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Fas habituation (FH) is defined as a general reduction in long-latency, vertex-recorded, averaged auditory evoked potential (AEP) amplitude that occurs in response to the second of a pair of acoustic stimuli. Our laboratory has been studying FH in a variety of human populations with different paradigms and has interpreted it to be a measure of neural attentional mechanism(s) and/or resource allocation related to the processing of cognitive information. We have also reported an analogous phenomenon in the rat. In the present investigation, we examined the relationship between FH (viz., averaged AEP component amplitude decrement) and the single-trial latency variability of the AEP peaks comprising that component. Specifically, AEPs were obtained to 60 paired-tone stimuli from unanesthetized and restrained albino rats previously implanted with chronic skull electrodes. Using a template-matching algorithm similar to that used by Michalewski et al. (Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1986, 65:59–71), the latency variability for each animal was computed for the N1 and P2 peaks of the single-trial AEPs that were used to compose the averaged wave form. Findings indicated that (a) there was no difference in single-trial latency variability for these peaks either within or across tones, and (b) there was no relationship between single-trial latency variability for either the N1 or the P2 peaks and the overall peak-to-peak amplitude (N1-P2) of the averaged wave form in response to the second tone. Thus, FH of the N1-P2 (i.e. Peak 2) amplitude in the rat is not due to an increase in latency variability across tones.  相似文献   

The intensity dependence of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) recorded epidurally over the primary (AI) and secondary (AII) areas of the auditory cortex was studied in behaving cats during wakefulness, sleep and anesthesia. Four kHz tones of 50, 60, 70, and 80 dB SPL, presented in random order every 2 ± 0.2 s by a bone conductor, elicited clear changes of the AEP amplitudes with increasing stimulus intensity, but individual components displayed different responses curves. AEP components from the AI region showed saturation of their amplitude with stimulus intensity (P13, P34) or no amplitude increase (N19), while amplitude and intensity were linearly related in the AII area. The intensity dependence of the first positive component (P12/P13) was consistently stronger for the AEP recorded from the AI than from the AII area, while later components exhibited no difference between AI and AII. During slow wave sleep, the intensity dependence of this first positive component increased in the two areas, while that of later components decreased. Pentobarbital anesthesia abolished almost all later components and depressed the intensity dependence of the first positive component both in the AI and AII area. These results indicate that (1) clear intensity dependence of AEP exists in the cat auditory cortex and (2) this intensity dependence, especially that of the first positive AEP component, shares functional similarities to the human augmenting/reducing phenomenon in the auditory modality concerning regional differences and sleep-waking cycle.  相似文献   

Several researchers propose that event-related potentials (ERPs) can be explained by a superposition of transient oscillations at certain frequency bands in response to external or internal events. The transient nature of the ERP is more suitable to be modelled as a sum of damped sinusoids. These damped sinusoids can be completely characterized by four sets of parameters, namely the amplitude, the damping coefficient, the phase and the frequency. The Prony method is used to estimate these parameters. In this study, the long-latency auditory-evoked potentials (AEP) and the auditory oddball responses (P300) of 10 healthy subjects are analysed by this method. It is shown that the original waveforms can be reconstructed by summing a small number of damped sinusoids. This allows for a parsimonious representation of the ERPs. Furthermore, the method shows that the oddball target responses contain higher amplitude, slower delta and slower damped theta components than those of the AEPs. With this technique, we show that the differentiation of sensory and cognitive potentials are not inherent in their overall frequency content but in their frequency components at certain bands. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 26 February 1998  相似文献   

The amplitudes of all deflections of the slow auditory evoked potential (AEP) regularly decrease in alert subjects with the increase of stimulation rate. As compared with the late deflections (P2N2), the decrease of the amplitude of comparatively early deflections (N1P2) is more pronounced. It is a rather logarithmic, than a linear function of the interstimulus interval. The degree of amplitude diminution of slow AEPs due to a greater stimulation rate depends on the intensity of acoustic stimul: at greater sound intensities the decrease is more pronounced. The higher rates of stimulation produce, along with a decreased amplitude, a shorter peak latencies of all slow AEP deflections (except the peak of deflection P1). In narcotic (chloralhydrate) sleep higher rates of stimulation are not attended with any regular changes in the amplitude and peak latencies of the slow AEP.  相似文献   

