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Biological effects of HIV-1 Vpr on CD4(+) cells were studied by an infection system. High-titered HIV-1 stocks pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein were prepared and used to inoculate into CD4(+ )T cells at high multiplicity of infection. Both cell- and virion-associated Vpr were demonstrated to arrest the cell cycle at the G2/M phase, and to induce cell apoptosis. Of note, morphologically apoptotic cells were shown to be arrested at the G2/M stage. No appreciable effect of Vpr on the anti-Fas antibody-mediated apoptosis was observed in this system.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus from rhesus macaques (SIVmac), like human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), encodes a transactivator (tat) which stimulates long terminal repeat (LTR)-directed gene expression. We performed cotransfection assays of SIVmac and HIV-1 tat constructs with LTR-CAT reporter plasmids. The primary effect of transactivation for both SIVmac and HIV-1 is an increase in LTR-directed mRNA accumulation. The SIVmac tat gene product partially transactivates an HIV-1 LTR, whereas the HIV-1 tat gene product fully transactivates an SIVmac LTR. Significant transactivation is achieved by the product of coding exon 1 of the HIV-1 tat gene; however, inclusion of coding exon 2 results in a further increase in mRNA accumulation. In contrast, coding exon 2 of the SIVmac tat gene is required for significant transactivation. These results imply that the tat proteins of SIVmac and HIV-1 are functionally similar but not interchangeable. In addition, an in vitro-generated mutation in SIVmac tat disrupts splicing at the normal splice acceptor site at the beginning of coding exon 2 and activates a site approximately 15 nucleotides downstream. The product of this splice variant stimulates LTR-directed gene expression. This alternative splice acceptor site is also used by a biologically active provirus with an efficiency of approximately 5% compared with the upstream site. These data suggest that a novel tat protein is encoded during the course of viral infection.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vpr gene encodes a protein which induces arrest of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Here, we demonstrate that following the arrest of cells in G2, Vpr induces apoptosis in human fibroblasts, T cells, and primary peripheral blood lymphocytes. Analysis of various mutations in the vpr gene revealed that the extent of Vpr-induced G2 arrest correlated with the levels of apoptosis. However, the alleviation of Vpr-induced G2 arrest by treatment with the drug pentoxifylline did not abrogate apoptosis. Together these studies indicate that induction of G2 arrest, but not necessarily continued arrest in G2, was required for Vpr-induced apoptosis to occur. Finally, Vpr-induced G2 arrest has previously been correlated with inactivation of the Cdc2 kinase. Some models of apoptosis have demonstrated a requirement for active Cdc2 kinase for apoptosis to occur. Here we show that accumulation of the hypophosphorylated or active form of the Cdc2 kinase is not required for Vpr-induced apoptosis. These studies indicate that Vpr is capable of inducing apoptosis, and we propose that both the initial arrest of cells and subsequent apoptosis may contribute to CD4 cell depletion in HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

Viral protein R (Vpr) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is an accessory protein that plays an important role in viral pathogenesis. This pathogenic activity of Vpr is related in part to its capacity to induce cell cycle G2 arrest and apoptosis of target T cells. A screening for multicopy suppressors of these Vpr activities in fission yeast identified heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) as a suppressor of Vpr-induced cell cycle arrest. Hsp70 is a member of a family of molecular chaperones involved in innate immunity and protection from environmental stress. In this report, we demonstrate that HIV-1 infection induces Hsp70 in target cells. Overexpression of Hsp70 reduced the Vpr-dependent G2 arrest and apoptosis and also reduced replication of the Vpr-positive, but not Vpr-deficient, HIV-1. Suppression of Hsp70 expression by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in increased apoptosis of cells infected with a Vpr-positive, but not Vpr-defective, HIV-1. Replication of the Vpr-positive HIV-1 was also increased when Hsp70 expression was diminished. Vpr and Hsp70 coimmunoprecipitated from HIV-infected cells. Together, these results identify Hsp70 as a novel anti-HIV innate immunity factor that targets HIV-1 Vpr.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr is a 96-amino-acid protein that is found associated with the HIV-1 virion. Vpr induces cell cycle arrest at the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle, and this arrest is followed by apoptosis. We examined the mechanism of Vpr-induced apoptosis and found that HIV-1 Vpr-induced apoptosis requires the activation of a number of cellular cysteinyl aspartate-specific proteases (caspases). We demonstrate that ectopic expression of anti-apoptotic viral proteins, which inhibit caspase activity, and addition of synthetic peptides, which represent caspase cleavage sites, can inhibit Vpr-induced apoptosis. Finally, inhibition of caspase activity and subsequent inhibition of apoptosis results in increased viral expression, suggesting that therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing Vpr-induced apoptosis in vivo require careful consideration.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transactivator (tat) protein produced in one cell activated HIV-1 promoter-directed gene expression in a second cell, provided the cells were in direct contact with one another. This observation suggests that the tat protein produced in HIV-1-infected cells has a physiological effect on neighboring cells.  相似文献   

