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Abstract The presence of cytochrome P-450 and P-450-mediated benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase activity in both microsomal and soluble fractions of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was shown. The reduced carbon monoxide difference spectrum showed maxima at 448–450 and 452–454 nm for microsomal and cytosolic fractions, respectively. Both P-450 fractions produced a Type I substrate binding spectrum on addition of benzo(a)pyrene. Activity for benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylation was NADPH-dependent and inhibited by carbon monoxide. K m values for activity showed a difference between the cellular fractions with a K m of 89 μM for microsomal P-450 and 400 μM for cytosolic P-450. The V max values observed were 0.83 nmol min (nmol microsomal P-450) −1 and 0.4 nmol min−1 (nmol cytosolic P-450)−1. The results indicate that P-450-mediated benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase activity could play a role in xenobiotic transformation by this fungus beside the known ligninolytic exocellular enzymes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 has been implicated in the process of biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and of other organic pollutants by white-rot fungi. We have purified and reconstituted a benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylating cytochrome P450 (P450) from microsomal fractions of the white rot fungus Pleurotus pulmonarius. The microsomal P450 was recovered using a combination of n-aminooctyl agarose and hydroxyapatite chromatography and had an apparent molecular mass of 55 kDa. The purified protein exhibited moderate affinity for benzo[a]pyrene with a K(s) of 66 microM calculated from the Type I substrate binding spectra produced. Reconstitution of activity was achieved and a turnover of 0.75 nmol 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene product/min/nmol P450 was observed, comparable to levels of metabolism observed by animal cytochromes P450 involved in xenobiotic detoxification.  相似文献   

Solutions of cytosolic proteins from rat liver contain benzo(a)pyrene solubilizing activity capable of serving as a carrier between solid state benzo(a)pyrene and microsomal cytochrome P450. Fractionation of benzo(a)pyrene-saturated cytosolic proteins on a Sephadex G-100 column or by sucrose density gradients produced benzo(a)pyrene peaks of about 46,000 daltons and a very high molecular weight material. The protein-bound benzo(a)pyrene obtained in both peaks was oxidized rapidly by microsomes in the presence of NADPH, indicating that the benzo(a)pyrene carrier activity is capable of presenting the substrate to the cytochrome P450. Liver cytosolic proteins from rats receiving intraperitoneal injection of [14C] benzo(a)pyrene was chromatographed on a column of Sephadex G-75. Radioactivity eluted at the same positions of the chromatogram as did the carrier activities described above. These results indicate that these benzo(a)pyrene carrier proteins may have an invivo role in the metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene.  相似文献   

The metabolism of ethylbenzene by cytochrome P450cam was analyzed by experimental and theoretical methods. The present experiments indicate that ethylbenzene is hydroxylated almost exclusively at the secondary ethyl carbon with about a 2:1 ratio of R:S product. Several molecular dynamics trajectories were performed with different starting conformations of ethylbenzene in the active site of P450cam. The stereochemistry of hydroxylation predicted from the molecular dynamics simulations was found to be in good agreement with the observed products.  相似文献   

