniques existing for evaluating xylem resistance to cavitation. We address several methodological issues and their connection with current debates on conduit refilling and exponentially shaped vulnerability curves. We analyze the trade-offs existing between water transport safety and efficiency. We also stress how little information is available on molecular biology of cavitation and the potential role of aquaporins in conduit refilling. Finally,we draw attention to how plant hydraulic traits can be used for modeling stomatal responses to environmental variables and climate change, including drought mortality.  相似文献   

? It is widely assumed that post-fire tree mortality results from necrosis of phloem and vascular cambium in stems, despite strong evidence that reduced xylem conductivity also plays an important role. ? In this study, experiments with Populus balsamifera were used to demonstrate two mechanisms by which heat reduces the hydraulic conductivity of xylem: air seed cavitation and conduit wall deformation. Heat effects on air seed cavitation were quantified using air injection experiments that isolate potential temperature-dependent changes in sap surface tension and pit membrane pore diameters. Heat effects on conduit wall structure were demonstrated using air conductivity measurements and light microscopy. ? Heating increased vulnerability to cavitation because sap surface tension varies inversely with temperature. Heating did not affect cavitation via changes in pit membrane pore diameters, but did cause significant reductions in xylem air conductivity that were associated with deformation of conduit walls (probably resulting from thermal softening of viscoelastic cell wall polymers). ? Additional work is required to understand the relative roles of cavitation and deformation in the reduction of xylem conductivity, and how reduced xylem conductivity in roots, stems, and branches correlates and interacts with foliage and root necroses to cause tree mortality. Future research should also examine how heat necrosis of ray parenchyma cells affects refilling of embolisms that occur during and after the fire event.  相似文献   

Embolisms decrease plant hydraulic conductance and therefore reduce the ability of the xylem to transport water to leaves provided that embolized conduits are not refilled. However, as a xylem conduit is filled with gas during cavitation, water is freed to the transpiration stream and this transiently increases xylem water potential. This capacitive effect of embolism formation on plant function has not been explicitly quantified in the past. A dynamic model is presented that models xylem water potential, xylem sap flow and cavitation, taking into account both the decreasing hydraulic conductance and the water release effect of xylem embolism. The significance of the capacitive effect increases in relation to the decreasing hydraulic conductance effect when transpiration rate is low in relation to the total amount of water in xylem conduits. This ratio is typically large in large trees and during drought.  相似文献   

Here, hypotheses about stem and root xylem structure and function were assessed by analyzing xylem in nine chaparral Rhamnaceae species. Traits characterizing xylem transport efficiency and safety, mechanical strength and storage were analyzed using linear regression, principal components analysis and phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs). Stems showed a strong, positive correlation between xylem mechanical strength (xylem density and modulus of rupture) and xylem transport safety (resistance to cavitation and estimated vessel implosion resistance), and this was supported by PICs. Like stems, greater root cavitation resistance was correlated with greater vessel implosion resistance; however, unlike stems, root cavitation resistance was not correlated with xylem density and modulus of rupture. Also different from stems, roots displayed a trade-off between xylem transport safety from cavitation and xylem transport efficiency. Both stems and roots showed a trade-off between xylem transport safety and xylem storage of water and nutrients, respectively. Stems and roots differ in xylem structural and functional relationships, associated with differences in their local environment (air vs soil) and their primary functions.  相似文献   

A model of bubble growth leading to xylem conduit embolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of a gas bubble inside a water conduit after a cavitation event was modeled. A distinction was made between a typical angiosperm conduit with a homogeneous pit membrane and a typical gymnosperm conduit with a torus-margo pit membrane structure. For conduits with torus-margo type pits pit membrane deflection was also modeled and pit aspiration, the displacement of the pit membrane to the low pressure side of the pit chamber, was found to be possible while the emboli was still small. Concurrent with pit aspiration, the high resistance to water flow out of the conduit through the cell walls or aspirated pits will make the embolism process slow. In case of no pit aspiration and always for conduits with homogeneous pit membranes, embolism growth is more rapid but still much slower than bubble growth in bulk water under similar water tension. The time needed for the embolism to fill a whole conduit was found to be dependent on pit and cell wall conductance, conduit radius, xylem water tension, pressure rise in adjacent conduits due to water freed from the embolising conduit, and the rigidity and structure of the pits in the case of margo-torus type pit membrane. The water pressure in the conduit hosting the bubble was found to occur almost immediately after bubble induction inside a conduit, creating a sudden tension release in the conduit, which can be detected by acoustic and ultra-acoustic monitoring of xylem cavitation.  相似文献   

