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The effect of repeated matings on sperm numbers in successive ejaculates of the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae, was examined. First ejaculates were larger than successive ones, which did not differ among themselves. Moreover, the cumulative mass of previous spermatophores was not correlated with that of the last mating. The number of eupyrene sperm bundles in the ejaculate did not differ between first and successive matings. Multiplying by 256, a male transfers about 11,000 eupyrene sperm at every mating. First ejaculates contained about 46,000 apyrene sperm, whereas successive ejaculates contained higher numbers. The sperm density increased after the first mating, though the spermatophore mass decreased. The significance of change in sperm quantity with mating number is discussed from the viewpoint of male investment.  相似文献   

Although sodium ions induce puddling behavior in males of some butterfly species, the role of sodium ions in male life history is unclear. Newly emerged laboratory‐reared males of the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus were allocated to five adult diets: water (as a control) and 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 or 1 mol/L saline solution. Males preferred to take 0.1 mol/L saline solution. We attempted to hand‐pair males after two days of intake. Males on all diets, except those taking 1 mol/L saline solution, were likely to couple. Males taking 0.01 mol/L saline solution produced the largest spermatophore, although there were no significant differences in the number of eupyrene sperm bundles and apyrene spermatozoa between saline‐taking males and control males. Salt accumulation in the male body also had little effect on the number of both types of spermatozoon in the spermatophore.  相似文献   

Male Lepidoptera produce an ejaculate during copulation thatcontains both sperm and accessory gland nutrients and may functionas paternal investment and/or male mating effort Several studieshave examined how ejaculates function as paternal investment,but few have determined the influence of sperm competition onmale investment This study examines the effect of male bodysize on sperm precedence in the polyandrous butterfly Pierisnapi L. We used male body mass as an indicator of the size ofejaculate transferred and found that relative male size hada significant effect on paternity. The offspring of twice-matedfemales showed a low incidence of mixed paternity. Larger malesobtained the majority of fertilizations, and the degree of second-malesperm precedence was influenced by relative body size of matingmales. In general, second mates obtained fewer fertilizationsthe larger the size of the first mate. The interval betweenthe first and second mating was influenced by the size of thefirst male mate Females first mated to small males remated soonerthan females first mated to larger males Our results suggestthat large males may have a selective advantage over small maleswhen both a male's fertilization success and a female's refractoryperiod are influenced by the size of ejaculate transferred.Furthermore, the effect of male body size on the proportionof offspring sired lends support to the hypothesis that spermcompetition has played a major role in the evolution of ejaculatesize.  相似文献   

In both plants and animals, male gametogenesis is particularly sensitive to heat stress, to the extent that a single hot or cold day can compromise crop productivity or population persistence. In animals, heat stress during development can impact a male's ability to secure copulations and/or his post‐copulatory fertility. Despite such observations, relatively few studies have examined the consequences of developmental temperature on the reproductive behaviour and physiology of individuals. Here, we report for the first time the effects of developmental temperature on the phenotypic expression of both apyrene and eupyrene sperm and the copulatory behaviour of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. We show that the length of both apyrene and eupyrene sperm decreases with increasing developmental temperature and that males are less likely to engage in copulation when reared at the highest and lowest temperatures. Where copulation occurred, the duration of copula decreased as male developmental temperature increased. We argue that identification of the mechanisms and consequences of reproductive failure in animals facing heat stress will help understand how wild and domesticated populations will respond to global climate change. We also contend that such studies will help elucidate long‐standing evolutionary questions around the maintenance of genetic variation in traits highly relevant to fitness and the role of phenotypic plasticity in driving the evolution of novel traits.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Immune defence imposes fitness costs as well as benefits, so organisms are expected to optimise, not maximise, their immune responses. This should result in variation in immune responses under varying environmental conditions.
2. Males and females are expected to exhibit different immune responses because life-history differences between the sexes affect optimal immune response. These life-history differences should usually result in a greater female, than male, immune defence. In this study, intra- and inter-sexual variation in one component of immune defence, the encapsulation response, in cabbage white butterflies ( Pieris rapae L.), was examined.
3. Encapsulation decreased with increasing age and in response to reduced diet quality.
4. Contrary to predictions, males generally had greater immune responses than females, although this pattern varied with age.
5. These patterns of inter- and intra-sexual variation in encapsulation may result from resource-based trade-offs with components of reproductive effort and/or because of sexual dimorphism in melanin-based wing patterns.  相似文献   

