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Reactive or benign lymphadenopathies were cytologically diagnosed in the aspirates of 62 (23.5%) of 265 cases with enlarged lymph nodes of the head, neck or inguinal region subjected to fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy. The cytomorphologic features characteristic of reactive lymphadenopathy are described in detail; some of the cell patterns were suggestive of a specific disease process. The similarities of cells and cell patterns that may pose differential diagnostic problems with malignant lymphomas are pointed out. This study emphasizes the role of FNA cytology in the diagnosis of some benign conditions.  相似文献   

X H Yue  S F Zheng 《Acta cytologica》1989,33(6):805-808
The cytologic findings of transthoracic fine needle sampling without aspiration (fine needle capillary [FNC] sampling) are reported. Eleven patients were examined by FNC sampling while four were examined by the classic fine needle aspiration (FNA) method. In contrast to FNA sampling, FNC sampling produced less patient trauma and admixture of the sample with blood, while giving a better perception of the tumor and its consistency. The quality of the samples obtained by the FNC technique was equal to that of the FNA samples. The results demonstrate that fine needle sampling without aspiration may be used in the study of deep-seated as well as of superficial organs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pulmonary hamartoma (PH) is the most common benign tumor of the lung. It is usually composed of cartilage, fat, smooth muscle and respiratory epithelium. Its diagnosis is based on imaging methods (radiography, computed tomography) and cytohistomorphologic study by means of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). CASE: A 59-year-old female had a productive cough and lung mass on chest radiography. Fine needle aspiration of the nodule showed a fusiform tumor cell, which was diagnosed as consistent with PH. The patient underwent surgery for the tumor. Histopathologic study confirmed the diagnosis of PH. CONCLUSION: The fluoroscopically guided FNAC specimen was adequate in achieving a diagnosis. Cytologic features consisted of a serosanguineous background in which scant cellular elements of spindle and stellate cells, as well as fibromyxoid material, enabled us to make a definitive diagnosis. Since this technique is relatively noninvasive, it is very useful in diagnosing PH before a preoperative biopsy.  相似文献   

X J Peng  X C Yan 《Acta cytologica》1985,29(4):570-575
A retrospective study was undertaken of bone lesions examined by preoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in our hospital during the ten-year period from 1970 to 1979. The 430 cytologically examined lesions were classified into three groups: inflammatory lesions, tumorlike lesions and tumors. A total of 54 patients had undergone surgery, with most of the lesions in those cases proven to be tumors or tumorlike by histologic study. Correlation between the histologic and FNA cytologic findings showed complete compatibility in 76% of the cases, partial compatibility in 13% and incompatibility in 11%. It is concluded that FNA biopsy is appropriate for identifying bone tumors and tumorlike lesions if sufficient numbers of tumor cells are obtained for morphologic examination. Although aspiration cytodiagnosis can be of considerable value in the recognition of certain bone lesions, it cannot replace formal tissue biopsy in the diagnosis of primary bone neoplasms. The morphology of several common bone tumors is described in detail and their differential diagnosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy was performed preoperatively on 13 patients with testicular germ cell tumors. The cytologic typing of the tumors was based on the presence or absence of seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk-sac tumor, choriocarcinoma and teratoma in the aspirate. The cytologic findings showed good agreement with the histologic findings. Only four cases showed a single type of tumor; the other nine cases showed as many as four different tumor components. A few characteristic cytologic features proved to be sufficient for tumor typing; this suggests that FNA biopsy cytology can also be useful in identifying metastatic germ cell tumors in extra-gonadal sites.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is increasingly used in the operating room, in radiology suites and in physicians' offices. A major cause of nondiagnostic FNA specimens is poor preparation techniques. To avoid this problem, we have developed a triage system for handling and preparing FNA specimens. (1) For aspirations performed without a cytotechnologist present, the aspirate is rinsed into 50% ethanol; Cytospin slides are then prepared and stained by the Papanicolaou method. Clinicians are disposed toward this indirect method since no special slide preparation techniques are necessary. The results are equal to those of direct smear preparations, and material so prepared may also be used for immunocytochemistry. (2) When a cytotechnologist is present, both direct and indirect preparations are made. (3) When an immediate interpretation is desired, to ensure adequacy and/or to make a diagnosis, alcohol-fixed direct smears are stained with a modified toluidine blue-eosin stain and read by the cytopathologist. This offers the advantage of a quick diagnosis, which may be made in less than 90 seconds, but with nuclear detail equal to that of the Papanicolaou stain and with good background staining. In summary, our three-tiered approach offers optimal processing for aspirates collected in various settings in our institution.  相似文献   