In pine wilt disease (PWD), embolized tracheids arise after virulent pine wood nematodes (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, invade the resin canal of pine tree; infected pine trees finally die from significant loss of xylem water conduction. We used a compact magnetic resonance imaging system with a U-shaped radio frequency (rf) probe coil to reveal the developmental process of the xylem dysfunction in PWD. Multiple cross-sectional slices along the stem axis were acquired to periodically monitor the total water distribution in each 1-year-old main stem of two 3-year-old Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii) after inoculation of PWN. During the development of PWD, a mass of embolized tracheids around the inoculation site rapidly enlarged in all directions. This phenomenon occurred before the significant decrease of water potential. Some patch-like embolisms were observed at all monitoring positions during the experimental period. Patchy embolisms in a cross-section did not expand, but the number of patches increased as time passed. When the significant decrease of water potential occurred, the xylem dysfunctional rate near the inoculation point exceeded 70%. Finally, almost the whole area of xylem was abruptly embolized in all cross-sections along the stem. This phenomenon occurred just after water conduction was mostly blocked in one of the cross-sections. Thus, it appears that the simultaneous expansion of embolized conduit clusters may be required to induce a large-scale embolism across the functional xylem. Consequently, xylem dysfunction in infected trees may be closely related to both the distribution and the number of PWN in the pine stem.  相似文献   

Cavitation has long been recognized as a key constraint on the structure and functional integrity of the xylem. Yet, recent results call into question how well we understand cavitation in plants. Here, we consider embolism formation in angiosperms at two scales. The first focuses on how air-seeding occurs at the level of pit membranes, raising the question of whether capillary failure is an appropriate physical model. The second addresses methodological uncertainties that affect our ability to infer the formation of embolism and its reversal in plant stems. Overall, our goal is to open up fresh perspectives on the structure-function relationships of xylem.A central question in the biology of vascular plants is under what conditions the continuity of the liquid phase, essential for the transport of water from soil to leaves, is lost (Tyree and Zimmerman, 2002). Without the high-conductance pathway for water movement through the xylem, vascular plants could not sustain the water loss associated with the diffusional uptake of CO2 from a subsaturated atmosphere. As a result, substantial effort in the field of xylem transport focuses on quantifying vulnerability to cavitation and its impact. Yet, a number of recent studies raise questions regarding how well we understand cavitation in plant stems, pointing to apparently anomalous or inconsistent experimental results that suggest methodological artifacts (Choat et al., 2010; Ennajeh et al., 2011; Wheeler et al., 2013). Such results provide the motivation for this Update. We recognize that there is currently no consensus on the extent to which any particular experimental approach is subject to a problem; in addition, we note that the implications of such potential artifacts for the estimation of leaf xylem vulnerability involves further methodological considerations beyond our current scope. Our intention with this Update is to clarify the physical basis for a number of potential experimental artifacts relating to angiosperm stem xylem, in the hope that this will be useful for designing experiments that can resolve these issues.In this spirit, we begin with a discussion of how cavitation occurs, sketch an alternative model to meniscal failure for how air seeding across homogenous pit membranes could occur in the absence of discrete pores, and discuss the implications of these two models for the relative importance of probabilistic versus deterministic constraints on air-seeding resistance. We then turn to recent evidence that xylem vulnerability to cavitation in some species may have been overestimated and consider possible physical effects that could lead to biases sensitive to conduit size in the three principal methods of vulnerability estimation (dehydration, air injection, and centrifugation); to the extent that such biases are quantitatively important, these methods cannot be considered independent for long-vesseled species. Experimental approaches that may prove helpful in reconciling some of the divergent results between methods or protocols are proposed. The potential for measurement artifacts to impact our understanding of embolism repair is also discussed.  相似文献   

