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The experiment was conducted on double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls, fitted with rumen, duodenal and ileal cannulas, according to a 5 × 5 Latin square design with one missing animal. All diets contained 320 g/kg of lupin seed (Lupinus albus, var. Lublanc) on a dry matter (DM) basis. Four grinding treatments of raw lupins (RAW) were used to obtain median particle sizes of approximately 0.5, 2.0, 4.2 or 6.0 mm. One extrusion treatment (EXTR) was also used and consisted of heating to 180 °C for 30 s. The pH and ammonia nitrogen (NH3–N) concentration kinetics in the rumen liquid differed between RAW and EXTR. The latter induced larger variation in these parameters after the meal. Quadratic effects of the grinding level on rumen fermentation parameters were observed at several sampling times for RAW. The grinding level had also quadratic effects on the intestinal digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and N, reaching a maximum with treatment 4.2 mm. The treatment 0.5 mm tended to reduce the microbial N flow at the duodenum whereas EXTR tended to increase the non NH3–N flow. The total digestible flow of N tended to increase with the intermediate grinding levels and EXTR. Lupin protein degradability was calculated at 0.78, 0.74, 0.65, 0.82 and 0.70 for the 0.5, 2.0, 4.2, 6.0 mm treatments and EXTR, respectively. Treatments 2.0 and 4.2 mm increased the digestible protein in the small intestine (DVE) content by more than 40% compared with treatment 0.5 mm. The balance between rumen fermentable N and energy (OEB) was reduced by 15% with the 4.2 mm and EXTR. Compared with treatment 4.2 mm, EXTR did not greatly improve the nutritional value of lupin seed. The results suggested that lupin seed should be coarsely ground or flattened to obtain a mean particle size between 2.0 and 4.2 mm for cattle feed, but that an insufficient grinding level (treatment 6.0 mm) induced a higher degradability of lupin protein, probably due to more intense rumination. Under our experimental conditions, the extrusion did not sufficiently improve the nutritional value of the seed to be economically viable. These results show that feeding standards should consider the influence of the grinding level of legume seeds in order to assess their nutritional value accurately.  相似文献   

An experiment with broiler chickens was conducted to study the effect of inclusion of blue lupins and exogenous enzyme to broiler diets on the apparent metabolisable energy (AME), digestibility and performance. Two basal diets were formulated: a non-lupin diet A based on soya bean meal and maize, and a diet B where parts of soya bean meal and maize were substituted with blue lupin (200 g/kg). The two basal diets were fed either alone or, for diet B in combination with different enzyme preparations (Bio-Feed Plus, lactase, two galactanases (Gal-I and Gal-II)). The experiment was performed in battery cages with 648 male broiler chickens, where eight experimental diets were fed to the chickens from 7 to 21 days of age and weight gain and feed intake were measured during the period. At the end of the experiment, three chickens from each pen were slaughtered and the content from jejunum and ileum was separately collected and pooled and used for measurement on intestinal viscosity. For measurements of the apparent metabolisable energy and the apparent digestibility, excreta were collected at 22–24 days of age and ileal contents collected at 25–26 days from the remaining chickens.

Substitution of soya bean meal and maize with blue lupin depressed weight gain (9%) and feed conversion ratio (12%) significantly. Feed intake of the lupin-based diets was not decreased. The protein in lupin was digested to the same extent as the protein from soya bean meal, the coefficient of ileal apparent digestibility being on average 0.75. However, the high content of the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP; 450 g/kg) in lupin depressed the apparent digestibility of the organic matter by approximately 10%. The AMEn of the non-lupin diet was 14.01 MJ/kg dry matter (DM) compared to a value of 13.11 MJ/kg DM in the lupin control diet. Improvements in the measured parameters were seen with some of the enzymes. Gal-I, and Gal-II in combination with lactase were the most efficient enzymes concerning improvement in AMEn and performance. Weight gain was increased by 3.5–5.5% by addition with these enzymes. Gal-I increased the AMEn significantly to 13.65 MJ/kg, a value not significantly different from the AMEn of the non-lupin diet. There was no effect of addition with the different enzymes on the coefficients of apparent digestibility of organic matter measured in the ileum, whereas addition with Gal-I to the lupin diet increased the apparent digestibility of organic matter over the total tract by 3%. The mode of action of the galactanases has been to hydrolyse the galactan in the NSP cell wall of lupins to galactose and dimers of galactose, which are energy-yielding to poultry. From the results obtained, it can be indicated that Gal-I increased the energy utilisation of the lupin-based diet, confirmed by the improved AMEn content and performance.  相似文献   