Using an auditory ‘oddball’ paradigm and classical conditioning, we have studied auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) and P300-like potentials in monkeys pre- and post-MPTP treatment. Free-field acoustic stimuli were 500 Hz and 4000 Hz tones, which were designated as the ‘frequent’ and ‘rare’ conditions, respectively. The 4000 Hz stimuli were reinforced with mild somatosensory electrical stimulation. During the first few weeks following 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) administration, all monkeys gradually developed a parkinsonian syndrome, which partially, but not completely improved within 30–40 days in 2 animals. The amplitudes of the AEP were initially significantly decreased, but progressively returned to pretreatment magnitudes in the 2 monkeys which partially recovered. P300-like potentials were initially abolished in all animals; however, 30–40 days later P300 spontaneously re-emerged in the same 2 monkeys. Latencies of both of these signals were unaffected by MPTP. Acute administration of dopamine precursor during the first phase of neurotoxicity partially and temporarily improved depressed AEP amplitudes, but did not restore absent P300-like potentials. The relevance of these results for Parkinson's disease is discussed.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were studied from scalp locations Cz and Oz on 37 adults aged 20-22 years during sensori-sensorial association of a weak sound (S) and a strong flash of light (L). After sound alone repetition (habituation), S-L association modified AEP: first, it caused a generalized orienting response expressed as increasing of Cz and Oz amplitude AEPs. Then, this pattern gave way to an activation limited to the Oz lead: the increase of amplitude was then concomitant with shortened latencies when compared to sound-alone-habituated responses. Inter-individual differences were observed since these occipital modifications were recorded only on 26 subjects. The other 11 subjects did not exhibit any occipital modifications following S-L association. For them, the main modification was a strong decrease of Cz AEP induced by S-L association. These two groups also differed in their capacity to ignore irrelevant stimuli which is higher in the first group (AEP amplitude habituation with sound-alone repetition) than in the second one (no AEP habituation).  相似文献   

The influence of stimulus duration on auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) was examined for tones varying randomly in duration, location, and frequency in an auditory selective attention task. Stimulus duration effects were isolated as duration difference waves by subtracting AEPs to short duration tones from AEPs to longer duration tones of identical location, frequency and rise time. This analysis revealed that AEP components generally increased in amplitude and decreased in latency with increments in signal duration, with evidence of longer temporal integration times for lower frequency tones. Different temporal integration functions were seen for different N1 subcomponents. The results suggest that different auditory cortical areas have different temporal integration times, and that these functions vary as a function of tone frequency.  相似文献   

In human neurophysiology, auditory event-related potentials (AEPs) are used to investigate cognitive processes such as selective attention. Selective attention to specific tones causes a negative enhancement of AEPs known as processing negativity (PN), which is reduced in patients with schizophrenia. The evidence suggests that impaired selective attention in these patients may partially depend on deficient N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-mediated signaling. The goal of this study was to corroborate the involvement of the NMDAR in selective attention using a mouse model. To this end, we first investigated the presence of PN-like activity in C57BL/6J mice by recording AEPs during a fear-conditioning paradigm. Two alternating trains of tones, differing in stimulus duration, were presented on 7 subsequent days. One group received a mild foot shock delivered within the presentation of one train (conditioning train) on days 3-5 (conditioning days), while controls were never shocked. The fear-conditioned group (n= 9) indeed showed a PN-like activity during conditioning days manifested as a significant positive enhancement in the AEPs to the stimuli in the conditioning train that was not observed in the controls. The same paradigm was then applied to mice with reduced expression of the NMDAR1 (NR1) subunit and to a wild-type control group (each group n= 6). The NR1 mutants showed an associative AEP enhancement, but its magnitude was significantly reduced as compared with the magnitude in wild-type mice. We conclude that electrophysiological manifestations of selective attention are observable yet of different polarity in mice and that they require intact NMDAR-mediated signaling. Thus, deficient NMDAR functioning may contribute to abnormal selective attention in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Averaged evoked potentials in the inferior colliculus (IC), medial geniculate nucleus (MG) and reticular formation (RF) of chronically implanted and freely moving cats were measured using auditory step functions in the form of tone bursts of 2000 Hz. The most prominent components of the AEP of the inferior colliculus were a positive wave of 13 msec and a negative wave of 40–55 msec latency. The AEP of the medial geniculate nucleus was characterized by a large negative wave peaking at 35–40 msec. During spindle sleep and slow wave sleep stages changes in the AEPs of both nuclei occured.Transient evoked responses of the inferior colliculus, medial geniculate nucleus and reticular formation were transformed to the frequency domain using the Laplace transform (one sided Fourier transform) in order to obtain frequency characteristics of the systems under study. The amplitude characteristics of IC, MG. and RF obtained in this way revealed maxima in alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (18–35 Hz) and higher frequency (50–80 Hz) ranges. During spindle sleep stage a maximum in the theta frequency range (3–8 Hz) and during slow wave sleep maximum in the delta (1–3 Hz) frequency range appeared in the amplitude characteristics of these nuclei.The amplitude characteristics of the inferior colliculus and medial geniculate nucleus were compared with the amplitude characteristics of other brain structures. The comparison of AEPs and amplitude frequency characteristics obtained using these AEPs reveals that the existence of a number of peaks (waves) with different latencies in the time course does not necessarily indicate the existence of different functional structures or neural groups giving rise to these waves. The entire time course of evoked potentials and not the number and latencies of the waves, carries, the whole information concerning different activities and frequency selectivities of brain structures.Supported by Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council Grant TAG-266.Presented in Part at the VIIIth International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology in Marseilles, September 1–7, 1973.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the differential behavior of laser evoked brain potentials (LEPs), late auditory evoked potentials (AEP) and the endogenous P300 in response to morphine treatment, examined in 6 chronic pain patients. The main result was that in parallel with marked clinical pain relief, amplitudes of the long latency LEP positivity (P400) were significantly reduced under morphine. One patient suffering from extremely painful osteoporosis for 20 years exhibited a large middle latency component (N170) which was prominently attenuated by morphine. In contrast to LEP amplitude reductions, auditory N1 and P2 potentials appeared either unchanged or even enlarged during morphine treatment. Also P300 amplitude was slightly increased under morphine. Reaction time and mood scales also failed to indicate any sedation. Obviously, LEPs reflected specifically the analgesic morphine effect in this study, while stability or enhancement of AEPs and P300 during morphine treatment indicated lack of sedation or even improved perception and concentration due to the removal of persistent pain as a disruptive perceptual-cognitive stressor.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEP) of the frontal, central and parietal cortical areas of the left hemisphere in response to an indifferent sound stimulus and to a stimulus with same physical characteristics, but with acquired informational significance, were studied in healthy children of the 3-d year of life. In the last case the amplitude of the AEPs in all recorded areas rose and the latencies of late components in the parietal area became longer. Moreover, the components of AEP got more complex owing to a greater manifestation of the late positive component P3 in all recorded areas and particularly in the parietal one.  相似文献   

