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The rate of glucose oxidation of fresh corneas of guinea pigs at different ages has been determined. Full-thickness corneal discs, 4 mm in diameter, were incubated in radioactive glucose solution. The quantity of the released CO2 was expressed in terms of the corneal discs, their dry weights, and DNA and protein contents. The rate of glucose metabolized to CO2 per hour was about 300 pmol/microgram DNA for guinea pigs weighing approximately 800 g. Glucose oxidation decreased as the age of the animals increased. Our results compared well with those obtained in other species. We therefore feel that the guinea pig should be a suitable model for research on the metabolism of corneas.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of phospholipids was studied in Langendorff perfused guinea pig hearts subjected to beta-adrenergic stimulation. Hearts were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing [32P]Pi and freeze-clamped in a control condition or at the peak of the inotropic response to isoprenaline. 32P incorporation into total phospholipids, individual phospholipids and polyphosphoinositides was analysed in whole tissue homogenates and membranes, enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum, prepared from the same hearts. Isoprenaline stimulation of the hearts did not result in any significant changes in the levels of phosphate incorporation in the total phospholipid present in cardiac homogenates (11.6 +/- 0.4 nmol of 32P/g for control hearts and 12.4 +/- 0.5 nmol of 32P/g for isoprenaline-treated hearts; n = 6), although there was a significant increase in the degree of phospholipid phosphorylation in sarcoplasmic reticulum (3.5 +/- 0.3 nmol of 32P/mg for control hearts and 6.7 +/- 0.2 nmol of 32P/mg for isoprenaline-treated hearts; n = 6). Analysis of 32P incorporation into individual phospholipids and polyphosphoinositides revealed that isoprenaline stimulation of the hearts was associated with a 2-3-fold increase in the degree of phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol monophosphate and bisphosphate as well as phosphatidic acid in both cardiac homogenates and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. In addition, there was increased phosphate incorporation into phosphatidylinositol in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Thus, perfusion of guinea pig hearts with isoprenaline is associated with increased formation of polyphosphoinositides and these phospholipids may be involved, at least in part, in mediating the effects of beta-adrenergic agents in the mammalian heart.  相似文献   

E Aasum  T S Larsen 《Cryobiology》1999,38(3):243-249
We examined the effect of hypothermia and rewarming on myocardial function and calcium control in Langendorff-perfused hearts from rat and guinea pig. Both rat and guinea pig hearts demonstrated a rise in myocardial calcium ([Ca]total) in response to hypothermic perfusion (40 min, 10 degrees C), which was accompanied by an increase in left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP). The elevation in [Ca]total was severalfold higher in guinea pig than in rat hearts, reaching 12.9 +/- 0.8 and 3.1 +/- 0.6 micromol.g dry wt-1, respectively. The rise in LVEDP, however, was comparable in the two species: 62.5 +/- 2.5 (guinea pig) and 52.5 +/- 5.1 mm Hg (rat). Following rewarming, [Ca]total remained elevated in guinea pig, whereas a moderate decline in [Ca]total was observed in the rat (13.6 +/- 1.9 and 2.2 +/- 0.3 micromol.g dry wt-1, respectively). Posthypothermic values of LVEDP were also significantly higher in guinea pig compared to rat hearts (42.5 +/- 6.8 vs 20.5 +/- 5.1 mm Hg, P < 0.027). Furthermore, whereas rat hearts demonstrated a 78 +/- 7% recovery of left ventricular developed pressure, there was only a 15 +/- 7% recovery in guinea pig hearts. Measurements of tissue levels of high energy phosphates and glycogen utilization indicated a higher metabolic requirement in guinea pig than in rat hearts in order to oppose the hypothermia-induced calcium load. Thus, we conclude that isolated guinea pig hearts are more sensitive to a hypothermic insult than rat hearts.  相似文献   