Viral protein R (Vpr) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 inhibits cell proliferation by arresting the cell cycle at the G(2) phase and inducing to apoptosis after G(2) arrest. We have reported previously that C81, a carboxy-terminally truncated form of Vpr, interferes with cell proliferation via a novel pathway that is distinct from G(2) arrest. However, the mechanism of this effect of C81 is unknown. We demonstrate here that C81 can induce apoptosis via G(1) arrest of the cell cycle. Immunostaining for various markers of stages of the cell cycle and flow cytometry analysis of DNA content showed that most HeLa cells that had been transiently transfected with a C81 expression vector were arrested at the G(1) phase and not at the G(2) or S phase of the cell cycle. Staining for annexin V, which binds phosphatidylserine on the plasma membrane, as an early indicator of apoptosis and measurement of the activity of caspase-3, a signaling molecule in apoptotic pathways, indicated that C81 is a strong inducer of apoptosis. Expression of C81 induced the condensation, fragmentation, and clumping of chromatin that are typical of apoptosis. Furthermore, the kinetics of the C81-induced G(1) arrest were closely correlated with changes in the number of annexin V-positive cells and the activity of caspase-3. Replacement of Ile or Leu residues by Pro at positions 60, 67, 74, and 81 within the leucine zipper-like domain of C81 revealed that Ile60, Leu67, and Ile74 play important roles both in the C81-induced G(1) arrest and in apoptosis. Thus, it appears that C81 induces apoptosis through pathways that are identical to those utilized for G(1) arrest of the cell cycle. It has been reported that Ile60, Leu67, and Ile74 also play an important role in the C81-induced suppression of growth. These results suggest that the suppression of growth induced by C81 result in apoptosis that is independent of G(2) arrest of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

M E Rogel  L I Wu    M Emerman 《Journal of virology》1995,69(2):882-888
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a retrovirus that can cause extensive cytopathicity in T cells. However, long-term productive infection of T-cell lines has been described. Here we show that although Vpr has no effect on the initial cytopathic effect of HIV-1, viruses that contain an intact vpr gene are unable to establish a chronic infection of T cells. However, virus with a mutated vpr gene can readily establish such long-term cultures. The effect of Vpr is independent of the env gene and the nef gene. Furthermore, expression of Vpr alone affects the progression of cells in the cell cycle. These results suggest that HIV-1 has evolved a viral gene to prevent chronic infection of T cells.  相似文献   