The male reproductive tract of Leucoptera coffeella was processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. In the testis, the eupyrene cells are arranged in individual cysts, while the apyrene cysts form aggregates, never observed in other Lepidoptera. Both cysts contain 128 spermatozoa, which differ from the typical pattern. In the seminal vesicle, both types of spermatozoa are dispersed in the lumen, also different from other Lepidoptera. The apyrene spermatozoa are similar to those observed for other Lepidoptera. They present an anterior region covered by a dense cap and the flagellum is composed of a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives. The eupyrene spermatozoa, however, differ from the typical pattern for Lepidoptera. Their anterior region contains a nucleus, an acrosome and a peculiar arc of eight accessory microtubules connected to the plasma membrane by dense bridges. In the nucleus–flagellum region, the ninth accessory microtubule is assembled between both mitochondrial derivatives, to participate in the axoneme. The flagellum comprises a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme and two mitochondrial derivatives with paracrystalline cores. External to the plasma membrane and close to the accessory microtubules, there are tufts of an amorphous material, suggesting reduced lacinate appendages, while the reticular ones are absent. The reduction of lacinate appendages and the absence of sperm bundles in the seminal vesicle support the concept that the appendages of other Lepidoptera could be associated with the eupyrene aggregations. The characters ‘number of spermatozoa per cyst’ and ‘absence of bundles’ should be considered plesiomorphic, supporting the position of this taxon in the base of the Ditrysia.  相似文献   

The light cues received by the larvae of Pieris brassicae which determine diapause can also influence the carotenoid distribution (and hence the colour) in the epidermis and cuticle of the diapausing pupae. Irrespective of background or light cues received during the "sensitive period" of the pharate pupa, these diapausing pupae are coloured green. They then contain more than double the concentration of carotenoids in their epidermis than the non-diapausing pupae. This green colour can be somewhat modified by switching the full grown larvae to long day regimes immediately after feeding ceases.
The Large White and Small White butterfly each has a characteristic carotenoid storage pattern, which can be demonstrated by feeding the larvae on portions of the same cabbage leaves. The braconid parasite Apanteles glomeratus mirrors the carotenoids in its host.  相似文献   

Sublethal doses (LD10: 1.00 ng larva?1; or LD30: 3.75 ng larva?1) of chlorfluazuron were applied topically to the cuticles of newly moulted fifth instars of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). During mating, the treated males transferred spermatophores of a significantly lower weight into females. The weight of spermatophores transferred by LD30‐treated males was significantly lower than the weight of spermatophores transferred by LD10‐treated males, which was in turn significantly lower than the weight of spermatophores transferred by untreated males. The transfer of spermatophores was delayed by 5–15 min in LD10‐ and LD30‐treated males. However, mating duration was not affected by chlorfluazuron treatment. The transfer of spermatozoa was also delayed by 5–10 min in LD10‐ and LD30‐treated females. Polygynous male adults mated an average of ten times during their lifespan of 11–13 days when paired every day with a new virgin female of the same age. The number of matings per polygynous male was not affected by chlorfluazuron treatment, but the first mating was delayed by 1 day. The number of inseminated sperm found in the spermatophore averaged 10.3 (± 2.1) × 105 over the lifespan of a male, in which the number of eupyrene sperm was 5.4 (± 1.1) × 105. The number of inseminated eupyrene sperm decreased by 66% and 88%, respectively, in LD10‐ and LD30‐treated males. No significant reduction in the number of inseminated eupyrene sperm was observed when females were treated with LD10 or LD30 doses, nor was there a significant reduction when both sexes were treated with the LD10 or LD30 doses relative to treatment of males with the same doses. The ratio of inseminated eupyrene to apyrene sperm was not affected by chlorfluazuron treatment.  相似文献   