Maximum oxygen consumption was attained in isolated perfused rat hearts using high perfusate calcium and/or isoproterenol, or phenylephrine. The amplitude of calcium transients was directly related to oxygen consumption until oxygen consumed per beat reached maximum. At saturating oxygen consumption the amplitude of [Ca2+]i transients continued to increase, indicative of a calcium overload. In all cases +dP/dt correlated proportionately with +dCa2+/dt. Augmented developed pressure, related to isoproterenol-induced increase in cytosolic cAMP, cannot be attributed totally to elevated levels of [Ca2+]i transients. Adenosine (10(-5) M) added to the medium containing isoproterenol (10(-6) M) negated the isoproterenol-induced increase in cAMP and returned cardiac performance, oxygen consumption, and amplitude of [Ca2+]i transients to control state.  相似文献   

1. Subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria were isolated from the hearts of the diving muskrat and non-diving guinea pig and rat. Respiration rates, respiratory control ratio (RCR) and phosphorous to oxygen (P:O) ratios determined. 2. There was no significant difference in these values among the three species or between mitochondrial populations. 3. Mitochondrial yield as measured by citrate synthase of whole heart homogenates was greatest in the rat, intermediate in the muskrat and lowest in the guinea pig. 4. Muskrat heart mitochondria do not differ from rat and guinea pig heart mitochondria in the ability to use pyruvate as a substrate. 5. Differences in heart mitochondrial function between diving and non-diving rodents were not found and thus do not appear to be adaptations for the hypoxia of diving.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory using near-infrared optical spectroscopy of myoglobin has shown that approximately 20% of the myocardium is hypoxic in buffer-perfused hearts that are perfused with fully oxygenated buffer at 37 degrees C. The present study was undertaken to determine cardiac myoglobin saturation in buffer-perfused hearts when cardiac contractility was increased with epinephrine and decreased during cardiac arrest with KCl. Infusion of epinephrine to achieve a doubling of contractility, as measured by left ventricular maximum pressure change over time (dP/dt), resulted in a decrease in mean myoglobin saturation from 79% at baseline to 65% and a decrease in coronary venous oxygen tension from 155 mmHg at baseline to 85 mmHg. Cardiac arrest with KCl increased mean myoglobin saturation to 100% and coronary venous oxygen tension to 390 mmHg. A previously developed computer model of oxygen transport in the myocardium was used to calculate the probability distribution of intracellular oxygen tension and the hypoxic fraction of the myocardium with an oxygen tension below 0.5 mmHg. The hypoxic fraction of the myocardium was approximately 15% at baseline, increased to approximately 30% during epinephrine infusion, and fell to approximately 0% during cardiac arrest. The coronary venous adenosine concentration changed in parallel with the hypoxic fraction of the myocardium during epinephrine and KCl. It is concluded that catecholamine stimulation of buffer-perfused hearts increases hypoxia in the myocardium and that the increase in venous adenosine concentration is a reflection of the larger hypoxic fraction of myocardium that is releasing adenosine.  相似文献   