The ferns comprise one of the most ancient tracheophytic plant lineages, and occupy habitats ranging from tundra to deserts and the equatorial tropics. Like their nearest relatives the conifers, modern ferns possess tracheid-based xylem but the structure-function relationships of fern xylem are poorly understood. Here, we sampled the fronds (megaphylls) of 16 species across the fern phylogeny, and examined the relationships among hydraulic transport, drought-induced cavitation resistance, the xylem anatomy of the stipe, and the gas-exchange response of the pinnae. For comparison, the results are presented alongside a similar suite of conifer data. Fern xylem is as resistant to cavitation as conifer xylem, but exhibits none of the hydraulic or structural trade-offs associated with resistance to cavitation. On a conduit diameter basis, fern xylem can exhibit greater hydraulic efficiency than conifer and angiosperm xylem. In ferns, wide and long tracheids compensate in part for the lack of secondary xylem and allow ferns to exhibit transport rates on a par with those of conifers. We suspect that it is the arrangement of the primary xylem, in addition to the intrinsic traits of the conduits themselves, that may help explain the broad range of cavitation resistance in ferns.  相似文献   

Early observations led Sanio [ Wissen. Bot. , 8 , (1872) 401] to state that xylem conduit diameters and lengths in a coniferous tree increase from the apex down to a height below which they begin to decrease towards the tree base. Sanio's law of vertical tapering has been repeatedly tested with contradictory results and the debate over the scaling of conduit diameters with distance from the apex has not been settled. The debate has recently acquired new vigour, as an accurate knowledge of the vertical changes in wood anatomy has been shown to be crucial to scaling metabolic properties to plant and ecosystem levels. Contrary to Sanio's hypothesis, a well known model (MST, metabolic scaling theory) assumes that xylem conduits monotonically increase in diameter with distance from the apex following a power law. This has been proposed to explain the three-fourth power scaling between size and metabolism seen across plants. Here, we (i) summarized available data on conduit tapering in trees and (ii) propose a new numerical model that could explain the observed patterns. Data from 101 datasets grouped into 48 independent profiles supported the notions that phylogenetic group (angiosperms versus gymnosperms) and tree size strongly affected the vertical tapering of conduit diameter. For both angiosperms and gymnosperms, within-tree tapering also varied with distance from the apex. The model (based on the concept that optimal conduit tapering occurs when the difference between photosynthetic gains and wall construction costs is maximal) successfully predicted all three major empirical patterns. Our results are consistent with Sanio's law only for large trees and reject the MST assumptions that vertical tapering in conduit diameter is universal and independent of rank number.  相似文献   

