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Effects of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]c, have been measured in adrenal glomerulosa cells using a calcium-sensitive photoprotein, aequorin. ACTH causes a rapid and transient increase in [Ca2+]c. Dose response study demonstrates that 1 pM ACTH induces an elevation of [Ca2+]c and that effect of ACTH appears to be saturated at 100 pM. ACTH action is greatly inhibited but not abolished by removal of extracellular calcium and is completely blocked in medium containing no added calcium and 1 mM EGTA. Under similar conditions, angiotensin II induces a remarkable rise in [Ca2+]c. ACTH action is not affected by pretreatment with dantrolene, which considerably decreases angiotensin II action on [Ca2+]c. One micromolar forskolin, which mimics 1 nM ACTH-mediated elevation of intracellular cAMP, does not increase [Ca2+]c nor modulates changes in [Ca2+] induced by a low dose of ACTH. One hundred micromolar forskolin or 1 mM 8-bromo-cAMP, however, increases [Ca2+]c even in calcium-free medium containing 1 mM EGTA. When glomerulosa cells are co-loaded with aequorin and quin2, angiotensin II-induced change in aequorin signal is greatly reduced, and ACTH-induced change is abolished. Quin2 loading results in accumulation of calcium in the cell under both unstimulated and stimulated conditions. These results indicate that ACTH increases [Ca2+]c by cAMP-independent mechanism, that ACTH action on [Ca2+]c is exclusively dependent on extracellular calcium, and that quin2 is unable to detect the rapid change in [Ca2+]c because of its calcium chelating activity.  相似文献   

In the extracellular pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, transformable by soluble DNA, calcium transport is shown to play a key role for vegetative growth, developement of competence for genetic transformation and experimental virulence. To get a more precise localisation of Ca2+ in the cell, we cloned the cDNA of apoaequorine in the chromosome of Streptococcus pneumoniae. This allowed the reconstitution of the acquorine system and chemoluminescence measurements of the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in the bacteria. Intracellular free Ca2+ is 2 microM at the steady state and can reach 14 microM when calcium is added to the bacterial suspension. Increase in free Ca2+ in response to an imposed Ca2+ gradient depends on the initial velocity (Vi) of the DMB-sensitive Ca2+ transport, showing that changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ involve active transport.  相似文献   

Regulatory effects of extracellular magnesium ions ([Mg2+]o) on intracellular free ionized calcium ([Ca2+]i) were studied in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rat aorta by use of the fluorescent indicator fura-2 and digital imaging microscopy. With normal Mg2+ (1.2 mM)-containing incubation media, [Ca2+]i in VSMCs was 93.6 +/- 7.93 nM with a heterogeneous cellular distribution. Lowering [Mg2+]o to 0 mM or 0.3 mM (the lowest physiological range) resulted in 5.8-fold (579.5 +/- 39.99 nM) and 3.5-fold (348.0 +/- 31.52 nM) increments of [Ca2+]i, respectively, without influencing the cellular distribution of [Ca2+]i. Surprisingly, [Mg2+]o withdrawal induced changes of cell geometry in many VSMCs, i.e., the cells rounded up. However, elevation of [Mg2+]o up to 4.8 mM only induced slight decrements of [Ca2+]i (mean = 72.0 +/- 4.55 nM). The large increment of [Ca2+]i induced by [Mg2+]o withdrawal was totally inhibited when [Ca2+]o was removed. The data suggest that: (1) [Mg2+]o regulates the level of [Ca2+]i in rat aortic smooth muscle cells, and (2) [Mg2+] acts as an important regulatory ion by modulating cell shapes in cultured VSMc and their metabolism to control vascular contractile activities.  相似文献   

In the present study, I have examined the effect of lanthanum (La3+) on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in isolated rat thymocytes employing the quin2 technique. As with its effect on 15Ca accumulation in rat thymocytes (Segal, J. and Ingbar, S.H. (1984) Endocrinology, 115, 160-166), La3+ produced a concentration-related increase in thymocyte cytoplasmic free calcium concentration. This effect of La3+ was very prompt in onset, evident within about 30 s from the time of addition of La3+. The lowest effective concentration of La3+ was 6 microM (+22.7% above control), and it increased progressively to reach maximal values at 25 microM (+100% above control). La3+ added to quin2-loaded thymocytes suspended in a calcium-free medium was without effect. In addition, La3+ had no significant effect on 45Ca efflux, and La3+ did not inhibit calcium-ATPase activity in the rat thymocytes. These results demonstrate that in rat thymocytes La3+ increases cytoplasmic free calcium concentration by increasing the extracellular calcium influx into the cell rather than the release of calcium from an intracellular pool.  相似文献   