The role of NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450 in NADPH- and ADP--Fe3(+)-dependent lipid peroxidation was investigated by using the purified enzymes and liposomes prepared from either total rat-liver phospholipids or a mixture of bovine phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PC/PE liposomes). The results suggest that NADPH- and ADP--Fe3(+)-dependent lipid peroxidation involves both NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase and cytochrome P450. Just as in the case of cytochrome P450-linked monooxygenations, the role of these enzymes in lipid peroxidation may be to provide two electrons for O2 reduction. The first electron is used for reduction of ADP--Fe3+ and subsequent addition of O2 to the perferryl radical (ADP--Fe3(+)-O2-), which then extracts an H atom from a polyunsaturated lipid (LH) giving rise to a free radical (LH.) that reacts with O2 yielding a peroxide free radical (LOO.). The second electron is then used to reduce LOO. to the lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH). In the latter capacity, reduced cytochrome P450 can be replaced by EDTA--Fe2+ or by the superoxide radical as generated through redox cycling of a quinone such as menadione.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitoplasts containing less than 1% microsomal contamination contain cytochrome P-450 at 25% of the microsomal level and retain the capacity for monooxygenase activation of structurally different carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), and dimethylnitrosamine. Both phenobarbital (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) induce the level of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 by 2.0- to 2.5-fold above the level of control mitoplasts. The enzyme activities for AFB1 (3-fold) and BaP (16-fold) metabolism were selectively induced by PB and 3-MC, respectively. Furthermore, the metabolism of AFB1 and BaP by intact mitochondria was supported by Krebs cycle substrates but not by NADPH. Both PB and 3-MC administration cause a shift in the CO difference spectrum of mitoplasts (control, 448 nm; PB, 451 nm; and 3-MC, 446 nm) suggesting that they induce two different forms of mitochondrial cytochromes P-450. Mitoplasts solubilized with cholate and fractionated with polyethylene glycol exhibit only marginal monooxygenase activities. The activity, however, was restored to preparations from both PB-induced and 3-MC-induced mitochondrial enzymes (AFB1 activation, ethylmorphine, and benzphetamine deamination and BaP metabolism) by addition of purified rat liver cytochrome P-450 reductase, and beef adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase. The latter proteins failed to reconstitute activity to purified microsomal cytochromes P-450b and P-450c that were fully active with P-450 reductase. Monospecific rabbit antibodies against cytochrome P-450b and P-450c inhibited both P-450 reductase and adrenodoxin-supported activities to similar extents. Anti-P-450b and anti-P-450c provided Ouchterlony precipitin bands against PB- and 3-MC induced mitoplasts, respectively. We conclude that liver mitoplasts contain cytochrome P-450 that is closely similar to the corresponding microsomal cytochrome P-450 but can be distinguished by a capacity to interact with adrenodoxin. These inducible cytochromes P-450 are of mitochondrial origin since their levels in purified mitoplasts are over 10 times greater than can arise from the highest possible microsomal contamination.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) fluorescence-emission intensities in phospholipid micelles are quantitatively described over a broad range of lipid and BP concentrations by excitation that is linearly dependent upon BP concentration and an offsetting excimer quenching that is dependent upon the square of the BP concentration. The fluorescence of BP is quenched by the presence of cytochrome P-450c in proportion to the concentration of the cytochrome in the micelles and in accord with stoichiometric complex formation. Parallel optical titrations indicate a change in spin state of P-450c to a predominantly high-spin state that correlates directly with the percentage fluorescence quenching of complexed BP. Neither change occurs with five other purified forms of rat liver P-450 that have low activity in BP metabolism. N-Octylamine, a ligand that binds to the heme of P-450, competitively inhibits both the spin-state changes and the fluorescence quenching in equal proportion. The Kd for the interaction of BP with P-450c is exceptionally low (10 nM) relative to the Km for monooxygenation (ca. 1 microM). Decreasing the concentration of either dilauroylphosphatidylcholine or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine concomitantly increases the high-spin state (from 30% to 80%) of fully complexed P-450c and the fluorescence quenching (50-100%) of the complexed BP (half-maximal at 80 micrograms of lipid/mL). It is concluded that spin state and fluorescence quenching both reflect the same changes in the interaction of the BP with the P-450 heme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Structural heterogeneity and the dynamics of the complexes of enzymes with substrates can determine the selectivity of catalysis; however, fully characterizing how remains challenging as heterogeneity and dynamics can vary at the spatial level of an amino acid residue and involve rapid timescales. We demonstrate the nascent approach of site-specific two-dimensional infrared (IR) spectroscopy to investigate the archetypical cytochrome P450, P450cam, to better delineate the mechanism of the lower regioselectivity of hydroxylation of the substrate norcamphor in comparison to the native substrate camphor. Specific locations are targeted throughout the enzyme by selectively introducing cyano groups that have frequencies in a spectrally isolated region of the protein IR spectrum as local vibrational probes. Linear and two-dimensional IR spectroscopy were applied to measure the heterogeneity and dynamics at each probe and investigate how they differentiate camphor and norcamphor recognition. The IR data indicate that the norcamphor complex does not fully induce a large-scale conformational change to a closed state of the enzyme adopted in the camphor complex. Additionally, a probe directed at the bound substrate experiences rapidly interconverting states in the norcamphor complex that explain the hydroxylation product distribution. Altogether, the study reveals large- and small-scale structural heterogeneity and dynamics that could contribute to selectivity of a cytochrome P450 and illustrates the approach of site-selective IR spectroscopy to elucidate protein dynamics.  相似文献   

