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Sardine, pilchard and anchovy stocks form the basis of commercially important purse seine fisheries in eastern boundary upwelling regions. High levels of environmentally driven recruitment variability have, however, made them especially difficult to manage. Reliable forecasts of recruitment success would greatly help with the setting of catch quotas prior to each fishing season. Theories of how environmental conditions influence recruitment success, according to survival/mortality of the early life-history stages, can be divided into mechanistic and sythesis theories. Mechanistic theories are concerned with specific physical processes, whereas synthesis theories attempt to unite the various mechanistic processes within a single conceptual framework. Despite the successful testing of some theories, there has been little success in reliably predicting recruitment success from a knowledge of environmental conditions. Possible reasons include the following: non-linearity in the relationship between environmental parameters and recruitment; the poor spatial and temporal resolution of much oceanographic data; the wide range of different factors involved in determining recruitment success; and the choice of environmental index. The recent compilation of time series of satellite images for these regions offers a solution to some of these problems, and in doing so reopens the possibility of finding sufficiently good relationships between environmental conditions and recruitment success for management purposes. In particular, the high resolution of these time series allows for the construction of environmental indices across many different spatial and temporal scales. These time series also open up the possibility of quantifying the behaviour of upwelling systems according to the evolution of their spatial structure through time, using pattern analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes are stabilized in three stages: (1) The initial stage uses sand-stilling grasses established vegetatively. For this purpose, European beachgrass,Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link., is most used, followed by American beachgrass,A. breviligulata Fern., or American dunegrass,Elymus mollis Trin. Large solid plantings must be made with the spacing and number of plants per hill adjusted to the site conditions. Plantings, using Nitrogen fertilizer, are made during the dormant season. (2) Secondary permanent grasses and legumes are seeded 2 years later when sand movement slows and the initial grasses begin to lose their vigor. Most used are seaside lupine,Lupinus littoralis Dougl., purple beachpea,Lathyrus japonicus Willd., seashore bluegrass,Poa macrantha Vasey., and native red fescue,Festuca rubra L. (3) Final control is with woody plants that are well adapted to rough areas. Scotch broom,Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link. Hooker willow,Salix hookeriana Barratt, Nootka rose,Rosa nutkana Prese., and shore pine Pinus contorta Dougl., have been extensively used.Presented at the Seventh International Biometeorological Congress, 17–23 August 1975, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Xu H X  Wu M  Wang X G  Yang J Y  Wang C S 《农业工程》2008,28(2):479-485
16S rDNA sequencing method is one of the effectively used culture-independent techniques in recent years. In this study, 16S rDNA sequencing method was used to investigate the bacterial diversity in deep-sea sediment from northeastern Pacific polymetallic nodule province. Total DNAs were extracted by using 2 different methods (chemical method and DNA extracting kit method). After purification, genomic DNA was amplified by using 2 universal primers (27F and 1492R). Clones were selected and sequenced randomly. After the sequences were checked by using the Chimera Check Program of the RDP database, a bacterial 16S rRNA gene library of 79 clones was established. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that 79 clones could be divided into 11 phylotypes. Gamma Proteobacteria (22.8%) and alpha Proteobacteria (16.5%) were the dominant components of the sediment bacterial community, followed by Planctomycetacia (7.6%), delta Proteobacteria (6.3%), Nitrospira (6.3%), Actinobacteria (6.3%), beta Proteobacteria (5%), Acidobacteria (5.1%), Sphingobacteria (3.8%), Firmicutes (2.5%) and uncultured bacteria (17.7%). Gamma Proteobacteria also dominated at slices 0–2 cm and 4–6 cm. Different slices had different types of bacteria, alpha Proteobacteria, gamma Proteobacteria, delta Proteobacteria, Planctomycetacia, Nitrospira, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria, however, appeared in all slices. Pseudomonas is common in many different deep-sea environments. In this study, it accounted for 22.2% of the total gamma Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Simulated global changes alter phosphorus demand in annual grassland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Jasper Ridge Global Change Experiment – an annual grassland with elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrate deposition, temperature, and precipitation – we used six indices of phosphorus (P) limitation to test the hypothesis that global changes that increase net primary production (NPP) increase P demand or limitation. All indices indicated that nitrate deposition, the only factor that stimulated NPP, increased P demand or limitation: (1) soil phosphatase activity increased by 14%; (2) P concentration in green and (3) senescent leaves of the dominant grass genus, Avena , dropped by 40% and 44%, respectively; (4) N : P ratios in green and (5) senescent Avena widened by 99% and 161%, respectively; and (6) total aboveground plant P decreased by 17% with elevated nitrate deposition. The other three factors, which did not stimulate NPP, did not increase P demand: based on two indices, enhanced precipitation decreased P demand (11% decrease in phosphatase activity, 19% increase in total aboveground P), and there was no evidence that elevated CO2 or temperature altered P demand. In a meta-analysis to assess the generality of P constraints on growth increases from global change factors, we found that six of 11 N-limited ecosystems responded to N deposition with enhanced P limitation or demand, but did not detect significant effects of elevated CO2 or warming.  相似文献   