Calcium is an important factor in the immune response. Extracellular calcium is required for antibody production by B lymphocytes. Several investigators have demonstrated that crosslinking of receptors on B lymphocytes by anti-mu antibody induces an increase in intracellular calcium. There are few data on the role of intracellular calcium mobilization or calcium influx in tolerance induction in B cells. We studied changes in free intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca+2]i) induced by exposure of dinitrophenyl (DNP)-specific B cells to the tolerance-inducing conjugate DNP-murine IgG2a (DNP-MGG). Splenic B cells enriched for DNP-specific cells and DNP-specific continuous B-cell lines were used for the studies. Exposure of B cells to the tolerogen DNP-MGG, the antigen DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (DNP-KLH), or the antigen DNP-Ficoll induced an increase in free [Ca+2]i which was due to both mobilization of Ca+2 from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and influx of extracellular Ca+2. This increase was DNP specific since no significant change was seen with carriers alone and no change was seen in cells that were not DNP specific. The DNP-MGG and DNP-Ficoll induced the same amount of Ca+2 release from ER but the release induced by DNP-KLH was higher. When B cells, which were made tolerant by in vitro incubation with DNP-MGG, were incubated with antigens, a mobilization of Ca+2 from endoplasmic reticulum occurred that was the same as that of nontolerant B cells. Since Ca+2 mobilization is associated with Ig receptor-dependent early B-cell activation, it is likely that the tolerant B cell can still receive an activation signal through the Ig receptors.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin (Mr = 20,000) was introduced into human blood platelets by incubation with 10 mM EGTA and 5 mM ATP. Platelet cytoplasmic and granule contents were retained during the loading procedure, and platelet morphology, aggregation, and secretion in response to agonists were normal after aequorin loading. Luminescence indicated an apparent resting cytoplasmic ionized calcium concentration [( Cai2+]) of 2-4 microM in media containing 1 mM Ca2+ and of 0.8-2 microM in 2-4 mM EGTA. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and the enzyme thrombin produced dose-related luminescent signals in both Ca2+-containing and EGTA-containing media. Peak [Cai2+] after A23187 or thrombin stimulation of aequorin-loaded platelets was 2-10 microM, while peak [Cai2+] determined using Quin 2 as the [Cai2+] indicator was at least 1 log unit lower. In platelets loaded with both aequorin and Quin 2, the aequorin signal was delayed but not reduced in amplitude. Aequorin loading of Quin 2-loaded cells had no effect on the Quin 2 signal. Ca2+ buffering by Quin 2 (intracellular concentration greater than 1 mM) is also supported by a reciprocal relationship between [Quin 2] and peak [Cai2+] stimulated by A23187 in the presence of EGTA. Parallel experiments with Quin 2 and aequorin may identify inhomogeneous [Cai2+] in platelets and give a more complete picture of platelet Ca2+ homeostasis than either indicator alone.  相似文献   

Using aequorin-loaded rat platelets stimulated with collagen, we found two phases of Ca2+ mobilization, one coinciding with a shape change and the other with aggregation, which have not yet been detected in quin2-loaded platelets. U46619, a stable analogue of prostaglandin H2, induced only a shape change and a concomitant rapid rise in the cytoplasmic ionized calcium concentration ([Cai2+]). However, upon addition of U46619 to platelets previously stimulated with collagen in the presence of indomethacin, a rapid increase in [Cai2+] and a shape change occurred, and, after about 1 min, second increase in [Cai2+] and aggregation occurred. The actions of U46619 were inhibited by an antagonist for the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor. These results suggest that the collagen-induced shape change is initiated by TXA2-induced Ca2+ mobilization, and aggregation is induced by the secondary Ca2+ mobilization induced by TXA2 and the occupation of the receptor by collagen.  相似文献   

The free calcium concentration in the cytoplasm of higher plant cells is believed to be about 10−7M. The role of various membrane-borne calcium transporters present in plant tissues, together with chloroplasts and mitochondria, in maintaining this calcium concentration is reviewed, together with the role of various organelles in providing transient calcium fluxes upon stimulation.  相似文献   