Ethanol metabolism was studied in isolated hepatocytes of fed and fasted guinea pigs. Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC activities of fed or fasted liver cells were 2.04 and 1.88 μmol/g cells/min, respectively. Under a variety of in vitro conditions, alcohol dehydrogenase operates in fed hepatocytes at 34–74% and in fasted liver cells at 23–61% of its maximum velocity, respectively. Hepatocytes of fed animals, incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer, oxidized ethanol at an average rate of 0.69 μmol/g wet weight cells/min, whereas cells of 48-h fasted animals consumed only 0.44 μmol/g/min under identical conditions. Various substrates and metabolites of intermediary metabolism significantly enhanced ethanol oxidation in fed liver cells. Maximum stimulatory effects were achieved with alanine (+138%) and pyruvate (+102%), followed in decreasing order by propionate, lactate, fructose, dihydroxyacetone, and galactose. In contrast to substrate couples such as lactate/pyruvate and glycerol/dihydroxyacetone, sorbitol with or without fructose significantly inhibited ethanol oxidation. The addition of hydrogen shuttle components such as malate, aspartate, or glutamate to fasted hepatocytes resulted in significantly higher stimulation of ethanol uptake than in fed hepatocytes. Also, the degree of inhibition of shuttle activity by n-butylmalonate was more pronounced in fasted liver cells (77% inhibition) than in fed cells (59% inhibition). These data as well as oxygen kinetic studies in intact guinea pig hepatocytes utilizing uncouplers (carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone, dinitrophenol), electron-transport inhibitors (rotenone, antimycin), and malate-aspartate shuttle inhibitors (aminooxyacetate, n-butylmalonate) strongly suggested that the malate-aspartate shuttle is the predominant hydrogen transport system during ethanol oxidation in guinea pig liver.Comparison of the alcohol dehydrogenase-inhibitors 4-methylpyrazole and pyrazole on ethanol oxidation demonstrated that the alcohol dehydrogenase system is quantitatively the most important alcohol-metabolizing pathway in guinea pig liver. Supporting this conclusion, it was found that the H2O2-forming substrate glycolate slightly increased ethanol oxidation in liver cells of control animals (+26%), but prior inhibition of catalase by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole resulted in a significant increase (+25%) instead of a decrease in alcohol oxidation. This finding does not support a quantitatively important role of peroxidatic oxidation of ethanol by catalase in liver.Cytosolic NADNADH ratios were greatly shifted toward reduction during ethanol oxidation. These reductive shifts were even more pronounced when cells were incubated in the presence of fatty acids (octanoate, oleate) plus ethanol. Inhibitor studies with 4-methylpyrazole demonstrated that the decrease of the cytosolic NADNADH ratio during fatty acid oxidation was due to an inhibition of hydrogen transport from cytosol to mitochondria and not the result of transfer of hydrogen, generated by fatty acid oxidation, from mitochondria to cytosol. Lactate plus pyruvate formation was slightly inhibited by ethanol in fed hepatocytes but greatly accelerated in fasted cells; this latter effect was mostly the result of increased lactate formation. Such regulation may represent a hepatic mechanism of alcoholic lactic acidosis as observed in human alcoholics. The ethanol-induced decrease of the mitochondrial NADNADH ratio was prevented by addition of 4-methylpyrazole. Endogenous ketogenesis was greatly increased (+80%) by ethanol in fed liver cells. This effect of ethanol was blunted in the presence of glucose. Propionate, by competing with fatty acid oxidation, was strongly antiketogenic. This effect was alleviated by ethanol. In 48-h fasted hepatocytes, endogenous ketogenesis was enhanced by 84%. Although ethanol did not further stimulate endogenous ketogenesis under these conditions, alcohol significantly increased ketogenesis in the presence of octanoate or oleate. This stimulatory effect of ethanol was almost completely prevented by 4-methylpyrazole. These findings demonstrate that the syndrome of alcoholic ketoacidosis may be due, at least partially, to the additional stimulation of ketogenesis by or from ethanol during fatty acid oxidation in the fasting state.  相似文献   

The role of P1 receptors and P2Y1 receptors in coronary vasodilator responses to adenine nucleotides was examined in the isolated guinea pig heart. Bolus arterial injections of nucleotides were made in hearts perfused at constant pressure. Peak increase in flow was measured before and after addition of purinoceptor antagonists. Both the P1 receptor antagonist 8-(p-sulfophenyl)theophylline and adenosine deaminase inhibited adenosine vasodilation. AMP-induced vasodilation was inhibited by P1 receptor blockade but not by adenosine deaminase or by the selective P2Y1 antagonist N6-methyl-2'-deoxyadenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate (MRS 2179). ADP-induced vasodilation was moderately inhibited by P1 receptor blockade and greatly inhibited by combined P1 and P2Y1 blockade. ATP-induced vasodilation was antagonized by P1 blockade but not by adenosine deaminase. Addition of P2Y1 blockade to P1 blockade shifted the ATP dose-response curve further rightward. It is concluded that in this preparation ATP-induced vasodilation results primarily from AMP stimulation of P1 receptors, with a smaller component from ATP or ADP acting on P2Y1 receptors. ADP-induced vasodilation is largely due to P2Y1 receptors, with a smaller contribution by AMP or adenosine acting via P1 receptors. AMP responses are mediated solely by P1 receptors. Adenosine contributes very little to vasodilation resulting from bolus intracoronary injections of ATP, ADP, or AMP.  相似文献   