A series of almost 25,000 thyroids examined by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy was reviewed to ascertain the incidence and presentation of metastatic cancers in thyroid FNA samples. Metastatic cancers in FNA samples from the thyroid were identified in 25 cases (0.1%); the primary tumors were carcinomas of the kidney (8 cases), lung (7 cases), breast (5 cases), cervix uteri (1 case) and colon (1 case) and 1 case each of malignant melanoma, malignant pleural mesothelioma and rhabdomyosarcoma. FNA cytology was positive in all 25 cases. In 11 cases, the primary tumor was clinically known at the time of FNA biopsy; of the other 14 cases, cytology suggested that the malignancy was metastatic in only 5. Metastases of renal and mammary adenocarcinomas were almost indistinguishable from follicular and papillary thyroid carcinomas on cytologic grounds. The results demonstrate the rarity of this finding and the difficulty of diagnosing a metastatic tumor in the thyroid by FNA biopsy, in the absence of a clinical history of a prior primary neoplasm.  相似文献   

Cytomorphologic features of sebaceous carcinoma on fine needle aspiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stern RC  Liu K  Dodd LG 《Acta cytologica》2000,44(5):760-764
OBJECTIVE: To describe three cases of sebaceous carcinoma metastatic to regional lymph nodes diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA). STUDY DESIGN: FNA was performed using standard techniques. A portion of each specimen was stained with Diff-Quick (Dade, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.); another portion was fixed in 95% ethanol and stained with a modified Papanicolaou stain or fixed in formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. RESULTS: All carcinomas were moderately cellular, with primarily irregular cell clusters. The cytoplasm was finely reticular and contained variable numbers of small vaculoes. Nuclei were centrally located and pleomorphic and contained coarse chromatin. Variably sized but often large nucleoli were seen. Mitotic figures were easily identified. CONCLUSION: Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare but cytologically distinct neoplasm. It frequently metastasizes to regional lymph nodes and may then appear as a mass amenable to FNA. Aspiration cytologists, particularly those who aspirate head and neck lesions, should be familiar with the distinct features of this neoplasm.  相似文献   

The cytologic findings of two cases of Ewing's sarcoma in fine needle aspiration biopsies are presented in relation to the subsequent histologic findings. The malignant cells were arranged in monocellular layers, pseudorosettes and in perivascular palisades in a fibrillar background. The nuclei were monomorphous with small nucleoli and finely granular chromatin. These features may be helpful in distinguishing this tumor from other small-cell neoplasms; the differential diagnosis between Ewing's sarcoma and such tumors is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mastocytosis is an abnormal proliferation of mast cells and their subsequent accumulation in various organs. Diagnosis of mast cell disease relies on proper identification of abnormal mast cells. CASE: A 55-year-old man presented with a history of fever for several months, associated with night sweats, involuntary 20lb weight loss, progressive fatigue, weakness, worsening abdominal distention, shortness of breath, and diffuse lymphadenopathy. Physical examination and computed tomography (CT) showed hepatosplenomegaly, massive ascites, and generalized lymphadenopathy. Bone marrow biopsy with immunohistochemistry (ICH) studies revealed mastocytosis. CT-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy was performed. The smears were cellular for a mixed population of mature plasma cells, eosinophils, left-shifted granular and lymphoid cells, and abundant abnormal mast cells. The mast cells had round to oval lobulated nuclei, some of which were binucleated or eccentrically located, with coarse, evenly distributed chromatin. Abundant pale cytoplasm contained numerous metachromatic granules. IHC studies and flow cytometry confirmed the cytologic diagnosis of mastocytosis. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the cytologic features of mastocytosis in FNA specimens. IHC stains and flow cytometry are helpful to confirm the cytologic diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second case that describes the cytologic characteristics of mastocytosis.  相似文献   