The changes in free cytoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+](in)) and the effects of extracellular ATP on [Ca2+](in) have been studied in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in the dynamics of their growth. The basal level of [Ca2+](in) and the effects of ATP on the ascites cells were determined by the stage of tumor growth and depended on the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The sharp increase in basal and ATP-induced elevation of [Ca2+](in) levels were observed at the 12th day of ascites cell growth. Inhibition of ROS formation by N-acetyl-L-cysteine decreased [Ca2+](in) and suppressed the cell reaction to ATP. We suggest that the increased sensitivity of the ascites cells to ATP observed on the 12th day may be also attributed to a decrease in ecto-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Bradykinin-evoked rises in [Ca2+]i were measured in fura-2-loaded bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell monolayers by dual wavelength excitation fluorimetry. In monolayers seeded thinly and grown to confluence, bradykinin, in the presence of external Ca2+, evoked a rise in [Ca2+]i composed of an initial peak and subsequent oscillating plateau. In the absence of external Ca2+, bradykinin evoked a rise in [Ca2+]i which then returned to the basal value without oscillating. In monolayers seeded near confluent density, the bradykinin-evoked peak in [Ca2+]i was followed by a steady plateau which showed no oscillation. The addition of the phorbol ester, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, to a monolayer during bradykinin-evoked oscillations abolished the oscillations and lowered [Ca2+]i partway back toward the basal level. The addition of the protein kinase C inhibitor, H7, did not abolish oscillatory activity, although the frequency of oscillation was reduced. These results indicate that synchronized oscillatory activity can occur in endothelial cell monolayers. It is suggested that these oscillations are dependent on intercellular coupling developed when the cells are grown to confluence and that the mechanism responsible for generating oscillations in [Ca2+]i requires extracellular Ca2+ and involves protein kinase C.  相似文献   

9, 11-Epithio-11, 12-methano-thromboxane A2 (STA2), a stable analogue of thromboxane A2, caused a rapid rise in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in human platelets as measured with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator quin2. Concomitantly, this compound induced phosphorylation of myosin light chain which is catalyzed by Ca2+, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. These reactions were fast enough to trigger serotonin release. 13-Azaprostanoic acid, a receptor level antagonist of thromboxane A2 inhibited STA2-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i, phosphorylation of myosin light chain and serotonin release. These results provide evidence that STA2 interacts with a thromboxane A2 receptor which leads to elevation of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

A multiwavelength method for measuring free cytosolic calcium concentration is proposed. It is based on the registration of the fluorescent spectrum of calcium--sensitive probe indo-1 and deconvolution of the spectrum into components corresponding to free and bound forms of the probe. Calcium concentration is calculated as a product of calcium-probe dissociation constant by calcium-bound to free form concentration ratio. The obtained values are independent of variations in light-scattering properties of the medium and total dye concentration in the optical channel. It is shown that during ADP-induced platelet aggregation calcium concentration rises without measurable delay after the addition of the inducer and significantly decreases by the time the aggregation begins.  相似文献   

The nucleoside transporter has been purified by passage of a preparation of human erythrocyte-membrane band-4.5 proteins through a column of immobilized antibodies specific for the glucose transporter. This procedure removed greater than 99.8% of the glucose transporters and achieved an approx. 18-fold purification of the nucleoside transporter, constituting a 478-fold purification from erythrocyte membranes. The isolated protein migrated as a single broad band of average apparent Mr 55,000 on SDS/polyacrylamide gels and bound approx. 0.6 mol of nitrobenzylthioinosine/mol of polypeptide, with a Kd of 1.1 +/- 0.14 (S.E.M.) nM. Upon reconstitution into large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles it catalysed the uptake of uridine with an apparent specific activity 6-fold greater than that of the unfractionated band-4.5 proteins. Furthermore, the purified nucleoside transporter was not labelled on Western blots by monoclonal antibody raised against the glucose transporter. It is concluded that the nucleoside transporter has been purified to near homogeneity.  相似文献   

