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Summary Voltage-clamped steps in the electric potential difference (PD) across the membrane in cells of the green alga,Chara inflata, cause voltage- and time-dependent current flows, interpreted to arise from opening and closing of various types of ion channel in the membrane. With cells in the light, these channels are normally closed, and the resting PD is probably determined by the operation of an H+ efflux pump. Positive steps in PD from the resting level often caused the opening of K+ channels with sigmoid kinetics. The channels began to show opening when the PD–120 mV for an external concentration of K+ of 1.0mm. Return of the PD to the resting level caused closing of the channels with complex kinetics. Various treatments of the cell could cause these K+ channels to open, and remain open continuously, with the PD then lying closer to the Nernst PD for K+. The K+ channels have been identified by the blocking effects of TEA+. Another group of channels, probably Cl and Ca2+ associated with the action potential open when the PD is stepped to values less negative than –50 mV. Negative steps from the resting PD cause the slow opening, with a time course of seconds, of yet another type of channel, probably Cl.  相似文献   

Summary The outer membranes of plant cells contain channels which are highly selective for K+. In the giant-celled green algaChara corallina, K+ currents in the plasmalemma were measured when the cell was depolarized to the K+ equilibrium potential in relatively high external K+ concentrations. K+ current was reduced by externally added Cs+. Cs+ mainly inhibited inward K+ current, in a strongly voltage-dependent manner; the effective valence of the blocking reaction was often greater than 1, increasing with higher external Cs+ concentrations and with lower K+ concentrations. This is consistent with the channels being single-file, multi-ion pores. Outward current could also be inhibited by Cs+, when external K+ concentrations were low relative to Cs+ concentrations. As the ratio of K+/Tl+ was changed (keeping the sum of the two ions equal), both the resting potential and plasmalemma conductance went through minimums; this is the so-called anomalous mole fraction effect, and is consistent with a channel whose pore can be multiply occupied. These effects together strongly suggest that the K+ channels found in the plasmalemma ofChara are multi-ion pores.  相似文献   

Summary The outer membranes of plant cells contain channels which are highly selective for K+. In the giant-celled green algaChara corallina, K+ currents in the plasmalemma were measured during the action potential and when the cell was depolarized to the K+ equilibrium potential in high external K+ concentrations. Currents in both conditions were reduced by externally added tetraethylammonium (TEA+), Ba2+, Na+ and Cs+. In contrast to inhibition by TEA+, the latter three ions inhibited inward K+ current in a voltage-dependent manner, and reduced inward current more than outward. Ba2+ and Na+ also appeared to inhibit outward current in a strongly voltage-dependent manner. The blockade by Cs+ is studied in more detail in the following paper. TEA+ inhibited both inward and outward currents in a largely voltage-independent manner, with an apparentK D of about 0.7 to 1.1mm, increasing with increasing external K+. All inhibitors reduced current towards a similar linear leak, suggesting an insensitivity of the background leak inChara to these various K+ channel inhibitors. The selectivity of the channel to various monovalent cations varied depending on the method of measurement, suggesting that ion movement through the K+-selective channel may not be independent.  相似文献   

Summary Cation channels of passive transport in the plasmalemma ofNitella flexilis cells at rest were studied by the voltageclamp technique using microelectrodes. Two types of potassium channels have been identified. They are activated at different voltages: over –100 to –80 mV (D-channels) and below –100 mV (H-channels). The zero-current potential of instantaneous voltage-current curves (IVCC's) for both types of channels shifts by 50 to 55 mV in response to a 10-fold increase of K+ concentration in the solution. Ion movement in D-channels follows the free diffusion mechanism; in H-channels the independence principle is violated. The channel selectivity (in the order of decreasing permeability) is: K+>Rb+>NH 4 + >Na+Li+>Cs+>TEA+ choline+. It has been found that D-channel Cs+ block is potential dependent while tetraethylammonium (TEA+) blocks H-channels in a potential-independent manner, but H+ ions do not affect the inward potassium current of the channels. Two types of potassium channels appear to be located in different parts of the membrane and their entrance parts are of different structure.  相似文献   