Cambial injury has been reported to alter wood structure in broad-leaved trees. However, the duration and extension of associated anatomical changes have rarely been analysed thoroughly. A total of 18 young European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) trees injured on the stem by a spring flood were sampled with the aim of comparing earlywood vessels and rays formed prior to and after the scarring event. Anatomical and hydraulic parameters were measured in five successive rings over one-quarter of the stem circumference. The results demonstrate that mechanical damage induces a decrease in vessel lumen size (up to 77%) and an increase in vessel number (up to 475%) and ray number (up to 115%). The presence of more earlywood vessels and rays was observed over at least three years after stem scarring. By contrast, abnormally narrow earlywood vessels mainly developed in the first ring formed after the event, increasing the thickness-to-span ratio of vessels by 94% and reducing both xylem relative conductivity and the index for xylem vulnerability to cavitation by 54% and 32%, respectively. These vessels accumulated in radial groups in a 30° sector immediately adjacent to the wound, raising the vessel grouping index by 28%. The wound-induced anatomical changes in wood structure express the functional need of trees to improve xylem hydraulic safety and mechanical strength at the expense of water transport. Xylem hydraulic efficiency was restored in one year, while xylem mechanical reinforcement and resistance to cavitation and decay lasted over several years.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between xylem resistance to cavitation and 16 structural and functional traits across eight unrelated Populus deltoides×Populus nigra genotypes grown under two contrasting water regimes. The xylem water potential inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductance (Ψ50) varied from ?1.60 to ?2.40 MPa. Drought‐acclimated trees displayed a safer xylem, although the extent of the response was largely genotype dependant, with Ψ50 being decreased by as far as 0.60 MPa. At the tissue level, there was no clear relationship between xylem safety and either xylem water transport efficiency or xylem biomechanics; the only structural trait to be strongly associated with Ψ50 was the double vessel wall thickness, genotypes exhibiting a thicker double wall being more resistant. At the leaf level, increased cavitation resistance was associated with decreased stomatal conductance, while no relationship could be identified with traits associated with carbon uptake or bulk leaf carbon isotope discrimination, a surrogate of intrinsic water‐use efficiency. At the whole‐plant level, increased safety was associated with higher shoot growth potential under well‐irrigated regime only. We conclude that common trade‐offs between xylem resistance to cavitation and other physiological traits that are observed across species may not necessarily hold true at narrower scales.  相似文献   

Measurements of cavitation occurring in xylem conduits of differentstem parts in whole Chorisia insignis H.B. et. K. plants subjectedto water stress are reported. Pre-stressed plants were shownto undergo cavitation over 10 times greater than watered ones.The most vulnerable parts of plants were one-year-old twigswhere cavitation reached a peak of over 50 acoustic emissions(AE) min–1 while in two-year-old twigs AE min–1were about one half this value. Stem zones were found wherecavitation was typically very low even during water stress:these were one-year-old nodes and junctions where branches meet.Measurements of the inside diameters of xylem conduits and distributionof conduit ends in stem parts where AE were detected, showedthat nodes have a significantly larger percentage of narrowxylem conduits than internodes. Similar ‘constricted zones’were found injunctions with respect to two-year-old twigs. Hereabout 50 per cent of the xylem conduits were as narrow as 20to 50 µm in diameter. The distribution of xylem conduitends show about 3 per cent of them ending in the nodes and 1per cent in the internodes of one-year-old twigs. About 11.6per cent of xylem conduits end in the junctions and about ahalf in two-year-old internodes. Our data would give furtherexperimental evidence to the functional concept of ‘plantsegmentation’ into zones (internodes) more efficient inwater conduction, i.e. with wider xylem conduits but more vulnerableto cavitation and others (nodes and junctions) with oppositecharacteristics. Chorisia insignis, acoustic emissions, water stress, nodes, internodes, xylem conduit size, vessel ends  相似文献   

利用模拟降雨控制试验(对照、降雨增加45%和减少50%),研究了黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错带典型灌木沙柳和柠条茎水力学特性对模拟降雨改变的响应,以揭示两种灌木对未来降雨改变的适应性.结果表明: 沙柳茎比导水率(Ks)、比叶导水率(Kl)和Huber值对增水有显著响应,而对干旱无显著响应;柠条黎明前和正午叶水势、水分传输效率(Ks及Kl)对干旱有显著响应,但对增水无响应.两种灌木不同处理间抵抗栓塞能力无显著差异,沙柳不同处理间正午原位栓塞程度亦无显著差异,而柠条干旱处理正午原位栓塞程度显著增大.沙柳增水处理导管直径和导管面积占边材面积的比例显著增加,干旱导致沙柳导管密度显著增大,水力直径变小;柠条增水处理的木质部结构无明显改变,干旱导致其导管密度和木材密度显著增加.说明增水提升了沙柳的水力功能,而长期干旱显著降低了柠条水力功能,预测在未来气候旱化条件下,柠条的水力适应性可能不如沙柳.  相似文献   