Acute responses to antigen-antibody interactions (anaphylactic reactions) in isolated guinea pig hearts are reported to include decreases in coronary flow, increases in heart rate, prolongation of impulse propagation, development of arrhythmias, and transient increases followed by substantial decreases in ventricular contractile force. It is not clear from these studies, however, whether all of the changes are direct effects of the mediators released by the antigen-antibody reaction or whether some of them are indirect results of the severe reduction in flow evoked by coronary vasoconstriction. Therefore, the present study was designed to assess cardiac anaphylactic events in isolated hearts of guinea pigs passively sensitized with IgG antibody to ovalbumin under conditions in which coronary perfusion pressure was maintained constant and to compare the responses to those of hearts in which coronary flow was maintained at a constant rate. Our data indicate that when coronary flow decreased during anaphylaxis (constant pressure perfusion), hearts responded to antigen challenge with greater prolongation of the PR interval, duration of arrhythmias, suppression of left ventricular systolic pressure, and release of histamine and adenosine plus inosine into the venous effluent than when coronary flow was maintained during anaphylaxis (constant flow perfusion). The data suggest that maintenance of coronary flow during cardiac anaphylaxis may attenuate the severity of the functional derangement.  相似文献   

The lack of a satisfactory method for long-term preservation of hearts during transport limits the source of human hearts for transplant to the geographic vicinity of the transplant center. Experimentally, reduction of myocardial oxygen requirements with hypothermia and cardioplegia prolong storage time to 48 h, but always with some evidence of myocardial damage. In this study, the combination of hypothermia with a procedure known to increase oxygen tension in cardiac muscle, gas perfusion, preserved contractile activity in guinea pig hearts for 24 h and did not cause edema. Cardioplegia or gas perfusion at temperatures below 10 degrees C or above 20 degrees C resulted in failure of hearts to contract upon rewarming. Contracture, dehydration, elevation of tissue calcium, reduced perfusate flow, and elevated creatine kinase levels occurred if liquid reperfusion was begun at 15 degrees C but not 25 degrees C. The results suggest that under the appropriate conditions, hypothermic gas perfusion is a potentially useful means of extending storage time of hearts for transplant.  相似文献   

PAF-acether is a phospholipid synthesized by most animal tissues and exerting a strong decrease on the heart’s contractile force and coronary flow. PAF-acether (10−9 and 10−10 M) was administered to isolated guinea pig hearts perfused via the Langendorff apparatus with Chenoweth solution. Zinc (1.5 μM) is known to benefit heart function thus, Zn2+ (1.5, 7.5, and 30 μM) was added in the perfusing solution before or after PAF-acether administration. Contractile force, coronary flow, and heart rate were recorded by means of a Narco MK-IV Physiograph throughout all modes of perfusion. Calcium inhibitor (Verapamil 10−10 M) and Pb2+ Co2+ (1.5×10−6 M) were used subsequently in the perfusing solutions in order to elucidate some of the Zn and PAF interactions observed. All hearts were analyzed for their Zn and Ca content by means of an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Our data suggest that low concentrations of zinc (1.5 μM) can strongly inhibit PAF-induced decrease of contractile force and coronary flow. Zinc-inhibiting effects on PAF's negative inotropic action (myocytic level) is not exerted through Zn−Ca antagonism. Nevertheless, a Zn−Ca antagonism in the arteriolar level cannot be excluded. Zinc inhibits PAF selectively only if it is administered before PAF injection and this strongly suggests a receptor interaction between the metal and the phospholipid at the heart level.  相似文献   