A highly purified reconstituted system isolated from the microsomes of 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats consisting of cytochrome P-448, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and synthetic dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine had no DT diaphorase activity, but hydroxylated benzo[a]pyrene at a faster rate than microsomes from 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats. DT diaphorase purified from liver microsomes of 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats when added to this reconstituted system did not stimulate or inhibit benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylation, nor could it replace or NADPH-cytochrome c reductase in supporting the reaction. We therefore conclude that microsomal DT diaphorase is not involved in microsomal hydroxylation of benzo[a]pyrene to its phenolic products despite the observation that both DT diaphorase activity and the hydroxylation of benzo[a]pyrene are induced by 3-methylcholanthrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin  相似文献   

The effect of flavone and 7,8-benzoflavone on the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene to fluorescent phenols by five cytochrome P-450 isozymes obtained from rabbit liver microsomes was determined. Benzo[a]pyrene metabolism was stimulated more than 5-fold by the addition of 600 microM flavone to a reconstituted monooxygenase system consisting of NADPH, cytochrome P-450 reductase, dilauroylphosphatidylcholine, and cytochrome P-450LM3c or cytochrome P-450LM4. In contrast, an inhibitory effect of flavone on benzo[a]pyrene metabolism was observed when cytochrome P-450LM2, cytochrome P-450LM3b, or cytochrome P-450LM6 was used in the reconstituted system. 7,8-Benzoflavone (50-100 microM) stimulated benzo[a]pyrene metabolism by the reconstituted monooxygenase system about 10-fold when cytochrome P-450LM3c was used, but benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylation was strongly inhibited when 7,8-benzoflavone was added to the cytochrome P-450LM6-dependent system. Smaller effects of 7,8-benzoflavone were observed on the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene by the cytochrome P-450LM2-, cytochrome P-450LM3b-, and cytochrome P-450LM4-dependent monooxygenase systems. These results demonstrate that the activating and inhibiting effects of flavone and 7,8-benzoflavone on benzo[a]pyrene metabolism depend on the type of cytochrome P-450 used in the reconstituted monooxygenase system.  相似文献   

The metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene (BP) by rat liver microsomes has been examined in the presence of competitive (styrene oxide), uncompetitive (3,3,3-trichloropropene oxide, TCPO), and noncompetitive (cyclohexene oxide) inhibitors of arene oxide (AO) hydrase. Formation of BP-dihydrodiols was inhibited selectively, with 9,10-dihydrodiol at the lowest inhibitor concentration, and then 7,8- and 4,5-dihydrodiols were decreased at higher inhibitor concentrations. Increased levels of 9-phenol, 7-phenol, and 4,5-oxide appeared selectively in the same order. Appearance of these alternate products did not quantitatively compensate for the loss of dihydrodiols so that there was a net loss of oxidation products. A 1000-fold increase in the concentration of TCPO did not further inhibit BP oxidation. Formation of quinones and 3-phenol was completely unaffected by the inhibitors. The limiting decrease in BP oxidation products was the same for each inhibitor and was greater for 3-methylcholanthrene-induced microsomes (25–30%) than for phenobarbital-induced microsomes (15–20%), which produced a smaller proportion of dihydrodiols. Several mechanisms for this specific loss of oxide-derived reaction products have been considered. BP-oxidation products, particularly 9-phenol, significantly inhibit BP oxidation; however, this inhibition is nonspecific in that 3-phenol, quinones, and oxide-derived products are all decreased. 9-Phenol was far more effective as an inhibitor than as a substrate. Glutathione conjugation of oxides due to cytosolic contamination was excluded by virtue of the near absence of water-soluble products. Reduction of 4,5-oxide occurred, in the absence of oxygen, at a rate which was about half the rate of BP monooxygenation, but this rate decreased 75-fold in the presence of air. Enhanced reduction of BP-oxides in the presence of hydrase inhibitors can explain the action of these inhibitors on BP oxidation if the reduction of microsomally generated 4,5-oxide is several times faster than reduction of added 4,5-oxide. The selective effect of hydrase inhibitors on different dihydrodiols can be attributed to differences in the relative stabilities of the intermediate oxides. The formation of 4,5-dihydrodiol from BP is relatively insensitive to hydrase inhibitors in comparison to the hydration of added 4,5-oxide; this results from the rate-determining monooxygenation step.  相似文献   

Streptomyces and other bacterial actinomycete species produce many important natural products, including the majority of known antibiotics, and cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes catalyze important biosynthetic steps. Relatively few electron transport pathways to P450s have been characterized in bacteria, particularly streptomycete species. One of the 18 P450s in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), P450 105D5, was found to bind fatty acids tightly and form hydroxylated products when electrons were delivered from heterologous systems. The six ferredoxin (Fdx) and four flavoprotein Fdx reductase (FDR) proteins coded by genes in S. coelicolor were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and used to characterize the electron transfer pathway. Of the many possibilities, the primary pathway was NADH --> FDR1 --> Fdx4 --> P450 105D5. The genes coding for FDR1, Fdx4, and P450 105D5 are located close together in the S. coelicolor genome. Several fatty acids examined were substrates, including those found in S. coelicolor extracts, and all yielded several products. Mass spectra of the products of lauric acid imply the 8-, 9-, 10-, and 11-hydroxy derivatives. Hydroxylated fatty acids were also detected in vivo in S. coelicolor. Rates of electron transfer between the proteins were measured; all steps were faster than overall hydroxylation and consistent with rates of NADH oxidation. Substrate binding, product release, and oxygen binding were relatively fast in the catalytic cycle; high kinetic deuterium isotope effects for all four lauric acid hydroxylations indicated that the rate of C-H bond breaking is rate-limiting in every case. Thus, an electron transfer pathway to a functional Streptomyces P450 has been established.  相似文献   

A form of cytochrome P-450 generally catalyzing benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) hydroxylation was purified from liver microsomes of untreated rats on the basis of the catalytic activity. The purification procedures consisted of cholate solubilization and chromatography in 3 steps, on DEAE-Toyopearl (at room temperature), hydroxylapatite, and CM-Toyopearl columns. Cytochrome P-450 purified in this way (named P-450/B[a]P) was homogeneous on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the molecular weight was estimated to be 51,000. The absorption spectra of the oxidized form of P-450/B[a]P showed a Soret peak at 417 nm, characteristic of low-spin hemoprotein, and the Soret peak of the reduced cytochrome P-450-CO complex was at 451 nm. Immunochemical analysis of P-450/B[a]P indicated that P-450/B[a]P is immunologically distinct from P-450b (a major phenobarbital-inducible form of P-450) and P-450c (a major 3-methylcholanthrene-inducible form of P-450, which highly catalyzes the hydroxylation of B[a]P). B[a]P hydroxylase activity in liver microsomes of untreated rats was inhibited to about 20% by the P-450/B[a]P antibody. These results demonstrate that P-450/B[a]P is a different form of P-450 from P-450b and P-450c, and generally catalyzes B[a]P hydroxylation in liver microsomes of untreated rats.  相似文献   

