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A method of discriminant analysis is described whereby a combination of personal characteristics is established which would best predict whether a woman would choose oral or IUD contraception. The study hypothesized that, at the time of choice, a higher level of motivation is necessary to accept an IUD rather than oral contraception. Approximately 450 patients at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, South Carolina, were studied between October and December 1970. At the 1% level of significance, it was found that pill users are younger, have fewer children, and are more likely to have used the pill in the last 2 years, compared to IUD users. Income is higher for pill users at the 10% level of significance. Educational levels did not differ between the 2 groups. Other factors were significant at varying levels. It would be possible to establish a combination of variables which would predict the separation between the 2 groups of women. There are problems in this approach. 1 problem is that Planned Parenthood has alw ays stressed the voluntary aspect of contraceptive acceptance.  相似文献   

A selection of psychological and social factors present in 360 women who underwent legal termination of pregnancy are related to their contraceptive practice. One-third of the group were ignorant about contraceptive methods, ignorance being more common in women from social classes IV and V and in those under the age of 19. Nearly half of those who had some knowledge of contraceptive practice became pregnant after knowingly taking a risk. A total of 41% had been using some form of contraception immediately before conception. The reliability of contraceptive methods used was found to be inversely related to neuroticism scores obtained from the Eysenck Personality Inventory, neuroticism being highest in women who had not used any form of contraception.Of 91% of the group seen three months after their termination 86% were using reliable contraceptive methods. A follow-up study one or two years after termination has shown that 81% of the 215 women contacted so far are using a reliable method of contraception; two unwanted pregnancies have occurred but both were due to contraceptive failure. This satisfactory outcome has been ascribed to the system of counselling all women before and after termination.  相似文献   


Use of contraception by rural Egyptian women who desire no more children is examined within a modified microeconomic framework. Four sets of factors are hypothesized to influence current use of contraception: (1) costs of contraception, ‘(2) factors influencing the slope of the desired family size function, (3) anticipated costs of child rearing and (4) strength of motivation for fertility regulation. Women's education and two measures of psychic costs were found to be important predictors of contraceptive use. Factors affecting the demand for children and thus indirectly influencing the motivation for fertility regulation were also important. Land ownership, cultivating status of the household, and educational expectations for children were significantly related to current use. Strength of motivation, although significant, was less strongly related to use of contraception. The findings suggest women who want no more children, but who are not practicing contraception, are affected by factors influencing both the costs of contraception and the costs of an unwanted child.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the impact of unintended pregnancy on women in developing countries. This paper examines the impact of unintended pregnancy on Indonesian women's psychological well-being. It is hypothesized that experiencing unintended pregnancy is associated with lower psychological well-being and that use of family planning and small family size are associated with higher levels of psychological well-being. Data are drawn from a 1996 survey of 796 women aged 15-49 from two Indonesian provinces, Lampung and South Sumatra. This article focuses on the 71% of women (n=562) who answered all 41 survey items related to psychological well-being. In cluster analysis, women grouped into three clusters, differentiated by their scores on four scales of well-being established through factor analysis (general negative feelings, satisfaction with relationships, satisfaction with economic/family/personal conditions, and negative feelings regarding domestic issues). Women in cluster 3 were characterized mainly by their high level of psychological well-being. Women in cluster 1 had the lowest level of well-being, and women in cluster 2 were in the middle. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess jointly the effect of unintended pregnancy, contraceptive use, number of children and other factors on a woman's level of psychological well-being. Unintended pregnancy was associated with lower levels of psychological well-being and contraceptive use was associated with higher levels of psychological well-being, while number of children was not associated with level of well-being. Women who had experienced an unintended pregnancy were less likely to be in the high psychosocial well-being cluster versus both the medium and low clusters. In addition, women using contraception were more likely to be classified in the high than in the low or medium well-being clusters.  相似文献   