1. Females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens F. mate more than once. Thus, sperm from two or more males normally compete for fertilisations within the female reproductive tract. The eggs are typically fertilised by sperm from only one male, either the female's last mate or an earlier mate. Twice‐mated females store only one ejaculate's worth of fertilising sperm (eupyrene) but nearly two ejaculates' worth of a nonfertilising sperm morph (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. 2. The mechanism of sperm use in H. virescens was investigated by examining factors that vary with paternity, which was assigned based on allozyme variation. The factors included male and female body masses and ages, male genital characters, the size of the sperm package, and the number of sperm stored by the female. 3. One male typically gained sperm precedence; this was nearly twice as likely to be the second male as it was to be the first. Two factors were found to vary significantly with paternity: female mass and male age. The second male to mate was more likely to gain sperm precedence if the female was larger and if the male was older than the female's first mate. 4. The significance of male age and female mass to several hypothetical models of the mechanism of sperm use is discussed.  相似文献   

Individual differences in several reproductive parameters of female Pieris rapae were investigated in a controlled laboratory condition. Lifetime and age-specific fecundity showed considerable variability between individuals. Larger females began oviposition at an earlier age than smaller ones, and larger females were more fecund than smaller ones. Larger females laid a larger proportion of their eggs in the early stages of their reproductive lifetime, whilst smaller females laid the larger proportion of their eggs later in their reproductive lifetime. The significance of the variance in age-specific fecundity associated with female size is discussed with respect to the seasonal change in size and habitat utilization of this species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Effective thermoregulation is crucial for the fitness of small flying insects. Phenotypic plasticity of the ventral hindwing of pierid butterflies is widely recognised as adaptive for effective thermoregulation. Butterflies eclosing in cooler environments have more heavily melanised wings that absorb solar radiation, thus allowing flight under these cool conditions.
2. Many pierids also exhibit phenotypic plasticity of dorsal forewing melanisation but in this case, cooler environments reduce melanisation. It has been hypothesised that this plasticity is also adaptive because it increases solar reflection from the wing surfaces onto the body in certain basking postures.
3. The degree of seasonal variation in ventral hindwing and dorsal forewing melanisation of wild-caught Pieris rapae was quantified to determine if it shows patterns of plasticity similar to that documented for other Pieris species.
4. Male wing melanisation on both wing surfaces shows the characteristic seasonal, adaptive plasticity. However, only some dorsal forewing pattern elements of females conformed to the predictions of the hypothesis of adaptive dorsal forewing melanisation. Sexual dimorphism of wing pattern plasticity may result from, and/or affect, sexual dimorphism of behaviour and physiology of these butterflies.  相似文献   

Effects of two different mating regimes on sperm precedencein the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, were studied usingthe polymorphic gene for melanism as a marker for paternity.Virgin nonmelanic females (homozygous recessive) were matedto nonmelanic male(s) and then, after laying fertilized eggs,were mated to a melanic male of known genotype. The resultsafter the two successive single matings showed a highly variabledegree of paternity of the second male. Initial multiple matingwith nonmelanic males did not alter the pattern of paternityafter the subsequent single mating with a melanic male, butit had two other effects: (1) the female showed an increasein rejection behavior, and (2) a longer copulation was requiredfor high success of the melanic male. Additional observationsin which families were reared from beetles collected in copulain the field demonstrated that sperm competition also occursunder natural conditions. The outcome of the competition wasvariable with frequent sperm mixing.  相似文献   