为揭示伊犁河谷退化野果林中新疆野苹果植株个体的死亡机理,对比研究3种长势(Ⅰ级,20%枯枝率;Ⅱ级,40%~60%枯枝率;Ⅲ级,>80%枯枝率)新疆野苹果茎的水力结构特征的差异以及水分运输有效性和安全性及其影响因素。结果表明: 随野果林退化程度的增加,3种长势的新疆野苹果茎的边材比导水率和叶比导水率呈下降趋势,但差异不显著;傍晚时的栓塞程度、栓塞脆弱性呈显著增加的趋势,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ级长势个体的导水率损失50%时木质部水势分别为-1.87、-1.35和-0.53 MPa;黎明前和正午叶水势、水力安全边际均为Ⅰ级>Ⅱ级>Ⅲ级;与水力学相关的木质部解剖结构以及枝叶性状在3种长势个体之间存在显著差异。相关性分析表明,新疆野苹果茎木质部水分运输的有效性和安全性之间存在弱的权衡关系。新疆野苹果茎的水力结构变化伴随着新疆野果林的衰退过程。野果林的退化会加剧新疆野苹果木质部导管的栓塞化程度,降低其抵抗空穴化栓塞的能力,新疆野苹果面临水力失衡的威胁更大。  相似文献   

Plant xylem must balance efficient delivery of water to the canopy against protection from air entry into the conduits via air-seeding. We investigated the relationship between tracheid allometry, end wall pitting, safety from air-seeding, and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood in order to better understand the trade-offs between effective transport and protection against air entry. Root and stem wood were sampled from conifers belonging to the Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Podocarpaceae, and Araucariaceae. Hydraulic resistivity of tracheids decreased with increasing tracheid diameter and width, with 64 ± 4% residing in the end wall pitting regardless of tracheid size or phylogenetic affinity. This end-wall percentage was consistent with a near-optimal scaling between tracheid diameter and length that minimized flow resistance for a given tracheid length. There was no evidence that tracheid size and hydraulic efficiency were constrained by the role of the pits in protecting against cavitation by air-seeding. An increase in pit area resistance with safety from cavitation was observed only for species of the northern hemisphere (Pinaceae and Cupressaceae), but this variable was independent of tracheid size, and the increase in pit resistance did not significantly influence tracheid resistance. In contrast to recent work on angiosperm vessels, protection against air-seeding in conifer tracheids appears to be uncoupled from conduit size and conducting efficiency.  相似文献   

植物通过木质部管道系统进行水分运输, 木质部的水分运输效率和抗空穴化能力等水力结构特征对于植物物种的分布、抗逆能力等方面起关键性作用。目前, 国内外学者一般采用“冲洗法”进行木质部水力结构研究, 然而在该方法中使用的不同冲洗溶质可能对植物木质部水力结构等产生较大影响, 因此该文研究了3种溶质的冲洗溶液对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)枝条的水力导度和抵抗空穴化能力的影响。实验结果表明: 相对于去离子水, 用0.01 mol·L-1的草酸和0.03 mol·L-1KCl溶液作为冲洗溶液, 均导致毛白杨木质部导管和油松管胞的水力导度测定值的增大。KCl导致毛白杨和油松木质部抵抗空穴化能力测定值的提高, 草酸导致杨树抵抗空穴化能力测定值增强, 但导致油松抗空穴化能力显著(p<0.01)减弱。小枝水平上, 毛白杨和油松的水分运输效率和抗空穴化能力之间没有显著相关性。另外, 在截枝实验中发现, 毛白杨小枝木质部水力导度随长度增加变化不大, 而油松枝条的木质部水力导度有逐渐增大的趋势。以上的实验结果表明不同溶质下毛白杨和油松枝条的木质部水力导度和抵抗空穴化能力不同, 草酸和KCl可能对木质部管道系统及纹孔处的果胶等产生作用, 从而使毛白杨和油松的水力结构发生变化。毛白杨与油松水力结构在去离子水、草酸和KCl的作用下的不同结果及两物种截枝试验下水力导度的不同变化趋势表明, 导管运输系统和管胞运输系统可能具有不同的水分运输影响因素。  相似文献   