Mammalian hearts experience calcium overload during extreme and prolonged hypoxia and the calcium overload may lead to enzyme activation and cell death. Several calcium transport systems were examined in muskrat hearts and compared to those found in rat hearts to determine if there is a species difference that might be related to the muskrats' superior ability to survive hypoxia. Radiolabeled nitredendipine binding was determined in rat and muskrat hearts to estimate the density of voltage gated calcium channels in surface membranes. There were no species differences. Calcium release channel density in the sarcoplasmic reticulum was estimated by the determination of radiolabeled ryanodine binding in muskrat and rat heart SR membranes. No differences were revealed between species. The SR uptake of calcium was measured in SR membranes from the hearts of the two species. No differences were found in the B(max) values, however, the muskrat SR membranes did have a slightly lower K(m) value. There were large species differences in Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange in SL membranes with the muskrat heart having approximately 3.5 times the transport capacity of rat SL membranes. During hypoxic conditions in which there is extensive ATP depletion leading to [Na(+)](i) accumulation and discharge of cellular membrane potential, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger may operate in the reverse mode and import calcium into the cell and accelerate hypoxic damage. Prior to reaching this state a robust Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange would facilitate the maintenance of normal diastolic calcium levels and calcium cycling. Muskrats hearts are hypoxia tolerant by virtue of their ability to reduce metabolic demand and generate ATP anaerobically thus, maintaining a favorable ATP balance. Therefore, the relative overexpression of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchangers in muskrat hearts may be beneficial in the preservation of contractile function and calcium homeostasis in this freshwater diving mammal.  相似文献   

Hypothermic perfusion of the heart decreases oxidative phosphorylation and increases NADH. Because O(2) and substrates remain available and respiration (electron transport system, ETS) may become impaired, we examined whether reactive oxygen species (ROS) exist in excess during hypothermic perfusion. A fiberoptic probe was placed on the left ventricular free wall of isolated guinea pig hearts to record intracellular ROS, principally superoxide (O(2)(-).), and an extracellular reactive nitrogen reactant, principally peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), a product of nitric oxide (NO.) + O(2)(-). Hearts were loaded with dihydroethidium (DHE), which is oxidized by O(2)(-). to ethidium, or were perfused with l-tyrosine, which is oxidized by ONOO(-) to dityrosine (diTyr). Shifts in fluorescence were measured online; diTyr fluorescence was also measured in the coronary effluent. To validate our methods and to examine the source and identity of ROS during cold perfusion, we examined the effects of a superoxide dismutase mimetic Mn(III) tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin chloride (MnTBAP), the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME), and several agents that impair electron flux through the ETS: menadione, sodium azide (NaN(3)), and 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM). Drugs were given before or during cold perfusion. ROS measured by DHE was inversely proportional to the temperature between 37 degrees C and 3 degrees C. We found that perfusion at 17 degrees C increased DHE threefold versus perfusion at 37 degrees C; this was reversed by MnTBAP, but not by l-NAME or BDM, and was markedly augmented by menadione and NaN(3). Perfusion at 17 degrees C also increased myocardial and effluent diTyr (ONOO(-)) by twofold. l-NAME, MnTBAP, or BDM perfused at 37 degrees C before cooling or during 17 degrees C perfusion abrogated, whereas menadione and NaN(3) again enhanced the cold-induced increase in ROS. Our results suggest that hypothermia moderately enhances O(2)(-). generation by mitochondria, whereas O(2)(-). dismutation is markedly slowed. Also, the increase in O(2)(-). during hypothermia reacts with available NO. to produce ONOO(-), and drug-induced O(2)(-). dismutation eliminates the hypothermia-induced increase in O(2)(-).  相似文献   