Summary Cytoplasmic drops, covered by a membrane derived from the tonoplast, were obtained from the internodal cells ofChara australis. Patch-clamp measurements were made on this membrane using the droplet-attached configuration with the membrane patch voltage clamped at values from –250 to 50 mV. Single-channel records, filtered at 5 kHz, were analyzed to elucidate the kinetics of the ion gating reaction of the K+-selective channel. The current-voltage characteristics for single channels exhibit saturation and are shown to be consistent with Läuger's theory of diffusion-limited ion flow through pores (P. Läuger,Biochim. Biophys. Acta 455:493–509, 1976). The time-averaged behavior of the K+ conductance has a maximum at –100 to –150 mV which is produced by the combination of two distinct mechanisms: (1) The channel spending more time in long-lived closed states at positive voltages and (2) a large decrease in the mean open lifetime at more negative voltages. The channel activity shows bursting behavior with opening and closing rates that are voltage-dependent. The mean open time is the kinetic parameter most sensitive to membrane potential, showing a maximum between –100 to –150 mV. The distribution of open times is dominated by one exponential component (time constant 0.3 to 10 msec). In some cases an additional rapidly decaying exponential component was detectable (time constant=0.1 msec). The closed distributions contained were observed to obtain up to four exponential components with time constants over the range 0.1 to 200 msec. However, the voltage dependence of the closed-time distributions suggests an eight-state model for this channel.  相似文献   

Summary Previous current/voltage (I/V) investigations of theChara K+ state have been extended by increasing the voltage range (up to +200 mV) through blocking the action potential with La3+. A region of negative slope was found in theI/V characteristics at positive PD's, similar to that already observed at PD's more negative than the resting level. These decreases in membrane currents at PD's more negative than –150 mV and at PD's close to 0 or positive are thought to arise from the K+ channel closure. Both the negative slope regions could be reversibly abolished by 0.1mm K+, 20mm Na+, more than 10mm Ca2+ or 5mm tetraethylammonium (TEA). The K+ channels are therefore blocked by TEA, closed by low [K+] o or high [Ca2+] o and are highly selective to K+ over Na+. With the K+ channels closed, the remainingI/V profile was approximately linear over the interval of 400 mV (suggesting a leakage current), but large rectifying currents were observed at PD's more positive than +50 mV. These currents showed a substantial decrease in high [Ca2+] o , sometimes displayed a slight shift to more positive PD's with increasing [K+] o and were unaffected by TEA or changes in [Na+] o . The slope of the linear part of theI/V profile was steeper in low [K+] o than in TEA or high [Na+] o (indicating participation of K+, but not Na+, in the leak current). Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was employed to inhibit the proton pump, but it was found that the leakage current and later the K+ channels were also strongly affected.  相似文献   

Summary The membrane of mechanically prepared vesicles ofChara corallina has been investigated by patch-clamp techniques. This membrane consists of tonoplast as demonstrated by the measurement of ATP-driven currents directed into the vesicles as well as by the ATP-dependent accumulation of neutral red. Addition of 1mm ATP to the bath medium induced a membrane current of about 3.2 mA·m–2 creating a voltage across the tonoplast of about –7 mV (cytoplasmic side negative). On excised tonoplast patches, currents through single K+-selective channels have been investigated under various ionic conditions. The open-channel currents saturate at large voltage displacements from the equilibrium voltage for K+ with limiting currents of about +15 and –30 pA, respectively, as measured in symmetric 250mm KCl solutions. The channel is virtually impermeable to Na+ and Cl. However, addition of Na+ decreases the K+ currents. TheI–V relationships of the open channel as measured at various K+ concentrations with or without Na+ added are described by a 6-state model, the 12 parameters of which are determined to fit the experimental data.  相似文献   

Potassium channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MacKinnon R 《FEBS letters》2003,555(1):62-65
The atomic structures of K+ channels have added a new dimension to our understanding of K+ channel function. I will briefly review how structures have influenced our views on ion conduction, gating of the pore, and voltage sensing.  相似文献   

Summary A computer-controlled apparatus is described, which combines the two powerful methods of voltage-clamping and admittance measurement. The 5-Hz admittance ofChara plasmalemma is obtained for transmembrane PD from −400 mV to 0. DC conductance is also measured by the bipolar staircase method. Both the DC and 5-Hz conductances at steady state display a central maximum at ≈−250 mV. This feature is attributed to the conductance/voltage characteristics of the H+ pump. The steady-state capacitance does not show any trend throughout the potential interval. At the time of the delay, before excitation commences, the 5-Hz conductance is smaller than after excitation. At the time of excitation the 5-Hz conductance echoes the time-course of the ionic current, while the capacitance undergoes a sharp decrease followed by an increase. A possible explanation of the capacitance behavior is attempted involving transport number effects and reactances associated with the Hodgkin-Huxley gating mechanism. At punchthrough the membrane becomes inductive.  相似文献   