Some predictions of the recently proposed theory of long-distance water transport in plants (the Compensating Pressure Theory) have been verified experimentally in sunflower leaves. The xylem sap cavitates early in the day under quite small water stress, and the compensating pressure P (applied as the tissue pressure of turgid cells) pushes water into embolized vessels, refilling them during active transpiration. The water potential, as measured by the pressure chamber or psychrometer, is not a measure of the pressure in the xylem, but (as predicted by the theory) a measure of the compensating pressure P. As transpiration increases, P is increased to provide more rapid embolism repair. In many leaf petioles this increase in P is achieved by the hydrolysis of starch in the starch sheath to soluble sugars. At night P falls as starch is reformed. A hypothesis is proposed to explain these observations by pressure-driven reverse osmosis of water from the ground parenchyma of the petiole. Similar processes occur in roots and are manifested as root pressure. The theory requires a pump to transfer water from the soil into the root xylem. A mechanism is proposed by which this pump may function, in which the endodermis acts as a one-way valve and a pressure-confining barrier. Rays and xylem parenchyma of wood act like the xylem parenchyma of petioles and roots to repair embolisms in trees. The postulated root pump permits a re-appraisal of the work done by evaporation during transpiration, leading to the proposal that in tall trees there is no hydrostatic gradient to be overcome in lifting water. Some published observations are re-interpreted in terms of the theory: doubt is cast on the validity of measurements of hydraulic conductance of wood; vulnerability curves are found not to measure the cavitation threshold of water in the xylem, but the osmotic pressure of the xylem parenchyma; if measures of xylem pressure and of hydraulic conductance are both suspect, the accepted view of the hydraulic architecture of trees needs drastic revision; observations that xylem feeding insects feed faster as the water potential becomes more negative are in accord with the theory; tyloses, which have been shown to form in vessels especially vulnerable to cavitation, are seen as necessary for the maintenance of P, and to conserve the supplementary refilling water. Far from being a metastable system on the edge of disaster, the water transport system of the xylem is ultrastable: robust and self-sustaining in response to many kinds of stress.  相似文献   

植物水分传输过程中的调控机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨启良  张富仓  刘小刚  王玺  张楠  戈振扬 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4427-4436
农田土壤水分的转化利用与调控是以土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)为基础,以植物为核心,其中水分在植物体内的传输与调控研究一直是国际学术研究的前沿性热点课题。本文概述了植物水分传输的驱动力和传输途径,重点从植物的气孔调节、水容调节、渗透调节、水孔蛋白调节、贮水调节、气穴和栓塞调节等方面综述了植物水分传输过程中的调控机制研究进展。通过对植物存在优化调控水分平衡的潜在能力的研究,不仅可充实SPAC系统水分传输理论,而且有助于明确植物对环境的适应机制和高效用水的潜力及其节水调控的效应,对指导干旱半干旱地区农业生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Tree hydraulic architecture exhibits patterns that propagate from tissue to tree scales. A challenge is to make sense of these patterns in terms of trade-offs and adaptations. The universal trend for conduits per area to decrease with increasing conduit diameter below the theoretical packing limit may reflect the compromise between maximizing the area for conduction versus mechanical support and storage. Variation in conduit diameter may have two complementary influences: one being compromises between efficiency and safety and the other being that conduit tapering within a tree maximizes conductance per growth investment. Area-preserving branching may be a mechanical constraint, preventing otherwise more efficient top-heavy trees. In combination, these trends beget another: trees have more, narrower conduits moving from trunks to terminal branches. This pattern: (1) increases the efficiency of tree water conduction; (2) minimizes (but does not eliminate) any hydraulic limitation on the productivity or tissue growth with tree height; and (3) is consistent with the scaling of tree conductance and sap flow with size. We find no hydraulic reason why tree height should scale with a basal diameter to the two-thirds power as recently claimed; it is probably another mechanical constraint as originally proposed. The buffering effect of capacitance on the magnitude of transpiration-induced xylem tension appears to be coupled to cavitation resistance, possibly alleviating safety versus efficiency trade-offs.  相似文献   

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