The distinction of ovarian tumors of low malignant potential (OTLMP) from invasive ovarian carcinomas has significant therapeutic and prognostic implications. This study was undertaken to define the cytologic features of OTLMP in peritoneal fluids and to compare them with the cytologic features of invasive carcinomas. Peritoneal fluids from 13 patients with OTLMP and 10 patients with invasive ovarian carcinoma contained neoplastic cells and were reviewed with attention to papillary fragment morphology, cellular pleomorphism and cytoplasmic and nuclear characteristics. Cytologic preparations from patients with OTLMP contained large, cohesive papillary fragments with smooth borders. The neoplastic cells were relatively small and uniform, with high nuclear-cytoplasmic (N/C) ratios (greater than 1:2), few intracytoplasmic vacuoles and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures were rare. Peritoneal fluids from patients with invasive ovarian carcinoma contained smaller discohesive papillary fragments with irregular borders. The neoplastic cells were relatively large and pleomorphic, with low N/C ratios (less than or equal to 1:2), abundant intracytoplasmic vacuoles and prominent nucleoli; most preparations contained many single cells and mitotic figures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze nuclear image morphometry in fine needle aspiration cytology smears of different groups of malignant round cell tumors (MRCTs) to evaluate its diagnostic role. STUDY DESIGN: In this study there were 55 cases of MRCT, consisting of 18 Ewing's sarcoma (EW), 10 neuroblastoma (NB), 5 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), 6 rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), 4 peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), 8 Wilm's tumor (WT), 2 retinoblastoma (RB) and 2 undifferentiated round cell tumor (URCT). A Leica image cytometer with Quantimet 600 software (Leica, Cambridge, U.K) was used to measure nuclear area, nuclear diameter, nuclear perimeter, nuclear convex perimeter (CP), nuclear roundness and nuclear convex area on hematoxylin and eosin-stained cytologic smears. At least 100 cells were studied in each case. RESULTS: The RB group of tumors showed the highest mean nuclear area (NA), convex area (CA), CP, diameter (D), perimeter (P) and roundness (R). RMS had the highest mean CA, and URCT had the highest mean roundness. ANOVA was performed on the tumors and showed significant differences for all the variables in all the groups (P < .000). All the morphometric data (except roundness) were significantly different in RMS versus all other MRCTs except RB. Similarly, morphometric data on WT were also significantly different from that on NHL. Most of the morphometric data (except CA and R) showed significant differences between RB and all other MRCTs except RMS. PNET, EW and NB could not be differentiated with those variables. CONCLUSION: RMS and RB could successfully be differentiated from all other MRCTs with the help of morphometry. It was not possible to differentiate RMS and RB by image cytometry (ICM) since the ICM data overlapped in those two groups. It was possible to differentiate WT and NHL with ICM. Nuclear ICM was not significantly different in the NB, PNET and ES groups, and probably ICM would not be very helpful to differentiate these groups of MRCT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present the cytomorphologic features of angiosarcomas identified on fine needle aspiration biopsy, review the literature, and discuss the differential diagnosis and pitfalls involved in such cases. STUDY DESIGN: Fine needle aspirate smears from 11 cases (1 hepatic, 3 breast and 7 subcutaneous/soft tissue lesions of angiosarcomas from eight patients were reviewed. All cases had histologic confirmation of angiosarcoma. RESULTS: All aspirates were hypocellular, with predominantly single cells in a background of moderate to abundant amounts of blood. Nine cases had scattered inflammatory cells, primarily neutrophils, in the background. Six of the cases had rare small clusters of cells. The cells were oval, round or spindled, with eccentric, round to spindle-shaped nuclei and moderate to abundant amounts of pale blue-gray, vacuolated cytoplasm. The cells ranged from two to nine times the size of the background red blood cells. In four cases, malignant cells demonstrated intracytoplasmic hemosiderin deposits. Small nucleoli were identified in five cases, large nucleoli in one case and hyperchromasia in seven cases. Mitotic figures, erythrophagocytosis, acinarlike or vascular structures, and necrosis were not identified in any of the studied cases. In four cases, a definitive diagnosis of angiosarcoma was rendered on the fine needle aspiration specimen. In three other cases, the differential diagnosis remained between angiosarcoma and radiation change. CONCLUSION: The presence of scarce single pleomorphic cells in a bloody background should raise the diagnostic possibility of angiosarcoma. A definitive diagnosis of angiosarcoma is often