The permeability of the membrane surfaces where cells are in contact (junctional membranes) in Chironomus salivary glands depends on Ca++ and Mg++. When the concentration of these ions at the junctional membranes is raised sufficiently, these normally highly permeable membranes seal off; their permeability falls one to three orders, as they approach the nonjunctional membranes in conductance. This permeability transformation is achieved in three ways: (a) by iontophoresis of Ca++ into the cell; (b) by entry of Ca++ and/or Mg++ from the extracellular fluid into the cell through leaks in the cell surface membrane (e.g., injury); or (c) by entry of these ions through leaks arising, probably primarily in the perijunctional insulation, due to trypsin digestion, anisotonicity, alkalinity, or chelation. Ca++ and Mg++ appear to have three roles in the junctional coupling processes: (a) in the permeability of the junctional membranes; (b) in the permeability of the perijunctional insulation; and (c) a role long known— in the mechanical stability of the cell junction. The two latter roles may well be closely interdependent, but the first is clearly independent of the others.  相似文献   

The C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK-8) is known to stimulate insulin secretion. We examined its effects on the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]IC) in isolated rat pancreatic islet cells. At 8.3 mM glucose and 1.28 mM Ca2+, CCK-8 (100 nM) rapidly increased [Ca2+]IC to a short-lived peak, whereafter the [Ca2+]IC, within 1.5 minutes, fell to values below baseline. CCK-8 also rapidly increased the [Ca2+]IC at 3.3 mM glucose and in a calcium deficient medium. However, either at low glucose or in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, the post-peak [Ca2+]IC did not fall below baseline levels. The CCKA receptor antagonist, L-364,718 (20 nM), inhibited the effects of CCK-8 on [Ca2+]IC. The results suggest that CCK-8 in islet cells liberates calcium from intracellular stores by activating CCKA receptors.  相似文献   

Three aspects of the calcium hypothesis we have proposed previously [Metcalfe, Pozzan, Smith & Hesketh (1980) Biochem. Soc. Symp. 45, 1-26] for the control of mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes are examined in studies on the mitogenic action of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and its effect on cap formation. (1) Pig lymphocytes that were mitogenically stimulated by continuous incubation with 3H-labelled A23187 for 48 h contained between 3 and 15 amol of ionophore per cell. Lymphocytes exposed to 3H-labelled A23187 for 2h before washing the cells and resuspending them in ionophore-free medium were only stimulated mitogenically at 48h if the residual ionophore associated with the cells after washing was in the concentration range 3-15 amol per cell. When the cells were washed repeatedly after 2h incubation with ionophore to reduce the cell-associated ionophore below the critical concentration range, no mitogenic stimulation occurred as a result of short-term exposure to any ionophore concentration. Re-addition of ionophore to within the indicated range of cell-associated concentrations restored mitogenic stimulation at 48h. We conclude that large, short-term Ca2+ fluxes into the cells induced by the ionophore cannot generate a mitogenic signal that commits the cells to enter the cell cycle. (2) Further experiments with the ionophore showed that detectable mitogenic stimulation at 48h required a minimum of 3h exposure to optimal ionophore concentrations, and that maximal stimulation required at least 20h exposure. This is consistent with the view that a prolonged increase in the free cytoplasmic calcium concentration is required to stimulate the maximum proportion of the cells into the cell cycle. (3) Mouse splenic lymphocytes treated for short periods with very high ionophore concentrations (30 microM) in the presence of various external Ca2+ concentrations showed significant inhibition of cap formation of surface immunoglobulin receptors in the range 1-10 microM-Ca2+ in normal or depolarizing medium. We conclude that mitogens at optimal concentrations for the stimulation of lymphocytes do not cause any early increase in the free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration above 10 microM.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and T24 human bladder transitional carcinoma cells were treated with the photosensitizers aluminum phthalocyanine (AlPc) and hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD), respectively. Exposure of both sensitized cell lines to red light caused an immediate increase of cytoplasmic free calcium, [Ca2+]i, reaching a peak within 5-15 min after exposure and then returning to basal level (approximately 200 nM). The level of the peak [Ca2+]i depended on the light fluence, reaching a maximum of 800-1000 nM at light doses that kill about 90% of the cells. Loading the cells with the intracellular calcium chelators quin2 or BAPTA prior to light exposure enhanced cell killing. This indicates that increased [Ca2+]i after photodynamic therapy (PDT) contributed to survivability of the treated cells by triggering a cellular rescue response. The results of experiments with calcium-free buffer and calcium chelators indicate that both in CHO cells treated with AlPc and with HPD-PDT of T24 cells extracellular Ca2+ influx is mainly responsible for elevated [Ca2+]i. PDT is unique in triggering a cell rescue process via elevated [Ca2+]i. Other cytotoxic agents, e.g., H2O2, produce sustained increase of [Ca2+]i that is involved in the pathological processes leading to cell death.  相似文献   

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