H. Lühring 《Protoplasma》1986,133(1):19-28
Summary The cytoplasmic drop formed of effused cytoplasm fromChara internodes is enclosed by a membrane. Patch clamp experiments have been carried out on this membrane, revealing a K+ channel as the most frequently detected ion translocator. The K+ channel is saturated at a level of about 20 pA inward and 10 pA outward current. The channel conductance is dependent on the accessability of K+ ions, its maximum value amounts to about 165 pS. The discrimination of Na+ and Cl is significant, permeability ratios PNa/PK and PCl/PK were estimated to be 0.01 either. Binding experiments with the fluorescent probe concanavalin A/FITC suggest that the membrane is derived from the tonoplast.Abbreviations EK K+ equilibrium potential - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanat - Vm membrane voltage - Vpip pipette clamp voltage - Vr reversal voltage  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to study single-channel events in isolated oxyntic cells and gastric glands fromNecturus maculosa. Cell-attached, excised inside-out and outside-out patches from the basolateral membrane frequently contained channels which had conductances of 67±21 pS in 24% of the patches and channels of smaller conductance, 33±6 pS in 56% of the patches. Channels in both classes were highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, and shared linear current-voltage relations. The 67-pS channel was activated by membrane depolarization, whereas the activity of the 33-pS channel was relatively voltage independent. The larger conductance channels were activated by intracellular Ca2+ in the range between 5 and 500nm, but unaffected by cAMP. The smaller conductance channels were activated by cAMP, but not Ca2+. The presence of K+ channels in the basolateral membrane which are regulated by these known second messengers can account for the increase in conductance and the hyperpolarization of the membrane observed upon secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp techniques have been applied to characterize the channels in the basolateral membrane of resting (cimetidine-treated, nonacid secreting) oxyntic cells isolated from the gastric mucosa ofNecturus maculosa. In cell-attached patches with pipette solution containing 100mm KCl, four major classes of K+ channels can be distinguished on the basis of their kinetic behavior and conductance: (1) 40% of the patches contained either voltage-independent (a) or hyperpolarization-activated (b), inward-rectifying channels with short mean open times (16 msec fora, and 8 msec forb). Some channels showed subconductance levels. The maximal inward conductanceg max was 31±5 pS (n=13) and the reversal potentialE rev was atV p=–34±6 mV (n=9). (2) 10% of the patches contained depolarization-activated and inward-rectifying channels withg max=40 ±18 pS (n=3) andE rev was atV p=–31±5 mV (n=3). With hyperpolarization, the channels open in bursts with rapid flickerings within bursts. Addition of carbachol (1mm) to the bath solution in cell-attached patches increased the open probabilityP o of these channels. (3) 10% of the patches contained voltage-independent inward-rectifying channels withg max=21±3 pS (n=4) andE rev was atV p=–24±9 mV (n=4). These channels exhibited very high open probability (P o=0.9) and long mean open time (1.6 sec) at the resting potential. (4) 20% of the patches contained voltage-independent channels with limiting inward conductance of 26±2 pS (n=3) andE rev atV p=–33±3 mV (n=3). The channels opened in bursts consisting of sequential activation of multiple channels with very brief mean open times (10 msec). In addition, channels with conductances less than 6 pS were observed in 20% of the patches. In all nine experiments with K+ in the pipette solution replaced by Na+, unitary currents were outward, and inward currents were observed only for large hyperpolarizing potentials. This indicates that the channels are more selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl. A variety of K+ channels contributes to the basolateral K+ conductance of resting oxyntic cells.  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

Internodal and whorl (branch) cells of the green alga,Chara corallina Klein ex Willd., em. R.D.W., were studied with the extracellular vibrating probe for measuring transmembrane ion currents, and with an extracellular pH microprobe for measuring the surface pH profile. Bands of positive inward current (OH- efflux) 1–3 mm wide were separated by wider bands of outward current (HCO 3 - influx) along the length of the cell. The measured peaks of inward current ranged from 20 to 60 A cm-2 (98 m from the cell surface) which would correspond to a surface ionic flux of 270–800 pmol cm-2 s-1. The peaks of outward current (HCO 3 - influx) ranged from 10 to 30 A cm-2 which would correspond to a surface ionic flux of 140–400 pmol cm-2 s-1. The inward current bands matched the regions of surface alkalinity very well. The outward current (HCO 3 - influx) was reduced at least 10-fold in low-HCO 3 - medium, with a commensurate readjustment in the strength and pattern of inward current (OH- efflux). (Although these experiments involved a manipulation of the external pH, it is felt that the main adjustment in current patterns was in response to the reduction in exogenous HCO 3 - ). The presence of the vibrating probe perturbed the inward current region when vibrating with a 26-m amplitude, but this perturbation was eliminated when a 7-m amplitude was used. The perturbation was usually observed as a reduction in the number of inward current peaks with an increase (approximate doubling) in the amplitudes of the one or two remaining peaks. Both the inward and outward currents were light-dependent, falling off within seconds of light removal.  相似文献   