difficult to render due to the paucity of diagnostic cells unless intracytoplasmic hemosiderin deposits can be identified. Multiple aspirations are often needed in order to obtain diagnostic material. In the setting of radiotherapy, it may be impossible to distinguish angiosarcoma from radiation change, and biopsy should be recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To correlate the cytologic grade of breast carcinoma with DNA image cytometry (ICM) and nuclear area on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears. STUDY DESIGN: In this prospective study, FNAC material from 28 breast carcinomas were studied for cytologic grade and DNA ICM. Breast carcinomas were classified as grade 1-3 (low to high). DNA histograms were classified by the modified Auer method. Degree of hyperploidy (DH), ploidy balance (PB) and nuclear area (NA) were measured on Feulgen-stained smears by a CAS 200 image cytometer. Cytologic grade was correlated with DNA ICM findings and NA. RESULTS: There were 3 cytologic grade 1, 13 grade 2 and 12 grade 3 breast carcinomas. Seven of eight cases of hypertetraploid aneuploidy were grade 3 tumors. All cytologic grade 1 tumors were diploid. There were significant differences in DH, PB and NA in different grades of breast carcinoma (one-way ANOVA). CONCLUSION: DNA image cytometry in combination with cytologic grading might offer additional information for the characterization of breast carcinomas diagnosed by FNAC. These observations are of particular interest with the introduction of preoperative chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Tse GM  Ma TK  Pang LM  Cheung H 《Acta cytologica》2002,46(5):855-863
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate specific diagnostic fine needle aspiration cytologic (FNAC) features of phyllodes tumor (PT), particularly in the differentiation from fibroadenoma (FA). STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-eight FNAC of PT were reviewed for smear cellularity, epithelial and stromal fragments, their size and atypia, epithelial/stromal area ratio, background single stromal cells (oval or columnar), multinucleated giant cells, and squamous and apocrine cells. Twenty-one FNAC of fibroadenoma were also assessed for comparison. RESULTS: PT was significantly larger than FA. Epithelial fragments were found in all cases, with atypia present in PT. Stromal fragments were present in half the cases; there was no difference in stromal size, but the epithelial/stromal area ratio was significantly lower in PT than FA. Single columnar stromal cells with recognizable cytoplasm and multinucleated stromal giant cells were seen in some PT but not in FA. CONCLUSION: Cytologic diagnosis of PT remains difficult, with significant overlap with FA. The presence of large size, low epithelial/stromal ratio, epithelial atypia, columnar stromal cells with visible cytoplasm and stromal giant cells favors a diagnosis of PT over FA.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study was conducted to investigate nuclear changes observed in specimens obtained from various sites by computed tomographic (CT)-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy. These changes, which consisted of a disappearance of the nuclear chromatin and a disruption of the nuclear membrane, were found in 70% of 10 FNA specimens obtained with CT guidance, in 26% of 15 specimens obtained with fluoroscopic guidance and in 0% of 10 specimens obtained without x-ray imaging techniques. Although the number of cases studied was small and the mechanisms responsible for these changes are not clear, cytopathologists should be aware of alterations in evaluating FNA specimens obtained with the guidance of x-ray imaging techniques.  相似文献   

The use of immunoperoxidase techniques was investigated in 21 fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology smears that had been previously stained by the Papanicolaou technique. The retrospectively selected slides were destained before applying the immunostain, utilizing antisera to calcitonin, prostatic acid phosphatase (PrAP), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), alpha-lactalbumin (AL), S-100 protein (S-100), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), common leukocyte antigen (LA), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). Positive results were obtained with six of nine small-cell carcinomas of the lung stained with EMA, all three colonic carcinomas stained with CEA, one of two prostatic carcinomas stained with PSA and PrAP, one of two lymphomas stained with LA and the one medullary thyroid carcinoma stained with calcitonin. Negative staining results were observed in the one melanoma stained with S-100, the two breast carcinomas stained with AL and the one hepatocellular carcinoma stained with AFP. These results indicate that immunostaining can be a helpful diagnostic tool in diagnosing some fine needle aspirates using smears previously stained with the Papanicolaou stain.  相似文献   

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