Research of the regulatory function of sucrose in storage protein breakdown was conducted on isolated embryo axes, excised cotyledons and whole seedlings of three lupine species grown in vitro on medium with 60 mM sucrose or without the sugar. Sucrose stimulated growth of yellow, white and Andean lupine isolated embryo axes and cotyledons but growth of seedlings was inhibited. Dry matter content was higher in sucrose-fed isolated organs and in seedling organs. Ultrastructure research revealed that lack of sucrose in the medium caused enhancement in storage protein breakdown. Protein deposits in cotyledons were smaller as well as soluble portion content in all studied organs was lower when there was no sucrose in the medium. In the same conditions, the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase was significantly higher. Increase in vacuolization of cells of white lupine root meristematic zone cells was observed and induction of autophagy in young carbohydrate-starved embryo axes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We hypothesize that the tritrophic interaction between ants, the aphid Aphis jacobaeae, the moth Tyria jacobaeae, and the plant Senecio jacobaea can explain the genetic variation observed in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration in natural populations of S. jacobaea. The ant Lasius niger effectively defends S. jacobaea plants infested with A. jacobaeae against larvae of T. jacobaeae. S. jacobaea plants with A. jacobaeae which are defended by ants escape regular defoliation by T. jacobaeae. Plants with aphids and ants have a lower pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration than plants without aphids and ants. When these data are fitted to an existing theoretical model for temporal variation in fitness it is shown that varying herbivore pressure by T. jacobaeae in interaction with ants defending aphid-infested plants with a low pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration can lead to a stable polymorphism in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration. Costs of the production and maintenance of pyrrolizidine alkaloids are not accounted for in the model.Publication of the Meijendel-comité, new series no. 114  相似文献   

Field trials with a population of 108 doubled haploid (DH) lines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) derived from a cross between the Chinese winter wheat cultivars CA9613 and H1488 were carried out at Beijing (China) in 2000/2001 and 2001/2002. In addition, a field trial and a pot experiment were carried out at the experimental field stations of Giessen University (Germany) in the vegetation periods 2004/2005 and 2006/2007. Phenotypic data for major agronomic yield-related traits, i.e. grain weight per ear (GWE), grain number per ear (GNE), plant height and thousand-grain weight (TGW), were recorded in all experiments. In addition, biomass weight per tiller and ear weight were evaluated in the two field trials at Beijing. Based on the phenotypic data and a genetic map comprising 168 SSR markers, an analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) was carried out for yield and yield parameters using the composite interval mapping (CIM) approach. A total of 30 QTL were detected for these traits across four environments. Five of these QTL located on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2B, 2D and 7D exhibited pleiotropic effects. Such pleiotropic gene loci will be very useful for understanding the homologous/homeologous relationships among QTL and designing an appropriate marker-assisted breeding programme including multi-trait selection in order to accumulate (“pyramide”) favorable alleles at different genetic loci.  相似文献   