东北太平洋深海沉积物细菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用两种方法提取中国结核合同区东区沉积物不同层次总DNA,通过克隆测序构建了含有79个克隆子的细菌16S rRNA基因文库,分析了该海域沉积物中细菌的多样性.79个克隆在系统发育树中形成了11个大分支,包括Gamma proteobacteria(22.8%),Alpha proteobacteria(16.5%),Planctomycetacia(7.6%),Delta proteobacteria(6.3%), Nitrospira(6.3%),Actinobacteria(6.3%),Beta proteobacteria(5%),Acidobacteria(5.1%),Sphingobacteria(3.8%),Firmicutes(2.5%),Other bacteria(17.7%),其中Gamma proteobacteria在总文库中所占比例最高,该分支细菌在0~2cm、4~6cm层也是优势菌种.Gamma proteobacteria中假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)为优势属(22.2%).各个层次中所含细菌类群有所不同,Alpha proteobacteria、Gamma proteobacteria、Delta proteobacteria 、Planctomycetacia、Nitrospira 、Actinobacteria和Acidobacteria为三层样品共有类群.  相似文献   

Respiratory electron transport system (ETS) measurements weremade on the microplankton in the Peru upwelling system near15°S during March, April, and May of 1977. The close associationbetween chlorophyll- biomass and ETS activity indicate thatthe microplankton were predominantly phytoplankton. Phytoplanktonrespiration average 14% of gross fixed carbon. When zooplanktonrespiration in the euphotic zone is considered, the total planktonrespiration represented an average of 19% of gross primary production. *Contribution Number 79002 from the Bigelow Laboratory for OceanSciences.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of foraging location (nearshore vs offshore) and foraging latitude (high vs middle) on the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope compositions of bone collagen of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). Nearshore-foraging harbor seals from California had δ13C values 2.0‰ higher than female northern elephant seals foraging offshore at similar latitudes. Likewise, nearshore-foraging harbor seals from Alaska had values 1.7‰ higher than male northern fur seals, which forage offshore at high latitudes. Middle-latitude pinnipeds foraging in either the nearshore or offshore were 13C enriched by ∼1.0‰ over similar populations from high latitudes. Male northern elephant seals migrate between middle and high latitudes, but they had δ13C values similar to high-latitude, nearshore foragers. Female northern fur seal δ13C values were intermediate between those of high- and middle-latitude offshore foragers, reflecting their migration between high- and middle-latitude waters. The δ13C values of California sea lions were intermediate between nearshore- and offshore-foraging pinnipeds at middle latitudes, yet there was no observational support for the suggestion that they use offshore food webs. We suggest that their “intermediate” values reflect migration between highly productive and less-productive, nearshore ecosystems on the Pacific coasts of California and Mexico. The relative uniformity among all of these pinnipeds in δ15N values, which are strongly sensitive to trophic level, reveals that the carbon isotope patterns result from differences in the δ13C of organic carbon at the base of the food web, rather than differences in trophic structure, among these regions. Finally, the magnitude and direction of the observed nearshore-offshore and high-to middle-latitude differences in δ13C values suggest that these gradients may chiefly reflect differences in rates and magnitudes of phytoplankton production as well as the δ13C value of inorganic carbon available for photosynthesis, rather than the input of 13C-enriched macroalgal carbon to nearshore food webs. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