By adopting a longitudinal study design and through geometric morphometrics methods, we investigated individual and ontogenetic variation in size, shape and timing during larval development of the cabbage butterfly Pieris brassicae under laboratory conditions. We found that ontogenetic size progression departs modestly, but significantly, from growth at a constant rate and that size at hatching contributes considerably to determine the size of the individual at all subsequent stages. As for the shape, ontogenetic allometry is much more conspicuous than static allometry, the latter in many cases being close to isometry. Analysis of developmental timing revealed a stage of apparently more effective developmental control at stage 3, supported by both the relatively small variance in cumulative developmental time up to stage 3 and by the pattern of correlation between duration of single stages. While presenting detailed quantitative aspects of growth in P. brassicae, in particular with respect to individual variation, this study and the associated dataset can provide a basis for further explorations of the post‐embryonic development in this insect and contribute to the ongoing investigations on growth regulation and control in insects.  相似文献   

When swallowtail butterflies, Papilio xuthus, are mated by the hand-pairing method, both types of sperm, eupyrene and apyrene sperm, are transferred from the male to the spermatheca via the spermatophore in the bursa copulatrix. This mechanism is demonstrated by two different kinds of experiments. The first set of experiments employed interrupted copulation, and the second set was examination of the sperm in the spermatophore and spermatheca after the termination of copulation. The sperm was transferred 30 min after the start of copulation. The eupyrene sperm was still in the bundle; the number of the bundles ranged from 9 to 108 (mean, 42.7; n = 27). The bundles were gradually released after the completion of copulation, and the free eupyrene spermatozoa then remained in the spermatophore at least 2 h before migrating to the spermatheca. On the other hand, about 160 000 apyrene spermatozoa were transferred to the spermatophore and remained there for more than 1 h. We observed 11 000 apyrene spermatozoa in the spermatheca 12 h after the completion of copulation, but most of this type of sperm disappeared shortly thereafter. In contrast, the eupyrene sperm arrived in the spermatheca more than 1 day after the completion of copulation and remained there at least 1 week. Therefore, these findings suggest that apyrene sperm migrate from the spermatophore to the spermatheca earlier than eupyrene sperm. Accordingly, if females mated multiply, the time difference might avoid the mixing of sperm. In addition, the predominance of sperm from the last mating session may occur not in the bursa copulatrix but in the spermatheca. Received: January 7, 2000 / Accepted: May 24, 2000  相似文献   

Bombyx spermatogonia are bipotential, producing nucleate eupyrene sperm and anucleate apyrene sperm. An in vitro cultivation of spermatocysts of Bombyx mori from spermatocytes to matured sperm was established. The present experiment made clear that: (i) spermatocysts must be isolated; (ii) constant shaking at 45 r.p.m. was necessary; and (iii) the addition of Bombyx hemolymph (BH) was indispensable for successful cultivation. In the absence of BH, spermatogenesis proceeded normally for 2 or 3 days and, thereafter, spermatocytes and sperm bundles began to degenerate. The best results for normal eupyrene spermatogenesis were obtained when culture medium containing BH of the corresponding stage was used in every exchange of the medium at 72 h intervals. None or only a small number of apyrene sperm bundles was produced by this culture system when spermatocysts from larval testes were used, although eupyrene spermatogenesis proceeded normally to form matured, or squeezed, sperm bundles.  相似文献   

Structure and ontogeny of the hair mechanosensilla on the distal segment of the pupal labial palp of Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera : Pieridae) were investigated in 7 successive stages between 28 hr after pupation and emergence of the imago. There are 7–8 mechanosensilla in the distal region of each palp in both sexes. These sensilla house a single sensory cell characterized by a tubular body, and 3 enveloping cells.At 28 hr after pupation, the anlagen of the hair mechanosensila are visible. Consecutive steps in the formation of the sensilla are: (1) elongation of the outer dendritic segment and of the dendritic sheath; (2) outgrowth of the trichogen cell and cuticle deposition; (3) increase in the diameter of the dendritic outer segment and in the number of microtubules within it; (4) reduction of the distal part of the dendritic outer segment and formation of the tubular body; (5) folding of the membrane of the dendritic outer segment and appearance of the receptor lymph cavity.The tubular body is formed during a period of about 80 hr. Its earliest appearance comprises groups of 3–4 microtubules, which are connected by electron-dense material. The final dense tubular body develops via microtubules linked together by electron-dense material.  相似文献   