1. Recordings were made from the region of the midbrain tectum and torus semicircularis of sustained potential shifts (SPS) to a non-acoustic priming stimulus and the change in subsequent acoustic evoked potentials (AEPs) to a train of six clicks after a long rest. 2. In the absence of priming stimuli (a jet of saline or water to the flank) the AEP to the first click in a train had the highest amplitude; with these stimuli it became the most attenuated. 3. The SPS to both non-acoustic stimuli was initially (ca 4 sec) negative, then became positive for a similar time period. 4. After saline jet the tectal and the torus AEP amplitude was significantly correlated with the torus SPS; after water jet, the tectal and the torus AEP durations were correlated with the SPS. 5. Application of alumina gel to the posterior telencephalic border caused elevation of the torus AEP amplitude after some 5 hr.  相似文献   

Vasopressin and electrophysiological signs of attention in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventeen pairs of monozygotic twins, females and males, were tested in a dichotic listening task, containing several types of pips: standard and deviating target pips, which the subject either attended to, or not. Averaged auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to the pips provided measures of different attentional processes. Furthermore, EEG power spectra, heart rate and blood pressure and behavioral performance were measured. Subjects received treatments (20 I.U. lysine-vasopressin vs. placebo) intranasally 48, 24, and 1 hour prior to the experimental sessions according to a co-twin control design. Whereas measures of voluntary selective attention remained unchanged by lysine-vasopressin (LVP) the peptide primarily affected an attentional mechanism responding in an automatic fashion to stimulus deviance. This effect was indicated by a substantial negative shift of the AEP amplitudes following deviating stimuli within the latency range of the N2/P2 components (about 200 msec post-stimulus). The effect seemed to be unrelated to modulations of cortical arousal after LVP.  相似文献   

The study focuses on possible after effects of noise-induced sleep disturbances on inhibitory brain processes reflecting in performance changes and alternations of inhibition-related components of event-related potentials (ERPs). Following a quiet night and three nights, in which railway noise was presented with different levels, twelve women and ten men (19-28 years) performed a visual Go/Nogo task that contained stimuli either compatible or incompatible with a response. Noise-induced sleep disturbances are highly evident in worsening of subjective sleep quality but did not show up in significant changes of reaction time and error rate. A smaller N2 amplitude and longer latency to incompatible than to compatible stimuli as well as an unspecific attenuation of N2 amplitude under Noise were found. The amplitude of the fronto-central P3 was reduced under Noise compared to baseline only in Nogo trials. The amplitude of the parietal P3 in Go trials was smaller to incompatible than to compatible stimuli but was not affected by Noise. Disturbed sleep was associated with a decreased blink rate during task performance. The results suggest that physiological costs to maintain performance are increased after noisy nights. Decisional processes underlying overt responses (Go-P3) are less vulnerable to noise-disturbed sleep than those related to inhibition (Nogo-N2, NoGo-P3). The deficits may have been compensated by increased on-task concentration and thereby did not become apparent in the performance data. Inhibition-related ERPs may be more sensitive indicators of moderate sleep disturbances caused by noise than performance measures.  相似文献   