Oral contraceptives have many advantages, but sometimes also have side effects which can cause users to switch appropriately or inappropriately to less effective methods or abandon contraception. In Brazil, 2/3 of married women of childbearing age were using contraception in 1981, and 1/2 of these were using orals. Contraceptive behavior following reported side effects in users of oral contraceptives in Southern Brazil is examined in this study, in relation to diverse factors. Among 2904 currently-married women, aged 15-44, almost 75% reported that they had used the pill at some time, and of these, 45.6% were still doing so. Data on perceived side effects were gathered for all women. There was no independent medical evaluation of the effects, so the data did not necessarily represent actual prevalence of pill related problems. Women who reported problems with the pill were less likely to be current users (25%) than women who did not (65%). However, overall contraceptive prevalence was about the same in both groups (66.2% and 67.0% respectively), indicating that women who stop using oral contraceptives usually switch to another method. However, they are more likely to be using traditional methods than women in the general population, especially if they want more children. Termination of pill use varies little according to the type of problem reported. Women with problems who sought medical attention were more likely to stop using the pill, and 82.4% of women advised to stop by their physician did so, but the major factor affecting discontinuation was the reported experience of a problem. The most frequently reported problems were headaches (38.1%), nausea (34.1%), nervousness (27.9%), and vertigo (18.3%). Physician intervention should help to avoid women's abandoning oral contraceptives unnecessarily.  相似文献   

Objectives: The need to assess both lay and professional views of oral health is believed to be at the centre of success when providing dental health care for older patients. Self‐perceived physical (oral) health and perceptions of psychosocial functioning must be included if expressed need is to be assessed. The aim of this work was to construct an expressed need schedule and to assess the ability of this assessment to predict older community‐based patients' satisfaction with complete dentures. Design: Survey of 260 people aged 65 years and over. Setting: Community setting. Main outcome measures: The participants were interviewed using a 55 item modified version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) to assess their psychological, social and perceptions of their oral health. All participants were subjected to an oral examination. Results: The results showed that complete denture wearers compared had greater experience of difficulties associated with oral health and psychological functioning. Factor analysis allowed the identification of three dimensions associated with psychological, social and self‐perceived physical (oral) health. When these factors were regressed with normative denture treatment need against satisfaction with complete dentures, satisfaction was characterised by high self‐perceived physical (oral) health, low social health problems and no identifiable normative need. Conclusion: This work supports the inclusion of self‐perceived physical (oral) health and psychosocial health (expressed need) questions in a schedule when predicting satisfaction with complete dentures.  相似文献   


Until recently it seemed obvious that oral contraception greatly reduced the costs of fertility control. Anxiety about effectiveness was removed, and the inconvenience and displeasure associated with coitus‐related contraception was bypassed. These advantages doubtless led to the sharp rise in pill use during the 1960's in the United States. The 197O's, however, appear to have ushered in a different calculus regarding the pill. Not only has the trend in pill use leveled off, but suspicions have arisen that the net costs to women of practicing this form of birth control are higher than was previously believed. It now appears that significant costs to health may exist and that people are increasingly evincing concern about these physiological consequences. In this paper, the trend in use of oral contraception is examined briefly. Then, a short summary of some of the health risks apparently involved in use of the pill is presented. Finally, the main body of the paper provides information on public attitudes toward the pill over the decade 1966–76.  相似文献   

Dydrogesterone is a potent orally active progestogen that has been used in clinical practice for over 40 years. Chemically, it belongs to the class of retrosteroids. Dydrogesterone is closely related to endogenous progesterone. It differs from most other synthetic progestogens in that it has no estrogenic, androgenic, glucocorticoid, or anabolic effects. The use of progestogens such as dydrogesterone is indicated in all cases of relative or absolute endogenous progesterone deficiency. Nowadays, dydrogesterone is mainly used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The present pilot study explored whether dydrogesterone could also be used as a progestogen for oral contraception. Given its highly favorable safety and tolerability profile, it would provide improvement over existing progestogens currently used in oral contraceptives (OCs). The results of this study indicate that dydrogesterone might indeed be a suitable candidate for use in oral contraception. This concept is currently being investigated further in two open-label phase II trials.  相似文献   



Before implementing a new oral health promotion program in the French overseas territory of Nouvelle Calédonie, the health authorities needed recent data about dental status of the New Caledonian child population.


This study aimed to describe the dental status of 6, 9 and 12-yr-old New Caledonian children and to investigate the environmental and behavioural risk factors related to oral health.