Although microsomal P450s represent the majority of P450s, only microbial P450s have been amenable to crystal structure solution. We have recently solved the first crystal structure of a microsomal P450, 2C5, a progesterone hydroxylase from rabbit. We discuss the features of the protein in common with existing structures of microbial P450s and limitations of homology modeling mammalian P450s based on the microbial structures. Unique features involving membrane, substrate and cytochrome P450 reductase interactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Aspergillus ochraceus TS produces an inducible microsomal cytochrome P-450 linked monooxygenase which is capable of hydroxylating benzo(a)pyrene in presence of O2 and NADPH. The addition of Benzo(a)pyrene, 3-Methyl cholanthrene, beta-Naphthoflavone and other aryl hydrocarbons during the induction period causes dramatic improvement in the kinetics of benzo(a) pyrene hydroxylation as was evidenced by large decrease in Km and increase in Vmax values. On the other hand, treatment with Phenobarbital, Polychlorinated biphenyl and Progesterone has no significant effect on the kinetics of benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylation although a significant induction of NADPH-Cyt C reductase activity was observed in all the three cases. Again, both Phenobarbital and 3-Methyl cholanthrene induced microsomes exhibit the characteristic reduced metyrapone difference spectra. These findings together with the results obtained with flavone on the metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene by various microsomal preparations suggest a parallel induction of multiple forms of cytochrome P-450 as observed in mammalian liver under identical condition.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Effects of antioxidants (butylated hydroxytoluene and nor-dihydroguaiaretic acid), vitamin K-related quinones (vitamin K1 and coenzyme Q10) and inorganic copper (CuSO4), in concentrations inhibiting NADPH: cytochrome P -450 reductase, were re-examined on benzo(a)pyrene metabolism in mouse liver uninduced microsomes.
  • 2.2. It was found that all these compounds decrease production of the two-electron oxygenation products of benzo(a)pyrene (monophenoles, diols) and the amounts of glucuronides in a manner parallel to their inhibitory potency against NADPH: cytochrome P-450 reductase.
  • 3.3. No correlation was found between amounts of one-electron oxidation products of benzo(a)pyrene and inhibition of NADPH: cytochrome P-450 reductase.
  • 4.4. Without added UDPGA the compounds studied decreased protein associated benzo(a)pyrene metabolites in parallel to the decreased overall metabolism of this polyaromatic hydrocarbon.
  • 5.5. The mode of action of the studied compounds is discussed.

We previously reported that 10-azabenzo[a]pyrene (10-azaBaP), a 10-aza-analog of BaP and an environmental carcinogen, showed greater mutagenicity than BaP in the Ames test using pooled human liver S9. To investigate the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoform involved in the activation of 10-azaBaP to the genotoxic form, the mutagenicity of 10-azaBaP using nine individual donors' and pooled human liver microsome preparations was compared with each CYP activity. Induced revertants by 2.5 nmol per plate 10-azaBaP with 0.5 mg per plate human liver microsomal protein showed a large inter-individual variation (42-fold) among the nine donors. The number of induced revertants highly correlated with the CYP1A2-selective catalytic activity from each microsome preparation, and no correlation was observed with other CYP isoform-selective catalytic activities. Moreover, recombinant human CYP1A2 contributed to the mutagenicity of 10-azaBaP more markedly than recombinant human CYP1A1. These results suggest that CYP1A2 may be the principal enzyme responsible for the metabolic activation of 10-azaBaP in human liver microsomes. With regard to the proposal that BaP may be activated by human CYP1A1, our results suggest that the nitrogen-substitution at position-10 of BaP may cause the CYP enzyme-specificity in metabolic activation to change from CYP1A1 to CYP1A2.  相似文献   

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