1. Changes in EEG power spectrum of carp to a priming non-acoustic stimulus followed by acoustic clicks were compared to those due to acoustic clicks delivered alone. Recordings were made from the telencephalon, midbrain and medulla. Acoustic evoked potentials (AEPs) to the clicks were also recorded. 2. EEG power changes to non-acoustic stimuli occurred over the whole 1-40 Hz frequency range and were regionally specific and consistent. 3. The changes in the EEG midfrequency 12-24 Hz power spectrum to non-acoustic stimuli were significantly correlated with changes in the AEP to subsequent clicks. An elevated medullary AEP amplitude and reduced duration were correlated with increased medullary EEG power and increased midbrain AEP duration. 4. Telencephalic EEG power changes were inversely related to changes in medullary and midbrain AEP amplitude.  相似文献   

Short inter-stimulus interval (ISI) is one inherent characteristic of the high stimulus-rate (HSR) paradigms for studying auditory evoked potentials (AEPs). At short ISIs, the AEPs to adjacent stimuli overlap. To resolve the AEP to a specific stimulus requires an inverse process of overlapping. Inverse filtering (also called as deconvolution) has been commonly employed to achieve this goal. However, the resulted signal may be severely distorted as inverse filtering can substantially amplify such undesired components as noises and artifacts in the raw EEG recordings. In practice, even if care be taken to obtain quality EEGs, noises and artifacts are unavoidable. It is thus critical to remove or at least supress these undesired components for studies using HSR paradigms. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach to EEG signal enhancement based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and threshold filtering/rejection. Using synthetic and real data, we test the effectiveness of our approach. Results for both types of data consistently demonstrate that our methods can significantly improve the quality of recovered AEPs, according to visual inspection and SNRs estimated using two metrics.  相似文献   

Monitoring the depth of anaesthesia has become an important research topic in the field of biosignal processing. Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) have been shown to be a promising tool for this purpose. Signals recorded in the noisy environment of an operating theatre are often contaminated by artefacts. Thus, artefact detection and elimination in the underlying electroencephalogram (EEG) are mandatory before AEP extraction. Determination of a suitable artefact detection configuration based on EEG data from a clinical study is described. Artefact detection algorithms and an AEP extraction procedure encompassing the artefact detection results are presented. Different configurations of artefact detection algorithms are evaluated using an AEP verification procedure and support vector machines to determine a suitable configuration for the assessment of depth of anaesthesia using AEPs.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to 40 Hz clicks and amplitude-modulated 500 Hz tones in human subjects were digitally filtered using an optimal (‘Wiener’) filter uniquely determined for each AEP. Use of coherence functions to compute coefficients appropriate for filtering grand average AEPs or subsets such as split-half averages is described. Wiener-filtered AEPs correlated better than unfiltered AEPs with split-half replicates and with references AEPs (obtained with long data collection periods). Visual detection thresholds were lower (more sensitive) for the Wiener-filtered AEPs, but not as low as objectively determined thresholds using coherence values.  相似文献   

Average evoked potentials (AEP) were recorded in practically healthy subjects to "meaningless" figures and letters, presented to different halves of the visual field. Analysis of the amplitudes of AEP late components to verbal and non-verbal stimuli reveals hemispheric asymmetry. A higher amplitude of the late positive evoked response (P300) to a "direct" stimulation both by verbal and non-verbal stimuli (in the contralateral field of vision) is recorded in the left hemisphere than in the right one. Similar stimulation of the right hemisphere does not reveal sucha difference. In the left hemisphere the P300 wave is of a clearly greater amplitude to a "direct" stimulation (contralateral visual field) than to an "indirect" one (ipsilateral visual field), regardless of the nature of the stimulus. No such difference is observed in the right hemisphere. The magnitude of the late negative wave (component N200) to non-verbal stimuli is greater in the right hemisphere both in response to "direct" and "indirect" stimulations. No intrahemispheric difference has been found in the amplitude of late evoked responses of the cerebral cortex to verbal and non-verbal stimuli.  相似文献   

Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) to verbal (letters) and nonverbal (random shapes) stimuli exposed in the left and right visual fields were registered in healthy subjects with normal vision. Analysis of the later AEP latencies pointed to asymmetry in the temporal parameters of the interhemispheric interaction. The late AEP latency is shorter in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The difference is more pronounced in responses to nonverbal stimuli. The earlier development of the evoked potential in the right hemisphere (or the later one in the left hemisphere) accounts for the interhemispheric difference in the temporal parameters of the late AEP components. Comparison of the latency of the component P300 to verbal and nonverbal stimuli presented in the ipsilateral or the contralateral visual fields reveals a transfer of the results of the cortical processing of visual information in the course of interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

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