A randomly selected sample of 2734 children (744 6-yr-olds, 789 9-yr-olds, and 1201 12-yr-olds) was examined clinically by seven calibrated investigators and participants responded to a questionnaire. The main variables were objective criteria about dental status and subjective criteria about experience of dental care, dental fear, self-perception of oral health, cultural or ethnic identity and environmental and behavioural risk factors.


Overall, most of the children had infectious oral diseases: more than 50% had gingivitis, and 60% of 6- and 9 yr-olds had at least one deciduous or permanent tooth with untreated caries. The mean 12-yr-old number of decayed missing and filled teeth (DMFT) was 2.09±2.82. The number of carious lesions was related to the unfavourable lifestyle, deprived social status and no preventive dental care. Kanak, Polynesians and Caledonians (respectively 27%, 18% and 45% of the study sample) were more affected by caries than metropolitan French and Asian children. Children with many untreated carious lesions had negative perceptions of their oral health; they complained of chewing difficulty and had higher scores for dental anxiety.


This study highlights the need for new strategies aimed at improving oral health and at reducing inequalities in New Caledonia. An oral health promotion program would need to be developed in connection with other health programmes using the common risk factor approach within the context of the local environment.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to test the dictum that social change begins in better educated, economically well-off and relatively less tradition-bound strata of the urban society and that it then spreads to the lower social strata and eventually affects the rural populations also. It analyzes temporal changes in the prevalence of contraception as reported by female respondents in 2 sample surveys conducted in the city of Lahore during 1963 and 1980. Altogether 1960 ever-married females aged over 15 were interviewed in the 1963 survey and 993 in the 1980 survey. Compared to 1980 respondents, those in the 1963 survey were older, educated and belonged to a medium or high socioeconomic status category. In 1963, 18% of the respondents were not aware of any method of contraception; by 1980 this proportion was reduced to 11%. The most spectacular change was observed in the prortion of respondents who were practising family planning. In 1963, only 7% of the respondents had ever used any method of contraception; this proportion increased to 48% in 1980. Moreover, substantial differences were noted with regard to the methods of contraception used. The use of condoms seems to have declined while that of the IUD the pill, sterilization and withdrawal seems to have increased. It is interesting that abstinence remained an important method of contraception. Use of contraception is found to vary with age, education and socioeconomic status of respondents. The degree of association between these 3 characteristics and contraceptive usage increased substantially from 1963 to 1980. 1980 survey results indicate that current as well as ever use of contraception show an inverted V-shaped pattern with age and parity. The prevalence of contraception increases with age, reaching a maximum of 41% for current users and 63% for ever users in the age group 35-39. A similar pattern is observed in relation to the parity of respondents with a maximum amongst women who had borne 6 children. Education shows a positive association with both the current and ever use of contraception. The pattern of current methods used is very similar to that noted for methods ever used. The only major differences relate to the condom and abstinence which show higher prevalence as current methods. In the 1963 survey religion was the main reason given by those expressing an unfavorable attitude toward family planning. In the 1980 survey questions were asked about the specific reasons of the respondents for never using any method of contraception. The desire for more children was the most commonly given reason and recent marriage was the 2nd most common. The strength of religious opposition to contraception seems to have declined substantially in the 1980 survey.  相似文献   

S. Kozieł  R. Chakraborty  K. Bose 《HOMO》2017,68(6):479-486
Childhood obesity is increasing globally, and Poland is no exception. Studies indicate that relationship between obesity and psychological well-being is a complex issue and this needs further research. The objective of the present cross sectional study was to analyze the relationship between some temperament components and fatness among children in two developmental periods, approximately before and after adolescence. Participants included 122 children aged 11 years (57 boys and 65 girls), and 153 adolescents aged 17 years (64 boys and 89 girls) from 6 primary and 4 secondary schools in Wroc?aw, Poland. Height, weight, triceps-, subscapular and abdominal skinfold thicknesses were measured. Temperament was assessed by a questionnaire of Buss and Plomin (1984) in two versions: EAS-C for children completed by parents and EAS-D for youth and adults. Physical activity (PAL) was also assessed by a questionnaire. Mean, median and standard deviation (SD) were calculated and Student's t tests were performed to test for significance of differences between groups. Chi squared (χ2) statistic was used to test the significance of differences in frequencies. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were performed to show the effect of the social - psychological factors on fatness. Controlling for socioeconomic status and physical activity level, activity, as a component of temperament had a significant effect on body fatness. The only component of temperament, which significantly influenced level of fatness in girls, was emotionality. These relationships differed according to sex and the two age groups concerned.  相似文献   