Adenosine (Ado), a smooth muscle vasodilator and modulator of cardiac function, is taken up by many cell types via a saturable transporter, blockable by dipyridamole. To quantitate the influences of endothelial cells in governing the blood-tissue exchange of Ado and its concentration in the interstitial fluid, one must define the permeability-surface area products (PS) for Ado via passive transport through interendothelial gaps [PS(g)(Ado)] and across the endothelial cell luminal membrane (PS(ecl)) in their normal in vivo setting. With the use of the multiple-indicator dilution (MID) technique in Krebs-Ringer perfused, isolated guinea pig hearts (preserving endothelial myocyte geometry) and by separating Ado metabolites by HPLC, we found permeability-surface area products for an extracellular solute, sucrose, via passive transport through interendothelial gaps [PS(g)(Suc)] to be 1.9 +/- 0.6 ml. g(-1). min(-1) (n = 16 MID curves in 4 hearts) and took PS(g)(Ado) to be 1. 2 times PS(g)(Suc). MID curves were obtained with background nontracer Ado concentrations up to 800 micrometer, partially saturating the transporter and reducing its effective PS(ecl) for Ado. The estimated maximum value for PS(ecl) in the absence of background adenosine was 1.1 +/- 0.1 ml. g(-1). min(-1) [maximum rate of transporter conformational change to move the substrate from one side of the membrane to the other (maximal velocity; V(max)) times surface area of 125 +/- 11 nmol. g(-1). min(-1)], and the Michaelis-Menten constant (K(m)) was 114 +/- 12 microM, where +/- indicates 95% confidence limits. Physiologically, only high Ado release with hypoxia or ischemia will partially saturate the transporter.  相似文献   

Regional heterogeneities of ventricular repolarizing currents and their role in arrhythmogenesis have received much attention; however, relatively little is known regarding heterogeneities of intracellular calcium handling. Because repolarization properties and contractile function are heterogeneous from base to apex of the intact heart, we hypothesize that calcium handling is also heterogeneous from base to apex. To test this hypothesis, we developed a novel ratiometric optical mapping system capable of measuring calcium fluorescence of indo-1 at two separate wavelengths from 256 sites simultaneously. With the use of intact Langendorff-perfused guinea pig hearts, ratiometric calcium transients were recorded under normal conditions and during administration of known inotropic agents. Ratiometric calcium transients were insensitive to changes in excitation light intensity and fluorescence over time. Under control conditions, calcium transient amplitude near the apex was significantly larger (60%, P < 0.01) compared with the base. In contrast, calcium transient duration was significantly longer (7.5%, P < 0.03) near the base compared with the apex. During isoproterenol (0.05 microM) and verapamil (2.5 microM) administration, ratiometric calcium transients accurately reflected changes in contractile function, and, the direction of base-to-apex heterogeneities remained unchanged compared with control. Ratiometric optical mapping techniques can be used to accurately quantify heterogeneities of calcium handling in the intact heart. Significant heterogeneities of calcium release and sequestration exist from base to apex of the intact heart. These heterogeneities are consistent with base-to-apex heterogeneities of contraction observed in the intact heart and may play a role in arrhythmogenesis under abnormal conditions.  相似文献   

Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) induces distinctive changes in mitochondrial bioenergetics during warm (37 degrees C) ischemia and improves function and tissue viability on reperfusion. We examined whether IPC before 2 h of hypothermic (27 degrees C) ischemia affords additive cardioprotection and improves mitochondrial redox balance assessed by mitochondrial NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) autofluorescence in intact hearts. A mediating role of ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channel opening was investigated. NADH and FAD fluorescence was measured in the left ventricular wall of guinea pig isolated hearts assigned to five groups of eight animals each: hypothermia alone, hypothermia with ischemia, IPC with cold ischemia, 5-hydroxydecanoic acid (5-HD) alone, and 5-HD with IPC and cold ischemia. IPC consisted of two 5-min periods of warm global ischemia spaced 5 min apart and 15 min of reperfusion before 2 h of ischemia at 27 degrees C and 2 h of warm reperfusion. The K(ATP) channel inhibitor 5-HD was perfused from 5 min before until 5 min after IPC. IPC before 2 h of ischemia at 27 degrees C led to better recovery of function and less tissue damage on reperfusion than did 27 degrees C ischemia alone. These improvements were preceded by attenuated increases in NADH and decreases in FAD during cold ischemia and the reverse changes during warm reperfusion. 5-HD blocked each of these changes induced by IPC. This study indicates that IPC induces additive cardioprotection with mild hypothermic ischemia by improving mitochondrial bioenergetics during and after ischemia. Because effects of IPC on subsequent changes in NADH and FAD were inhibited by 5-HD, this suggests that mitochondrial K(ATP) channel opening plays a substantial role in improving mitochondrial bioenergetics throughout mild hypothermic ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

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