In order to understand how changes in climate and land cover affect carbon cycles and structure and function of regional grassland ecosystems, we developed a grassland landscape productivity model, proposed an approach that combined both process-based modeling and spatial analysis with field measurements, and provided an example of semiarid region in Inner Mongolia, China, in extremely arid conditions. The modeled monthly mean and total net primary productivity, and monthly and annual mean respiration rates for Leymus chinensis steppes during the growing seasons in 2002 were mostly within the normal varying ranges of measured values, or similar to the field measurements, conducted in the similarly arid conditions. And the modeled total net ecosystem productivity (NEP) for L. chinensis steppes and Stipa grandis steppes were both between the lower and the higher measurements or within modeled multi-annual data by the other model. The modeled total NEP was 1.91 g C/m2/year over the entire study region. It indicated that if human disturbances were not considered, carbon budget over the entire study region during the growing seasons was nearly in balance or weak carbon sink even under extremely arid conditions. However, the modeled NEP spatially greatly varied not only over the entire study region (−48.28–52.09 g C/m2/year), but also among different land cover types. The modeled results also showed that there were obvious seasonal variations in carbon fluxes, mainly caused by leaf area index; and annual precipitation was the major limiting factor for the obvious spatial patterns of carbon fluxes from the east to the west. The modeled results also revealed the influence of extreme drought on carbon fluxes. The study provides an effective approach to derive useful information about carbon fluxes for different land cover types, and thus can instruct regional land-use planning and resource management based on carbon storage conditions.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Papagayo at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica experiences pronounced seasonal changes in water parameters caused by wind-driven coastal upwelling. While remote sensing and open water sampling already described the physical nature of this upwelling, the spatial and temporal effects on key parameters and processes in the water column have not been investigated yet, although being highly relevant for coral reef functioning. The present study investigated a range of water parameters on two coral reefs with different exposure to upwelling (Matapalo and Bajo Rojo) in a weekly to monthly resolution over one year (May 2013 to April 2014). Based on air temperature, wind speed and water temperature, three time clusters were defined: a) May to November 2013 without upwelling, b) December 2013 to April 2014 with moderate upwelling, punctuated by c) extreme upwelling events in February, March and April 2014. During upwelling peaks, water temperatures decreased by 7°C (Matapalo) and 9°C (Bajo Rojo) to minima of 20.1 and 15.3°C respectively, while phosphate, ammonia and nitrate concentrations increased 3 to 15-fold to maxima of 1.3 μmol PO4 3- L-1, 3.0 μmol NH4 + L-1 and 9.7 μmol NO3 - L-1. This increased availability of nutrients triggered several successive phytoplankton blooms as indicated by 3- (Matapalo) and 6-fold (Bajo Rojo) increases in chlorophyll a concentrations. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC and PON) increased by 40 and 70% respectively from February to April 2014. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) increased by 70% in December and stayed elevated for at least 4 months, indicating high organic matter release by primary producers. Such strong cascading effects of upwelling on organic matter dynamics on coral reefs have not been reported previously, although likely impacting many reefs in comparable upwelling systems.  相似文献   

Synopsis The species composition of acanthopterygian fishes in warm-temperate communities of the northeastern Pacific reflects the influence of ecological relations on teleostean evolution. The species are of either temperate or tropical derivation, with the temperate derivatives (e.g., scorpaeniforms, pleuronectiforms and zoarcoid perciforms) being mostly generalized carnivores, and the tropical derivatives (almost all of them perciforms) ranging from generalized carnivores to a diversity of specialized carnivores and herbivores. The tropical group dominates, with species of the labroid families Pomacentridae, Embiotocidae and Labridae being especially prominent, based mainly on specialized abilities to feed on sessile invertebrates and zooplankters. Other perciforms of tropical stock that do well here include kyphosids, which are herbivores. These trophic capabilities have been inherited from tropical ancestors and are poorly developed among the temperate derivatives. Despite their successes in warm-temperate habitats, few tropical derivatives have extended their distributions into the cold-temperate region; similarly, temperate derivatives have been to a large extent limited in spreading southward into the warm-temperate region. These limits to distribution cannot be attributed to problems with food resources, but are readily explained by effects of surface currents on early life-history stages in this coastal upwelling system.  相似文献   

The troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus populates two distinct habitats in southern Appalachian caves, mud-bottom pools and gravel-bottom streams. An investigation was conducted to determine if stream populations possess behavioral adaptations to lotic conditions. Observations on the thigmotactic behavior of C. antennatus were made seasonally in six Lee Co., Virginia caves, three containing pool habitats and three with stream habitats. Stream-dwelling amphipods were found to exhibit more cryptic behavior than those inhabiting pools under natural conditions and when disturbed. Artificial stream experiments indicate that stream-dwelling C. antennatus are better adapted behaviorally to lotic conditions than pool-dwelling amphipods.  相似文献   

Lee HJ  Boulding EG 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(15):3084-3103
The present population structure of a species reflects the influence of population history as well as contemporary processes. To examine the relative importance of these factors in shaping the current population structure of Littorina keenae, we sequenced 762 base pairs of the mitochondrial ND6 and cytochrome b genes in 584 snails from 13 sites along the northeastern Pacific coast. Haplotype network analysis revealed a 'star-like' genealogy indicative of a recent population expansion. Nested clade and mismatch analyses also supported the hypothesis of sudden population expansion following a population bottleneck during the Last Glacial Maximum. Analysis of molecular variance and pairwise Phi(ST) showed no significant spatial population differentiation from Mexico to Oregon - not even across the recognized biogeographic boundary at Point Conception. This is probably due to high contemporary gene flow during the free-swimming larval stage of this snail. Surprisingly, we found a highly significant temporal population differentiation between a San Pedro sample from 1996 and one from 2005, which gave an estimate of effective population size (N(e)) of only 135. Nearly statistically significant changes in the frequency of a particular haplotype in three other populations over 2-3 years further support Hedgecock's 'sweepstakes' hypothesis. When by chance nearly all of the progeny from an aggregation of highly fecund sisters that possess a rare haplotype successfully recruit to become the next generation, the rare haplotype can become temporarily common across the entire species' range. This modification of the sweepstakes hypothesis can explain why the temporal variation that we observed was much greater than the spatial variation.  相似文献   