The influence of the day of the menstrual cycle and the method of contraception on the cellular composition of cervical smears was investigated. The percentage of unsatisfactory smears during the first four days of the cycle was understandably very high, leaving only 80% of the smears of sufficient quality for cytologic diagnosis. The percentage of smears of insufficient quality during the remainder of the cycle was significantly higher in women using oral hormonal contraceptives. The percentages of smears containing endocervical columnar cells, a criterion for judging smears to be of high quality, differed significantly among women using different modes of contraception. The highest percentage of smears without endocervical columnar cells was found in women using oral contraceptives; during the first half of the cycle in these women, smears were of higher quality than during the second half of the cycle. In women not practicing contraception or using nonhormonal methods of contraception, the differences in cellular composition during the cycle, though significant, were too small to be of practical importance. Women using oral contraceptives thus have an increased risk for a potential false-negative diagnosis because of the higher percentage of smears of unreliable quality taken in these women. In women using oral hormonal contraceptives, smears should be taken during the first half of the cycle because of the higher percentage of smears of high quality in that period.  相似文献   



To estimate the number of venous thromboembolic events and related-premature mortality (including immediate in-hospital lethality) attributable to the use of combined oral contraceptives in women aged 15 to 49 years-old between 2000 and 2011 in France.


French data on sales of combined oral contraceptives and on contraception behaviours from two national surveys conducted in 2000 and 2010 were combined to estimate the number of exposed women according to contraceptives generation and age. Absolute risk of first time venous thromboembolism in non-users of hormonal contraception and increased risk of thromboembolism in users vs. non-users of hormonal contraception were estimated on the basis of literature data. Finally, immediate in-hospital lethality due to pulmonary embolism and premature mortality due to recurrent venous thromboembolism were estimated from the French national database of hospitalisation and literature data.


In France, more than four million women are daily exposed to combined oral contraceptives. The mean annual number of venous thromboembolic events attributable to their use was 2,529 (778 associated to the use of first- and second-generation contraceptives and 1,751 to the use of third- and fourth-generation contraceptives), corresponding to 20 premature deaths (six with first- and second-generation contraceptives and fourteen with third- and fourth-generation contraceptives), of which there were eight to nine immediate in-hospital deaths. As compared to the use of first- and second-generation contraceptives, exposure to third- and fourth-generation contraceptives led to a mean annual excess of 1,167 venous thromboembolic events and nine premature deaths (including three immediate in-hospital deaths).


Corrective actions should be considered to limit exposure to third- and fourth-generation contraceptives, and thus optimise the benefit-risk ratio of combined oral contraception.  相似文献   

The 2016 outbreak of the Zika arbovirus was associated with large numbers of cases of the newly‐recognised Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS). This novel teratogenic epidemic raises significant ethical and practical issues. Many of these arise from strategies used to avoid cases of CZS, with contraception in particular being one proposed strategy that is atypical in epidemic control. Using contraception to reduce the burden of CZS has an ethical complication: interventions that impact the timing of conception alter which people will exist in the future. This so‐called ‘non‐identity problem’ potentially has significant social justice implications for evaluating contraception, that may affect our prioritisation of interventions to tackle Zika. This paper combines ethical analysis of the non‐identity problem with empirical data from a novel survey about the general public's moral intuitions. The ethical analysis examines different perspectives on the non‐identity problem, and their implications for using contraception in response to Zika. The empirical section reports the results of an online survey of 93 members of the US general public exploring their intuitions about the non‐identity problem in the context of the Zika epidemic. Respondents indicated a general preference for a person‐affecting intervention (mosquito control) over an impersonal intervention (contraception). However, their responses did not appear to be strongly influenced by the non‐identity problem. Despite its potential philosophical significance, we conclude from both theoretical considerations and analysis of the attitudes of the community that the non‐identity problem should not affect how we prioritise contraception relative to other interventions to avoid CZS.  相似文献   