菜粉蝶线粒体基因组的全序列测定和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前关于蝶类线粒体基因组全序列及其分子进化的研究还不多见。本研究通过长PCR和引物步移法对菜粉蝶Pieris rapae Linnaeus线粒体基因组全序列进行了测定和初步分析。结果表明:菜粉蝶线粒体基因组全长15 157 bp, 包含13个蛋白编码基因、22个tRNA和2个rRNA基因以及1个非编码的控制区域, 它们的长度分别是11 196 bp, 1 474 bp, 2 093 bp和393 bp。37个基因的位置与已报道的其他蝶类基本一致, 共有10对基因间存在总共59 bp的重叠, 重叠碱基数在1~35 bp之间; 基因间隔序列共计13处120 bp, 间隔长度1~46 bp不等, 最大的基因间隔46 bp, 位于tRNAIle和tRNAGln基因之间。另外, 基于13个蛋白质编码基因的氨基酸序列, 重建了基于蛋白质编码基因序列数据的11种代表性蝶类的NJ和MP系统树。结果表明:凤蝶类(包括凤蝶和绢蝶)为一大支系, 粉蝶类、 灰蝶类与蛱蝶类(包括蛱蝶、 珍蝶)构成另一大支系。结果不支持粉蝶科与凤蝶科(包括凤蝶类和绢蝶类)构成单系群, 却显示粉蝶科、 灰蝶科和蛱蝶科的组合为单系群。  相似文献   

Many sperm competition studies have identified copulation durationas an important predictor of paternity. This result is ofteninterpreted as a sperm transfer effect—it is assumed thatsperm transfer is limited by copulation duration. Here we testthe assumption of duration-dependent sperm transfer in the Australianredback spider, Latrodectus hasselti, in which a correlationbetween copulation duration and paternity has been implicatedin the evolution of a rare male self-sacrifice behavior. Maleredbacks facilitate sexual cannibalism by females during copulation.Sexual cannibalism is apparently adaptive for redback males,in part because it results in longer copulations (25 versus11 min.), and copulation duration is positively correlated withpaternity. We assessed sperm transfer in normal copulationsand in copulations that we terminated at 5, 10, or 20 min. Ourresults show that the paternity advantage of sexual cannibalismis not owing to time-dependent sperm transfer, as redback malestransfer the majority of their sperm within the first 5 minof copulation. This suggests that the link between copulationduration and paternity may instead be owing to cryptic femalechoice or the transfer of nongametic ejaculatory substances.Results further indicate that the act of cannibalism itselfmight play a role in mediating sperm transfer. This study highlightsthe importance of understanding mechanisms of sperm transferwhen attempting to interpret the outcome of sperm competitionstudies.  相似文献   


Eupyrene and apyrene spermatozoa are contained in separate cysts in the testis of the butterfly Atrophaneura alcinous. Spermatozoa of both types from various parts of the male reproductive tract were examined with particular reference to their morphological characteristics. All spermatozoa collected from the vas deferens and the vesicula seminalis were found to be immotile under a dissecting microscope. No spermatozoa of either type were recognized in any part of the ejaculatory duct. Within the testis, eupyrene spermatozoa are present in bundles and each spermatozoon has a slender nucleus with an acrosome and a long flagellum containing mitochondrial derivatives. Two kinds of appendages, lacinate and reticular, are present on the surface of the sperm membrane. They are replaced with an extracellular sheath during passage through the vas deferens. In contrast, apyrene spermatozoa have neither nucleus nor acrosome, whereas a cup-shaped structure was found at the sperm tip instead of the acrosome. Unlike eupyrene spermatozoa, they are surrounded by a concentric sheath outside the sperm membrane in the vas deferens. Individual apyrene spermatozoa and coiled bundles of eupyrene spermatozoa were both found to accumulate in the vesicula seminalis before mating. These morphological changes during passage through the male reproductive tract suggests the occurrence of a kind of maturation and capacitation process reminiscent of mammalian spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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