The Vpr protein encoded by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is important for growth of virus in macrophages and prevents infected cells from passing into mitosis (G2 arrest). The cellular target for these functions is not known, but Vpr of HIV-1 and the related Vpr from simian immunodeficiency virus of sooty mangabeys (SIV(SM)) bind the DNA repair enzyme UNG, while the Vpx protein of SIV(SM) does not. Nonetheless, a mutational analysis of Vpr showed that binding to UNG is neither necessary nor sufficient for the effect of Vpr on the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) efficiently bind and transmit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to cocultured T cells and so may play an important role in HIV transmission. DC-SIGN, a novel C-type lectin that is expressed in DCs, has recently been shown to bind R5 HIV type 1 (HIV-1) strains and a laboratory-adapted X4 strain. To characterize the interaction of DC-SIGN with primate lentiviruses, we investigated the structural determinants of DC-SIGN required for virus binding and transmission to permissive cells. We constructed a panel of DC-SIGN mutants and established conditions which allowed comparable cell surface expression of all mutants. We found that R5, X4, and R5X4 HIV-1 isolates as well as simian immunodeficiency and HIV-2 strains bound to DC-SIGN and could be transmitted to CD4/coreceptor-positive cell types. DC-SIGN contains a single N-linked carbohydrate chain that is important for efficient cell surface expression but is not required for DC-SIGN-mediated virus binding and transmission. In contrast, C-terminal deletions removing either the lectin binding domain or the repeat region abrogated DC-SIGN function. Trypsin-EDTA treatment inhibited DC-SIGN mediated infection, indicating that virus was maintained at the surface of the DC-SIGN-expressing cells used in this study. Finally, quantitative fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of AU1-tagged DC-SIGN revealed that the efficiency of virus transmission was strongly affected by variations in DC-SIGN expression levels. Thus, variations in DC-SIGN expression levels on DCs could greatly affect the susceptibility of human individuals to HIV infection.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research, the mechanisms by which HIV disrupts thymic function remain controversial. We have described the phenotypic changes that occur in the thymus of SIV-infected macaques during acute SIV infection. In this study, we analyzed the effects of SIV infection on apoptotic pathways in thymic tissue from newborn macaques infected with SIV. Thymocyte apoptosis was accompanied by a modest increase in surface Fas expression, a profound decrease in the frequency of bcl-2-positive cells, as well as the amount of bcl-2 per cell. With control of viral replication, levels of bcl-2 and Fas returned to baseline together with a return to basal levels of apoptosis. In the thymus, SIV infection resulted in depletion of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, an increase in apoptosis of thymocytes, and a down-regulation of MHC class I molecules. These changes peaked 14-21 days after infection at or just after peak viremia. This data further suggests disruption of the antiapoptotic pathway regulated by bcl-2 plays a critical role in SIV-induced apoptosis of thymocytes.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr is a virion-associated, regulatory protein that is required for efficient viral replication in monocytes/macrophages. The protein is believed to act in conjunction with the Gag matrix protein to allow import of the viral preintegration complex in nondividing cells. In cells, Vpr localizes to the nucleus. Recently, we showed that Vpr prevents the activation of p34cdc2-cyclin B. This results in arrest of Vpr-expressing cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Here, we use a panel of expression vectors encoding Vpr molecules mutated in the amino-terminal alpha-helical region, the central hydrophobic region, or the carboxy-terminal basic region to define the functional domains of the protein. The results showed cell cycle arrest was largely controlled by the carboxy-terminal basic domain of the protein. In contrast, the amino-terminal alpha-helical region of Vpr was required for nuclear localization and packaging into virions. The carboxy terminus appeared to be unnecessary for nuclear localization. In the alpha-helical region, mutation of Ala-30 to Pro resulted in a protein that localized to the cytoplasm. Surprisingly, fusion of Vpr to luciferase resulted in a molecule that failed to localize to the nucleus. In addition, we show that simian immunodeficiency virus Vpr, but not Vpx, induces G2 arrest. We speculate that Vpr has two sites for interaction with cellular factors: one in the alpha-helical region that specifies nuclear localization and one in the carboxy-terminal domain that is required for Cdc2 inhibition.  相似文献   