M. Tester  E. A. C. MacRobbie 《Planta》1990,180(4):569-581
The action of a wide range of drugs effective on Ca2+ channels in animal tissues has been measured on Ca2+ channels open during the action potential of the giant-celled green alga,Chara corallina. Of the organic effectors used, only the 1,4-dihydropyridines were found to inhibit reversibly Ca2+ influx, including, unexpectedly, Bay K 8644 and both isomers of 202–791. Methoxyverapamil (D-600), diltiazem, and the diphenylbutylpiperidines, fluspirilene and pimozide were found not to affect the Ca2+ influx. Conversely, bepridil greatly and irreversibly stimulated Ca2+ influx, and with time, stopped cytoplasmic streaming (which is sensitive to increases in cytoplasmic Ca2+). By apparently altering the cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels with various drugs, it was found that (with the exception of the inorganic cation, La3+) treatments likely to lead to an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels caused an increase in the rate of closure of the K+ channels. Similarly, treatments likely to lead to a decrease in cytoplasmic Ca2+ decreased the rate of K+ channel closure. The main effect of bepridil on the K+ channels was to increase the rate of voltage-dependent channel closure. The same effect was obtained upon increasing the external concentration of Ca2+, but it is likely that this was due to effects on the external face of the K+ channel. Addition of any of the 1,4-dihydropyridines had the opposite effect on the K+ channels, slowing the rate of channel closure. They sometimes also reduced K+ conductance, but this could well be a direct effect on the K+ channel; high concentrations (50 to 100 μM) of bepridil also reduced K+ conductance. No effect of photon irradiance or of abscisic acid could be consistently shown on the K+ channels. These results indicate a control of the gating of K+ channels by cytoplasmic Ca2+, with increased free Ca2+ levels leading to an increased rate of K+-channel closure. As well as inhibiting Ca2+ channels, it is suggested that La3+ acts on a Ca2+-binding site of the K+ channel, mimicking the effect of Ca2+ and increasing the rate of channel closure.  相似文献   

D. R. Laver 《Protoplasma》1991,161(2-3):79-84
Summary Progress in patch-clamping the plasmalemma ofChara australis has been slow because of the difficulty in obtaining a clean membrane surface upon which obtain a high resistance seal with the patch pipette. A surgical method is described here for cutting an access window in the cell wall of internodal cells fromChara australis. The method has a high success rate and also has the advantage of obviating the need for enzyme treatments. The patch-clamp technique is applied to theChara plasmalemma. Five types of channel activity are observed of which four of these are selective for Cl over K+.  相似文献   

Alves DP  Tatsuo MA  Leite R  Duarte ID 《Life sciences》2004,74(20):2577-2591
In order to investigate to the contribution of K+ channels on the peripheral antinociception induced by diclofenac, we evaluated the effect of several K+ channel blockers, using the rat paw pressure test, in which sensitivity is increased by intraplantar injection (2 microg) of prostaglandin E2. Diclofenac administered locally into the right hindpaw (25, 50, 100 and 200 microg) elicited a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect which was demonstrated to be local, since only higher doses produced an effect when injected in the contralateral paw. This blockade of PGE2 mechanical hyperalgesia induced by diclofenac (100 microg/paw) was antagonized in a dose-dependent manner by intraplantar administration of the sulphonylureas glibenclamide (40, 80 and 160 microg) and tolbutamide (80, 160 and 320 microg), specific blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, and it was observed even when the hyperalgesic agent used was carrageenin, while the antinociceptive action of indomethacin (200 microg/paw), a typical cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, over carrageenin-induced hyperalgesia was not affected by this treatment. Charybdotoxin (2 microg/paw), a blocker of large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels and dequalinium (50 microg/paw), a selective blocker of small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, did not modify the effect of diclofenac. This effect was also unaffected by intraplantar administration of non-specific voltage-dependent K+ channel blockers tetraethylammonium (1700 microg) and 4-aminopyridine (100 microg) or cesium (500 microg), a non-specific K+ channel blocker. The peripheral antinociceptive effect induced by diclofenac was antagonized by NG-Nitro L-arginine (NOarg, 50 microg/paw), a NO synthase inhibitor and methylene blue (MB, 500 microg/paw), a guanylate cyclase inhibitor, and this antagonism was reversed by diazoxide (300 microg/paw), an ATP-sensitive K+ channel opener. We also suggest that an endogenous opioid system may not be involved since naloxone (50 microg/paw) did not affect diclofenac-induced antinociception in the PGE2-induced hyperalgesia model. This study provides evidence that the peripheral antinociceptive effect of diclofenac may result from activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, possible involving stimulation of L-arginine/NO/cGMP pathway, while Ca2+-activated K+ channels, voltage-dependent K+ channels as well as endogenous opioids appear not to be involved in the process.  相似文献   