The effect of salt stress on leaf morphology and functionality was studied in three Populus alba genotypes differing in tolerance to salinity: 6K3 (sensitive), 2AS11 (moderately tolerant), and 14P11 (tolerant). Plants were subjected to an intense and progressive salt stress from 50 to 250 mM NaCl by 50 mM steps at 10-day intervals. The micromorphological results highlighted phenotypic variation among the three genotypes already in control plants, with the genotype 14P11 having significantly smaller epidermal cells and higher stomatal density. Salt-treated plants modulated differently the expansion of stomata compared with epidermal cells. Regression analysis showed significant correlations between decrease of stomatal area and stomatal conductance (gs) in genotypes 14P11 and 6K3. So, the common reduction of stomatal area could be an early mechanism to save water in this species. However, only genotype 14P11 showed further significant decrease of this trait under the highest salinity level, combined with a significant reduction in leaf length. In addition, this genotype showed the lowest leaf abscission rate at the end of salt stress period. The genotype 6K3 was severely affected by leaf necrosis and showed the highest leaf abscission rate in salt stress conditions. In the moderately tolerant genotype 2AS11, an intermediate plastic behaviour in both leaf morphology and physiology was observed during the experiment. The phenotypic variation among the three genotypes in terms of micromorphology and stomatal conductance is discussed in relation to plant functionality in salt stress conditions. Overall results suggest that leaf morphological habit contributes to salt tolerance in P. alba.  相似文献   

Morphologically similar fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis saevissima are broadly sympatric in southeastern Brazil. Chemistry from venom (2,6-dialkyl piperidine alkaloids) and cuticular hydrocarbons have been reported as potentially important tools for differentiating Solenopsis species. We have analysed two chemical classes in widely separated populations of S. invicta and S. saevissima and find that both piperidine alkaloids and cuticular hydrocarbons separate the two species. Piperidine alkaloids clustered S. invicta but not S. saevissima. Cuticular hydrocarbons strongly clustered both S. invicta and S. saevissima. One population morphologically identified as S. invicta presented piperidine alkaloids and cuticular hydrocarbons markedly different from either species. The distinctive piperidine alkaloid differences among populations of S. saevissima and the marked difference in piperidine alkaloid and hydrocarbon profiles of the anomalous population of S. invicta suggest undescribed species fire ant in southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

选取甘蓝型油菜种子发育和萌发过程中与脱水耐性相关的不同时间点,采用cDNA-AFLP技术通过128对引物组合分析,共获得394条特异转录衍生片段(TDFs)。经BLAST序列比对,发现其中189条与GenBank数据库中已知功能基因同源,按其功能可分为转录因子、基础代谢、抗逆胁迫、信号转导等相关蛋白。RT-PCR技术对差异显著性片段验证结果显示,泛素蛋白、油体蛋白、热激蛋白和一些转录因子片段均受到种子脱水诱导表达。研究结果表明,发生在种子发育和萌发过程中的脱水耐性反应非常复杂,涉及植物生命活动的诸多领域。  相似文献   

【背景】银柴胡(Stellaria dichotoma var.lanceolata)具有重要的临床药用价值,其总甾醇和总黄酮含量是评价药材的关键。【目的】探究药用植物银柴胡在不同生境下根内生菌群落特征及其与药材主要成分、产量之间的关系。【方法】采用高通量测序技术和药材常规测定方法,分析了风沙土(semi-fixed aeolian sandy soil,SFA)生境、石砾质土(lithosol,LI)生境和黄绵土(loessal,LO)生境银柴胡根内生菌群落特征及其与药材性状响应关系。【结果】各生境银柴胡内生优势细菌门为放线菌门(Actinobacteriota)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria),优势真菌门为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota),而内生优势菌属因生境不同各不相同;银柴胡药材主要有效成分总甾醇和总黄酮含量在LI生境中较高,而单株干重和干鲜比在SFA生境中较高。Spearman相关性分析表明,与银柴胡药材有效成分及产量显著正相关的内生菌相对较多。综合比较,内生细菌如metagenome_g__norank_f__67-14和内生真菌如unclassified_p__Ascomycota等更为显著。【结论】与银柴胡药材关键活性成分相关的内生菌群落在种类鉴定和提取、菌种培养和次生代谢物分析等方面具有广阔的研究价值。本研究为银柴胡道地产区药材高质量产业发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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