In contrast to infrequent and low-titer cross-neutralization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates by HIV-2- and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-positive sera, extensive cross-neutralization of HIV-2NIH-Z, SIVMAC251, and SIVAGM208K occurs with high titer, suggesting conservation of epitopes and mechanism(s) of neutralization. The V3 regions of HIV-2 and SIV isolates, minimally related to the HIV-1 homolog, share significant sequence homology and are immunogenic in monkeys as well as in humans. Whereas the crown of the V3 loop is cross-reactive among HIV-1 isolates and elicits neutralizing antibodies of broad specificity, the SIV and especially HIV-2 crown peptides were not well recognized by cross-neutralizing antisera. V3 loop peptides of HIV-2 isolates did not elicit neutralizing antibodies in mice, guinea pigs, or a goat and together with SIV V3 peptides did not inhibit serum neutralization of HIV-2 and SIV. Thus, the V3 loops of HIV-2 and SIV do not appear to constitute simple linear neutralizing epitopes. In view of the immunogenicity of V3 peptides, the failure of conserved crown peptides to react with natural sera implies a significant role of loop conformation in antibody recognition. Our studies suggest that in addition to their grouping by envelope genetic relatedness, HIV-2 and SIV are neutralized similarly to each other but differently from HIV-1. The use of linear peptides of HIV-2 and SIV as immunogens may require greater attention to microconformation, and alternate subunit approaches may be needed in exploiting these viruses as vaccine models. Such approaches may also be applicable to the HIV-1 system in which conformational epitopes, in addition to the V3 loop, participate in virus neutralization.  相似文献   

The vpr gene from the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) encodes a 14-kDa protein that prevents cell proliferation by causing a block in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle. This cellular function of vpr is conserved in evolution because other primate lentiviruses, including HIV-2, SIV(mac), and SIV(agm) encode related genes that also induce G(2) arrest. After G(2) arrest, cells expressing vpr undergo apoptosis. The signaling pathways that result in vpr-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis have yet to be determined. The p53 tumor suppressor protein is involved in signaling pathways leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a variety of cell types. In this work, we examine the potential role of p53 in mediating cell cycle block and/or apoptosis by HIV-1 vpr and demonstrate that both phenomena occur independently of the presence and function of p53. Caspases are common mediators of apoptosis. We examined the potential role of caspases in mediating vpr-induced apoptosis by treating vpr-expressing cells with Boc-D-FMK, a broad spectrum, irreversible inhibitor of the caspase family. Boc-D-FMK significantly reduced the numbers of apoptotic cells induced by vpr. Therefore, we conclude that vpr-induced apoptosis is effected via the activation of caspases.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein viral protein R (Vpr) is a major determinant for virus-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and cytopathicity. Vpr is thought to perform these functions through the interaction with partner proteins. The NMR structure of Vpr revealed solvent exposed hydrophobic amino acids along helices 1 and 3 of Vpr, which could be putative protein binding domains. We previously showed that the hydrophobic patch along helix-3 was important for G2/M blockade and cytopathicity. Mutations of the exposed hydrophobic residues along helix-1 were found to reduce Vpr-induced cell cycle arrest and cell death as well. The levels of toxicity during virion delivery of Vpr correlated with G2/M arrest. Thus, the exposed hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal helix-1 are important for the cell cycle arrest and cytopathicity functions of Vpr.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that trans-dominant negative rev mutants are able to suppress simian immunodeficiency virus provirus replication in both transient cotransfection assays and stably transduced HUT 78 cells. These studies suggest that the efficacy of trans-dominant rev strategies in reducing viral burden may be evaluated in a simian immunodeficiency virus-rhesus macaque animal model.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection causes profound immunological defects in afflicted patients. Various mechanisms have been proposed to account for the immune dysfunction in AIDS ultimately leading to loss of CD4+ T cells, including HIV-1 envelope-mediated syncytium formation, apoptosis, and cytokine modulation. Here we present results which suggest a novel hypothesis for T-cell dysfunction. We show, using HIV-1 bearing a novel cell surface reporter gene, that infected cells are unable to progress normally through the cell cycle and became arrested in the G2 + M phase. Furthermore, we identify the HIV-1 vpr gene product as being both necessary and sufficient for eliciting this cell cycle arrest. Cell cycle arrest induced by Vpr correlates with an increase in the hyperphosphorylated (inactive) form of the cyclin-dependent serine/threonine kinase CDC2, consistent with an arrest of cells at the boundary of G2 and M.  相似文献   

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