The initial response of coleoptile cells to growth hormones and light is a rapid change in plasma-membrane polarization. We have isolated protoplasts from the cortex of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles to study the electrical properties of their plasma membrane by the patch-clamp techniqueUsing the whole-cell configuration and cell-free membrane patches we could identify an H+-ATPase, hyperpolarizing the membrane potential often more negative than -150 mV, and a voltage-dependent, inward-rectifying K+ channel (unit conductance 5–7 pS) as the major membrane conductan-ces Potassium currents through this channel named CKC1in (for Coleoptile K + Channel inward rectifier) were elicited upon voltage steps negative to -80 mV, characterized by a half-activation potential of -112 mV. The kinetics of activation, well described by a double-exponential process, were strongly dependent on the degree of hyperpolarization and the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level. Whereas at nanomolar Ca2+ concentrations K+ currents increased with a t1/2=16 ms (at -180 mV), higher calcium levels slowed the activation process about fourto fivefoldUpon changes in the extracellular K+ concentration the reversal potential of the K+ channel followed the Nernst potential for potassium with a 56-mV shift for a tenfold increaseThe absence of a measurable conductance for Na+, Rb+, Cs+ and a permeability ratio PNH 4 + /PK+ around 0.25 underlines the high selectivity of CKC1in for K+In contrast to Cs+, which at submillimolar concentration blocks the channel in a voltage-dependent manner, Rb+, often used as a tracer for K+, does not permeate this type of K+ channelThe lack of Rb+ permeability is unique with respect to other K+ transporters. Therefore, future molecular analysis of CKC1in, considered as a unique variation of plant inward rectifiers, might help to understand the permeation properties of K+ channels in general.Abbreviations CKC1in Coleoptile K + Channel inward rectifier - U membrane voltage - Iss steady-state currents - Itail tail currents Experiments were conducted in the laboratory of F.G. during the stay of RHas a guest professor sponsored by Special Project RAISA, subproject N2.1, paper N2155.  相似文献   

Summary Whole-cell sealed-on pipettes have been used to measure electrical properties of the plasmalemma surrounding protoplasts isolated from Black Mexican sweet corn shoot cells from suspension culture. In these protoplasts the membrane resting potential (V m ) was found to be –59±23 mV (n=23) in 1mm K o . The meanV m became more negative as [K] o decreased, but was more positive than the K+ equilibrium potential. There was no evidence of electrogenic pump activity. We describe four features of the current-voltage characteristic of the plasmalemma of these protoplasts which show voltagegated channel activity. Depolarization of the whole-cell membrane from the resting potential activates time- and voltage-dependent outward current through K+-selective channels. A local minimum in the outward current-voltage curve nearV m =150 mV suggests that these currents are mediated by two populations of K+-selective channels. The absence of this minimum in the presence of verapamil suggests that the activation of one channel population depends on the influx of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm. We identify unitary currents from two K+-selective channel populations (40 and 125 pS) which open when the membrane is depolarized; it is possible that these mediate the outward whole-cell current. Hyperpolarization of the membrane from the resting potential produces time- and voltage-dependent inward whole-cell current. Current activation is fast and follows an exponential time course. The current saturates and in some cases decreases at membrane potentials more negative than –175 mV. This current is conducted by poorly selective K+ channels, whereP Cl/P K=0.43±0.15. We describe a low conductance (20 pS) channel population of unknown selectivity which opens when the membrane is hyperpolarized. It is possible that these channels mediate inward whole-cell current. When the membrane is hyperpolarized to potentials more negative than –250 mV large, irregular inward current is activated. A third type of inward whole-cell current is briefly described. This activates slowly and with a U-shaped current-voltage curve over the range of membrane potentials –90<V m <0 mV.  相似文献   

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