A Klinger 《Reproducción》1975,2(3-4):265-281
The demographic situation in Hungary is analyzed by presenting results of 5 different surveys on family planning carried out between 1958-1974. During those 16 years the practice of planning the number of children desired grew. In 1958 only 63 out of 100 women planned the number of children at marriage, and in 1974 98% gave an affirmative reply. The number of children planned by women declined from 2.25 in 1958 to 2.05 in 1966, and then increased to 2.19 in 1974. More and more childless married women want to give birth to a child. In early studies, 66-67% desired a child, and in 1974 83% desired a child. The idea of a family size with 2 children has become the rule in Hungary. In 1958 only 76% of the women used birth control; by 1966 the percentage was 84. 37% in 1958, 44% in 1966, and 26% in 1969 used both contraception and induced abortion. By 1972, 42% of the women interviewed had had an abortion. The use of contraception has increased considerably from 58% in 1958 to 75% in 1974. In 1974, 36% of the women using contraception were taking oral pills and only 7% were using the IUD.  相似文献   

Functional mandibular reconstruction: prevention of the oral invalid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F N Lukash  S A Sachs 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1989,84(2):227-33; discussion 234-5
Composite mandibulectomy for carcinoma can create an "oral invalid," with difficulty in mastication. Functional reconstruction has fallen short of ideal. Three patients were seen with significant anatomic deficits and functional debilitations resulting from large composite mandibulectomies for oral carcinoma. Each patient underwent reestablishment of the mandibular arch with a vascularized iliac crest bone graft. Following complete healing, the dental arch was replaced with a fixed prosthesis by the technique of osseointegration. The creation of a fixed osseodental unit has allowed each of these individuals to return to a state of anatomic, functional, psychological, and social good health. Follow-up has been from 6 months to 2 years.  相似文献   

Involuntary movements developed in five women taking oral contraceptives. In one, the sudden onset of a unilateral disturbance suggested a cerebral thrombosis; this case is considered to be a further example of the increased risk of cerebrovascular disease associated with oral contraception. The four other patients suffered a relapse of Sydenham''s chorea between one and four months after starting an oral contraceptive regimen. Possibly an underlying vascular mechanism was responsible for these relapses.  相似文献   

A total of 132 consecutive referrals for psychiatric opinion on termination of pregnancy were examined and followed up at nine months. Of these, 48 (36%) were refused and 44 of the 84 terminated were sterilized. Those recommended for abortion tended to be older, married, and to have children. They had used contraception more often and they showed more clinical psychiatric abnormalities. The group had numerous social problems, but these did not distinguish those terminated from those refused, nor were there differences in religious affiliation or duration of pregnancy. Most of those refused obtained an abortion elsewhere and only 25 of the original 132 had a live child. General practitioners were more likely to disagree with a refusal decision than with termination. Psychiatric, physical, and social sequelae were infrequent in both groups. Contraception before and after was inadequate in most patients.  相似文献   

This article argues that a life course approach is necessary to understand social variations in health. This is needed in order to take into account the complex ways in which biological risk interacts with economic, social, and psychological factors in the development of chronic disease. Such an approach reveals biological and social "critical periods" during which social policies that will defend individuals against an accumulation of risk are particularly important. In many ways, the authors of modern welfare states were implicitly addressing these issues, and the contribution of these policies to present day high standards of health in developed countries should not be ignored.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction with and accuracy in assessing condition of dentures and oral tissue were related to their clinical evaluation and several psychological factors in 50 denture wearers 60 years of age or older. Seventy percent of those examined wore clinically inadequate dentures and 34% had unsatisfactory oral tissue. Few respondents were dissatisfied when clinical examination revealed satisfactory conditions but 70% were satisfied with inadequate dentures and 50% with unsatisfactory oral tissue. Contrary t o expectation, accuracy was not found significantly related to clinical evaluation or to psychological factors. However, satisfaction with dentures was related to their clinical evaluation: dissatisfied respondents had technically superior dentures as compared with those satisfied. These findings suggest that psychological factors are not related to denture patient assessment of their oral condition and that dissatisfaction may be of benefit to their oral health. The high proportion of those unaware of denture inadequacies indicates the need for patient education directed toward over-, as well as under-, adapters.  相似文献   

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