To examine the potential linkage between sex-biased growth and dispersal in demersal fish, we studied the movement distance and growth of tag-recaptured sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Tagging was conducted by teams from Japan and the United States. From 1980 to 1984, 58,918 sablefish were captured by Japanese vessels and tagged with anchor tags, and between 1980 and 2007, 3319 sablefish were recaptured in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific. Of these 3319 fish, we analyzed data on 659 individuals for which we have reliable data on recapture location, sex and fork length at the time of release and recapture, and elapsed time longer than 10?days. Annual growth increments (mean±S.D.) were 2.5?±?6.5?cm (males) and 3.5?±?8.6?cm (females), and the movement distances (assumed to be straight) were 712?±?800?km (males) and 877?±?920?km (females). Females grew larger and moved longer distances than males. We calculated the growth increment deviation that accounted for the effects of elapsed time, curvilinear growth, and initial fork length at release using a von Bertalanffy growth model. The growth increment deviation increased significantly with the distance moved over elapsed time. In addition, the relationship between distance moved over elapsed time and the growth deviation differed significantly between sexes; females grew faster than males at a given movement distance. We suggest that female-biased dispersal is a factor generating female-biased growth in sablefish.  相似文献   

Colonial spumellarian Radiolaria are heterotrophic protiststhat form large (up to several meters in length), gelatinousstructures in the surface waters of all tropical and subtropicaloceanic ecosystems. These species are morphologically and trophicallycomplex and some, but not all, produce silica skeletal structuresof considerable paleontological significance. Skeletonless speciesof Radiolaria are poorly sampled by plankton nets, which canseverely damage these delicate organisms. Therefore, abundancesof colonial Radiolaria typically have been underestimated inquantitative studies of zooplankton abundance and biomass. Herewe document the abundances of colonial Radiolaria in the centralNorth Pacific based on analysis of video images from a miniaturizedvideo plankton recorder. We observed abundances of radiolariancells in colonies that exceeded previous reports of total Radiolariaby more than ten-fold, and counts of skeleton-bearing Radiolariaby more than two to three orders of magnitude. Biomass (carbon)within these colonies was similar to or greater than the totalradiolarian biomass (i.e. including all solitary species) previouslyreported for the Pacific. Symbiont productivity within colonialRadiolaria was estimated to constitute a modest but significantfraction of total primary productivity (up to  相似文献   

Gonads of hydromedusae had a dry wt of 18 of wet wt, with carbonand nitrogen compos ition equalling 40 and 10 of dry wt, respectively.These values are 4 times higher than for whole specimens. Gonadsof mature medusae represented 2–15 of total wet wt (10–50of total dry wt). For Phialidium gregarium (the most numeroushydromedusa in surface waters of Saanich Inlet, BC), gonadsvaried in size seasonally and were largest in May when foodwas most abundant and when daily rations were maximum. Diametersof ova ranged from 70 to 200 µm; estimated dry wts equalled0.03–0.8 µg and estimated carbon weights were 0.01–0.3µg. Medusae released up to > 10 000 ova/female/day.This rep resented 0.1–4 of total dry wt/day (1–16of carbon). Egg production was dependent on nutritional stateand on female biomass; ova size, on the other hand, was independentof female biomass both within and among species. For the hydromedusaein Saanich Inlet, carbon flux of ova was estimated to equalonly about 50 of metabolic carbon losses because reproductiveindividuals represented only a small part of the total hydromedusapopulation.  相似文献   

Methods are given to measure the effects of spatial and temporaldifferences in egg production on the precision of estimatesof total seasonal egg production derived from ichythyoplanktonsurveys. The techniques are applied to the results of largescale plankton surveys conducted in 1977 and 1979 off the northeasternUSA. For the three species analyzed (Atlantic mackerel, Scomberscombrus; silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis and yellowtailflounder, Limanda ferruginea). the surveys produced estimatesof total egg production having an average coefficient of variationequal to 31%. Estimates of spawning stock size based on theegg production estimates compared favorably with other independentassessments of stock size. *MARMAP Contribution MED/NEFC 83–39.  相似文献   

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